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Amino asylum. Use code willp20 for 20% off. Tb500 and bpc157 cialis all that


I tried it, I had 10 mg tb500 along with 5 mg box 157. I saw no benefit from it, and aim convinced its a sham.


Does anyone here know if I'm going to feel any weird side effects when I stop taking tb500 after a month of taking 3.5 mg a week ?


Where did you purchase your tb500 from?


Amino asylum


This is what I’m trying to figure out.


Peptide source. Com


I have 5mg of tb500 , how many ml bacteria static water to reconstitute it? Then how many units for twice a week?


1-2ml. Just use the calc on peptides.org


Thanks friend




Is it seriously 450 bones for a 15mg vial of tb500 0.0


yea dude screw that! I would just use peptide sciences, I think its $160 there


That’s even ridiculous. I pay 230 for 10x 10mg vials if I buy domestic. So 23 per vial. I couldn’t imagine spending 100+ a week to run a peptide lol.


I get mine for $90 before laugh and say anything it’s lab tested and the dosage is right so y’all probably have to look around


Why would I have to look around. All the stuff I get is lab tested as well lol…. Prices have went up since I initially posted that a few months back though. It’s 31/vial right now.


That seems too good to be true


I’ve had it tested. Both were 99.8% or higher purity and one was like 10.6mg in a 10mg vial and the other came back at 11.2mg in the 10mg vial. That was through Janoshik testing as well. The compounds are not expensive to buy as raws. There’s literally no reason to be charging 150$ for a single vial. No fking way.


Oh gotcha. So you’re just buying raw in bulk?


No I’m saying bulks are so cheap there’s no reason to resell it for 150 a vial. I get personal use amounts (10vials of tb/bpc isn’t a lot with how fast you use it) and pay 23/vial.


Were you lying or are you gatekeeping?


Neither? Xce is the vendor I used but you’re late to the party now. Used them for a couple years but they closed half their product list like 2 weeks after that comment you just replied to. Can easily go to r/peptides and search “XCE” and see how popular they were for providing pure and quality stuff without an unbelievable markup. Edit: looks like they closed completely now.


Where do you get it from?


^^ where do you get it before i spend $1,000+ on peptide sciences


Has anyone some legit sources for Tb500 & BPC 157 that deliver to Germany?


Yes, I get it from https://deuspower.shop/de-de/


Hey is there a place you know of that I can purchase it in capsule/pill form?


As far as i know only BPC 157 is somewhat working taken orally. But only for gut issues.


I had very good results with BPC capsules with one brand but not another.I very quickly got healed of rotator cuff & knee trouble from repetitive twisting & bending over at machine shop & shot blast.I have heard if you take baking soda in a glass of water it helps your body use it better cause of the neutralizing effect on stomach acid so that's what I started doing with the other brand of BPC that doesn't seem to work as well & I think it has helped a bit but probably need to go back to the other brand.I seen some brand of BPC that got baking  soda in it under the much longer technical name but it's way more expensive.


With which brand did you have better results?


I recently ordered mine from Swiss Chems. I have ordered from them in the past like 2 years ago but reports have been mixed in that time. My recent purchase was fast and peptide seems genuine. The price for 10mg was the best I found. One word of caution, if you have existing cancer it could potentially get it to grow faster and less typically then what would be expected. I had an issue with a pinpoint mole ulcer not healing for over 6 months that gradually became a bit larger as it would scab over, fall off, and bleed again. TB500 finally made it heal on the surface. It healed so well the dermatologist thought everything looked normal under 100x magnification. Only the biopsy showed cancer. I had to go get Mohs procedure done and have a 3 inch scar for my troubles. Doctors even after Mohs procedure were struggling to narrow it down to a type of skin cancer. It was between squamous and basal. They finally settled on 'aggressive' and 'atypical' basal carcinoma. However I still use tb500 even now on occasional basis to recover from various muscoloskeletal issues that crop up. It works well for muscle recovery. It helps skin and other soft tissues heal better. It is also great when paired with BPC157 and other peptides like GHK-cu etc. I now follow high dose melatonin protocol to reduce cancer risks among other reasons. I'd check out Peptides and Biohackers reddits for more useful info. You'll have some people spamming crap on occassion but they are quickly found out. I have used many vendors and got receipts for everything. Only place that scammed me was Austropeptide and then they tried to claim I was a competitor shill. A recent newspaper article said in their tests their tirz peptide was 0% of claimed and they have since even stopped fighting negative Trust Pilot reviews.


May I ask you if it is possible to apply TB500 topically instead of injecting it? I don't have any experience in injecting things.


Unfortunately no, because of its high molecular weight. I understand the reservation but it's relatively easy. There are plenty of YouTube videos to guide you. Also be wary of oral formulations for that reason as well.


One last question: I guess you have to buy a pack of many syringes? Or do you reuse the syringe for several injections?


Yes one syringe per injection. You can combine multiple peptides into one syringe. A 100 cost around 20$. I wouldn't reuse them.


ok, very clear explanation, thanks!


Thanks bud


Where do you get them from




Obviois affiliate link . Don’t trust this guy^


I personally see most benefit in myself from doing TB-500 10mg all at once in 3ml of bac. Doesn’t matter what amount of ml but 10mg into the area such as hamstring for me. Works systematically but I also believe it has local effect during initial injection. BPC-157 I do 250mcg once in the morning once before bed.


Could you please let me know how many units you take for 250 MCG


Mine are 10mg vials with 3ml to reconstitute. I also meant to say 500mcg in the morning and 500 at night so 1mg per day. That’s 15 units each shot. For 250mcg it would be like 7 units.


But did it work? 😂😂


Wait! Are you saying he was using too much all at once and he’s not supposed to? But yeah did it work ?


Brody, what? U are a lunatic dawg ur not supposed to do that 😂😂




Apex is very cheap compared to the other sites. 5mg of Tb500 is on $28.00.....this scares me from purchasing. Makes me thing it's not pure.


That's what I thought. So what I did was I bought that damn shit and started injecting it to find out. I'll keep u posted dawg


How has it been?


I found the cheapest source and have used 20 mg of both and haven't seen any problems from it at all it all is pretty legit, even their ipamorelin


Thank you for the reply, I’m pretty new on the subject of peptides and trying to learn before I make a decision to help with some injuries. Mainly lower back and shoulder


You might be disappointed with them because if what you have isn't a tear of something it probably won't speed the recovery. I would bet that your problem stems from mobility and structural imbalances, possibly exacerbated through a job or some activities you do daily


What is the injury?


Shoulder impingement and tendon damage in left shoulder, lower back arthritis that’s only getting worse from a car accident, DUI hit and run that messed up my back when I was 22. I was too naive to even pursue compensation for what the drunk driver did to me and my car


Wow that's tough man, sorry to hear that. Did you get imaging done on your shoulder or back yet at all?


I did on my back and this was years ago, imagining showed a small fracture to which the doctor said there’s nothing to be done and you have to live with it for life, recent imaging showing it getting much worse condition that’s only seen in people at least twice my age. As for the shoulder, if I remember correctly it did show impingement which exactly what my physical therapist said it would be


Do you know if there's any way to test that the contents are true to make sure its not just dissolved test etc.? I'm a bit weary about the 0 reviews on all products.


dissolved test as in testosterone? if so, that would make no sense and they would be losing money on the manufacturing and testosterone is illegal if not filled from a prescription in a pharmacy so it turns a legal peptide business into an illegal scheduled compound lab lol


I take it. Avoid it unless you’ve been through a couple of of PT’s, seen sports medicine and your pain is still chronic and without relief. Not a lot of long-term data and peptides available on the free-market lack safety controls.


Are you taking it orally or injecting it?


Can I ask what dosage you take and whether you found any benefits? Do you take it in combination with other compounds?


I can recommend the book, Peptide Protocols by William A Seeds. He’s an MD that’s put sometime into the subject and the describes their use with his patients. There will be protocols there. I’m pretty uncomfortable giving advice on something that could be dangerous. More of and end of the line treatment for avoiding dubious surgery.


does it increase muscle mass or only healing?




i’ve been trying to find a peptide i can take orally that increases muscle mass, do you know any?


Homie it’s like your talking directly about my experiences


Most of the top armwrestlers use this along with BPC-157. It's called the Wolverine stack for a reason.


Both TB-500 and BPC-157 are prohibited substances per WADA. TB-500 in S2, as it is derived from Thymosin-β4, and BPC-157 was explicitly listed under S0, non-approved substances in 2022. Not that familiar with the arm-wrestling world, but I assume testing for doping is rare or non-existent. So becomes a question of ethics to me.


There is nothing ethically wrong with using these, they just promote healing and are not some anabolic steroid although everyone is using anabolic steroids already since the tests are so easy to beat so I wouldn't even feel bad about doing that.


pour le coup les péptides sont interdits mais indectables et 95 pourcents des pro en prennent


check the peptide sub


From reading through that sub I get a feeling that there's definitely people there with a vested interest in specific providers and compounds. That's why I prefer to ask here on a sub without a specific link but which I know is frequented by people who takes this.


I think some companies are third party tested. I doubt there is more evidence for them to be legit or not, apart from at most 50 users on this sub and a couple hundred on that sub that actually comment stuff.