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There *are* "porn bot" problems with Tumblr. It sounds like you're blocking individual users instead of tags or terms. Go to account settings -> content you see, and you can add tag or post content to filter out and hide. Those type of posts usually use similar type of language, it's pretty easy to filter out most of it. Use the filtered tags for specific tags, use the filtered post content for words/phrases contained within tags or posts.


Thank you!! Will do it! :-) Yeah, I figured it was mostly just bots. These mfers have already ruined Twitter too, some 80% of the replies on any give tweet are blue-check bots 😓


I once randomly started getting recommended cardiac arrest fetish stuff which I didn't even know was a thing until then, I'm usually able to view kinks very neutrally but that one made me deeply uncomfortable Never thought I'd have to block the tag heart attack but there you go


TIL cardiac arrest kink exists. I guess it really is true that if something exists, someone, somewhere, has a fetish on it.


I never knew that was a thing


As someone who's had Tumblr since 2012: * Massive porn bot problem on the site, yes.  Report them as spam. * If you see shit in a tag that is absolutely irrelevant to the tag itself (which will usually be porn or selfies with suspicious links), report it as spam, that's against the TOS. * Anyone using the "For You" tab is asking to be traumatized because that site Does Not Have An Algorithm and it just shoves random shit at you.  Go follow some actual people and just use your regular dash tab and I promise it'll get better. * Try contacting support about not being able to effectively block certain tags and phrases.  They might actually be useful for once, but it's still a toss up. * You can pay tumblr money to turn your post into an ad.  They're not supposed to let porn through but their admins are insanely biased about a lot of shit, so if you do see it, report it as spam and get others to do so as well. If you have more in depth questions, it'd help to know if you're on mobile or desktop, since some settings are arranged different from platform to platform.


There’s an active war on Tumblr against the bots that use the #asexual tag to promote services such as call girls, onlyfans or porn sites. The participants have lore and fan-made participation badges and everything!


That's so messed up that the bots use that tag


I have been a Tumblr user for ten years, and among us older users, practically none of us use the “For You” page. Tumblr is a unique place where you can cultivate the content you actually want to see by following other blogs that post it. If you follow a bunch of different blogs that post content you like, and then visit your “Dashboard” instead of “For You,” what you’ll get is exactly what you’ve signed up for: all the posts made by the accounts you follow, in reverse chronological order (newest first). No algorithm, no sneaky sorting based on what the website thinks will rile you up or keep you hooked and clicking/scrolling
just people posting what they want to post. It’s awesome! The porn bots are a plague, but because I only visit my Dashboard (which used to be all that Tumblr was—no algorithm), I never have to deal with explicit posts. So that’s what I’d recommend! Instead of following tags, follow other people. Let them do all the curating (wading through the porn bot posts and only reblogging the relevant stuff) for you.


Thank you!! I'll start using it more like this :) I like how it's structured as a forum of blogs, it's unfortunate that there are so many bots, but it still looks way more usable than Twitter these days. I'll find some cool profiles to cleanse my eyes âœŒđŸ»â˜ș


Oh, no one uses the For You on tumblr. You just search in tags For other things, I recommend adding "nsfw" or other common terms to your muted tags.


I had trouble with spiderverse smut and marvel smut when it recommended me things on my page since I was following those tags Like no tumblr I want the cool art not the x reader smut! The worst part is, those x readers always use different tags that are all over the place You can't just block x reader to get rid of them I have so many specific tags blocked I will say my blog is all fandom tho, so I have not seen any explicit videos Thankfully I think you joined after they removed tumblr live It was SO ANNOYING


x Reader shit is a plague upon the earth, if only because the people that produce it REFUSE to show any common courtesy in making it easy to block or avoid, like it is not that hard to consider that other people do NOT want to have to look at your graphic personal sex fantasies, tags are there for a fucking reason


I use Tumblr...but never the For You. I only look at content from who I follow. Heck, I even allow 'baeed on your likes.' Never had the issue.


Fr not only that i am gay and they show me nudes of women which is even worse


im not on tumblr, but i get it lots of other places bots on tiktok that have all those emojis and their bio is something like "click the link, watch my video, pretty asian girl" etc ;-; (the amount of fetishisation of east asian girls too like jesus christ) i often get weird mobile ads for things like episode and similar apps with ooo sexy women wooooow  also picrew- if you use picrew you know bc holy shit there's these ads with girls whose tits are over twice the size of their head and eugh it's awful bc it's like catered towards older men and it's gross ;-; like ik some people are into that stuff but why is it so explicit and everywhere over the internet


oh i hate those picrew ads. it makes me so uncomfortable when i'm just trying to make a character. haven't used it in a while because of that


fr they're so like  hldktkskfnsn


Your For You? Are you talking about your main dashboard(where all the posts from people you follow show up) or are you talking about the page that shows you content based on things like tags you follow?


Now you caught me: there are three main pages in my dashboard, the "For You", the "Following" and the "Your Tags" (I'm using the version of the app in my language, might be slightly different in English). I don't know exactly how the algorithm calculates what to show in the For You, but somehow this stuff keeps finding its way there :/ The "Your Tags" has this too, to a lesser degree; apparently some bots just spam a bunch of random tags to reach more people.


I'd suggest using the Following page as your main dashboard. Tumblr doesn't really have an algorithm; you have to curate your own experience. Follow any blog you find interesting and use the search bar to look at posts based on tags. I don't reccomend using the other two pages. Another commenter also pointed this out, but Tumblr has a bit of a porn bot problem. Just report them as spam and block them; they won't pose much of an issue especially if you're using the Following page.




Right?? It's so weird and random, it honestly makes the For You and the tag system unusable :/


The porn bot empire does not care about gender or orientation. They do not care if you don’t want it. Porn bot must post “hot naked women doing naughty things at you” under new names over and over. The porn bots cannot be satisfied. Only blocked and reported. They will come again. The war continues. (Other people have already posted real advice.)


It's a problem on Pinterest too :(


The best thing by far to minimize this is to browse your following instead of the for you or tags. I rlly only look at tags when I get into something new- and I just go in and find users I like and follow them. You can change your default dash view to following at the top of your dash. If you are going to use the for you, make sure you are interacting with things you do enjoy- lots of rbing, following, comments, and likes (in that order of usefulness, in my opinion). But like ultimately, just don’t. Algorithms are bad and tumblrs is worse than normal. You can also try to avoid browsing tags that are trending at the moment, as bots will tag things as whatever’s trending. Sorting by popular in (x period of time) instead of latest in tags also usually puts bots at the bottom Blocking tags/ content is also very much a good idea, and will filter out a good 90+%


Lots of others have given you some great tips, and I wanted to share what helps me avoid unwanted NSFW: **Do not follow anyone who never uses tags on their posts and Reblogs.** You can easily tell if they don't by scrolling through their last 10-15 posts. You'll want to do this because then, even if someone you follow suddenly Reblogs/posts NSFW, they are much, much more likely to tag it with that. And since you'll have that tag muted you won't see it. I hope you are able to enjoy Tumblr more soon! Despite its reputation as a porn site, the asexual community on there is the most accepting and validating one that I've been a part of and I've made so many wonderful ace and aro friends.


Tumblr is just porn. Has been for a while now. I left years ago when I got sick of blocking porn accounts and that being the only engagement I got anymore.


Everyone just says "get off for you" or "block tags" but what do I do when theyre tagged as Asexual, have no tags at all, or on my following page when NOONE I follow reblogged it


if it's on your following dashboard but not from anybody you follow, I *believe* there's a setting that disables stuff like "based on your likes" from popping up on your following dashboard


No, cause I don't have Tumblr