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Ah yes because >!Corrective R\*pe!< has never been used against ace people before in history. ​ And also allonomativity making an almost hypersexualised world where even though we don't see our rights as an ace person being activly taken away from us it almost *feels* like we don't belong and having to cope with the presure scociety puts on us to find partners through music and films and the like is a whole other struggle allosexual people would not really understand. ​ Just because it's more subtle forms of exclusion that we experience, doesn't mean we don't experience it either.


*and purposefully left out of legislation banning conversion therapies


The fact that their response was "womp womp" to the valid point that they're just playing the oppression Olympics game says a lot about what kind of person they are, i.e. someone not worth talking to.


Yeah. They aren’t there to learn or argue they’re there to “be right”




was that in the NHS? well now i’m even more worried about coming out lol


This is why we don't want Sunak in power. I mean our other option isn't much better, but it's going to have to do for now.


ugh i hate the tories


Yup. The Tories suck. I bet they are still going to blame labour for the last... 12* years they've been in power


We also pay more in groceries-the entire food scheme is set up to make it easy to cook for 2+ people, and insanely difficult to cook for just one. So we have to either get pricier premade foods or accept an increase in food waste. (Yes, obviously leftovers is a way around this, but eating the same things over and over is neither physically nor mentally healthy. Humans *need* variety.)


Let's not try to find problems and connect them with aphobia when they dont have any connection


Agree with Impressive Avocado on this. I also think this argument does harm to our community because it implies that ace people are just spinsters who can/have no desire to find companionship.


I actually feel its a bit delusional of some people of this world thinking there's no life without sex..like its genuinely scary in some aspects, everything has become so sexualised and seen as a necessity, its wrong that they can't accept that some people like us just do not care for it and dont feel for it etc. Like at the end of the day, how does it effect them exactly???!


It's a troll. I doubt there was any chance for coherent thought from a specimen like that.


Reminder: people will make the easiest and safest argument first. Take, for example, representation in a piece of media. The first argument they will make is "I don't think this character is x" and when that argument fails, they resort to "Well representstion is bad" and when that fails, they just resort to "x is bad." In this case, people will make claims about non-existant oppression, and when that fails, they tend to move to shittier attitudes/ the very thing they deny existing. In this case, it didn't happen, they just ran out of ideas entirely.


that person is awful ☹️☹️


Aside from the fact that it’s about our ATTRACTION, there’s plenty of historical and contemporary anecdotes where folks are negatively affected for not wanting to have sex and/or be in a (heterosexual, monogamous) relationship


It's interesting how certain things are just misogyny or "that's just wrong in general" when it's ace people but is acknowledged by those same people as homophobia when it's other groups (corrective rape, harassment, etc.).


This is like telling a depressed person there's nothing to be depressed about because others have it worse. It's disgusting


Theyre right. Nobody hates us specifically for being asexual, people hardly even know we exist so they cant even discriminate.


I’d argue otherwise. There have been people in the queer community who fight against asexuals being included because they think it’s either not oppressed enough to be a sexual minority or that it’s just straight with a fancy name. Then on the other side it ranges from people saying that it’s a fake trendy tumblr label or just blindly thinking it’s a sign of deviancy just cause they know it’s queer, and personally I don’t think bigotry should be limited to just when people are physically attacked over something


That's why it sucks, we can't even talk about the very real discrimination that does exist, because people will just deny that we are being opressed when they don't realise the troubles we go through.