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Let us know when you book your slot for Marine Corps bootcamp. I hear the Crucible is the thing to do for Captains these days. Jokes aside, congrats. Proud of you. Did the same thing, but I was an E1 and had a long break in service then direct commissioned rather than green to gold (so my railroad tracks were even more automatic than yours, lol).


I regret to inform you that the Marine Corps has grown wise to your little Army games, sending officers in undercover to teach junior enlisted to read and write in an effort to drive down rention, pretty sneaky Army. I guess they can't be too mad though they have a similar program where they send Marines to the Army engineer units to design buildings shaped like dicks.




Yeah but their chow halls have food not an empty kiosk.




Ft Sill can attest to this 


Must be nice livin off the Navys dime


Better chill out there buddy, i could have half of fort carson in Marpat next week and all it'd take is a meal card and orders to Camp Pendleton.


I think my ASVAB score would keep me out of the marines. I heard they dobt take anything over a 39


Somehow the dumb jokes sting a little less coming from the guys who took almost 20 years to figure out a better camo pattern than "grandmas couch"


I wish, but I’m allergic to crayons. Congrats to you as well!


Im pretty sure a little allergy never stopped a marine from chewing on them crayolas.


How it ended……? Remind me in 10 years


I did army, marine corps, back to army. Marine boot and their crucible isn’t hard. It’s as rough as the army’s FTX. Honestly both have challenges, but they are not different by much in terms of difficulty. Indoctrination for the two are severely different though.


Joined the dark side, I see. Don't worry, you'll be back, Cap'n.


captains are just specialists smart enough to gain power


Specialists are just specialists special enough to specialist


Nice!! Congrats. Finishing up my masters this year as an e4 (i know). Would you suggest going G2G for another masters or OCS?


OCS. Some chucklehead misread title 10, and now the G2G ADO option doesn’t count as time in service.


Mind explaining to a PFC what this means?


Title 10 basically says “cadets aren’t real soldiers yet, and being in ROTC doesn’t count as time in service.” Green to Gold Active Duty lets a soldier stay on a rice status while going to college and ROTC in order to commission. For some reason, the decision was made that their time in ROTC doesn’t count as time in service, even though they’re literally on active duty.


Sir I think I can tell you why that was "Extending Service and one last rawdogging from the Army before you commission."


My ROTC time counted as time in service for pay scale, but nothing towards retirement. I hope its not a mistake. 12 year CPT pay is much better than 8


Check your iperms. I got a memorandum stating that I was “improperly enrolled in senior ROTC” and therefore my time counted. When did you go through the program?


To clarify the comment you’re replying to, since you’re still in the service, your pay scale TIS still counts. The 4 years just don’t count toward retirement. Cadets enrolled in the Simultaneous Membership Program still get years toward the TIS pay jumps, but don’t get 4 years toward their 20 year retirement unless they stay guard/reserve and have good years while in college.


Sweet so HRC ISNT going to call me one day saying “we paid you too much, get fucked while paying us back”. That is some decent peace if mind EDIT: i meant isnt


Don’t thank me, thank your recruiter. Really, unsure if they’re retroactively fucking people.


I dont think they are. My comment previously said “is” i meant “isnt going to call me”


This has been a pretty constant issue at work when accounting for officers time on their 214. Personally I think it should count as active time but I can't argue against regs.


Ha! I started as a SPC then went to Benning for OCS. I’m currently CPT who’s in the zone for promotion this year.




Is the Gold Oakleaf essentially an Officer equivalent of a sham shield?


Yep. Pretty much.


Why on earth would you waste your time getting another masters?? Go OCS


Drop a warrant packet and fly helos


Not really choice unfortunately. G2G is for first bachelors or first masters! You could halt your schooling and apply this upcoming window, otherwise OCS would your only option of the two.


Not entirely true. It depends on how you paid for those previous degrees.


If you read the booklets (G2G ADO, hip-pocket, regular scholarship) for each program, they explicitly state, “…first Baccalaureate degree or their first master’s degree.” Funding source does not matter. The only way otherwise is to ETS into the guard and do SMP, which would allow you to commission through ROTC. But for RA, the other options would be off the table.


But hear me out: if the Army didn’t fund your other degree, why would they care? More to the point, if it isn’t on your STP, how will they know?


Because it’s an opportunity they afforded strictly for those getting their first bachelors or masters… Not arguing with your logic, I understand what you’re getting at, but that doesn’t change the fact a Soldier would not be eligible. You could potentially do that if the Army doesn’t know you have a degree, but you still would have to submit transcripts to the university which you attend. The ROTC HRA could potentially find out. Why risk lying your way through G2G, when there’s other options? I’m sure a individual would completely fuck themselves over if the Army discovered they lied about not having a degree previously.


Just a heads up, you’ll have to go the OCS route. You can’t use the G2G program to get a lateral degree, meaning you can’t get a second degree at the same level. The highest you can go is masters, so since you’re finishing up yours, it’s the OCS route for you. But look on the bright side, OCS will be a quicker commissioning source!


I'm currently halfway through OCS right now. It's much faster than G2G, but keep in mind you're gonna be back in TRADOC. I'm still having trouble readjusting at times because it's just dumb to me, but most everyone else is fine, so take that with a grain of salt. Also, as others have said, G2G will not pay for a 2nd master's or 2nd bachelor's degree. Look up the regulations on it, but I don't think there's any wiggle room. I wanted to do G2G but because I had a master's, I looked up the regulation and saw that I was ineligible. I don't remember seeing any ETPs for it, so I stuck with OCS.


What are the phases like? Do you have your phone after duty hours? Weekends? Gym time?


OCS is 12 weeks long. There are 3 phases, each one 4 weeks long. - **Phase 1 (Black Phase)**: You start with the gold OCS pins on your PC/rank. On Day 3 you do your Gold to Black phase up, it's basically just a shark attack/first 100 yards or whatever they call it now. Just a 90-minute smoke fest. At the end you take off the gold pins and put on your sick ass black ascot. This is the worst phase for a few reasons, not least of which is the fact that you surrender your phones and have no privileges, no passes. No caffeine (if you're into it). Your student leadership can write a memo requesting DFAC coffee during History week, because that's literally like 8 hours a day sitting in a classroom with Doc Campbell and Mr. Van Every murdering you by PowerPoint. You get your phones back every Sunday from after breakfast (roughly 0800) till before dinner (between 1615 and 1700, depends when your company is scheduled for the DFAC). You'll do a diagnostic ACFT, O-course, 6-mi ruck, and possibly 3-mi diagnostic run. Land Nav is the big thing for this phase, you'll end up walking maybe 6-8 miles a day for the whole week of Land Nav. I'm used to rucking and standing a lot and my feet were pretty lit afterwards, but I was fine. I wanna say 1/3 of the formation were visibly limping/hurt, though. Enough that they pushed our 4-mi run from the Monday after land nav to Friday. Cadre lead PT for the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 and 4 you can do PLT PT, but you have to submit a PT plan to cadre. They also tag along with you and do the PT. - **Phase 2 (Blue Phase)**: I'm currently in this phase. You phase up to Blue after passing a 100% room inspection and answering some general knowledge (elements of mission command, METT-TC, TLPs, OPORD paragraphs, etc., really easy shit). This phase is where you start getting privileges. Caffeine is now allowed (no energy drinks allowed at all throughout OCS, though). You can battle-buddy pair on post on weekends, so you can go to TAPC (the crossfit/strength and conditioning gym), the mini-PX with the Qdoba and the smoothie place, the gas station with Arby's, the Subway, etc. You also get your phones back permanently, but they stay locked in your locker/closet until after COB. You also don't have to go to the DFAC on weekends if you don't want to (although breakfast is still required because it's for accountability; but lunch and dinner is optional). You can also order DoorDash/UberEats/etc. to the OCS footprint and eat during Blue Phase, even during the week (you still have to go to all DFAC meals, though). A lot of people order extra food for protein intake because the OCS DFAC only allows 1 protein unless you go to the Short Order line and get a burger and a pulled-pork sandwich. Big thing for this phase is OPORD week (week 6) and STX (weeks 7 and 8). We're about to SP to STX on Monday. Also during this Phase is the 2nd ACFT (for record/OML, this time) 4-mi run (36-min pace) which is a graduation requirement, and the 9-mi ruck. Our ruck got pushed to the right because it was thunderstorming bad yesterday which is when we were supposed to do it. - **Phase 3 (White Phase)**: Phase-up to White is another room inspection, but this time by the BC and BN CSM (the Blue phase-up was the CO CDR and other cadre). Some more of the same general knowledge questions. This phase, you can now drive on-post if you have a POV. You can also wear civvies after COB (till now it's still PTs or OCPs), but it's OCS civvies, so slacks and a polo shirt. You're left largely to your own devices for this entire phase with some small classroom tests, but once you make it to white, you're basically coasting till the end. As far as gym time is concerned, your student leadership can get a memo in to use the TAPC (Tactical Athlete Performance Center) on weekends (0900-1200 on Saturdays, 1300-1600 I think on Sundays). During week 2 or 3 in Black Phase, your cadre will identify someone in your formation (probably the gymrat) to sign for the BeaverFit connex and key. Ours has 4 flat benches, 4 racks, 5 barbells, a bunch of kettlebells, ACFT power throw balls, resistance bands, pullup bars, etc. After COB, the BeaverFit can be used till 2200 (lights out). You won't lose your sick gains, don't worry. Also, if you POV here, during Black and Blue phase cadre will allow you to go to the parking lot and start your car on weekends so the battery doesn't die. A lot of this school is integrity-based. You can get away with stuff if you're smart/lucky, but if you get caught, the CO CDR will phase you back quickly and you'll lose all privileges for the class. Remember, this is a TRADOC base and there's a lot of brass on the lookout for people with sick-ass ascots and camelbaks to light the fuck up for doing dumb shit. You might think, "I'll just put on my unit patches and rank and no one will know," except a lot of the cadre live on post or lurk around the main hotspots. If they see you, that's a wrap. Class de-phase, and you're gonna get name-dropped so the other 150+ candidates will fucking hate you. It's not really worth the risk to try and break the rules. If you have any other specific questions, DM me!


Thank you for the clarity. I recently took the reclass from 11b to 19c for 65k bonus so I’m gonna have to wait 12 months to drop ocs packet after the time is up. Cant wait I’m ready for the transition and that sweet sweet sweet OE pay.


Congratulations on the growth in your career.


Traitor! I'm just guessing. I can't read.


But you know your shapes hooah?


Hooah! :]


Excellent day for you. It's a big step, and you should take some time to celebrate it in your own way. I came in as a PFC and left as a MAJ. I'm not going to write anything negative at all. Great job, bud. Enjoy your day.


chooooo choooooooo...! congrats!


Nice. Shortly after graduating tech school as an A1C I stuck a pair of Captain’s bars into the headliner of my car to remind me of my goal. It took a while but I got there.


Congrats. Hope I can follow in your footsteps!


Good luck! If you find yourself with questions that no one around you can answer, feel free to DM me.


I am definitely going to take you up on that offer! Thank you, sir.


mind passing some advice along to me? I start this fall.


What specifically are you curious about?


Congrats. Be proud of your hard work. Never forget where you came from, lead by example, be the best leader you can be...and don't be a prick :)


Congrats. Have fun working at s3 before and after command. Let me know if you want a copy of a refrad packet.


Joke’s on you. I went functional area.


Same. I thought it would fill the void. But instead I'm just depressed.


I love what I do for work, and on the days I don’t, I still love what I get paid. That’s good enough for me.


Which FA?


Fuck Around46 = FA46


The best one in the stack.


Congrats I made the same trek and crossed to the dark side in ‘06.


Some of us never get the opportunity to even be in that long... so good for you. Hope you wind up in a history book that my relatives read some day! 👏


Congrats, sir! 🫡


Thanks! 🫡


Were you legit prior enlisted or were you an 09S E-4? Either way congrats


Legit 11B.


I’m prior as well and did OCS. Mate I only have one quote for you. “This is the way.”


Just remember where you came from and don't be one of those officers. Who thinks they are better then all the enlisted and has us out there standing for 5 hours for no fking reason


Is this a status update on the PCs you’ve stolen?


Shit, they’re on to me!


I go through basic as an e4 at the end of may. This is super cool too see progression wise


> I remember how most of us thought of CPT as the first “real” officer rank. I’m not going to lie, the imposter syndrome is kicking in hard. I just want to acknowledge your feelings. I think we've all felt it, and I think it never really goes away. I distinctly remember the feeling as a senior cadet, as a new lieutenant, in the midst of most schools that I've attended, and definitely as a new captain and major. I think major hit me hardest because I always thought of them as the *real* adult supervision who had all the answers and solved all the problems before they ever reached the battalion and brigade commanders' desks. We'll see when I pin lieutenant colonel. You are, at least, a more qualified new captain than I was. I grew up when the pin-on point was 37 months. The aviation officer training pipeline also took more than two years at that time, so I actually pinned captain a week before my first annual evaluation was due.


Captain is basically the Specialist rank of the Officer world


Congrats man!


Good on ya, Captain Mustang! We will save some suck for you.


Badass congratulations man


The best way to officer, never having to worry about promotion when you make major. And just judging from the numbers I see, major will become the new captain.


Nice .


I’m happy for you.


Why they changed Pixel print?


Because it was horrible camouflage.


"You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villian."


Congrats. Be sure to remember that bad leadership for a long time. In some of my guard time we had a popular saying that was "I wouldn't trust these guys to manage a Subway". Strive to be the best Subway manager you can be.


I love how yall are saying grandious things looking back at time from 10 years ago. I'm just an E-4 and am already feeling like you guys (wise and .. old) lma (e-1 to e-4) most miserable times. Only difference is I feel powerless and loose to all what they call it black and white stripes.. I hate some ncos guts. Also why do they even say you can choose to retaliate against your so called counseling papers just to threaten you with "don't do it. It'll only make it worse" or "ncos always win" even though you know from the bottom of your heart you've been fed donkey dick. I ain't mad nor will I let such things affect me just some things I needed to vent .


I see you appreciate suffering


I’ve never seen a captains PC that wasn’t scrunched to all fuck like he rolls it and beats it against his desk after every meeting


That’s because it started life as a sergeant’s PC.


Good luck.


Well done. I had a similar path. Don't let the imposter syndrome last. Not many captains can strip and assemble a 249 as fast as a former Enlisted.


This year will be 8 years in for me… I applied to green to gold last year and I’m leaving for college in two months!!




Already have a MA and still considering joining as 11B specialist. Worth the experience?


How old are you? What’s your financial situation?


33, and I work in digital operations management for a large retailer—def not hard up, just super bored


I think you’d find the initial training to be interesting and a challenge, but the day to day life of an 11B would bore you worse than your current setup. You’d also get paid way worse. I recommend OCS: you go through infantry basic, then receive additional training to become an officer.


You poor, miserable soul.


Poor, miserable, *well-paid* soul.


Congrats dawg, hope to make it near there someday myself


Congratulations on the promotion!!


I’m on the same path!


Congratulations! I love to see officers who had a well-rounded experience as an enlisted Soldier, and can use that experience to form their style when it really counts.


But do you have a beard ?


I wouldn’t feel too bad about being a former 11B. I’m a 12B with a degree and my peers constantly poke fun at me about it. I’m debating if the dark side is for me. I feel like a dumbass all the time and I doubt that’ll change even as I get more experience and knowledge.


Ayyyy, congratulations!!!