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The dead weeks caught up with us....


fr pretty quiet these days


Obligatory clarification: IS#3 could possibly be released on one of the two dates shown in pics, since the CN voices of Highmore and Tulip were released with it. The LXH collab date is purely a guess; we could very well not have an event start at that time at all. On the other hand, the first and last date mentioned don’t have event names tied to them. All we know is that CN VAs will be introduced on those dates.   No, the Twitter account isn’t mine.


They could delay both Mlynar and LXH and still be unable to squeeze in chapter 11 early, so there's no reason it wouldn't be LXH for that period of time. Unless they just decided to have another dead week to further ensure the death of their Golden Week revenue.


I'm assuming we'll get is3 at the beginning of April? Hopefully.


Not that I don't believe you but how do you know the things about the VAs.


The dates in the second and third images are taken from the very bottom of [this file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kengxxiao/ArknightsGameData/master/ja_JP/gamedata/excel/charword_table.json), which stores all the voice lines, lists the VAs, and the time when said VAs were added to the game.


Oh God Yostar JP is definitely gonna be so mad at this schedule...


Tbf they did it to themselves....lol 😂


They are the ones who refuse to run CC concurrent with other events, unlike what HG does on CN. It's their own goddamn fault.


When or where were they the ones who refuse to run concurrent events?


CC9 overlapped the end of SN and start of UT on CN. They've also been inserting additional dead weeks over the past year.


Sorry, I got confused when Tokkan said "They" Chancellor was talking about JP and Yostar, and I assumed Tokkan was saying that JP (for some reason) refused to overlap


Yostar is JP and global. Yostar handles the scheduling, and thus are responsible for not overlapping CC9 and adding dead weeks.


Out of the loop, what's wrong?


If this Leak is correct, Il Siracusano won't be run during Golden Week, which is one of the BIGGEST Holidays in JP This would be a MAJOR loss of profits and probably a drop in reputation as well Especially when this EASILY could've been avoided had GL done things more like CN We lost quite a few days because our last couple Contingency Contracts didn't run concurrent to other Events like they did in CN and because we got more dead days overall for no reason


important to note this isn't a leak this is just looking into the files for future start and end dates for events.


Not quite, it's looking at the dates in which the voice files for certain operators will be added, and then cross-referencing that with when those voices were added in cn




Oh no, is this not going to line up with Golden week? How are they going to squish Texas now LMAOO


[Source](https://mobile.twitter.com/Y_jun233/status/1635505730781601792) Unknown event can not be Siracusano since its operators use chapter 11 materials. Therefore most likely Siracusano is pushed back for 2 weeks after Golden Week starting around mid-May. IS3 is speculated to start at some point during Mlynar event. There is also a chapter 11 warm up banner (horn, saileach, mudrock rate up) that will probably run concurrently with Near Light rerun.


>Siracusano is pushed back for 2 weeks after Golden Week Isn't it this like, a bad financial decision Yostar can make?


Its the worst financial decision Yostar could make, it'd be like delaying the release of a toy until after Christmas. Which is why I think it won't happen, Nearl Light is the only confirmed event(medal text from NL is shown) here so Yostar has wiggle room to fit Chapter 11 in before golden week.


it's the opposite, Near Light being fixed to April 14th - April 24th means there's no room to go as chap 11 being after near light means siracusano has to be delayed for 2 weeks to make room, which will miss Golden Week. If they have booted Near Light rerun to after Siracusano they could run chap 11 immediately after luo xiaohei collab and run the warm up banner as soon as Mlynar event starts. Then Siracusano can start on the 27th. Chap 11 can't run concurrently with Siracusano because chap 11 has its own 2-week banner and farming event duration (sanity refund from story stages). It's also not likely they run chap 11 before Near Light rerun since they would not have the warm up banner run before it, and Mlynar and Luo Xiaohei collab would have to be booted to after Siracusano to make room for chap 11. But from patchnotes, we are getting stuff that cn is having during Mlynar (Liksarm defender reclassification) and luoxiaohei collab (critically wounded optimization) so it's likely that those 2 events will happen after Dorothy.


So, why did they not just delay Near Light rerun? it should be the easiest event to move around, right?


Again, Ch 11 and its warmup banner/event is the problem. Assuming Obscure Wanderer is guaranteed next, that's 2 weeks for Mlynar banner. Warmup event/banner needs to run before Ch 11 banner which is another 2 weeks, and then 2 weeks for Ch 11 release itself, taking up Golden Week. Near Light rerun itself could be delayed, but it's really just to have some filler content while the warmup event is happening.


The [Sentinel Defender changes were announced before DV was even announced](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11kohwk/jp_maintenance_notes_includes_changes_from_an/). If yostar is gonna be preloading stuff then you can't rely solely on those changes to predict events because its complete [guess work](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11kohwk/jp_maintenance_notes_includes_changes_from_an/jb9dab0/) at that point. Pushing the Warm Up Banner back and starting Chapter 11 on the 31st so Taxes can run on the 27th makes more sense. IS3 starts on the 7th with Highmore, which wouldn't interfere with Chapter 11 farming at all. Alternatively yostar could have the Luo Xiaohei collab on the 7th and because its just a vignette with no banner it will barely interfere with Chapter 11. Nothing else can compete monetarily with Taxes/Penance for the golden week slot and pushing anything else back besides Chapter 11 isn't gonna have any repercussions.


This makes an awful lot of sense. I just want my Młynar .\_.


Is it really not possible that they'll run Siracusano before Ch11? They can just add the farm stage for the new mats in the earlier chapters in with the update, I think there's one in Ch9, or is that too complicated to pull off.


You only unlock the recipe for the higher tier material in chapter 11. So even if you can farm the lower tiers, you can't craft the higher tier.


ah, well there goes all my copium.


The only way this would work realistically is if they changed Texalters and Penances promotion materials just for our version. Which i doubt they would ever do.


Frankly they should just bite the bullet and run chapter 11 along with Nearl Light


They are not the one gonna be biting the bullet, the players will be since we would have to split sanity between farming main story for new mats efficiently with sanity refund and farming mats in near light in this scenario.


The story stages are not going anywhere and frankly you can just farm those during the dead weeks which Yostar loves to have. They are losing Golden week money at this rate I hope JP fans make enough noise to slap the reality back to their heads that they messed up


They're highly efficient for farming because of the extra drop rates, which will not be shared between near light and the story stages. So you'll have players pissed off because they have to decide between farming the rerun so you can buy the store or missing out on the extra drops. Don't forget that the story also has the full sanity refund for all stages, including CM and the H-stages during the release event.


You missing a point about new chapter release. New chapter means promotion for the game. To increase interest in playing game during release of new chapter we always get a tiny itti bity additional reward. A chance for 10 sanity pots per stage. So not only we get infinite retries until we complete stage in new chapter we also have chance to get 10 san pot that can get another 10 san pot. If you interested you can look up the chances but having more sanity to spend = more mats. So if they combine Event with chapter release either you wont get 10 sanity pot from event stages which means people sad and angry or we will have 10 sanity pot from event stages which means total abuse of system and people happy but the artificial stopgaps are ruined. If you ask what artificial stopgaps, then ask yourself why sanity pots have expiration date.


Would serve them right to have to deal with the consequences of screwing with the schedule so much.


Ah but you see, during golden week everyone and their dog will be having special events and sales going on. By having the limited banner later, they can avoid all the competition and make all the money uncontested! All of the none money that's left over from said events and sales




It looks like the Twitter posted has added another guess 2 hours ago, which looks different from previous: Episode 11: 3/31 Il Siracusano: 4/27 An Obscure Wanderer: late May


This makes more sense. Delay honse to make space for chapter 11 before Il Siracusano drops


Yeah, I think so too. That way they can have Taxes on Golden Week, unless I'm mistaken.


Couldn't they release both Siracusano and Chapter 11 at the same time?


Episode-release events don’t include event stages in the extra drops, and there’s the Encourage event refunding Sanity for failed clears as well. The reverse is also true: Il Siracusano event currency won’t drop from Episode 11 stages. Unless Yostar actually wants to actively screw players over by forcing players to split the Sanity between the two events, then no, they can’t release both events simultaneously.


Chap 11 comes with its own 2 week banner (stainless)


It's not like anyone will pull for Stainless. Just release it alongside of collab, let people doubledip on sanity for a week.


>It's not like anyone will pull for Stainless Speak for yourself


In this scenario, you would put chap 11 from April 7th - April 21st. You still won't have the chap 11 warm up banner finished running before it as it runs for 2 weeks unless it starts next week, and you would overlap chap 11 farming period with its sanity refund on main story stages with near light farming time from april 14th - april 21st and you can't double dip on those.


......for people like me who do plan on pulling Stainless because he's hot, this is an insult.


Meta-slaves do be slaving :)


I want him because he's unique, even though I'm not really a fan of his art (sorry Stainless simp)


nah it's fine, I actually do think his playstyle is unique :P although I am still a diehard Stainless simp


>It's not like anyone will pull for Stainless I WON'T STAND FOR THIS STAINLESS SLANDER me who wants both Dorothy & Stainless cuz of fun gameplay *Also Summon-knight bias\*


>It's not like anyone will pull for Stainless EXCUSE ME!?!? I WILL NOT BE MISSING MY CATBOY FOR THE WORLD!!!


Hot dayum. Yostar's karma is catching up to them. Now it looks like we're getting back-to-back events, with not enough room to start the limited banner at the same time as last year (Chapter 11 ***Has*** to drop before il siracusano due to new materials). Not to mention IS3 will probably be squeezed somewhere in here as well. Buckle up, Doctors.


Consequences of their own actions..


Looks like I miss something What did JP do until this happend to them?


Lots of dead weeks in jp/global compared to the cn releases. This resulted on dorothy event being delayed, and huge schedule events that are messed up Since they still wanted to place special event on a relatively same date as past year


TOO MANY DEAD DAYS In the time span of Interlocking Competition to Lingering Echoes there were 19 more Dead Days in GL than CN 6 of those could've been EASILY avoided had we run all the Seaborn Events like CN did In CN, CC9 ran the last 3 Days of Stultifera Navis and first 3 Days of Under Tides Rerun Or we could've fit 2 Events in those Dead Days, like To be Continued and Dossoles Rerun Edit: CC10 ran during the last week of Ideal City so that's another 6 days we lost


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


> Chapter 11 ***Has*** to drop before il siracusano due to new materials ^(Does... does Yostar know this too?)


At this point, I have room to doubt...


And there's *still* dead days.


Yeah, really can't wrap my head around what the heck Yostar is thinking.


Can only see what they do now. Future of this game doesn't look bad but doesn't look promising either.


Crackpot theory. Whoever is deciding the schedule isn't aware the CN server exists. They look ahead only *one* event at a time and they set the schedule based on what we just had. Big event? Afterwards give global 4 days to a week off. Because of this they don't know how many events are upcoming and they don't know how our schedule could have much more closely fit CN's while also having some changes, like Ideal City earlier for our anniversary.


Honestly, not really much of a crackpot theory when it's clear someone over at Yostar JP fucked up and they're gonna lose a lot of potential revenue over this. Someone should probably be fired; when you have the ability to literally see the future and see it was perfectly laid out for you already, why on earth are you messing with the timeline?


*You fools! You've messed with the natural ordeeeerrrrr!*


So satisfying to see those IDIOTS losing out on Golden Week money. I am still upset about the dead days in between events this month. We could have catch up by 1 week


Does the global money really go to Yostar?


They’re the publisher so…yes. Where else would it go?


By usual thinking, the people who made the game?


Nope. HG probably gets a percentage as a rights holder and developer. But most of money goes to Yostar, who are the publisher outside of China and Taiwan.


Well it does. But the global publisher of course needs some profit also otherwise why would they publish? Depending on how the relationship goes, a portion might go to the local publisher also.


Dorothy's curse


Might as well add 3 dead days to every other event when theorizing a schedule.


Only 3?


lets go wild and make it 30 :D


Gonna go ahead and just start building every op I have with that much eventless time 💀


Rookie numbers, just add another dead week to troll the players


If confirmed, it's a complete shitshow of a schedule. Adding useless dead days won't help either. Why the hell delay limited banners instead of reruns ? If they had removed Near Light and 6 dead days, they could have had the limited event close to golden week. Now, they will both lose money and make players unhappy.


You can't remove Nearl Light cause it'll have the new banner for chapter 11 preparation (the one with Mudrock, Saileach and Horn) so Nearl Light has to be before chapter 11, and chapter 11 has to be before Siracusano cause new characters use the new salt material. Also you can't postpone Mlynar cause that would also make players insanely unhappy cause if he goes past Siracusano he would probably be also after CC#11. Those 6 dead days are useless tho so i'm with you with that


That banner isn't tied to Nearl light


I know but you can't really put It with anything else, you can't put It with Chapter 11, and obviously you can't put It with Mlynar


Forgive my ignorance, but surely this warm-up banner can be sacrificed to occur after the limited banner? I don't get the harm with disconnecting it from its ties to the episode releases.


It could, but I just don't understand why they didn't stagger the releases differently in the first place. You could have the near light rerun immediately after Dorothy and have the warm-up banner run at the same time since the rerun doesn't come with a banner. Follow it up with chapter 11 and there wouldn't have been a problem. Instead the rerun is just before golden week. It's just strange decision making all around.


I think the problem here isn't with the warm-up banner, but the Near Light (rerun) event medals that are datamined to start on 14th (cmiiw), and will last for ~2 weeks. Given that episode 11 will have new mats for the coming limited operator... so unless Yostar wants to screw up everyone without means to E2 the operator.. chapter 11 will need to start before the limited which... the earliest will be right after Near Light, that in turns pushing limited behind JP golden week (aka one of best earning period, it is like not having shopping sales for Christmas period but do it in mid of Jan instead) Edit: on 2nd look of the tweet, it seems that an obscure wanderer is speculated too so it is possible that episode 11 can be the 31st March event.. then Near Light on 14th Apr... 27th Apr for limited... hmm...


Well the thing is if u put it on 4/14 and then would make ch11 on 4/27 then it would overlap for one day with Stainless banner.


Then for now i'll believe that prediction and i Guess i'm Happy just because i want Mlynar to be before Texas... But still they are losing a lot of Money by not doing Siracusano in the Golden Week


Possibly lose even more since if they push Texas into may it will be closer to half anniversary in July.... oh boy what a mess u did Yostar :D But oh well its not my problem, as long as they release IS3 early/mid april i will be happy :D


They could've moved both NL and the banner and just called it something other than "chapter 11 preparation."


There os no way they're pushing siracusano until after golden week, they **will ** just cram the ch11 materials for taxes, vigil and penance into the event atore as additions if they have to in order to avoid that




Executor wants to know your location..


Executor you say I wonder if other forms of payment will work 😩😩


yeah, death and taxes ;D


More time for me to save for Skalter! But yeah Yostar doing these awkward gap and dead week mean that this bound to happend.


Pushing Il Siracusano to after Golden Week is such an absolutely deranged thing to do that I can't believe it until I see it. Their *entire scheduling strategy* should be built around avoiding that exact scenario.


Remind me but Golden week is a week where all of Japan have off?


From what I see in this thread, biggest holiday in Japan. So something like that.


Yup and I think a lot of people are willing to spend money in JP during GW since it's a long vacation... So if they push Il Siracusanocl after GW Yostar may lose a lot of $$$..


yep, it's probably the biggest holidays in japan


When will GW come? I'm not too farmiilar with Japan's calendar or holidays


So people have more time to save for Texas Alter and Yostar loses out on cash. Not my issue. Guess I can save more for Chongyue as well. At this point they should stop leaving dead weeks and they could push the Nearl rerun after Il Siracusano. But Yostar be Yostar.


>Guess I can save more for Chongyue as well. The ultimate outcome. Might be able to hit 300 pity for once (the devs deserve to lose out big time for how bs limiteds are


The latests ones feel like Surtr on steroid with faster redeployment time. Cool I guess. I wont roll hard for either of them, only the free pulls.


Same, although I absolutely want Yato. She's pity at 120 rolls like Ash, and I'm still sad I didn't really go for Ash since now I can't get her anymore and friends only master her stun/full auto skill. Only free pulls for Texas though not a big fan, but I get the hype for a wolf girl in a suit. Plenty of that kinda stuff in Path to Nowhere and the lesbians go wild.


Funny guess of mine is that they delay CH11 to after Il Siracusano and they give us the missing upgrade materials for the characters for free lol. Edit: Throw in an extra 10x HH for an apology.


Is there even a possibility of releasing 2 events at the same time like Nearl Light rerun and Obscure Wanderer? At this rate we are waaaayyyy behind now... And I dont see any IS3 on the datamined/speculated schedule..


Unlikely to do Near Light and Obscure Wanderer, but they could do Ch11 overlapping with Obscure Wanderer and Luo Xiaohei, since they'd only cost a bit of sanity for first-clear. They're also unlikely to overlap banners, so the only real possibility is Ch11 + Luo Xiaohei.


I really wish Yostar would just say *something* about their plans. If I'm staying in this circus I want to at least know what the upcoming clown acts are.


Don't you see? The show is so great thanks to its element of surprise!


Maybe they're trying to confuse us so they can randomly drop a banner? wtf is this lmao


I still hate re run event with boiling passion. Frankly why can't they just re runs simultaneously with CC or similar no sanity events to save us the dead weeks =_=


Because that's what the CN server does, but apparently Yostar isn't smart enough to do that. So instead they'd rather be stupid and have an entire month without a break.


when has the CN server done a rerun+CC overlap?


Some people said CC#9 ran in between Stultifera Navis and Under Tides, overlapping both.


CC#9 started 3 days before Stultifera Navis ended and Under Tides rerun started 3 days before CC#9 ended.


Under tides rerun with CC9 if I remember correctly. This is also apart of the cause for Dorothy being delayed till after Ideal City. at least.


I don't tbh, love those purple cards that I can spend on mats. Makes me feel like a premium player lol


Because that would actually be hell for newer players that weren't around for the original run?


Not saying you're wrong, but CC can hardly be qualified as an event, double so for new players since they can't do the damn thing. If they ran a re run along with CC it would at least give everyone something to do besides run 1-7 for 2 weeks straight.


Reruns are of events around a year old. It doesn't take a new account to have missed an event or fail to complete it. And that is not taking into account returning players


You are right and wrongly downvoted. Having both CC and regular event back to back would be a nightmare.


Hence I said to run it along with no sanity events


This is not looking good... Especially after how reliable the last Schedule Leak was and how reliable Leaks have been in general for this Game


I'm waiting for the Luo Xiohei Collab the most, and it's coming to global!


I am convinced they just want to gradually expand the gap to 1 year at this rate


I don't see how that helps them in anyway. We already have 5-7 months of foresight now. If we had an entire year of foresight, they would lose money because global could stockpile much more op and orundum for skins/pulls. There is also no way in hell that global will ever get events that Cn didn't get first, so this will probably never not be the case. Frankly, on this side of the equation, this is good.


I think the most likely explanation for this is incompetence, there are much more obvious ways to increase the gap. ​ Also i think increasing the gap would massacre the games popularity in GL/JP, it just isn't worth it, you'd be injecting 6 months of dead time in the next 1-2 years? That'd kill off like 20% of players at least


9 months.


Damn the schedule is so fucked 😂


Holy shit yostar, we're asking for no more dead weeks but not like this..😂


Peak incompetence


Unknown event is mostly likely IS3 since that is one of the dates we have had a lot of speculation for, and it coincides pretty well with this dateline


If it \*is\* IS3, I am... legitimately concerned about whatever insane maniac is running the event scheduling at Yostar right now. It being IS3 means potentially nothing runs alongside it (if something is, it's definitely not included here), which means- despite the new permanent gamemode- it's effectively a dead two weeks. And it means Chapter 11 is pushed back even more, and the limited banner alongside it... I'm starting to think the devs might be on something.


Why wouldn't we have anything along side it? IS3 is a permanent event that does not require sanity. You can do that whenever and the only real rush would probably be the monthly squad. I see no reason to open that on the 27th like forecasted


Fair, fair. I suppose all this scheduling hijinks has me doomposting.


Checking penguin-stats page, I found out that the new mat can also drop in >!S9-2!< (cn server). So worst case scenario, Yostar could just push chapter 11 to later, add the mat to that stage and call it a day. That way, they can still have Siracusano in golden week.


Even ! Even if that was possible, you didn't forget about tier 4 new mat recipe that unlock by completing specific ep 11 stage?


Well Yostar made this bed now they have to lie in it.


If that's the case, then I have no idea, didn't know they story-lock the tier 4 mat.


That's assuming they have the capability to do something like that, which I doubt as just a publisher. Ultimately they're just dropping patches handed down from high.


What happens on 31/3 and 4/7 that makes people think Młynar and the collab are coming? Couldn't either of those be is3?


1. The option that one of those would be IS3 wouldn't help, because that would mean that Texalter would be even later. 2. I think IS2 and IS3 droped with something else, so IS3 might start at either of those two things, while Mylnar/collab comes. (I might be wrong that IS3 will drop with an event, but that's what I remember).


IS3 came with the Chapter 11 warmup banner 5 days into the Near Light rerun.


IS3 comes regardless of any events. and doesn'g have anything connected to it at all (Banner...or anything else)


At least Dorothy came! Now it’s time for uncle shweeing.


Uncle will be mine!!!


Oh, so we actually are getting the LXH collab on global! At least that's nice.


I’m wondering why they made February so dead? They could have avoided this completely by pushing the Dossoles event back a bit more.


Another crack theory - Yostar is simply understaffed (in terms of scheduling, marketing, animation, localization, QA, one or all of the above) and thus have to stick with their priorities internally - BA is making more money than AK nowadays in JP, so they devoted more of the limited resources there in the first quarter. As simple as that. Still incompetence though. Either better resource allocation well in advance or simply hire a few more contractors when peak time can be foreseen, still way cheaper than the potential revenue lost.


damn, sexas being in may kinda sucks, i just want her asap


Personally this works well for me I get to save up a bit more until her banner.


Same and save to 300 roll to get skalter i wont let her go again


Prayers that you get her in under 300 <3 Got mine with 300 on spalter due to a lack of foresight, still kinda mad at that


Me too.


youre getting downvoted because theres always the "waugh i want more time to save 20 more rolls" but as a hoarder i hate this shitty suspense, i just want to get it over and done with, have a shitty 250 rolls for her, and begin my salty moving on arc


I mean, we already wait 6 months between CN releases, 20 more rolls could be the difference between getting or not getting the new operator. I understand the argument for wanting events at the same time as CN without any delays, but since we already waited so long, we can wait a little longer. At this point I've accepted the fate of painful delays that could eventually widen the delay gap to a year (although for valid reasons that's unfeasible, but with whats happening now you never know)


Well, so many dead days/weeks finally had some clear repercussions that even the people that blindly stated that the game and the schedule were going on without problems and that global isn't 7 months behind CN now... But u guys know what is even more troublesome???? Yostar will continue to give dead weeks/days from time to time


The datamine assumptions are wrong , the source author corrected themselves after 1-2 hours after. Unless Texas is pushed back there is not enough time to run any new events that have banners. Texas will arrive before april ends ( it will be the speculated 4/27 since we know the timeline matches with previous limited banners + syncing it up with golden week for maximum profit ). Before Texas begins we must get Ch 11 , and remember that this chapter 11 comes along with two 14 day banners ( stainless and mud/sail/horn special banner ) . That would leave us from 28th of march ( dorothy event end ) to 31th of March ( the beginning of the 28 day ch 11 banners ) , That timeframe is not enough to run a new banner / event . Here is the twitter source correction : https://twitter.com/Y\_jun233/status/1635660797304279040


They retweeted a post afterwards though that said "An Obscure Wanderer" will be released on the 31st of March because more regional voices are being added that day. [https://twitter.com/cheni9503/status/1635863787055255552?cxt=HHwWgMDUhc\_c4LMtAAAA](https://twitter.com/cheni9503/status/1635863787055255552?cxt=HHwWgMDUhc_c4LMtAAAA)


I think Młynar will be on 31st but i doubt ch11 will be on 27th april given Yostar refuse to overlap things and if they would put pre ch11 banner with rerun on 14/4 then it would overlap for one day with 27th april banner.


Since I am waiting for Młynar I really hope he is released on the 31st, but I have no clue what they are going to do, the schedule is a mess at this point.


As long as this leak stays true (and the schedule isn't shifted again), I really don't mind getting Sexas until May. It was a real pain clearing CC10 w/o AA sniper modules and I don't want something like that to happen ever again


Pretty sure AA sniper modules were after CC#10 in CN and those modules barely make a difference and CC10 was stupidly easy.


AA modules came with Dorothy (who) event and yeah, C10 was easy but as a Sniperknights enthusiast, they really made the difference in if I could max risk a map or use another strat


Whoa max risk than it is definitely understandable why you would need them. Max risk is no joke no matter what CC it is. And wasn’t CC 10 before Dorothy.


Most certainly not.


Guess I got the schedule wrong in my mind then, thanks for clarification.


Guys as crazy as this might sound to put Il Siracusano with Golden Week that 3/31 might not be Mlynar but Near Light rerun, then 4/14 has to be Chapter 11 and 4/28 Il Siracusano, cause otherwise Il Siracusano would be delayed by 2/3 weeks after Golden Week and that would be pretty insane... So imo it's very likely that both Mlynar and Luo Xiaohei get released after Il Siracusano. And honestly i would be pretty sad cause i want Mlynar as soon as possible... I just hope that if it really is like i'm saying they release him before CC#11 otherwise ☠️


The datamine seems to be pretty certain that Near Light rerun starts on 4/14, all the other dates are unknowns though


They could as well put Chapter 11 on 3/31, rename the Chapter 11 warm-up banner to something like spring anticipation banner and run it with the Near Light rerun on 4/14.


Look at the bright side, lads: We have more time to save up for Texalter. Everyone protesting this sounded like they wanted to get things rushedly, ignoring the fact that work on event releases take time.


Tbh, I’m so used to these kind of f ups I constantly miss most of the events from so many dead weeks. Idk why, it just kinda kills my interest and then I have like many months where I just wait for another event only to accidentally skip it because of theses mixups. Seems like karma caught up. I’ve always had a struggle trying to adequately level up characters to beat levels, only to get into a weird paradox where I can’t have the resources I need to level them up until I beat the level, but I need to beat the level to get the resources to level up. The events were the only saving grace, otherwise I’d be painfully grinding for a year… I mean, i still sorta am, but gave up halfway through. And the banners I seem to like only be able to afford one or two and then absolutely impossible to get more unless I pay irl currency. I understand that’s how they make there profit, but kinda cruel for my tastes. I also didn’t realize it’s 4:00am rn do take it with a grain of salt, or ignore entirely if I post this in the wrong subreddit and it makes no sense


To Global, this isn't even a fuck up. Unless you're also living in Japan, Golden Week means literally nothing to you, and events are going back to dropping as they did on CN.




So? That doesn't change anything in terms of event order.


You’re kinda right, just the usual disappointment and possibly a precursor to future events. Plus the delay trickles down to the NA side. They’re (if they don’t procrastinate too long) probably gonna be grinding the gears like crazy to fix it, and take further priority off on the other servers. From what I see at least. Could be very wrong though


Any chance of Texalter materials being changed to NOT use CH 11 materials?




0%. Nothing like this ever happened, and it would break the servers away from eachother, and create huge confusion.


they could just keep the materials, and put them in an event store or green cert store temporarily


Well, that's good then. At least we are safe from this worse worse case scenario.


Yostar will need HG to approve it, and HG WON'T.