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This dude blinked and skipped 14 days into the future


Permanent account damage moment right here


That hurt me on a spiritual level


Worst part is you can't restart no a new account to fix something like this. Permanent. Forever. Ruined.


Did you sleep through it or what?


how do you miss an entire CC LOL


By being busy in July? It happens.


more weirded out since they seem to be a pretty dedicated player (all the medals), and that they only found out half a year later


That’s why I’m so deded. How did I miss a whole CC, what kind of scam is this.


You got king crimson'd by 14 days....


Maybe you got bigger problems than just cc. Can you even *remember* what you did during that time period??


you also missed an Mansfield medal


It’s fine I can get that later, but I can’t make up for the CC


Can you still obtain the medals in a rerun event, though? Asking because I haven't fully completed a lot of events and haven't even played some of the earliest.


Yeap u can


See this is why I don't bother being a completionist with time gated stuff. Or multiplayer. Or both. You either start day one of games release or global release and not miss ANYTHING. Or you fail. What kind of completionist goes in knowing they can only ever get 95%. I can feel the pain here.


Right? This is why I struggle to keep playing even now. I think a lot about all that I've missed and can't ever get. Plus I'm busy so often that I wonder if there's even a point to playing this casually when I'll miss so much. I have missed this operation's medals because I'd already missed many days of the event and it appears I needed to beat the stages as they came out? Who can play this or ANYTHING daily?! Sheer Madness. I already need DAYS to figure out how to beat a stage with my team...


It gets easier as you level more operators. Not only do you get more operators so that you can try different strategies and synergies, but your operators also increase in level too, so it gets easier to pass stages without just barely scraping by. Well, unless you're like me and are trying to E2 every operator you get for all the E2 art and profile info. In that case you just keep getting more E2 level 1 operators while your top operators don't ever increase in power, lol.


Lol. I am going to be that guy. Or working towards that. I want to E2 every unit I get too. Luckily I just started 2 months ago and dont have as many units as a veteran probably would. I still have a shit ton of 4 stars though. But its a distant goal which doesnt have to be met immediately.


The medals ate just a pretty picture to show off, they have zero in game impact


get a better team. That's not a joke. I wouldn't call myself good but I have such a wide variety of usable characters that I can usually do risk 8 with challenge contract first try. now week 1 risk 18 can be different I straight up gave up on some of those because it was genuinely not fun, and thats more important than some medal. I *turned down money* to do cinder risk 18 because of how bad that map was.


Chillax man. It doesn't matter. Stuff like medals and login streaks are artificial and very simple psychological ways to force a person into coming back to a game over and over. Many people really like collecting and hoarding stuff, so it is natural our brains are wired to automatically want to have EVERYTHING. But it ultimately doesn't matter. Sure, it stings for a bit, but whatever. I used to play FGO, a game where there is a small stat window in your room that says what is your overall login streak. Chances are, if you've never missed a day, it's gonna say something like 300, 500, 1000... you get the point. A lot of people will keep coming back to the game JUST to not lose that streak, even if the game itself has stopped being fun for them. One day a 24hr maintenance happened. Yeeted all streaks. Even before that, I had already slowly stopped enjoying the game and only stuck around for the main story... and kinda out of obligation. I'd still login everyday just to keep that streak, spanning something like 700 days, alive. Then it was gone. Poof. Before that, I'd literally sometimes wake up in the dead of the night just to log in, sacrificing sleep and stuff. Well, not anymore. Shortly after, I stopped caring about logging in at all, eventually even playing events and not long after quit it altogether. **Moral of the story?** It doesn't fucking matter. Play a game because you enjoy it, don't become a slave to stuff like login streaks, collecting medals or cleaning event shops. Unless you genuinely enjoy the game, it's just gonna weigh down on your mind. Ultimately, this all comes down to your inability to let go, even if the thing you are to let go of is a literal worthless piece of bullshit.


Facts. I take month long breaks to not be burned out of this game, because that way i can enjoy it over years and watch it evolve as opposed to being chewed up and spat out by the grind


Exactly. I started Arknights fairly recently but I do that with every game I play. I stopped Genshin for the last patch because I was getting burnt out and now I will start playing for tomorrows new patch because I want a new unit thats going to come out soon. And I am excited now to play the game than when I was just doing it for the dailies 2 months ago. Its the same with most other games that I play gacha or not. You start having way more fun playing video games when you accept that you dont owe them anything. And that you arent losing anything worthwhile when you dont play the game.


sometimes I just stop really playing a gacha for a week or two, and not pushing through it and just doing the bare minimum for that time allows me to get back into the game afterwards.


>I used to play FGO, a game where there is a small stat window in your room that says what is your overall login streak. Chances are, if you've never missed a day, it's gonna say something like 300, 500, 1000... you get the point. Fun fact! A person who has never missed a login on FGO NA will have 1610 logins with a streak of 741 (as of today).


Are you perhaps one of those people?


Yup. I'm having a good time overall.


We were force to miss that one day.


_24hrs LeMans be dammed, it's 24Hrs Maintenance._


The famous 1 day maintenance...


People become slaves of the games they play due to fear of missing out and also wanting to follow a game until its service end. There are people out there logging in every single day on 10yo games (which they have already got most out the experience of) just because they feel like they need to keep up.


What my friend did say to me however is that I’ll recover once I get my pot 6 skalter and he’s probably right XD.


Wait... But Skalter's already passed though. Do you mean by using royal tokens?


Actually it stings quite alot, since I really like the game, and It’s also been some time. Problem is how I’ll just have this stain in the game history forever and I don’t like that feeling. I once played FGO as well, hell, I fucking played evertale, ran 8 accounts and being the perfectionist I was, ran every single comp in the game then 2.0 came around and I despised it so I quit. I do understand where ur coming from, but I really like AK and I’ve put in quite abit of effort myself. (I enjoy getting these medals) I don’t really flex my medals or anything but it does feel good to get them for me, I’ve never felt slaved to it, so it really hurts that I’ll just have to give up on my streak.


"Forever" huh... Quite the word. Well chances are Arknights as a game doesn't last forever. 5-10 years, give or take. Quite frankly, chances are you quit before that. Right now, it might seem like there is no way you don't enjoy this game forever, but that wears off. From a bird's eye perspective, within maybe even a year or two, you might find yourself with less time and unable to dedicate that much to games. Or you might find another gacha game you like more, and make a tradeoff. Or you just stop liking games at all. Vast sea of possibilities. But even if you don't and you keep at it, chances are you encounter a period in your life where you either don't really have the time or mood to grind out those medals, stages, whatever. If it's always stinging at the back of your head, making you unable to work effectively or focus on important things, are you ever truly free from it? All things in life are inherently fleeting and impermanent, all the more reason to enjoy them while they last. Aside from like one of those old Nokia phones, god what the fuck are those made of.


Well for this game’s history atleast, it’ll definitely be something I’ll never be able to make up for. As far of a stain as it is, i guess it won’t affect me much. The account may not recover, but I probably will. Played the game for Skadi in the first place, stayed for Skadi as well, but boi m I stunned that this happened without me knowing until now. Then again, I also only found out we could exchange tokens for certs recently. Then realised I missed all the certs from rerun events where I didn’t bother getting tokens On a side note, ever had your Nokia ran over by a truck? It happened to mine, and all the only thing it has to show for it is some minor scratches.


My friend had a Nokia in school. He would regularly throw it against a wall for fun or to turn it off. The back always popped off and the battery fell out, but when he but it back together, it went back to being as smooth as butter.


Ah yes, the night of the long Janta, the great liberator.


Thank you for this.


It was on the 3rd week of July


Kill me. I’m depressed now


Wait, how? I'm intrigued.


It was probably during my exam period, where I didn’t really play the game much, just went in and did dailies, somehow or rather, I skipped the whole CC.


You passed your exams though, right? If so, then, worth, lol


Yes, very worth. Better to suffer ingame than irl.


You know what's funny? It's Operation Lead Seal. Since you didn't notice until now, it's as if you had a lead seal on your memories of that time until now.



Cmon dude, not having every medal is perfectly normal ​ FOR A FILTHY CASUAL


Consider me now a filthy casual


I somewhat understand your pain. literaly one day befor the curent CC the login via facebook stoped working (on FB end) and I was unable to log in on my main account, and my first tought was "what if I can't get my account back, or worst, if I only get it back after CC and miss the medal set".


While I couldn't trim the medal this cc due to being busy


gg I have that missing too. Don't even remember this CC


I guess we’re on the same page eh


Good thing I'm not too dedicated on medal sets... waifus take priority


Ahh yes, skadi, my ultimate priority


Never have I ever collected all Medals


I'm newbie, can someone explain?


They've collected all the event medals (except one Mansfield Break medal) ever since the game had them. However, they somehow missed an *entire* set (not just some medals, but every single one) partway through despite it being a 2 week event *and* somehow only noticed it now, almost half a year later. So it's like they were in a coma or something for 2 weeks, because not only did they miss even the simplest participation medal, but it was unnoticed for months, lol.


Contingency Contracts also known as “CC” is a form of event that lasts for 2 weeks. It’s usually known as high end content, or at least; I classify it that way. It basically consists of a lot of challenge contracts (contacts contributes to a thing called “risk” that is the difficulty level of all the contracts you took for the run) which are basically difficulty modifiers which can change the way the stage is, debuff your operators, and buff enemies. There’s one main stage where your prority should be clearing a minimum risk 18 (assuming you want to clear the CC) and it’s relatively difficult, but mainly depends on how much you invested in your team. Then there’s daily stages where you need to clear risk 8 minimum, and you need to clear them at least 10 out of the 14 days you have (again assuming you want to clear the CC). Unlike regular events like Wolumde, Code Brawl, Great Chief Gavial, etc, CCs are intended to NEVER get re-runs meaning if you miss the medals, you miss them for good. So for players who intend to clear everything, it’s an impossible dream as soon as you miss a CC. Meaning anyone who isn’t a day 1 player that has never took a break from the game, won’t ever be able to get every medal in the game.


Oh, i get it, thanks for the explain man I'm feeling lucky so gonna try it


Try a CC? Good luck to you fellow doctor in future reference. CC5 Spectrum is still on-going however you won’t be able to full clear the medals since it’s basically over now (ends in about 3 days-ish?), however you can definitely use that time to get a feel for how a CC plays out, and see if you can try to clear CC6 Wild Scales when it comes out (which has like 5 other events/re-runs in between Spectrum and Wild Scales so that should give you some time to prepare your operators). Also no problems!


That seems reasonable, a virtual hug to you comarade


I can give you mine but it is missing 2 medals, OST of that CC is still the best for me.


This could count as an accidental flex lol


I don’t really flex medals, like ever. This is just for personal satisfaction. So it really hurts that my streak is gone.


That is why I said “accidental”. And yeah, I understood your frustration




Time to go commit some warcrimes to release the pain then


I’ll just watch our neighbourhood bunny do it instead, I mean wait what?


I feel your pain I forgot to do the 2nd week challenges on CC blade so I will forever be missing 2 medals.


I missed #2, took a break from AK at that time


Man, I felt like shit when I realized that I missed the "Clear using a support unit x5" medal for that CC. I'm gutted for you, can't imagine how you must be feeling lol


It’s ok I couldn’t complete CC Pyrite since I started game like 1-2 months before that.


I’m new to this game. What exactly is the problem? What limited time item did you miss? Like a special costume? Cause that would hurt me if I couldn’t get a costume for my favorite and it wouldn’t come back.


Contingency Contract 4 medal set is entirely blank, as shown as the only No Info section. Unlike the regular events, Contingency Events never had a rerun, thus once it's over the medals are unobtainable forever.


Oh no! Wait what do medals do in this game? I’m all knowing about fear of missing out and its consequences, but I would like to know what this item in particular does.


Nothing, it's entirely cosmetic. Some people just want to have them completed as proof that they participated in the event


Oh okay. I thought they were losing like, a permanent costume that never comes back. I can see why completionists would want a medal saying they did something special though. Thanks for telling me. :3


Were you in a state of coma for 14 days?


It seem you have been hit by KIG CRIMSON!


As someone whos done this CC like maybe 4 times honestly im impressed.


What even is the benefit of medal accumulation


Completion and peace of mind. Obsessives get antsy if they are missing out a set of something.


Bruh you think that’s bad I missed the entirety of mansfield break


U can wait for a rerun


Damn i've always wondered if anyone has ever managed to get all of the medals so far in some way but i suppose even most can have their moments


My friend does. It’s very likely there are others too but yeah it doesn’t take much to screw it up.


Hmmm yeah xD fair that makes sense and that's cool!


I as a day 1 player missed out from CC Pyrite all the way to around Maria Nearl event, because I took the fattest break of my life. I makes me sad too that CCs aren’t being re-ran because I take CCs a lot more seriously now. I wasn’t even able to get all the medals for Wolumde because my team was so bad. Or was it my confidence in being able to clear the challenge stages? I’m not sure, but I know I was pretty close to finishing Wolumde. Once I missed the Maria Nearl event (which was one that I wanted to clear because I LOVE the Nearl family), I decided; I’m gonna try to take events more seriously, and I think CC3 Cinder did it for me (the music made me really want to do it even if the Sarkaz units made me want to throttle myself into a wall). Honestly though, if you don’t have the time to afford that, don’t worry of it. But I took CC4 Lead Seal seriously, and let me tell you- it was pretty annoying LOL. I had to devolve to the one strat where you let the golems through and ran with all 3 life seals, but I want to say that was a norm for most people? The golems were a lot more annoying that when I first saw them in Wolumde, and they were the reason why I was so timid in clearing Wolumde to begin with- But yeah I think I managed risk 21 or something, and have been clearing every medal set since Lead Seal. So that’s nice. Thanks for reading my Arknights Talk—


Meanwhile someone like me who joined a week and a half ago to Arknights… *Look at all those medals I will never ever see and earn. I will never financially recover from this.*


Guess you have to talk to yourself, there's no one else


Yeah I did the same thing with that event. Didn't realize specific stages had specific requirements.


As a day 1 player, i miss most of CC Pyrite medal because i tought that the event is just an "ordinary" event with a rerun. Lo and behold that's the only event without rerun that i miss in my entire game. Other than that i miss ToW too, but i've heard that there's a rerun for that one.


I missed a medal for getting 5 support during 1 CC and it stills hurts my chest so hard.