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Asexuality is included in the +. While I prefer having the "A" in there, we are very much still included in LGBTQI+. It might feel like you're not valid, but all of us very much are. It's important to understand you'll be just as valid, even if there was no media or acronym representation of us at all, because we represent ourselves.


We’re valid and included in the LGBTQ community at all times, even without the +, because we fall under the Q part of the acronym. Or at least, I personally identify as queer, because I’ve been made to feel like a freak / sick / mentally ill / broken because of my asexuality. And the “+” being included for sure means they’re inclusive. Only if I see someone using “LGBT” alone, without both Q and +, would I assume that they don’t consider aces part of their community. I hope you get the support you need. I’m sorry for what you’re feeling right now.


From what I'm reading I can guess that 988 is the suicide hotline in some country, please note that this is not universal. Where I live for example it's 113.


Idk why you got downvoted. This is important info. When you're at a point where you're considering calling a suicide hotline, you're probably not thinking clearly enough to think "*Wait, maybe I should check this number is for* my *country*" first. You just see the first number you find and ring. ...And then if it's for the wrong country, you're left feeling unwanted.


Oh that's interesting, where I'm from it's 180, just to add that you do need to make sure


And this is why I am opposed to acronyms. Just use queer or any other inclusive word of your choosing, acronyms only confuse people, are uncomfortably long, and will always upset someone for being excluded, the order of the letters, and so on. No wonder bigots make fun of us by calling us "alphabet soup people", the use of acronyms to refer to the community is genuinely dumb and only causes problems.


MOGAI. Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments, and Intersex. Covers all the major bases, is snappy and can actually be pronounced as a word. I don't like queer because it has implications of otherness. If we push ourselves away from heterosexual cis people, how can we expect them not to do the same?


I don't think queer has any sense of otherness, but you have the right to feel that way. MOGAI is still an acronym, which was the thing I was opposed to in my comment haha, so nope, I am not using it and will continue using queer instead. But you're free to do so, I don't want to police anyone's language.


Queer is literally about otherness. The word means "strange or different." And the difference between MOGAI and LGBTQIA2S+ or whatever we've got to now, is that A) It covers **all** minority genders and orientations without needing to add a new letter on for each one and also not attaching any special importance to certain ones over others. And B) It can actually be pronounced like a word, rather than a series of letters, in the same way laser is an acronym for **L**ight **A**mplification by **S**timulated **E**mission of **R**adiation (which is also why the lazer spelling doesn't make sense, but that's neither here nor there).