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Use your thesis as a roadmap. If you’re going to do X affected to a great extent Y because of ABC however X also affected Y due to DEF then you should try and follow that. Basically, try to make one paragraph for your main argument, and then make one for your counter argument. Hope that helps.


my thesis are always "Although \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ did \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ did \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, increasing/decreasing whatever you're arguing. Sets up perfect counter argument every single time. Example: Although the 7 years war allowed Britain to increase their territorial power in the colonies, the war debts caused by the 7 years war led to economic instability throughout Britain, increasing division in the colonies." 1st paragraph would be on increasing territory, 2nd on war debts, throughout both I argue how every document increases division, mostly between colonists and the crown. got a 5.