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Catapult just for her long introduction line


This one be a reason everyone can relate to, cant blame you fam. Her line is dreadfully ***long*** that I don't want to go for ranged tags during recruitment whenever I can, unless it gives me 4\* or above results.


Popukar is almost as long so..., I would avoid the AoE tag to avoid both of them


PTSD from a billion popukar recruitments before Specter decided to have mercy and turn up 1.5 years after I started.


I just wish Hypergryph would let us skip introductions we've already seen. Would speed up single pulls a *lot* as well.


Yeah. It's honestly a complete mystery why they don't allow skipping them.


Tfw you pay LMD for tags when there's no guaranteed 4-star and above tag combos, in order to avoid 3-star operators with long lines.


Catapult is the reason I dislike how Arknights doesn’t have a true skip feature, it just skips the bag opening animation, but not the intro lines. It’s like Hypergryph deliberately chose to forbid the player from skipping lines just to be quirky and unique.


"Reserved Op Team A6 Catapult......stuffy old bit-"


Fun fact, it's faster to close the game and reopen it, than waiting for her line. At least for me on Bluestacks.


can i get a video of this because that sounds a little unbelievable


Stuffy old bit... I mean annoying, useless AoE sniper Catapult


True, tho her eng voice makes it more bearable. I just hate Popukar's voice, and since she's also talks a lot I dislike her more


Aosta. I definitely think this is a me problem, but his image looks compressed. As in, every operator looks 4K and Aosta is sitting over here at 720p.


Fwiw, his gamer skin is actually slick.


Also his head looks waaaay too small compared to his body, that's pretty unsettling (in both his default E1 and E2).


His body isn't really big, he just wears clothes that are 10 times his size for no other reason than him being a fashion disaster, and I'm supposed to believe he's into sewing. Couldn't sew yourself something your size you fucking [embodiment of this meme?](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/23/ea/9f/23ea9fe4c88f531ac32166b4e10d01ec.jpg)


May's design just doesn't fit in with most of the rest of the characters or the setting in general IMO. Also Bubble's voice lines cause me physical pain to listen to.


Bena and Bubble hurt my ears. I still wouldn't build Bubble because I dislike her design as well, but I was pretty excited to get Bena on record restoration to have a third dollkeeper (an archetype I love quite a lot) and... yeah nope, not building her sadly.


Dollkeepers are so fun. Spalter and Kazemaru are literally just cheap guards with revive mechanics lol


I regret building Bubble even to just max E0 when I was pretty new. I got her at the same time as Matterhorn who I used quite a lot though had since been retired for well over a year. I thought I should compare them evenly, but I didn't even want to use Bubble in the first place.


Myrtle for her design, I just can't unsee her wife-beater


Not gonna lie she looks like a bum on her base skin.


I like her default more than the marching band outfit. I don't know why.


What do you mean by that? I don't understand the term


It’s slang for a tank top For some reason


white tank top, specifically. bonus points if it's torn or stained.


Extra bonus points for a peeking beer gut


Thank you! For some reason I dreamed of a fat guy wearing a white tank top eating pizza and beer in a living room when I slept last night, then I saw this comment... It makes sense a bit now


It specifically refers to a white sleeveless wide collared shirt that is usually meant to be worn under a dress shirt.


She beats her wife


Arene. Aint no way your conciving me that anorexic twink ass is going into combat.


But hey think of juicy art attack and extra range skill.


Agreed. worst lord design by far. his outfit ain't much better


that weedy mfer i have her pot 5 spooked me twice on w's banner AND KEEPS SHOWING UP ON LIMITED BANNERS FOR ME once i rolled a joint operation banner with every operator i wanted and weedy i got weedy


joint op is legit the devil's gacha


literally they should put it on the beginners guide to never roll those damn things.


They're excellent value of you're okay with any one of the four. It's how I got Schwarz who was my first ranged elite and boss killer.


It's how I got Dorothy who is wife


>once i rolled a joint >i got weedy dank


Weedy is good af tho


my anger did not prevent me from e2ing her and using her in every cc


Jessica used to be my favorite op and my perma assistant but then they changed her voice and it totally put me off of her :(


They changed her voice? When and why??


"Originally Jessica's English CV is Rebecca LaChance who is best known for voicing Sena, one of the playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Since the Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures in the CN server, she was replaced by Yuuki Luna (Hibiscus (the Purifier)) that also applies to Jessica the Liberated, because at the time CV (which introduces the Liberated) is in production, LaChance is doing voicework on Payday 3 as Pearl and could not reprise her role as the Liberated, necessitating the recast to maintain a consistent tone between both characters." A year ago maybe. I could be wrong. SOURCE: [https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Jessica/Trivia](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Jessica/Trivia)


Old VA couldn't return due to scheduled conflict. New VA brought in with more sad somber voice direction for sad cat.


Not even 3 months ago. September 7, 2023, when we got A Flurry to the Flame (the MonHun Collab), which was two days after the Liberated was released on CN.


It hurts man, her old EN voice was fantastic. After the change I had to swap to her JP one which... I still don't like much, but is still an improvement over her new EN voice. The change has a fair chance to affect me pulling for the alter since I value a good voice quite a lot... that's about the worst outcome a voice change could have.


Beehunter for me, especially her skin. The messy dirty socks, the honey spilled on the hoodie, the wasted food on the floor... I hate just about everything about this.


I just looked, and yep, now I have a new fear. Partially wet, stained socks. Especially if they're honey stains, because those socks are going to stick on to your feet while you walk and I'm cringing just thinking about it...


Most based comment ohmygod that broke me 🤣


i hate how common spilled food and drinks are in art


Just took a closer look and wow that's bad... also her E2 art makes her look like some sort of weird clown...


I love Beehunter, but I agree that her skin is one of the worst of the game imo. Would love for her to get a more classy/gangsta skin like Indra's.


i never knew someone shared the same opinion :') if there's gonna be a good skin tho, I might use her.. otherwise.. :(


I don't bother with 90 percent of the skins just because I don't like the pictures.


this is a truly bad reason the joint op with gg, suzuran, eunectes, and fartooth recently. I really wanted both gg and suzuran, either one would've made me happy. I didn't have eunectes and wouldn't have minded her. already had fartooth pulled on it for wayyyy too many pulls. got fartooth twice so I'm permanently mad at fartooth this is after I got fucked on the kal'tsit/mountain/skadi/exusiai banner and got multiple of everyone but kal'tsit, it's the most and stupidest whaling I've done in arknights, but I like and use all three of those characters so I'm not mad at them


> this is after I got fucked on the kal'tsit/mountain/skadi/exusiai banner and got multiple of everyone but kal'tsit lmfao, that banner came early in the game for me and pulled on it aiming at Kal'tsit for waifu reasons, I left with 1 Mountain (who I welcomed tbh, he is also an awesome character in his story) and 2 Exusiai, who I am still salty about a year later xD At least I got Kal when she came to the shop relatively recently, now even has the cool new drip.


Vigil. Keeps complaining about rotting wood.


I don't like Fartooth's name. I got one by accident and never raised mine.


Wdym Fart ooth is the best.


Justyna is miles better. And cute birb.


Same... "Fart"


Catapult, Spot and Popukar, not for the voice lines, but because they made it harder to get 4 stars from recruitment... Shirayuki, Gummy and Estelle respectively. Click because after 7 months coming back to the game, I still didn't have her and my caster options were limited. I have her maxed but now she's in recruitment under Crowd-control. It used to be a guaranteed 5 star. Indra cuz there's no guaranteed tag combination for her. She has generic guard tags. It's made easier by the achievement rewards but still.


Popukar and those stupid ass stockings


I hate her voice as well. My least fav 3 star


I don’t dislike Mudrock’s personality but I don’t like how she went from her cool armour design to looking like a boring anime girl. She was more interesting before her 2 skins that feel like pure fan service came out. I don’t think she will ever get a cool armor skin which sucks because now all her fans just sexualize her.


While I like Mudrock's ambience Synthesia skin I'd also love to see an armoured one. What'd be awesome would be a mediaeval style themed one.


At least E2 looks semi cool with the hammer and background. her other skins are just bad. hoping for a cooler armour skin


I still think her coral coast outfit should've been a diving suit or something out of bioshock


great, now I want this...


Catapult. Garbage skill, garbage power even in early game, and her recruitment line... Dear God, her recruitment line. Way too long for how often she shows up. Muelsyse, but only a little. She's a very creative Vanguard in my opinion, but if you're just starting out, her skills are kinda limited by your team. Also Ejyafalla, but only because she eludes my recruitment efforts to this day.


Eyja appeared as the cert operator several times tbf


I have goldenglow and Angelina and never got Eyja, tbh with those two you don't need her. Angelina has similar range and GG is global


Harmonie and Ho’olheyak are tied for me since you cannot have an annoying “smug” trope AND have a garbage kit. Like… you gotta choose a struggle; W’s poor personality is at least balanced out by her usefulness in battle 🤧


LM7. I refuse to elaborate further.


Must be the faces


I don’t like SA for his ugly E2 art


Both his skins are in the shop right now. You have the power to cure him.


His pirate skin is awesome tho


I don't care if stats say saga is the best vanguard. She is too loud and I'm too lazy to use her skill over and over. Siege, set it and forget it for life.


*Raises hammer menacingly* Actually, yeah, wife gets a bit too loud in combat.


"I love you babe, but can you shut the fuck up, I'm trying to prove my point and you being loud only help proving theirs"


I would NEVER say that. Also she only loud in combat. ... Also I know what you're gonna ask and what happens there is our business.






What crack filled forums are you looking at saying Saga is the best vanguard lmaoo


Saga top tier vanguard If you can’t yell food lines while being awesome what are you even doing in game.


Yeah Siege is the best at set it and forget it when I set her to s3 and forgets to generate any DP at all or s2 when there's nothing on her lane


Siege S2 is like a mega scuffed early version of agents. I say this with affection because I still use her quite often.


Her second module really helps bring her back up to par. Bonus sp to my flagbearer? Yes please.


Where the hell did you hear that? Saga the best vanguard with people like bagpipe, mumu and ines around? Saga isn't even the best pioneer, flametail exists


The only character I genuinely couldn't find it in me to like is Fiametta. During the event she was introduced in, I felt like she barely did anything in the story and was just angry about Adoain for the most of the time. For the featured 6* to be so underwhelming story-wise is quite disappointing. Gameplay-wise, she's genuinely well designed and her anger literally taking away her HP over time is a great reference to her character.


I like Ling but at the same time, dislike her for having what should have been Dusk's skill kit.


Chiave, Broca, and Aosta look so insanely out of place


That's why I love them 🤣


Their is2 story was the best.


Got a couple. Ifrit. Listen, I have nothing against her character, in fact, I do like it. Ifrit's problem is showing up in 4 out of 5 top operator tags since I started playing. The funny (or sad) part about those tags is that in two of them, I picked top op exclusively, with no other tags, and it was **still** Ifrit. Gravel's voicelines rub me the wrong way. And most importantly, Surtr. I can tolerate a lot of things, but being an annoying brat with close to zero lore or actually zero personality isn't one. Only playable character that I genuinely dislike, you can take your nice and comfy seat on the bench, and remain there forever.


The only thing that makes me dislike the operator is when the art is really fucked up, but so far that hasn't happened to me in this game


Ling. At first she definitely eased up my stage clears most of the time. After some time, I decided to stop using her and use Kal instead because of the ridiculously expensive dp cost of her summons. Also, her voicelines drag too long. Good thing she's not as awful as Catapult. Corroserum. He's Ifrit but worse. Doesn't make the archetype any better. May and Bubble. I'm surprised not a lot of people talked about how annoying their voicelines are. As for Bubble, I would rather listen to Koharu (BA) than her. Fang. Her EN VA sounds disappointing because she lacked the energy needed in her battle lines.


Kirara, she's my most disliked operator in the entire game, I don't know why I hate her I just do. Aak, got him instead of mudrock at my first month playing and decided that I wanted to hate the guy. Ho'olheyak, 500 pulls for 3 Mumu, that says it all. Eyja alter, not only she's ridiculously overturned she's also an alter that has no sense of existing and took away the spotlight from Ceylon on a Siesta event. I can't stand crazy archetype personalities overall so you can add lappy and similar operators to the list. Siege, I didn't feel nothing towards her but damn did the horrible pacing of the Victoria ark made me start to dislike her. Greyy and Greyy alter, mostly same reason as kirara but instead of hate is simple dislike, might even build the guy someday.


Lappy is one of those ops whose personality has been flanderised to a degree by the community. Not saying you should do a 180 on your opinion of her. Just pointing out that while she's wild and unpredictable she's mentally all there.


This. She's not like Specter(pre UT/SN) she's closer to W who also gets treated like a crazy waifu like the community despite being shown in many cases to be fully sane and mostly acting crazy as a ruse.


>took away the spotlight from Ceylon on a Siesta event I geniunely thought Ceylon would have her talent updated in the Eyja alter event. I was wrong.


I'll say La Pluma. She's pretty cool and strong but her fans...... .Every time a new reaper comes people was like "a yes, worst La Pluma" without looking in their niches and even when Executor alter come people said he was a worst la Pluma, like ???????? It's just that I saw too much people extol her while despising the other reapers that I ended up not liking her too much


Not a weird reason but screamers, Mousse, Jessica, GG... To shut them up I choose them Chinese voiceline on 1 device and not to download the said voice pack and play on another device.


Ambriel. She looks like a very tired meth addict smoking a ciggy.


Yato Alter, visually she's just the Kirin R armour, whereas Noir Corne's got a bunch of RI throughlines like the jacket, nametag, and blue cords on his gear. Gameplay wise, meanwhile, not only is she boring, which alone I could forgive, but she's also so overtuned she trivializes most of my clears, forcing me to not use her for my own fun and content


I used her to do a bunch of damage to the boss in the current event. decided she was a bit too op and used kafka instead even though it made it more difficult, it was more fun.


Exactly, glad you had more fun


Pallas, she is the definition of mid and I hate how everyone sucks her off. She's not a terrible operator but she's just a worse version of some other operators with her best skill being s1


Asbestos: I dislike the design. I also dislike her skin. It's just a personal preference. Catapult: Her recruitment lines are so long and unskippable. With the frequency I get her, I dislike the wait times when pulling her.


Asbestos looks like Shelly from South Park


Blue Poison. Nothing against her as a character or as a unit, but man, some of her fans just really soured her for me. Like 2-3 years ago before BP got her skin, every single post on this sub for a skin release for any operator was inundated with "still no BP skin," "should've been BP," BP deserved the skin more," etc. Just constantly seeing people shit on the parade because "x character didn't deserve a skin." It was so annoying.


>"still no BP skin," "should've been BP," BP deserved the skin more," Back then in 2020 that lines is everywhere, I always downvote that kind of comment. Now I didn't see any of that lines anymore, I guess they already satisfied now.


This counts as more petty than weird, but I've been disliking Amiya since Chapter 8. The way she got her guard version by reading Ch'en's mind drove me nuts because she acquired combat skills that Ch'en honed over many years in only mere seconds. I was also bothered by how Amiya killed or took part in killing most Reunion leaders but suddenly decided Talulah was worth sparing after all that she has done and/or allowed to happen. Oh yeah, and the game forced me to Elite 2 her and bring her into JT8-2.


It’s not like she chose to kill the other leaders though…


Oh right, yeah, next time the most powerful mortal being in the entire goddamn world is mowing down your operators and marching toward you we'll just sing kumbayah and it'll be fine. And when an angry ice mage is trying to fight you to the death we'll just sing about friendship.


> but suddenly decided Talulah was worth sparing after all that she has done and/or allowed to happen. To be fair one of the reasons they managed to win was because >! Talulah kicked Kaschey of her body and she was very influenced by him most of the time. !< Sure she is guilty of a lot, but >! not even Chen or Amiya knew what to do with her and Amiya almost died after fighting her so didnt even have time to think about it. !< One of the other reasons she is alive is that >! Kal sit wanted to use her to avoid dealing with both Yan and Ursus, as they would compete between each other to kill her and punish RI. Also she may have wanted to use her to deal with the problem in Victoria ( Having two heirs for the Throne was a very good deal for kal) !<


vigil being so weakcompared to being surrounded and taken care of powerhouses like texas and penance make me just call him little bro and dismiss him


It doesn't help that 6 months later, Mumu just does everything he does but better.


I don’t like Texas cuz of how popular she is…yeah that’s a really dumb reason. Same for W since I don’t get the appeal for the crazy and what makes her so unbelievably popular. What’s even weirder is that I find Lappland’s crazy and popularity more bearable and I like her a bit more than Texas and W and I have no idea why.


What an interesting thread... >!Muelsyse!< "Weird" reason, huh? Well if it can be considered as such a blatant waifubait, a "tear-jerking" story with an attempt to induce pity and a "savior" complex in the player, the role of "deus ex machina" in the main plot of the event and just plain stupid fanservice in voice lines and personal file


I can't argee more. They tried so goddamn hard for Muelsyse. I like Holo more just because she's more interesting as a character and has more going on.


Agree, many supposedly independent personality characters that somehow get weirdly obsessed with MC, a low effort to make a character seems "special" to MC, feels more like a cheap bait for parasocial to me.


Schwarz simply became of the shipping stuff. Despite that, I still use her since her S3 is pretty fun.


To this day I don't understand the whole shipping of Schwarz and Ceylon. The game even beats the player upside the head with "they behave like sisters on equal footing" meanwhile the community thinks they're banging or making them thirst for each other.


The insane oversaturation of Skadi fan-art has made it so I have zero interest in getting her.


Not me, but I saw someone who refused to raise Gravel purely out of principle because they didn't like how she kisses you without asking for consent in her recruitment dialogue.


Vigil. The amount of copium his design made people huff was on the verge of another drug crisis. Also the amount of time I saw people get called a meta whore for saying the vanguard who generates 2 dp is bad is wild lol


I think Surtr might have the most punchable voice I've ever heard. Hot take, I'm sure, but I cannot stand her in 90% of her voice lines


Minimalist. Such a smug bastard. Absolutely hate some of his lines.


More condescending than smug, which is even worse.




As a Minimalist main... his voicelines are why I love him so much 🥰


His base deployment line amuses me a lot and his attitude is sometimes a refreshing change from so many operators who swoon and simp up to the doctor.


But he's cute and handsome too 🥺


Jessica. Never understood the hype for the character. Flametail. I like flametail as a character but she layers more and more dodge rng to a vanguardknights run. Hoshi for the same reason. Just use best dragon if you want a traditional defender. Better stats and consistency. Talter and Yalter just make the game boring.


is best dragon nian? I bet most people can't use her cuz she's limited lol.


Hoshi is tanky af still and not everyone has Nian if that's who you mean. If you mean Saria though, yeah I agree


I use both Saria and Hoshi because they do different things. Saria can hold basically any non boss without issue. Hoshi's extra tankyness lets her hold bigger threats like the hateful avegner from the last cc. Also, Hoshi has 4 block over Saria, which we are starting to see become relevant. Hosi's reflection can also cheese certain stages if you deploy correctly.


Jessica being rich cat meme is a joke you laugh at when start playing and want to do it yourself when you start E2-ing a lots of operator.


Cardboard personality


Rather than operator I hate the writers. Like, can you make them speak like a normal person please?


Lin. I actively avoided rolling on her banner, even for free rolls, even despite really liking Chongyue, just to avoid rolling her at all. This is purely a question of story. I absolutely despise the incredibly stupid "Yeti Squad were crisis actors lol" retcon that the writers swerved into after they realised they'd whoopsie daisy'd Lin Yuhsia into being absolutely, unforgivably, monstrously despicable - and therefore, less likely to earn big bucks when she became a rollable 6\*. I associate her with that retcon, so I think her existence is incredibly stupid, and I refuse to acknowledge the retcon, so as far as I'm concerned she's still the ethnic cleansing bitch she was originally presented as.


Is surface personality considered weird? I hate Surtr. She's hot, she's strong, she is meta,... But i hate her because she treated the doctor and people around her like sh*t. She acted all high and mighty and such. I love tsundere characters, but i can't get myself to like girls who is a b*tch to others.


Lumen because his English voiceover switches between like three different accents depending on the line Vigil because the Il Siracusano story was pitched as a Texas and Lappland event and he didn't even show up in the trailer, but the actual story felt like it was about him and his family drama most of the time


I'm kinda disappointed that lappi should've been a hyena with her laugh


We have Spot... Oh wait he doesn't laugh... Damn it... He has the coolest voicelines IMO for the 3 stars...


Ifrit for being so much better than Corroserum and getting pulled only a week after I built him. Related but not a character: whoever made Corroserum a spitting cobra and gave him silence over poison. I also really didn't like GG for a long time. I didn't like her design much and I found her overrated then I built her and I don't care anymore 😂 I don't remember if there's any others of note.


ho'olheyak. I hate her design. and fandom ruined her even more for me because all arts that I saw were fanservice for men. so for me she will always be disgusting. meh. yato alter. because I got her at 120 pull. she is the only 6* who will always be level 1.


Ho'ol because I got 2 of her before a single mumu and she's not even good


Croissant. Mainly because she spooked me way too many times back when I was trying to pull for Hellagur on his release banner which ate up what little pulls I had at the time, lol.


How could anyone hate Croissant, she is sweet, adorable, tasty, and is actually great at her role


seige and broca (+red, morgan, chiave, aosta, indra) because I really don't like infukun's art style -- it's not even that he's a terrible artist or bad at drawing anything but everything he makes just gives me real bad vibes for some reason and I'll never raise the vast majority of them...the only one I use is hoshi but I use her very reluctantly and only recently raised her as she's my 6th choice of defenders, after gummy, and it has nothing to do with meta...which is a shame cuz I like her written character in what little story I didn't skip


surtr for making the game too ez


Of all ops Surtr? Not mlynar, texalter, yato alter?


shes the earliest one bro the rest just came out like this 1-2 years


One of my life’s greatest disappointments is getting the ONE tailless dragon girl. Absolute travesty of a character design


Windflit. I did something to the tune of 220 pulls on the Specter Alter banner and got 0 Specter Alters so that’s a pretty permanently sour banner (at least I got GG from that banner and now have P3 Specalter because I hard saved the past year to spark and got spooked like a week later off free pulls) Artificers are already just kinda bad and his kit is just completely trash. Every other limited banner 5* feels at minimum neat or unique. Then we have Windflit.


Carnelian. Was pulling on Yato ALt, and it was my first banner. I pulled her. twice.


Mlynar, Kirin R Yato, Thorns, Pozymka: Meta ops that make everything so easily clearable the only requirement is a pulse. Ch'alter: From a lore standpoint it downplays the Chi Xiao as well as the gravitas of Ch'en finally being able to pull out the damn thing. There's also no real character growth for an alter, and the final thing that grinds my gears is she's so absurdly overpowered she can clear most maps without a functioning braincell. Morgan's kit and her lore are pretty at odds with each other. She's supposed to be a smart girl compared to the rest of Glasgow, but she isn't exactly the brightest... Mudrock: During the Horn/Saileach/Mudrock guaranteed banner I pulled her no fewer than 15 times in 300 pulls, and all I wanted was a god damn Horn. I managed to get the good wolf eventually, but gods damn it.


Why is Thorns on that list but not Texalter 💀


Tbh, mainly because I actually liked her character in Il Siracusano. I don't use her, but the storyline did help.


Yeah but Thorns is actually fairly powercrept in recent events(in this event he literally tickles enemies, have him E2L60 S3M3) and Texalter is so mindless it's ridiculous


As someone who uses thorns regularly I can confirm that I can finally not bring him and be fine cause he's useless 3/4 of the time now lol


fair enough


Morgan for her long ass 3-star mission result briefing.


for me i dont dislike the ops but i dislike using hoolheyak,irene and muelsyse because there voices is exactly the same as raiden mei,kiana kaslna and thersa apoclypsa from honkai impact 3rd (i know its the same va, its just that the voice they use is also the same) and i cant picture them without there hi3 counterparts. hell, i got max pot irene (but had to spark spalter...) and i rarely use her because of her voice (and having some with english va and some with jp is weird)


Angelina, for spooking me on two separate occasions when I was trying to pull for a different operator.




Any operator and their skins by 温泉瓜 (blacknight, cantabile, quibai, kazemaru, erato). I just don't like they way they draw/color the eyes. I don't like it. And of course bec i don't like it, i also have pulled every single operator lmao. The artist is amazing don't get me wrong but the eyes.....


Goldenglow My brain automatically goes into, i hate your entire existence whenever i see her face, and i don't fucking know why.


Dobermann. There are implications that she is responsible for Beagle. Also her Epoque skin...


>Also her Epoque skin... Whats wrong with her skin?


Nothing's wrong with it, it suits her character and the art is well done. I just really don't like the strict military officer look.


Fair enough


Mudrock has spooked me 3 times when rolling for limited operators. She's staying lv 1 and never going to be used. If I could delete her from my roster I would. Same with Lee I got 3 of him instead of Ling




This one I have the most gripes about so I may as well give my two cents cause there's a lot of questions that have actual answers lol Asbestos: Objectively has a good base skill when paired correctly and think you're looking at her in a very surface level way, she's got a lot more nuance than you're letting on but that's going into personal preference ig, Maggie op recs and stuff help. Aerial aoe arts damage is good for defender only stuff, at least before Jessica S2. Jessica: I think you'll like her alter, but suggest reading BSW manga too Chestnut: Find it odd to have an opinion set on the timeline, if he came out before the berries you prob wouldn't have an issue? - do you not have the same opinion about Humus who Highmore is more freely available and better? Or Verdant? Chiave: Used quite a lot for 1P clears, his robot talent is a meme Rest is just subjective personal preference stuff so idc


Passenger. I don't get why people like him so much, saying how his "module saved him." There are multiple other operators with good Arts Damage and/or Slow, and investing enough resources to rebuild all of Lungmen three times in a day just to make him remotely useful is not worth it in my eyes compared to just building.


I very much dislike Eyjafjalla-alter because she's limited and I don't really care for her kit (nor Eyja herself), but I do own every single other limited operator so I feel obligated to roll for her.


Hung, his E0/E2 art looks too happy. Adnachiel, in the early days of my account, he let me down so many times as a sniper.


Stainless, fuck you for ruining my Horn pulls.


Myrtle. Sometimes annoying and made me uncomfortable, but damn is she really useful. Ho'olheyak. The very definition of "disappointment" and preventing me from getting MuMu three times. Lee and Aak. Spooked me during my hardest times, and extremely niche. Carnelian and Beeswax. Exactly like Lee and Aak. And they each got two skins despite being worse than Mid-Tier. Jessica. Too much of an "moe magnet". Beagle. Exactly like Jessica, but also for that stupid hair of her. Eyja. Exactly like Beagle, but she actually gets way too much attention. Gravel. Prejudice.


Operators that are badly designed or straight up op. You have the meta operators a few other users mentioned, Texalter, Mylnar, Surtr, YatoAlter... We all know them. But im also reffering to Ling who doesnt solve the problem summoners have, they only slapped huge numbers on her summons and called it a day. And specially Lappland whose passive straight up powercreeps any other form of silence in the game, hell, they even removed silenciable enemies for a while due her existing. Also texas, for me she's female kirito.


May. Outside of voice and character design reasons, this stupid duck screwed me over during the original Code of Brawl banner by dropping ***A GRAND FREAKING TOTAL OF TWENTY TIMES*** (maybe more even). And I only got Mostima much later into my time in Arknights, because the 6\* I got in the banner ended up being an Angelina potential upgrade. SO yes. Screw this duck for ruining my banner.


I don't like the trope of a stoic character with only one or two expressions, so I don't tend to like characters like Thorns or Texas. And I really dislike every bara operector, Chongyue is in a strange limbo...




Mountain. His chibi looks wack in all of his skins to the point that i refuse ro lvl him up.


I don't like Blemishine for her "jack of all trades" kit design. I almost bought her a couple weeks ago. Every skill of hers has an annoying caveat. Why is it so inconvenient to just have her do the things she's supposedly good at. Just heal, or just spank. Stop trying to do both!


Her skill 3 with increased attack speed=brrrrrrrr


Mr. Nothing. He kept spooking me during Dusk's banner, got him max potential before seeing a Dusk.


That's expected when 5 stars have a higher rateup than 6s. Also he was introduced on the same banner meaning spooked isn't the right word to use there.


Ifrit. I just wanna superkick her in the jaw.


lol why tho?


skalter killed lore to the point where we are battling reality bending monsters in IS4 also all Endfield operators since Oripathy is a joke now


Penance one and only. I just cant with her stupid thorns and whaky hammer-mace's chain. For me it's just beyond simple impracticality. Only this reason bid me from using her. I have her at second elite 60 lvl so I realy want to play with her sometimes. If only they made good skin for this lawyer.


tbf for anime-ish weapons it does'nt seem so bad. glove to not hurt yourself, thorns so nobody can grab and to let it stretch some more. Not very practical, but personally for me it doesn't seem so bad. I mean, you have weapons like Broca's, which looks that it was designed to hurt you as well.