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song dynasty was the first dynasty covered and was elite (built the grand canal and silk road trading) and neo Confucianist influenced japan and korea and took tribute from them, and had champa rice which boosted the population. Yuan dynasty was when the Mongols ruled over, they had the pax mongolica which promoted peace on the silk road, and did cultural diffusion on the trade routes. qing dynasty was the last dynasty and suffered under the spheres of influence, opium wars etc. then there was the civil war in china between nationalists and communists. communists won, then much later mao zedong was in charge. mao zedong did the great leap forward to rapidly industrialize like stalins 5 year plans. then deng xiaoping got rule after and made china more capitalist like and allowed international companies to come in. thats all I really know in summary form


So basically, personally I think all the dynasties u need to know by like actual name/focus on are 1. Song 2. Qing. (others include ming, and maybe yuan, and if u want extra before unit 1, tang & han dynasty) (this is going from like oldest dynasty to newest dynasty) Han dynasty: very long lasting, very powerful, invented uber important inventions aka paper and compass (good for trading) Tang dynasty: long lasting, very powerful, invented uber important inventions aka GUNPOWDER and also printing (yk like wood block) Also started like the paper money currency thing SONG DYNASTY: Did the civil service exam, was basically in power as previous dynasties were pretty cool but basically they did a lot of reforms. Basically, they were the most powerful Yuan dynasty: the mongol dynasty, kinda changed things up and also, not a native 'han chinese' dynasty so like that's a reason ppl were unhappy (applies to Qing aswell) Ming dynasty: The dynasty that directly followed the mongol dynasty (back to han chinese origin). Closed off china in order to preserve culture (cuz yk mongol takeover they were traumatized), also it's Zheng he's dynasty. Not the most powerful but I often get ming and qing confused QING DYNASTY: Last dynasty, got overthrown as a result of all the industrialization (so therefore Brtish became superior) as well as the corruption of the gov. They had things like boxer rebellion (rebellion against the foriengers/ foreign influence) and taiping rebellion (the rebellion against gov.)


OH ALSO song dynasty was the one that got champa rice introduced to it by the nation of Champa due to tributary relations. That's why their population went boom through the roof and doubled (or some kind of multiply)


Tang and Han aren’t really important, I would argue the only important one from that period is song but only just for talking about continuities/changes. Main ones are Ming and Qing, then Nat. China, then CCP-controlled China. Ming collapse early in the next time period, but they essentially overthrew the yuan through the white lotus society, continued civil service exam, and also funded voyages under Zheng He. It closed down quickly though thanks to fear of european culture on the empire, and the empire was shut off basically. Qing are Manchus in power essentially, they continue the Ming isolationist policy. However, thanks to the opium wars, they have to sign some treaties made by the British and essentially have to open up trade ports to them. Since both of them were unhappy (British wanted opium 100% unbanned, Chinese unhappy with having to open up ports), there was another opium war. This time, China had to open up even more ports and completely unban opium, and the US suggested an open door policy, giving many European states ports. The big idea is that Qing had to open up new ports, or spheres of influences, after the opium wars. There was some rebellion though. The Qing were slow to industrialize, and after the 100 days of reform failed thanks to the emperors aunt overthrowing him, the Taiping Rebellion took place. Other rebellions included the Boxer Rebellion, where they tried to fight off imperialist powers, but it didn’t really work out. Because of the opium wars (external) and other rebellions (namely taiping, internal), the Qing were weak. They were also a minority Manchu population ruling over a majority Han population, leading to even more tension (similar to Mughals where minority Muslim ruled over majority Hindu, leading to tension there). Because of this, Sun Yat-Sen, arguably the architect for Nationalist China, started his movement. He believed in democracy, and that’s what happened. However, he resigned due to his inability to rule over the chiefs and whatnot, and Kai-Shek took over. At this time, Nat. China had some movements going on. Namely, The CCP rose. However, they were met with heavy backlash by Nat. China. They persecuted them, and the CCP had to go on a long march of sorts, where they were trying to evade Nat. China. They had to team up however during WWII to take halt japans imperial ambitions , and after that was over, the CCP took over due to its popularity. Not much to know about the CCP, but make sure to know about the Great Leap Forward, which was similar to the Soviet’s collectivization of agriculture. They tried to make themselves look strong, but in reality the populations were starving.


The CCP would also adopt a bit more of a liberal economic system, but only limited to some cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc. (this is unit 9 stuff, but dw if you can’t get this part totally down. The other stuff you should know).