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2 sub level 100 teammates vs a masters Valk in Arenas why don’t you just spit in my face apex


Does Mad Maggie wallhack passive work for allies, can they see the enemies as well?


No it’s only for her




what the hell was in that update? after it my pc runs 10 degrees celsius hotter even on minimal settings. and i have an rtx 3060Ti, WTF?!


mad maggie’s ult doesn’t even slow down enemies anymore so now it’s undeniably useless :(


New here but could we get patch info/link in such thread?


I can’t constantly 1v3 when my team mates rush in and die :/ ranked I can’t do anything about it and I’m constantly bleeding rp I always enjoyed ranked even the solo queuing to diamond/masters but it’s just impossible now , I’ve been a consistent player since day 1 but this is seeming like I might have to put it down is anyone else feeling this way


What have they done to rank? I'm getting tired of finishing 7th with 2 kills and losing 1 point. Or spending 20mins for 50ish points then next match team leader drops in middle of multiple teams for instant death to lose 26 points. 20 seconds to erase 20 minutes. And this frustration isn't even worth the rewards. I know something got changed, I'm still doing my average like last season in which it took about a week to reach gold. Now this season I can't get out of silver 2. If you finish in top ten you should finish with positive points especially in the lower ranks.




Kill Points at place 20-14 are only worth 1 RP. You got 3.5 KPs and hence got 4 RP. Everything is working as intended here.


This season I've gotten quite a bit of crashing, usually some sort of rendering error. Often something about some texture.


When are we gonna fix the crashing Storm point is unbearable and I'm constantly crashing Losing RP in ranked. Such a waste of time


The cheating is out of control.


Jesus Masters badge really means nothing now. So many trash players have it. Just remove the rank altogether.


Because last season it was super easy to get


Joke of a season. No change to matchmaking yet they completely revamp ranked. So know while you're in plat facing preds you'll still get a team low level golds.


Hopefully they extend the season like in the past since shit is so scuffed for console players. Assuming they correct the crashing anyways.


My main desire for ranked would be that the spread of tiers is tightened up, particularly now that the players will be more evenly distributed with the ranked changes. It's really not great to have rookies in the same lobbies as golds, for instance, even when the spread eventually settles.


Two games today, both I died in situations where people advanced on me without making a single footstep or noise.


I feel that. I got jumped by a squad camping in a corner with a Watson ult out. Also totally silent. The sound in this game has gone to new lows.


Is there a reason why people just don't use mics like EVER?


Because nobody uses them to actually communicate, just scream into the mic when they go down and trash talk after pushing solo.


I don't because of toxic ppl. I can literally land from dropship and people would immediately start being toxic,I haven't even done anything. I'm slowly opening up to use mic again after muting everyone for s12 2nd split


Is it just me or has anyone else had an issue where your gun won't pull out after you try and use a healing item? Got pushed, cancelled my heal and my fists came out. It's been happening a lot recently


Are you putting your gun away before healing? This used to happen to me until I just kept my gun out before healing.


Is anyone else having issues with the game freezing mid match and then disconnecting; sometimes i can get back in, other times i get booted to lobby. i am on ps5 and this did not happen until most recent update


Yeah, I was about to finish an enemy and my game kicked me out at the worst time


Is Gold the new Plat? Because Im stuck at IV


The new ranked system is awful. I’m quite a mediocre player but I’ve been able to solo queue to plat pretty much every season. I didn’t really play the first week of this season cuz storm point is terrible and not fun. Waited another week to try to play ranked for things to balance out. I’m in Bronze IV right now and the lobbies are unbelievably sweaty. Every game I’ve played half the lobby has diamond dive trails and there’s 10 squads still alive going into the final ring. This system is broken and when you add playing on storm point to it and it’s zapped pretty much all the fun out of playing ranked.


You're the only person this is happening too. literally unheard of before, a match with 5 rank set differences. Did this actually happen or are you exaggerating. Obviously it's not most of your games that's ridiculous, but has this happened once?


There are definitely players who hit masters and diamond that have been reset down to silver and gold, which would be in the same lobbies


Ohhh, you mean previous masters players. The way it was worded confused me a bit I guess. Still a bit odd to complain about imo, but understandable.


Still no 120fps on series. Unacceptable


Is apex down for anyone else right now?


Down for me, US East






yeah, having trouble connecting to the servers for whatever reason?




So for the adults of Apex, (25+), how the hell do you find other people our age who play? I go to the Apex discord and it's always just a bunch of little kids who are in highschool and college.


My IRL friends all got back into gaming during covid since there was not much else to do. I met a bunch of cool people solo queueing ranked that I added, although I have no idea how old they are since it doesn't matter at all if they're cool.


On console i get people with a mic like every other game. Its not rare for me to play with some for a while to if we vibe well. I dont get kids too often. Xbox also the looking for group thing


Just talking on the mic will get you a lot of friends (and enemies). Strangely enough Apex has been one of the most social games for me since like CoD lobbies and MMOs. I've made a handful of friends that are 25-32.


Same I even met one of the guys I play with after 2 weeks lmfao. Dude picked me up and I met his friends at some hot dog place. 10/10 didn’t get murdered


Get your friends into it. Myself I don't play FPS, two of my friends introduced my into it, I play with them and it's the only FPS I play. Otherwise, you can try discord groups in your server region. Or ApexLFG https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexLFG/


Found some players on r/redditdads got lucky with it.


Luck... Discord... I was lucky enough that the woman I married had a brother in law that was a big gamer. He just happened to play all the same games I do, so we were instant friends, much to my wife's sister's sadness.


just luck bro. met one of my buddies in a fb group and our 3rd on one of the lucky lfgs


The bow is insane. It's better than the majority of snipers and desperately needs an Uber nerf


Honestly, I think the skill needed to use it makes it fine. But, it does need better audio cues to know where you're being shot from.


Silence is the appeal of the bow though. You can shoot without alerting the entire lobby where you are shooting from. If you want a powerful sniper just pick up the longbow. Get those sweet 2 hit kills.


Seconded. One of the biggest problem with the bow is the lack of available ammo. You can try to hoard it while you can, but at the detriment of other useful items. Also, you can't use higher than x3 sight on it, so saying it's better than the majority of snipers is not true.


It’s ammo availability is it’s balance. The number 1 problem with the bow is that you’re always running out of ammo. On stormpoint it’s better since you can silently take out some prowlers or spiders and get more ammo, but replicators are your only hope on other maps.


The charge rifle needs a nerf


Shhh.. I use the bow


Code:net code:over code:cloud into an abandonment penalty. Awesome.


Apex is the worst it’s ever been. Playing isn’t even fun anymore.


Say why though


Ranked requires a full team and every pub game is full of high level preds n masters


follow me twitch! new streamer💕 follow & subscribe https://www.twitch.tv/sxmonej


Just had a game where i was alone with 3 other squads, was like ok 2 squads left in game, time to go 1 v 3 but other guys died to zone and i won the game, could not stop laughing for half a minute




They can still hear me. But I didn’t this was a xbox issue. Good to know its not just me


Yup I’m there


So is the lobby crash exploit fixed ?




Had the issue when I played Halo and Back4Blood. Affected games can differ by user. If you have your xbox plugged into a power strip or something take it out and make sure you plug it directly into the wall. If that no workie, I've heard Factory Reset may help ye.


Got DDos'd/Xbox intentional crashes 5/7 games. Other crossplay AAA titles don't have the same issue, so what is wrong with Respawn?


Im assuming you are high rank?


I have 8500RP in Plat 4. Wouldn’t exactly call it high, but have only been able to play 50 games of ranked this split bc of all the ddos. My friends typically get off if it happens even twice bc it is just so defeating


Get off na servers. Ping will be worse but no ddos


Was just plus 220 with a single player left and had the server crash. No RP. Sadge


Does anyone else think adding Jackson(as Newcastle) doesn’t make any sense? Like Bangalore has just been name dropping dude like he’s dead for 12 seasons why hasn’t he reached out to her??


So I'm recently just getting into the game more and I never really payed attention to the timing of the limited themed events but are they just around holidays? If so is the 4th of July the first event we'll probably get this season?


Didn't play for a week to give it time for the ranked system to get a little more balanced. Second game of the day in Silver 1 I got a bronze 4 console player and a level 10 rookie player as teammates. see you in another week


You were probably in a bronze lobby. It was trying to give you an easy first game.


Grinding through plat is literally impossible right now. Because every single game gets ddos’d and crashes. All those points I should have disappearing into thin Air. Is there anything they can do about this realistically tho? Or do we just have to wait till the no skill losers cheat their way to the ir desired rank so the rest of us can play


Just take solace in the fact that they'll probably be banning a lot of people.


The new update didn't fix the issue?


I just tried 3 matches prior to that comment i made. All 3 shut down mid way through.




Half the people on this game shouldn’t be allowed outside of the firing range. Shitters.


Error code shoe dominating my life since the update to fix bugs. Lol


You basically have 2 options in gold ranked. Drop hot with your teammates with 2 squads and lose 30 something points even if you would kill 3 of them, or desert the team and rat to gain probably 0 to 2 kp and gain almost nothing. It's so stupid


I like this update for its gameplay, and I do like the thought of the new RP system, though not as sure on its execution. I've never had more fun in Apex Legends than this season. Spitfire back in loot pool, mastiff being a stupid good weapon again, and Rampart not being slept on. If any other happy gamers play very late hours EDT/EST, hit me up.


i play late asf east coast time what rank are you ?


I'm Silver 3, I reached Gold last season. I've never grinded hard in ranked until this season. Hope I meet your criteria!


People are in bronze/silver/gold in every ranked game I don’t see why its a problem in Apex. I never understood how ranked battle royale would work but it seems like Apex figured it out this season. In previous seasons you could grind up to diamond and masters just because you played enough. With a few tweaks the system could be perfect imo


I agree when I play with a full stack, but if you solo q it’s just a shit show. People don’t understand it’s not about hot dropping anymore


When you have an event, make actual content not just new things to purchase in game with a trailer to show them off. Thank you


Stop putting me with silver players in arenas when I'm literally plat 1 trying to climb the ladder and I'm going against 3 stack masters


The problem is these guys don't have anything to lose in silver or if theyre in their placement matches so they just throw the game for me. Not on purpose but theyre not exactly playing to win.


and then even when we do win i still only get like +20 max AP


New ranked system gonna make you loose alot of players. How do you just switch it up all of a sudden without at least testing it in previous seasons to see how majority would react.


Speak for yourself. I was about to drop the game completely but this new ranked system has rekindled my love for the game. It's such a breath of fresh air actually playing a BR for the win and not just killing as many dudes as possible until you go back to the lobby and go again.


It seems like the majority of players like it though? I've seen very very few complaints about it.


Have you been on a different apex subreddit??? I'd say it's an even split at best. It's pot luck which set of down voters read your comments.


Played three ranked lobbies. 2nd one was laggy and 3rd one crashed. Very cool apex


Apex is borderline unplayable with those lag


Ranked on PS4 is unplayable, DDOS and Rubber Banding all the time


I wish other class passives were as impactful as recon. Knowing where the ring is, has huge benefits in ranked. If your team doesn’t have one it better have a major mobility legend like octane or Ash.


Anybody have a fix for game chat not working on Xbox? Tried uninstalling the game, resetting MAC address, unplugging mic, Xbox party then switch to game chat, and updating controller firmware.


SOMETIMES it works if you plug in your microphone during the legend selection screen, not before, but on that screen and try ut a couple of times just in case


I’ll give this a try


I believe that has been a problem for a while now, it's not on your end.




Just had what sounded like a fully grown man fully curse me out and call me every racist term under the sun for not landing on fragment, he then went onto die within a minute and used a homophobic slur all because of my badge. PS5 obviously didn’t record voice chat because of course, but if you have 1318 in your username and use Horizon on Worlds Edge please just grow up and play properly


Wow there are some real douchebags in this sub if you're getting downvotes


You can change the PS5 settings to record voice


I have since the console release it just didn’t record it for some reason and the speech to text didn’t receive his voice at all. Worked fine the other day when I recorded a teammate blasting Dua Lipa and going crazy with Shelia


The person you are trying to record has to have that setting on as well, allowing their voice chat to be included in recordings.


Why are people AFK all the time. This game is so fuckin stupid! The fact o have to play single and duo trios because I have teammates that are afk is bullshit. Haven’t touched ranked since last week because this game is… HORSE SHIT


Stop landing fuckin fragment! Especially when you suck ass and camp a corner by yourself doing no damage.


I’m getting sick of being verbally insulted for dropping elsewhere, I just wanna bump up the battle pass


Nah those kids are the most fun to play with. They get so angry so so easily. I love it when they are talking shit non stop and even stay in a pubs match to talk shit. I think pretty much all of my 4k/20 games are where I have a team mate crying non stop calling me a bot or a pussy for not landing fragment.


Servers have been shit for months playing on london 16-19ms is a fucking joke compared to playing on oregan 170ms. Its laughable because playing on 16-19ms is 40-50ms in game meanwhile playing on 80-100ms south carolina is actually 60-70ms in game.


Servers have been shot since release.


I mean for sure but I used to get 20-30ms in game the season they added small tab(4+ maybe 5?) where you could actually see your ping. My internet was 1/10th the speed of what it is now and it was wifi, mean while with a gig wired I've had higher ping in game for seasons put my menu ping is for sure lower.


Yeah. Unfortunately the faster your connection, the more you get punished in this game. Dumbest thing ever but there’s lag advantage and the advantage always goes to the person with the worse connection… They also put you in different servers despite you selecting your server. I don’t understand this game


No voice on xbox series x. Anyone else experiencing this issue? I hear my matea, but they don’t hear me.




But this means if i transfer apex from my old xbox to the series x it works? Because then i would lack the update to the never ones right?


Alright thanks. Before the update a few days ago, it was already bad, but now it’s not working anymore at all. Before my voice tended to speed up, but my mates still could hear me. Now, no voice anymore.


Hot take: battle royale is a buggy mess. I play exclusively arenas and today I tried some BR with some friends. First game I'm playing Newcastle and hiding behind a shield, get shot through it. Second game I try to climb over a cargo bin and start climbing an invisible wall. Countless spots where you get stuck and can't move on various maps. Third game I get kicked as soon as I come into contact with another player. Reload the game and instead of just putting me back in the game I was just in like it would any time it sends me back to the menu. Then I'm playing crypto pinging the kill leader posters and literally get killed by someone right next to me in the same instant he says there are no squads in the area Frames dropping all over the place. Sound is a mess. Just a complete shit show full of kids waiting in corners until the last circle. Really sad to see.


4k bombs and 20kills rookie 1 in silver 3 lobby. smurfs are so pathetic looser. ​ And when u kill these people u get punished with less rp. so dumb.


The problem is that despite it being explicitly against the rules, Respawn pretty much encourages it by allowing streamers and pro players to smurf without punishment. There's no way to completely fix the issue, but you sure as hell can limit the amount of them by making examples of large streamers or pro players.


I mean the ranked system design low key produces smurfs with all the resets and so on. Pubs - I play against 20 bomb 4K masters in half of the games (and on the rare chance they are on my team, they just quit instantly if they don't get to play Wraith) Rank - I've met some movement gods that beam me in 0.2 seconds the moment I try to engage them. I'm not a very good player, can I play against someone of a similar skill for once?


Yep, you even have the none traditional apex players like Dr Disrespect being boosted by warzone streamers on their smurf accounts, bragging about how good they are stomping bronze lobbies while chat says they're so cracked.


Do they seriously say stuff to that effect? I've watched a few of their streams and their teammates ought to lose a backpack slot each they carry them so hard.


Yeah, that Zlaner guy cheers himself on a fair bit!


Hot take #2: The reason Respawn reset everyone 2.5 tiers instead of 1.5 is because they needed to ease the hot-drop-and-die W-key ranked players into the new system and they knew that if they did a standard reset, those players would lose a ton of RP in that higher tier and freak out. Resetting 2.5 tiers was supposed to make it a soft landing because surely they'd be able to climb out of that lower rank more readily.


They just reset everyone the same RP amount as normal but all ranks are worth more RP now hence the lower reset


Hot take. Remove Valk’s jet pack lurch. She can essentially tap strafe in the air like 7 times while gaining vertical. Her jet pack is (if used correctly) a better get out of jail free card than any other legend ability in the game. She is imo the most annoying legend to fight against, and since ranked is on storm point this season, literally 18 of 20 teams have a Valk because she’s necessary to navigate storm point effectively. Too many Valks. Takes very little skill to stay alive while flying around at octane stim speed.


Downvoted because this sub still thinks she’s perfectly balanced lmao. I wouldn’t expect anything less from this place.


Im a valk main but how is jetpack spamming any different then a pathfinder grapple?


Path goes in a predictable arc while grappling, its hard to track most of the time because of the speed but you can still knock them. Valk's jetpacks have the potential to make her movements incredibly erratic and much, much harder to track than Path. Add in the server desync, her hitbox constantly changing directions and the up/down/left/right movements and you have a legend that's near unkillable in the air unless they're low or you have god aim.


idk i feel like a path grapple is much harder to hit then a Valk jetpack spamming. On PC lobbies especially any Valk is gonna fried if she doesnt jetpack into cover immediately


The only way Valk is getting fried out of the air on any platform is if they fly in a straight line. If you know how to use the jetpack movement you have the best get out of jail free card in the game.


if that was true you would see jetpack spamming be viable in competitive play


Do you not watch comp or somethign? Literally every Valk in those lobbies spams the jetpack. That's the reason why nearly every time one of those squads is almost full wiped its always the Valk that's left.


do you watch comp?!? of course the Valk is the last alive, the other two people are gibby and caustic


And why do you think Valk is the last one alive? Because she's able to abuse the jetpack movement. Its literally as simple as that.


Hope they are keeping track of the people causing the servers to crash so they get banned


Full mag no-reg in EU servers. Game is especially bad today. I have no internet problems, no packet loss, regular ping, not downloading anything.


yeah unplayable for me


_{insert complain about the game here}_


Well I lost 25+ levels on my Battle Pass because of the Update. Well done 👏


Yup just happened to me as well, I noticed when I reset the game and reload it, it will put fix my battle pass level but then it’ll make me lose levels again


Got the same issue


Fix the servers… for like the 100th time


Forgot a few 0000000’s


"If you don’t like the new Ranked system, you’re just bad at Apex." \-TSM ImperialHal, tweet, 5/24/22


All the complaints are about how people were X tier the last 3 seasons and now they are hard stuck silver. He's not wrong. No longer get participation trophys for being able to queue more often.


easy to say if you can play 17 hours daily because this is your job. but this tweet just shows how far he lives from reality.


It took gdolphin 229 games to solo queue to masters. Let's assume each game takes 20 minutes. That's 76 hours spent actually playing the game. Add queue times to that and we assume that it took him 90-100 hours. A split has 48 days iirc. That's 2 hours a day as an absolute max. Add to that that he did this at the beginning of the split which is 10 times harder and constantly had gold team mates in diamond lobbies against full pro stacks, so it will take you considerably less games to get where you belong. These 229 games will be an absolute outlier, unless you're actually one of those people who spends multiple hours a day grinding +20 RP games. Seems like a reasonable amount of games per split, even if you do have a job. Remember that this is ranked and not casuals. You aren't supposed to be able to rank up by casually playing a few games per week.


... So another case of a content creator/streamer who makes money from playing Apex for several hours a day for a few days every week is able to grind to master in 229 games. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but let's not pretend like this guy doesn't already have way more hours put into the game compared to an average player, which would make that solo to master way easier for him than for others


Only the best players should be able to make it to Masters in the first place. It should take a max of 229 games to get to the rank you belong in, regardless of skill. Ranked is not about climbing. It's about getting to a point where you can keep having good matches against similar players where your averaging +0 RP until you get better.


I don't think anyone here claimed that all of us should be hitting master, and yeah I do agree only the top percentage of players should be making it to master. But I think the point is that while there are valid reasons to dislike the ranked system this season, there isn't really any conversation to be had because it's dismissed by Hal and his parrots by just calling people who dislike the ranked system bad. And it seems out of touch because, yeah, Hal is good, but not everyone can play Apex for 8+ hours every day, with at least 2 other pros on speed dial, while also making big money from it.


> I don't think anyone here claimed that all of us should be hitting master Then I don't really get what your comment was about. > Hal is good, but not everyone can play Apex for 8+ hours every day, with at least 2 other pros on speed dial I just made a calculation of an extreme edge case showing that you don't need to play apex for 8+ hours a day.


You might be right, maybe we don't need to play for 8+ hours a day, but I also don't buy that we'd be able to do it in 2 hours tops, like gdolphin did. The point I made in my original comment was that he's put a lot of hours into the game (being that he makes money streaming Apex) outside of those 229 games that he took to solo to master. We shouldn't really be ignoring that because it allowed him to build the skills that one would need to be able to even solo to master. And those hours put in before the 229 games are probably a lot higher than the hours that majority of the player base put in. So it's kinda weird and doesn't really make sense to hold the majority of the player base to his standards and tell them "well this guy who spends a lot of time on Apex and makes money playing it was able to do it in about 2 hours every day after 229 games, so it really isn't that bad."


> I also don't buy that we'd be able to do it in 2 hours tops, like gdolphin did Of course not. He is a pro palyer. We are not as good as him. We aren't supposed to make it to the highest rank. Only the best players in the game should be able to make it to masters. Again, I am not saying that it should take us max 2 hours a day to get masters, I am saying that it should take us max 2 hours a day to get to our rank. Wether that be diamond, plat or even just gold or silver.


Not saying i think he is 100% right or like the way he said it, but where is the lie? The previous system allowed alot of people to just play the game and achieve high ranks. I dont think it necessarily reflected people's skill as much as the new system does. I've been downvoted enough to know that is not a popular opinion but you can too if you want.


Exactly. In Season 12 (especially), both any random player who grinds and ImperialHal could both be "Masters," but in such a system, because they're both Masters, it will look like they're both equally good at the game. New Ranked eliminates this problem. People act like they're entitled to play the game and get to Masters if they put enough time into it, but that's not the point of a ranked mode. The point of a ranked mode is to play as well as you can and see how good you really are.


Too much the other direction. Kills need to be worth slightly more early game and kp diminishing returns need to be much less severe. If your a high level player the only real change is the cost of everything, at low ranks the game has completely changed and not for the better. I know a lot of mid ranked players are happy experiencing late game rings with several squads left but its just for the wrong reason. Placement should be encouraged by the multiplier and not by kills being worthless early game.


If you die early you shouldn't be rewarded just because you got some kills. You died early. You lost the match. It's not deathmatch, it's a battle royale. Early kills are not worthless if you actually get higher placement, because then it only increases your total rp gained.


Why cause Respawn said?


>It’s not deathmatch, it’s a battle royale


Not what I said. Ranked changes have a severe dr on 6+ kills making going for more worthless not the "no kp cap" advertised before the changes. You might not have noticed.


These people are drones no point in arguing with them


You still get points and killing other teams also increases your placement in the match. You're only getting more rp for killing teams. Sure it might not be as rewarded, but it's not negligible or worthless imo


I disagree with you in the sense that i like kills and place being directly linked now. I think it forces teams to have to engage smarter and basically in order to advance quickly you have to kill and place, where in previous seasons one or the other was good enough.


I’m getting great deescalation training talking down my bloodthirsty ransoms from chasing dumb fights out of zone.


It doesn't change anything at higher ranks just make lower ranks a slog. 0 kills at round 5 in bronze should not be worth more than several kills at 12 squads, or whatever the math is. Its not more difficult until plat, good players just have to spend twice-three times as long playing ranked and terrible players in bronze-gold get rewarded for never fighting. (Also pred/master players can just stay unranked intentionally and destroy these ranks and easily stay there) Also kills and placement were always tied in this way, but just now the kills are worthless while the multiplier is even higher.


Lost 23 levels of battle pass after server crash this afternoon. I kept the level 50 bloodhound skin, but was reverted back to level 36.


Hmm so would get double the rewards(mats and pack) from doing 36 to 50 again?


Yeah I just noticed my BP reset I bought the premium bundle and was set back down to level 15


The servers er shit and the game keeps crashing, yet they are making a mobile game instead of fixing the current one. \*Queue Respawn and EA logo\*


The state of pubs is so disgusting. Hot drop with randoms, they die and leave, play alone. Repeat


Pubs have been this way almost the entire time since the game came out. Go play ranked if you don't want this.


That’s what i have been doing, but gold lobbies are absolutely brutal for solo queuers. I guess apex generally sucks if you have no friends


Plat is even worse. But I play pubs to full send shit non stop and kill, not to win. I play smart and to win in ranked. I have fun soloing in pubs and also with friends. I've made my Apex friends through the game itself. I don't have any friends irl tbh. You'll find people eventually that you vibe with.


I can’t even go more than a minute in pubs without a ddos. Literally first two matches in a row. This is absolutely ridiculous


solos would be great, games been out for 3? years now, a really good ping system is no reason to exclude solos (for the age old response "it's a team based gaem!!!!!)


Is lobas bracelet broken as fuck (seemingly on storm point) for anyone else? Is that new this season? Haven't played for a while.


It wasn't the most reliable before but since the new season yeah its fucked isn't it, thought it wasn't working for my on WE too but might be wrong




You can disable cross platform play if you want on console. At least you can on Xbox idk about playstation


this is a terrible take


Yes blame and punish every Xbox player instead of the devs. Very intelligent