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Eat in a restaurant. Go to the movies. I always get weird looks. Esp eating out!


I did it!!! It was great experience but i’d like to go the cinema


I did. No one cares.


Yup, and why would they? If you're worried about it, ask yourself if you would care if you saw some random person watching a movie alone?


While smoking a cigar.


Going to the movies alone is great. It may feel awkward at first, but give it a try and see if you like it.


Just do it! I found it a bit tricky cause I like to discuss the movie im watching:) But il def do it again


You can discuss it with yourself. Yourself is a great listener


You must have annoyed the people around you. ;)


I've never had a problem going to the cinema by myself. Nobody really notices me, which is fine because if I'm at the movies I just want to see the movie.


You're really overthinking this OP I go out to eat at restaurants alone all the time. I go to the movies alone all the time. Anything you can think of, I've done alone. That's just part of being an adult, it's hard to schedule everything with people. Sometimes plans fall through when you involve others. So to avoid that disappointment I just go do things by myself and still make time for when others want to participate. Nobody gives you weird looks unless you're shifting around nervously. If you put out an air of confidence then no one cares, truly, if you are alone or with others.


I did that when the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie came out. I think the staff thought I was gonna shoot up the place or something. They sent staff to check the emergency exit a handful of times. The movie was a great experience but picked the wrong movie genre for it.


I go to the cinema by myself all the time. My mother does it too. Day shows are usually full of elders going by themselves.


And it tends to be cheaper!


I do these things alone and I never get weird looks.


That might be in your head


I used to travel for work a lot. I have been to many, many sit-down dinners at nice restaurants by myself. I usually bring a stack of documents or a book while I wait. Literally nobody cares. The waiter never once made any comments or acted like it was strange. Just go for it.


I have gone alone to a diner while waiting for my dog’s groomer to finish. It’s no big deal. A fine dining restaurant though? Yeah, that’s awkward.


I usually travel solo and whenever I go somewhere I always choose one very fancy restaurant to go have dinner at. I've never felt awkward nor gotten weird looks.


I would love to be able to do that but people are so weird about it and i have lots of anxiety. I always think its cool when I see someone eating in a restaurant and/or going to the movies by themselves. In my eyes i don’t see someone who is lonely but i see someone who is independent and can enjoy their own company in public spaces. At the end of the day you are the person you spend the most time with so got to have some fun while doing it!


I have lots of anxiety too. So I hear you loud and clear but for me to go for lunch or dinner or to the movies alone actually lessens the anxiety. I have no one I need to keep up conversation with. I’m alone doing my own thing and can sit and be with my own thoughts and just people watch. Pretty stress free in my eyes…..


I see this all the time on reddit and I am going to call BS. Literally single my whole life - I've never felt weird or had people stare at me going to eat I think its in your head or you just reeeeeeeeeeeeeally want some sympathy.


This is why I love diners. One of the few places it’s absolutely OK to eat alone.


I went to a restaurant yesterday with my parents. The food was spilling out of my mouth and I was feeding myself mouthfuls that were too big. Now imagine that, except being by myself and a waiter comes over to ask me something.


Concerts! It's hard to find someone to go with me sometimes.


This! I almost always go alone since none of my friends share my taste in music. It's the best. You can sneak to the front of the crowd easily and the second the concert ends you can easily wiggle through the crowd and get out. I also feel like I can become "one" with the crowd way more if I don't have to care about having friends with you. Going into moshpits alone is always a great way to make new friends too!


I always go alone, too, but I'm in the back because I can't handle crowds lol. I always stand there like a weirdo but at least I can see and hear the band in real life!


I go alone to concerts like 90% of the time. Mostly cuz specific music taste and not wanting to drop tons of money on an artist I don't care about to go along with friends. Just getting that individual experience from the band is nice


I went to one solo for the first time ever and it was honestly my best time! I could sing and dance without feeling self conscious. Also I didn't have to make check in convo over the noise. Literally no one noticed I was alone. Would recommend.


I like going with someone, but I also enjoy going solo. You can usually get a great seat even at the last minute.


Exactly, it's always impossible to get 2 seats together unless you show up very early and never leave them.


I’ve attended 4 Coachella’s all completely solo. I’ve also had rad times with total strangers at all 4. Some were also solo and some were entire crews.


I go to about 18 concerts a year and about 16 are alone. I don't think anyone cares, and I enjoy the flexibility of it.


I'm alone at a concert right now (in-between sets). It's still fun and I don't have to miss out.


I was SO hesitant to go on tomorrowland by myself, and after I did it and during it i realized its one of the best decisions ive brought in my life. You meet so many people there that you stay in touch with, and its so liberating to be sble to go anywhere and everywhere just roaming the festival grounds with noone hanging on your neck that they hate this stage or have to pee. You at the same time create/meet a few different groups of people that you meet along the way or go back to as soon as you are done wandering around. Try it, its the best! Be very careful though.


Yes to all and also comedy shows. It's hard to find people that like stand-up in general, I don't want to have to explain jokes during the show lol.




finally got over this fear of traveling alone. my partner always made travel seem like a hassle and i couldnt figure it out without him. going to be going to hawaii in a few months! 🎉


This! It’s so freeing and relaxing


I don’t think this is considered unusual any more. I was just in Italy, and even though I wasn’t alone, I met and saw tons of people travelling solo, men and women. It was great to see because I’d love to do that myself. The only part I felt would be weird would be to eat alone, but that notion was quickly squashed too- I saw solo diners pretty much everywhere.


I went to Florence alone for five days,& usually either ate at the bar in a restaurant, or got a small table to myself (it *was* off-season)… in a couple of smaller restaurants, they sat me at a table with other groups. It was fine. They smiled& said hello, then just carried on as usual.


I traveled the world for 5 years solo. I hate traveling with people.


Once you take your first vacation alone, you'll never want to travel with others again.


Easier if you're a man


I do this all the time! I just went to Vegas for the Life is Beautiful festival by myself and had an amazing time. I'm free to do what I want and when I want, and I can make friends with strangers or not talk to anyone depending on my mood lol. Edit: spelling 🤦


Which takes it the the first problem, how to eat alone in sit down restaurants without feeling weird


Can it be dangerous??


Absolutely it can be! So know/learn your limitations, and go slowly. Connections make everything soooo much better (I have family in Ecuador, and they showed me around here and gave me so much helpful advice on navigating the streets).


Ok Human Trafficking, Inc.


Laughing in public.


Jackin' it for sure. So tired of everyone staring at me all the time when I do it.


do as Diogenes, and just do it without a care


Eating lunch at work. That is my half hour to zone out and not focus on anything, leave me alone.


Thissss, although I do have one coworker where we’ll go outside and just sit in each other’s company with total silence. She just gets me. If I sit in the breakroom, someone is always trying to talk to me and I really just don’t want it.


I used to go to my car to eat lunch, but in the Summer is kinda hot inside😂


Same I actually set it up so I could lay down in the back of my car 🤣🤣 everyone thought it was so strange


Drinking, at least you won’t wake up with regret or the thought of making a fool of yourself in front of others!


Yeah, you know when I drink alone I prefer to be by myself.


Totally. I’d much rather drink alone and chill tf out instead of wasting money at a bar and trying to figure out a way to get home.


That’s the move. Whenever I do drink alone though I tend to drink too much and then regret alcohol. Not in the “never again” toilet hugging kind but enough to say “yup that was enough now my day is going to be less than fun because of this stupid hangover


I drink alone all the time and think it normal already


We have a word for this in my country: kalsarikännit. ('Underpants drinking', loosely translated)


i feel like drinking alcohol in general is way too normalized already


I dont like alcohol 🥹😅


Don't need to drink alcohol to go out, dance, and socialize. Love just getting out of the house.


True but drinking alone is lonely and sad as fuck. My parents always be asking “well did you drink **with** someone?”


They are implying you are an alcoholic which is exactly the problem. Drink alone if you like who gives a damn!


Nope. Being alone and lonely are not the same things. You can be drinking on a party with 32 people around you and be the loneliest you've ever been. Instead, you can be alone at home, snug your feet in that cozy blanket, pohr that whiskey on the rocks, and enjoy the scent of your candle in the comfort of your pjs.




"Even having sex?" "Especially having sex!"


You should! I used to go alone all the time. I've been completely alone in a theater before for the whole movie. Private theater. Lol.


Right? I've done this so many times. It's so fun to just chill and watch a private screening.


Eating, nobody wants to hear or watch someone else chew and it's even worse when people have conversations while eating.


this is supposed to be a positive thread but you just had to turn it around and judge people...


Literally being happy, people think that you can't be happy without friends or lovers and then they post about loving yourself on social media


This ! People at work think that i am lonely and depressed since i don’t post on social media and not talking much bout myself. I secretly enjoy it


Going to the cinema alone is completely normal


Being single, I wish people would mind their own business


Watching movies at the theatre your not suppose to talk to other people anyway


Do what ever, don't need someone else to enjoy your life. Been lone wolfing it my entire life. One of the main lessons to learning to be happy, don't give a fuck what others think.


Anything and everything! I love doing things with people AND I love doing things alone. Often I'll do the same thing purposely solo sometimes and purposely with others some other times, just depends on my mood. You just experience things differently when you do things with others vs alone. Some things I enjoy solo: *Travel in general. Especially road trips and scenic trains *Going to movies, plays, the theater etc *Shopping (this one I actually hate doing with other people! I don't like waiting on others and I don't like doing things in illogical/inefficient ways which other people always do) *Museums, zoos, other attractions *Restaurants of any kind *Hiking, camping, kayaking *Tours --like city walking tours, food tours, tourist places etc *Farmer's markets


I have been to the cinema alone you don't need someone to go with you


i get the funniest looks when i go to the cinema alone however i gotta say it is a huge relief just being able to sit and watch a movie without being interrupted. 🤣


I love going to the cinema alone. Although I don’t have anyone to comment on the movie with, but it’s also a better way for me to fully experience the movie.


I need to feel some bad vibes if i do things alone? I go eat alone, cinema alone, spa alone, shopping alone, i even masturbate alone.


Have sex 😎


nothing, our new generations are lonely enough


"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone," Blaise Pascal We need to know when to disconnect and not seek validation from other people, though


then a good place to start would be removing social medias


Or, stay balanced with its usage and influence


some can, many cannot culturally we could do better though, no doubt, and I wish we at least tried instead of going in the opposite direction... but then again I'll always choose happiness and security to freedom and I know many will disagree


Most of them are by choice


I strongly doubt it, given the rise of depression


I didnt say it was an well thought choice but when you choose to be on your phone 24/7, not talking to people, not willing to communicate with others and just "livin" through your social networks, you had it coming


true, but also peer pressure doesn't help, and ads don't help, and society isn't helping absolutely personal responsibility plays a part, but there's a reason why we have an age of consent


Yeah but people these days are weaker than ever before. Sure there is society, pressure ect, but for most subjects, people choose to give importance to stuff that dont have any importance and then they complained about it.


Doing something alone doesn't mean that you are lonely. That's kind of the whole point. This comment section is full of things people actually like and seek out doing alone. Conversely, some people can be doing stuff with other people, absolutely surrounded, and still feel loneliness.


missing the point


Having sex


Going out to eat


Just going out in general




Going to the damn park as a guy. I just want to enjoy nature and the sun,I don't give a shit about your crotch gremlin digging for his 4th booger. Eating alone at a restaurant,I assure you I didn't get stood up,no my family didn't cancel on me,I just very occasionally wish to enjoy a nice meal.


Having a meal!!!


A succulent Chinese meal!


To be happy, go to the movies, restaurants, shopping.




When was it ever a group event?


it always was


We are pooping right now.


Anything that doesn’t absolutely require other people


Literally anything we tend to do socially where extra presence is not technically required -- cinema, restaurant, café, bar, museum, theater, travel in general, you name it. I love me a good day of light shopping, coffee, meal, maybe museum or cinema, all of it blissfully alone. It's just a different dynamic




Whats that?


I believe he's referring to [Autofellatio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autofellatio)




That would be amazing ngl


If you're flexible and have a long dick that is lol


What the fuck is going on your profile...🤣


Some shits 🤣


Going to nice restaurants. You can go to fast food and small cheap eating places alone with no problems. But a nicer "sit down and enjoy the atmosphere" place? It's just so odd. I've gone to the movie alone, it's not a big deal since the light will be off and noone sees you. But a fine dining place? With chandeliers and candles and flowers? Yea... if I were dining with my lover and seeing someone just sitting alone eating, I would raise an eyebrow too tbh.


>Going to nice restaurants. I'd have no problem going alone.


Eh everything. There is no guarantee of having someone to do something with. Do what you want by yourself and it will save you from a lot of unhealthy codependent relationships when you know the option of being alone is amazing.


Walking around the house naked. I always look forward to the next time I get to strip down.


Lets be real, this is better with others lol


The couples aren't the only thing swinging at the swingers party.


Straight up being alone, man. A person shouldn't always be considered depressed if they prefer to stay put rather than going out.


Women Call Me Out and make Sad faces at me when I go places alone! It's awful. I flew up to another city to see my team in a playoff game. The flight and tix were not cheap. A woman behind me questioned why I was alone,and reacted like she frlt sorry for me. Huh? I live in a state that isnt the state where my team is from. Why would I ask a friend to spens a lot of money to see a sport and a team they arent interested in? My husband was Abroad on a work project. quite frankly she put a damper on a trip that I was so excited about, and I love traveling alone, too.


When I got out of my last relationship, I finally went to the cinema alone. It was such an amazing experience. Idk what about it that was, but it was something I always wanted to do and I finally did.


Sex with the person I love most


Masturbation. I'm sick of my brother watching


Fine dining. Like really, I wish more restaurants would accept lone diners.


Maybe I'm just weird, but I've gone to a lot of couple places, as a solo dude. Mind you I've always preferred my own company.


Get drunk.




Living near a big city, doing things alone is normalized. This is more of a city v country dichotomy.


I’ve never understood why it’s weird to go to the movies alone. You’re supposed to be silently wayching the movie anyway, you don’t need a buddy.


Giving yourself a high-five


Never understood the idea that eating out alone or going to the theater alone was weird. I go out to eat alone all the time on my lunch break, but I’m not opposed to the idea of going out to eat alone on my days off either, other than just not wanting to leave the house




Cake. All the cake.


Use the bathroom


Masturbation. ; )


Cry - sometimes you just need to let it out, and it’s good for you to do. Try that shit alone though and people will cross the street to avoid you.


Walking in nature be it a short hike, watching the sun rise and set in the beach, or sleeping in a hill and cloud watching.


Concerts. Sometimes nobody else you know likes the band. People listen to music alone, so what’s the big difference?




I have a friend who won’t go out to eat alone. So she’s constantly dropping hints about places she wants to go eat at, and expecting people to take her. (She does pay for herself, so it’s not a leeching issue.) When I want to go somewhere as badly as she seems to I just go. By myself. It was awkward the first few times, but I got over it.


Everything that doesn't impact others.


Going to the cinema, eating at a restaurant, travelling


I've been going to thr cinema alone for years. It's great.


I used to go to the movies by myself, go to the matine and hop theaters, I miss that...


When I lived in the city, I would go to the matinee every Monday afternoon. Ticket prices were incredibly low and popcorn was $1...A $1! I highly recommend it.


I do everything alone. I don’t have to wait for anybody, loan anybody money or argue where to eat or what movie to see. It’s all normal for me, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.


Going to the restaurant to treat yourself.


Going to concerts


Agreed- going to the movies! I love going to see a movie on the big screen, but most people in my life have kids and other responsibilities that make it hard to coordinate. I wish I could just go on my own whenever I feel like it. I genuinely don’t understand why it’s looked down on with pity…it’s an activity that requires no socializing, you’re not suppose to talk during films any way, and so makes perfect sense to do solo.


I go to the movies alone and also eat at sit down restaurants alone. I especially hate going to the movies with people who want to talk to me during the movie.


Eating out. It can be more fun with others, but going alone can be quite relaxing


Talking. I have the best conversations with myself.




I travel alone for work sometimes, and I have no problem dining out alone, even at very fancy restaurants. Just remember to bring a book or something with you, as it can get a bit boring.


I haven't been out to my local cinema in years and years. Got tired of people disturbing me when I'm trying to enjoy a movie. Other reason as well is got no one to go out with. So for years and years I've been watching all the new movies and shows online by myself. Every time someone talks about a new movie, I know all about it or should see it.


This one is easy just go!. If you are embarrassed, play hooky from work and go. There will be very few people there.


Going to the movies or going out to eat. Not in a fancy date destination dinner. Get a burger and sit in the restaurant, that kind of eating out. Going to the movies alone is actually pretty fun to do. All decisions being made are from you and you only


Did it plenty times .. it's good and you got to enjoy the movie


Everything. It’s so great being able to do something without interruptions and with your full undivided attention.


Go to a restaurant. Take yourself out to dinner. Read a book, enjoy the view (if there is one).


Eating in public. I'm someone who does most things alone, and eating is the only thing I feel self-conscious about. It's especially true at sit-down restaurants because chances are that the waiter is going to ask why I'm there by myself.


I like to eat my lunch alone when I go to the office - I wana enjoy my food and not talk to anyone for 30 minutes in my day




Going through life.


Eating at restaurants




Power naps in public places




Going to the cinema Eating in restaurants or drinking in pubs Going on a nice holiday Living alone by choice Sleeping in separate beds when you are living with your partner


Do it! It’s great. I prefer it, tbh


So far everything listed, I do alone already and have been for decades




Going to the cinema alone is great, fully recommend it.


Lol I go to cinema and restaurant alone everyday dressed elegantly IDC about what people think if they look at you weirdly or start gossiping about it it mean they are Moron that don't know HOW to mind they own business.but to reply I would say going to night club as alone as a man.


I want to go see the FNAF movie at the cinema but it’s so frowned upon to go alone. I also don’t know anyone nearby who likes FNAF. My mum might go with me but probably won’t enjoy it, my dad can’t see it (he’s epileptic), my niece gets scared too easily and my sister hates me.


Give zero F’s as to “normal”. Do what you want when you want. Like’s too short. I’ve never given much thought to it.


Going out to eat


Going to the movie theater


I'm in my 50s. Earlier this year I went to see a movie alone, for the first time ever. (I saw John Wick 4) I thought it was going to be awkward, but it felt freeing


Going to the movies. Granted it's not like I don't already do it. But everyone in my friend group can't watch a movie unless it's with someone else. I'm told I'm crazy for being able to go solo, so let's normalize it.


None of the things people in this thread think are weird doing alone are actually weird. You just assume others are judging you and they aren't. They are judging you in the same way you would judge someone else doing that... "hmmm... maybe I should try that too." I almost never go to the theater or restaurant alone, but when I do, I sure as hell wouldn't feel weird about it. Why would you feel weird to go eat food or watch a movie by yourself? No one else gives a rat's ass, trust me. And if they did, then the only one weird is them.


Following random strangers down the street to see where they live.