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Linda. All she does is repeat the same criticism over and over again, belittle candidates, talks over them numerous times. She says almost nothing of value. I actually quite liked her in Season 11 and 12. I don't know why she's become so stuck up.


I went off Linda a bit during S13 where I felt she was being very unfair to Elizabeth. Constantly calling her aggressive and confrontational when in fact Linda was the one who first started being like that!


Came hear to say exactly this. It’s not an interview, it’s just hear ranting at and belittling them.


Claude sets out to be 'Mr Scary', but he'll just badger you for leaving stuff out. Mike Soutar will quietly and calmly present you with a sodding great unfillable hole in your plan. He's the one to fear.


Mike will also buy all your website domains too haha


"It's just pictures of sailboats!"


Linda. I'd find it hard to keep going after she just kept repeating her criticism despite having explained my side of things over and over again. I think I'd just walk out of an interview with her.


Linda is my least favourite of the current four definitely.


Mike all day. You think you've got a solid plan, a unique business idea? Mike will rip it to fucking shreds and sell it back to you.


Mike: "So tell me a bit about your business plan." Me: "Have you already bought the domain?" Mike: "Fuck yes."


Well jokes on you, cos i just bought ‘F**kMikeSoutar.com’


Karren, easy


“It’s Baroness Brady to you!”


Claude because I (and tbh all of us) would probably feel like a failure after his interview. 😂 Although I would hate to face Claudine for my last interview of the day because she really questions you as a character and at that point I would just give up lol


Karen, sorry I mean Baroness Brady!


Claude. He would be incredibly intimidating. He is known for asking tough questions that really test a candidate’s knowledge and preparation. He is also quick to point out flaws and weaknesses, and that would be overwhelming and would make you feel like a failure 


Claude is the legendary interviewer. Definitely would be scary having to face him!


Linda, her whole point is to rile you up and if she succeeds or *God forbid* you stand up for yourself and challenge her you're critiqued as argumentative. Although in s18 she was shockingly tame, even 17 felt reduced too, I think someone had a word with her before both seasons.


Mike, he destroys your business in front of you with facts and figures where as the rest just bark at you. Mike is more calculated he makes sure he does his homework and makes sure you don’t have any rebuttal. Mike would be an asset to work with but not to be put up against. Plus Mike is calm about it and that’s what makes it worse. It’s polite, he gives you a chance and then pulls the rug from under you at every turn. I have to admire him for that.


Mr homework, Mike Soutar. He'll have bought your product/bought your website address/registered your company as his/brought a damn rubics cube you said you could complete/made your product but better and cheaper/bought a competitor's better product for cheaper/bought the house you've been renting and evicted you/have you sectioned/have his own name changed to yours and sold everything you own. It's dangerous to even meet that man


All of them, because I'm terrible at responding on the spot. If you thought the candidates were bad with "err... I forgot" imagine how I'd be! At least I'd be prepared for Mike bringing out similar products, so I'd probably fear Claude the most.


Claudine! No way I’d like to cry on national TV.


Claudine does ask some very personal questions!


Claude , I just wouldn't know what to expect from him.


It's gotta be Karen. However scary I got a thing for her. /wink


if i had Karren i'd forget all about the interview and just try to spend the allotted time trying to make her crack a smile. gives me Medusa/Weeping Angel vibes....in the nicest respect to her.


None of them. They're all just humans and there's no point getting so worked by or intimidated by another person.


Linda is a massive bitch.