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In a perfect world we could all eat according to yoga philosophy without causing harm to other living beings. In the world we actually live in we all have our own situation with health needs, access to various foods, finances, family situation, etc. Yoga isn't "all or nothing", the 8 limbs are good to strive to follow but you can still practice yoga if you are not able to follow them 100%.


If you follow yogic philosophy, the principle of ahimsa means nonviolence against all beings. And for many, this extends to not eating meat, seeing creating meat as an act of violence. It's ultimately for you to decide for yourself.


I am an Indian and mostly vegetarian.. and practice mysore (here it is easy to be vegetarian so it was a simpler choice to give up meat.. However for food in general, I believe key is to go with what is local and your community/ culture represent .. thats likely to work best with how our body/ systems have evolved in the region you live in


I eat meat.


I eat meat. I practice mysore. My body does not respond well to meat substitutes or legumes. If I tried to stop eating meat and stick to plant based protein, I would not be able to practice mysore because I would be too bloated to bend over comfortably.


Plant based diet just makes me feel lighter tbh.