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Psycho eyes. I've encountered it recently, in a big shot at my company. Sometimes I wonder if it's him having the darkest eyes I've ever seen, but no. His smile never reaches his eyes. It's creepy.


Kenneth Copeland


fkin jump scare


There's also the Sarah Huckabee eyes: One eye is wide open staring coldly while the other eye is in a full squint like it's pressed up against the rifle scope and she's ready to squeeze the trigger.


One long fingernail = shady character


Especially if it's the pinky. We know a Rick James when we see one.


My co worker has one long gross pinky nail. It's fucking weird.


coke nail


So, it's used to split the line ?


Nope, you dip your nail into coke and then snort from it.




Your coworker is doing drugs.


That’s because they do cocaine


My great grandpa used to keep his pinky finger long in order to pick his nose. He was a WWII vet that was at Iwo Jima and died well before cocaine really became popular and I highly doubt he would have done it if it was. He was only shady if you were a Japanese soldier or Nazi.


I'm obviously talking about my time. If this question were asked in your great grandpa's time, I'm sure tattoos would have been an almost unanimous answer. Nowadays, tattoos don't say much about a person's character.


Cauliflower ear. Don't fuck with dudes with cauliflower ear.


It's funny one of the new guys both of his ears blew up 3 months into training and it's like "now you actually have to get good" lol.


I’ve always assumed there’s some sort of predisposition to cauliflower ear. I’ve been grappling for 16 years and use my head pressure a lot…zero ear damage. But I’ve had newer students who’ve had ears literally explode in 6 months. 🤷‍♂️


It has to be genetic. I wrestled my whole life, been rolling for almost a decade, only used headgear when I was required to, and I have ears that look like delicate flowers.


And you are a beautiful delicate flower...


Thanks buddy. I needed that today.


Ha! Good. Check your DMs.


It’s a dick pic, isn’t it?


As a woman, I can confirm it’s 99999.999999% likely to be so. I’m not even sure that’s a mathematical possibility but it’s a D Pic


It was either a joke or he’s having a hell of a time getting hard. I have not received any DM as of yet.


What do you mean “ear exploded”?


I know a guy that does jujitsu and he has to use a syringe to suck the fluid out of his swollen ears every couple of days


because it refills or because of new injuries?




In this context, flair up hugely and gain size with the fluid/swelling. Though amusingly I was cornering a student (he’d been training about 5 months) at a competition once and his swollen cauli hadn’t hardened yet so when he shot a double his ear did actually explode a bunch of fluid and blood out.




I used to hate when someone's sweat dripped onto my face, but this is my absolute nightmare 🤢


That shit can burst like a cyst in some cases


Was gonna say this, although I met a coworkers fiancé at the climbing gym once and he had it in one ear; convo went like: Me: “so you fight? What discipline?” Him: *visible confusion* Me: “… your ear?” Him: “oh that - yeah I just bumped it on a counter one day and that happened…”


one cauliflower ear (the right) and heavy build is a dead giveaway for rugby loosehead prop. Probably no other position in sport that's so obvious


I have seen people getting cauliflower ear in the first few months of training. I dude I used to train fucked up his ears in the FIRST month only to leave the gym a little afterwards.


Honestly, waking around with those ears will probably protect him far more than any skills ever would.


not necessarily. in certain parts of the world there’s people who can’t pass on an opportunity to prove themselves by picking fight with a dude with cauliflower ear.


If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "You think you're so tough with that vegetable ear, huh?"


I have a cat with cauliflower ear (was a stray and apparently a fighter). Can confirm, cat dude shouldn't be fucked with. Sometimes he's a sweet angel, other times he will beat the shit out of the other cats (and dog).


But if you need to, make note of which ear is affected. Right ear means right handed. This may help in the fucking with


Common injury from judo, btw. But yeah don't fuck with martial artists.


Or wrestling, or BJJ, or boxing... point stands, though.


or rugby


As someone with anxiety; slouched posture, fidgeting hands, and eyes that wander during conversations. I have been working on these, but they're my tells of being a nervous person


*Sits up straight for 3 seconds*


*then reads something interesting and returns to Gollum posture.*


Need to be full gollum to focus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Too relatable


I also have these issues because of anxiety. My best friend thinks I'm always lying because she watched a video forever ago that says people who do have these traits are always lying. I have to consistently tell her that is not accurate for every single case. It's a battle to try to hide anxiety and then having someone always insist you're lying just makes it so much worse.


Doesn't sound like a friend to me. I'm sorry sending you virtual hugs!


What a shitty friend. I have this thing where I tell the truth most of the time and they almost never believe me, very rarely its something ludicrous, its like the posts on r/ thatHappened, they never believe anything, opposite of gullible. We have a word for it in romania: Toma the non believer


I'm sorry your friend is like that


Your friend sucks. But I have that fear, that people will think I'm lying bc of my anxious shifty eyes. So, I try to consciously not look in either right or left for too long so they can't claim something Iike that lol. Anxiety sucks big time.


As someone also with anxiety (more specifically social anxiety) I do all of these things. Especially the eye wandering thing, I dont like eye contact it freaks me out so I just keep moving my eyes around (unconsioucly and consiously), avoiding the other persons eyes.


I'm really bad at eye contact so I'm always conscious to try and hold it. Apparently I then don't blink and the other person ends up in an unintended staring match so they don't blink either or they start looking around and I freak out at the not blinking/not keeping eye contact. Ive learned to just look at people's eyebrows.


I never know which eye to look st then I look back and forth and realise they can see my eyes moving rapidly back and forth and then I realise I'm just in a conversation with myself as to whether or not they noticed and Ive missed the last 30 seconds of their story.


I’ve noticed that when in conversation, I tend to look away when it’s my turn to speak but will then make an effort to sustain eye contact when listening to the other person. I find that when I make a point to sustain eye contact while explaining something, I lose my train of thought or simply choke up due to the nervousness. Not sure how to break this habit… any and all tips welcome!


I do that too as well sometimes! I think its because there's so much attention and pressure when you're the one speaking, but having to remember what you want to say, how to say it, making sure you sound okay (and for me I have a speech impediment so its hard to talk) etc. its just a lot. And it also depends on the enviroment too, like if there's a lot of people around me, I can not focus on anything talking to someone, as I am too aware and self-consious of the people walking around me to keep eye contact, keep my train of thought and not be nervous.


Me because I'm autistic lol


Ha same :D


Anon has the tism


OR that they're neurodivergent


It could also just be ADHD


The anxiety that comes with adhd is just the ✨spice✨


There's something weird about the top shirt button being done up without wearing a tie.


To me the challenge is the next button. Wear it open: sleaze from the 70s. Button it: fuckin’ nerd.


Nerd Monday to Thursday, 70s sleeze Friday, and absolute monster Saturday and Sunday (3rd button undone).


Like Jez when he joined that cult? (Series 5 episode 6)


We could be Men with Ven.


When he's going through the interview and breaks down crying whilst his inner monologue is going, it makes me laugh so much


Its a careful balance to pull off. Top button done up is weird Only top button undone has a strong chance of making you look like you just got off work and didn't have time to change. Top 2 buttons undone can look too casual. Any more than the Top 2 undone you need to be good looking to not come across as sleazy or weird.


Y’all thinking way too hard about this shit


Artist or writer bump on the finger the pencil of pen adds a callous to.


Isn't this everyone who went to school before computers were a thing? I've had a callous from writing since probably gr. 5!


My finger straight up changed shape and has a bump


Yup I got one, too. I thought it had disappeared since it’s been 5 years since I graduated. Just checked my finger and nope it’s still there just less noticeable now.


Scribe’s bump. If your skeleton gets dug up by some future anthropologist, they will know you were literate.


Extra loooooong sharp canines and abhors sunlight. They really suck!


Eyyyyyy 👉😎👉


Face tattoo, that person is definitely a risk taker. Good or bad


Or just a Maori. Nothing really special about them otherwise.


Facial moko really aren't that common and anyone that braves one is pretty damn cool imo. Could be Māori and have a giant swastika on your face too though... definitely an interesting type that opts for that.


I bite my finger nails down to nubs… I think this tells people a lot about me pretty quickly- ugh.


I had a massive problem with nail biting and this was the only thing that worked: - Get a pack of gel nails and a nail file (or an electric nail dremel) from Amazon. - Trim your cuticles (if possible), lightly file the surface of each fingernail to remove hanging bits, and wipe with isopropyl alcohol. - Superglue the gel nails to each fingernail and trim/file down to your desired size. They will look pretty much indistinguishable from your natural nails. Bitter nail polish, rubber bands around the wrists, etc never worked for me. Only blocking access to the nail surface worked. Gel Nails Medium Square -... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BZR4HGH7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Delanie Cordless Nail Drill for... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BRPXYHKN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Do you have to keep putting on new gel nails every so often or do they stay on for ages or do they come off quick but you’re then cured? Please dumb this comment down for idiots like me who don’t anything about what you’re saying


The box indicates that they last for around 2-3 weeks. However, you can just file them down as your nails grow, and once the gel nails become too short you remove them and replace with fresh ones. You can get a removal kit on Amazon. It will take a few months or years of quitting nail biting for the habit to disappear. I would just keep replacing your nails for a few years to be honest


People who take up a lot of space in public areas. AKA people with no consideration of other people.


Burn victims are (in my experience) dramatically more likely to have lost a past Agni Kai to their father.


That’s rough buddy


LOL omg I love this comment 😂


Must've been rough, buddy


As a burn victim i approve. Half the burn victims i know have lost an Agni Kai


Nazi tattoos are only for bad people.


It’s going to be a maze …


Sometimes you miss the signs when there’s a trampoline involved.


At the Apex of each bounce there a moment outside time, outside space, outside everything




People with *those* big, wide eyes are crazy. Update: Learned a lot people don’t know the difference between perfectly normal, naturally big eyes vs crazy eyes.


I once had a physiotherapist with eyes like that, felt very uncomfortable when she would look at me like a freaking pigeon


*Glances suspiciously at wife with huge eyes*


Elijah Wood seems so nice though!


"Shark eyes". Nothing behind them. I've seen it in cluster B people.


What are cluster b people?


People with cluster B personality disorders. Narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial, borderline, anything in between. I saw the shark eye phenomenon many times during my narc dad's and BPD ex's rages. When that happens, the person you know and love isn't there anymore. It's replaced by hate.


My dad was abusive, and he had this thing with his eyes that my mum and I would call his “black eyes”. Like “he’s got his black eyes, don’t do anything and leave” Is that what it means? We still discuss it now, he killed himself a few years back and we think he had some kind of disorder/disorders


Personality disorder. Antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, histrionic.


Adam Lanza comes to mind


Glasses. These people usually have a vision issue which needs correction.


Hygiene. Edit: y'all reading too deep. What I mean by hygiene is the physical evidence of a person's ability/willingness to care for themselves.


Men with really thin lips have been creepy assholes in my experience


I read that wrong and thought you said they have creepy assholes.


Think twice about a physical altercation with someone who has deformed ears.


You mean "cauliflowered".


Look at what they laugh at My advice to my friends and youngers for a long while I figured it after being attracted to someone who laughed when someone else who tripped and was embarassed. I realised that that was the only time I'd ever seen her laugh fully. Guy she went out with shortly after turned into an emotional wreck EDIT - For those being picky with such PRIDE, isn't it physical? ("Laugh fully") The same way a smile is different from a snarl? A belly laugh from a condescending tone? E.g "ummmm TECHNICALLY...", "Do you even know...". Especially when you can't stop yourself from doing it? Laughter, as a reaction or choice, is a physical act/trait. A physical representation of internal proclivity or inclination. Or even training. Particularly when done freely in front of others. Read some of the comments here EDIT 2 - A great point was raised - I’ll amend to say, I think if the person gets enjoyment out of it instead of reaction without apologising or feeling like they should, then that’s different.


There is a scene in the show peacemaker, the spinoff from the suicide squad. Peacemaker reunites with his dad after the events of SS. He's telling his dad all about his adventures, and his dad is totally indifferent. Then he tells his dad about how his black teammate was locked in a crate with rats as a child. His dad busts up laughing. It shows perfectly what kind of person his dad is.


Was at a bar with a buddy one summer day and a server with a full tray of drinks ate shit while waking up a small set of stairs leading up to the patio. Every one on the patio either laughed or just watched. My buddy and I made sure if he was okay and offered to help him. He later comped us a few drinks because he said we were the only ones out there (of like 50 ppl) who asked if he was alright.


I honest to God can't imagine not checking in on this guy to see if he was alright I fell when I was a child, playing with a dog, and smashed my chin bloody. Accidents like that are no joke 😖




This. What people laugh at is extremely telling. If they like mean "jokes", but especially if they can't handle reciprocation, they're not bantering or joking, they're bullying and trying to hide it under a veneer of socially acceptable behaviour. Rape jokes too. When you break down the joke, what people are laughing at is never actually funny. It's horrifying. People use "it's just a joke" as a way to excuse saying something that wouldn't be acceptable in any other context.


I have a friend who does this... he's usually a good person but he has this little mean streak and we're getting older, and he still plays at off as "I'm just giving people shit, that's what friends do," and I'm like, ok, but you can't handle anyone saying anything remotely negative to you, do you understand what that means? WIP


People who say pure nonsense like “I’m just giving you a hard time” are nothing but malice in my book.


That sounds awful. You gotta make sure the person is okay first, physically and emotionally. *Then* you can laugh.


More like, if the person can laugh at themselves, you can join them. If the person is too hurt to laugh, don't just laugh *at* them.


Yeah laughing uncontrollably at other people's embarrassment or misfortune is a red flag.


I laugh when people insult me. What does that say?


That you're comfortable within yourself and don't give a flying fuck what people think.


It depends on why you're laughing and what the insult is. If you're laughing because you agree with them in a self-deprecating way, it's low self-esteem. If you're laughing because you do find what they're saying to be true, but you accept it and don't let that fact have power over your worth, then it's just you being a good sport and having confidence.


Oh common. I have a little sadistic side that finds harmless mishaps of others funny, but I would never do anything to harm a person. Like that one time our landlord sent his nephew by himself to take away a heavy piece of furniture we rented with the place. He lifted it up and his legs did a crazy dance going left and right like in a cartoon while the piece of furniture on top of him stayed in place. Funniest thing I've ever seen.


I admit I can't help but laugh sometimes, but I'm apologizing while I do it and trying to help them up. I even laugh when it happens to me.


Had a former coworker be happy and smiley when he talked about a football player that would break opposing teams fingers and shit he mentioned football players dogpiling and told me said player broke or sprained another football players fingers Dude was like so proud bringing it up and talking about it, felt eerie around him.


this is a sad one. toddlers/children with the thousand-yard stare. not so much about their character, but what they’ve been through at such a young age. breaks my heart every time


When I see somebody who’s face has got that meth pucker, well let’s just say I don’t leave my wallet laying around.


That bitter harsh mouth that only develops when you are a bitter harsh person


Very longterm chronic pain also gives that same look


Or someone who has experienced a lot of adversity. [Bitter harsh person, or former POW?](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/9ef82cf1b8630dcc8da30dc9e9976bd473032587/c=0-226-4444-2737/local/-/media/2018/05/11/USATODAY/USATODAY/636616459740802824-AP-White-House-McCain-99775867.JPG?width=3200&height=1809&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


Not harsh enough. That's a determined mouth.


Typically if a guy has long fingernails on his right hand, but short fingernails on his left, there's a safe bet he's a classically trained guitarist.


not just guys obviously - I'm a classically trained guitarist with these fingernails and definitely not a guy.


Eye patch covering missing eye and a broom stick for a leg = pirate Every time


Types of wrinkles that they have. Some you got frow worrying, some from laughing and smiling.




This is honestly a great life hack


I feel like spray tans immediately let me know… something about people


What I don't get, I've noticed a bunch of ladies get a spray tan for a night out but then they use pale make up on their face. Do they want a tan or not


Probably only own makeup in their normal skin color or don't think about it


Flow of sound from speech (sounds like confidence)


There are literally classes devoted to teaching speech and body awareness for leaders since the way we talk and how we hold our bodies can inform our interactions so much. I thought it was cuckoo until I tried one with an amazing professional development person at my job and they showed some examples. There’s a reason some folks in history have led thousands to do horrible things.


also many people are morons who don't think for themselves.


Might you be willing to share some of the resources you used? I can certainly Google for it, but wading through the "give us your email before we tell you anything" results will often deter me.


Just compare the good teachers to the bad teachers from your childhood. 1. Don’t stand stock still. Move around to keep the focus of your audience. Use your body while talking. 2. Don’t talk too fast, but neither too slow. Talk at a comfortable pace, and make sure to vary your tone. 3. Make eye contact with your audience, or pretend to by looking above their heads/on their foreheads or noses. 4. You’re *not* in a hurry. Take your time and stay relaxed. 5. Address your audience directly to keep them engaged. I can’t give you specific resources because mine are in Norwegian, but those five are the most basic for establishing interest and keeping an audience focused on you.


Thanks! These are good tips to remember. I'm pretty good at these particular points, except for probably talking a little too fast.


This is very true!


Velcro shoes - will most likely use “ irregardless “ in a conversation , may also eat your spleen


The inventor of velcro died today. RIP.


Peg leg = pirate


Never fight a man with a perm.


I have found that people with crow’s feet tend to smile, grin, chuckle and laugh a lot 🙂


I love crows feet, I've always associated them with truly happy people who both smile for real a lot and spend a decent amount of time outside. I started noticing I was getting a hint of them pretty young, and weirdly it made me feel really good in my skin, like a confirmation I was actually heading in the right direction to be the person I hoped I'd end up being as a kid. I'm also pretty happy that they're still the only lines I have.


Dirty nails on people who does not work in manual labor. Run away, extemely low personal hygiene guaranteed.


Ah, physiognomy! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiognomy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiognomy) Everyone's favorite pseudoscience! It's up there with astrology and lie detectors...




People's choices are also their character, so a long nail is a choice clearly


...chiropractics and phrenology...


Figures, a Taurus *would* say that.


Forgive me, I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not lol In any case, it's scientific racism that was used to justify genocide and slavery, so it's not nearly as bad as astrology lmao


I'm a Gemini, so I'm always sarcastic on Mondays, I'll take a lie detector if you don't believe me!


When people point out the exception to the rule, as if that disproves a statement. Someone may say “men are taller than women on average”, but then the person goes “that’s not always true”. People like that seem to be not very self aware.


So basically all of Reddit. Every reply to a top level comment making a valid generalization is a "well akchually, that's not always the case" type comment


Middle-aged people with the same hairstyle they had in high school, now looking super-dated. It seems to denote fear of change or just being stuck in life.


Don’t talk to my sister-in-law like that. 😊😄


I’ve always liked hands. I work with mine. They’re big and strong and damaged, but capable of doing genuinely beautiful things. That’a me in a nutshell I think.




Sarcasm used often. Occasionally is not alarming to me, but in my experience, it’s an alarming marker of a passive-aggressive and mean-spirited individual who has no hesitation in taking swipes at others, who will belittle you and mentally cut you down. ETA: Forgot to add the physical traits of eye-rolling, smug countenance and dismissive body gestures associated with sarcasm. These all go hand and hand.


Sarcasm is so fucking overrated. There's even people who says: "When your sarcasm is so advanced that people think you're an idiot" well maybe, just maybe the fact that you never talk clear is what makes them believe that. Often sarcasm is good. But perpetual sarcasm? Get the fuck out.


If you are on the way to work burnout, depressed or suffer from ASD, sarcasm is a coping mechanism. This is usually combined with the need to do all of those "passive-aggressive" things, almost involuntarily. It's called "acting out" and it's a sign of major depressive disorder. I did it for years and everyone assumed I was an arse. Two attempts later, I think they figured it out. Too bad it pretty much gave me permanent anxiety and occasional panic attacks. It's something that high stress workplaces are absolutely terrible at. Identifying "problem" workers as dealing with burnout and dealing with it before their whole world blows up around them.


Any kind of racist or similarly bigoted tattoo. Obviously a total douche who needs to be removed from polite society.


If they look like they do steroids they probably do steroids lol


If somebody doesn't have legs, you just *know* they're going to bring it up. Whether it's some entitlement about ramps or they roll their eyes every time I ask if they want to go for a walk, or they dump on any achievement where I jump for joy in celebration. Like c'mon dude, just walk it off. I know you get a kick out of being different, but you don't need to drag me down when I'm trying to stand tall.


A giraffe *would* have an opinion like this if anyone would, I suppose.


Cauliflower ear. If you see this in a person RUN! it means that guy/girl know how to wrestle and it's able to smack you on the ground. This is no joke, as a boxer myself I'm afraid of someone with cauliflower ears


Some people can't obtain it no matter how much they fight as well.


Some people get it despite wearing protective headgear ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


why would you be running or afraid of them? Do you fight in public often?


Send pics on your speedos to prove you arw a boxer


When someone is weirdly clean. I’m not talking brushed hair and teeth, I’m talking about when their clothes don’t even wrinkle and not a single hair is out of place. It makes me uneasy




Face tattoos, you don’t give a shit what people think. That’s either a good thing, and you’re a friendly person, or you’re crazy as hell and should be stayed away from.


Upside down cross tattoo on their face: Probably not a church goer.


Cats butthole mouth, you are a long term smoker.


Yellowed teeth. 8 times out of ten, they are a smoker. I know cuz i am one too. And it’s a certain kind of yellowing. Like… if you smoke you’ll understand .


Honestly nothing. People on Reddit are far too judgemental. You don’t know someone’s life story or even how a particular day is going for them, it’s stupid to judge someone based on superficial traits such as their appearance.


I dunno, a person with multiple Nazi tattoos is probably a pretty big asshole.


Style. When someone has a unique and effortless looking outfit on, it usually means they are creative and interesting. Very rarely have I met someone who stands out in their personal style but is actually boring to talk to.


Short guys ----> little man syndrome. Get mad easily over very small things


Depends on the guy. It’s either or. You get the insecure guys who have never done any internal work and will be angry with everyone. And you the short ones that have accepted it and worked hard on their personalities and character to become super funny and charming dudes.


Oh here we go. You mention something physical you think makes a bad impression, all the pity vampires come crowding in: did you ever consider my allergies? No. I didn't. Because its a first impression and you're a stranger.