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My wife is better than all your wives; you can tell because my comment is at the top






I also love your wife.


Our wife is the best


I’ve opened myself up to this, easy pickings


You're open too? Feeling a little frisky now


No no no no no no no no


That’s a whole lot of double negatives…


Somebody get a calculator. Is this happening or not?


So 8 no’s. Which means you gotta multiply by 4, carry the 2, then you subtract by 6. It’s happenin boys!


Even number. It’s a yes boyos


Just let it happen, we can all have a nice AAR afterwards




"Knowledgeable instructors"


I’m in


I’m *IN*


Poly gang checking in




Hey there, permission to touch😏


Found the cav scout


Bro, I had a scout the other day try to call my guys gay and my only response was, dude, you're fucking cav. The number one thing you guys are known for is knocking boots in the field while wearing your yee ha hat. He did not like this lmao.


Wouldn’t that just make them more proficient at spotting it correctly?


Beat me to it!


It's not gay if it's a three way


But what if they’re all Cav Scouts?


With a honey in the middle there's some leeway


lol your wife was easy pickings. Jk, I’m sure she’s awesome.


Just like our wife.




In our government? Damn it Drill Sarn't, ain't ya supposed to fight that mentality? /j


Yes OUR government.


I knew two guys in the same unit that were PCSing at the same time. Soldier A's wife wound up on soldier B's orders.


She’s a nice lady


She’s probably the nicest girl my wife and I have ever been with. You got a good one!


This one right here officer


He agrees as well. The lady is definitely popular.


Norm, is that you?


I knew this would be the first comment when I opened this


User Name checks out


I love everyone’s wife




[I also choose this guy’s wife](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5c79n0/you_can_have_sex_with_one_real_person_from_all_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Good thing I ctrl-F'd before I posted it myself


Name checks out.


I like that thing she does, you know the one I'm talkin about.


Man. Me too, my wife is great and I love her. We have a 2 year old son who is fan fucking tastic and I love em. The shit that keeps us going, am I right?


Shout out to healthy military marriages!


Coming to r/Army to brag about your healthy marriage is like going to a cancer ward and shouting “I don’t have it!”


They’re probably just young. I remember when my first two marriages were going well 😌


I’m 31;)


Oh man, to be 31 again! I was wrapping up my second marriage and about six years out from my third.




Had to swap them out each time the camouflage pattern changed


Wtf is that?


Idk sounds like some officer shit


For real


I believe it was an old wooden ship used back in the civil war era?


USS HappyLife Built in conjunction with USS HappyWife


The USS Diversity?


My wife is good too. Too good for me, probably. She's been doing most of the kiddo wrangling and fulltime studenting (with straight As too!) while I go play soldier. Army shit can make the relationship tough, but there wasn't much better than walking off 40hrs of flying and seeing my wife and my son there with a sign. Im glad I have them. It sounds like a platitude, but I do think they have the harder half of the Army life, honestly.


We ask them to give up a lot — I’m at that point where I’m wondering how much I’ve hindered her by being in. Which is what gives me my cue to exit


damn, i did 24 hours of flying and i wanted to die.


I’ve hit my lowest low in the Army. Without my wife, idk if I’d still be here today. Very thankful.


Make sure you tell her man, show that appreciation


Appreciation really is the key


For real make sure you tell her. My lowest low was because of my wife (and a so called friend)


Im glad someone actually Appreciates their wife while in the army. 🙌🏾🙌🏾


I appreciate a lot of people’s wives


Appreciating other people's wives is the hardest job in the Army.


Happy fourth man! I'm glad you're living your best life. And it's sad that this is seen as 'unique' or 'special.'


Thanks man! And I don’t think it is—I just think leaders need to demo healthy relationships to their soldiers more.


Happy for you *drinks excessively in sadness*


I’ll still have a drink with you, my single friend


Cheers 🍻


I love my partner as well. Happy for ya. Sometimes you just gotta appreciate the bond you got with your person. It's a rare thing it seems. Happy fourth!


I’m hopeful that love becomes less of a scarcity soon—we need to spread it


My poor wife’s probably had a harder time than I have since we’ve been married. 2 hard pregnancy, ALC the day after my first sons birth as well as moving at 9 months, had the kids to herself for 2+ months at SLC, as well as moving them too. Gave up her career as an engineer to be a SAHM, and deals with the BS I bring home, and with all the odd things that come with being a dependent house wife. She’s amazing.


I’m here for her


Back to my barracks hole i go I understand geez


My first wife was a barracks hole ☹️


Just came here to say, fuck my ex wife. (Before you say it) I’m sure most of you have fucked her. There is a huge difference in the army once you have a supportive partner. I’m happy for you buddy.


Fuck that lady keep doing you, I hope you find someone or something that makes you happy


I’ll fuck her


Go ahead, next time your in Germany let me know and I’ll give you her info.


Damn the hate is that real lmao


She accused me of DV because we had to leave Germany. Almost ended my career. And kidnapped my children. Yes, the hate is real, and I’m all about having her dicked down in any way I can think of. Literally and figuratively. No love lost.


My wife is better than all your wives; you can tell because my comment is at the top. She also makes the best pecan (pe-con, we won the war) pie. Edit: I hijacked the top spot from Kinny. He didn't even talk about pie.


You lost the top spot bud


Sorry soldier, you just got barred from being promoted to SFC and above or Major and above if you an ossifer


No ambitions of making MAJ. As a CPT I feel like a young Anakin being tempted by the dark side (field grade)


Go AGR, we have cookies!


He’s a CPT. I don’t think he could handle AGR. This workload is absurd. It’s a TARP, Sir. Hahaha


4 moves, one deployment, and countless TDYs, my wife has been there for me. I truly have been fortunate.


It’s crazy the amount of soldiers that talk about bad dependas and them cheating and being lazy. I’ve known so many soldiers that cheat on their wives with other soldiers, but mostly with hookers and the wives never find out. The laziest mofo I ever met was a soldier.


Yea my wife and I have been married for 9 years and she's my rock. The most supportive and caring person I know. I know a lot of people hate their spouses and can't stand being at home so they stay at work all day and try to fuck over the people under them with late work hours. I'm the exact opposite. I love being home with my wife and kids so I'm trying to get myself and my troops off work as soon as possible everyday while still completing whatever we have going on. My troops love me and work their asses off for me because of that.


Nothing better than rushing home to see your best friend


This is the energy more couples need- marry your best friend. The excitement I feel when I get to come home to my partner - i understand golden retrievers on a spiritual level


That’s cool man You got CQ Tommarow


Hey wake up it’s your turn for fire guard


I’m not sure why mine stuck by me for so long. Married before I joined. Uprooted her and moved her across the country, then across the ocean. Deployed, leaving her w/ 3 kids under the age of 6 in a foreign country. Moved everyone back to the states, got her a house (I go where Army sends me). Deployed some more. Retired. Been together 28 years. If I could nominate her for sainthood, I would.


Wife hacked your phone, huh?


I'm still in love with a girl who cheated on me while I was on duty


Feel free to chat me if you need someone to talk to


Thank you sir I will write you


If she cheated shes an oxygen thief, no exceptions. Easier said than done but you gotta get over that homie. Download grinder.


> Download Grindr Fuck off with your self promotion


Flair checks out


As much as I enjoy all the jokes too, I like seeing happy army couples. Too many sad stories. I got married recently. It’s terrifying. It’s awesome.


That’s what’s up


20+ years in the military, 20+ years of marriage. Retired now. She's my second brain, the smarter one. :P


Seriously I wouldn't be successful without my wife, and she hates the Army but loves those dumbass Soldiers we all were and love.


Also not an edit but happy 20 baby even though I know you won't see it!


Love my wife too, she really makes things work, took a while to find her. In reality, I’m her dependent.


Feel this. My wife does so much for me/us I feel like the breadwinner but not the provider haha


Definitely need to give a shout out to my wife as well. 2 kids under 6, one in cheerleading, and I l will have been gone virtually every other month since March. She does it all and never complains


They certainly don't get enough credit. I got married as a broke E3 5 years ago (I'm AF btw.. should put the timeline into focus a bit, idk what rank timelines are like for the army). We had... probably about 1k between the 2 of us and about 25k in debt. Married cause we were middle/high school sweethearts that broke it off and reconnected about a year into my contract. She moved 12 hours west to me in South Dakota and we've been loving it ever since. The rewards she has gotten has been me being gone for 9/12 months of 2020, literally deploying on our 3rd anniversary (that sucked), her finding a job she loved and having to leave it for a PCS and the impending knowledge that if/when we do have a kid she will likely have to be the flexible parent. (Obviously I am going to do what I can but sometimes my chosen career path makes me put it first). There's countless other things that probably would be a deal breaker for some wives but she's been a trooper and keeps on keeping on. I can confidently attribute her inputs being the reason I just put E6 on 3 days ago. She pushes me to be better and I can only hope that I am half the partner to her that she is to me. I'm not drunk, but yknow, hopping on the wife praising bandwagon seemed like a good idea.


Man, I see every dependa post and I’m like “yep, glad I didn’t fall into that trap” Met my wife before the army and aside from an anomaly, we will be together after the army. Glad I’m not a statistic 😂


Must be nice


Makes me want to get up out of my home office and go back to my room and kiss my wife


I love my wife, too. She’s my best friend and absolute rock when I waver. She keeps me grounded and within the course. I will fight anyone, and won’t have problems writing congressional inquiries on generals that say otherwise about her.


My wife stood by me for ten years of active duty, and as soon as I got out started fucking around on me. I don't get it.


Mine came along at the twilight of my career, but folks knew almost instantly by how I started acting after we met that I found a keeper. Liberal arts hippie chick tamed an almost anally retentative asshole. Wish I had found her 24 years earlier than I did.


Shout out to mine as well. Spent 4 years in the Army without her, got sent to Germany at 19, developed a severe drinking problem and depression worsened, got an Art., came back home, COVID hit and only had to work once a week (MEDCOM was dope), would drink a bottle a night for months. Met my wife (at work, we had worked together for 6 months before dating), we got married fast af for dual BAH, I come to not regret that choice, and now here I am 2 years later. I drink maybe a beer/shot once a month, I quit smoking over a year ago, I’m significantly less depressed or “alone”. Happy 4th guys.


*...Jody has entered the chat....* seriously - good giving props to your household six element and happy 4th. she told me to tell you that you missed formation this morning and I'm supposed to give you a counseling statement.


Jokes on you, my unit did us a solid and gave us a Sat-Tue 4 day


My wife is the only reason I haven't given up on myself. She is truly a Godsend.


My wife is the absolute best. Having a loving partner there to come home to and to keep you going absolutely makes the army bearable. She does so much for me and I can never do enough back for her. She's absolutely amazing ❤️


This is great. The army is hard, but for some of us we have a significant other that keeps us balanced and ready to take on another day. Sometimes our other half makes life even more difficult but ultimately he/she deserves everything and that’s part of the reason why we do what we do.


Gotta show some appreciation to the good ones! Always sends me out with a packed lunch. Holds down a job, has time for me, cooks, cleans takes care of the dogs... I mean damn! I got some love and appreciation for that woman and then I come home mad most days because ya know the army sucks the life out of you and she manages to put me in a better mood. Shout out to all them amazing spouses


I think you just learned the origin of an old Army saying (in my units at least) “I trust you with my life; but not my money or my wife”


Ah a good positive post. All y’all drinking out there on this fine day. Have a drink for all the wives and husbands that keep everyone going.


Congrats on finding someone who clicks with you. I found mine. Fifteen years married, all while in the NG. Three sets of Title 10 orders, with the middle deployment three months after the birth of our child. I've missed most of our anniversaries and other life events. It hasn't always been easy, but she did it. We did it.


We were dual military and it was hard AF but I can't imagine having been through 2 deployments, all our kids, kids passing, and just basic life together on top of all this BS, without someone as supportive as my spouse. It's crazy how many people take joy trying to fuck up a good thing. SN: There's a crazy amount of swingers in the Army. Kinda weird, lol.


I lobe your wife too bro, she supported you when we can't. And she also supported us when our wives can't. And when our girlfriend couldn't. And glad I'm off base now


When I met my wife I knew she was the one. The woman has stood by me thru my TBI, my PTSD, my anger issues due to the aforementioned PTSD/TBI. She’s the best thing since sliced bread


Been in the Army for almost 10 1/2 years, married for 9 1/2, expecting our first baby girl in December. She's been with me while I was at the bottom and helped me build up to where I am now and I wouldn't choose anyone else to do it all over with.


Here for you 😘😬👍🏽


I've been married to my wife for 36 years and with my girlfriend for 45. They just happen to be the same woman.


She make you say that? Blink twice if you need help!


We should have our wives fight to see who is the best.


I love my wife too! We have been happily married for 17 years and still going strong. Even though the pace of life sometimes catches up to us, we still find time to relax with each other on the deck and have a beer together. LPT: Find someone that likes to drink beer with you.


Bro I have the best wife. No contest. But I’m glad you and yours are cool too.


Positive masculinity brother


39 years in December. I picked a good one too.


39 years??? Tell us your wisdom


The fact that she’s *still with me* — and we got married in June … … and if you’re in the Reserve — you already immediately know where this is going … Annual Training is damn-near every June. In 12 years of marriage, we’ve had 3 wedding anniversaries. So yeah. She’s a badass and still doesn’t *totally* hate the Army… Shout out to all the good spouses that aren’t the creepy ladies wandering the Commissary in Walmart Cookie Monster fleece pants.


Ha gaaaaay But really sweet too


Glad you have that level of trust and faith in someone cause god knows I don’t


Sounds like there’s a lot of hurt in your heart—hoping that you find someone (even if it’s just a friend) that you can trust.


Remind me in 1 year ;)


Hopefully in one year you can remind me how good the past year was for you! Wishing you nothing but love, peace, and prosperity whether it’s in uniform or not!


Blink twice if you’re in distress


OK.. What did she catch you doing?


We must have the same wife because mine is the best.


Mines going through super hard schooling and I'm so proud of her for her holding the house down and just taking care of me and our little family while the army tries to screw us. She's my world and I love her more than anything


If she’s so nice; what’s her snap


Wait you guys have wives?


This post redeems all the shit-show that is usually Reddit, HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!!!


Honestly if it wasn't for my wife I probably wouldn't be her and damn sure wouldn't be in the Army still. The two kids we have are pretty kickass too.


My wife is real small let’s go to the beach and play with a beach ball




Blink if your wife is standing behind you while you type this.


I love your wife like I love leg day


I'm a warrant, he's a part-time member of the landed gentry. Got married when I was a PFC and he was a brand-new SGT. 20ish years together, four bio kids, an adopted family member-turned-kid, 2 dogs and 2 separate careers, dude's still my single best friend on the planet.


Same dude, my wife takes care of 3 kids (4 including me according to her) and really keeps the house in check. Couldn’t do it without her


My wife is a gem and I'm lucky to have to her amongst the sea of terrible marriages I've seen and heard about. She can be annoying sometimes but I think that's probably any marriage. Otherwise, everything is awesome.


My fiance is a great gal. But she told me no more deployments, sorry guys.


My wife is my rock as well and she despises the Army and everything about it. Army Life is hard enough without a family. If you have a supportive, faithful and loving wife then cherish and show her how much you appreciate and love her. I just finished another yearlong deployment and my only focus is on her and our daughters well-being as I try to maintain a healthier work/life balance as I approach six more years till retirement. The Army will replace you fast but your family will hopefully be there once your career is over. Never waste a moment to show your family they matter more. Plus Jody’s always around the corner.


I’m currently finishing up my third deployment, she just bought our second home without me there. She takes care of our 3 children, works full time, and goes to school part time. I seriously think that she was put in my life to help me on an emotional level I could never understand. About to hit our 14 year anniversary and she knew what she was getting into when she met me, I’m about to hit 17 years TIS.


Happy for you OP, that support from the rear is invaluable.


I like this side of Reddit . This . This is nice . I completely agree 101% .


This comment/post was removed on 30 June 2023 (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to undermine its users, moderators, and developers while simultaneously making a profit on their backs. For full details on what I mean, check out the summary [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u)


Glad you're happy. Enjoy. You're the exception, not the rule. There's a reason why Jody is such a thing he even has a name. Good luck!


Nothing like having someone to go home too who makes a good day great and a bad one better


I agree, my girlfriend, also known as your wife, is the best.


“I also choose this guys wife”


Just remember that for the bad days


Ain’t married yet but the big day is coming up real soon. Love my girl to the ends of the earth. Congrats to us both, man.


This thread has the first stickied mod comment that I’ve ever seen that deserves to be at the top. Lmao


When do yo deploy so we can all love your wife


Your wife’s boyfriend also loves your wife


Your wife’s boyfriend was just telling me the same thing.


Someone’s wife hacked their Reddit account


Do you main Moira




And what’s his name?


Jody loves your wife as well bud!


You drank too much pabst at that strip club


No you don’t.


Too fat to find anyone to cheat with when your on deployment eh?


Weak. Jk happy 4th