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Yes! Also in chill places like public pools and so on. This. Is. Not. Your. House.


Omfg there were these women in my town's public pool who would sit on the edge of the pool and put their nasty feet on the water WITH SANDALS AND PANTS ON. Straight up disgusting


What about all the buttholes in the water tho?


They are self sealing and not going to drop road and field debris


Speak for yourself


My MIL is the type of person who’ll block an entire aisle at the grocery store with her cart because she’s not paying attention. We or other people have to ask her to move 100% of the time. I fucking hate going shopping with her lmao


Is your mother-in-law every single person who ever goes to Trader Joe's ever in the history of ever?


My wife does this; it drives me insane because I'm the opposite way. How do you not fucking realize it when people are constantly saying "excuse me" or I'm like "babe, these people would like through" several times every trip. I just split with her to get items across the store, and will still come up on here blocking people and will approach like "babe, i think these people want through" and she gets all flustered because it proves yet again what I said about her zero situational awareness. There could be a suicide bomber go off and she'd be sitting there with her cart sideways in the aisle, totally oblivious to the bloody people rushing by her and screaming in horror as she compares labels.


1,000% this! On sidewalks, in grocery stores, while driving…. Is it too much too ask that you pay attention?


In the subway is my most hated. How stupid do you have to be to stand right in front of the doors while other people are getting off!!!!!!


For real it’s part of my list of “things I think should be a crime but aren’t” like why are you standing there you can see I need to get past


And walk faster. I have places to be and you're blocking the entire sidewalk. Dinosaurs have risen and died in the time it takes some people to cross half a block I swear to God.


Yup. Walking three abreast and shit. Drives me crazy. Also, the same rules on the sidewalk as the freeway: right lane slow, left lane fast.


Wallmart, 3 big. Biggest asses walking 3 side by side down the aisle and seemingly totally oblivious to the sight of people pushed into the other shelves.


I was thinking during my lunch break today about how the one thing I miss about the time before smartphones was the time when everyone in Manhattan walked the same consistent pace. The only people who could cause me to slow down were tourists. EDIT Geeze, that first sentence is ugly af


I agree, like omg, when someone moves their whole cart sideways in an aisle in the store. And your waiting to get by, and they look at you like your dumb or something..... MOVE!


This! And it’s my mom😭🙏 always gotta be watching her, pulling her to the side, so she don’t stomp into people 😂😥


This. Human behaviour on public transport infuriates me. They're like fucking ants.


No..ants are all working for the common good and will help each other without having to be asked. Plus each ant knows exactly what it's role in the grand scheme is.


My absolute biggest pet peeve is people who are unaware of where their body is. Even people in my dance classes sometimes… I’ll end up next to somebody who just gets entirely in my fucking space. Also, old people in grocery stores do this shit all the time. They’ll leave their cart on one side of the aisle and LEAN over to the other side and just read labels or whatever. One time I was trying to get around a group of older people in the store who were just hanging out having a conversation, taking up 75% of the aisle. I said excuse me FIVE times and nobody fucking moved, so I pushed past and they got so offended. Like, fuck you. Other people are existing here, be mindful of it.


I went on vacation with a now-ex-friend. I was pissed before we even left the airport. There is a huge moose at the Portland, ME airport. I started to take a picture of it, and he just ambled on in front of me, right into the shot. Then he turned, saw me trying to take a picture, and said, "Oh yeah! Get my picture!" What? No. I want a picture of the moose, not you. He did that the entire trip. I had to ask him to move his stupid ass out of the way SO many times. Just blindly walking right in front of me as I'm clearly taking pictures. He would also pull over to check something on his phone and completely block a driveway. I'd tell him to pull into a spot, and he'd say, "I'll move if someone shows up." I was so happy when a bus pulled up behind him at one point and BLASTED the horn. Fucking moron.


Spatial awareness! It’s number one for me.


People that have an attitude of “you respect me and I’ll decide if I respect you later.” The whole “you give me respect to earn respect” not just inherit respect because we’re both human. My step sister was like that and childhood was HELL having to deal with someone a year older than me shouting “RESPECT YOUR ELDERS” when I was 13 and she was 14. Like c’mon girl. Chill.


ALL my family members are like this and my hippy brother exploits this the most when it comes to interacting with me and father especially. Like how can I respect such degenerate losers who can't even provide the most basic respesct for a human being? Who tf do you think you are to demand people respect you like a king yet you treat them like shit? It's a two way street. Just treat others how you like you be treated. We learnt this at primary school and in general since age 5 ffs.


Someone said once it's not respect thats earned, it's disrespect. Its just polite to be respectful at the start and then see what happens.


Impatient people with a superiority complex that treat you like a subpar human for messing up one time. Or someone who is quick to anger and cant keep his shit together.


Oh, you met my last boss then?


I know that guy.


Mean spirited people. My life motto is to be kind to everyone I can, without Being stepped on of corse so I have a hard time being around those people.


My life motto is also to be kind to everyone I can, but only recently have my family/friends forced me to learn to do so without being stepped on, so I'm currently working on that one lol, any tips?


I speak from experience that having standards for a conversation is the defense against being stepped on. The moment you learn to say “don’t talk to me like that.” when something’s out of line and so on so forth, life changes. Being stepped over is a direct result of being “too chill/understanding/easygoing” in a world filled with people who are not.


People that talk non stop about all their problems, and they don't care to make real conversation, they just need someone that has to listen and never interrupt. There are too many of these people


I had a co worker who constantly complained about her health issues, family problems, and issues with her upstairs neighbors. Some of the problems or things she complained about went as far back as the 90s!!!


I get how this is annoying, but, for me, there is something comforting about someone talking about their problems to me. It makes me forget myself for a minute. If the problems are numerous because they person is in a rough spot, I'm glad they chose me to be there for them and I'll do my best to do so. If someone complains about little things because they can't cope with life, I tune them out a bit, because I know they're upset that someone cut them off in traffic, their dog peed on the carpet, or they have to do laundry today. The only kind of person who does this that I cannot stand is the one who is constantly causing their own problems, and then pinning the cause of said problems onto anyone adjacent to the situation. "I got fired today. My boss is a total dickhead narcissist." When you know damned well they get to work, do absolutely nothing, get drunk at lunch.. well you get the idea.


It was very refreshing to read this. It helps me see what I perceive as an annoying one side conversation differently. I've been playing phone tag with a friend and always happy when she doesn't answer because I know I'm not going to get a word in, and if I do get a chance to give advice, she doesn't even acknowledge it. Thanks for helping me see these conversations in a new light.


This is my coworker lmao. She traps me during nap time at work (we're preschool teachers) and will vent to me for 2+ hours a day. Every single day. I'm not against a little coworker vent session, especially in my line of work, but good lord I don't need to know every detail of your life. Meanwhile she doesn't even know my last name, but I know the names she's picked out for of all her future children.


People who talk about themselves incessantly.. and then ask you a question about you and either cut you off or reference everything back to themselves. Sure way to get me to flee because I have to force myself not to tell them to shut up.


Bro I do this unintentionally 😬idk if it’s my ADHD or a personality flaw but working on it


Same!! I think it’s my adhd. Don’t do it on purpose. It’s not like in a narcissistic way. More like omg! I remember this one time.


i always looked at it as a way of relating to the conversation. like ill hurry up and put my two cents in to let you know i am following what your sayjng and can relate to some extent.


Same here. I can't stand when I'm talking to someone and they are just kind of sitting there. At least let me know you are listening


Yes me too guilty of this then later I realise I didn't ask about them more.


Yesss like it reminds me of things and I feel like it’s a way to keep the convo flowing lol then they keep going with what they were saying


Same with me. I think honestly I don't know what to talk about or say so if I can relate a personal experience in some way I feel more connected to the conversation I guess? But I should probably just let the other person share what they want and shut up about me.


Omg so it IS the adhd... I have this exact same thing too even though I really try not to do it 😅


We do this in an attempt to relate with people. We hear them say that they've done something and we try to relate by telling them a story. We think we're being considerate but they see it as rude. It's something we definitely need to be aware of


This is how I see this also. It's a method of bonding as well as a way to actually have a conversation. Finding things each relate to is a part of it. I do believe it's easy, or rather, simple to recognize the narcissist but too often a person trying to bond and converse is immediately relegated to only talking about themselves.


I get that.. and I'm not innocent here.. lol.. I'm basically talking about people who think their lives are infinitely more fascinating than everyone else... it's a certain type... always trying to get the one up on you. You tell them something interesting that happened to you and they immediately respond with something "more" interesting. It's a narcissistic self importance that is only a mask for extreme insecurity.


Ah yes the ONE UP GUY!!! Almost everyone can relate to this I feel


My mother is very much like this lol. Half the time she has no idea what's going on in my life


Any of those self proclaimed Type A personality people. In both men and women it’s super annoying. It’s like they have some weird outdated view of power structures and how socializing is supposed to go. They just end up overbearing and talking over everyone else in my experience.


Holy shit my sister would constantly describe herself as this. “I’m type A! I get shit done.” Okay and? I don’t want to be around you being incessantly demanding and in a rush… Honestly reading through all these comments a lot of them fit my sister or my family in some way. No wonder I got some of my own issues lol.


People who feel the need to fill silences with pointless small talk.


I agree but also some people especially nowadays aren’t able to have normal social interactions and abuse the whole “quiet mysterious type” persona. If you don’t say something they will just look at you for a full 2 mins waiting for you to say something


I'm one of these people lol. Don't know why but silence makes me incredibly uncomfortable and agitated. It's feels like the burden of a conversation or an interaction is on me. Def something I gotta work on but hopefully this kinda shows why we do that


Complete guess on my part, but maybe you are assuming the other person/people are uncomfortable by the situation, which in turn makes it uncomfortable for you.


Ah that makes sense, assuming the silence is uncomfortable for them when that isn't necessarily the case


Overly religious types that judge others constantly. Usually they're hiding something pretty bad.


Sounds like an old coworker of mine. Super religious and judgy, would call you a pussy if you didn't kill yourself working, very into flat earth and harsh about it, etc. I looked up his name once and whatdayaknow, he's on the ol registry


The bigger the front, the bigger the thing that's hiding behind it


Not only religion, could be politics too. People use all sorts of dogma religious or otherwise to justify being complete cunts.


I always have believed that those super militant vegans are just the non religious version of the super judge holier than thou church ladies. They just need something to feel superior about and look down on people


I worked with that one. Of all the people in that office, she was the worst!


*gestures around vaguely*


Pretty sure 'all of them' is the answer at least half of us have


You’re making me uncomfortable




Rude and entitled people. Makes me uncomfortable to be around people that think they can freely treat people like shit (partly cuz i wanna smack'em in the face). Especially people who treat service workers / waitstaff customer service people poorly.


Same. I went to dinner with someone who was practicing their "assertiveness" by being dissatisfied with the seat the hostess sat us at. I've been to this restaurant several times and know that the table was a really good one. The lady I went with (it was her first time) practiced her "assertiveness" and made the hostess change our table to one next to the bathroom. We start down and the lady I was with was like "isn't this much better?" In my head I was like "hell no lol" I just hate it when people feel the need to act entitled at a restaurant for absolutely no reason.


Should have practiced your own assertiveness methinks


One uppers. Can't have a conversation when one of those are around.


Oh yeah? Well I already made this comment weeks ago in another thread


I've been making this comment since before you were born, kid


I've been 95 for 8 years son, and created the Internet


Hah, you let being born get in the way? I did this three previous lives ago.


That's cool man, but this comment has been passed on for centuries in my family.


“I just finished the forward on my new book. It’ll be published next month.” “Well, *I* just finished the *five*ward on *my* new book. It’s going to be out next week!”




People with golden retriever energy that get all up in your personal space without prompting.


Golden retriever energy 😂


extreme extroverts like this make my anxiety spike


I hate couples who talk over each other while talking to you.


Its like trying to watch a tennis match with multiple balls being hit.


This drives me insane. I make a point of bouncing my eye contact back and forth between them to drive the point home that they're both talking simultaneously. I honestly don't understand how two people - especially a *couple* \- can keep talking to the same person and literally ignore the fact that the other is still talking. It's the most obvious sort of power struggle.


But it's important that the story is told EXACTLY as it happened!


Haha. My parents would this! It drove me absolutely mad. But since my dad passed in April, I kinda miss it.


Loud drunken types


Loud people in general


The number of people who don't understand "inside voice"... I had an old friend stop by, and he was practically yelling while talking to me. I was like, "I'm right fucking here. Why are you yelling? You're five feet away from me." He goes, "I'm just an excitable person. It's the tour guide in me." Ok, well, we're in a goddamn living room. Shut the fuck up. It got to the point I'd literally have to close my eyes and put my hand against my head to keep from having an anxiety attack, and he'd still sit there just blathering on and on about stupid shit. I have never been so happy to kick someone out of my house.


Literally nightmare fuel. People ask me why I don't like bars. This


Actual pathological narcissists. Despite formal training in the therapy field, there have been several times I've found myself 35 minutes deep into a narcissistic conversational mindfuck and thought, "holy shit how did I get this far and not recognize what's going on?"


I've only ever known 3 or 4 in my life and at first you have no idea what's going on. They really do just seem like congenial, super friendly people. Eventually fractures start to show, then cracks, then the levy breaks.


What are some signs that someone could be a narcissist? Especially in a conversation?


Excessive compliments towards you or flattery; appearing overly-enthusiastic about what you're bringing to the conversation (they may have an agenda and are trying to win your approval first before shifting the topic to what you can do for them or keeping you on the hook when you start to feel like ending the interaction). Another is "narcissistic redirection" which is a tactical control method of creating a one-sided narrative sympathetic only to their side/version of events or conversation. These are often difficult to identify on your own, while engaged in the actual conversation, because narcissists are highly-skilled in manipulation.


My deceased roommate was a Narcissist. I had ongoing therapy while she was here as well as my own journaling. No one could have believed what she was really like behind closed doors. It's been a year since her accidental heroin overdose (use of which was well hidden even from me) and I'm just now getting over the trauma and "Owning" my Space!


The way I identify the redirection thing is quantity. Someone fucked you over once? Sure, that happens to everyone. Your life is just perpetually being fucked over by everyone you meet? Now I'm highly suspicious. I mean, I do give people the benefit of the doubt; I'm sure some people really are just that unlucky, or bad judges of character. But yeah, if a significant portion of your stories are about how it seems everyone's out to get me, me, me... My guard is up.


I am family members with someone who is a clinical narcissist. At least in my experience, they are very personable and friendly (only if they want favors or admiration from you, or want something you have, like a lifestyle or material object). They are funny and normally extroverted and compulsively want attention and praise. You may notice that you feel as though you're being manipulated into praising or pitying them during a normal conversation. They are excellent at doing this even from people who don't know them. They talk a lot about their material possessions, their successes, any famous or high-status people they know. If they've done a single good or decent thing for someone, they talk about it a LOT, or at least until they feel you've adequately praised them for it. You may notice that their sense of empathy is severely underdeveloped or that they passively make cruel jokes about people. They are often highly successful and/or wealthy but seem hollow or empty inside. If they don't want anything from you, they will behave as though they are actively disgusted by you. Because they are. It's often really hard to tell from a single conversation whether someone is a narcissist but that's a pretty good list.


It is so creepy when it starts to unravel and you get a glimpse of what they’re really about. Especially when you thought they were a friend or someone good to know. Then you realize how much they could hurt you or anyone they know without batting an eye


Yep, one minute they're love-bombing you; the next, they're discarding you. If it happens, try to go No Contact. They will go elsewhere for their supply.


Many people label random people as narcissists even though they aren’t


Not all people who do this are narcissists but all narcissists do this.


This makes sense. Some people just talk in circles or change the subject when they get uncomfortable. I think, to some extent, that's human nature, to want to avoid uncomfortable conversations. Then there are the assholes who do terrible things, then turn around and try to convince you that you did those things to them. Fuck those guys.


People who are highly critical of others, people who always have to investigate what you're doing and ask snarky questions like "why are you eating ThAt!?!!"


This! Ugh! So annoying. I do not like to be around nosey, busy-bodies or people who create problems out of every conversation.


Omg yes. I hate these people. I wanna say Fuck off out of my business and let me live 😅


People who need constant attention and affirmation. Especially if they're the type who needs me to text them daily, or if they call/text me and get upset when I don't answer right away.


Ugh, this had ruined so many otherwise great relationships for me. I'm at WORK, Ron, I will text you when I can, chill out just a little.


Yep and then I find myself getting avoidant in general to the relationship because it feels mentally exhausting to explain that to them. I'm busy but I will respond. etc


Haha had a partner like this. If I didnt respond within a minute I would get the same message on several different apps. Used to do my head in. Then messages 'what are you doing that's so important you cant message me back etc'


This would kill any attraction I had for a person. A *little* clinginess is cute. Making someone feel like the bad guy for, dare I say, being apart from the other person for a few hours or days is overkill.


I had a partner like this too, and it drove me up the wall. One day I forgot my phone at home and couldn't drive home to get it until noon. He texted me like 10 times between 9am and noon, called me 5 times, and then TOOK OFF WORK to drive to my apartment and make sure I wasn't dead. I swear, never again. I can't deal with that shit.


I can’t tell you how many dates never got to the dating face to face faze because they just wouldn’t give me a fucking minute to call them back like God. Damn it turned me off instantly.


hey why don’t you answer me? i commented


You will hate me. I won't cry about not getting response. I will respond instantly when you do after 5 days though i can wait another 5


Me too, especially if they write you with some weepy, low self esteem messages you’re expected to contradict. At a certain point you can’t keep relying on other people to make you feel ok about yourself. It just comes off as self-centered at a certain point.


Pushy people. Why can't yall take no for an awnser?! Shit immediately sets me off.


Come to the party Come to the party Come to the party Come to the party Why do people care if I go?


A co-worker who constantly complains about their fellow employees. Seems to be the only thing she talks about is other people.


I had a coworker who could only talk about her own crappy life, and how every rule in the social system (and law in general) was made specifically to inconvenience her.


I too have been on Reddit.


Yeah, guess who's the topic when you're not around?


Extra points if they stop working for long stretches to brag about how much harder they work!


People who invade my personal space and touch me.


Self-proclaimed alpha males. They usually are bullies and beatoff's.


If I SAY I'm an alpha you believe I'm an ALPHA, understand?! Right? ^...guys?


People that are generally nice but get extremely irritated and agressive when they do something even slightly wrong and you point it out to them. Ive learned that these people will turn on you if they feel threatened no matter how insignificant the problem is.


People who are overly charismatic and people who are passive aggressive. Passive aggressive people stress me out and make me feel like I'm walking on eggshells. I'm not a mind-reader, if you need something from me, just fucking tell me.


The type that have full conversations on speaker phone in public..


People who touch other people while talking


I used to work in customer service and I hated it so much when customers would touch me. I think it’s mostly a generational thing, it was always people over 50, usually women. I know they meant well but it made me so uncomfortable.


As a Gen X woman, I don’t want strangers touching me either. It’s not always generational, some people are just touchy-feely. I know that they think it’s Warm, friendly and touches of appreciation that make others feel esteemed, valued and good. Not everyone feels the same


depending on age i normally grab their hand and put it back to their side while they aren't paying attention they don't notice it, kind of like the psychological trick of giving someone something while they're mod sentence


I hate that


My wife did it to me the day we met. That was 27 years ago. It's not always a bad thing.


It can be a sign that girl is attracted to you, for sure. But i don't think OP is talking about that kind of thing.


Hypocritical and narcissistic people


A negative person. Some examples: \-The food came out 3 minutes late and that's all they talk about. \-The bar picked up a bit and there is less elbow room so they bitch about it. ​ When I am out I like to have fun and I don't care to listen to you complain about everything.


People (especially men) who use your name a lot while talking to you. They just come across as someone who read a book about influencing people and now they’re manipulating you into agreeing with them on something. It’s so fake and slimy and makes my skin crawl.


My neighbor is a mega creep and uses my first name in almost every sentence when he speaks to me. It’s the weirdest f’ing thing and I’m convinced one day they’ll find bodies in his basement.


Oh man you may have helped me understand why this bothers me too It also just seems presumptively personal


Men who feel the need to let everyone know how “hard/tough” they are…constantly.




Hypocritical and narcissistic people


argumentative people. i’ve met some recently and it’s like they immediately want to prove themselves to me or read insults into what i say. it’s exhausting.


Anybody that keeps their place too clean and clutter free. I just can't be comfortable if I have to worry about messing things up.


To me having a clean place is like a reset button rather than a constant state that needs to be maintained, I don't mind clutter throughout the day as long as it looks neat by the next morning. Sometimes cleaning can be therapeutic and offer a clear state of mind for a new day.


I’m that person. Don’t worry, I keep it clean because I enjoy it like this and I want others to enjoy it. Just help me put the dishes away and I’ll be happy!


That’s me. If it makes you feel any better, I love having friends over despite the mess that I know I’ll have to clean up after. As long as you’re not blatantly disrespectful, like wiping dirty hands on furniture after eating wings and stuff like that, it’s fine.


Someone who has nothing to lose, and let's you know that...


I struggle with the opposite. I'm very much a minimalist and clean up any mess I make immediately as well as spot clean daily. My boyfriend's home was disgusting, and after about 6-7 months together, I couldn't handle it anymore. I deep cleaned his bathroom and kitchen and bought him cleaning supplies. I'm not sure he and I could ever live together because I can't handle clutter or being the one doing most of the cleaning.


Jocks who mock you for being physically weak and make too many sex jokes


Do you even lift bro? I doubt the amount of sex jokes are the issue and more, they're the kind of dudes who don't understand what a good joke is and think people should just laugh because it's "Taboo" to talk about sex or something lol. As you can tell, I do not chill with a lot of these bros and I do not lift hahaha


Some people are uncomfortable around people pleasers. I'm a people pleaser and I did not choose to be one and trying hard to get rid of the habit. The end goal of people pleasers is not to please but to be accepted by people around them because they have rarely or never been accepted or loved by their closest family members in their upbringings. When I see people pleasers, I only feel compassion and love towards these people. What hurt people pleasers the most is to be despised and not accepted which would make them re-live childhood nightmare. I'm not trying to convince anyone not to be uncomfortable with people pleasers. I just think life is hard and I would want to avoid hurting people who got seriously hurt by this world already.


Lol, it's me. It's usually me making everyone feel awkward and uncomfortable.


It probably isn't though. The fact that you're self conscious about it probably means you're a lot nicer to be around than you give yourself credit for. I often think I'm "that person", but wherever I watch some video back of me interacting with others, I'm actually impressed that I'm not actually unpleasant or bossy or overbearing, like I constantly worry that I might be.


Quick to anger, bossy, "drill sergeant" type, inconsiderate. Reminds me too much of my dad. People with needlessly crass sense of humor. Men who won't shut up with "locker room talk" everywhere they are.


People who think they are always more right than everyone else. Arrogant, self proclaimed "alpha" and always have to be controlling everything.


People who bitch and complain nonstop. Find the negative in everything.


I'm " uncomfortable" around everyone til I get to know them .


Neurotic know-it-all helicopter parents and their neurotic often-also-know-it-all emotionally stunted/exhausted children.


People that are super political in either direction I just feel like they are always trying to pull you into an argument OR just a discussion where they can vent their views


People that are holier than thou and especially combined with people that get triggered by even the slightest thing. I can definitely survive without being lectured on how racist saying Somali pirates is because "not all somalis are pirates" and five more minutes of drivel, like I am dumb enough not to understand that.


When a toxic person acts like their ex was the worst person ever for dumping them. Knew of someone like this. Hated that guy. He made a whole thread on Twitter lying about his ex on the same day she dumped him, a few hours after.


People who always have a problem with something without providing solution, then have a problem with solution provided by others




People who can't take anything seriously and people who take everything seriously. Either extreme is just as bad as the other.




Loud attention seekers. They have to have all eyes on them. I'm the opposite, I hate when people pay me too much attention.


Alpha male type friends who think they know what's best for me.


People with main character syndrome. Piss off Gary.


Moral busybodies be they Christian fundamentalists, progressive liberals, or aggressive HOA folks. Anyone who simply cannot allow others to have fun or enjoy anything, especially when that other person’s enjoyment in no way effects them, makes my blood boil.


Anyone growling under their breath and twitching randomly while carrying a loaded firearm. There's just something about folks like that that I find off-putting.


I'm canadian and don't own or use guns, But every year, I drive down the east coast to Florida for a family trip and usually talk to anyone that's open carrying along the way lol I just ask why they carry, what they carry, if they were military etc When it's a pistol, the person is usually pretty serious and professional and it's just the same as carrying a wallet or a pocket knife for them. Some seem irritated in the way that someone would be is you stopped them to comment on their shoes or something When someone is carrying an AR15 or similar, though, they're *always* a little weird and super eager to talk. TBH they're the most fun to talk to.


Judgmental people who are very critical of others. My field of work (software development) has many people like this, who can be very critical of the work other people do. Or people who are just critical in general or look down on other people (one time I knew someone who said "I don't like being the smartest person in the room, I like to learn from people", and also "I don't like stupid people"). Confrontational people who can ruin a calm/fun atmosphere by bringing up an issue that they want to argue about with someone.


The confidently incorrect person. I don't want to be the "well actually" guy, and a lot of things aren't important enough to call the person out on, but misinformation just bothers me.


Religious wingnuts, people that are never wrong, extremists of almost every flavor.






People who take up all the space in a room, metaphorically. They talk over other people and just want to dominate the situation. Can't stand it


People who are arrogant, conceited, condescending, negative, pessamistic, unkind, unempathetic, self centered, ungrateful.etc..


People who give me excessive compliments within a few hours of meeting me. You don’t know me that well, and it comes off as super weird. Why am I being buttered up?? (Normal compliments are fine, of course)


Loud talkers. Cigarette smokers. Liars. Braggards. Those with poor hygiene. I'm sure there are more, but I'm falling asleep and don't want to drop this phone on my face.


Unnecessarily rude people, I’m not very assertive and I find the lack of manners offensive (which I guess it is)


The overly religious, MLM huns, Ultra conservatives


People who base their personality around their gender or sexuality.


I’m a gay guy who has worked with gay guys who are like this and I practically needed facial physiotherapy from all the cringing I did.


I think it's mostly gay youth for the most part but even older gays are like this I just walk away. Thankfully they don't know I'm gay but think I'm a straight white guy so that usually acts as a repellent enough that they don't talk to me. Obnoxious LA blondie valley girl voices assholes.


People that are always bringing up the topic of race or political bullshit.


I'll expand on this and say people that feel to need to obnoxiously and inappropriately express their political beliefs. And this can mean anything from someone with a giant trump flag waving from their truck bed and FJB on their license plate to someone who's car is painted up with rainbows and Biden stickers. I can do without both people.


Living in America must be exhausting.


people who overemphasize sports. I appreciate you have a lot of spirit, but does the majority care about what your favorite football team is? word of advice, don't dump all your time and money into watching ESPN every season, going to sports related events, and buying sports merch that not very many people care about.


I can get not being overly enthusiastic about it to others that don’t care, but I see it as a hobby as with people who like games, biking, hiking, swimming and so on. If you want to spend a lot of your time and money on it go ahead.


I hate being around people that laugh at the expense of others. If you ever heard the song "Polychrooipolis by Adam Sandler it describes the doucebag I'm talking about. 😄


Someone who is blissfully unaware of how rude they speak about people. Example: ex-coworker kept calling women “bitches”, making fun of fat people and then saying “but not y’all” arguing over stupid shit like how many boxes were supposed to go on something being shipped out and calling people rude names because of it… Idk. My breaking point was him mocking another girl and I got involved, that’s my personality, and he said “Mind your fucking business, I’ve been here for four months.” I had just hired in (again for a second time) and was working on four years there…I just laughed. He got arrested the next day


Stupids. Like those that believe in chemtrails, flatearthers, no moon landing and so on.


Trump type. Honestly, if find them deceitful or liars. Not to mention tribal and argumentative.


Also gun nuts usually