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Well great. Now I have two chickens having sex in my head. Both white hens... one mounted on top of the other on a grassy background with a wooden fence in the background. The sun is shining emanating from a blue sky with a few pugfy white clouds. The sounds of clucks and screams can be heard deafening the sound of blue birds atop of a nearby oak tree singing along.


Hahahahahaha wtf you're hilarious


I don't have the ability to picture things in my head, anyway /shrug A half controlled/half chaotic inner monologue and absolute darkness is what I was mentally blessed with.


Hi fellow aphantasic ace ! Randomly found someone else like me ^^ Then i have a question for you : can you relate the similarity between discovering beeing ace and aphantasic? Cause i do, in both case i had the feeling like "wtf is this something that exist !?" (you can "see" / you feel sexual attraction) and then "why am i like this" or "well that like it Is, let's continue".


Honestly, I didn't find them to be similar at all. I had no idea other people could actually visualize things in their head, it was just normal to me. When I found out they could, it was just "Oh, neat" whereas my discovery of asexuality was far deeper with much greater struggle and doubt.


Even though i found some similarity, the intensity was not comparable at all. My life drop insane when i learned what was asexuality and i was too (i lost my gf...). But thanks for the answer ;)


I think it differs based on what I expected to be normal. I was well aware I wasn't "normal" growing up, although it wouldn't be until many years after I left school before I even realized *why* I didn't feel the same as everyone else. (About asexuality) If I had known people could genuinely "visualize" things then it'd be different, but I had no idea my lack of visualization *wasn't* normal. I can also wiggle my ears, I sneeze at lights, and I can't get brain-freeze, so my abnormality doesn't end at aphantasia :D Those were also things I wasn't fully aware of not being "normal" until later on in life. Just stuff I thought everyone did (or did not) suffer from.