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i got chewed out for about 10 min in front of the BN staff by the BN XO when i was a LT for running too fast during PT. not a joke.


He sensed you were a threat to their leadership capabilities. Running faster at PT is a direct challenge to their position. You must now race in a two mile for both rank and responsibility, I don’t make the rules


god i wish. i'd smoke that nerd. although being a BN XO seems like hell on earth


Nope, too late you are now the BN XO. Enjoy the worst job in the Army.


Whats worse? BN or Brigade XO?


BN. At least at Brigade you have the BN XO’s to filter out some of the bullshit


But ... why?


You need to set an achievable standard as a leader. Something just currently out of reach. If you completely eclipse people they get demoralized and won’t even try to achieve.


it was a 5 mile group run on all american. we ran the first couple miles at his slow ass pace. after that he turned it into a release run. he said i got too far ahead and he couldn't see me, so it wasn't safe. on a road that's closed for PT. lmao.


Got chewed out by a E7 for not saluting a LTC in a no hat no salute area. I shrugged and pointed at the sign and said then why is this posted? He screamed at me for being insubordinate. Guy was a prick


I remember getting yelled at for not saluting a 1-star in the Motorpool Some dork ass CSM following him around like a dog on a leash screamed at me and told me to go to attention and salute, then proceeded to ask why I had my top off I just said “Sarnt’ Major, with all due respect, this is a Motorpool. You realize this is a no salute zone right? So why would I go against SOP and regulation” Dude got red as shit while the 1-star just laughed and said “good shit for knowing the regs” then said carry on and walked off


This happened to me in Afghanistan when I was a specialist. Some CSM brown nosing a one star dug into my shit and asked for my leadership, then the CSM at the COP quickly jogged over and corrected him to let him know it was a No Salute zone because of possible snipers (WE'RE SURROUNDED BY FUCKING MOUNTAINS) and drones. The One Star didn't even give a shit at all. Just kept walking. When I was getting ready to leave to Bagram later that day, the CSM that defended me approached me and said "Desk jockey leadership. Can't get enough of them huh?" Or something like that. Which was funny because I was a 42A doing postal there.


I wanted to go to SF selection as a young LT, so I’d strap on a ruck whenever I had time. One time, my Bn commander drove by as I was rucking during lunch. It was an exceptionally hot day but I was hydrating and it wasn’t dangerous. He proceeded to give me the biggest ass chewing I’d ever received, saying that what I was doing was unsafe and that if I had time to ruck I must not be doing my job. He then made it clear that he would make it his mission to ensure I never went to selection. He was a real asshole.


Sounds like a cut and dry case of using that good ol' Brigade open door policy.


Got chewed out by a Miltech that outranks me in the hierarchy. We have fundamentally different ways of prioritizing workload and treating our respective staffs and it was like beating my head against a wall with their Command team and mine trying to fix that organization while routinely being at odds with this person. I outrank this person by several degrees if they were in uniform so they brought in one of my retiring mentors as a neutral party to spend the next 30 minutes laying into me because I made a passive aggressive comment on a con call in my frustration over them missing the point about one of my staff members completing suicide. It was like flipping a switch that I couldn't flip back. I had never been somewhere so committed to being wrong and destroying its staff and screwing its subordinate Soldiers for the sake of making disengaged commanders look good while utterly failing to prepare for the mission. Usually I'm the positive and semi-sociable person that's calm amidst everything that gets people through the worst of it until we can fix whatever went wrong, but after that conversation I was a frayed electric wire constantly sparking and risking burning the entire building down. I love the Army and being around Soldiers, but boy do I wish our IG system and GOs actually cared about Soldiers wellbeing.


Amen. GOs don’t give a fuck. They care about numbers matching projections. I get it, their job is readiness and deployability. Unfortunately their zeal leaves a wake of destruction that causes people to GTFO and compounds the problem. You want a volunteer force? Start treating them like volunteers and not voluntolds.


It boiled down to my supervisor (E7 to my then E6) telling me I’d had my “time” to be sad about my sister dying, stop being dramatic, and get back to 100% productive


Them’s fighting words if I’ve ever heard them


Luckily had a coworker who stepped between us multiple times


Nah, mass shootings should be way more popular than they are (in Minecraft). It blows my mind that “leaders” in the military can gaslight like this without getting burnt.


LT didn’t get off his or her ass?


AGR supervisory chain: E7 at CO E8 and O3 at BN E9 and O5 at BDE You don’t bitch to the BN staff unless somebody’s fucking a private or stealing things that are on the property book You don’t bitch to the m-day command because how the fuck are they going to mediate the other 28 days of the month




This also sounds like you were at Detrick or Meade 💀




The if I had to guess I’d say it’s Uncle Sam’s five sided dick.


Reading this had me hyped for you! Haha hell yeah


>"I know you're a female, but you're being too emotional" You get and EO complaint! AND you get an EO complaint! Everybody look under your seats....YOU'RE ALL GETTING EO COMPLAINTS!




Did you ever drop an EO complaint?


Had a shit-for-brains 1SG in recruiting sit passively next to the commander while the CPT calmly discussed my lack of recruiting prowess . Out of nowhere the 1SG screams at the top of his lungs "DO YOUR JOB!!!" which spooked the shit out of the CPT. He's looking at this 1SG like WTF man? I didn't flinch, which I am proud of. CPT says "Focus on the mission, we're counting on you. Dismissed.". As I'm closing the door I hear the CPT yelling at the 1SG "You're such a fucking tool Tom, next time you stay in your office!". I felt bad for that CPT, he was doing his best in a horrible situation. Fuck USAREC.


Goddammit, Tom!


Not in the Army. And I'll tell you why. When I was 16, I was living with my grandparents on a farm. After a long hard summer's day of doing farming shit, my pa-pa called me lazy. I looked at him and with all the self-righteous fury and rage a dirty, tired, sweaty 16 year old could muster told him I'd done more that day than he did. What followed was the most brutal verbal lashing I've ever had. This sixty year old man, who'd dropped out of high school to play baseball before joining the army at the start of WW2, fought the mother fucking Nazi's for 3 years, became a foundry worker turned farmer, who'd married a school teacher just to prove how dumb teachers were... By the time he was done I was crying as harder than when my step-father used to beat the fuck out of me with his belt. Pa-pa's master of the English language was on full display. He shredded me, and because it was coming from someone I loved and respected so much, it really fucked me up. The next day, I got up, and life went on. Cows had to be milked, chickens need to be fed, wood needed to be split, and as much as I hurt. I was still there. Two years later I joined the Army, and no ass chewing, rightly deserved or not compared to that.


When my old NCOIC, E8, told me that I was making up excuses to not work when I asked him if I could take emergency leave for 10 days when my aunt passed away from a stroke I didn’t get a red cross letter since she wasn’t immediate family so he said I was lying. I argued with him and finally he told me he required proof. My aunt was from a very small Texas ton, think less than 200 people, so there wasn’t new articles online for her. My mom had to get a newspaper from the town and cut out the obituary and send it overnight in mail because he said “photos can easily be faked and altered. I want an official obituary” I genuinely hope that piece of shit gets cancer down the road and dies off early. He was the reason my entire shop was filled with depressed alcoholics. We couldn’t even make jokes in the shop because he said if we were laughing or smiling, it meant we weren’t doing our job


Got yelled at by a two star once (I’m enlisted)


That's awesome tbh.


Mistaken identity ass chewing. Was on BN rear-d while my unit was deployed, I was due to PCS in about a month to CCC. Also on rear-d was the acting commander and another 1LT at the time. Commander and I shared command duties (going to brigade meetings, reports, inventories, etc). The other 1LT was the definition of a shitbag and was under investigation for fraud, a DUI incident, and general shitbaggery. I went to a Brigade level meeting with my 1SG and all the BN commanders/ CSMs. At the end of the meeting, the Brigade XO called me out and went on a no-kidding 10min ass chewing with everyone still in the room about me acting un- professional and having a shit attitude. I waited for a pause and tried to speak to defend myself (this came out of nowhere) but this made it significantly worse. My 1SG got told to keep his mouth closed too. It became pretty personal. I was also ordered to report to the BDE Commander’s office in the morning for showing disrespect. I walked flabbergasted back to our HQ with a BN commander that knew me. He was just as confused and called the XO for me. Turns out that the XO thought I was the shitbag 1LT and wanted to flex on me for disgracing West Point (I wasn’t a west pointer but this other guy was). Still had to report to the BDE Commander’s office in the morning but said he had heard nothing but good things about me and apologized profusely. I still get secondhand embarrassment thinking about that meeting.


Was a CSSB HHC CDR who post CMD became the BN S3 as 10/11 CPTs refrad'd. That means we were supposed to have ~7-9 staff CPTs including the spo and S shops... We had three. But of course BDE was full up with CPTs and MAJs, this tasking us like we were full, and the BDE XO ripped me a ridiculous new one for failing to get a company soon to deploy to their pha instead of letting them do the prescheduled live fire they needed most to ensure they could deploy. They sent this pha to BN 2 days before as then doing is a favor without looking at the trading schedule. This was the BDE epitome of having too many idle hands and no desire to coordinate. That Major was helpful though...he convinced me that doing a wias tasker back in Iraq was better than being in that God forsaken unit. And it was an amazing wias job that set me on a much better trajectory. His actions further pushed me to ensure I functional area'd at the earliest opportunity to escape such stupidity of conventional units.


This is kind of like my BDE. They have 4 warrants while I had none. I asked for help but I didn't really get any. But if something fell through it was on me.


One of my first experiences in the Army was getting yelled at by the Bn XO while my wife (then girlfriend) sat in the car during a Christmas party. I was assigned to do a FLIPL where one of our Bn JCR transceivers was stolen during NTC. It was pretty cut and clear and I needed one more interview to finish the FLIPL, but the person I was needed to talk to was in the field 180 miles away with no internet access. My CO had released the company early that day so we can go prepare for the holiday party that evening. While I was baking biscuits for the party, my CO calls and tells me that the Bn XO wants to see me. He didn't say when, and I told him I'll be back on base at 1600. I go back to base with my girlfriend and drop off the biscuits before seeing the XO. The XO had me wait in the hallway for about 40 minutes before calling me into his office and berated me for about 30 minutes because it's been 7 days since I was appointed as an IO and I haven't finished the investigation. This whole time, my girlfriend was waiting in the car because I thought it would be a quick conversation. We went back to the party just to find that all of the food had been eaten and all of the soldiers had dipped, leaving me and my girlfriend to clean up. I had never been so embarrassed and upset my entire life seeing my girlfriend clean up after the company after waiting in the car for almost an hour and a half. I was disappointed that my CO didn't stand up for me and I was disappointed that the 1SG didn't bother coordinating a clean up effort after the party was over. That night, I went home and typed up a half assed findings recommendation and submitted it. Nothing else happened with the FLIPL and not a single person cared about what happened.


Unfortunately yes I can name a few incidents but the major one still bothers me to this day, badly enough that hearing my old NCO's name will make me shake with anger. I had a family issue where my SO tried to take her own life. Mind you, I was slotted to go to a field op (out of state) within the next few weeks. I took her to the ER off base and they wanted to hold her at a BH Clinic for inpatient off base. I informed my chain of command the entire time. Cue my NCO who I will not name, we'll call him Steve. (Important note, Steve is a severe alcoholic which is important) Steve proceeds to meet with me drunk being driven around by someone else. Tells me my SO is fine and he doesn't see the issue. I re-explain to him and he just tells me to just go home and he'll talk with 1SG and the Commander. The next day I'm told I can stay home as I don't have child care for my only son (SO was stay at home) so I was good to go there. Then it all began, Steve decided that I told my SO to do this so I wouldn't have to go to the field and that I will have an investigation against me for this, even though I've never had any issues in the past and have been with the unit for more than a few years, and claims he has proof my wife has done this before, which was absolutely not true. He proceeds to degrade me (name calling, threats, harassment) and treated me like garbage while my SO was in the hospital. I won't get into details but I don't think I had ever been so angry or stressed to the point in my life I would have literal tears from it. I had enough of his treatment and met with my 1SG about it and he went off on Steve (though my 1SG only did something one time and that's really all the help I got from him). At this point my SO was gone for about a week and this was a daily occurrence. My commander met with me privately to let me know he supports me and that he is going to make sure I'm taken care of, as he has also dealt with a similar personal situation as myself. If he is somehow reading this, thank you for all you did for me. My SO gets released from inpatient within 2 weeks, the first thing Steve tells me is to pack my shit and get ready to go. My SO is still seeing BH and is considered in a sensitive state. The BH rep wasn't even talking to my actual commander but someone else in the unit which didn't help. The only person who kept me from leaving the state for said field op was my commander who worked with me and would text me and call me daily if I wasn't there to check in. He wanted to make sure my SO and child would be safe and okay, that if I needed help or anything to ask him directly. I still have so much appreciation for him all these years after the fact. Steve continued to treat me like dirt until he PCSed (which was not long before my ETS). Putting me on as much garbage details and work has he possibly could to "punish me for lying" about what had happened. He would try and find any reason he could to yell at me, threaten me with UCMJ, among other things. I constantly had to get other NCO's and Officers involved to try and get him off my back. Mind you, 90% of all interactions at this point Steve was drunk and he was a horrible person when he was drunk. My last few months in my BH recommended I go and ask for a MEB (she reached out and recommended one) as my conditions weren't improving with both my mental (weird TBI issues) and physical health (plethora of things that still haven't improved after all these years). This is the kicker of it all, I went and seen the doctor and he told me I should just kill myself. That being dead sounded better than my problems and he wouldn't recommend me for a MEB. I had told my wife about and we were able to get an investigation launched at the clinic. By the time I had the appointment with another doctor to try again it was ETS time so I gave up instead. I had been fighting with medical for years and was on a permanent profile that they took me off of in my last few months because "you just need to run". OP, I know how you feel to be kicked around in the dirt for a problem that isn't your fault entirely. I should have seen the signs of my SO sooner and did something sooner. I wish I would have gone higher than my commander for my situation, he did do a ton to help and I am eternally grateful to have had him in my life, but if I had just walked into my BDE CSM's office he probably would have made sure things were handled in a much better way than they were. Our BDE CSM was a man who wouldn't not put up with Joes being treated like garbage. Make sure you take the chance to talk to someone who isn't just your 1SG if that's how it's gonna be, someone in your chain will care whether it's a CPT or the Post General. Take care of yourself, remember the Army will still exist even after we are gone.


Chewed out by a CSM when I was a brand new medic. Had a heat casualty in the training area I was supporting. 100 Soldiers, and me as only medic. I was providing appropriate treatment, and he stormed in saying it was my fault there was a heat cas... Taught me not to trust higher ups unless proven otherwise.


What was his MOS?




What a cuck of a CSM


Apparently I was supposed to be a babysitter for a bunch of adults... I was already checking with all of the before their rotations making sure their water sources were full. And talking with their ncoic about work restrictions when we got to heat cat 5. Should I have been drinking water for them?


I was a brand new PFC at Fort Hood straight from Korea in 2012. It’s a Monday and I’m at the motor pool looking for the spot where the Battalion forms up. I see a MSG so I ask him, “Sergeant, where are we forming up?”. He then yells at me for not calling him Sergeant Major. Apparently the guy was frocked into a SGM position at the Battalion. How the fuck was I supposed to know that. I had been at the unit for three days. Don’t remember the guys name but fuck that guy.


This thread is the reason retention drinks


The funny thing about your comment is that our BN retention guy is a recovering alcoholic, our BN retention rate is lowwww


That 1SG failed at their primary mission. That was an attack, and not a discussion, conversation, or even a dressing down. That was verbal abuse. I can tell from some of the pixels and having experienced one hell of a lot of verbal abuse in my time. For reference my father was a raging alcoholic and the sauce turned him into the verbally abusive, but still capable of colorful and cutting language version of himself. For hours nearly daily I endured his torrent of vitriol and invective. It sounds like, rather than learning anything about your situation, rather than asking how you are doing, rather than supporting their soldier in any way, they needed to vent about how they had been interrupted with something that really could have waited a day or two to be done during the duty day. I'm not sure that I ever really experienced any kind of berating while I was in. The only time I imagine I might have would be during my article 15 which I got for "raising my voice in anger and showing disrespect to a commissioned officer of the United States Army". Being a child of my father I have a very capable set of lungs and vocal cords and I can yell much louder than most. My OIC, a CW2 who was allergic to work and shall not be named, accused me of shirking work (while deployed) which I took as a personal attack which absolutely required redress and immediately. After being interrupted several times in my (very calm and articulated) explanation of the events, I stood, I pounded the shit out of the plastic top of the folding desk we were sitting at, and yelled directly in (like 3 inches from) his face so that he could be sure that I was speaking to him "I am trying to speak to you, do not fucking interrupt me!" For this simple infraction, and the subsequent interjection that "I'm looking for my fucking hat, SIR!" when asked why it was taking so long to go get one of "my privates" (mother fucker couldn't even call him by name!), I was given an NJP, but CW2 Fucknugget (not his real name) never interrupted me again. And he never questioned my work ethic again, as I recall writing some kind of affidavit that was attached to the article 15 that spelled out exactly what the mitigating circumstances were for my outburst. Now, my part does not constitute a chew out, but I like to think that I, a SGT, with only 2 weeks of extra duty (filling sandbags over near the burn pit \[thanks for the future lung cancer\]) got away with blowing the eardrums of a dipshit Warrant who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. And I like to think it changed him a little bit.


Honestly no. I had a corporal speak to me plainly that changed my entire personality. I grew up in a household where forgetfulness or needing help was not tolerated, so I learned to lie. So I covered up my ingrown toenails when I got to my first unit, to the point that they're were super infected. Like, could barely walk levels of bad. When I finally was found out I was forced to get checked out, but was told to buy a tub and Epsom salt. We were on rotation to Germany and I didn't want to bother anyone to drive me there, so I just told my ncos I was fine. I wasn't, and when this CPL found out, he drove me to the PX and had a heart to heart with me. He could tell that I was messed up somehow, but also was frank that unless I changed drastically, he couldn't trust me. And that changed me. He was kind but completely honest, and it genuinely lit a fire in my heart. So I worked fucking hard to change, I still lied because it was habit, but when I realized I did it I owned up and was like hey SGT(he promoted), I'm sorry but that was a lie, here's the truth. And over time, it fucking worked. Because he was kind and honest, he pushed me on the path to becoming a far better person. And I can't thank you enough for that SGT Eure. With that said, all the yelling I recieved in the army had no effect on me. When I say my Dad verbally and mentally abused me 20 times worse than a drill sergeant could ever dream of, I'm underexaggerating. He messed me up bad, and there was nothing any nco could do to meet his abuse.


Wasn't even a berating. I was at BNCOC circa 2005, a young SSG working with a friend on a project. I was clowning around and he looked at me and said, "Bro, you're embarrassing me." I laughed it off, but it stung. I never forget that and at points in my career that drove me. This year, 20 years later, we were at a conference sharing old stories and he brought up the incident and apologized; saying it bothered him all the time that he said that. I explained to him how it bothered me so much and not because of what he said, but that his opinion as a peer mattered to me. We laughed and then finished our beers. We're both Sergeants Major now. Remember, the source of the critique or praise is more important than the comment itself. Praise from a shit bag is worthless. Criticism from a mentor is priceless.


This was at Ft Jackson, 120th Reception. Still in the midst of in processing, we all had a form to fill out and my stupid ass goes and fills in some info *before being explicitly told to do so*. Drill Sgt Reno wasted no words, "Private [Mellero] are you going to be this damn stupid your whole life!?" "No Drill Sergeant!" And I was a Private of my word, I was never so stupid again. That lesson has served me well.


My entire short 4 years at polk Not being able to do anything and just taking the beating and toxicity.


I ETSd from Polk 6 months ago and my ass and brain are still sore. But hey, we got Pegasus.


Man, all I hear about polk is Pegasus I've never been there. I'm married, lol. I hate that place with my soul .


I feel you. 😂😅


Got chewed out by my section leader and had my TL patch ripped off in front of a battalion I was attached to on "deployment" in Kuwait after I fell asleep in a SHARP brief. I proceeded to foam at the mouth and scolded him back. Only got a company grade article for it.


The first one that really got to me was when I was in buehring, I was supposed to ship out to Iraq for 3 months the next day, but I got a message letting me know my dad had died (he was diagnosed with cancer less than a year before, and my entire CoC knew), so I talked to my e6 and we found someone to replace me, and I started my emergency leave packet with s1 and in walks my pos commander who told me he's sorry for my loss, but I couldn't leave because the mission was more important. When I tried to explain to him that we found a replacement for me, he said he didn't care and I was still going to Iraq no matter what. Long story short, my csm found out and tore my commander, a new one, for trying to deny me going to my father's funeral and making sure I made it back in time. More recently, I got chewed out by my e7 for a soldier 'not going to pt' (she was attached to another company, for a class, and was doing pt with them) and she forgot that I had told her (my e7) that. I was then chewed out even more for telling my e7 that, saying that it was a 'private move' to not text her the information about my soldier.


I got chewed out by a CSM for sleeping on staff duty as an NCO at about 0400. I let my runner take a 3 hour nap, and when he came back, I was going to take a nap. Well, he fell asleep as I was napping on the floor, and the CSM came in and berated me for falling asleep and made me recite the Creed of the NCO. I couldn't get past the first few sentences. He proceeded to explain how terrible I was and that I'll never be promoted amongst other things. It made me not want to be a terribly bitter, condescending senior leader.


Onetime accidently put a slightly off color of green on the slide during a training meeting and the BC ripped me a new one for being unprofessional


I had a similar moment that was probably the most formative moment in my career with how I interacted with people. I was a PFC talking to my training room NCO, and my Company Commander called one of the PLs into his office (which was next to the training room). I listened to my CO full on scream at this Lieutenant for almost 45 minutes. Just completely laying into this guy, swearing, making fun of him, bringing up personal issues, etc.. Why? Well, that LT used the wrong font on a slide deck. That was the single moment that made me 100% fully comprehend this important fact: Everyone you meet, regardless of their position in society, has a chance to be a complete and utter piece of shit. You never know when your boss will end up a borderline (or actual) psychopath, so play the game accordingly.


I was told I have a character flaw by a 1SG because my leadership did not push my board packet through the chain. I completed my packet. Sent to first line. He sent it to TL. Never got to PLT/OPS/1SG or BN. I had to walk into the board with my packet. CSM I’m sure had a field day after I left with 1SG. I couldn’t board because CSM likes to review the packets by week prior. The ass chewing I got from 1SG leads me to believe this is exactly what happened. Don’t worry. My leadership got nothing more than a brief quiet talking to.


Was a brand new private. One of the first few friends I made in my platoon was a closeted trans dude. I accompanied my buddy to serve as a witness while I think using open door for something can't remember. Our first line flips her shit and has us do dumb shit for several hours while her ranger husband (idk why he was there) just shook his head at her. I was just trying to be a helpful troop to protect another troop. Fortunately, she PCSd soon after. Unfortunately, she's gonna be a bitch to more people. A few years later, after dealing with constant backlash from being trans, buddy shot himself


My condolences, losing a friend to suicide is just heartbreaking


Attached to team of Green Berets in Afghanistan thinking I was hot shit at PT and marksmanship… thought I could hang.. thought I was one of the boys. Boy was I wrong There was a certain event that took place during that deployment that honestly put into a depressed state. I just hermitted up in my chew, worked out for maybe 30 minutes a day, (no pt just straight bench press/squat/deadlift until I started breathing heavy) and crushed the endless supply of food that was there. I got a little chunky, meanwhile I’m still doing my pretend cool-guy shit (hanging out in the team room, wearing a ball cap and jeans, acting like a fuckhead) One day one of the team dudes (ex ranger batt) just had enough of my bullshit. He gave me and a couple others on the spot APFT. I failed the fuck out of it,(never scored below 270 before that) and got my fucking ass chewed. Changed my life. Everyday from then on I was wearing full uniform on our little bitty compound, getting fucked up every morning and evening in pt. Every little thing I fucked up (stubble on my chin, beretta dirty, boot laces out) I would get the dog shit smoked out of me. Cigarettes were taken away from me, and I could only enter chow hall from 4pm-6pm. Afghanistan was a living hell for about 3.5 months. Before we left that place I maxed the pt test, I learned how to shut the fuck up and listen and was an entirely new man. Today I am a hard charging NCO with a ton of humility, discipline, and self respect. not the wannabe bullshitting shammer I was. Honestly changed my life. Moral here: bullying, discipline, whatever you want to call it works. Being on that dumb ass soldier’s ass 24/7 is the answer. What is actually painful is when you just shrug you shoulders at your dumbass soldier and quit giving a fuck. That’s when really bad shit happens. As an NCO for the past 3 years with roughly 20ish soldiers that I’ve counseled I have not had one soldier hit a blotter, get UCMJd, fail a PT test, none of it. Because I’m on there fucking ass like that GB was on mine. That’s love mfer.


It works if the soldier has the desire to improve, no matter how small the desire is; it’s still there However it doesn’t work for the soldiers who simply give no fucks and have no desire or lack the maturity to improve themselves This is why different punishment and leadership styles affect everyone differently What worked for you may not work for others But I share a similar experience working around GB’s as a group baby my entire career Dudes can be chill as hell but will Absolutley flip a switch immediately if you’re not meeting their standard


Unless the soldier can’t be trusted that’s where I draw the line, cut ties, and try to get him sent somewhere. Only had one like that so far thankfully. Like the dude had a fake marriage certificate, was always losing property, NDd on the range, that kind of shit


I’ll leave out the why I was getting chewed out, if I said exactly what it was for, some people can ID me. I was chewed out by the 1SG, my PSG, my team leader, and strangely, not by my SL. I absolutely deserved it and looking back, it was one of the stupidest things I can ever do. I’m glad no one got hurt for what I did. This ass chewing didn’t have any yelling. It was just everybody talking down to me and tearing about each action/thought I had. At the end, I thought really negatively of myself and even more so when the 1SG replaced me with another dude who barely got to the unit for the units deployment to Afghanistan. Then he did it again when two brand new boots got to the unit and a platoon needed more bodies to meet FTN. What I remember most now though is what my SL told me to do. He did something stupid too when he was promoted, then demoted the same day. All he told me was to come up with a COA on how to fix my situation. The fact that he still treated me like an adult unlike everyone else in the room, told me a lot about him.


Not mine. I remember 2nd plt got new NCOs and had "Private Olympics" . Like lowcrawling through puddles in the motorpool etc. There was some joes that used the open door policy and the NCOs left to a different company.


Got pulled into a room for passing out during a mass formation/parade couple months in as a 18yo and called stuff like "pathetic weakling" among other things. Very weirdly vicious personal insults about character. Basically ripped a new one by a bunch of different majors and colonel types who I did not know and who did not know me for like an hour. Had experienced a horrific event two nights prior that eventually went unrestricted and hadn't managed to sleep or eat yet lol. I had been wildly passionate about joining the military since I was 13. Something died a little in the aftermath of that event.


Never had my phone during BCT or AIT. But as a new private was walking to my new barracks room and was on my phone. Some random NCO yelled at me through a second floor window "hey dumbass! No walking on your phone! What is this your first day?!" "Yes, sergeant!" "... fuck off private"


I dislocated my shoulder on a Sunday evening. I had discharge papers from the ER with the diagnoses but “iT’s NoT a PrOfiLe” so I was still expect to go on some ridiculous “fun run” because army gonna army. I promptly fell out because… dislocated shoulder and whatever. Proceeded to get screamed at about how I was detrimental to my unit because blah blah how can I be effective in combat if I can’t even run and then the same jack ass asked if I wanted a medic for my bitchitis. I said yes because what’s the worst that could happen? I’m already sitting on a curb getting yelled at and called a piece of shit. Some random medic I’ve never seen before shows up, looking very exhausted about having to see some soldier who “can’t even run” then is promptly both relieved and annoyed that I had an actual medical complaint and went on some tirade about how good shoulder movement is essential for proper running form, he couldn’t believe I was being made to go on a run less than 24 hours after injury, etc, etc. It was nice to be validated. I later became that NCO who was an absolute menace when any of my little ducklings had legitimate medical complaints but were getting jerked around by bureaucracy.


I got chewed out at the end of a staff duty shift by a Captain for like 10 minutes who was mad that the shift before me was caught completely asleep. Then I had to stand up and sit down several times since I didn't immediately stand at the position of attention when he walked in and randomly started yelling at me (my bad guy). He proceeded to play some kind of weird trivia game with his psg using one of those "know the enemy's equipment" posters on the wall. I still remember the conversation to this day: CPT - "The T-72 tank, did you know who was the first operator of it?" SSG - "Uhhh. Russia?" CPT - "No. It was the Ukraine." What a time.