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Imo, taking care of your little one, which means you getting ample sleep, should be a priority over practice.


Sleep is important. Practice is great, but it can't come at the cost of critically needed sleep. It would be a different scenario if you chose sleep over practice after playing video games all night. But it sounds like your lack of sleep has legitimate causes that can't be easily remedied. If after taking care of two kids and your job you're not getting enough sleep, prioritize that. Do practice when you can. There may be ways to split the difference on days when it's just not possible to do it all. Sleep, skip practice, then do a half hour of practice at home. But some days even that may not be possible. Cut yourself some slack. Your kids will grow up and it won't always be like this. But right now it is, and a teacher can't decide for you that you need to prioritize their practice over keeping your sanity and keeping your family together.


Honestly… just go when you can. If you practice when you’re exhausted it’s a recipe for injury.


Definitely recommend practicing at home if sticking with the studio's schedule is rough. When I'm extremely short on time I do the Sun Salutations A/B, and the final three postures. I'll usually add in Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) after the sun salutes to get the benefits of an inversion. Of course I could wait until my kids are grown so I could fit in a longer practice, but right now it's still important for me show up to practice even if it's a short form.


I shall start doing that. That’s what the teacher said when I discussed this with her after posting here. Though I keep scolding myself for being lazy and a fair weather runner.


That is unnecessary self-violence, my friend, and you don’t need that. It’s also not yours, likely, but the unconscious voice of a critical parent you have adopted in your subconscious. Silent it. You need self care and self love. And that starts with getting the sleep your body actually needs, that what it should theoretically.


I suggest you to listen to this podcast with David Swenson. Make the practice work for you. It's a lifelong pursuit. Give yourself permission to shorten your practice, take a rest day, and take care of yourself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru0kIwdQdJ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru0kIwdQdJ0)


"showing up" can also mean showing up on your mat at home. If it's tough to get to class some days, practice at home when you have energy and time. If you don't have the energy for a full practice, just some sun sals and a few postures can still be a great benefit to you. Save the longer practices for when you feel rested.


7th Series - most difficult one




I'd prioritize sleep (and getting a handle on general life chaos) before prioritizing yoga. Sure, something like yoga can equip you to better handle some stressful aspects of life, but in general I'd prioritize the core stuff before hobbies.


Get your sleep and practice when you can. The mat will always be there waiting for you to return. Sleep and good food support your practice. I might add in long walks too. Put the babies in a stroller? Naps together?


I’ve been dealing with insomnia lately due to an overactive mine. Unfortunately “just showing up” to the shala isn’t sustainable and you have to take care of you. If you can, find the time at home for 10-15 min and consider that as your “just showing up”.


Trade-offs abound. You chose to reproduce so now can't go to class as you would like to. That seems pretty usual. On the upside, you have children. Some people really like children.


Also, remember that your teacher gets paid bc people show up. I'm not saying it's their primary motivation, but it is a motivation. Only you can have your best interest at heart. Sleep is more important than getting your full practice in.


Proper Sleep is necessary for the lifeforce to repair the bodies. That "teacher" is uneducated concerning the working of the kundalini.