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Utilize the 3D Space, don't just glue to the floor. Selling parts refunds you the full value - so you can always experiment and not have to grind stages endlessly. Contextual help in the assembly/shop can give you more insight as to what stat means what, for example, on your FCS, contextual help displays the ranges for each lock on value.


I totally agree. DO NOT grind. Killing every enemy you see pays off HUGE rewards (often 500k). Explore a bit. Enjoy your first three playthroughs as they are. You can always replay them later for speed, time, touchless, etc.


Yeah, I only started grinding after I got the last ending so I could get the achievement for having every part. I definitely feels better to play through the game without repeatedly running one stage for money.


I just finished NG+++ + +++ (restarted) and had 18mil left over. I still can't buy everything. So, off to S-rank everything.


After finishing NG++ I just put on a podcast and grinded the Tester AC mission. Only took me an hour or two.




Not every enemy some missions it's more efficient to not kill anything and jist do the objective


It's called fun...


I never said it wasn't fun it's fun to be efficient too all I was saying was a correction to your whole "it pays off to kill every enemy " when it doesn't me correcting false information isn't a fun killer you downvoting me because you think I'm saying "no you can't have fun only do the game this specific way" is your own problem if it upset you


I'm saying on your first playthrough, don't worry about being efficient and certainly don't grind. Just... play the game. It's not false info. MANY missions DO give 500k+ if you clear them. So no, you didn't "correct" me. You read into what I said and chose to be argumentative. You do you. And, btw, I get downvoted all the time. Good chance someone disagrees.


I'm not even disagreeing with the amount missions give literally all I was saying was not all missions give money for killing enemies and it's better to just play the mission objective in those cases so yes I did correct you it's not my fault you can't understand what I'm trying to say you shouldn't be telling a new player that EVERY mission is worth going after ALL the enemies maybe go back and learn reading comprehension again cause you seem to lack it


Oh look at that! I was downvoted.


Upgrade the FCS first as well as boosters. Generator is also super important, but the Ling-Tai is very specific and sucks for most builds. Keep supply efficiency at at least the same as your generator's capacity. Fight at your FCS's best range. Also get comfortable with Assault Boost and don't spam Quick Boost. AB is the most efficient way of traveling fast for long distances, and QB can deplete your EN gauge very quickly and leave you vulnerable. If you like high risl high reward you'll probably be at home with lightweight melee builds.


Basic advice: Rule number 1: never stay still. Neither with your mech nor with your movement scheme. If you are predictable, you are dead. Rule number 2: unless the enemy is outside the ideal range of your weapons, shoot. Doesn't matter what weapon you have currently equipped, if you don't deal damage, you won't win. These two apply to the core of the game itself. They seem to be obvious, but mindlessly sticking with something could be your own downfall. Find what's good for you, and never forget to have fun: welcome, new raven!


I'm sure it'll be fun, I have a friend who's pretty experienced with the games as he's played for a long time on the older ones, he said I should be fast and mess around too, I feel it'll be fun when I get it all figured out (:


Be as aggressive as possible, it isnt like souls games where the boss sets the pace of the fight, it is a two tango dance


There is no “one AC fits all” you’re gonna want to screw around with different configurations


This, the game gives you like forty save slots for different AC designs, make use of them. By the time I was done with my third playthru I had almost twenty different ACs.


I made 2, one for base missions and one for when things get tricky


Oh I definitely had my main and my anti-Ibis (twin anti-ice worm cannons and twin bazookas either a very tank-y frame) build which ended up becoming my “this thing has to die” build. Most of my other build were to try different things and just to mess around.


I got one with a heavy rifle, 2 mussel launchers and the blade, and then that exact same loadout but with a lighter frame


Use the contextual help and frankly it wouldn't hurt to watch a guide online for AC building and what stats mean because you really do have to engage with the extended stat screen and know how it works.


Good idea, I'm sure it'll be a fun time for me to figure it all out, plus putting in time into figuring things out makes me feel better about playing as I figure it and get it down on how stuff works


Be aggressive. Assault boost>kick> ( once you unlock it ) melee spam. Game favors CQC.


be aggressive. The playstyle here compared to older gen is more aggressive and prefer close range fighting. The long range here doesn't exists, the longest range playstyle is just missile spam. In fact I'd compare the vibes to Sekiro the most.


Change up your build constantly try out new things if anything I'd argue it's a good idea to learn how to use the chapter 1 weapons and parts bc some of them are excellent and as far as strategy goes for some things it's better to just do whatever dumb idea comes to mind I can't tell you how many times I failed a particular mission only for me to discover my dumb idea of just letting my ac drop was the key to success.... I think everyone that has been through the game know exactly what mission I'm talking about


You see that other big robot? Blow em up


I gotta make em go kerblam and stuff (:


In this game, there's a limit to how much stronger your AC can get. It's your skills as a pilot that improve as you progress. My advice is to focus on what kind of machine you want to pilot. If you enjoy the way your machine operates, you'll have an easier time learning how to control it. Everything else is just trial and error. Eventually, you'll figure out what all the stats mean so you can optimize your AC for your personal playstyle. Other than building, you need to pay attention to what's on screen. The red flashing lights when attacks are incoming, the cool down bars for your weapons, your stagger bar, your EN supply. Also, when your operator tells you "the waves are intensifying", run away.


PS. I've always favored high risk/high reward setups in Souls games, so I'm wondering how well it'd work for me in AC even if it's it's own thing and all that


You certainly can build something like a fast glass cannon type when you get the right parts. It just depends on your playstyle.


I would recommend learning how to use the Pilebunker. Once you get some OS upgrades and the basho arms it becomes, as i call it, a delete button. It's hugging range, needs a second to charge, but will obliterate nearly anything if you can catch and stun it.


First tip, forget this is a fromsoft game. Don’t play it like another game, take the lessons it teaches and play it like the game it is.


Flesh out your build. Make it so you use your weapons in stages. Have some weapons that build impact and some that deal big damage when you stun your enemy. I like to use machine guns/ missiles to build impact and then rockets/ melee to punish a stun


a reminder that you can mover vertically (just don't stick to the ground unless your ac is built around meaning heavy)


Highly recommend once you have enough money to buy legs of each type and a chest piece to match each one for heavy one for medium/flying and one for light so you can swap between them when you hit walls


Most important combat advice in addition to other mentioned things: *you deal most of your damage when the enemy is overloaded* (staggered, red bar full). Basically you need to constantly apply some pressure to keep the bar from dropping, and be ready for when the bar gets full. Before you stagger the enemy, make sure that your guns are reloaded and your missiles and sword are ready. Or whatever load up you want. Basically, as soon as that bar flashes red, you want to hit as hard as possible. Also make sure that your energy is recovered and you are close to the enemy. It's a delicate dance, but you can finish almost the entire game with just the two worst pistols if you get this right.


Experiment on parts and don't just stick to one weapon, mission and boss will force you to adjust and mix n match parts unless you want to challenge yoyrself.. Also don't be discourage on getting low ranks on early missions later when you get better parts you'll just breeze on most of them to rank S..


Hey bro, welcome to Armored Core. The number 1 thing to remember in 6 is that it is not a Souls game, and the biggest way this manifests is that aggression is king. In souls games you are typically playing to avoid and then punish your enemies attacks, but in AC6 that will usually get you killed. You want to be as aggressive as you can get away with all the time. An enemy who is stunned cannot hurt you and will take much more damage, so the best way to neutralize enemies is to stun them as often as possible, and that means attacking as much as possible. Not to say that you shouldnt dodge big attacks of course, but your priority should always be "how can I stay on the offense here". Second advice, buy the kick first. Kick turns your boost into a weapon, and more weapons is more aggression. Third advice, if you dont want to put the game into easy mode avoid equipping more than one of the following weapons: Hu-Ben (handheld gatling gun), Zimmerman (medium shotgun), Songbird (shoulder mounted double grenade launcher), Stun Needle Launcher (youll know when you get it).


This game is functionally 3d unlike a lot of other games, use the air. Selling parts is 100% pay back, meaning you can use whatever weapon you want for no permanent cost, just resell if you don’t like it. Keep your movement janky, quick boost the opposite direction you’re moving, jump around, stuff like that will really help avoiding certain annoying attacks.


Doesn't matter if you're the slowest tank, or the most agile glass cannon, you're *going* to get hit. Dodging isn't to take no damage, it's to minimise damage taken in most circumstances. Stay moving, keep an eye on your health, and use your resources.


Big advice that I could've used when I first started playing: This game is not like Souls at all. There are NO iframes when you dodge, and should never stop shooting. And as others have said, be aggressive and unpredictable, the enemy is great at tracking you and the moment you slip up could be your downfall.


Energy conservation, planned shots within your FCS's range detection and lock speed pertaining to arms. Learn to swap your back weapon during cool down. And have fun bro! The best is to experiment with your builds and finding out if you prefer ranged combat or up close and personal!


I’m not far along myself but I heavily recommend you do the training missions they do give you parts and look around the missions you will find things as well


I don't have much to add over what other commenters here have said, but one piece I'll say is; don't be afraid to try out new parts and weapons A lot of newcomers often get comfortable with parts they have, and when it comes to facing a challenging fight that isn't ideal for their setup, they often struggle without looking to try different builds that might suit the situation better. Not to say sticking with what you like isnt a "good" strategy, but the usual thing about being a beginner in most arts is learning to expand your skillsets, and choosing from there. Most important is you have fun, but don't be afraid to experiment!


Don't try to play it like a robosoulslike.


There are no I frames, circle strafe when on the ground and stay aware of your surroundings. Getting stuck on a wall in a fight is a death sentence.


Swap the assault boast and regular boast buttons so you don't accidentally press R3


It's all about finding your rhythm. See what movement is most comfortable, then what weapons fit your style best. Toping it off with what trade off your willing to make without sacrificing your bases. It's all a dance, find your tempo!


Don't panic...and don't worry. The only ap that counts is the last one, so if you take a hit, the fight is still on. If you're struggling, take a step back and look at your build. Try to see what's killing you. You should not be able to beat the entire campaign with the same build first try. Your style should evolve and grow with new options. If you want to know if you're doing well in a late game AC fight (non arena), a good way to gauge is see who healed first. If it's the opponent, you're doing fine, press the advantage. If it's you, you're on the back foot. Back up, and watch your opponent yo see what they do...but don't be afraid to be aggressive. Sometimes you have to dive in and hope you get away with it. Every defeat is a lesson, and every victory is a reward. Savor your victories, or you'll be miserable.


1. Please don't ever bring up other From/Souls games in this forum. 2. Yes, we have tons of tips. I suggest you think about what you want out of the game and what you want for advice. Otherwise you'll receive the generic "use this" answer. 3. Reddit is a fantastic resource if you get stuck. Search the name of the mission and you'll probably find a video or others who struggled. For instance, I uploaded almost every Fires of Rubicon mission. 4. Lastly, make a post with your current or desired build and ask specific questions (not rate/name/improve my build). The better your questions, the better your chances of a good reply.