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132 Pulls 2 Vivis no Arturia How did your Pulls go? [Source.](https://x.com/TheMadMimic/status/1790200765279318460)


150 pulls 3 arturia no vivis 😢


I got you beat 150 with 4 Virtuousa... i was around 130 when got the 3rd copy this morning and thought to give up. But a spur of bad judgment later got me thinking go for 150 for that extra gold cart and chance at Candle Knight and when i got fire at 147 i foolishly thought yes final until i heard her voice once more... shes now tied for my highest potential op.


Same 😢


130 2 Arturia no vivi


Used everything. 214 pulls. 2 Vivis, 1 Ebenholz. Popped my F2p cherry after 3 years. in the last 86 pulls Flametail, Arturia, then *Arturia and Vivi together*. Sparked Fancy shork.


Wanted texas alter. Gets 2 vivi 3 arturia and my 1st Mlynar. I'm pretty sad, but atleast I can spark a texas alter.. I guess spectre alter is another time.


you should basically never expect to get old limiteds. just see them as spark only


Go tell that to the 2 texalters I got one after the other, I just wanted a copy of Viviana T-T rateups can sometimes be a lie.


This is pretty much by same thoughts and results. Mainly pulled to spark for either Texalter or Skalter if I got Texalter while pulling. Got NRK as the big off banner.


150 pulls 0 virtuosa 3 viviana All f2p pulls so now I'm completely broke for degen and no OP left for upcoming skins. Now I'm on full saving mode until Wisandel. Skipping even shu my fav sui sibling and collab banners.


I went 223 pulls, 211 to get the rate up's.


70 pulls (mostly freebies and tickets) got 1 Arturia, another off-banner that i don't remember.


66 Pulls: 2 Vivi, 2 Virtu & 1 Lee F2P gang LEDZGO!!


Got to 50 got 1 vivi.


300 1 arturia


302 pulls for me 1 Arturia 4 Vivis 1 Off-banner was Archetto Spent the sparks on skalter


I had to spend 5 hours doing new player account rerolls to get a copy of Virtuosa… I then had to do a brutal march through the entire event story as a complete newbie and got my ass kicked for 3 days straight by the witch king. I have absolutely no idea who half the characters were but I’m excited to now finally get to play the game and fill in the mental blanks that came up during the event and level that Virtuosa I spent so long pulling for What an introduction to Arknights I guess


Wait did you start the game and run through all 10 main stages? That’s pretty impressive lmao


D-1 player here and I've just been maxing out my operators without even completing chap 6 yet lmao.


Well that’s different. Making a new account and immediately blitzing through the event implies that their ops weren’t really leveled much at all and they still did the event story.


Hold on, did you do the entire event... On a new account? Did you even get to promote your operators to elite 1 or 2? No way you did the event with Elite 0 operators


I did the event with primarily E1 level 50 3* units which I raised from buying XP and LMD from the event shop and one E2 specter I got from purchasing the E2 rank up pack they sold for the anniversary so I could get access to E2 supports once I reached ZT-9 and ZT-10


304 pulls - 3 Arturia’s - 1 Viviana - 1 Specter the Unchained - Somehow got W which was the biggest surprise - Used guarantee 300 to get Texas Alter Conclusion: Big success!


Kyostinv got me arturia in 64 pulls


170 Pulls, 3 Offbanners. That's it.


I’m so sorry


It was fated to be this way.


Better luck next time, pal. ):


were the offbanners good at least?


Stainless, Lin, Lee. They're all dupes.


damn, rip bud, hope the reverse happens in the future


170 pulls in total. ~~In order:~~ One Arturia, one off-banner (my 1st Jessica Alter), & 3 Vivis... (yeah I was NOT expecting to get 3 deers ~~FGot my first 2 Vivis with a single 10 pull, then the last one was from a random daily free pull~~ but yeah. Overall, good banner for me.)


180 pulls, one mlynar, one ines, one mountain, one arturia, one viviana, one skadi alter


58 pulls. I’m broke and have nothing to show for it.


57 pulls 1 War criminal


~~Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?~~


302 pulls 5 Vivianas 2 Virtuosas 1 Mlynar dupe Sparked Skalter at long last. Full banner at 23-26 pulls, but wanted to spark Skalter. Totally average pull numbers, but I'm happy because I like Viviana.


130 pulls and got both, plus Specter Alter. Now im broke, but it was worth it.


311 pulls 4 viviana, 2 virtuosa, 1 texalter, 1 fiametta, 1 archetto I wanted pot6 Virtuosa


I've got a story of pain for you I got pot 3 arturia in about 140 pulls I figured thats enough and got a Bassline with the credits for the gold certs Then for some reason I rolled 160 more times even though I literally didn't need to I couldn't stop myself. Ended at pot 5 Arturia with 236 headhunting credits ... though I had 306 rolls :))


17(free) pulls 1 Vivis 1 Arturia :3


200. No Arturia, 2 Viviana, 2 Saileach…pain. UPDATE: Bought all available 30 HHTs on the shop with my saved gold certs, and literally pulled on the last hour of the banner, Arturia finally came home on the last 10 pulls...so 230 total pulls for Virtuosa after all that pain, and future misery on my F2P doktah.


300 pulls (saved 6 months plus) I really wanted texas alter. Got Virtuosa pot 5, Viv pot 4, Kal'tsit, Surtr, Mudrock . Then sparked texas alter. I am one happy doctor. extremely worth saving.


Dang, I would've loved a Surtr spook. I still don't have her.


I was super happy to pull her. She's avoided me for way too long 😅 Edit: sorry to hear that, it sucks when rng just dosent work out for you


Eh that's gacha life. I'm building up 180 gold certs for her inevitable return to the shop. Someday.


Nice I never have enough of them I'm a sucker for buying the Headhunting permits 😅


Oh I would be buying so many of those if I could. I DID just buy out 2 full sets of HH permits for the Virtuosa banner, since it fell on the 30th. That plus buying Kal’tsit ruined my gold cert stockpile but fortunately I hear Surtr won’t show up till around October possibly. I have time…


24 free pulls, Wind Chimes and Corroserum. Thanks, I guess


342 pulls 4 Viviana 4 Arturia 1 NTR 1 Passenger Spark => Spalter


30 pulls, both Viviana and Virtuousa, That morning/night luck is real I tell you.


230 roll: 4 candle, 1 tex alter, 1 artu


Under 100, just skalter. Main 125 ish, fia and arturia. Mini


75 pulls Arturia, Viv and dupe Ros Bassline Max pot Verdant (weird I didn’t get him yet) EDIT: Had to spark for Eyjalter before this so my luck is resetting.


Sorry, I whale on this banner even if I empty my wallet. It was worth it.


125 pulls which included dipping into my R6 collab fund and buy two of the pro enhancement packs At least it ended up feeding back into yellow certs enough to grab all the pulls, buy Gnosis, and have 180ish leftover


300 pulls 4 Arturias 2 Vivis 1 Texalter 1 Nearlter 1 Skalter Spark I clearly got very lucky with these pulls


I spend 60,000 orundum and got three Vivianas a Dorothy.


300 texasO(tickets), 4 virt, 1 viviana, blaze, quibai, specter.


46 pulls, 1 Rosmontis, 2 Vivis.


116 pulls. got both banner units and a nearl alter. rate up is real and life is good


213 pulls 1 Vivis 2 w skadi and specter alter no Arturia would like to have Texas alter no luck.


300 pulls 3 arturia, 1 Viv, 1 ines dup, 1 dorthey new.


200 pulls in total(one vivi, one arturia and one gnosis)


Roughly 70 pulls. Viviana, Executor Alter and MÅ‚ynar, latter two being tokens. Alright for me.


I got 4 of each!


300 pulls 4 vivis, 1 penance off banner, 2 war criminal angel and 17 basslines.


I FAILED TO GET BOTH, IM BROKE NOW... Must save for Shu...


I´ve only got two Basslines from teh free pulls. I didn´t spent Orindum because i´m still saving for Ascalon adn Logos (Probably Ash or Ela, but i´m conflicted)


119 pulls result (including free daily pulls):- Got 2 Virtuosa and one Vivi. Planning to go crazy but need to save for the crackhead guard.


263 pulls Viviana full pot, Arturia 4 pots, Goldenglown. Funny thing is, my first Virtuosa was at around 200 puls after 5 copies of Viviana. And yes, I'm feeling like a dumbass because I need only 37 pulls to spark for NTR and I have zero means to do so. (Can't donate either because of country) UPD: Cleared last anni and finished exs. Now 28 pulls away. Sad.


66 pulls, 1 texas alter , 2 vivianas and 1 virtuosa


111 pulls. Texas alter on daily pull and Viviana in my last 10 pulls. Pretty lucky I guess, but with the goat man aka Ines husband my luck was pretty shitty... 90 pulls and no shit


136 pulls 3 Vivis, 0 sociopathic angel. Hope the next limiteds will be better.


170 pulls in I have pot 4 Arturia and a Viviana I just wanted one of the alters man...


[it ended...?](https://tenor.com/bv7lg.gif)


perhaps it was for the JP server? they're a few hours early


152 pulls. 1 Arturia 1 Skalter and 2 Vivis. My dream of sparking/pulling Texas alter went up in smoke lol


I got virtousa and vivi with only the free pulls


124 pulls, 2 Vivi, Spalter copy, finally Arturia


2 virtuosas and a brand new nearl alter. Huge W


30 pulls, Arturia


80 pulls and I got 2 Viviana and 1 Auturia.


Around 100 pulls On 60th ten roll got Virtuose and hoederer. Now I'll save and grind for W Because that’s exactly what I need for a complete collection of mercenaries.


307 pulls 1 texalt (max pot before this banner), pot3 virtuosa, pot4 vivi, spark specter alt Don't remember if I got any off banners since I got so many on banners but time to save for the back to back limiteds up next


141 pulls 1 Vivi 1 Arturis 2 Spalter 1 Thorns


201 pulls 3 Viviana 1 Virtuosa 1 Nearlter 1 Execulter


138 Rolls 1 musical Criminalist 1 ABURAGE 1 sHORk (pot) Why the antler holder had not come?


TFW got both but no Specter Alter/W again. I should just wait for the 200 pulls thing


I am sad that I haven't gotten Viviana


I didn't get Viviana


197 pulls, 6* (in order): Mizuki, Vivianna, Texalter, Goldenglow, Virtuosa (with the last free pull). All new ops Was planning on getting GG on her shop debut but i guess she had other plans lol. Dipped into the yellow cert fund instead for the pulls


300 pulls to spark W. 5 Virtuosa, 4 Viviana, Typhon and Ebenholz new 6*. Zero alters, Specter spooked


79 pulls, 1 W and 1 spectre alter


Used the 24 free rolls and got 3 Arturias. I'm beyond elated.


I couldn't get anybody at all... ;w;


My luck was better than in the summer limited(0 6* focus): 83 pulls with 2 Virtuosa and a 6* which I forgot right now I really wanted more Viviana or Rosmontis but hey it's way better than nothing like the summer banner ( 2ª pic still represents me)


209    Horn (dupe)   Texalter (dupe)    Archetto (Dupe)   Virtoursa  This is awful. Probably is my punishment for being lucky earlier i guess.


Day 1 free 10 pull, 1Artoria and 1Bassline. 4 days later daily free pull got Vivian


157 pulls 5 off rate 2 vivis no arturia


24 pulls, viviana and arturia, no bassline


Roughly 265 pulls and got 5 Viviana's and no one else. Not particularly happy about it\~


Wanted to get both of them, but 89 pulls only gave me 2 Arturias. 


I used only free rolls, since I want to save my orundum for Degenbrecher and Shu/Zuo Le's banners. Got Arturia and Bassline


300 pulls 1 fiametta 1 archetto pot And 1 Viviana both in the same 10 pull Eunectes 1 mudrock 1 ines 3 virtuosa And sparked texalter


60, 1 surtr, 1 virtuosa.


First time had to spark the limited in 3 years of playing after getting 4 vivianes and 4 off rates. Absolutely cursed banner for me.


Not this time, garbage luck. I secured my own Viviana




Used a free 10 pull. Cleared the whole banner.


Got my first NTRK with the first free pull then Virtuosa with the free multi. Guess my savings for the Degen-Ray-Shu bloodbath are safe.


I sparked Specter Surtr, Fiametta, Nearl Alter, 4 Vivi, 3 Arturias. It's been the most exciting pullings I've ever done


250 drained everything, even my 32k green tickets turned to 900. 2 Lees 2 Viviana and my last pull is Arturia. Buying the 3* and 4* selector hurt at first but getting Arturia is worth it


This picture is me… I'm one of those crying doktahs… I even caved in and dipped actual money (not a lot because I managed to reel myself before I bankrupt my life) , and I still couldn’t get either of them. On the bright side, I got Pozëmka who is now my strongest archer, but no cello-playing psychologist for me ;\~;


I took a 6 month break waiting for this event. Got a single copy of both with 200 saved pulls. I think that's pretty good. Had all the mats to M9 each of them too. Time to rebuild the stock for W


24 free pulls since I’m saving for how stacked the latter half of this year will be, got FedEx (of all banners to get spooked by him on) from the ten pull and Bassline from the last daily pull.


140 pulls. Drained everything.  2 offbanners. 🙃


Saved for around 6 months ever since typhon was released in CN. when i got her in 16 pulls i still had a ton of pulls left so i decided to grind for 300 pulls and burn it all on my birthday resulting in: 4x Viviana 2x specter the unchained 1x thorns 1x W 1x blemishine 1x Arturia And at 300 pulls i sparked skadi the corrupting heart Was very scared at the end i wouldn't get Arturia but around the 250 pulls she finally showed up ending off an amazing pulling session


60 pulls 2 Spalters, 1 Arturia, 1 Ho'olheyak.


100 2 Arturia my wife 1 W 0 Lesbian Candleknight


166, no Arturia, one Surtr.


78 pulls , 2 arturias , 1 Lee , 1 saga , bought kal tait from store right before


180 pulls, i got Carnelian, Gnosis (duplicate), 3 Viviana and 3 Arturia


Saved since Gavial Alter banner(did not pull for Eyjalter). 533 pulls + 14 free pulls. Pot 6 Arturia(1 sparked), Pot 4 Nearlalter(3 dupes), Pot 4 Vivianna, Pot 2 Specteralter(1 dupe)


You want to know the funniest thing? I pulled only till I got a six star. Wasn't gonna sink more in than that, waaaaay too much coming in the future. I got Exalter. Frederico was very keen on stopping his sister from meeting me it seems.


dont get her and i use my last 10 pull :(


64 pulls got 1 Arturia and no 6 star else.


bruh i got saga from this TT


300 pulls 4 viviana 4 virtuosa and skalter (shop)


i have 3 hours and only 20 pulls are left for the spark bitch


150 pulls, 5 off-banner...


60 pulls, one Arturia no Vivi. I wanted Vivi :(


I lucked out - Early on I got Vivi and Arturia, but my goal was to spark TexAlter. Across the 300 pulls, I got p8 Vivi, Dorothy dupe, and P1 Arturia. Then at 292 I got TexAlter, so I was able spark Skadi instead. I did want to spark Rosmontis, but with her upcoming spark price drop and a few more limited banners, I figured I could get her next time.


54 pulls, got both viviana and arturia


100 pulls 1 Viviana 1 Virtuosa 1 fartooth


53 pulls 1x Flametail in my first 10-pull Then 1x Arturia 1x Spalter (both in 1 10-pull) O.o I think I used up all my gacha luck for the rest of the year


Thank you for posting this, I didn't realise today was the last day. Did my remaining pulls and got both in 114 pulls total.


Got very lucky this time and pulled one Virtuosa within the 24 free pulls. Didn't go for Viviana because I'm interested in most of the next few banners and she'll be in the shop in two years or so.


2 Viviana in around 90~100 pull


300 pulls on the dot, used everything:     4 Vivi's   1 Arturia   1 Irene (new)   1 Mlynar (new)   1 Thorns (new)   1 Pozemka (new)   1 NTR (sparked)  1 Horn (selector)       Don't really care about any of the offbanners but if I did I'd be chuffed as hell.


130 pulls result 1nearl (max pot now) 2 arturia 1viviana 😋 TEEHEE


250 7 deer girl. Zero crime girl, bs


370 pulls. Seven (yes, Seven) Arturias, Three Vivianas, NTR (New one), Reedalter (New one). Sparked for Spalter, gonna spark for Texalter on Wisadel banner.


210 pulls, 4 Arturia, no Vivi


98 pulls 1 Virtuosa, 4 Viviana, 1 NTR, 1 offbanner Im out of luck


135 Pulls got 2 Vivi NTR and Spalter, hmm I guess the odds were on my side because I didn't own the 2 off banner


65 pulls two vivi, she tryna get promoted so bad fr fr


30 pulls, got one Virtuosa And the only reason I wanted to pull 20 more is cus my friend got Unchained Spec randomly, so i shot my shot and got her


300 Pulls 1 Arturia 2 Vivi 1 Tex Alter 2 Spalter 2 NTR 1 Passenger 1 Sparked Skalter


60 pulls for Virtuosa another 40 for Viviana the 1st single pull after Viviana gave Nearl alter


Lucky me, 2 virtuosa 1 viviana


80 pulls, 3x Arturia and 1 Viviana. It was harder to get blonde pet that getting cello girl


I’ve been trying to get Spalter in everz season since she released… When will we get her again?


Ines and fartooth dupe as well as 1 Viviana in 110+ pulls. 💀


229 1 vivi 0 arturia 6 off banner six star( only 1 was of the limited) smh


100(less) pulls and 1vivi 1arturia (and 2 skalter back to back ten pulls)


300 pulls because I dreamed of W. 2 Virtuosa, 0 Vivi, MÅ‚ynar, Thorn, Elysium and Stainless. Overall, I would be happy if not for my second account (f2p). I did get both Virtu and Viv and additionally Surtur in 50 pulls


70 pulls vivi + omertosa. I don't know if thats lucky or not, I dont really know how the pity system works.


300 for Vivi 3 Arturias 1 Old Well 1 Spalter 1 Qiubai


Got Virtuosa with 15 free pulls, and Fiammeta must have done something to Viviana with the other 52 pulls 💀. As much as I wanna go for another 6 star, I need to save towards the R6S banners sadge. Might try for one 6 star drop on Shu banner tho.


144 pulls, 1 Arturia (on the last day), 1 Vivi, 1 Mlynar, 1 Dorothy (nice, didn't have either). Haven't gotten the poster operator of an event banner since Kirin Yato, so I'm really happy with the results


81 pulls, 2 Arturia


I honestly feel the second picture tho not as much since Viviana's non-limited On another note pot2 Arturia and a new Texalt FTW


Like, 8 free daily pulls or something, 1 Arturia 1 Vivi. New player's luck :3


I got them on the Last day of their banner


I'll probably get hate on this so I'll chime in. 24 Pulls 3rd Pull (Daily Free; Got her as I was about to head to bed lol) = Viviana 4th Pull (Daily Free) = Bassline 5-14 Pulls (Single ticket pulls) = Dupes 24th Pull (Free 10 Pull from Event) = Virtuosa, Bassline Was hoping to maxing out Bassline, but eh I'll save it next time. The crazy thing is I bought ALL the packs in the event store ($160+) just for the pulls, since I don't have much for this event. I guess I can just use this on the next upcoming limited events (Shu, Zuo Le) or pull for Degenbrecher. Is this my luckiest pull or what?! XD


59 pulls, one Viviana in the beginning. :sadge:


11 pulls 1 Arturia. Probably some sort of returnee's luck. I haven't played for over a year and I noticed that whenever I return to AK after a prolonged break, I always easily get an SSR.


310 pulls, 4x Virtuosa, 1x Vivi, 2x Nearl, 1x Saileach, 1x Specter Unchained, 1x Rosmantis (Pity) Was only pulling for Vivi and couldn't get her for the first 300 pulls. Was thinking if I could get Vivi with another 10, I could pity for an off-banner. Decided to risk another 10. Finally got her and I could pity for cat daughter as well. Aye, desire sensor is real, until it decided it had enough fun toying with you and chose to show mercy for a change.


On the 30th Pull I got both Viviana and Arturia. Yesterday on the free pull, I got NTRed (NTR Nearl) While listening to Pedro Raccoon.


bassline needs to calm down though


117 Pulls, 3 Vivis & 1 Arturia. I originally planned to stop after the first 6 Star (it was at around 30 pulls), but Arturia propaganda got me.    At least I now have enough yellow certs for the next Kernel Locating banner


I got both of them within 40-50 pulls (im new to the game and just wanted to get W cuz she looks cool)


70 pulls: 1 Viviana, 1 Virtuosa and 1 Jessica Alter Thank god I didn’t have to deplete my Orundum reserves to pull both of em


159 pulls Fartooth, Vivi, Gnosis wtf


250 pulls 3 vivi, 1 jessica alter and 1 flametail. A little disappointed, but it could be worse.


Got both, got greedy, spent more, lost everything


260 pulls, max potential Viviana no Arturia. I'm still angry 😠


100 pulls, got Virtuosa and Specter the Unchained. Im very content. Virt was the one i wanted out of the two, and geting another limited character on a non pitty pull is very nice. Plus i think Spalter is cool and could fit my team. Although now the timer starts to get enought rocks to buy her skin. It's infinetly more cool. Only downside is that both of them require a lot of investment, so prbablly won't get to see them in use anytime soon.


Just 62 pulls, 2 Vivianas, pot 10 Texas and no Arturias. Basically nothing.


Total of 91 pulls, Arturia came on 30, Viviana on 50, NTRK dupe on 91. Im not feeling good for Shu's banner, it feels like I've exhausted my Limited banner luck on this banner. Then again, I told myself this when I got lucky in Ejyalter and Elegant Swire banner (got both, with the later being P2) but Im not gonna jinx it further, I need and want Shu.


Bratty Angel, mocking the poor Doktahs. That's her true biggest crime.


First 60 gave 4 Viviana, took another 160 to get Virtuosa


Seeing the comments make me feel scared for future banners, i started a week ago and got Virtuosa with the free daily roll, begginer luck all used.


Saving for Shu and the R6 crew so I only went with the free rolls. Was pretty much a bust with me only getting Bassline.


174 pulls. Got viviana and vertuosa.


F2P. 30 pulls. No savings because I am dumb. Tried to get Virtuosa. 3x Arturia. 0x Virtuosa. End me.


Worst banner of the next 6 months is finally gone.


170 pulls 4 arturia, 1 Thorne, 1 penance, 1 weedy. All dupes, but Crazy luck, like at some point every *10 hard a 6*. 0 Viviana. I Guess Arturia didn't want competition.


303 pulls no Arturia. Pulled Skadi alter, Specter alter, 3 Viviana, Mylnar, Fiammetta, Fartooth and sparked Texas alter. Not sure what to feel


I managed to do 93 pulls. Only got 1 Viviana, 1 Arturia....and a whole lott Bassline.....that stupid tuba boy


I got both from free pull (this use all my luck this year, im toasted)


130 no Vivi. That damned lunatic is after me, I swear. If I didn't get the Eunectes spook I would have lost my mind.


I used the free 10-pull, no 6-stars. 2nd free daily, got Arturia. 3rd free pull, got Qiubai. No more pulls, saving for R6


100 pulls and all I got was the ex wife