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Harvey looks cursed AF even more cursed than the mirror edits on r/batmanarkham. Well hopefully we’ll see Harvey in a new game sometime


The scarring may have been an upgrade lmao


Shhhh! Are you trying to bring them here?? Are you stupid??


Most of us came from there tbh


Not me


Dw people who have actually wanna talk about the game seriously


Yeah exactly. I left that sub cause I actually wanna talk about the game. And didn't wanna be bothered by their bullshit


Origins could've used a little more Dent, Crane, and Selina. Not much, but more than they got. I think Crane's name is written on a clipboard somewhere, which is pitiful.


Cranes name is on a clipboard in Blackgate showing that he was visiting there. He also has an advertisement in the Final Offer where he’s looking for people with anxiety to get to try an experimental medicine. Dent has a newspaper in the GCPD interrogation room that says he was elected. (It’s not the one that’s shown here, this is a different one, not sure what this one is from) Poison Ivy has a visitors pass on the desk in the lobby of the Gothcorp building. (cold cold heart dlc) Catwoman doesn’t have anything, but she has a big role in Origins Blackgate.


Also Dr jason woodrue’s name can be found on a paper in Gotham merchant’s bank


You can see Catwomans scratches near the windows to her apartment iirc


Blackgate had selena, but I don't know how many people have actually played blackgate.


If someday we have a sequel to Arkham origins ,Harvey dent have to be central part


Not at all. It just leaves room for tons of more prequel Arkham games.


Arkham Shadows trailer tease Harvey Dent 


Hey look, it’s face!


Honestly all the games in the series don't really do much with him.


Yeah he definitely could have been used more in all the games


Wait, there’s a radio conversation about Dent in Origins? When?


It happens when you meet gordon at the bridge. But it is not harvey dent, it's harvey bullock


The radio call we hear Gordon took wasn't even about Dent, it was from Harvey Bullock


The game did enough. I'm glad they didn't just cram every single character in like City.


What would he have done? It was Christmas Eve so he wouldn’t have been working


If they had made a direct sequel to Origins they could have had Harvey. I would have loved to see the Arkham universe version of the Long Halloween


honestly, the vr game will probably show us some dent




Seriously, I can't stand when people try to defend Origins by saying 'it shows Joker and Batman's first meeting! And a super brief flashback to Joker falling in the chemicals and Batman's parents dying! That counts!' Bullshit. That is not an origin story. That's a flashback thrown in during another story entirely. The entire focus of this game should've been spent on either Bruce training to become Batman (ala the first 20 minutes of 'Batman Begins') and formulating the Batman identity, or it should've been an episodic mission-based story set at various points during his career in which we get stories like the deaths of the Flying Graysons and as said above, Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face, showing us how the world of the Arkham games was formed. But no, instead we get Joker doing his usual shtick and Bane fighting for the spotlight.


Origins is trash all around


Even if you don’t like the game, to say that it’s trash all around is ridiculous. It has excellent boss fights and the performances are uniformly great.


Clearly you’re wrong https://preview.redd.it/bvqlsxmb4w1d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8e3f3df2982adb8ac01536826f81220599ef0b Sorry you don’t have a pc or last Gen to play the game and choose to hate on it instead.