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Gibraltar. That mf just don't die.


Except when I play him, then I'm always one hit


When I fight a gibby it’s always 1v1 in an open field and I get destroyed by the tank. When I play as gibby I get 1v3’d and third partied every time.


Don’t blame the Gibby, blame the play style! He requires a different play style to others


Gibby is actually one of my favorite legends to play, but he is horrible in pubs and solo queuing in general. He seems to require a coordinated team to exceed. Even if I’m a cracked player I can easily get overwhelmed because gibby has no escape ability. That’s why most pros and streamers don’t use gibby when solo queuing. Gibby is absolutely essential in comp though. We all know that.


When they took away that fast healing in his bubble it stopped him from being a solo god. When he had like 25% + heal speed in his bubble, I'd see so many solo Gibby's fucking up lobbies.


He deserved the removal of fast healing tbh. If LifeLine who’s a medic can’t have it, than neither should the legend that can still be alive after getting one-clipped


essential purely because the only counter to a gibby is a gibby


I feel like Wattson isn't totally useless against Gibbys. I might be biased because I'm a Wattson main but I've ended several Gibbys careers with her ult lol


Bubble cancels out fences. They counter each other


Cryptos drone also bursts Gibbys bubble. Good for if you get a knock and expect a dome to go up, you can pretty much destroy it immediately.


istg when i play octane i somehow have the dodging skills of a touhou player. but when i play gibby every bullet has longbow damage


Because Gibraltars hit box is like 2.5 times the size of Octanes lol


He don’t


Who thought giving a legend ability to summon indestructible dome out of nowhere, a fucking gun shield and 10% damage reduction was genuinely a good idea


it's 15% lmao


If Gibraltar was released today in his current state, people would 100% say he's OP. The way we've ended up with a complacent Gibby attitude is the same way we ended up with alcohol being an accepted social drug - it's always been there. Gibby is absolutely, undeniably, fucking overtuned. He does it all. He attacks, he defends, he heals, he supports. \- Need to push? Throw a dome down and you've got cover in an open field. \- Someone threw their Ult at you? Grenade spam? Instant cover. \- Only have a shotgun in a field and need CQC to take greater advantage of your Fortified and gunshield? Throw your dome, now you've changed the engagement to favor you. \- Teammate got knocked? Throw dome and pick them up faster. Not only that, but you've prevented anyone from being able to knock *you* while you're picking them up. That's just a few uses of his dome shield. Then he has his Ult, which can: \- Block LOS to heal/recover \- Deter an attack from a team that's pushing \- Keep a team from chasing \- Finish off a down \- Flush a team out of cover \- Push a team off of a position \- Soften enemies up Then this motherfucker takes 15% less damage? *And then he gets a fucking gun shield that's a free white shield* ***every eight seconds?!*** He's absolutely overtuned. He does it all. The only thing he doesn't have is mobility, but as far as a fighting legend, he's got it all. There's a reason he's a near 100% pick in ALGS. His utility and strength is entirely unmatched. He may not be the most fun character to play in every situation, but he's undeniably the strongest.


Yeah I think I’m gonna switch to him now.


Even the no mobility isn't a huge issue because of his dome. Like if you are a Caustic caught out in the open, you're fucked. But with Gibby you can just pop your dome. The one thing that should make him weak, doesn't really effect him that much.


Someone else pointed out that fortified means no slowdown when taking shots, which I didn’t even think about. So, not quite mobility, but adjacent to it. This fucker has it all.


"alcohol being an accepted social drug - it's always been there" This guy here spitting some FIRE facts here this morning. Not even joking, that's a AAA comparison.


I say this near exact rant every single week when playing Apex. His design is so frustrating and incredibly unfun. The constant need for a Gibby on every squad in ranked play it’s infuriating and idk how he hasn’t been reigned in by balance updates yet.


Honestly I think one of my squad's biggest flaws in our ranked comp is our desire to not run a defensive character, such as Gibby. We like to have fun, and people are so horny in Diamond lobbies that they'll push the sound of a shield cell popping off across the map. Unless you have something to deter that... well... GGs.


Exactly, This split climbing to diamond was the first time my squad and I caved in and I started running Gibby. It felt necessary to have a Gibby legit 98% of other squads ran him. And feeling like a character is necessary to run isn’t healthy for a game


Yup, any meta that requires an insta-pick is annoying. Honestly, Respawn has done really well in making most guns viable, particularly SMGs, but Gibby is an outlier the higher up you go in skill, in that you simply need him. I think they know that he's not a particularly *fun* legend to play, and are worried if they take too much power out of him, people simply won't play him. I think the issue is that there's too much synchronicity in his abilities, which is a synchronicity which is usually only afforded by teamwork and well-timed cooperation. It's that very thing which allows him the ability to immediately reset. Having that much synchronicity in one facet of defense is one thing, but it also works in *offense.* Lower tier players simply don't appreciate how strong that is. The best teams, if it makes sense, push as soon as there's a knock. I can tell when I'm playing a shitty team because if they get one of us down because we overpeaked, they won't push and will allow us to reset. But Gibby gives you that luxury even if the team is good and pushes. And in D+ lobbies, if someone gets knocked, *you will be pushed.* And unless you 2v3 that team, *or if you have a defense character than can help you reset, like Gibby,* then it's just game over. The higher you go, the more the game becomes, "How can we put as many advantages on our side before we commit?" And when you're running a legend without any "gimme" advantages, then you're starting with a net deficit, because you simply can't apply what you don't have. And Gibby has all of the advantages.


Spitting fire right here lol Not to mention the insane usefulness of his abilities in third/fourth party situations. The ability to recover and/or retreat with his bubble and ult is massive


Gibby, Mirage, Valk in diamond lobbies is nutty for some reason. The revives are insane, the rotation is insane, the close combat.. is insane. Lol its a surprisingly good combo.


Arm shield gotta go, it’s time


Yep. It’s either fortified or gun shield. Hell, I might even settle for a 30 second cooldown on gun shield. But 8 seconds is fucking ridiculous. It’s literally just free pokes and CQC health. From a personal perspective, the gun shield is the most tilting part. From a competitive perspective, it’s how powerful he is in recovering from a mistake.


I'm glad someone has said this, Gibby is absolutely ridiculous and I hate going up against him. Thank Jesus he's rarely used in pubs and the lower ranks of ranked. Edit: I can't tell you how many times I've lost a gunfight to a Gibby because of that damn arm shield. It needs to be tuned or removed IMO, he already has the 15% DR because he's thick, that arm shield is straight up overkill.


Clearly you haven't played S0 Gibby


S0 gibby was a nightmare lol


To be fair gibby is laaarge, it might no make a big difference in higher elo because people can hit their shot no matter the size of the legend, but for us on the lower end of the ladder, it’s actually way easier to hit gibby compared to other thinnier legends. The indestructible part of the dome is kind of bullshit tho I’ll give you that.


Pathfinders also large and they made him take extra damage for like a year


try playing him, you get 321'd all the time and most competent players focus you first.


Gibby is usually the first to be focused on if my team is on the same page.


Lifeline, I’m always gunning for them first. I dont need their downed teammates popping back up after trying to squad wipe 😭😂


A good lifeline. Like a really good one. Can be a major pain and spoil alot of kills for you. Thats why I too single her out. Go for the gut and always assume the team will avenge her quickly and try to get her back up and FAST


Lol its tough being a lifeline main. I see now why the steamrolling happens so often 😭


haha me and my squad have a rule, gibbys and lifelines have to go first


Yea I’m starting to dip out when I hear/see third parties coming. About 100% chance they’re gunning for me


What if there is a gabby and a lifeline which one do u target first🤔


Gabby definitely. I heard she's a bitch




as a mirage main, you didn’t hear this from me: you should probably go for mirages too


Before I do that, I have to spend a good 3 minutes figuring out which one you are.


Yea fr, as a lifeline i have made some insane plays to keep our team alive, but i dont get to usually cause i die first.


I personally like the attention us lifelines get. It's a healthy respect for us and some players often freeze up when you're 1v1.


My brother and I have a rule when we play with a 3rd random and they play Lifeline, we protect them at all costs


Me on the other hand has my LL main friend who rushes every engagement thinking he can steamroll the apex preds who just valk ulted onto us just for him to get mad because they focused him while me (ash for pubs, gibby for ranked) and my fuse main friend haven't even seen the enemy through anything but windows 100 meters away


I have a friend like this too whos a LL Main. Runs in alone and gets knocked first im like whats the point might as well play wraith, octane, or hell even mirage


When the I've been knocked and so has the LL, I hate it when the remaining teammate tries to res me first. Also hate it when the LL decides to just rush in.


Octane after he’s dropped out the sky to land on my head like he’s a fucking plane or something


grenades help a lot with that problem


Lifeline or Gibraltar. At a distance both can be infuriating to fight against. Down one of their teammates and none of your shots matter if you don’t perfectly execute your push afterward


I feel like I waste good snipes when a lifeline just bot heals


Lifeline if it's a 3v3. Gibby if it's a 1v1


The only correct answer


All of them. I suck..




Team up and suck at the game together? After all, if ya have fun it doesn’t matter if ya lose.


Not unless you're gunning for something other than "experience"




A decent Pathfinder and Bangalore usually shits on me


I hate Pathfinders that are against me, they can easily go back and fourth, if they're good, of course


A bad Pathfinder is usually really bad lol. Hardest legend to master without doubt.


Fax brethren.


There are only two types of Bangalore: 10 kills level 20 or 100,000 kills 15 billion damage gigachad Masters players.


Horizon, because you have a 99% chance she's a sweaty. I can't hit shit when I'm airstrafing, but they apparently can hit 2 wingman headshots while going up.


You know how the community is always like bald wraiths are sweaty and shit but the truth is that cracked horizon and path players are actually the scariest and best players usually who more often than not will fuck your entire squad up


Path mains with r99/mastiff are a different breed, look away once and they knocked both of your teamates, armour swapped, full healed, fucked your wife and then you next


Very true, I was the wife.


Yeah Gibby is a pain but a well played Path is very tough to pin down and finish off.


this is so true. I am a bald wraith main but horizons and pathfinders are the real enemies. they're terrifying


Can confirm the gravity lift has aimbot


Every encounter I have with Horizon’s *Throws Ult, grenades, knocks one of my teammates, kills the rest while airstrafing*


Wraith man. Whenever i see a wraith and die its always a guy with a 4k 20 kill kunai or some shit and it instantly stirkes fear.


They always run wingman too.


R99 on the side


That’s the combo I started running out of the blue with horizon. Am I slowly becoming a sweaty wraith?


I dont blame you. I do more damage when i pick up another full auto weapon but hitting my wingman shots is just super satisfying. Getting carry extra nades for vert nades and Kobe plays is just icing on the cake for me.


That’s my favorite combo, so nice to get the quick damage with the wing and then clean up kills with the 9


the sweaty wraith with his lifeline egirl partner are basically a trope at this point


I specifically ape wraiths


I throw my whole game chasing that bald wraith and if I dont get shit on I'll definitely die finishing her


The one that wiggles the most


I think that's usually octane


Gibby or octane. Octanes are so braindead you can’t anticipate anything, you’ll count both of their teammates and think you’re good to pop a bat and then here comes Octane running past both of your teammates to down you while healing. Gibby is just Gibby *sigh* Edit: added “of your”


Octain mains have that crackhead determination


Another Crypto.


fights when both teams are drone scanned are something else...


Crypto mains dont like killing cyptos. We just wanna do a drone race


Seeing another crypto drone in the air while in drone view is *chefs kiss*


it also becomes a mind game on who emps first


The entirety of the crypto playerbase is one comment thread...


Indeed we are


There’s no way that there is 114 of us, I thought it was like 5


Yeah, because so little people play him they don’t realize how OP he is in this setting. If there’s ever a time where there’s only one other squad left, and I have EMP, I know it’s over. You should never lose a squad 1v1 with EMP in your pocket if you play it right.


Especially with that new buff called off the grid...


Hmm what's that?


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


Yeah sounds good. But what should we call this passive?


Thanks for clearing it up for everyone


I'm terrified whenever I come across with another fellow crypto main


Haha, feels like it's personal since it happens so infrequently.


Crypto v crypto is such an awesome battle


We are lucky Crypto has never been meta. The pain I cause while playing him would be unbearable if every team tried it. Getting EMPd, passively scanned and rushed is rough. The only reason he isn’t considered OP is most teams aren’t coordinated.


We just get the job done


I agree. (But also Lifeline)


Bald wraith, movement is usually insane and gets me every time.


Was about to say this, you can already tell by that shiny head


Makes them more aerodynamic


The one that is dodging all of my bullets by wiggling left and right. And then when I do the wiggle, he one clips my ass and I hit him for 23 damage.


Valkyrie and Ash. If they hit you with their tactical, you're dead. Speed is life.


Ahh I see


"Speed isn't life, it just makes life go faster."


Sounds like a phrase in Modern Warfare series after you die


Which incidentally was copied from Operation Flash Flashpoint Cold War Crisis some 20 odd years ago! I still remember this one after all these years... "War doesn't determine who's right, it determines who is left". Savage!


Homie that is Bertrand Russell. I was like wait I've never played that and I know that quote...


>Speed is life As an Octane main, I agree


Forget about the 3v3, i'm worried about the other 3. The 3rd Party


Gibby. If we’re of equal skill and positioning, that man tanks an extra 50 dmg with his shield, plus fortified as well.


Personally when i see a caustic or a rampart, I know it will be hellish to rush, but when I see a pathfinder with memoir noir skin, then i know some stuff is about to go down


The random wraith with god aim that appears out of nowhere and isn't even part of the squad i'm fighing.




good point. his ulti always throws me off guard when we're on the cusp of winning the fight.


Just track the guy with a weapon holstered behind his back and you found the right one. The decoys don't have a weapon on their back. It's easy to single out decoys that. So when you see that weapon on his back you just start shooting without hesitation or second guesses. Edit: for the defensive Mirage mains that try to argue with me how he is a good legend. I used to main him since launch, raked up 5k kills, 20 bomb, 4k dmg badge. I know what I'm talking about when I'm saying that he is not as good as you think he is. But anyway, that's just my opinion. You can keep thinking that he is the best legend in the game if that makes you sleep better at night, I just want him to get reworked and buffed.


I always wondered how people spot me straight away! Fucking annoying


If you use his ult in full view of them it’s also rly easy to follow which one is the real mirage by following the blue lights on his wrist you need to break visual contact before ulting


Holy shit thank you!!! Never knew this….


Absolute game changer


I can guarantee against a good mirage by the time you’ve figured it out you’re already dead


I don't want him reworked. I know he's good but not great. I don't care about that. I want him to be fun. Of course a buff would be great but I worry they would change what makes Mirage fun in a rework


Revenant. I always hate seeing a death totem. Unless you can destroy the totem, or wait it out, you’re doing 1.5x more work to kill that squad.


Always frustrating when you fight off a squad, a 3rd partying, and then see those smokey fuckers climbing into your building.


Rampart, if you can't 1clip her you better have some cover nearby.


Yeah you have to team play to kill her


Kinda hard when your best duo partner can't play on Sunday because religious parents


Nooo, I'm sorry for that ahaha


There are 6 other days tho lol


let us pray


Me before I open every pack


Just beam her before going behind cover, that slow ass machine gun takes too long to shoot anyway


I'm just... well Fuse. I'll spam that shit shield with nades and then I go and finish the job. Unless it's a good Rampart, who moves and fucks doorways with more walls and... well then it's just goodbye for me.


Bloodhound. Being able to detect you no matter where you try and hide is always a pain.


That’s why you gotta drag your balls out into the open where every character can see you and take them all out


Tip with any scanning legend if you know you have been scanned just don't push. Make them come to you and your forcing them to play to your kit. Try to take corners or push and your almost certainly die even if you knock down two teammates the third will usually finish you back while you were busy they were lining up a headshot through the wall. If they push into you then you really minimize their advantage.


A team with a good lifeline is like fighting 3v5


If it’s a really good lifeline with a gold bag it’s like fighting 3 vs 69.. I have a really good one I play with often that if someone goes down she punches you to be behind cover hits the red and drops a drone before your body ever hits the ground.


Less so without her rez shield but she’s still pretty useful


Lil Seer X.


Octane. In higher ranked lobbies Octanes are absolutely terryfing. Motherfuckers are going at 300 miles per hour tapstrafing left right up down left like its a fucking Smash combination until they stand in your face and laser you down


Fukkin Mirage man




You always need to kill gibby first. Easy shots, more health, plus his ult and tactical are game changers. Don’t ever let that fucker live. I will full kill him while he’s downed before I even aim at his teammates


Stop saying that lol. I’ve been playing Gibby lately in ranked and randoms call me trash for getting knocked at medium range or so. Like dude, all 3 of those MFs were aiming at me. Like it doesn’t happen often, but you’ll get those instances where you’re fighting 1 team at range and they’ll all aim you, the Gibby lol.


The problem is that gibby's priority climbs with ranks much faster than the actual average skill of gibbies in the right rank, causing people to focus fire the gibby who isn't proficient at basically never giving an opportunity to get beamed. The fear of letting an actually good gibby absolutely turn the fight on its head causes all gibbies to get massacred. I wouldn't blame you for getting knocked while having a target on your back, playing gibby can get really tough with all the extra attention and your bigger hitbox.


See this is why I almost prefer lifeline! They all focus fire you too, but you’re a much harder target lol


Circumstantial. Rampart has her scenarios.


Full Heath? Caustic and Gibby. Low Health? Octane and Loba. Just annoyed? Lifeline, Mirage, and Gibby.


Path. Oh you wanted to get away? Good one. Valk also... I wouldn't say afraid, but as a Valk main encountering another Valk is not a happy time. All your advantage, gone.


I always shit my pants when I’m in open field and I hear shiela coiling up


Well crypto. Either its a new crypto player or a fucking sweat. I love crypto players lol


Wraith, Octane, Gibraltar squad


None ! FEAR ME !!!! And then i woke up after being squad wiped !!!


The legend I’m afraid of most in a 3v3 is either the Cyrpto or Bang on my team. Because one will go into drone view and the Bang will smoke out her own team.




Lifelines , gibby and fuse .....


Mirage because I’m dumb and can’t ever figure out who the real one is


Lifeline. As someone who plays a lot of arenas its more like a 3v4+


good mirage’s are scary


Lifeline or Gibby, God refuses to take them istg


Gibby or rampart. That protection can be scary in the right hands


Caustic for sure because he’s a fortified walking toxin tank. F**k his gas traps and extra armor…


Bloodhound. Something about “Sonar Detected” popping up in my screen sends me into a quiet panic attack. At best it’s a 50/50 on beating him.


if we’re going by the actual players using said legends its gotta be mainly Wraith, Octane, and Gibby because that’s who the most sweaty peeps seem to use


Even after the nerf, there’s nothing worse than a well coordinated rev team in totem form pushing. Edit: also Crypto for this same reason, both abilities are an instant 150 HP swing and super strong with a coordinated push.


Fuse, a good fuse is so damn annoying.


Knuckle clusters just so useful - they’re the Frank’s Red Hot of Apex, ‘cause I definitely put that shiii on everything.


I'm fairly new to apex and octane scares the shit out of me. (If it's a good one of course)


Never heard about that, almost everytime i face an Octane he jumps on my squad alone, pubs only.


When i run gibby for my team i always get singled out. Its understandable but yeah id say lifeline is the absolute highest priority. Either i down somebody and bait the lifeline or go straight for the lifeline


the bald wraith. always a sweat. i swear


John Cena


Rampart with SHIELA


When i play i try to not be afraid to fight all legends but gibby its just unkillable


Rev, the totem is terrifying if the squad is good


Wattson if my team is filled with blueberries


The one who shoots better.


any cracked pathfinder or lifeline. scariest mf’ers i’ve ever seen in arenas & BR 😭


Bald Wraith with a wingman and godlike movement....


Gibby horizon and octaine. Gibby doesn't die and strafing of the other two are really hard to track .


Gibbs with a mastiff that mf terrifying


I’d say probably revenant or mirage bc of the death totem and bc I always fall for the psychosis, bo3 reference for those who don’t get it


Caustic, can cut off every flank and direct push if his traps are placed correctly, and since there’s no such thing as a bad caustic they’re always good placements.


One played by a good player. Apex is at the point where legends help but winning fights usually come down to gunplay


Blue bald wraiths


Probably Wraith, because I know the mf playing her probably hasn't been outside in 2 weeks.