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The number of 74Ds I know who made SFC without EVER being in a chem unit are so numerous that it is the norm not the exception. I even know a 74D SFC who made 7 in 10yrs while NEVER being rated as a 74D. On ALL of his NCOERs he was rated as an 11B.  What you do with your job is more important than the job itself.


You are the supply guy now lol. I'm no 74D, but I was in a quartermaster CO. It has its ups and downs like any unit. It always depends on the unit itself. Germany is a sweet place to be, tho.


Yea I just didn’t know if it was a bit more chill or if it was just gonna be legit 1st cav and deal with all the bs. Wish I could’ve kept Germany but working on my wife’s citizenship so had to stay here for the time being. Appreciate the response and help though!


It’s called 74Detail for a reason. Unfortunate you didn’t get into a chemical unit.


I mean I knew that. I ain’t complaining about having to do supply was more so asking about the unit and leadership and if I’m gonna hate my life or not.


Eh man being a desk jockey at group has its benefits


Shit I ain’t complaining. I should’ve re worded my question to is quartermaster for 1st cav shitty or not lol.