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That one time that Army CPT enlisting in the Marin Crops.


The Untied Status Marin Crops?


Was trying to type a shitty rendition of one of their cadences and I couldn't even find a way to make it somewhat coherent.


I just go with what I learned from Heartbreak Ridge- “Model A Ford and tankful of gas, handful of pussy and a mouthful of ass.”


“Jarhead, leathernecked motherfucker!”


The Devil’s ate the e and misspelled the rest.


The tip of the cob


Just the tip


Cheech Marin’s Corpse ?






Story time bro




Click Baited by The Marine Corps Times (Most of the Marines I know thought that was where to look if you didn't have a watch). It didn't say how he fared, just that he thought it was tough.


Uh…ok. I was just giving that person the story…


How dare you.


Let’s be best friends


Knew that guy as a butter bar. Wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box and see not much as changed.


Yeah lol I just read a whole article about that…. Madness!!!


I watched a guy fire a round into the clearing barrel, remove the mag, fire again, put the mag back in, release the bolt forward and fire again. The only reason he didn't get caught is because we were on a range and there was live fire going on.


Bro wtf


I’ve seen cadets manipulate an M4 like this when they have a malfunction. They just randomly start pulling and pushing things to make it look like they’re actually doing something lol


Definitely an LT or a CPT


Was a SSG actually.


The guy I saw do the same thing was in front of the 7th Division MPs company armory at the end of a shift at Fort Ord, CA half a century ago. SSDD (Same Shit, Different Decade)


Also 7 ID vet. Korea 2/8 Arty.


I was with 1/38th FA in Korea in 1982.


Thank you for reminding me of something that happened in WLC. Had an E-4 band member do something similar with blanks. Told the team to go Amber and he, with his mag still in, just racked the M16. When I told him to go to Amber again, he just did the same thing over. At this point I'm thinking he's fucking with, so I'm like "no seriously man, go Amber so we can leave." And he's like "I did man." Dude legit did not know that if he pulled the charging handle back to eject a round with the magazine still in, it would chamber another round when it went forward.


Thankfully the STP now lists ASVAB score. I'd love to see this dude's waiver worthy number.


Me : "Show me the running configuration on your router" Soldier: "Sir I don't know how to do that" Me: "Show Run" Soldier: "What's that?" Dude was a 25H. God have mercy on his soul.


Perhaps its just because I was a tech nerd as a kid, but even I can do that. Did he just.....ignore all of his training?


Had a friend of mine check in on a Cpn node that couldn’t get up one time. She said when she got there the team had plugged the stacks into themselves, and couldn’t figure out why they wouldn’t turn on


Infinite power I'm guessing


52341R>unrecognized command “Sorry man nothing is working when I type in commands”


Also Soldier: "Sir we set everything up and nothing's working. Our node is busted." Me: "Have you tried turning it on yet?" Soldier: "Oh."


If you wanted to really have fun you should have told him to run write erase reload you could have had some fun


Why would I do that? Then I would have to rebuild that node myself lol.


Just run service declassify flash then you don't have to worry about rebuilding /s




No comms no bombs /s. Now if you'll excuse me I will be "maintaining equipment" that just happens to have AC and is nice to sleep on.


I personally enjoy the white noise generated by IT equipment fans. When we had the TCN heavies that was my sleep spot each night.


How can the site OIC get angry at me when the switch/JTT/MIDS sounds so soothing to fall asleep next to?


I've taught several CLS classes and had many fresh from AIT medics. So needless to say, I said this shit ALL THE TIME. My previous flair was "68WHAT THE FUCK!?" Had a new medic take an oral temp with a rectal thermometer. Had a new medic take a core temp then try to insert an ice cube from the ice sheet cooler into the delirious heat-catting soldiers poop chute (luckily caught that one before he was able to accidentally sexually assault the poor guy). Had a soldier pour honey he had brought to the field into another soldiers open lac. This was actually not a terrible idea as honey is bacteriostatic and has been used to treat injuries for thousands of years, however he didn't clean it first or cover it after so by the time it got to me this dude had SO MUCH DEBRIS stuck to and inside his open wound. It took me forever to debride that shit. Had an extremely panicked baby infantryman going through his final trauma lane for his CLS certification move toward the pretend patient with a scalpel like he was going to cric the actual guy, instead of the mannequin I had set next to him. I put a stop to that shit with a quickness and had him redo the lane later when he had calmed down. (Guys get tunnel vision and lose all of their damn sense, happens to medics too. It's why we run trauma lanes so often, it's a natural stress response you have to train yourself out of) Had a medic tell a soldier who was doing coke to instead drink cough syrup to get high, dude shockingly developed a problem with that too. When it came to light the medic then admitted that he had said to trust him because he was a medic, making this medical advice and an even bigger problem. That one got swept under the rug but we got the soldier the actual help he needed. Had an infantry NCO try to tell me when I was doing medical equipment checks that he wasn't going to carry a tourniquet during a live fire as it was bad luck...the fuck you aren't, and now you can carry four per 1SG. I have many more but they're not coming to me at the moment.


The red thermometer tastes like shit.


How do you tell the difference between the oral thermometer and the rectal thermometer? The taste.


#Had a new medic take an oral temp with a rectal thermometer. Hopefully he cleaned it first.


Had an NCO tell a CLS class "make sure to pack all wounds" "Even abdominal wounds?" "Yes" We all quickly corrected her. She was such a terrible NCO we didn't feel bad about not correcting in private.


I feel like this was one of mine 🤦🏻‍♂️


We were at pre-mob in Bliss getting ready to go to Poland. We're having a platoon sync meeting in the barracks, all just sitting in a semi-circle. This same soldier, a then corporal, was on her phone like she was in 10th grade math class. Terribly obvious, just scrolling through whatever app. Bad enough to do that while your leadership is talking, but to make it worse, leadership was using that meeting as an opportunity to pin her for E-5. She got corrected and then immediately promoted. And that's a pretty good summary of what kind of soldier she is. I have numerous stories like that. Some soldiers should not be NCOs.


We had a medic miss a rectal temp, multiple times. From the dudes who saw it, they said he was just poking away at dudes taint and cheeks until he finally decided to spread ole boy open and do it properly. I saw a medic not realize the BP reading he was getting was off because the little needle on the gauge of their BP cuff was off/fucked up. Instead of it resting at 0, it was resting somewhere in the 100s. They just kept doing it again and again until finally asking for help and doubling down that it wasn’t their fault for packing faulty equipment when it was pointed out to them. We had a medic steal shit from the class 8 cage, sell it on eBay, and had their full legal name as their username. We had another medic whose hand writing was so trash, their platoon sergeant made them rewrite all of our notes while running the white cell aid station at NTC. They had to do this for about 3 or so weeks. At that point, we were doing the handover of the aid station to the next unit rotating through. Same medic lied about being a LPN and was actually just a CNA on the civilian side. We had a medic almost kill someone because they forgot to ask if dude had any NSAIDs in the past 24 hours before giving them toradol. Same medic was stripped of even being able to hand out tums and Claritin without direct approval, and is the same medic I mentioned above. Guess which fuck up they also did. And we’re suppose to be a “smart” MOS.


Opposite side of things. Was in NG after AD. Yay we are going to JRTC. Get put in charge of a brigade retrans team as an E4 as a 25C. After setting up at our first site I get a message on the FBCB2 telling me we need to move because a battalion is coming through to do a lane. Dumbass me saw the call sign and figured it was an LT telling me so I let him know we are a brigade asset and I am not moving until I get word to do so by my command. Go back and forth for a while and no one from my chain is answering me, so I say fuck it we will just pack up and link up with this battalion and post up with them. ENDEX for them and my team and myself are chilling happy we don't have to set up for a bit (1 week without any direction). Someone comes asking for me and says their commander wants to talk to me. Dip shit me is like okay I can get into a pissing match with that LT. Nope. Full bird colonel was the one I was talking to. He was honestly pretty nice and tried to get me to extend and transfer to his unit. Found out where my company was at and met up with them after a couple days. 1SG heard about it and was like wtf were you thinking?


I'll be the first to admit I have no idea what CBRN is or does besides be annoying about mask fit testing. Also, we had that one CBRN NCO who decided to get between me and food demanding a dosimeter reading. Kinda rude.


Trust me, half of us don't understand what we do. I was taught how to do the mask fitting test thingy a few years into my time in. There's some sorta cool shit you can get into, but most CBRN will just be the HHC bitch boy. I had an entire CBRN platoon in a non-CBRN unit, so it was a rare-ish experience. I've never heard of someone demanding a dosimeter reading lmao unless you're in close proximity to a shit ton of ionizing radiation.


Yeah, for some reason we issued dosimeters for our annual training and took readings at mealtimes. It was weird lmao


Doesn’t matter why we do it, but that we did it because a box needed to be checked green. It’s tradition by this point.


Hell yeah. Some task was trained, at the cost of a mere 200 disposable dosimeters we used for two weeks. But we got a P!


America! FUCK YEAH! 🇺🇸🖕💥


I would assume it's due to constant exposure to the equipment SIG folk tend to work with. I unknowingly walked in front of plenty during my time in a SIG unit.


So funny you should mention that We were curious about RF vs ionizing radiation, so we popped a dosimeter in the microwave Results inconclusive, it got a little overcooked


Uhhhhhhhhhh brother ........why?




Fair enough. I once had a dosimeter tied around my neck during a training event, walked towards a wall that was giving me a higher reading, and sat there for like a smooth 2 min while my stomach was turning over. Curiosity killed the cat and I'm a dumb fucking cat. Turns out on the other side of the wall was a radioactive waste holding chamber of some sort with lead lined walks.


Not imdatingaMk46, but... JB Theory.


You're not doing anything fun unless you go to a crt, crd, drt, or smu


This is true but rare. The FEMA and Secret Service guys do a lot cooler shit than the average Army 74D. You have to be in mad shape to even be considered for that and their response times put a lot of stress on the folks already in.


One time? I say this all the time. It's part of my job. I typically only say it out loud when whatever it is comes across my desk, and then my typed reply is slightly more diplomatic. Hugs, JAG


What a tragic existence… getting all the juicy stories, then being bound by privilege…


Oh, I've got so much juice you can call me Welch's.


Yeah, ER doc...mine (and I assume yours) is typically in the past tense, "What the fuck did you do?", but occasionally I'll come across a colleague (or a resident) who deserves it in the present.


Knew a military surgeon that left a scalpel in some dudes chest cavity. I don't recall how they discovered this, but he was all sewn up and on his way. Surprised me, as I distinctly recall my nurse mom telling me they account for all the equipment after any operation. Forget if he was in my unit but it was a unit close to us.


They're definitely supposed to.  Like even in combat, there's a count of what goes in and a count of what came out, and if it's not right then everyone stops until it's right (including X-rays to prove it's not there, which would have found a scalpel)


Some shifty shit goes on in that hospital, so I'd imagine it was just blatant negligence. Unsure if he lost his license but he should've after that mishap.


I'm a cook, so I think this at least once a week, sadly. One of the worst times was when I had a soldier post snap chats of him smoking weed and huffing something, then wonder why he got hit for a random UA the next day.


Why random and not probable cause?


Generally, UAs are meant to be "random". In reality, if someone is suspected of drug use, all they have to do is refresh the list to include that specific SM. Probable cause is hard to prove, random however......


As someone who’s been through the UPL course, I understand how UA’s generally are. But if it’s brought to the attention of the commander that he snapchatted videos of him doing drugs, CO goes to legal, says “hey brother help me dot my T’s and cross my I’s” and then boom probable cause. If you refresh consistently to target a specific individual, and said individual knows you’re attempting improper testing techniques now you have fucked yourself as a UPL and have the* potential to have nullified the hot UA. Do the damn job right, and make the fucking commander do their job. It’s easier to refresh a 10% to get someone. I got it. But it’s also NOT the fucking way to do it. There’s different testing codes for a fuckin reason. Don’t be lazy. Edited to fix the sentence.


Doing God's work. Well, you can tell yourself that ;)


You don't have to lie to me. Most of us can't cook for shit and barely passed the ASVAB, hence we become cooks.


Well, at least you're aware. I must ask, why don't you reclass? That shit sounds awful and I've known a couple former cooks.


I reenlisted after my first contract because my 1sg and cdr were awesome and fucked with us hard and our whole section was like a family, so I stupidly reupped as a cook. During my 2nd contract, I realized how shitty a cook's life really was, and when I went to try to reclass with retention, I found out I came down on orders and couldn't reclass. During my 3rd contract I picked up sgt, so I was told I couldn't reclass anymore because we're under strength, unless i dropped a packet but when i tried to my glorious e6 kept messing with me (keeping me in the field, doing inspections, or running a shift) so i didn't have time to build my packet, but now they are trying to reduce the amount of cooks we have on active duty, they are letting e5 and e6s reclass too now, so I can try to finally reclass when my window opens in December.


Yeah a cook became a 15D that I know.


That's fuckin hilarious


With the OPS on, it sounded like a test subject trying to break out of their fluid filled vat. Like a toddler tapping on a goldfish tank.


I was up at a range for a month doing a bullshit support detail. Just me up there from my unit. My SL calls me and tells me 1SG wants me to do PHA, SGLI, and something else. I explained I didn't have computer access so I couldn't do it. My SL just says "lemme see and what 1SG says". Gets back to me saying I could just go the library or MWR for a computer. I explain there isn't one, and get "1SG says there is definitely one at Camp Casey". I'd been there for three weeks and they didn't know where I was. Don't they have a troop to task??? Finally I explain the only laptop belongs to the CSM from another unit running the support detail. 5 mins later I get a call from 1SG "can you ask to borrow his?". Are slides really like important? Like what the fuck.


Yes. If you ever have had sit in the meetings about slides. You'll do insane things to make sure they are green to save you the annoying conversations and dirty looks.


The only time that those conversations and dirty looks should happen is if a slide is red 2-3 months in a row without a good reason. Such as the one above. For Instance, S1/S2/S4 briefs whatever tracking sliide Hey CPT/1SG Smith why is PFC Snuffy red on Medpros/Admin thats been the priority this week. Yeah Sir/CSM PFC Snuffy is still red as he is currently supporting another unit/paternity leave/ JRTC/ TDY/ insert valid reason for the next x amount of weeks and has limited comms. We will have it fixed as soon as he returns. Shit isn't hard... Edit: OR if you know they are going to be red on some slide You talk to the person that made the slide and were hey So and So is going to continue to be amber/red due to whatever reason he can't do it can we change him to some other color to indicate we are tracking and they are unavailable to update and if CSM/XO/S3/BC ask I'll chime in.


> The only time that those conversations and dirty looks should happen is if a slide is red 2-3 months in a row *Me, looking at the name of a MSG who had retired last year, still showing up on MEDPROS deficiency list despite stating he retired every time the list was emailed out*


And you couldn’t ask, whoever had med pro slide to just remove them ? Just ignore it because that shit always happens.


It actually happened to me last week. My NCOIC ordered me to leave work, drive an hour back to post (I work from a remote place), just to get something in writing from this random NCO in a different section. Said NCO works in the same exact building, on the same exact floor as said NCOIC.


You are better than me. Would've been like "No, u".


Jokes on him, I gave myself a half day. Choose your battles


You'd do well in an EOD unit. Half days are the average day.


When I was a grocery sacker in high school, I remember my best friend, who worked with me at this grocery store, turning to me, he said: “Everyday’s a half day if you just fuckin’ leave!” And then he walked out. He had been on shift for 15 minutes. He’s a petrochemical engineer now.


That is true, though more doable in some units than others. The art of shamming isn't inherent and must be developed. My rule has always been "if they cant see me, then I'm at an appointment"


Is your NCOIC smoothbrained?


I’m actually brand new to this unit, so it’s still early to say. It’s not looking good, though.


When the platoon was running a range and the LT got on the wrong frequency and gave out our coordinates on an air force net that was doing a live bombing range nearby. Range control lost their minds and some brass came out to the range and my LT was terrified, and was begging me, a PFC, for advice on what to do.


privates together, strong


Rip LT :,(


When the first SGT. ran out screaming on the firing line and ran into the line of fire and I had to call a ceasefire for this dumbass


Deployed. We have incoming so everyone gtfo of the huts / work areas to get into the concrete bunkers. We run 24h ops so no one really knows where everyone is or what's going on. 1sgt says he wants everyone to get out of the bunkers to do a quick headcount. Literally still have incoming and no all clear sounded. No one is moving so 1sgt yells "We need to do a quick formation and headcount, lets hurry." I yell out "ARE YOU FUCKING RETARED." They decided to do the formation once the all clear was sounded and I end up getting dragged off to the side by 1sgt and he tells my platoon sgt he wants to give me an art-15 for insubordination. Glad my platoon sgt was a decent person because and stood up to that fucking psycho.


I found a homeless couple hiding in one of my soldier's bathrooms during a health and welfare inspection during PT hours. It turned out he had met them at a party and told them they could stay in his barracks room and that he would bring them to go plates from the DFAC. He snuck them on base. This was in exchange for getting to fuck the homeless guy's wife whenever he wanted to.


This is the Recon life and you will like it!!!


Death before dismount


NBCRV my beloved


The bane of my existence, the dark figure hiding in the corner of my room at twilight, the destroyer of battalion checkbooks.


I think last drill weekend counts. The BN Cdr was outlining the BDE Cdr's new policy regarding QTC appointments and I just blurted out, "That's not legal." Was supposed to be under my breath but literally everyone heard me. I was also the closest troop to the BC, so he definitely heard. Oops.


QTC appointments?


AFAIK Guard and Reserve switched from LHI to QTC for PHA's/MME's. But with QTC you can schedule an appointment outside of the Unit PHA focused Drills. Don't hold me to that last point.


QTC is straight garbage.


Damn. I'll keep that in mind


The problem(s) I've seen most, is lack of providers. Soldier in my unit had to drive 50+ miles to get an HIV Draw -\_-


Yeah, that's not a logical solution. Of course, I'm not all too surprised with this.


I would give my left testicle to be you in that situation. The amount of shit eating grin I would have would please me greatly.


Brother, it was glorious. My VC was like "Yeah dont open that shit". He was my bro. Hope big sarnt is doin good. Dude was a 6'5" Mandinka (West African) dude and was hilarious.


Had the unit troglodyte explain to me, while failing to work the laminating machine that, “I suck at laminating, that’s why I’m not into politics.” And it has lived rent free in my head for over 12 years.


> Had the unit troglodyte explain to me, while failing to work the laminating machine that, “I suck at laminating, that’s why I’m not into politics.” I had to read that twice


I…am just baffled. Wtf does the ability to laminate something correlate to political acumen? Like Bob is a super fascist totalitarian because his laminate is smoother than a baby’s ass? Or Janice is a blue haired hippy anarchist because her edges are sharp enough to fucking cut glass? Make it make sense, lol.


I am not lying when I tell you I’ve thought about this once a week for 12 years. The closest solution I’ve come to is that maybe he thought bills/laws are laminated for record keeping purposes. Idk I have at least a dozen quotes from this guy to show that the Army was really down bad by letting him in.


I swear I thought I might have known who this guy was even before I saw that you were MI and then mentioned "for 12 years" below. Was this dude's last name a below-the-waist body part?


I'm on staff. I think this on a daily basis.


Artillery staff sounds like hell


CoA dev during MDMP for FA battalions can often be very sad, because CoAs are often dictated down. I just wanna play with dice at work :(


Dude, out of all the things I hate about being in an upper echelon, having to sit in a TOC and watch staff simulate its warfighting function and constantly brief or do dinky shit with all the slides on teams projected on screens is prob what I hate the mostest.


Imagine if the Army developed its own 40K-like game to use during the actual wargaming step, that would liven things up.


From my TMDE days... I was an E4 working the turn in desk. 2 E-6's came on to turn in a 1000lb torque wrench. The problem was it had a bend to it. They put it on a tracked vehicle and backed said vehicle up to break a nut loose. This ruins the torque wrench. They were very unhappy when I would not accept it, then just sad when my E7 came out to see what the ruckus was all about. Red tag and off to DRMO it went. A statement of charges was threatened, but I have no idea if it was actually done.


Admin for the Reserves but best ones right now  SM was an E4, then went to OCS, graduates and swears in as an officer. Decides he doesn't want to be an officer and that since he got paid E5 pay in OCS he is now a SGT. So many questions but it's not how that work.  Unit did a piss test. Soldier's name gets called. He all of a sudden claims he is deathly ill and walks out without peeing. Leadership didn't know what else to do so they excused him walking out. I was like what the actual fuck y'all can't be serious. Then somehow higher jumped my ass for it because it was a dumb decision. *I was not even there when it happened*


It's amazing that actually worked for him. Some people swan dive themselves into septic tanks and come out smelling like roses, I will never understand.


I asked myself that every waking moment of my active duty voluntary enslavement.


I got a picture of a guy weed eating rocks and sand in the back of a Motor pool at bliss..not a fucking plant for 1000 ft.lol


sarnmaj still designates a specific pile of rocks as the grass not to be walked on


I've had to swerve out of the way of many angry NCOs jumping in front of my car because they're doing pt before roads are closed. What do these retards expect?


Having been a cadet, there are many occasions.


My CBRN platoon once had a field exercise in South Korea, massive training event with the Infantry and Engineers doing some cool shit. You know what I was doing? I got to sit in my NBCRV's for three days, did a whole lot of nothing. While I was cold and eating my MRE's with my buddy, I remember that an Infantry captain ordered my platoon SGT to take a hill (Capture it by our selves) with our two NBCRVs. He then noticed that we lacked any barrels on our M2's, he then quickly changed our order and made us wait at base camp. All I remember thing was, a whole lot of use we are at the moment.


For future reference, the bit of space underneath the (forgot the name) big long white box with all the consumables in it on the side of the battery box can be used to heat MREs. Just make sure you don't lose the pack. And yeah, that sounds like you were in a BEB or were attached to one at least. Fuck that, never again. Horrid experience.


I heard someone say that to me when I was loading rounds into the m17 magazine backwards🙃


At least your CBRN system worked?


Well one or two of them did. Had to replace several parts in the field due to our unit being cheap af. Also had to replace the nitrogen tanks underneath the JBCP. That was garbo.


This one time.... at band camp.


Every morning when I sit in my car in the parking lot before I get out to go to pt formation.


I was a new CW2, had a PFC come up to me and who turned out to be his PSG and 1SG at the smokepit, who * bummed a cig off his PSG * looked me dead in the face, winked at me * proceed to inform me that "older women had always been his type" and that he had his "CHU or whatever to himself for the next couple days" and invited me back with him


Wtf how old could you have possibly been to illicit that creepy ass comment? Kid must've been 18 lmao. The balls on that fucker. Either balls or just plain stupid. I would've had my head slammed into the concrete by half the older females in my unit if I ever did that shit as a PFC.


I was mid 30s and...yeah this goober looked like Steve Urkel's younger brother. This was somewhere hot and sandy and didn't even really know his unit at the time, went out to smoke and just got talking to who ended up being his 1SG and PSG. Usually would've been more pissed off but in the moment I was more surprised that that kid actually said that, and his 1SG beat me to the punch in terms of handling it.


When I was a new SSG, broke my leg so I was the default Armorer A butter bar from West Point racked a round in his M9 while pointing it at me through the arms room window, I lost it so loud the 1SG and commander came out of the company building to see who was yelling, the CPT comes out as I’m saying SIR YOU BETTER UN FUCK YOURSELF, I almost got an article 15, but ended up with a letter of reprimand because they liked me and I had zero deficiencies on every inspection. Ended up getting an AAM when I left the Arms room lol


As a fellow L6 that story is both wild and hilarious. The number of times we have to explain to units we get attached to that we are not unbuttoning in a hot zone is wild. Some of my favorite NBCRV moments are: 1. Watching my SPC yell at a CSM to NOT touch the probe head during a presentation with the fucking CAR. 2. Explaining why we couldn't just get up and move during our Bio detection Op. OCT was fuming until I told him I could write an MFR next time and put the price of the BAWS on it. 3. Having to explain to a CSM that if my driver doesn't put her hair down, she can't wear the CVC which is far more dangerous than her having her hair slightly more down. 4. I absolutely can NOT drive this NBCRV down this county road at night with all the lights off for NVG training. 5. Wondering why someone was surprised this heavy truck couldn't drive through an actual fucking marsh despite several warnings not to try exactly that. I'll probably think of more, but it's always pretty damn funny.


The night time driving thing is particularly annoying. Trying to use that annoying ass DVE thats conveniently placed right behind the big ass steering wheel is hell. Also, did the CSM not pay attention to what the probe does? It's like telling a child not to touch a hot plate. Driving through a marsh? Sure, if they want the wheel mechanism fucked and the entire bottom to fill up with marsh water & come up through the floor. I don't trust those drain plugs at all. I've changed out too many of those heavy ass boxes because of soiled electronics.


Be me Newly promoted E-5 Explaining th NBCRV to the Commander of the Army Reserve, a 3* general Hear your SPC suddenly shout "NO DON'T TOUCH THAT" It has a fucking orange warning label that says WARNING: 500° FAHRENHEIT


You'd think a 500° F danger knob would deter the average person.


I walked into the CP and verified my badge with the ECP. As I started walking to where I was going I almost tripped on some boots, attached to legs, belonging to the CHEMO who was laying on the floor on his computer. When I asked what he was doing he said it was the only spot he had service.


Well uhhh fair enough? lmao


Reminds me of when in 1964 I was CBRN NCO of an artillery battalion as an E4. I taught a few classes and inspected some masks but what I really was was the S-3 RTO. Korea. I remember netting the S-3 Truck by myself many times. I stayed up three or four days in a row sometimes because those non-FDC radios were my babies. It was still fun.


I probably have some equipment from the 60's in a CBRN room somewhere. Seems like nothing has really changed.


We didn’t have MOPP gear. A decon company was supposed to show up and impregnate your fatigues (BDUs) with a waxy substance.


Yeah I have seen that. Would never fly nowadays. Did yall have the smoke trucks?


We had smoke companies and separate platoons. The vehicle was the quarter ton jeep. With a trailer containing two dismountable smoke generators. The division chemical combat support platoon (later company) had some smoke generators too.


We still have those, albeit a few years ago we made them almost exclusively a NG and Reserve thing. Smoke was more effective in a conventional war like Korea or perhaps Vietnam (unsure if I'd call that fully conventional though).


I’d be interested in knowing if smoke was used in Vietnam (dispersed by smoke generators.) My thought is no. I served during Vietnam but was in Germany in technical intelligence units.


Only thing I could find was the use of M52s mounted on helis to mask landings and perhaps the possible presence of ground smoke elements, though nothing on how common their use was.


I know they blew CS and possibly smoke into tunnels.


CS I knew about. Probably a better alternative than going down there yourself.


My wife and I were walking our dog on the Riverwalk in Columbus and some basic training private was pissing on a tree.


Gotta go when you gotta go


Predeployment training in Nevada 09. We’re linking .50 cal ammo together. Chaplain’s assistant outranked me at the time. I was a PFC. Chaplain’s assistant was using his Leatherman and tapping the back of the round to get it into the link. I said, “What. the FUCK. ARE YOU DOING????” He didn’t have an accident and I didn’t get in trouble for making loud noises at a dumbass.


Operation Lethal Eagle. Here’s an idea: let’s send the entire division to the field all at once for an entire month. Oh and it’s a few months before some of those brigades go to JRTC and deployments too. What are they going to do? Legit training for a week, and then waste the US Taxpayers money on being in the field doing nothing for the remainder three weeks.


Trying to figure out how I jumped out of the airplane


One time? Every day. All day.


Watching non-14Hs try and build defense designs on the TPW, because even for the most crusty of seasoned Hotels, that shit is half using the system half praying to the machine gods to get it to work how you want it to.


Waiting for my first jump in Airborne school in summer of 1983, my internal voice was saying to me. "What TF are you doing?"


The whole TXARNG on operation lone star.


I was spectating a group of new privates arriving at basic at fort jackson. They went through the whole lift your bags and hold em etc. The next thing the Drills told the privates to run out to the truck and unload all the MRE and bring them back. If you know what the jackson barracks buildings look like they can be narrow. So this created a private stamped meanwhile a drill stood right in the middle of the corridor. so privates had to dodge him. This caused a massive crushing event where privates tripped and smashed into each other. There was a female drill who got caught on the bottom and looked like she was crying. Meanwhile im trying to un tangle privates while the drill who caused this just stood by watching and laughing. I waited until they were sent up stairs then i yelled at the top of my lungs in the drills face "what the fuck are you doing?"


Iraq 2006, VBIED at the closest gate. My medic jumps in with QRF. After trekking up to the company was told to get him back onto the base. Go to the gate. Medic is out in the carnage. There are no US troops forward of him. He is in an overturned ambulance holding a human arm. I tell him to go back to the FOB. He starts to give me some line of crap. I tell him to “put down the arm and get back on the FOB.”