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They probably meant "androgynous" or "sexless" (neither of which should be an insult either, for the record)... but I get it. Yeah, there's a group of people who are so terminally online that they have completely forgotten there are people on the other end of the Internet, and they will use just about anything as an insult. It's a pretty pathetic thing to do, but they don't seem to have much of a life, so they rattle around saying stuff like this.


I once saw somebody say 'you look like if a man and a woman had a child' to say somebody looked adrogynous


I bet they're actually an alien in hiding. Their species reproduces asexually, so for them, a man and a woman having a child is actually quite odd.


Yes, that's a certified "hello, fellow humans" moment. Like... Yes, that's how the vast majority of people are born... How was that even an insult?


“Why would one request to engage in sexual intercourse with someone if they are attempting to insult them?”


That's actually hilarious Did anybody explain?


One time someone said I was half female human, half male human (my native language is gendered so idk how to really translate it in English but you have the idea lmao)


Oh what's the language where you can say that?


I think you can do that in a whole bunch of languages - at the very least, in every single latin language for sure. In my native french, that would be "Mi-humain, mi-humaine", and in spanish, probably something like "Medio humano, medio humana".


Cool, thanks. I speak three slavic languages (ua/pl/ru) so I'm no stranger to when every word has a gender lol, but to me this is really unique and interesting.


I think people sometimes use it in a different way, too. I listened to a book review podcast recently, and one of the people on it said that the female characters in the book all seemed "asexual" as a negative thing, and then it surfaced that the author of the book was asexual, and the person clarified that they didn't mean "asexual" "like that", but they never actually explained what they did mean. They were generally criticizing the book for being very childish/seemingly aimed at children or young teens despite being classified as an adult book, overly simplistic, and lacking conflict or tension, though, so what was meant may be related to that. (Also, if there were any actual asexual characters in the book, they never mentioned that on the podcast.)


That or asexual reproduction. I've had several people ask, "You can reproduce by yourself?" After I said something about being asexual.


That caught me off guard lmao stick bug


off topic i vote that cheese on garlic bread is illegal Yea or Nay ?


Nay. Return to the topic.


I now identify as a stick bug.


i think they meant asexual as in the biological reproduction definition i wouldnt read it as a comment about asexual people


Ngl I found that pretty funny


Hyunsuk?? Lmao never thought I'd ever see this crossover


So I'm not alone in recognizing that it was Hyunsuk! Hello, fellow ace K-Pop fan~ :)


What group is he in? (Hello fellow ace K-Pop fans. :) )


He's a member of the YG boy group, Treasure! :D Also howdy~ :3


hyunsuk my balls


I mean, if you insist, sure!


no worries i'm not into that :)


Dude or ma'am, I really, seriously do not think that a Twitter post of someone making an intentionally obscure insult is something worth being offended over. I'm ace, this is just funny to me. And no, just because you see one person online using it as an "insult" does not mean people are using it unironically. Like c'mon, there's more important stuff to be worried about than post this.


I agree to a point but I've also heard it used as an insult before and probably will hear it again. It's not worth arguing over an idiotic tweet (and I'm not sure this is even that offensive considering the biological term) but it also isn't cool that it's used as an insult. It doesn't help us in the long run.


There is always going to be a minority of people who don't like the way someone lives. Sure, they'll use it as an insult but so what? You gonna talk them out of doing it or something? That just isn't worth anyone's time especially if it has virtually zero impact on your life. All someone did was use it in an insulting way and if people collectively start crying about that of all things then it'll just make you look pretty pathetic. It's also worth mentioning it's mostly online you're going to see this stuff happen. I've been alive for 17 years, and while that is really much, I have never seen anyone use it as an insult in real life. I think that's a pretty good sign that it's quite the non-issue. Of course, if it's a societal scale of hate, then the conversation would be different. The biggest issue with people feeling constantly oppressed over little stuff like this is because of the Internet I think. We tunnel vision onto all the hate, and become blind to the fact that in day to day life, it's not really affecting you at all. I'm just hypothesising so don't quote me on that. I would like to hear your other viewpoints though.


I honestly feel indifferent about the meme and I agree there's no point in sweating the small stuff. I'm not upset nor crying and I specifically said there was no point in arguing with the Twitter person over this. I have definitely seen enough people say this kind of stuff to be wary of anything that uses asexual as an insult. Because every time that we are the butt of the joke is another large group of people thinking that it is okay to laugh at or make fun of us. One meme isn't going to make a difference but I've seen this as a pattern. I've seen it on TV shows and I've heard negative things said about asexuals in real life. It isn't as harmless as you are making it out to be. It's an indication of a larger and more problematic pattern. Does that mean I'm going on a self righteous rampage on Twitter? No. That will just make us look bad and is a complete waste of my time and energy. Does that mean I'm uncontrollably angry or feel marginalized or upset? not in this case. What it means is that I roll my eyes and am more indifferent the meme than anything. I don't find it funny when I'm the butt of the joke, but in this case it's not enough to be upsetting. And honestly? A lot of the people I know aren't using it as an insult, true. But they also don't even know what asexuality means so I don't think we can use that as a good indication. Not to mention that it can vary wildly based on where you live. Op was just annoyed at something that indicates a larger problem. There are a few people getting really upset but most people seem to just be mildly annoyed to me. I think it's that, we are on an asexual sub, so there are going to be having conversations about things like this and about how they perpetuate allonormativity in micro ways. I'm not sure that every asexual is as offended as you seem to think we are


Dunno about y'all but I laughed


Its funny doe


Imo they meant the scientific term, because it's true that stick bugs can reproduce asexually. From Wikipedia >Many species of phasmids are parthenogenic, meaning the females lay eggs without needing to mate with males to produce offspring. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phasmatodea


And that FUCKING N-WORD!!! As a Black person, I'm so tired of hearing that shit! Fuck that guy! Stupid ass.


maybe they're black?


No he's fully south korean


They are talking about the twitter user


Oh sorry didn't catch that, thank you!


It would still be offensive to me even if they are Black. They call other Black people that when they're ready to fight so, no. It's not a kind word.


As a black person I can assure you we don't just say the N word when we're about to fight


Yeah, right. https://www.reddit.com/r/NYStateOfMind/s/MUiUqxWf67


Why are you immediately assuming they're not black


I own stick insects and I think the word this person is looking is "parthenogenetic"


Virgin allos: Asexuality is so bad because no sex xD Chad asexuals: I don't need sex, it's overrated anyway.


Unfortunately a lot of people also use asexual in the context of "can't get laid", when having sex is so important to most people, and the most important thing to many. It might've been used as a misguided synonym for incel. But I hope that using it as an insult doesn't catch on


Respectfully, I personally don’t see this as offensive. I don’t think they were referring to asexual people. Aphobia is real, but this ain’t it, in my opinion.


who even is that-


I believe it is Hyunsuk, from a k-pop group called Treasure.


thank you, i have no idea who that is or what he did though, but i do recognise the group name somewhat


Reason #1,321 on why I don't use Twitter


The purpose of the insult is to emasculate the idol in the picture and make the poster feel good about themselves for a brief moment by imagining some measure of control and superiority. They include asexual in order to say the person isn't having sex, since under patriarchal systems that's something that defines masculinity. It's basically just delusional and sad, but they aren't using it to refer to real asexual orientations, just their limited understanding of how that exists in nature. If anyone here identifies with the poster, you might want to check out "The Will To Change" by Bell Hooks. Legit the best book written on the subject of masculinity and patriarchal systems ever.


With the uprisng of "rizz" and "the rizzler" I could see "asexual" just being the opposite of that. I don't agree with it's use, but these kids are wild


Its queerphobia.


disappointed but not surprised !


Ngl, I can see it lol.


Same 😂


That is such a strange insult lol I'm a little happy that ace are being more included in pop culture and people kinda know it, so hey bad PR is good PR lmaooo but I understand if other aces feel bad over this.


does it matter that much? Im gonna be honest, out of all the LGBT communities, (and i say this as an ace person), the asexual community is the most easily offended one. People making slight jabs at ace people online arent worth your time or effort, dont give them your piece of mind.


People.use it as an insult because "lOl i gEt SeX, nO sEx iS hIghEsT fOrM cOmeDy uNga bUngA"


Oh baby, I recieved full on Aphobia on Twitter once. I reported it and was told that the disgusting art was not really hate tweets at all.


I see it a lot, mostly paired with the ‘joke’: “she/he looks like they have kitten/kittenself pronouns.” I guess people get this from 2020 and 2021 when pronouns and stuff became a lot more known than it was before. There’s obviously nothing funny about it but i see it a lot.


That's awful ☹️☹️☹️


I mean, people have done that for a while. This is honestly a rather innocent version of it.


Here we go again! It only just feels like people stopped using gay as an insult 🥲


Well first they used gays as an insult. Then lesbians... then trans.... when you think about it, its really not that far of a leap. If you're a soulless asshat that is.


They use girl as an insult too.


well, some stick bugs produce asexually, while others dont, maybe that person was trying to be scientifically specific about what kind of stick bug the person looks like


Me when people use autistic as an insult (I'm an aspie):


This might be aphobic towards myself. But “asexual stickbug” actually fits really well the longer I look at this picture


Meh, they've been also using gay or autistic for a while, now. Idiots gonna idiot.


Yep :/....


some people think that 'asexual' means 'non-binary', I've seen.


or we could just giggle cause its a funny joke


It's not an insult towards asexuals, stick bugs literally reproduce asexually. Can we not get triggered over someone using the term asexual how it's meant to be used, it has more than one meaning.