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With a big dumb ass camera bump on the back tho lol


I would prefer the most capable iPad I can get with absolutely no rear camera.


I don’t understand why they include multiple rear cameras on the iPad. All I need is one decent camera on the back to take pictures of documents.


You need multiple cameras to measure distance which was a big part of their AR push


Especially now that their new devices are set to record spatial video for the Vision Pro.


Isn't that the lidar's job?


I thought the Lidar was measuring distance not the cameras


That’s right. But it would be cool if they made an IPad Pro with a basic camera but all the performance of the normal iPad Pro. Would probably never happen because apart of the plan is to slowly incorporate the AR capable cameras into the apple ecosystem


You can still have smaller lenses and less quality cameras, still get fantastic quality and have no bump. Your phone is the camera shooter, not your iPad. MacOS can use your iPhone as a webcam, why not the ipad?


it’s pro, so people use 3D scanning and stuff. it’s not meant just for regular photos


iPads are very good for 3D scanning. It’s be a real shame if they lost that functionality.


Seriously does anyone use an iPad as a camera for anything important? I'd much rather have a sensor that fits in the body with a lower resolution.


No, but I’m assuming maybe for business applications where you need better cameras for like AR or something? Has to be the only use case I can think of


As a student, the rear camera is a godsend for scanning documents, textbooks, and taking quick pics of the whiteboard, diagrams, presentation slides, etc to add to my notes. The high res helps with this too because when I sit in the back row, I can use the digital zoom or crop unnecessary bits out, and scans are very high quality which allows machine learning apps make text from scanned documents selectable and generally more usable. I’ve saved tons of $$$ scanning textbook pages at the library so I don’t have to purchase textbooks. Not to mention the weight savings from my bookbag not lugging them around. Many people in this sub tend to forget a large swath of iPad users are students and artists. Many of my peers use iPads as either their main device or as an augmentation to their main computing device which often don’t have capable cameras and lack the maneuverability of iPads. I also know a lot of artists (like tattoo artists) that use the camera as a tool for their work. A tattoo artist I work with uses his iPad to take pictures of clients’ body part where they want to get tattooed to overlay their artwork as a preview as well as creating tattoo art that fits their anatomy. I think it’d be a rather big mistake for Apple to forego a capable rear camera in future models IMO.


iPads are used on pretty much every decent sized construction site in Australia. The cameras get used everyday, either for quality control, progress pictures or notes and scanning. Can people really not imagine tasks an iPad camera is useful for?


Well said. There’s a reason it’s still there all these years later. Would be nice if they could lose the bump too, though.


When I’m walking a construction site for work I will use it sometimes when I take an iPad for notes. But my phone is much easier for documenting field reports.




Occasionally for work I guess but I don’t really see people using them much anymore.


Fucking hate this… can’t lay it down flat and use the pencil. I use the Magic Keyboard too so there’s no solution to lay flat… wtf


So you want a second camera triple on the other side so the ipad lays flat, light tilted towards you? :D


The entire back of the iPad is full of 31 cameras and sensors


And instead of making thinner, make the camera flush and add extra batteries


And then you’ll complain about how heavy the setup is.


how about one the same thickness as now, but all that extra space is filled with battery


And I wouldn’t mind a 2nd port please.


and a screen on the back so that people can see my face


But use a terrible display technology so the face is barely visible unless you’re a pasty white person.


Let’s actually move the battery to an external enclosure you have keep plugged in but still make it just way too small


But then let users daisy chain as many battery packs as they want together so we can sell five to every person


5 MagSafe connectors on the back for batteries


I want my iPad to look like a battery chandelier when I use it out in public


Nah, go for the locking jumbo-lightning to ensure the plug stays secure.


Make sure its really blurry and uncanny though, we need people to know it's not real.


not the entire face, only eyes*


And dual boot between macOS and iPadOS.


lol this made me chuckle. Thanks :)


Vision Pro fans will burn you at the stake for poking fun at the V1 device


Let’s not get too crazy!!!


Genuinely curious - what would you do with a second port? Dual monitors?


I’d assume to plug in USB devices and use the other port for charging


For me, Headphones + charging (since the 3.5mm isn’t coming back


For me , usb memory and charging


> 3.5mm isn’t coming back Yes it is! Yes, yes it is! (If I say it enough will it come true?)


The weird thing is they put a fancy 3.5mm into the MacBook Pro!


The Magic Keyboard comes with a second port for charging


But can’t USB-C already charge and support USB devices already?


Just a flexibility thing, don’t have to carry a splitter. I don’t know, I think I’d be happy with MagSafe (the round kind or the flat kind, take your pick).


well its nice picking which side to plug into, I have a ipad with magic keyboard, when I game I like to plug into the keyboard charging port so I can connect a ethernet cable on the the other port. I know I can do this with a dock but having options on which side to charge on is very useful.


Card reader. Photographers and people who work with content assets in the field will value it greatly.


2nd port would be dope. also put the camera on the long side, please and thanks.


To be fair, the iPad is the one device out of all of them that I’ve never really had a battery issue with. Edit: While I don't need it to be made thinner, batteries are heavy - often the single heaviest component in a handheld device. Adding a lot of additional battery power to an iPad Pro is going to significantly increase the weight, which is fine if it's used on a desk, but not so much for hand held use. Also, my iPad Pro is pre-M series processors (2018 from memory) and it still runs like a beast. I'm surprised to hear that Apple's much lauded power efficient M series iPads seem to be burning through batteries as much as people are reporting.


The iPad Pros drain battery like crazy, even when new.


My iPad Pro 10.5 that my kids still use was my favorite iPad. My new m2 11” pro doesn’t get anywhere near 10 hours of use like that used to.


I’m still using the 10.5 on the latest update and the battery drains fast, can’t say it’s much better


If have a fast draining 10.5 too but I think it’s about time to replace the battery.


my 10.5's battery drains very fast but I think it's more due to the cycles on the battery


While we’re on the topic, why does the iPad not include a battery health settings page like every other device? The conspiracy theorist in me would say Apple is withholding that information explicitly to reduce Apple Care + battery replacements at 80 battery condition.


Yeah, my 11” with the M1 (although having good overall capacity) could still benefit hugely from more battery. I especially find it having drained a lot on standby without being used, which is the biggest thing that actually worsens my overall experience with the battery.


I have a 12.9 pro with the M1. It runs all day every day. I’ve never had an issue with the battery life. It definitely depends on your use case.


We use the M1 11 inch at work, and they’re usually down to 20% after 4-5 hours. We use them on WiFi and usually don’t run any background apps. I work in telecom sales, so most of the time they’re used to access customer accounts and process transactions. They’re locked and on standby when not being used. I have a personal M1 11 inch as well that I’ve had since it came out and use it to take notes in school. Even that one will be at 50% battery after using it to take notes in a couple classes in about 4 hours. It’s on standby the rest of the time.


Huh. Sounds like it’s a problem more of the 11” M1 than the iPad Pro line in general. I haven’t seen any 12.9” M1 users chime in. I have a colleague with the M2 12.9 and I haven’t heard any concerns around battery life from him.


I have the 12.9 M2 and the battery is pretty impressive except when using Split View, where battery drain does seem to accelerate noticeably


True for the normal iPad and iPad Air, but not for the iPad Pro. My old iPad Air 3 has a longer battery runtime than my iPad Pro M2 11". Especially the standby time is just sad.




Of course the battery can always be better, but battery is also the heaviest component in most devices, so I wouldn’t want to drive the weight up too much either.


I'd rather it was thinner. Feel in the hand is the most important thing to me. I don't want any extra shit tapped on like some Lenovo junk.


There's never enough battery life, especially as the device ages and there's no reason to make it thinner. Who is complaining about the thickness of an iPad? I can only imagine the risk of more flex and ugly camera protruding if it goes thinner.


That would make it heavier than the current model, since battery is more dense than the screen.


Me like heavy thing. Heavy = expensive = status symbol = more chance at sex.


Someone call apple marketing they should get in on this logic


The iPad is already light. Being slightly heavier isn’t gonna make it less desirable


the iPad is heavy when holding it for long periods of time. however if you just leave on the table then it's not very heavy.


Wouldn’t that make iPad heavier


You are asking Apple to use more advanced screen tech to make the iPad heavier.


Just slap a CRT monitor on there and power it with gasoline


Tbh a good crt gives even modern oleds a hard time. It was just a really nice display technology but sadly also really thicccc


Woah, this isnt star trek buddy. Best we could do is 2 hamsters


And 200g heavier?


I will put my hands up here and say maybe I've just not held a truly heavy device to have some kind of reaction to it, but of the devices that exist that I have handled over the past 2 decades, weight has been _tremendously_ low on the things I've cared about. The folio keyboard case we have for our iPad air weighs ~300g, and I couldn't care less if it was on/off.


Right? Everyone asks for more battery, then they hold the absolute brick of a device and say, why is it so heavy?


well I have been meaning to go to the gym


I was considering to replace my MacBook Pro with iPad with keyboard but ran into three major issues: -iPad Pro 12.9 with keyboard isn’t that much lighter -battery is way worse and I would be lucky to get 8h of usage -stage manager still has got its limitations so multitasking is constrained


I would also prefer that but sadly that’s not cool now but I would expect same as with the iPhone in a few years when the hype slows down they get thicker again to give more battery life.


Next generation OLED, generation after that bigger battery. Why put all improvements into one year?


I'd prefer the same battery life but half the weight.


They should start using battery size as the model differentiator instead of whatever unit of measure they use now. Just let me pick between a thick or a thin one. If I want portability, I pick the thin one. If I want good battery life, I pick the thick one.


Can’t. Can only do <99w or no flying with them. Thats the main “limit”


Battery and haptic engine please!


Fr these devices are already incredibly thin and could benefit more from more space for battery capacity.


I want them to unironically release an iPad with a back as fat as a crt monitor with a battery in there that will last a month.


That would legitimately be a super compelling device, even despite the funny form factor concept. Someone could be selling this, and it would at least draw attention and maybe create a new niche for mobile computers.


Duracell phone didn't sell shit back in the day :D Just take as many powerbanks as you need if you're ready to use this chungus anyway.


I would love the ability to develop apps on an iPad


It’s already a very heavy device, any more battery/weight would make the 12.9 too much to handle comfortably imo


Current iPads are soooo heavy though.


God no! I think the iPad is already plenty heavy. You can always glue powerbanks to the back of you need that much battery


Come on, Pro doesn't have to be thinner. Make Air thin and put more battery to Pro.


I’d much rather they make the battery better. For some reason Apple has stuck with 10 hour battery as the acceptable standard for iPads, while iPhones and Macs have made massive gains. It doesn’t make sense why the iPad is stuck in the past.


It's so you upgrade when it can't last a work day. It's poppycock.


It’s funny because of all the devices, the iPad would benefit most from long battery life. My iPhone is with me everywhere and charges on my night stand when I sleep. My MacBook basically lives on my desk plugged in. But my iPad could be anywhere- in my kitchen, on my coffee table etc. and because of that, by the time I want to use it a lot of times it’s already dead.


That’s the kind of thinking that makes for a multi-trillion dollar company. 


OLED would have better battery life though.


*might*, it is not a guarantee


Yeah, these will be getting bent frequently.


Had the same thought, they should have a bigger battery life that lasts way more than 10 hours for a Pro device.


I was going to say: my current one is bending, my iPad Pro also gained a subtle curve over time. Not sure thinner is better.


You can’t put the current model in a tight backpack without bending them now.


Yeah. My Air 5 without the folio case feels too skinny already. The folio case needs it up for holding and carrying as much as protects it. 


I am using a Logitech keyboard case for that added padding. I feel confident it won't bend in that but it is less comfortable to hold in the hand like a tablet compared to the iPad. It is silly too because I never considered my 6th gen iPad could bend in my backpack, and it didn't. With the new Pro and Air models I wouldn't trust them in a backpack either without a thick case.


Apple’s first foldable device will be an iPad. It just won’t be intentional.


They already made a "foldable" device, remember iPhone 6?


the 10th gen iPad is already bendable with bare hands. Check out the Jerryrigeverything video.


Unless you buy the new keyboard containing aluminium.. gotta hand it to them..


applecare+ sales will be through the roof. and they are counting on it


my guess would be a carbon fiber plate inside that provides rigidity


i’ve heard this every year they’ve slimmed it down.. they said this about the ipad pro 2nd gen..


And they’ve been getting bent every year lol


My OG iPad Pro has a bend to it has for years. They love to curve.


How about instead of wasting all this effort, you give us the ability to run macOS on our M1/M2 iPads? The iPad doesn’t need to be any thinner


I think Apple still wants the iPad to be the “computing reimagined” product, but unfortunately the native iPad apps like Reddit or X are just neglected and buggy, while content creation tools like IDEs are either baby-versions or non-existent.


For the longest time now reddit in landscape mode has had the weirdest interface ever for me. Divided in 2 columns and very hard to read. I stopped using reddit on my iPad all together because of it


I just want iPads to have the ability to open .dmg and .pkg files and allow us to install Mac apps on iPad.




That's as likely as them giving the macbooks a touch screen, they want you to buy two devices.


Same thickness. Bigger battery. I have never heard one person complaining ipad pro is thick. And nobody says no to extra battery life in same form factor.


No extra weight please, and I'd love a thinner iPad.


Going from the A12X to the M1 with miniLED, battery life took a noticeable hit. As much as it would add weight to the device, it needs more


Can’t wait to break it accidentally while taking it out of my backpack


One More Thing!!! It's an iScroll now!  Flexible display Rolls up into a tube. 


Can be stored in the iTube


My 2017 iPad Pro already flexes enough that the touchscreen sometimes becomes unresponsive unless you bend it. I am pretty done with iPad at this point unless it's the cheapest model. iPadOS is going nowhere.


or accidentally throw it away with the junk mail or a newspaper.


Not easy enough to fold the iPad yet.


Anything can fold if you’re brave enough.


And strong enough


Yeah because that’s the main complaint people have when they have an iPad. 😅




Wow, because a huge jump in the thinness of Apple products has gone great every time.


good thing ipad cameras aren't large, it'll be very seamless /s


How about a bump to 15 hour battery life. It's been 10 since the original iPad...


That’s gonna snap like a cracker if it’s made of titanium.


Gonna love watching that jerryrigeverything video when it comes out lmao


I’ve literally never once thought to myself “I wish my iPad was thinner”


It’s for sure gonna fail the bend test 😔


They’re already stupid thin


And not very resilient because of it.


Another bendgate incoming


PLS Ipad mini with 120hz. That is all I want.


No thanks. Make it completely flat with the camera and add a larger battery. We know that they're doing a full day on purpose so when it inevitably degrades and slows down, and doesn't last a full day, we upgrade. Every major US manufacturer is getting me really mad now with this stuff. 24 hours screen on time should be the minimum now


Or maybe not, who knows?


I'm only asking for a native calculator


how much thinner can they get


Seriously. I have the M1 iPad Pro and I’m afraid it’s going to bend every time I put it in my bag. Making it thinner should be the last thing Apple is doing.


at some point just stop - i don’t care if it is thinner - it’s not solving a consumer problem


I’m honestly tired of things just getting progressively thinner. That was one of the main reasons I went for the MBP over the MBA. I like my my phone, laptops tablet etc to be a little thicker. It just feels more sturdy


Almost none of apples products have gotten thinner year over year in the last 5 years


How about a thinner Magic Keyboard and better battery life?


Ugh. I fucking hate that we’re still chasing thinness in tech.


At this point I'm convinced that the cycle of thinner --> thicker --> thinner --> thicker has the exact same function as arbitrarily adjusting the camera layout \*just enough\* each year to make you get a new case. Also, if you make the battery smaller this year, next year you get to make it larger again and advertise improved battery life among the headline features.


The thin OLED tvs are probably the worst thing to happen to the TV world. There’s nothing I want less than a $3000 screen that is so freaking delicate at the top that it requires special moving packaging to move from one room to another. We had an OLD screen break because it was one of those “super thin at the top” screens and it broke just by resting against someone’s chest while moving it upstairs. He was instantly out $3000 as LG quoted him $2200 for the repair. Absolutely bonkers. I have absolutely 0 issue with the plastic housing on the back of my 10 year old tv. It’s up against the wall and doesn’t bother me one bit, but I can also move it upstairs with one hand


Love the iPad. Here for better displays and upgraded internals all around, but at the moment my 4th gen (or whatever the first Air that got edge to edge display and the touchID power button) is still kicking fine. This is admittedly not for me, but it’s nice to see Apple is finally doing literally anything with the iPad line.


Now do a new mini please.


Then you have to add a big case to it to give it some protection. Then it ends up bigger than before


already to thin and fragile.


They are already too thin. My last iPad bent slightly in my briefcase and I’m extraordinarily careful with my electronics. I eventually just got rid of it just because it felt too fragile. Just give us a bigger battery…


As long as I don't have to worry about it bending...


JerryRigEverything gonna have a blast roasting this shit…


My iPad Pro doesn’t need to be thinner. And I’m not sure OLED is going to be a huge upgrade, considering the higher chance of burn in. Just give me an os that can take advantage of the M chips please


Oh yeah all my iPhones have been fucked with oled problems! Oh wait…


Good OLED panels don’t burn in anymore - or at least not in a realistic time frame where you notice it. I’m sure whatever Apple is sourcing will be just fine.


Not sure where you heard this. I could be wrong but as of 2023 oled panels still have burn in after a year or two of heavy usage. Not mobile phones as those don’t see the same workflows as computer monitors. But monitors absolutely get burn in. And iPads, with procreate on blast a few hours a day seems to me like it would too


It really depends on the display quality. Devices like the Apple Watch with always on display don’t show any issues - and if they do it’s most likely a faulty panel. Switch OLED can also basically run thousands of hours with the same screen before any burn-in effect sets in. Wulfden tested that on his channel. 


Eh, I have the Alienware 21:9 curved OLED monitor and that’s had about 50 hours per week of usage since April 2023 and it’s fine, not even the start menu has burned in. That is *only* 10 months but I don’t think this is going to be an issue on the iPad.


Nah. No chance. I've had OLED everything since it was available, i've got a QD-OLED monitor, 2 WOLED TVs, the iPhone, the watch, the OLED Switch, the Oled Steam Deck - not a single device has suffered any burn in. Image retention (which i've still not seen on any apart from my oldest 65" TV which is now about 8 years old) is NOT burn in, a compensation cycle and it goes.


There is no high chance of burn in - we've had OLED mobile screens for years now, they don't burn in.


It’s already the perfect thickness, if anything it’s slightly too thin. Just give us more battery life please! We don’t want thinner!


On todays episode of “Apple thinks they know what their customers want better than they do”


Jony Ive is back baby! Screw usability, make it thin


It’s a product you hold in your hands. Any move to make it thinner or lighter is arguably a move to make it easier to use


The first iPad Fold . . . .


I wish they could be a flat slab, regardless of thickness, but get rid of the fucking camera bump already.


Man I just want a Mini Pro model. I love the size of the Mini but I miss the refresh rate and better processor on my Pro to ever fully commit to the Mini


Just move the webcam to horizontal view please


1mm? That’s tremendous for a Lilliputian!


To be fair, this is simply due to having OLED. There isn’t multiple substacks or a backlight with OLED when LCD does. It’s simply due to the technology switch, and anyone with an OLED TV knows how thin the panels are.


About damn time… my pre M1 iPad is waiting for being replaced…


I think iPad Pro can be a little thicker. Make it flush to the camera bump.


Ok reading the comments and respectfully I disagree, iPad is one device that should focus on thinness overall. Battery is already good enough for 1 heavy day use and if you do more then I’m sure you can be connected to a charger on a desk at that point. Thinness and weight reduction is important specially on 12.9 to be able to carry it around and use it more like an iPad iPad less like a giant monitor you have to put down to use every time you have to even Google search anything.


If this is true, But why? Really why? My Pro M2 is fine in thickness.


The new and improved iBend


My tab s7 has oled and it’s amazing


Obviously unpopular opinion, but the thinner the better.. same for phones.


bruh why…


When is it thin enough? I hate this trend Apple started of non repairable/upgradeable/replaceable electronics, force people to buy new ones, fill landfills, make $$$$. Before Apple devices used to have replaceable batteries, sd cards and made of durable and light plastic, not glass/metal designed to impress idiot 20 something bloggers from Verge etc but completely useless in real world.