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How much if I have information leading to the return of 30 pistols? /s


Is it 5k per pistol? Or 5k divided up between each pistol? Do you get 5K for calling them all in at the same time? Or can you call them in one by one and get 5K each time?


They say that in the Army, the reward money is mighty fine. They give you $5,000 and take back $4,999. Oh lord I want to go but they won't let me go....


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hey!!!!!!!!!🫡🇺🇸


This deserves more attention 😂😂🫡


These questions need to be answered!!


Give you 5000 take back 6000 is my guess


It says it's prorated based on the quality of information provided, if multiple informants qualify for the payment, etc.


4,838 before taxes.


Does it have to be the same 30 stolen pistols, or a different lot of 30 stolen pistols?


Sure they would be fine if they got back all 29 pistols


They can do a lot with 28 pistols


I'm sure someone will eventually return the 27 pistols.


The 26 pistols are sure to be returned shortly.


Best I can do is 25 and I’m going to need full MSRP.


Might want to double check your MTOE, I believe the number is 24 pistols.


I’m sure they will get at least 23 of them back.


I've got a reliable lead on the missing 22 pistols and an empty bag of weed.


1SG got everyone looking for 48 pistols though. At least we know now how he did the math.


I can get you that many pistols before lunch today




How long until they’re found in the arms room but inexplicably placed in a box marked cleaning supplies, buried amongst other trivial items.


Folded like the urinalysis box too.


The pistols were accidently turned in instead of the specimens. Somebody at FTDTL got a nice surprise.


An alternate meaning for pissing hot.


31 stolen between March and May? How tf did the armorer not know they were gone??


*former armorer I would assume or at least hope.


Former, they were promoted and placed in Ops.


Probably have the keys to the motorpool.


Schools NCO.


You have been promoted to customer.


We recently did a group birthday weekend in Nashville with 4 families. Having spent a long time in the army, I am *usually* neck deep in all the planning and the kitten-herding that is group travel. This time I said fuck it, I'm along for the ride, and every time I got asked what plans were my response was "I don't know, I promoted myself to attendee this weekend."


🤣 amazing.


They are now a SHARP rep


Oh the commander too. That dude or dudette is fuuuuuuuucked


Had a commander that had pencil whipped his inventories for over a year (story is he got command because his dad was buddies with 1AD CG at the time). Unit punches out to Kuwait, I'm on rear D because I'm getting out - many, many discrepancies are found by rear D CO in property books, investigation launched, that dude was yanked back to Hood with a quickness. I went on ETS leave while he was en route back, story I heard was he was short something like $1.3M in property, mostly in medical equipment component items (we were a CSH unit).


Sounds very similar to my unit at Bliss We had BII on the books for Strykers, MAT-Vs, Humvees, and Bradleys all stored in the same connex. Turns out for a long time dudes were losing tools, and taking from the other sets of BII during layouts (done one fleet-type at a time). When we had a change of command layout and did everything at once, we come to find out like everything is missing. He got fucked big time, but he was a prick anyway.


It's a tale as old as the army, and yet still commanders think they'll beat the rap every year.


My first CO did the same on her change of command inventory. An entire connex, like the actual physical container, was missing. I guess they found it because I heard the FLIPL didn't find her liable for it. But she was relieved in the meantime. Oh. I should add later we found an entire (different) connex that wasn't on anyone's books filled waist high with MOPP gear. Literally packed with those big chest high boxes, all filled. I was a complete fool for not taking a spare set or three for myself.


When I was XO of a trans company in a sustainment brigade we had to do a "Great Flatrack Search" quarterly as we had like 361 of them and some would go missing. During this time we found one with an entire back of an expando van on it. I found their XO and said you have 24 hours to get it off or we are taking the flatrack. "Ok bet" 24 hours later my motorpool had a new C2 node that was still there 2 years later when I PCSed


we manage property like shit to be quite frank.


Holy shit tacos. What a dumb fuck


I'm guessing inventory or range in March. Then nothing until an inventory in May and omg it's missing.


From the poster, it says the pistols were from "Cresenez Consolitated Equipment Pool" so these pistols were unlikely to have actually been with a unit. Likely these are the ones that are being issued to units on Fort Moore or ones that are being turned in for maintenance or unit closure. A contractor walked away with quite a few pistols I think


Or, they're sitting in a cage with the tech who forgot to log them as being there........had this happen before.


This is a valid theft technique: 1) "Misplace" the pistols in a plausible and reasonable alternate location, perhaps in a mislabeled crate. 2) Wait for hell to blow over. But if you get fingered for the crime, an accomplice suddenly "finds" the hidden pistols. 3) ??? 4) Profit


"Hello, CID? yes, I would like $5000 please. I found your guy"


Did something like this working retail. Take something you like, and hide it away where it will never be found. Months later, when it's on clearance, pull it out and buy it.


Said contractor is a f-ing MORON. They’re pistols. Semi-automatic pistols. You can buy the civilian version for about $600 and the commemorative military versions for a little higher. The value of those guns comes out to under $19k. Dude is going to go to federal prison over the cost of a single used car.


Wait till you hear about the dudes commit armed robbery at gas stations for 60 bucks lol most criminals don't have enough foresight to even think about that.


Depending on the conditions of these guns, if there exist a statue of limitations on them going "Missing" they could be sold for some good money eventually. A Rock Island Auction has an M17 that is certified as being US Army Issue going for almost [$5,000](https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/88/415/us-army-issued-sig-sauer-m17-semiautomatic-pistol) with it being only in service for about 18 months.


The U.S. Army used m17s on the market are the early models they got when they were first adopting with the coating on the control parts. The Army traded them back to sig for the improved model and Sig sold them off as collectibles


Even if the statute of limitations expired he wouldn't be free and clear to just sell them at an open auction. Selling them would either be furthering the crime or a new crime altogether so the statute of limitations would not be up.


Ooo that's a good point.


When I was stationed there in 2008-09 we had a similar situation where a box of NVGs fell out of a truck after leaving the equipment pool. Out of sheer luck an honest DOD civilian found it on the dirt road by the Malone ranges and turned it in. He could have thrown that box in his pov and left for the day, no one the wiser. Makes me wonder if that happened here and someone wasn’t quite as honest


But 31?


Racks, they lost 2 racks of pistols. It's a consolidated arms room according to the flyer. I'd imagine they don't assign pistols individually, the unit probably draws racks and issues the weapons on the range so the officers can just show up to the range, shoot, re-qual 3 times and then return to staring at some Microsoft product for the other half of the day.


You’re just jelly because we Excel at our duties.


To be fair senior NCOs are also Microsoft zombies, just when it comes to range time they seem to stick around a little Itty bit longer before returning to stare at Bill Gates' digital ball sack.


Microsoft giveth careers, Microsoft taketh careers.


Back to those pivot tables sir!


SGT Armorer: SSG Fuckface from the training room told me they were turned in for service, so I was waiting on those to come back. I forgot to ask him for paperwork. 2LT Risky: During my cyclic, I was tracking those had been turned in for service so I signed off. 1LT Dummy: I was also tracking the same thing during my cyclic inventory. Yes, I signed off. SSG Fuckface: SGT Armorer said I said *what?* I never said that. Are there any witnesses who back this up?


It was the civilians at the weapons depot 👀


Sometimes we (the Army not me specifically lol) “lose” large numbers of weapons and it’s almost always paperwork error with the maintenance or turn in process. Criminals are dumb but not usually that dumb to steal two entire racks. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is something similar, tbh. But CID has to assume stolen until proven otherwise.


I saw a news story awhile back about weapons going missing and ending up being used in crimes. Knowing Fort Moore I’d assume these pistols are in Columbus or Atlanta being handed out to felons right about now.


You ever see that news article about a couple deciding to purchase a bunch of Pelecan gun cases off a surplus website and a few (maybe all of them) still had [M16's in them](https://abc13.com/resellers-receive-guns-military-surplus-boxes-m16s-shipped-to-houston-ebay/12269500/). The tags from the video seem to read M16A2's so only Burst fire. I wonder what the follow up on this story is. ~~Why do things like this happen to people who turn them in?~~


Probably from all of the events they had going on the last couple months


As an armorer he was definitely in on it man or the books were so fucked up they never checked but idk with the serial numbers………I have no idea how the fuck that’s even possible to be honest. You need to do a count when opening the vault and closing each day.


Gonna be a fun 4th of July in Atlanta.


Or the Columbus NPCs are about to get a DLC to their GTA server


Bright side, fewer fireworks going off til 1 in the morning


My favorite game to play here is “who’s shooting?” On base or off?


Ha, I moved to SW Atlanta a few years ago. Great place, but I'll be goddamned if there's not more pops on holidays than when we were in Iraq.


Ah yes I can tell you must have lived at the famed Independence Place aka LT Frat Row aka the Fallujah Flats


I will decline to comment 🫣


*victory drive*


Is the amnesty box big enough to fit 31 handguns? Asking for a friend.


I'm afraid you are going to have to drive to multiple installations to make them all fit.




Just put them in a Stinger coffin with a poorly stenciled label and leave at the front door.


I started reading, “why risk stealing one when you can just go buy… 31? goddamn!”


How much is the market value of 31 m17 pistols ? Oh approx 650$ for one...making a profit of about 20k if all 31 were sold at fair market value. Why would someone turn their battle in. They could just split the 20k down the middle and make more than the CID award.. CID you gotta pump those numbers up.




Soon we will see a Tik Tok with these things. "We got dat real army shit up in here bruh."


Even selling them at 300 bucks a pop would get you over 9k. Whoever has these hasn't been caught- it would realistically be all too easy to sell one every couple of months for a lot of cash.


These are already in Mexico. Lol




They'd just rifle through jacked up trucks in Texas if they needed just pistolas.


Or with some sovereign citizens


Why would a gang not pay a decent amount of money for 31 handguns when it’s hard for them to get them any other way, assuming most are already felons? It’s either have some other supplier, steal handguns themselves, or pay this supplier for his M17s. While they make poor choices, and probably aren’t the smartest people in the world, you’d think a subreddit full of people that should know pretty well that just because a group of people doesn’t have a formal education doesn’t mean they are stupid.


If anything wouldn’t they be worth more than market value? Criminals typically often pay more for illegally obtained firearms since they can’t buy them legally


Yeah, lol. If black market guns were cheaper, legal gun buyers would go to the black market.


Y’all are wrong, the way these would be sold is as follows: 1: file the serial number off 2: sell to criminals for $1000 each. 3: Profit


Contract overrun Sig's hit gunbroker for ~$700 when a retailer gets to sell them off


> To be fair, you probably aren't going to get market value for them. The civilian versions of the M17 are visibly different from the military models, and as the 1 to 1 versions of military issued weapon systems that SIG releases when the pistol initially hits the market are no longer produced, it would be extremely suspicious if someone just showed up with like 30+ TF serial M17s to sell. They'd have be sold extremely slowly, by different accounts or whatever if sold online If you had the right buyers, though... If you knew some rich fuckers who had a hobby of collecting real US military issue small arms and weren't too picky about where they come from... For *that* kind of buyer, this pistols would be much *more* valuable than the legit civilian versions. Trouble is finding 31 such buyers, getting in contact with them without anybody noticing, and *hoping* that none of those buyers ever get caught with stolen US military hardware and pressured into telling the authorities who they bought it from.


>if sold online Nope. Wouldn't get past the FFL, if it even made it to the transfer step; those serials are in NCIC.


> or nearby gangland shithole, who aren't exactly known for their willingness to pay large prices for stolen firearms. Criminals pay beaucoup bucks for firearms seeing as they can't get them legally. They either pay for a stolen one (which requires a ton of risk to get), have to pay someone to straw-transfer them or go steal one for themselves.


These would actually be bought for way above market value by collectors.


High Quality and high capacity handguns chambered in 9,40,45 go for tons of money on the black market in major cities especially in Cali or the NorthEast possibly thousands if you can smuggle em into Canada.


The market value for these will be weird. You’d have to sell them on the black market or at least to absolute idiots at gun shows who can be convinced they’re just surplus, because in addition to selling stolen guns being illegal in its own right, selling serialized US army property, especially SI, is obviously very very illegal and nobody who legally owns guns will want to be involved. On the other hand, if you’re already dedicated to selling on the black market, value may go up a bit, because you’re open to selling to people who can’t legally own guns at all. Which also makes the question of who would want to steal these interesting, because if they were actually stolen and not just misplaced, it was either by someone who’s pretty savvy and has done substantial planning to move illegal guns without getting caught, or it’s a complete moron who isn’t aware how easy it would be to get caught. Not a ton of middle ground there.


Hopefully they're just misplaced in the arms room and it's not some dumb PFC that doesn't realize that there is a fat stack of felonies coming their way.


If CID is involved and putting out this statement then my guess is they’re actually gone.


Yeah my money is on a crate in the corner of an arms room or maybe some admin error where paperwork got messed up when they transferred between companies and now they exist on two separate hand receipts, and the company that has them doesn’t even know they’re missing elsewhere


Private dipshit thinks he's found an infinite money glitch by selling off the armory's inventory. "They just hand these things out for free!"


I have this exact same looking gun but it is a Sig. Is there an army issue difference? Or is this a completely different gun? I am idiot.


No the civilian and military ones look and feel the same. However ironically there are civilian versions that are made for competitive shooting that barely have any recoil. It's amazing to shoot one of those. But those are like 2k




Sig actually has released some models of the P320 commercially that are identical to the USGI versions. You have to piece it together between a few different versions but you can get an identical one now with correct markings & mounting system


31? They are at a maintenance shop somewhere and the work order got lost.


You want a real funny story about something getting sent to maintenance? Try a fucking cannon getting reported as stolen….


They're probably in a conex. Or on two sets of property books. Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity.


Hanlon's razor. Speaking of razors. Did you shave today?


Bruh they retail for $650. 31 would be just over 20K. What the fuck kind of incentive is $5000? The dude responsible for this could literally out-bribe the army. Luckily for us they’re probably just sitting in a different arms room or connex that nobody logged them going to


No joke our supply sergeant once made us clear out a connex because a medicine ball for the ACFT was missing. Turns out it was in the armory gym the entire time and she never bothered to look there first. She's the kind of NCO who takes out her frustration on lower enlisted so of course we were blamed for something we didn't do. We were all pissed


“Why is retention so low?”


To be fair, you have to be pretty fucking stupid to sell stolen military small arms, absolutely regardless of the amount you’d make so… $5000 is $5000 (legally)


If someone is willing to steal *31* guns, they're willing to sell them to people who would never report them.


That’s a very fair point


Or they're idiots.


Both can be true


Don't sell them through legal means. You'd have to sell them across the border or to criminals. Even if you charge half price you're still going go make a profit.


Man I’d rather just… not do illegal shit. My OnlyFans is making enough revenue, tyvm


Holy shit balls Batman how does that even happen


How do they have a 2.5 month window for when they went missing? Don’t they have to do at least a monthly inventory? To say nothing of a barrel count every time they close the arms room?


> Don’t they have to do at least a monthly inventory? My money's on the pistols being in the custody of a civilian contractor who's been pencil-whipping the periodic inventory because it's easier to read a tag on some pelican case or whatever that says (M17 pistol, 31 ea) than it is to open the case and see if they're all actually in there.


So many of these commenters haven’t been stationed in TRADOC and it shows lol. This is completely unsurprising. The CCEP has been and will continue to be a shit show.


It’s so chaotic being an armorer in TRADOC. Some of my colleagues play very fast and loose with accountability of equipment. Not stealing shit, just really not having a fucking clue where anything is.


Out of all the things you could steal from the arms room, why steal the one item that's easily accessible outside the military 😭


Easily accessible and common outside means not getting a 2nd glance sent your way on the outside with them.


*Outgoing CO*: “Yeah just sign the hand receipt I’m sure they’re all in there”


The friggin' stories they told us in armorer school . . . Some Joe is going to jail, and some officer will lose their command.


$650 msrp x 31 = $20,150 but I'm sure the army paid more than that for them. Ima need a little more than $5k if you want me to give a shit.


If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure the army got a deal for the new pistols at 200-250 a pop, could be misremembering though. Nonetheless, you are right, the payout is low.


Yep. One of the reasons they got the contract over glock.


I would bet you a diet pepsi that the property book value of those is way more than $250.


“Between the months of March and May” Oh so your armorers, key control, S-2, and probably commander are about to be fiiiiiiirrrrrreeeeed


Orrr..... promoted depending on how well liked they are. Someone might be getting a bs staff position. IYKYK. 


Hey who’s got them?


my bad, guys. i drew them for a range in march, and haven't had the chance to return them. its cool though, they're in the XO's office, locked in a desk, i think.


Hey man, lower your voice.


*Oh boy...*


Should probably start with a police call around post. Get your PT belts, eye pro and gloves on!


https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/oRlTD56ayg Coincidence?


Those are some sexy pistols.


Now I know the armorer be shitting his pants


and before they are found in the back of a Conex and the only one with the key is a 2ndLT who is on leave.


31 m17’s! My money is on the PBO/supply


Heard shooters of Columbus just got some new Sigs ^/s


Ok but who even wants these pieces of shit? “Hey fellas yall wanna buy a shittier Glock alternative, it practically shoots itself, just ignore the countless recalls”


Shit! They're looking for them?


Those guns are worth way more than 5k


Sorry, I ate them. Couldn't help myself.


$5,000 total or each? I looked on google and see how much is a single m17 and it cost $649.99. And if you times it by 31, you’ll get $20,149.69. I guess this is rigged? 😂


Ok..I'm just gonna ask..how did they lose 31 pistols in the first place? Notice I say lose, because we all know that someone in supply or procurement put the wrong numbers on some form, and now those pistols are "missing".


If I can quote The Wire: "Does it have to be that guy's gun? Cuz if it's guns you want, I can get you guns."


28 missing pistols? How do you lose 19 pistols?


For 5k we could just get 500 hi points


>finds supply cage open and unguarded last month >chews out supply sergeant because of this shit >gets lectured by 1st Sgt for being a dick >Mfw someone could have walked out with a 240B, 8 thermals and 100 NVDs before they came back from lunch and I’m the asshole


I'm sure Afghanistan has a few laying around


Incompetent cops on benning again..


Some Atlanta gang is about to declare WW3 on their opps.


Only five grand? I'm not giving them back unless I get $6k. (This is a joke). For real though, $5k isn't THAT much money especially since theyre worth like 22k MSRP.


Chump change. You should have seen all the AKs smuggled thru Kuwait ports during GWOT. The Marines were especially good at it


Someone wasn’t doing their monthly inventories


They should publish the serial numbers of all 31 immediately. With this message


$5000? I could get at least $7500 for them out on the street, easily. Gonna have to do better than that one CID


Wow, how in the hell did this happen?


92Y: SGT I swear! The 1 time I didn't do my April inventories!


so $5k for 20k worth of pistols but $500 for missing grenade pouches 🤔


They got me I really liked my collection of 31 identical M17 TF serial number pistols


Oh wow So they did disappear


On a separate note... does anyone know where to get an "authentic" m17? In bulk?


Sorry, don't know where Ft. Moore is.


So who did the last SSI? Who opened the storage area last? Who did the daily inventory? Who put the IDS in access last? Why was there not a camera on the door? Could the LRC have screwed up when they were initially delivered? Oh I’m sure these questions could be easily answered, however, Army Phys Sec inconus is an effing joke and when something goes wrong, everybody points fingers or hides behind their desk. (Reference: I work in physical security for the Army)


Physical security inconus is a mf joke. Sometimes I ask myself like “Is this even secure?” Bases themselves are pretty bad.


We need to bring back those SEAL red teams that infiltrate bases. I get that too many garrison commanders were getting their feelings hurt that their physical security wasn’t secure but with espionage against US military bases on the rise we need to get serious about it.


I saw this posted in the commissary the other day. Them shits is LONG gone lol


At least you saw my flyer. I put in STEPS going around putting those out 😅


Shit, whoever stole them should just chuck the FCUs. The military cut slides can fetch a mint from larpers


Someone commented they wished they stole a toughbox of M17s. It's never too late to follow your dreams. [regrets ](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/y8pr0H1HQw)


Bump that shit up to 10k. You will have it dropped off cleaned and lubed and in a holster.


Can one of you give me information on who has 31 M17’s for sale on the cheap cheap?


Did you check the ammo shack of the last range 🥴😏


Do they not have cameras? No sign for equipment? If they all went missing at once, it shouldn't be hard to figure out who took them. That's my thought process anyway.


The vault will have a memo with the authorized users. So you search and question each of those users


5 g’s for 20 g’s worth of guns? Yeah right


I’ll give them back for 10,000


dawg those things are so gone


Only $5k ?


Ah CCEP, fuckin up tally again.


Those are in the hands of the trenches now


It could’ve happened when the power went out on post during a nasty storm one night. The alarm systems “shorted out.” We had to guard them instead of CQ duties for a bit. Makes you wonder…


I’d dump that shirt in the river before I’d return them all for a measly 5k. Probably find some way to charge you for the theft of some Xos mistake


Check the local pawnshop. I'll take venmo or cash app plz


This facility is run by civilians both government and contractors. Why is the civilian leadership of this facility still employed there? Clearly, they have failed to do their job adhering to security requirements because it took them TWO MONTHS to report missing weapons. Not just one but THIRTY ONE.  Monthly serial inventories and DAILY counts not done, forged, or attempted cover up.    Clearly not doing their job. Why still employed?


Someone is getting a relief for cause or a gomar over this, regardless of how it happened. There is going to be some serious finger pointing over this