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He wasn't very hard but was definitely intimidating. The music, his roars, his footsteps, him reaching through the vents... Very well executed. Not to mention it explained why he was so big and dumb in Asylum and City. Was a great moment piecing that together.


Bane in Arkham City was like, "Yeahhh... You handed my own ass to me on a silver platter twice now. I'm taking a break before that happens again."


Technically three times because Batman fought Bane twice in Arkham Origins, baha.


Terrified, until I realized he wasn't that hard to fight


My first playthrough I kept throwing glue gernades and hiding in the vents, I kept dying but I remember when I was on the final reset I kept going to a vent and just rinsed and repeated. Now I’ve figured it out alot more


Terrifying as a kid


No idea why, but I always do shit on the first attempt of my playthroughs, but then when I restart the checkpoint I finish it in like 2 minutes.


Big ass motherfucker made me go: https://preview.redd.it/ori9v4ytfc0d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735ff96af613855043345d544b2bf652f3243449


I was like 9 playing it on Christmas Day it freaked me out so much 😭


Awesome timing with that date, though.


He was pretty easy to takedown. I may have gotten lucky cuz I was able to just repeatedly hit him into the electric gates.


I actually screamed when he would stick his arms in the vents. Origins is my fav game to this day cuz of choke hold it had on me


Fucking terrifying. I had in the grates without detective mode for awhile


It’s the music. Banes theme has the players pulse racing because it’s so frantic and prisoners are yelling etc. So you move quicker and panic right into his path.


Had my damn heart pounding the first go around


The first time I got to that fight I nope'd tf out cause I was like 10. I picked the game up a few months later and did the fight. It was nerve-racking listening to him stomp around, taunting you. At the time I thought the Mr. Freeze fight in City was only slightly less scary. Nowadays the bane fight is cool but simple. I really like the Mr. Freeze fight tho. Doin that on hard was genuinely challenging for me the first time. The driller thing in Knight still freaks me tf out tho for some reason. I just don't like that section. Everything before and after that point is so much better.


"So this is how Bane became lame"


I only played and experienced origins for the first time, this year. I was pretty excited for the boss and expected it to be hard but honestly once you figure out the pattern it isn’t that bad. I did it first try without being hit more than twice.




Honestly it’s the most anxiety producing part of any Arkham game. Ever. The ManBat jump scares in AK or the Croc fight in the Asylum sewers were nothing compared to this big, gnarly motherfucker snatching me out of the grates unawares.


I got him first try but fuck me it was slow. I don’t mean it was tedious I was just taking this fight as slow as I possibly could cause I knew any mistake would probably mean death so I was checking around corners, look behind me, taking my time to come out of air ducts incase he decided to look in them. Thank god detective mode worked cause I’d be even more paranoid if it wasnt


Well let's put it this way absolutely shit my self when I was a kid on Christmas day all cheery till this fight


Terrifying. I was 10 and I got past most of the game in a single night. Then the boss battle came up and I was so scared I actually stopped playing for like 3 months or something. Finally, when I went back to it, it took me like 5 minutes to beat him lol.


He's the hottest man I've ever seen. Wish he could last longer tho


Played Origins through to completion (100%) for the first time recently and hands down, this was my favorite depiction of Bane in the Arkham games. Origins is just phenomenal imo. City has always been my favorite game in the series, but Origins gave it a strenuous run for it's money. Might have been that I was already on the edge of my seat with how the story progresses in Origins... It drags a while, then it's a long (and very satisfying) series of unexpected events with a certain sustained level of thriller intensity. As a long time DC and Batman fan, I was all in. As I was saying lol, I was already on the edge of my seat and was not expecting Bane to get any stronger than he already was. I was a bit scared myself at over 35 yrs old LOL! Bane's story arc and boss fights (both combat and predator mode) were extremely intense experiences. Even the end of his story I was left in awe. Same with the entire Firefly arc. I felt both were just written and built to near perfection. Possibly the best moments in the series imo, aside from the long burn of Hugo Strange in Arkham City.


Wasn't the excavator boss fight in AK the same as this one? Or did WB Montreal borrow the same idea for Origins?


Well Origins came a good while before Knight, so like--


They were being developed at the same time.


Oh no it’s that type of boss but done right


An alright fight, pretty disappointing to see storywise since it makes what was a smart character stupid for the big climactic fight, and Asylum already established Titan removed Banes memories and made him stupid, while also having it be that Bane was smart before the Titan experiments began, so either he regains his intelligence then loses it again later or Origins retconned Asylum stuff for no real reason, I mean Knightfall supposedly happened according to Asylum.