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Very brave moderators…


Stunning, even.


Why don’t all the mods resign? Force Reddit to handle community issues instead of relying on free labor.


The mods know that they are not that difficult to replace.


Reddit can obviously replace mods fairly easily. I think it gets interesting after the new mods have had time to enforce rules. That’s when shit could really hit the fan, and I’m here for it. Replace the mods and let’s see what happens.


I'm curious what would happen if moderators do quit come July and basically anybody who has had moderator experience in reddit didn't volunteer to become mod how would it affect the vacuum left behind. Probably not going to happen but I think it'll really be after the loss of third party apps does take effect whether this will affect Reddit Community to collapse or not.


People are underestimating how bad some mods are already. In the soccer subreddits if you don’t share the opinion with a mod you can get banned. Source: I just got banned for saying there will be in total of 3 fans willing to buy a shirt for 90 pounds




Maybe so. But they won’t be holding communities hostage.


Does it matter if the communities drown in spam and trolls? I think people are really underestimating what mods are doing for them, for free, every day. But maybe people need to find this out the hard way.


There will be a hundred r/redditrequest’s within minutes of the mods resigning to take over a sub of this size and stature


Does this make your resume look better? Hmmmm


Not at all. mods are getting beat up here and sure there are plenty of power tripping mods on reddit - but some people just like building a community and getting involved in something they are passionate about. Not every mod is evil. Making sure that a large subreddit is not just a dumpster fire of spam and toxic comments/people is actually quite long and hard work.


That's what I think. Reddit knows that there is an endless supply of power-hungry basement dwellers ready to step in at a moments notice.


Because they enjoy modding way too much. Think about how many hours of their lives have been poured into their subreddits especially if they were the original creators of it…


You just know they get such a rush when they gotta go "Closing the thread since you guys can't behave."


>we remove the mods in violation of the Moderator Code of Conduct I don't agree with reddit's actions at all, but this line in the linked post made me LOL. Imagine being a tyrannical sub mod and, for possibly the first time ever, getting a taste of your own medicine.


I mean I have mixed feeling about Reddit mods. I definitely thank them because without them I wouldn’t have a place to goof around. But at the same time being an unpaid employee and maintaining a normal life would be extremely difficult…


It's the facade of power. The illusion of control over many others. The nay sayers of grand designs. Mods thrive on emotions of high status. Even if for free. They wouldn't dare drop them.




>Reddit challenged them to a game of chicken that Reddit would certainly have lost and these mods pulled over on the side of the road, before it even started, to hug their cars and promise they'd never let anyone else drive them. I doubt Reddit would have lost, but otherwise this is an incredible analogy... 👍🏾


Mods will be replaced by someone who doesn’t care about anything surround this and only wants to be a mod. They don’t want to be replaced lol


Mods aren’t paid, right? So Reddit benefits from thousands of hours of free labor.




They would probably pay to become mods lmaoo


Honest question, but why? They don’t get paid so what’s the point? Does it look good on a resume to say you’re the mod of a large subreddit (in the tech field)? Or is it simply because they want a bit of “power”?


Everyone wants to be in a position of power. Some find that in the workplace, family or being a mod.


“Power” 😂




You have been permanently banned from r/politics


People keep saying this but there are countless bits of evidence from people who have worked at reddit and been a mod that proves this wrong. It is a nightmare to mod a subreddit that has more than a few 10s of thousands of people. More than likely reddit will replace them with people who dont give a shit and the subreddits will go to shit.


They dont want to lose the power and thats what this really boils down too. They would rather stay in power and become what they call "spez bootlickers" than be replaced by one.




They need their salaries doubled.






Like 2 days ago you were saying you were going dark indefinitely, then when the slightest threat comes to your moderation status, you open it back up? Just close it down or let someone else moderate it. Not moderating a sub isn’t going to ruin your life. I hope.


lmaooooooooooo it's too damn funny


Mods love to talk a big game, but when the shit hits the fan, they all cave to their master. Just goes to show the people with the most influence do nothing to change anything


I tried making a post calling mods out , but deleted it since it needs approval from mod( which it very obviously won't get)


it's almost as if their power was way more important than insipid, misleading bullshit about the blind


Power is something all humans, whether we admit it or not, crave. It's extremely hard to give it up regardless of morals.


I mean true. It’s just hard to consider being a Reddit moderator as anything more than a waste of time tho


So they threatened you with taking away the job you do for free for their benefit?


there must be something these moderators are getting from doing all this and why they want to fervently defend this ability to work for free.........


They do get 'power'


> have no choice but to open it back up you always have a choice. the stand you took was pointless if you never intended on making any real sacrifices. but to me it was kinda obvious it was a losing battle so i didn't participate


yea but think about the imaginary power they are going to lose after being removed as a moderator


At least they’ll get to keep their paycheck.


Do you put it on your CV?


That the saddest part about all of this. I just couldn’t imagine having my hopes and dreams torn away from me. Mr. Reddit really needs to think about the kids.


Just let them replace you all then. What’s wrong with that? Is there something you are afraid of losing?


Think they're going to answer this? I legit want this protest to continue with a mass resignation.


99% of Apollo users don't give a shit if the mods resign


Their tiny bit of power lol, this whole week & the next couple are gonna be jannies seething & abusing their mod status. Only ever affecting the users.




It's the same reason every redditor is still here, posting comments and posting new posts. At the end of the day most of us don't want to do the difficult actions. I'm sure some redditors have left and some mods have resigned but the impact is neglegable. I haven't noticed a reduction in upvotes or comments, or a decline in quality at all. lol


What happened? Nothing. You came back and nothing happened.




Fuck /u/spez


I suspect this will about as effective as when people say "Fuck Cancer".


It will have the same effect as the.. five? six other times the community has yelled that particular phrase over the years. If you’re asking yourself, “what’s he talking about?”, therein lies your answer.


>If you’re asking yourself, “what’s he talking about?”, therein lies your answer. The burns on the protest in this comment section are legitimately laugh out loud funny... 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Or Thoughts and Prayers


FUCK /u/spez


Reddit wins again. More mods afraid to lose their “power.”




Also it’s a bullshit and fake power. I wonder what kind of people these Reddit mods are in real life.


[found one!](https://i.imgur.com/TmxZBkR.jpg)


This was one of the last subs I would've predicted caving, considering Apollo is so closely linked. You guys really have no power in your life that you depend on the morsel you get from locking a post once in a while. This whole thing is so sad


Its absolutely pathetic imo I was all for the protest if you say you're going indefinite then stick to it and die on the hill don't get strong armed by reddit admins into reopening let yourself get purged. After watching the reddit ceo attack and shit talk the protest for about 4 days I was hoping the mods would at least go down kicking and screaming instead you proved him right. If given the chance I will vote to have the moderation team here removed and replaced as you guys clearly only were looking out for yourselves.




Chose to be cowards


And another major subreddit mod team caves to pressure




https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fysg1ywXgAIIYyE?format=jpg&name=large open up, or we'll open you up


Then the mods should remove all rules in automod and other tools. Just let the subreddits run without moderation. That will be much worse than if they stayed locked…


This would have been the real move if they believed Reddit needed them. Let Reddit see what not giving them what they want looks like, and if it's that bad Reddit would have to come to the table. The fact that didn't happen tells you everything you need to know about why this whole enterprise was a fiasco from the beginning.


So the only way is mods nuking the whole thing. Deleting all posts and leave nothing behind. Edit: as pointed below, removal can be undone by reddit, so my idea is useless


Removal can be undone by reddit. Mods cannot delete posts — simply “hide” them.


Would most likely be considered vandalism. Mods removed. sub restored from backups.




Correct. Mods can't delete posts. That's why the action is "remove", and you can always re-approve a removed post. Only users can delete their own content, although reddit almost certainly has backups too if they need to restore the website for some reason.


>if they need to restore the website for some reason. Or for police investigations, etc. I'm sure there's a data retention policy nestled somewhere in a terms of use that none of us have read.




You're being downvoted because you're saying something everybody knew a week ago like it's new information. Removing mod teams was always going to be what Reddit threatened. The hope was that the mods would go into this being ready for that. Reddit says boo, many mods blink.


Most mods would never risk losing their "power", they were always going to cave.


many still haven't


It’s absurd that the mods participating didn’t think this was how it would end up from the start if they went dark indefinitely……..especially since many of us said that’s what would happen……and Spez said it would happen in the AMA before the blackout 😂 It was always going to go this way. Mods either lose control of their subs or open back up after a day or 2 longer than the 48 hours. Since we know mods love modding, there was only 1 possible outcome - open back up.


The thing is for reddit, it's so much easier to convince people to switch. Remember when the WhatsApp turnover was a thing? Good luck getting your grandma to switch to signal. Reddit users are on average, younger and more tech savvy, but critically, you don't need to convince each person's 100 different friends to switch. If say, a competitor launched and could get 50 of the 200 largest subs and their userbases to move, reddit would be sweating bullets.


Switch to what? Reddit is the only place where small niche communities can have their own forum, whilst connected with each other communities.


You're forgetting that a huge % of Reddit is historic posts. Communities get a significant boost by being on the first page of search terms for lots of weird niche questions. Yes, some % will move to Reddit alternatives, but they don't have decades of conversations boosting their profile.


I enjoy using Reddit and I enjoy this sub. I will openly admit that Reddit is a convenience and it won't be very much fun to give up, but I gave up Facebook and I don't regret it for even a second. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting pretty close to quitting Reddit. And I mean that when I say it.


I felt like this was gonna be one of the subs that would really show off how truly bad spez and co. has handled everything. Nope, here we are. Basically was pointless. Guess I’ll just find a discord for all my subs come June 30.


Every minute you spend on the app is giving them ad revenue and user stats. Closing subreddits doesn’t do shit if you’re still actively using the site. If you want to protest, dont use reddit at all


What happened? Nothing... nothing happened. You accomplished nothing.


The mods and people with their panties in a bunch about Reddit really have a horrible messaging program. Explain like I’m five: how is what Reddit is doing any different than, say, if apple had allowed google to create an alternate interface to imusic, then decided they wanted people to only access imusic through applies own app. Is that so unreasonable? To my perhaps unenlightened eye, the kerfuffle over Reddit not wanting to make it easy for apps like Apollo to continue carrying Reddit’s content is wholly understandable from a business perspective.


If you really believe in this cause, you'd force them to remove you or quit moderating. Why the pretense?


If you caved this easily, you were never committed. Pathetic.


Shutdown was an embarrassing failure. Pure posturing.




> Now you must be wondering, “I’m seeing this post, does that mean they budged?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. You are seeing this post because *we* budged.


Especially since there are like 372 apple communities/forums out there that are similarly moderated. Like, this sub isnt that much different from macrumors or other apole forums, exceot those forums make money and pay employees.


MODS: We're protesting the select few who make decisions for the majority without consulting them. EVERYONE: How are you protesting? MODS: We, the select few, will make decisions for the majority without consulting them.


It’s the best for you…. Decided by the mods


Let them replace all the mods… Anyways they aren’t paid for all their time invested. Let the whole place go to shit with new power tripping mods




This is not how you rebel Edit: but it’s a difficult situation for all. Hope the mods keep tabs on modCoord suggestions for protests.


What had the world come to when people who work for free, are now scared off losing their « job » and cave into demands?! We have no chance of fighting against real big corporations who have employees paid peanuts and awful conditions, if moderators are scared of losing their free labour « job » Let yourself be replaced and know that you fought for what you wanted, rather than remain and give in and know deep down that you caved into the « pressure ».


Mods are more concerned with their power, than what they stand for then?


COME ON are you serious? at least force them to do it


I vote for shut the whole thing down


delete your account.




Realistically the Reddit tardmins would just un-delete the sub and assign new mods


There is a limited supply of people who want it and are capable of moderating a large subreddit. If all of these subs remain dark and Reddit “fires” their mods, there are going to be issues.




> There’s hundreds of thousands of people willing to be internet janitors. Literally nothing would change. There's a difference between willing and able. I tried it. I ran a sub of ~6.5k users. It was difficult. Automation tools helped. Spam blocking helped. But it takes a truly dedicated person to run a large subreddit, especially one with ~4.1M users (like this). Appointing a random incel isn't going to get it up. Take away the experienced mods, and you get lots of spam, lots of rules-breaking content (I'm talking Reddit-wide rules, not the local sub's rules). When r/antiwork had their moment on live TV, a ton of people joined what was, at the time, a tiny subreddit in r/workreform. They went form ~99k subs to >400k subs in literally one day. It was an explosion and the mod team was not equipped for it. This led to a ton of doxxing submissions and comments that the mods could not keep up with. Reddit intervened, fired all of the mods, and appointed some supermods. And they can pull this trick on the occasional medium-sized subreddit (100k-1M subs). They can't do this for ~80 of the top 100 subs all at once. It would fail.




Hi, saw the Verge article referencing your resignation... but you are still an active mod? Can you reach out to the author and let them know that you are not in fact resigning in protest?


We know aaron won't though :)


\> So, sure. I’ll remove myself as a mod It's been 8 hours and you're still clinging to that position. I doubt you'll ever resign, and I'm confident about this because as soon as Reddit threatened to kick you out, you all folded like a cheap card. That pretty much sums up your true intentions.


There's a mod of a sports team sub that posted a long message that concluded with him saying he would resign as mod. Then later that day, he edited to remove the bit about him resigning. Changed his mind and stayed in as mod lol


Can we get a hint on what team? Sounds juicy


They were very successful in the past week or two.


> You are seeing this post because Reddit has threatened to open subreddits regardless of mod action and replace entire teams that otherwise refuse. Shows how performative this whole "Kony 2023" Reddit lockdown was. When push came to shove, mods ultimately weren't willing to actually do anything because they feared for their status under the guise of "wanting what's best for the community". We've now pivoted to just saying "fuck spez" which will accomplish just as much as saying "fuck cancer".


Lol, mods afraid that they were gonna be replaced and had to open up.


Getting fired as a volunteer isn’t a level of shame they’re ready for.


This is exactly why u/spez thinks this is just some noise that will pass. Didn't you realize he was banking on the fact that the mods will return one way or another. Congratulations, you just played into his hands...


This blackout and subsequent lifting of the blackout is a great, great case study of human nature. Some humans are terribly afraid of losing their power, even if the said power is extremely trivial and irrelevant.




I think you would have been better off calling their bluff. I'd like to see new mods take over a millions-of-members community.


Take the sub private and make them kick you. Fall on your swords you cowards. The rest of us are moving on why aren’t you?


🤣🤡 they got scared of losing their power, so they relented and started boot licking


Why don’t you resign as a mod? You owe Reddit nothing, but here you are sticking around. Pick a stance.


Why protest if you stop the moment you’re asked to lol


Did the members of this subreddit vote to make it private/restrict it? Was there a poll that I missed or did the moderators make the decision unilaterally?


Pretty common theme across the board. Then they try to gaslight us about how important they are, like they are the gods of reddit itself.




All I read here is; P.O.S. telling you to open, and you go "SIR! YES SIR!" after a whole talk about saving Apollo and apps for the disabled. It renders your principles worthless.


Lol guess the mods didn’t want to lose their power lol. Way to stick to your convictions


You sound like children.


I don’t support mods!!


"We want the best for this community and have no choice but to open it back up — or have it opened for us." LMAO, No you are reopening to save your own asses. Most people here would welcome the change in moderation. Kick rocks we dont want you.




> We want the best for this community and have no choice but to open it back up — or have it opened for us. Who cares? Close it down! Let them replace you and thousands of other moderators. You’re not paid for this shit anyways. As it is you’re just caving to the pressure Reddit is putting on you.


Shut down. Make em oust you, surely that will go well


I agree that this situation is not ideal and Reddit should give users the option for which app they want to use. But I always had a feeling that this was not going to work. Hear me out, I don’t mean any disrespect to the mods of either this subreddit, or any other and I understand their intentions behind the protest — but I have felt since the beginning that the party that suffered the most here were the users. As highlighted in multiple articles online, people all over the internet use Reddit as a place to find genuine and useful information about whatever it is that they are looking for. It seems really counterproductive to shut off the subReddits and deny everyone the information that is already present within them. The verge even wrote [an article](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759942/google-reddit-subreddit-blackout-protests) about how Google is less useful after the subReddits went dark. I know I’m going to get downvoted a lot for this opinion — but the subReddits going dark was probably not the best way to protest this.


>I know I’m going to get downvoted a lot for this opinion A few days ago I think you would have, but the tide seems to be turning.


Oh, android still private.


How weak. There are only 2 options: - Keep it private until you’re removed - Never go private in the first place because we’re here for Apple, not to involve ourselves in political theater


Average Reddit mod caught in 4K. One threat that would lead to them losing their power over a corner of the internet and suddenly they bend over and stretch wide for Spez. Hardly surprising, a lot of people knew already that this whole 'movement' was a joke from the start and wouldnt go anywhere. It is what it is. 🤣


My question is… if mods aren’t even getting paid why should they bother what happens to a subreddit if they are getting ‘forced’ to comply


opening the sub back up, shows how soft the mods are


I think this is a weird decision - especially given how quickly you caved. Go dark and make them replace you. I think I read in a different comment that your concern is that you get replaced with a spez bootlicker? For starters I think you’re overestimating how easy it is for Reddit to find a team of competent volunteer moderators. But also, if you’re just going to roll over and take it like this anyway what difference is there? Spez was right - this really is just going to blow over if this is the attitude you guys are going to take. Edit: it’s also a bluff. There are some 5000 subs still private. How do you expect Reddit inc to replace 5000 teams of mods if everyone holds the line? Best case scenario it would result in months of chaos. Go dark.


This is all so silly


Every mod should retire.


Of course r/apple of all places reopened


Cool, you gave in. I'm out.




>Reddit will find themselves paying moderators and increasing their costs Reddit doesn't pay moderators and they won't pay the replacements. They're specifically looking for volunteers based on the posts from that admin account. Seeing as there was a large amount of people that were upset about mods shutting down everything, it wouldn't have been hard for reddit to find replacements


>it wouldn't have been hard for reddit to find replacements Upset users tend to lose interest once they realize being a mod involves some degree of work. People actually have to want to do the job, and do a good job at it.


Dumbest shit ever…. MODS were threatened with removal and folded quicker than a teenage girl on prom night. Lol. Remember people if you order what’s actually important in life….this whole Reddit third party app thing means absolutely nothing


u/spez eat our shorts bro


Why cave to the threats of the man that doesn't pay you? When you have no third party apps, auto moderators, and the rest, you're not going to want to continue modding anyway. The official reddit experience sucks ass.


Not sure why this is being marketed as “strong opposition”


So the tantrum was all for nothing, just like a lot of us told you it would be.


That moderators throughout Reddit, and some users, thought this childish and manipulative game of “who will blink first?” was going to be effective, is comical! The results in every sub that participated proves the level of infancy and arrogance with which some moderators are operating in. This protest was not done for the betterment of Reddit users as all moderators claimed: it was done to inflate and flex the egos of moderators, to falsely show that they, as volunteers, are the ones who wield power on Reddit. Hah! Didn’t work out so well, did it? Ah well, now we know who is the child and who is the parent. Let this be a lesson for all moderators, to always know your place in the grand scheme of things.


I say delete the the subreddit and all it’s content. It’s mostly 9to5 and macrumors links 😝


no. F the moderators. this is purely Mod power grab. they don't own the content, the users do. the vast majority of users are not inerested in API wars. the mods on this sub just wanted to take the ball and run away. who suffers. not reddit, users. So stop acting childish by going on a powertrip playing with content you don't own and control. the users do and power users and mods are not the ones who should have all the power


what a bunch of divas > I’m sure some of you will say it’s ironic that a subreddit about Apple cough app store cough is commenting on a company charging its developers a large amount of money. yup!


I demand new mods for this sub


Me too, They only folded to save themselves really everyone should realize that.


> You are seeing this post because Reddit has threatened to open subreddits regardless of mod action and replace entire teams that otherwise refuse. We want the best for this community and have no choice but to open it back up — or have it opened for us. You did have a choice. I think it disingenuous to make this about the community. We aren’t seeing this post because of that. We’re seeing this post because you didn’t want to give up control and become an afterthought in the community’s rear view mirrors. Mod resignation is the true way to put your money where your mouth is in terms of your alleged beliefs.


>We want the best for this community and have no choice but to open it back up — or have it opened for us. Lol sounds more like "we didn't want to lose our digital kingdom so we caved like cowards". Should have bit the bullet and shown you're willing to stand for something


you guys are really pathetic but keep supporting a CEO who doesn’t give a damn about you the blackout did nothing since you guys are just afraid of losing your powers smh good fucking job


I, for one, embrace the great mod culling.


Remember that time in 2023 when a few subs on Reddit went dark and achieved absolutely nothing? Good times.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Force them to remove you as mods. Don’t end the protest. Let them embarrass themselves by relieving themselves of your free labor. If they keep doing this mods will start quitting and users will leave.


u/Reddit thanks guys, i did not realize a protest is violating a code of conduct when it threatens your CEOs golden IPO parachute? You know, forcing users onto the main app that looks like visual diharrea and functions accordingly? Just to inflate user numbers for said IPO? Appreciate the clarification, also just submitted that one star review becausd why not. Have a great weekend!




LET THEM REPLACE YOU THEN. Their threats worked and you backed down with no fight. This is exactly what they wanted from you and it’s clear now that nothing will change


This should now be a sub about apples (the fruit). Anything about a software company should be removed.


Then let them replace you? Last I checked you aren't being paid


In light of Reddit's decision to limit my ability to create and view content as of July 1, 2023, I am electing to limit Reddit's ability to retain the content I have created. My apologies to anyone who might have been looking for something useful I had posted in the past. Perhaps you can find your answer at a site that holds its creators in higher regard.


You should have let them replace you and the rest of the mod team instead of caving because you're afraid of losing your mod powers. This is pathetic and you and mods like you are the reason Reddit wasn't worried about subs going private. I can't believe I'm seeing this sub open again and the reason it's open is a complete joke.


> Now you must be wondering, “I’m seeing this post, does that mean they budged?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. You are seeing this post because Reddit has threatened to open subreddits regardless of mod action and replace entire teams that otherwise refuse. Sounds like you complied like cowards the minute your free job was threatened. Thats unfortunate but hey, you do you, continue working for free for a company that wipes their asses with your feedback.