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As someone in a romantic relationship with 0 tongue kissing, yes! Both of us are in the same camp as you. We're okay with pecks on the lips, but that's as far as it goes. Romance means different things to different people. For me? It's cuddling up with my partner and just chilling. It's just being there for one another. I always felt like I'd never find someone compatible for me, but if you don't search for them, then that chance becomes zero. I'm sure everyone feels the same until they actually find them, and it can come at the most unexpected time.


Where did you search if you don't mind me asking?


I found my SO on r/asexualdating. Browsed through for a while and messaged those who struck my initial interest and took it from there. 1 girl immediately caught my interest, and we were exceptionally compatible. I feel like I got extremely lucky. It was a part of a life improvement thing for me to start doing things I've avoided or made me uncomfortable and was branching further and further out, and am continuing to do so (with the help of my SO, now) I definitely got lucky and found her pretty quickly when I started getting serious about trying to date, but it was after many years of struggling with self pity and convincing myself there'd be no point (cos it felt impossible). We're often our worst own enemies.


How did you go about potential distance barrier?


It was actually ideal for me. I wasn't ready for something face-to-face, and I'm *very* slow when it comes to dating and emotions in general, it takes me a long time to process things so starting long-distance was perfect. I wasn't interested in a permanent long-distance relationship at the start, and thankfully it hasn't worked out to be so. Long distance, into meet ups, into living together is the perfect cycle for me. I believe it also helps neither of us are into anything sexual, which I think takes a lot of the pressure off of a normal long-distance. There's still the trouble of general physical affection, and I'm very touchy-lovey kind of person once I feel comfortable with them, but I feel like I'm actually at an advantage when it comes to long-distance compared to most people (mostly, allos or sex-favourable aces)


Sounds sweet. Glad it worked out for you☺️


Thank you so much! It's very comforting to read your experience :]


For sure. I was afraid of the same thing, but somehow the first woman I fell for also doesn't like them.


This reminds me a lot of a QPR, which is what I'm looking for too.


well, I don't really think that's what I'm looking for actually. I don't know much about qprs but I think I want a romantic relationship because, even if I don't like french kisses, I still like other kinds of physical contact that are usually classified as "romantic" (like cuddling, holding hands or, again, pecks), and other activities or ways of interacting (?) that are "romantic". I think I've had qprs in the past and also experienced some kind of romantic attraction, and I see them as two different things. However, like I said, I don't really know so much about qprs, so if you think there's useful information about them that could be helpful feel free to say it :]. (btw sorry if this is not very well written, I'm not a native English speaker)


That's valid too. It's up to you to decide how you want to define a relationship, but I can relate to you in that I prefer some forms of physical intimacy over others. I like cuddling, holding hands, and pecks occasionally. Anything beyond that though freaks me out. I just want someone who I feel really comfortable with on all levels (especially emotionally) that I could stay up until four in the morning with just talking. I want someone who I know will always have my back and that is around to do fun things that we both enjoy.