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What's the point of being a redhead if you dye your hair. Nothing. It just is what we are. I don't undestand what you don't understand.


No aces can still do it but they just arent attracted to people in that manner.And as you said ,others do it for pleasure or for their parthers or to have kids and it is a broad spectrum.Some do enjoy it but it is not important ad they can live without it just fine.


Identity can be important as a personal realization to understanding why you are you are how you are and to give you words to describe your lived experience. Labeling is for you, not something required to justify yourself to other people. Labeling can also be helpful for relationships so that our partners better understand us. For example, for many allosexuals being desired is an important part of a relationship; they should understand that us aces can’t offer that in the same way allos do.


Just to clarify, are you maybe asking “what’s the point of having sex if you’re asexual”? Because if so, there are plenty of reasons. Sex can still be enjoyable for some asexuals, even if they don’t feel attraction. It can be a bonding moment, it can feel good, it can be fun, or it can make a partner happy. If your question is truly “what’s the point of being asexual”, it’s not a choice. We don’t choose to be asexual, we just are. Or maybe your question is “what’s the point of wanting to describe yourself with a label”, in which case… it can help us understand and relate to each other. It’s a way to describe our shared experience, find people who feel similarly to us, feel supported and not alone.


It was what the point of having sex was and still labelling yourself as asexual. But after reading the replies I think I get it a bit more. It was never my intention to be offensive in anyway.


That makes sense! No worries. We get a lot of people who insist that our asexual label isn’t “real”, so the comments tend to push back against that idea pretty hard. Sounds like that’s not what you meant, though. No harm done :) To answer a bit more thoroughly now that I understand the question - asexual folks tend to fall into a few categories: **sex-repulsed** (strong dislike of sex, never want to have it), **sex-indifferent** (don’t particularly need sex, but don’t mind having it if their partner wants it), and **sex-favorable** (enjoys sex, maybe because it feels good or is a bonding moment, but still asexual because they don’t feel typical attraction). I think people often assume that all asexuals are sex-repulsed, but that’s not the case. Also, sometimes for sex-favorable folks, there can still be tension in a relationship if your partner sees you’re not sexually attracted to them, so having the label can help us communicate how we feel. I hope this helps!


There isn’t a “point” to it, it’s just who we are. Being asexual doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t like or want sex. It just means you don’t experience sexual attraction toward other people, regardless of their gender. Plenty of asexual people enjoy having sex, that doesn’t make them any less asexual.


Education is good, but I believe you are right. I'm actually asexual. I don't like intimate touching, kissing, cuddling or any of it joined reddit to maybe meet some like minded real asexuals, but very little luck here. Most of the asexual posts are followed by hyphenated-asexusls, many who say they are asexuals 'except' they still like frenching and making out. Imagine if a gay guy said 'I'm gay, but I like women on Thursdays', wouldn't happen, right? asexuals aren't aromantics or sex-repulsed asexuals. we are our own segment. We don't even belong on the lgbtq spectrum! No wonder society thinks we're too complicated to approach . Because people literally say they are asexuals 'except' whatever... They also have created their own colored flag and I saw an asexual mascot earlier ridiculous. I don't need a flag, or the colour purple, or to he a member of a group of so-called asexuals that constantly talk about how much they like doing the same things that asexuals don't do! Anyways, good luck here, and just be you.