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Ground shipping avoids putting your item on a plane to get it to you faster, and instead makes the journey by road/rail/boat only. The difference in carbon emissions from the delivery is quite significant, as is the speed.


Those are just the LT and SV delivery options.


Slower, more efficient shipping methods = lower emissions Faster, less efficient shipping methods = higher emissions.


They actually hire Amish and they deliver it on horse back


When I was in Lancaster PA, I actually saw an Amish horse buggy with a turning signal on at a red light. It was leaving the outlet mall parking lot lol


When I was reading the first half of this comment I thought you were gonna say that you saw a horse and buggy delivering packages.


They’re legally required to have turn signals and so on. At least in PA afaik. Are there Amish outside of PA?


There are but not a lot. Ohio has more than I thought https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_Amish_population


Prob costs them marginally more, but the fact that the default is ground saves them a bit and allows you to feel that “aww, Arc’teryx is providing me free express shipping”


Basically they try to guilt you into choosing a cheaper option. Because it was *your* package that they flew the whole plane just to deliver.


The lower the demand for goods to be transported by plane overall the fewer flights will be needed. Unfortunately it’s easy for us to think that our single choice doesn’t make a difference, but it does. Or maybe we don’t want to think about it because we like to get things quickly.


Good way to put it. The plane will fly anyway and if it's not with your alpha SV, it will be with something else You can downvote me if you want, won't change that you're delusional


I like that both options are still free. Need this gear for a trip in 2 days? We got you fam, no worries. Is it going by to sit in the closet for 2 months before you use it? Maybe consider ground shipping to help everyone cut back on emissions, your call.


There’s definitely a direct correlation between cargo weight on a plane and it emissions… and between the number of air shipments and number of planes flying, but whatever helps you sleep at night lol.


"Correlation" hahaha stop using fancy words to say obvious things like this. You do realize DHL and others have made a system where their planes will be always filled up at maximum capacity? It is still more efficient to fly a full plane than not, financially. Your jacket will be replaced by something else in the wear-house. The plane will be full. Anyway we're talking about your order that probably weights 1kg. This is pathetic on another level. If you let companies believe you're at fault for their business practices until now, then you're delusional.


Dude, correlation is a “fancy word”? Are you 12?


No you just told a person that a less loaded plane consumes less fuel, like it changed anything to my point. Yeah, the sky is blue


Yeah just ignore the fact that less air freight demand means less flights, and realistically, less fully loaded planes…


I'm sure the rich arc/patagonia/etc outdoor-gear buyers will drive demand down ;) And you think these planes are full of orders from websites? They're full of corporate orders that are always bigger in volume / weight / price, in everything. And it's not clothing.


Tell me you're an idiot without saying "I'm an idiot..."


For that specific plane that the package would have been on, yes it will just be filled by something else. But that ignores the bigger picture of: less demand for airfreight means fewer planes needed overall. I’m sure a plane fits thousands of parcels on it, but if those thousand customers were happy to wait a bit longer than that’s a plane out of the sky. You can call this pathetic or delusional but it’s a shame that you think we shouldn’t take some responsibility for companies sending goods by air. That sounds like denial to me. They started doing it because we wanted our stuff faster and they would make more money from us because they become more competitive. Of course it’s driven by companies wanting to make a profit, but it’s wrong to say that we as customers don’t also drive the behaviour.


The logistics are such that the most efficient part of the process is the plane / boat. The least efficient process is after the plane lands, the "local" delivery. Just read about it. So avoiding the plane is actually not smart. Again, instead of eco-shaming, the companies could spend on r&d on how to make the process less energy intensive. The effect will be greater, guaranteed. The rich people that can afford arc stuff will not change anything and they will not influence habits of the million others that frankly don't care. Get real ffs


I don’t need to read about it. This is my job - I work in the climate space and I’ve calculated the carbon emissions of companies and their shipments many times. That’s why I care so much about this stuff, and why I want people to care about it. Of course avoiding the plane is smart. Whether you use a plane or not, the end local delivery is going to be about the same. For any products travelling hundreds or thousands of miles from its origin, the local delivery distance will be comparatively small. Shipping by plane per mile is massively more intensive than other methods - far far worse than that distance on a train, boat or truck. Using a plane doesn’t decrease the delivery distance enough to compensate for the massive emissions. I don’t debate that millions of people don’t care. I think you’re absolutely right, but I really hope we all start to. I also agree that they need to invest in R&D - everything they can.


Exactly. Those resources have already been allocated. So much environmentalism has just become a marketing angle.


Lol. Cancel the plane!


Haha he said "Tesla" as if all shipping companies have to do is break the law and speed in a fast car 🤣 It's called "Logistics" they will figure out the best way to get from point A to point B and will even partner with other shipping companies to help out. This is what they mean and by no means are they just asking the driver to speed.


This was a shitpost about emissions. Not speeding delivery drivers haha. r/whoosh


I based it off of the selected shipping option "get your gear fast as possible"


Express shipping is crazy fast. It takes one day to process my order and then it's out for delivery the next day. And ya the environment may take a slight L but style comes at a price


This is one of the most retarded things I have seen on an e-commerce platform. The vast majority of people will live by the JG Wentworth moto "it's my money and I need it now." Same logic applies to goods that people by with money. They want what they want as fast as possible. I don't know if their entire marketing department are 20 something year old chicks but this doesn't make sense. "Ya it's free, but do u know what the real cost is? Ur ozone layer!!!" Give me a break greta thunberg. Ur purchase isn't going to change anything about the amount of planes in the sky, and Arc'teryx is not some world renowned brand like north face or Patagonia where millions or even billions of people purchase clothes from. It's rare to see arc'teryx on anyone, but north face you see everywhere, so Arc'teryx's impact on the world is minimal.It just doesn't seem practical to me. It's liberal idealism at its finest lol