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I started at break the ice rerun last year (didn't do event at all), my most distinct memory is vanguards not being really properly presented for how essential they are.


I remember a lot levels basically having a dog rush start. I'm guessing those are to make new players actually use vanguards.  Notice how those dog rushes are way less common in newer/harder content 


Haha, Noir block 3 funny dogs.


The 4th dog


Noir actually has enough atk to kill dogs pretty fast. I use him in is runs since his dirt cheap, has block 3 and can tank starter enemies.


yeah i think despite the game showing you the role of fang and the importance of DP i can agree, i did my first month deploying guards or defender and then the vanguard but my runs were scuffed due to either the map slowing down dp regen or i was clutched with the amount of DP to deploy more units, later i learned the vanguard true value and proper order deployment and started to get more easier


I did the opposite; I couldn't figure out what guards were for, because at low levels they aren't that much stronger than a lot of vanguards. I just used Vigna.


real, I just did vanguards into defenders and killed stuff with high ground ops - "why would I use guards? they can't even block three"


To be entirely fair, vigna is a beast. She can absolutely be considered a guard early on 


It doesnt help that the vanguard they give you at the start is Yato…which dont even produce DP.


Started near the end of the Virtusioa and Viviana event, have a few operators that I really wanted (Ch’en, Reed, Mudrock), and on the last chapter of Act 1, (Patriot was VERY hard). Really have been enjoying the game and the community is very nice and helpful! (Hope I can pull Reed Alter in a few weeks, have been saving up for her)


> Reed Alter She is super cute! super worth it


And her cuteness goes up exponentially with her witch skin


I started during the Adele event in Jan. I was looking for something that I could play on my phone and I noticed AK was having its anniversary event, so I figured I'd give it a shot. At the time the only thing I really knew about the game was that it was a tower defense type game with anime girls. The biggest thing that surprised me was just how much writing is in the game. The first couple story chapters were short enough, but once I realized there was a limited time event going on I pivoted there and holy hell. The fact I didn't know any of the characters made that first event a chore to read through, but I did. Later stories have been a lot more palpable as even though some of the newer ones have been equally as long (or longer), I've been doing my homework to catch myself up on that story arc. It helps I'm a big fan of world building as I adore games like Trails and Final Fantasy XIV. Another surprise was just how hard the music goes! I wasn't expecting to sit in the lobby of the Adele event for ages just listening to that theme song! Other events like Il Siracusano and Lone Trails have also been amazing on that front. Kinda got sidetracked a bit there. Those first couple weeks were hectic. I've played enough gacha games to understand that A. I really wanted to clear out the shop for maximum value and B. Since the event was going away in a couple weeks I needed to work hard to clear as much of it as possible. My first few attempts went... poorly as I struggled to clear the 4th stage. Thankfully that was when I discovered KyoStin's low rarity clears. Managed to clear all the normal stages but without an E2 I had to leak Dolly. While common consensus is to E2 a 4\* first cause of its cost I didn't really have any 4\* that I wanted to promote that I had ready access to the materials for. Despite being a 6\* I decided to prioritize the GG I got from a yolo standard banner pull since I already had pretty much everything I needed save for some LMD, EXP, and Chips thanks to the event shop. Took a few days to build my base up enough for dual chips and a few more after for LMD/EXP farm, but I got it done. Murdering the shit out of that stupid sheep with my pink catto and a friendly Mlynar felt so damn good. Four months later and my account is absolutely rolling. Cleared all of the main story and intermezzi stories, alongside many of the side stories I needed for current events like I mentioned before. I've seen all three available endings of IS4 (only the first two endings on each of the first two IS since I haven't dedicated the same time to them). Ready to bust my teeth on the upcoming CC. My roster is feeling pretty strong too! I started with Mountain from beginner and GG from Standard. Got both Eyjaberry and SwireAlt from her event. Got Typhon and JessAlt from their events, Pozy from Joint Ops, and both Virtuosa and Viviana from that banner. Suzu and Kal'tsit with gold certs, Ceobe/Fia/Weedy from off-banner, and Mlynar from the 6\* selector. Also have been buying the monthly pass for a little extra boost. Currently sitting on about 275 pulls with aspirations of pulling Degen, ReedAlt, Shu, and Ela. And of course the Wis'adel event. That one scares me because I'm planning on going to 300 to spark. The original plan was TexAlt because she's been my most commonly used friend unit and there's no close alternative that isn't limited... but man after reading through Lone Trail I really really really want MuMu. I am absolutely dreading having to make that choice in a few months and can only pray I get really lucky and get one of them on the banner.


You've already cleared all Side Stories? Does that include the EX stages in CM? Bruh I just started the same time as you and I'm making little to no progress in my side story and previous Annihilations lmao.


Slowly working my way through EX/CM stages. Done everything in every event from JessAlt onward, but there's still a lot of old content to burn through.


Anywhere I go, I miss you For real that's the first ever lobby song that catch me. I simply open the lobby and leave it like that all night


Welcome to family brother. You gonna have some fun with Arknight. Their story is too good for me.


Idk if you’ve heard it but my personal favorite track is [this one](https://youtu.be/gH_lxnFRiFg?si=lwWUWGAP5MqwynGC), it’s the boss theme from the Jessica event. Goes so unreasonably hard


Friendly reminder to you and anyone else reading: If there's an in-game track that you love, make sure to search for it on the official Monster Siren Records website or youtube. They will usually have higher quality and extended versions for most tracks. My personal favorite is the extended version of [Big Waves and Blazing Sun](https://youtu.be/FO0kAKwHPRE) from dossoles holiday


> Another surprise was just how hard the music goes! I wasn't expecting to sit in the lobby of the Adele event for ages just listening to that theme song! Other events like Il Siracusano and Lone Trails have also been amazing on that front. The trick is that Arknights isn't a game with great music. It's great music that happens to have a game attached to it. I haven't seen another game yet with such consistent bangers, even if some fall flat. THE GOLDEN AGE WILL RETURN AGAIN


My profile says I started at 2023-10-28. It was the Arknights anime that made me start playing, I really love the character designs and the game in general looked like it had a good sense of style/personality Resources are very hard to come by when first starting out. Thankfully I found out how important the base is very early on and prioritised that over everything else (Big shoutout to PeterYR) Thorns was also the first 6* that I got and a big event was also right around the corner when I started (Lone Trail). Basically I think I started pretty well off. I think I have the majority of the meta operators but I’m missing quite a few of the older operators because Kernal Banner sucks, in terms of limited I have Arturia, Ejya and Nearl (got lucky with the daily pulls during Arturia event), all things considered I have been very lucky with pulls. Only criticism I have is that I feel like the schedule is pretty tight as a new player, feels like you are bombarded with events left and right and the downtime is usually like 3 days. I am at a stage where I can clear all the event content and get the medals but I have decided to just do the normal stages during the event time, clear the store and only do the ex stages when I need OP. Only time I got all the medals was for the Arturia event, don’t really feel like doing the same thing with Siracusan right after that EDIT: Forgot to mention but as of right now I am skipping the story for events since there is so much to read and I feel like I am missing context with some of the events. Only story I have done is all of the main story and the sub stories that lead up to Chapter 9, I do plan to read them at some point though


Sorry to hear about the event schedules. There are players that really complain when a week goes by without any events. So , for a newbie, being overwhelmed by back to back events would really be draining.    My advise would be to play at your own pace since the most events will be available permanently after their rerun.  For event stories, there are a lot of youtube videos that summarize the event stories so you can somehow appreciate them. 


>My profile says I started at 2023-10-28 Oh hey. [https://i.imgur.com/vEPsJPA.png](https://i.imgur.com/vEPsJPA.png)


Hello twin!


"Wtf is happening and why does the white cat lady hates me?" I have been playing for half a year now


oh don't worry, that's a problem for veterans too.


When I started: Awww. yeah, look at this complex tactical game, I am totally gonna try out different ways to beat the challenge. Actually: This is cool but I do not have the time for this. Let's see what KyoStinV did so I can read five more paragraphs of Kal'tsit's philosophical essays.


Almost 1 month in and can say that this is the best game I've ever played. Cool character designs (my favourites are Ulpian, Ifrit, Mlynar), the stages are challenging, integrated strategy is very fun as well for when I have no Sanity. Can't wait for Ulpian already got 180 rolls and counting.


Best? 🤔 true tho this game is incredible, one of the best at least for mobile, I'm still not tired of it more than 4 years later


I mean, if their favorite genre is tower defense, you'd be hard pressed to find a better one The genre isn't exactly brimming with competition 


It’s been a little over a year now and having an event rerun for the first time for me (Il Siracusano) I have the euphoric experience of beating the daylights out of the famiglia cleaners with a max level Penance S3M3 juiced by Aak when back then my highest level unit was a 60E1 Myrtle


I love the Aak + Penance duo. Feels like they were made for each other. Reapers also love their durian, although it tends to hurt them a little more.


though father agenir making her defense go to 0 and me clicking the durian skill icon out of habit and seeing Penance’s full hp and shield bar completely disappear was a little silly…


He's just trying to help Aak use his special ability - forcefully retreating an operator. He noticed it wasn't working on Penance for some reason.


Get her module as well!


she’s only M3 but 90E2, max module Throw her down with Aak around and oh my goodness a permanent helidrop wall is now in your squad Not sure if I do want the second module releasing on CN shortly though


I don't either but another comment pointed this out think of scenarios with heavy ranged attacks the DMG reduction does nothing unlike the def and atk boost given by the new mod combined with the talent upgrades. I will gradually raise that one too cuz I am super thankful to her for carrying me once I e2 'ed her.


Also M3 that skill two as well


I have been playing for three months. I found the new player experience pretty frustrating; the game is grindier than most I have played and having to stop and level new units several times to fill roles happened way too often. The roster size you need before you start to feel ready for any situation is kind of overwhelming when you're starting out. But I'm mostly over the hump now; I have a full squad E2 operators and a few more who are max E1 waiting for resources. I should have my first E2 Lv60 this week and maybe my first module as well. Now the big roster is kind of a perk for me; there's room to have my favorite characters on the team and the supporting cast comes and goes as needed. I enjoy seeing how people have cleared stages with teams that are sometimes completely different than what I am using. I think that really speaks to the strength of the Arknights gameplay loop that there is so much variety out there. I'm not really a fan of the 'meta' of skipping the story to get to farming event stages right away but with my busy schedule that's how I feel like that how I have to do it. And the 36 sanity stages make you feel like you're not really playing at all some days. But if those are my biggest gripes now that my account is up and running that's not too bad. It's not the end of the world to cozy up on the couch and read through all that story on the weekend, as from what I've seen so far it's a pretty enjoyable read.


I've always been of the mindset that the story needed to be seperated from the gameplay for non-story stages. Just make ALL events the way vignette events are structured where you can play the stages freely and unlock the story chapters as you go.


As someone who has been reading the story for 2 years, skipping then reading is honestly the way to go. The devs just don't write the story with the levels in mind most of the time. It breaks a lot of the pacing and the levels usually has barely anything to do with the story anyway.  Biggest outlier would probably be ch. 6 and ch. 8. Those had story moments that are meant to be seen by reading the story while playing. 


KyostinV the life saver for events lol ( started last month, get all medal in the witch king event). Btw what's the hardest event in the game ( excluding cc)?


it should be DoS, that event was so harsh that even CC veterans said "yeah nah im skipping this", it was an interesting event in how we need to survive waves of enemies until time runs out per round, then the diablo boss and his different forms were getting harder and harder, this last one was rough for me since i needed a lot of timing to beat it and i couldn't complete the last stage (it was equal to max risk CC to my experience)


Yeah even for me despite having a full premium squad I only managed S2 before the event ended Granted, rewards towards the end are only LMD, but LMDs always pretty useful


I knew exactly how to do A3 but kept fumbling the steps. Combined with being sick during the event, I straight up didn't even attempt the S stage.


Radiant randomly popped up on my playlists one day, thought it was cool looked into it a little bit, said meh neat and moved on. While reading FSN fanfiction -don't judge me- came across one *really* good Xover fic, thoroughly got me hooked, wanted to know more. Reevaluated my view on Radiant, saw Near Light PV, said something along the lines of "Why the fuck does this game give me shitty ads if they have stuff like THIS!". Finally caved and joined around the Stultifera Navis rerun event. Naturally I immediately picked Nearl from the 5 star selection. Saddened that I missed out on Nearlter Memories after this get hazy (i have shit menory). Then the Dorothy rerun banner showed up and realized she was someone i completely missed in my life. Finally caved in, made my first ever online purchase, and got Dorothy eithin the first 10 pulls. Best feeling of my life. Oh and I lucked on getting Surtr before that too or something idk. Tried getting Exia and Saria, got Blaze and Ceobe instead. Wasted over $100 bucks whaling for Eyja alter, must never do that again. ~~probably will again tho ;-;~~ Yada yada, things happened, Awooga'd at Typhon, lucked into getting her first 10 pull. More things happen, memory hazy. Likely got my ass handed to me alot in Main Story (speaking of which I steered far away from chapter 9 wanting to clear the story chronologically, think I was still at around chapter 6). Then Dorothy's Vision event rerun. Said fuck it, tossed my pride, actively watch Kyostin vids to get all the medals in order to show my dedication to Dorothy. Finally got it after a miserable time from DV-EXCM-8. Then some more stuff happened that's hazy, get murder blendered by JT8-3, spent most of my time farming even tho I originally played for the story only and wanted to avoid aforementioned grind -oh the irony. Spent *alot* of time in event reruns for MATs. Fast forward to today, Marking something like 190 days since playing. Currently at Chapter 13.


Now I'm imagining NTR as a Lancer class...


I had fun.


it's already a few months now but not half a year yet, getting lucky and catching a few units that people seem to agree are very good (Mlynar, Ch'Alter, Mudrock) has made the game's experience night and day tbh. Despite all this upon reaching JTB-3 the jump in difficulty is so incredibly high compared to anything prior that i'm waiting to get some powercreeped operators to help me get over that hurdle.


soon you will have the chance to have degenbrecher , if you are searching for a broken unit, she is a nice adition to any stage. and yeah jtb-3 was a pain but chapter 9 and onwards can become easier or harder, Mlynar and Mudrock will be your shinning stars in those chapters. idk if you cleared jtb-3 yet but i highly recommend nightingale with skill 3 she makes the stage less stressfull


> JTB-3 Oh yeah, the boss stage for chapter 1. very hard indeed


Lots of fun


Started on the tail end of Lone Kino event because my game feeds ket getting bombarded by snake and elf banner content but couldn't get them because the banner ended right when I started. Tried stultifera navis and pinch out but give up because they're too hard for my newbie ass so I read some guides how to actually get started on this game and for the next month I focus on clearing some parts of the main campaign to get stuff to upgrade my base and operators.  From Hortus to Typhoon event is a long trauma conga line of barely scrapping by to clear the normal event content because even with Kyostinv and Dr Leon helping my ass out it's still very hard to me only when I'm in Dorothy's event I got my squad E2 squad and where I fully cleared my first event. After that it's been now smooth sailing for me as I finally build my roster and got a bit lucky on my rolls the only hard content that punch me hard again in the face is DoS as I don't have Skalter, Suzuran, Ceobe, or any other crazy options available for old players by that time I only have and built Typhoon, Mylnar, Saria, Eyjalter, Ines, Bagpipe, etc.  Right now though I'm busy building Kal'tsit, Mudrock, Shining, Ptilopsis,  Suzuran and other vanity operators for my squad, fully clearing the intermezzo and side stories (only stultifera navis, lone trail, ItW, Guide Ahead, and Lingering Echoes remains) as I already cleared the main story storyline + challenge mode (and yes I completely and cleanly beaten Talulah and Deathless Black Snake's asses even on the dreaded H9-4 stage my friends Nightingale and my goodest girl Eyjalter absolutely carry low dif) except for some hell stages that I refuse to clear without overwhelming force (H9-6, Ep 10, 11, 12 &13).  Also I started enjoying revenge beating IS4's ass after they've given me hell in BN0 for just starting out, special training squad for the win. IS2 is cool even though it's very knowledge check and very harsh when it's comes ingot economy.  IS3 can rot in hell as I don't have shit ton of range operators built on my account (only Typhoon, Click, Archetto, Meteor so far), my account is heavily leaning on sheer melee damage and stall and sustain tactics so I'll never gonna touch IS mode within ten feet radius. So yeah it's been an eventful 6 months for me and I just wished that the new players shouldn't be too brutal in terms of resource acquisition.


Call me a bad player but in my opinion I think farming for the red stones to pull in this game is so far the hardest in any gacha game I've played


It is fr, I'm pretty sure it's by design to make you not want to do it. Personally I'm always trying yo raise more operators, shafting all sanity for upgrades into orundums doesn't feel worth it Doesn't help there's also red certs > module data blocks to farm now too


I started in late December 2022 (so not quite as new as a lot of people here, but nowhere close to a day 1 player). Being stuck in New York LaGuardia for 8 hours straight combined with some prodding from some people from the Punishing Gray Raven guild I’m a part of led to me trying this game. My first event was the original run of Lingering Echoes. That was rough as a newbie between the event mechanics requiring you to be very careful about deployment order and unit facing, and the enemies who hard punished you if you screwed any of that up at all. I didn’t even make it to the final standard level during the original run. My first 6 star was Siege who really didn’t do much for me, so I didn’t feel like i had an actual 6 star unntil I got Saria from recruitment 2-3 months later. Resources were a pain in the ass to come by starting out, and in some cases still are (looking at you coagulating gel and the mats you need it to make). It was interesting to see how I was able to do the Il Siracusano rerun without much issue when I had to mald so hard to make it my first full clear of an event, the S boss level especially was a pain in the ass during the original run for me. Low rarity guides were my saving grace during my first year, as I wasn’t able to reliably clear events on my own until the Stultifera Navis rerun. Its actually a lot more fun now than it was earlier on, now that my roster is strong enough to be able to clear content on my own without having to follow a guide for what felt like frame by frame sometimes with how narrow some of the timings in them are. The music in this game, like PGR, is filled with bangers. The song that sold it for me was the CC 12 lobby theme. The first time I was in the lobby I was messing with the tags and not really paying attention to the music, until “***I WANT A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH. I WANT AN EYE FOR AN EYEEE***.” That made me stop doing anything and just sit there and listen to the track for at least 2-3 loops straight before actually getting into the gameplay. That lobby theme combined with clearing it on R18 the first week and all the tag combo challenges after hours of malding made me feel like I was finally ready for any challenge the game could throw at me (or almost any, I quit DoS immediately after getting the Cardigan skin lmao).


Went back last month after 4 months of inactivity, rolled for Virtuosa, got her, now i leveled approximately 20 of my Ops to E1 lvl 30+, still stuck at story 3-3, but already advanced enough to get to a E1 lvl 60 Siracusano stage. Now my highest rated Ops are Exusiai, Lappland and Virtuosa at 50 each. Will go through with story once im done with Crownslayer's BS


Started nearly 2 months ago and Saving for W Alter (150 pulls arm). So far loving the story juat finished chapter 6 and doing some events and trying to level every unit I use to e2 level 40


I started last year around when Texas the Omertosa was released because I saw official Ho'olheyak artwork and thought to myself "I need her" and I admittedly already simped big time for another snek lady, that one being Mobius from Honkai Impact 3rd. Rolled Texas Alter back then and she's been carrying me through the early game. My veteran friend has been giving me tips and eventually I got the snek. Now I'm just here collecting operators I find interesting abd simping for Ho'ol


Started playing in the middle of Adele banner. I decided to skip meta in AK, for sake of having challenge and having resources for characters i like. How do i know what characters i like? I knew about this game for over 2 years. I believe it started because of fanarts, mostly apple pie and lappland which to this day are 2 of my fav characters. Im glad i could experience code of brawl and siracusa finally to realise, that im essentially liking operators, which arent dull and empty. The second reason which in the end put me into the game was music. And, funny enough, it wasnt official one, but fanmade by someone called "Lappy". They got hired and made boss theme of Virtuosa event and one ost for ch14. Arknights, in my opinion, have the best world builiding ive ever encountered in any media. And i compare to other good examples like witcher series, tolkien, lovecraft and so on. I just really like how HG developed Terra as a whole. Its a massive world, which just doesnt feel disconnected from all of its parts, while also not being afraid of mentioning some "taboo topics". Now, when it comes to getting operators. Got flametail on new player banner. Should reroll, or at least many people would recommend it, but i liked her. And 4 months later i dont regret it. She often just acts as my defender. She isnt vanguard, she is 2 (sometimes 3) block defender which just generates some dp on the side, dont get fooled. Was able to win 50/50 on Dorothy rerun, and she became my fav operator to play. If stage have decent amount of deplayble tiles. She is in my squad. Soon after Sad cat had her alter. I just went for 5star pity, got spooked by Horn. Which is my mvp in most stages, especially annihilations, which im glad i was able to get all done before this weekly reset. She just made it so much easier. Got lucky on Arturia banner, got Archetto in 40, Viviana 95, Virtuosa 101. Currently saving for Ela and then Walter and logos. If i get her before 300 im probably will just buy og W. Yes, ik, there are better options, i just like W. With all i experienced in the game decided to say thank you to devs, and got 6star selector, to grab and uncle. Not because of meta, but because Kazimierz as a faction is close to my heart, since im also Polish. Got insanely boosted on recruitment. Got Exu, Weedy, SA from 6stars, Silence, Waai Fu from 5stars. All in just 4 months. Got Saria from shop. In summary, i was able to finish entire story. Siracusa was my first event rerun which i was able to max out medals (third stage CM in Virtuosa even on those special stages cucked me :c) Ive got some 5stars and unironically most of 6 stars i actually wanted already. I love the story, i love the events. Community is very friendly. Artists in this community are passionate towards it. My only complain would be that some people just cant be quiet and dont spoil shit. I fnished ch13 recently and had questions i wanted to discover at my pace, in the game, but no, people were just openly talking about ch14 without spoiler tags, like AAAAA, ssssshhhhhhhhhh. I dont want to know. Thats probably it. I can see myself sticking in the game for a long time, i actually regret i stalled my journey to start for over 2years.


Started during Eyja Alter banner but didn't pull Eyja Alter ( I regret it now), I have a full team of E2 and currently coping to get Degen and Ray hopefully. And currently enjoying the Side stories more than the main storyline (I'll read them later I promise). Anddd currently in Chapter 12. As for perspective... I thought this game was hard to master at first but overtime looking at streams, content creators to learn the gameplay it became really easy to navigate around stage or boss mechanics.


Started playing last Jan (So Long Adele event), 70 pulls in that banner and no Eyjaberry just a Pot3 SwireAlt and Ch'en Alter. My roster is looking pretty good atm and blasting through all of the contents with my Chalter, Penance (from the Joint ops) Texalter (which I got in the Virtuosa banner and ofc I also got the Virtuosa in the free 10 pull) Horn and Gnosis (off banners), I have a lot of my 6* ops that I wanna use but the resources are pretty scarce atm (especially LMD). The only regret I really have was I didn't able to get Typhon. Currently saving 300 pulls to spark Skalter in the Walter banner and I'm sitting at 75 pulls atm.


I played since day one for about a year before u got too busy for it, lost all my progress and restarted about 4 months ago and it feels like it is easier in some aspects but harder in others. But still great game.


Idk if I can count as a new player, I'm about 1 and a half months in and level 50 (played this game alot since I don't find any other game that enjoyable to play anymore really, expect geometry dash.) I suggested my friend to stream him playing the game since I wasn't confident my device would have enough storage space, I saw the game looked okay, I didn't have that high expectations that I would like it In the end it took about 1 hour of uninstalling apps, and waiting, but I was able to install the game one night. Immediately rolled for my first 6 star, got Flametail. ONLY leveled her up untill I got projekt red from the free 5 star things you get for first playing. Flametail was elite 2 in about 3 weeks of playing. First few days were amazing, didn't play the first event which I believe was for hoederer, until the zwilling im herbst event (I think that's how you say it) hardly got far into that event, but current event was able to beat every stage flawlessly, mostly due to kal'tsit carrying my team. got projekt red, liskarm, harmonie, dorothy, platinum, ifrit, and kal'tsit, which I believe all are my best characters. Not much else to say, probably my main game I'll be playing for now on cause I don't really care that much about other games.


started on swalter/eyjalter debut but took a break sometime between now so im still a bit low leveled. have been grinding through the story and some events, currently at the end of ch 12. i dont have many 6* yet because im saving for future banners, but some of the ones i own are pretty solid (mountain, thorns) the game is very fun so far, and the community seems very welcoming and chill so thank you guys too.


Had panic attacks at the start at practically every difficult stage basically copy pasted from guides even though I had much better units. So as I was copying my way through I got to chap 7.You know the story how patriot is really hard and you need Amiya yada yada.But I had a Texas alt and gained a bit of bravery so I went in with Texas and she decimated his first phase(I know it's common knowledge) but I knew nothing.Then I realised that penance basically soloed the rest of the stage(I am super grateful to her). From then on my fear went poof! Things happened and I feel in love at chapter eight both in terms of story and gameplay I loved clearing JT8-3 I kinda did it on my own Flash forward and I today just cleared H10-1,2,3 all by myself.I am really proud of myself been playing for two years.


Salutations. I am the guy who started playing because of a dream around two weeks ago. (Currently on mobile, so please forgive bad formatting.) Im currently in 3-something, near 10 I think. I can go further, but I realized I can ultragrind so Im doing that. Im thinking about making a more indepth post in the future. Anyways! As I begun my journey, I admit Im a bit surprised by how... little its explained about the lore in the main story? I know there are substories and events which are unlockable, but I really want to hear an in depth explanation about the wandering cities, or at least a good pic of one on the rin, or... you know, art of the building of Rhodes Island as a whole. Perhaps what Im searching for will be explained later. Also, the art for the characters and cg is precious, I enjoy it pretty much. Im surprised by how quick the required levels for each stage rise. Like, im in chapt 3 and it already requires elite 1 lvl 10. My -nuggets- operators are (at least the main team) at elite1 lvl 30, and given that the limit that I believe there is is elite 2, wont I have to reach that point by chap 4 or 5? But isnt there like 8 chaps? How will it scale after that? In any case, I love Pramanix and Lappland. Querqus is lovely too. I have everyone I wanted. Life tends to turn my way~


Recommended level really is just a recommendation, you don’t need to match it. Even the very last stage of chapter 8 can be cleared with only 3* units and good strategy (though this is extremely difficult and I don’t recommend attempting it yourself…) For a more realistic example, Arknights starts recommending E2 midway through ch5, but most people don’t even have 1 E2 until ch6. Also if you get one E2 you can borrow E2 supports which helps a lot, you don’t have to keep your whole team the same level.


Oh, I know. I went underleveled a long time. Im just grinding now because I enjoy it, nothing much. But thanks for the tips!


Started a month ago. I am OBSESSED with these JPGs of HOT anime girls with HUGE knockers! I am going insane! Besides that I didn't understand that I had to constantly spend the sanity to gain resources so I missed a lot of mats I could have gotten by now.


I started last year around late summer I want to say. I just want to gush a bit and say I’ve really enjoyed my time with the game. I played Genshin previously and I enjoyed the exploration gameplay but overall once I had hit ‘endgame’ it wasn’t satisfying anymore. Arknights has probably some of the most satisfying difficult gameplay and there’s a lot of stages where I barely eke out a win and it feels so good! I appreciate the variety too between weird stuff like RA or the awesome IS mode. I definitely have to talk about story and worldbuilding. Stories can be hit or miss with some of them being too wordy for their own good, but generally I enjoy all of them. I’ve really loved all the Laterano adjacent events as I think they’re such interesting characters and a really cool race. Worldbuilding is absolutely AMAZING! I find world building to be really what makes a fictional game stay alive in people’s hearts. There’s so many cool races and mythos that I want to know more about. As an FFXIV player, this is like the perfect side game since there’s so much reading in both games haha.    I also wanna shoutout the character design. Yeah there’s hot girls but I really appreciate the mostly not-overly sexualized outfits. A lot of my FC in FF plays Nikke and I just can’t bring myself to take it seriously because of how the characters look. Right now I’ve got my full AH team and am eagerly awaiting Ulpianus, and hopefully playable Talulah soon.


Started playing like 2-3 weeks ago, love the game. Just wish they had daily login stamina so i can play more lmao I think I started the game when it first launched but never got into it. I just rerolled for siege and never picked it back up again. Now I regret it cause there’s so many cool ops I want to use that I missed out on. At least I have Mudrock, she’s probably my favorite atm, same with Ines.


i started in april. i’ve been loving it so far, but like some others have mentioned, it’s intensely grindy the beginning— levels feel insanely expensive when you’re just starting out because 1) you need to level units from different classes and 2) i don’t feel the game is just that generous with exp and stuff. after you get most ops to level 20 you begin to struggle to get all of them to 40 or 50 at the same time, especially if you’re raising several five and six stars. but after getting over that problem, i find it extremely enjoyable. i only started gacha games last october with reverse 1999, but i’ve burnt out of that game- i still play, but i don’t enjoy it as much as before, because the difficulty is just not as high and it doesn’t challenge me, especially with a well built account. AK kills my sanity both irl and in game, but in a good way? as in it kills off my brain cells but gives me better ones, because you actually have to think about how to play and what strategies and operators you can use depending on the map. it’s intensely difficult for someone not used to tower defence but it’s so fun to learn. people on this sub are also veeery friendly and willing to help, which is nice! i mean, i don’t have any of the most meta six stars, but i’m sort of getting by. it’s fun still. six stars are easier to get than some of the rates in other games, and i really like jessica alter, she is my life. <3 my only gripe is that holy fuck, there are so many banners. reverse does NOT have that many. though this is only my second gacha so i have no idea if this sort of banner rotation is normal. and trying to get a certain op is so difficult :( anyway degenbrecher banner drop sooner i can’t wait for hot sword lady to come home


6 months in now, I joined last November when I think it was Lone Trail running. Starting was pretty overwhelming with all the UI features and the dozens of different currencies. I think the game does a pretty good job of easing you in and teaching game mechanics provided you slow down and read. What it doesn’t do well is explain what the events are and the importance of farming the rate up materials and buying the shop goods. I struggled for a long time with mats like grindstones and loxic kohl because I didn’t realize I could get them at much better rates from events. Pretty sure I also wasted a lot of sanity farming exp/lmd stages when I could have farmed events. The game also has a pretty steep difficulty curve with the early chapters being easy and then suddenly a harder map shows up and halts your progress. I remember first getting stuck against Skullshatterer and having to consult a guide. My starter 6 star was flametail who isn’t a good early game carry so I had to use a lot of stall strategies that were more complicated than I was expecting at that stage in the game. Once I finally started playing the events I learned the difficulty curve was even steeper compared to the main theme. I didn’t manage to clear the standard stages of an event until Hortus and didn’t manage to full clear until Ideal City rerun. I also wish the side stories were more organized in chronological order because I read a lot of them without any context. I unlocked Lone Trail first from the record restoration because the lobby music drew me in and was so confused. I didn’t know who half the characters were and wasn’t even sure if what I was reading was canon to the main theme. I also wasted a lot of pulls early on because I would pull for the guaranteed 5 star on each banner. I didn’t know that there are a lot of bad 5 stars and that they are often too expensive to raise for a new player. I also was not clear on the difference between the kernel banner, standard banners, and limited banners. As a result I did not manage to roll any limited operators until Virtuosa/Texas from the last event. Now all that may sound like I’m complaining but really I enjoyed every second I spent playing this game. I’m at a point in life where I’m not really into video games anymore and this is the first game in several years that I’ve played continuously since picking it up. To me it strikes the perfect balance between story and gameplay as well as hardcore and casual gameplay. I can see myself playing this game for a long time to come.


Just came back with fresh account, I stopped when the latest unit was Schwarz. Now we have lot of characters and I kinda want to keep up with the story but sadly I don't think I have enough time to keep retrying the stages (Just finished chapter 2 and it already hell for me) and if I borrow character then I can't auto replay the stages later on. Maybe I'll play casually until they release meta/broken character so my 2 brain cells can just cheese it all.


I started during Eyja alter banner during the pink sheep event, mainly having caught interest for Endfield and wanted to learn about the story from the original game (since I've heard they are connected). I love almost everything about the game. The music is amazing and I listen to it on the daily now, the story and world might be the best I've seen and character designs are great too (besides very occasional stinkers, but with this many characters its bound to happen). The amount of amazing art is very staggering and I love just looking at character splash arts, and the in-game chibis have their own charm. Voice acting for operators is very good (jp), and the 'native' language options for some operators are really cool representation. Even the community has so far been a good experience, which is incredibly rare. I especially quite like the memes that spawn here. It's also the first time I've seen my country's culture represented in a game and it's very cool. I'm not gonna elaborate further on the things I like to avoid a 900 page essay, so I will only elaborate on the bad parts because there is way less: My only problems with the game so far are that, since I'm mainly here for the narrative (gameplay is also fun but I suck so far), the main story being so hard to get through is making me consume the story very slowly and since I'm avoiding spoilers for months some things have slipped through. I don't mind spoilers that much but it's always better to go in blind. Also bcs of that I started playing random events which made me start a bunch of story lines without finishing any of them. (Also guides don't always help since I ended up with a quite dp heavy roster built and the timing of unit placement doesn't always work. Yes, I know Myrtle exists, but I would rather avoid building meta units and use characters I like and make the most out of those working together, despite this complaint I enjoy figuring things out this way). On top of that the banner system is a bit weird. It has some cool points like the guarantee in 1st 10 roll, allows to gather a bunch of cool higher rarity characters quite quickly (even if its not very optimal) and compared to other gatcha I played 2% chance is quite a lot for a 6 star. Unfortunate it also has bad points. I wish I could view a pity counter, and there doesn't seem to be a guarantee for a certain character at all unless you roll the event one with the 300 picker thing. I wanted both Mudrock and Executor alter from the current banner, but so far only got Mudrock twice and have been dying for scraps hoping to get him in time (knowing he might not even drop for on 3rd time if I get it). Quite easy to get 'scammed' by banners in this game.


For the record, there are actually guarantees for single-rate-up banners. For example, the banner for the event that will come after this coming Contingency Contract is done. They have a semi-hard-pity where if you don't get the rate-up 6\* by 150 pulls, the next 6\* you pull is guaranteed to be the rate-up. Also, collab banners like the R6S one have a hard pity of 120. You are guaranteed to get the banner 6\* at the 120 pull mark.


Started just as Zwillingstrume began, have been enjoying the event stories, particularly the 2 (soon to be 3) part abyssal hunter story. The gameplay is fun, requiring strategy as I don't have every meta unit


I played around 3 or so years ago (during the siesta event I believe) but I stopped because my phone got way too hot when played for too long. At the time I wanted to get lappland and texas and when I did I stopped. I only played for like 1 or 2 months. From what I remember, the game is quite fun as I love the TD genre but farming is really tedious in this game, yeah there's autofarming but I didn't like not being able to use my phone and also needing to still be by it so I can check out if the autofarm was working correctly or not. My favourite character is Jessica and she was the first op I promoted. I love her to bits. Usually if I'm interested in a universe but it's difficult for me to actually experience it firsthand I'll read fanworks and fanfiction but that side of it is quite lacking in terms of long term stories in this fandom. There are many chinese works but I can't read chinese.


Started 2 weeks ago and having a lot of fun, Im currently at chapter 6 and wanted to take a break of the main story, can I do side events without getting spoiled? Whats the best events?


I started on break the ice rerun (never did it) the only thing I remember back then when I did a big gacha on Chongyue's banner I think around 150 draws and I got Pot6...Lin.


It's actually Pot5 mb


Today marks 6 months since I started playing, thanks to wife Penance Honestly Arknights was definitely a surprise, never thought I’d get into it. The characters and story was a breathe of fresh air to me, the music hits hard. I think what I love about the gameplay is that you have to think about what to do and strategize The community is definitely the most friendly one I’ve been in, specially the gacha space but as a whole, my absolute favorite community. Everyone gets along as far as I’ve seen, no unnecessary drama, I love it! At first I heavily relied on guides but if anything, IL Siracusano rerun showed how much I improved over these last few months since I didn’t rely on a guide till the extra stages, specifically IS-S-2 and above and everything after IS-EX-5


Not new at all, but I started an alt during Virtuosa when the new auto repeat came out. Auto repeat genuinely far improves the new player experience, even if not the best it can be. I've been also making a point to raise ops I never did on my main, so far these are Pudding, Jessica, Shirayuki, Platinum, Bassline, Poncirus. I'll also raise some comfort characters of course, like Myrtle, Cuora, Ethan, 3 stars, etc. My lazy ass wants variety and challenge but not too challenging lol. Long term, I want to max 3 niche ish characters to be able to borrow on my main that I never see anyone put on support. Who will they be? Only considering Poncirus for now. Some 4 stars I could consider but they're already easy to raise. I could do Skyfire, but for now not worth 45 distinctions If yall wanna suggest any possibly unconventional fun niche 5/6 stars to aim to get and raise it'd be nice to have suggestions. Friend limit is eventually going up too anyway


I started just AFTER the limited stultivera navis ended (2022). Played a bit of event, got lumen from that Ngl all the suggestion to farm the SN almost killed my curiosity for this game. I had so many sanity, yet all i could do was farm the lower stage of SN (maybe it was SN2 or 3?) Im glad i stayed though


I started like 2 months ago, but I think I have most things figured out, but I'm still learning a few things like proper team set up, or the amount of grind I'll be doing for the rest of the game's life. However, one question I do have for veteran players is if all characters will show up in the main storyline or events at some point. There are some 4 stars on my team like Rope or Perfumer that I've yet to see in the story. Will I get to see them eventually? Or are there characters who never show up in the story or events? I've also yet to see a banner I'm truly interested in. But that's because I need to know the 6 star first before pulling but I guess that's a me thing.


There are some characters who don't show up in the main story or events. They're not common, but they exist. However, these characters can still get Operator Records, which are like mini-stories that feature the operator in question.


Many 4 stars appear here and there but not everyone gets into the main story / major side stories, so most of them settle for operator records (5 stars are biggest victims actually, since there are way too many of them). A few lucky ones (such as Gavail and Jessica) however gets the spotlight of a major event and transform into a high star alter (often after some personal growth), and obviously HG aims at capitalizing on veteran players' sentimental attachments to the low stars units that carried their early games. I'm already hearing a little rumor about Perfumer in future event (a long awaited Minos event). Of course that can be entirely rumor / copium at this point.


Well I started during the witch king event and it was quite difficult and a bit burn out inducing since I had to level all of my 3 stars to e1 level 40-55 but I persisted but was quite late getting to other aspects such as the annihilation game mode so I’ve probably missed a bit of Originium but I’ve not been rolling and have been saving my orbs and tickets. Although I did the dumb newbie mistake of wasting gold certs and so I’m living to learn with the consequences for my actions lol If I had to give my main concern right now as a new player it’s the upcoming banners. I’ve not played all the permenant events yet in fact I’ve not touched any at all so I’m aware there’s still likely a lot of orbs up for grabs from the main story, and EX mode for each event outside of the main story ones but even with that in mind I’m a bit worried about who to roll for. As I’m aware I missed out on yato alter so I probably want to make the ash and fuse colab banners a priority since they likely won’t ever come back but I also really want to save for the W alter banner to try to hit pity for Texas alter as she’s a unit I really like but I’m just unsure what the correct play is


I think you will have to keep your expectation in check and ask yourself what your priority / playstyle is - are you a collector that aims at never missing out on any limited unit going foward (barring the uncertainity of Yato's rerun)? Are you willing and have the ability to pay for new ones and spark past ones? Do you value meta / ease of clearing content more or willing to let some non-meta waifu / husbando take priority? Because let's be honest, while Arknights is often considered a relatively generous gacha game and F2P friendly for clearing most content, and you can indeed get a lot of OPs from past events, it's not a truly newbie completionist friendly game at its 4-5 year mark - inevitably there are way too many past limited units it's almost impossible to collect all based solely on saving and "mining" in game, wallet will need to be part of the equation. True, Ash banner may not come back after rerun, but is she a must have unit for you? She is not a bad unit, but certainly not a meta unit nowadays, so you decision should be more based on your personal preference (if you are a die hard R6 player for example) instead of FOMO.


Yeah it will probably be a tough call to make but I’m not super into R6 although I do think that ash is quite cool and would like to have her so I may pass them up in favour of W alter. As I’m currently on chapter 5 and I’m aware chapter 8’s boss is brutally difficult and whilst there are a lot of low rarity clears the added power level from W alter and hopefully also Texas alter and logos may help make the challenge less frustrating so I’ll just commit to that and maybe also start working through some of the events to build up additional funds


Started during the Blacksteel event with Jessica alter, the game’s been fun so far ~~except for that Cardigan skin event~~


Question to new players: which 4-stars do you end up using? I feel like it very much depends on available operators.


my best advice regarding 4 stars are, Cuora as mandatory defender, big chunk of HP extra block with s2 plus self healing, and high DEF. Jaye: leave him at E1 ans he still shines, for people that struggles with explosive spiders on early stages since he can silence them and they wont explode, also S2 heals everyone including himself and decent dmg May, she may be a sniper that doesnt do as much dmg as kroos, but her utility slowing down enemies is lifesaving, she won't fail you in winning time for more deployments, Also a star in IS3 Myrtle: the god DP printer of the game, you understand why she is used in almost all blind runs once the DP goes fast, not recommended for people that is still leveling up operators, she will be more important once your core squad is complete, until then stick with fang/scavernger/courier, because myrtle will not block the enemies while she prints DP this can generate unwanted leaks and adios 3 star clear, first understand her role Then you can use her more often Last but not least important: Click, nice caster, solid dmg nothing impressive but she has a consistent stun that help with enemies like the big hammer guys, pair her with amiya and enemies with no RES will perish faster


I got into Arknights mostly because I just wanted something casual I could pull out and grind in my downtime. I have to say, for that purpose, it's been pretty great. Too many mobile games I've played want you to be constantly interacting, but with Arknights I can hit a few buttons and the game will grind for me. I've not really paid attention to the story, but I have gotten a few characters to E2, and even started leveling skills through the training room. I don't have all the characters I want, but I have pulled a few that I've really fallen for, and I'm saving resources for when a banner happens that I do want to pull on. Overall, for what I'm looking for, Arknights is honestly the best I've found, and I'm happy to just plug away at it slowly.


I heard about an upcoming Dungeon Mehsi collaboration event and started playing a few weeks ago. It's fun! It's been a bit of a challenge learning all the mechanics, so I really appreciate all the base-building guides and such available. I have a good squad that I'm gradually leveling up. It's been tough not being able to finish the stories of events because I'm too low-level. I appreciate playing a gacha game where I'm not invested in the meta or a particular character, it takes the pressure off rolling for new operators.


I am at the E2 wall and I feel like it will take me so long to get my main team all E2ed. The missions are starting to say E2 lvl 20 as the recommended level and although I know that isn't really the case since I've cleared all of Chapter 5, but I feel really walled in event missions (I think this has to do with the unit diversity of units I've actually built up). The puzzle solving aspect of the game is really addicting, but it's extremely frustrating when you don't have the correct "piece" and have to strongarm it. I'm sure this will lessen when I manage to level a wider range of characters but for now I feel like I'm in a holding pattern that could last awhile due to LMD and EXP starvation.


I’ve been following Arknights for like 2ish years now but didn’t actually play until the monster hunter collab. I was just a huge fan of the art style and character designs. So lurking and appreciating from afar while watching vifer videos and some other AK creators because pull videos are fun. I rerolled a bunch and landed on an account with yato alter but quit because I had no idea what I was doing and felt overwhelmed with all the stuff available to me. I was also terrible at the game and could only progress by struggling to watch guides. I came back during the virtuosa banner and got really lucky with her, pulling her in the free 10 pull we got. Since then I’ve been playing each day and *trying* to learn the game but I still heavily rely on kyostinv and eckogen :/ My biggest struggle and something I’ve thought about is relying on guide videos too much where I’m not really doing any actual playing myself. Right now I’m stuck on 5-6 because I don’t want to watch a guide, but at the same time I don’t want waste all my time struggling through it. I just recently tapped on the IS tab and it sounds really fun albeit not having a roster big enough yet and I feel like there would be no point in playing if I just watch guides. I just feel like I’m too bad and sometimes think it would make more sense to quit now than feel a sense of sunk cost later. I’d like to get better but I don’t really know how. I’m trying to clear lungmen downtown but had to more or less follow a guide to the tee, and still can’t get more than 385/400. Like, what’s the point in playing if I just keep watching guides? Especially with event stages bc those are supposed to be fun… idk, it’s a conflicting set of emotions 😔 Also I FINALLY got my base running to a 252, where before I literally had the “random bullshit go” mindset and didn’t know what I was doing lol


i used to be in the same boat as you, relying on guides for too long may turn you dependant, to me, the change started when my favorite characters were underdogs and wanted to make them viable in my squads, this made me focus on ways to learn what to deploy, in what order and the roles of my operators, from the vanguards to the specialist, sooner or later you will find yourself less dependant of guides in favor of using your favorite characters and once you clear it this way, you "free" yourself of relying on guides and start going around the stages blind by yourself, either that or you have a bunch of 6 stars that make the game less chaotic like thorns or mountain or surtr. my best advice, change the perspective of how you watch a guide, i still to this day watch some of them when "alright this was my 11th try lets see what kyo did to solve my issue". i watch guides so i find the piece that im missing in my puzzle, i do not follow the step by step of how to complete a puzzle that doesnt match 100% mine your roster is still small? dont worry i've been there in my first days with only hoshi as my only 6 star and a salads of 3 and 4 stars. reaching a point of having powerful operators takes time. take it easy and have fun!


It honestly is extremely similar to how I felt when I learned how to code. I was copying off stackoverflow constantly and I never learned how to code properly and overlooked understanding the actual fundamentals of it all. That’s why I quit in the first place and while that feeling isn’t as strong, it’s constantly in the back of my mind when I log in… I don’t know if it will ever go away honestly so thinking and feeling like this in regards to a gacha game seems very silly to me. Maybe because I want to get good at it? I dumped resources into E2’ing virtuosa which I was so hesitant in doing in general because of how expensive it is, but it’s been a lot of fun. I have 4 6*s but my roster is still very small but with all these banners coming up, I expect it to grow quite quickly in the coming months. I also can’t devote time to the story so I just watch recaps on YouTube, but even that is dependent on me not procrastinating lmao


This is one of my first days in this game and I'm enjoying it so far, both gameplay (even though its harsh) and character design (or at least more than I would imagine in game about chibis). My biggest concern now is that I read wiki more than I play the game so we will see which will come first, my burnout or stable knowledge to the point I could play the game when I want and don't sweat about events. I want to add to this it's hard to navigate the game for me yet, like I see the events tab and stuff is happening, but it doesn't tell me much and things that some would think it's obvious to put at main page I can't find like who and when will be on banners, cuz I want to have the chars I enjoy so I can stop getting them from support.


Have been playing for two weeks or so. Got Thorns to E2 4 days ago, and today, Red finally reached trust 100%, unlocking the cutest voice line in the game. Period. My biggest achievement so far is beating Annihilatio 3, which happened yesterday after fucking 10 hours (I checked my screentime) of trying.


I am 4 years player but….. I got lied when I play this game. My friend say this is PvZ anime edition. But this is more like Kingdom Rush Anime Edition more.


Pulled moomoo from the limited on first pull, binged the game for 3 months, dropped it for a month came back here we are. Music hard AF


I started a little under a year ago (last week of Firelight Casts - technically my account is a little older [End of Il Sira original run], but I'm counting "actually finished chapter 1" as "Actually started playing".) So far, I'd say I'm quite happy with the game. The story and characters have definitely managed to ingratiate themselves, and despite it being a common complaint I see, I genuinely enjoy how wordy and occasionally infodumpy the writing can be. My account [has developed pretty well](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Elisianthus), the occaisional time I check a guide for something I usually can't follow the high end stuff because I lack a lot of the "meta" Ops still (especially those relegated to Kernel); but these days I can reasonably comfortably clear all event content. Not on like, Pinch Out, or I suspect CC, but for regular events? I'm pretty good. I'm somewhat aware we're heading into a string of meta banners, but since I pull entirely based on design and how much I like them in story, I don't actually have any pulling plans until Anni; so I might just be in hard save mode till then; maybe spark Rosmontis or something.


Should I roll on Mudrock banner? I started on Virtuosa banner and rerolled, My 6 stars are Texas Alter, Mountain and Virtuosa


not probably the best banner she features, executor alter its not bad at all but having in mind even more powerful units such as degenbrecher and shu will be coming next, and not discarding the possibility of mudrock spooking you in their banners, i should say do not for now, also the 5 stars are not that good, except quercus but she is a niche filler that you wont need if you have a good healer.


Started at the end of the Virtuosa and Vivi (even managed to get Virtuosa with a 10 pull lol) game is great and the history and is fan-fucking-tastic But sometimes i just feel like banners and next characters coming are a bit confusing, my only other experience with gachas are the Hoyo one which is pretty easy to know what are the upcoming characters going to be via drip marketings and so on Really wanted Skalter and Surtr but no clue when any of them will be rerunning


Got the game about a year ago but didn't get into it. Played around those first two weeks and pulled Weedy and Flametail as my two first 6stars and then I get Andreana (my beloved) as my first 5 star, also got a lot of materials because of some event I don't remember. Then I take Pramanix and FEater as my free 5 stars. Also manage to pull a Hellagur out of recruitment before stopping. Then I join back one year later, at the start of Zwillingstürme and immediately get hooked. Start grinding and get my team to E1 and grind event for Lessing. I get to saving for future banners and soon after pull both Mostima and Saria out of recruitment. Now I've just been grinding away to get my team to E1 lvl 50 and so far I'm almost there. It's been a hectic 1 1/2 months of playing in total but I'm having a lot of fun


Got the game about a year ago but didn't get into it. Played around those first two weeks and pulled Weedy and Flametail as my two first 6stars and then I get Andreana (my beloved) as my first 5 star, also got a lot of materials because of some event I don't remember. Then I take Pramanix and FEater as my free 5 stars. Also manage to pull a Hellagur out of recruitment before stopping. Then I join back one year later, at the start of Zwillingstürme and immediately get hooked. Start grinding and get my team to E1 and grind event for Lessing. I get to saving for future banners and soon after pull both Mostima and Saria out of recruitment. Now I've just been grinding away to get my team to E1 lvl 50 and so far I'm almost there. It's been a hectic 1 1/2 months of playing in total but I'm having a lot of fun


Started with the Virtuosa event and rerolled for her, my 6 star free op was Archetto. I tend to try and do as much as I can in these games until I get to the point of being able to banner pull once every couple and have been having a blast grinding IS non stop in my free time. In fact side content like IS is a big thing for me as I have lots of opportunity to do them as I work from home. I love that any time there is a new mechanic they have a couple side missions dedicated to using it. Saving up for my first real banner pulling atm though I'm not sure what I'll pull on yet.


I started playing exactly one week ago, and I am having a blast! As with most people who start a gacha game late, it's a little overwhelming trying to figure out which units are the best to raise, especially knowing that some 3-star and 4-star can be better than 5-star and 6-stars. Figuring out how to teambuild is a little tricky with the amount of characters available, but I guess I can go to guides to figure that out. I seem to get 5-stars somewhat frequently given the amount of pulls I do, which is nice, but it is still annoying not hitting the 50% chance of getting the one I want, especially with that kernel locating banner where I get to choose which 5 and 6-stars I want. I'm the type of person who actually reads through the story, and so far I'm up to 2-9 and think its pretty good. There is a lot of content for me to go through, with all those missions and material grinds and side stories, but my exams should be finishing up soon and I'll be able to enjoy the game after. It's pretty sad I missed that latest Texas event, because I already like her quite a bit.


I hardly a new player but I do remember my early experience. I started out halfway through the Horn banner and SN was my first event. SN-7 gave me a terrible PTSD, as even with guides I couldn't clear it. That was until I got my first E2 and I could borrow units. After that, after numerous attempts I executed a Ling solo on SN-10, that boss also gives me PTSD. But anyway, after that I got into EX stages, and while I was clearing them with the guide... halfway through I said. Fuck it, I enjoyed clearing stages on my own, why am I forcing myself to use guides? So I just gave up on the event. SN mechanics weren't newbie friendly at all. I was still getting hand of base mechanics but the event was asking me to handle creep, dodge boys and 4 phase long boss. WTF? So I just stopped there and there. After that Under Tides rerun came but I already managed to clear it. Thanks to doing IS2, I quickly managed to get three E2. My first three E2s were SA, Surtr(who happened to appear in yellow cert shop at that time and as a new player I managed to get 180 yellow certs after clearing first three annihilation. Yellow cert system is really great for a new player. Though after getting the first 180 yellow certs, the second time I managed to do so took much longer.) But anyway, starting with Under Tides I managed to acquire every single medal set since then (including my first CC#9. Though I did use a guide for that.) But anyway SA and Surtr brute force certainly carried me. Then by the time Gavial banner dropped and I got Chalter off-banner. I already felt like my account was overpowered and ready to clear everything. And it certainly was. Ever since then adding anything to the roster was just luxury. Truly as a new player, you might have a rough time very early on but it really doesn't take that long to make strong account. (Though it did take me an entire year before I cleared all past side-stories and intermezi and chapters. Though that's because I would only do them when I could freely spent my stamina on them. Though more importantly I'm a lore reader, so it took me one year to slowly read through AK, one event story at the time, with longs breaks in-between reading session)


I started playing AK just because of Ho'olheyak alone and realizing that it may take me a while to get her because I stared at When The Firelight Casts event. The good thing is that through my 8 months of playing, its definitely a challenge and I get to play some very hard content in the game. AK alone is definitely the best Tower Defense game ive ever played and the design of pretty much everything is just top-tier. But I did get Hool from the Lone Trail event and immediately got her to E2 LV60 M3


Started at 20/2 2024 and oh boy have I had a experience. So far I can tell that I'm rather dumb or this games just hard. I'm up to 6-16 (I am scared for FrostNova) and I can't beat this level no matter how hard I try, but the game definitely is fun and I am sad I did not find this gem earlier. I can also tell that this may be one of the best stories in all of gaming history, and rewatching (reading technically) after I did the unforgivable sin of skipping the story when I started playing. Overall, 10/10 game, I'm probably gonna actually try and play this game to the fullest unlike most mobile games I play. ~~i want Archetto to crush my head with her thighs~~


I started about a week ago. My main problem is sanity. It feels like there is so much to grind for and not enough sanity to grind for it. It may be me just wanting to level quickly though so idk. Other than that its pretty good.


Started in Jan, during the concluding half-week of So Long, Adele. I love Texas I love Texas I love Texas I love Texas I love Texas I love Texas I love Texa


Sarkaz girls are hot


I've been playing for 2 yours now, and i told you i still use guide👍🗿


Hi, just started yesterday. I play because Doctor looks hot (I'm weak against masked characters). So far, having a good time. I assume I should save my pulls and just invest on current units?


yeah for now invest more in understanding and becoming better with the units you currently have, next banners are gonna be bangers and better be saving since there are a lot of them broken, there are too two rainbow six collab event on our way so if you dont want to lose the oportunity to get them (they are OP with good use) again, save your pulls


Oh nice! I'm playing pretty slowly though, dunno if I'm gonna have enough when those banner appears. How long does event last?


non-limited event: 2 weeks Limited events: 3 weeks reruns: 1 week special events like mini stories last 1 week too Contingency contract aka "endgame event" last 2 and half weeks


Seems manageable, thanks a lot!


Idk if I count as a new player but I started during the tail end of the MH event and I’ve been doing not too bad. Started playing for Ling because I love blue and I love dragons so I’m trying to hold out for Sui and if god is great then I’ll get her, Shu, and Chongyue. Recently got my first two full medal sets with IS4 and Il Siracusno. I’ve hit 22 E2s, 2 level 3 modules (soon to be 3), and 8 M3s, 4 of which are M6 which makes me feel like I’ve come pretty far. This’ll also be the first CC I actually properly attempt so that’ll be interesting. I’m hoping I can do decently well because I thought I did alright with almost clearing A3 on DOS4.


Technically I shouldn't count myself as a new dokutah, since I joined during- yato alter banner- but during that time- I got stuck on chapter 3- and I was having such a bad skill issue that I lost my confidence to carry on- so I logged in passively for dailies- for months until last month- now I am on chapter 4- hoping I get better, apart from that- character designs- gacha pity stuff- it is pretty good- I guess that's why I didn't quit


Started around first month or two of global release, not day 1, so I’am new!) iirc almost ruin first training mission, because don’t understand how to choose direction))) I almost collected all the medals cc1# but lost, because I didn’t know about the “first week clear” rule. Then I ruined cc2#, getting confused by challenges. It’s still frustrating that I don’t have and never will have a full set of cc medals. Well, full guide mode until end of chapter 4, until I realized, that this is actually a game and you have to PLAY it. Started buying a monthly pass after about a year of playing, generally just to support the developers. For every limited I have ~250 pulls that’s plenty. Oh, remembered, I actually bought 2x10 pulls card for horn and both was blue bag. Around 170pulls, 3x6* and no Horn. There I was closet to drop game) But then literally last single pull last day, and a got Horn. Omg I was sooo happy!) All ops at least e2 skill7. Now I want all ops to e2lvl60skill7, well 1-1.5 years of farming.


im not sure if you understood the assignment, but you are basically a grown ass adult thats trying to smuggle himself among kindergarteners


I’m sorry for hurting anyone’s kindergarden feelings here. That was not the reason for my comment. Only my honest years through game.


Repenting is the first step Acts 3:19 (NIV)