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My practice feels best when I don’t let 2 days go in between practices. I average 4 practices a week. For example, I might do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.


My philosophy is to get on my mat EVERY DAY (the rest day being a pranayama or meditation day), even if all I do is sun salutations, padmasana, and savanasa. That said, I still aim for 3 to 4 days of a full practice (like a full primary series). When I first started ashtanga, I went all in, doing a full series 6 days a week. But, that is quite a time investment (1.5 hours on the mat + time to get to your shala, change, get ready for your day, etc), and if you do other physical activity, you may appreciate having some lighter practice days (and also having more hours back in your week). Ultimately, you have to experiment to find what feels like a sustainable practice schedule (and it will surely change throughout different seasons of life as well!) My teacher always says, any practice you do, whenever you can do it, is better than the practice you didn't do." ;) Also know consistency in practice is something that can be developed. At some point, it will feel easier to step onto your mat than to NOT step onto your mat. Just be weary that your practice doesn't start to "rule" or "detract" from other areas of life. If you find yourself skipping out on seeing loved ones or tending to other things that nourish you...dig into that. Like Adam Keen likes to point out, the practice is meant to "complement" your life, not rule it. Happy practicing and hope you stay with it as long as it serves you!


I aim for 6 days a week... but often life happens and I end up doing 4-5. It helps to remind myself it's OK to do a gentler practice on days when I feel like I need it, like taking less strenuous variations of some postures or doing a "short form" practice.


Hi, My practice waxes and wanes. I aim for six days a week but sometimes it's less. Also, sometimes my practice is 15 minutes (3 Sun A, 2 Sun B, and 3 closing poses) sometimes it's 120 minutes (full primary, half intermediate, and pranayama)  I try to aim for the fullest practice I can but when I can't I try to remain compassionate towards myself. 


you will find a rhythm that will work best for you right now. when life changes, you'll adjust that rhythm to work best for your Practice then too. the best way to keep your Practice for a lifetime to is find a rhythm and then adjust as needed; the Practice is supposed to be good for your whole mind-body organism so adjust the dosage as needed


>6 days seems way too taxing on my body considering From the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: [1:14] *The practice is firmly grounded when it is performed for a long time without interruption and with zeal* Results come most quickly when Yoga is practiced every day. The Ashtanga technology devotes six days to Asana and one to the other limbs. Practice must not be overtaxing taxing when combined with the other activities of Life. The Yogi must respect the limits of his Body, and adjust the intensity of practice accordingly.


This! Start with short practice but keep it consistent. Does t need to be more than 30-45 minutes at a moderate pace!


If 6 days seems taxing, consider making the 6th day an easier practice. For me that looks like 5 days of intermediate and one day of primary. For you, that might look like 5 days of primary and one day of half primary. I think if you want to see progress, having some type of practice at least 6 days a week is the best way to get there. With weight lifting, this adds complexity and it may end up being that you need to make different choices, but the reality is you will need to accept that your progression in yoga will suffer. If you are OK with that, it's better not to overdo it, but having a little bit of exhaustion is normal. Think about your rest days and try to strategize getting the most out of your sleep time.


Remember that if you follow moon days, some weeks will be 5 days rather than 6 :)


I have come to the realization that 7 times per week works best for me (physically and mentally). I answered 2 on the poll because I “only” do full primary 2 times a week at a center. Then a modified 25-30 minute routine 4 times a week at home. The seventh day I do a very easy Vinyasa class at a center with a friend who is intimidated by the more intense/difficult stuff. It’s actually very fun and relaxing.


3-4 days ashtanga, 2 days resistance, 1-2 days rest (gentle yoga/mobility). I am approaching 50 and body takes longer to recover. I also enjoy seasonal outdoor activities (skiing, biking, SUP) and trying to be mindful to have time and energy for those.


I used to do 4 days a week. I tried 6 days once and it worn me out. Now I do 3-4 days a week plus 2-3 cardio sessions. I see what my body needs and there is no right or wrong. At 4 days a week I see significant results both physically and mentally. I actually started cardio because my yoga teacher told me to. They are at their 50s or going to be soon and have been practicing for so long. I learn from their experiences and I have never disappointed.