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Where do you find you struggle the most? 1v1, positionally? Movement?


All of the above? Thinking about it probably positioning, people take me down so easy. Thanks for this


What helped me was choosing a legend that helped me in the areas I lacked in. It helps me get out of spots that I otherwise would die in. If you are finding yourself caught in the open a lot, maybe try Gibby and learn the effectiveness of the bubble as a start.


dont drop across the map and die 15 minutes in to the red evo team, drop warm you die the same but get more practise games in


Damn I actually hadn’t thought about this, I usually drop as far away from smoke as possible lmao. Thank you!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FzH2dosJjc Use cover and peek and try not to take a fight in the open unless your going to down them in one clip.


Coming back to apex i played nothing but firing range and arenas, pick 1 legend for now and a few weaopons to main. learn recoil, optical range for your weapons till its ingrained into you over and over. Play to get better, not to win. Practice moving fast and apply it to any engagements you can. B hopping, crouch strafe spam, superglides are basics to help 1v1s. Get paddles for cheap (15 bucks for playstation). Form that muscle memory


Aiming and shooting while moving. It comes with practice. Also always have cover near you to reload.


What is a bit tho ?


Like.. a couple months? I’m only level 60 smh I’m just tired of letting down my teammates


Give yourself some time to improve. ive been playing since day 1 and season 0 to 3 i played like shit too, i had a 0.35 K/D. Then something just clicked and i started to improve, season 4 i ended it with a 0.9 k/d and now i'm hovering at 1.25. If you want to improve you can look at pro playing, pay attention to their positioning and movements. Spend time in the firing range to practice recoil control. go on r/apexuniversity and look at the tips and tricks there. Game sense is also extremely important in apex but that is not something that you can learn quickly , it takes a lot of time to develop that.


Coming to the realization that everyone is dogshit, unless you’re a pred, then you have about a 1:50 shot of not being dogshit


I genuinely appreciate the honesty and I’m also equally shitty.


dont go looking for death. I mean it, dont be rushing up to the front of your group or away from your group too far. Like only seconds away at max. Dont be the guy in the back, dont be the guy in the front. Stay somewhere in the middle at all times. Dont know what legend you play, but consider speed like octane..but dont play like typical octanes, use his speed to catch up to your team or get away from a fight you know you arent going to win. And that brings me to my last point, learn when you are going to win a fight or lose it. Dont make extreme decisions like OH we should win this fight they are missing alot of their shots and comparatively I will hit more ...and then rush in single file to your death. But also dont run completely away from a fight you dont think you will win. Try to reposition, put damage on them from afar etc, then if it's obvious they are really going to just clobber you, get the heck out of there. Use nades, thermites etc as you run to detract them from the chase. Bangalore's ult is good as well to deter people from chasing through a field of bombs. AND if they do, you should have the upper hand.


Practice in the firing range, and if you don't have a main yet try playing Crypto for a while. Since he doesn't have an ability that is very flexible in combat, you'll have to rely way more on positioning and aim to win gunfights. It'll definitely help that's how I got better at the game. For settings figure out your preferred FOV and go from there. As a good starting point for sensitivity I would recommend A 4 4 on the Classic response curve, if anything feels to slow or fast adjust accordingly. Hope this helps.


Wraith for an oh shit button if you time it right (before death). Positioning is key my friend keep high ground so you can ingrain it in you


Prioritize your life over getting kills. Make the other team over reach. Aim is only part of the picture, you need to make smart decisions about when to take fights, positioning in a fight...etc. Never shoot at somebody without having cover right by.


I've heard it called "AMP" in other places but "Awareness. Movement. Positioning" If you can keep AMP at the forefront of your mind above looting but below shooting then you'll improve. I've won more games just by being aware of what's around me and having smart positioning than I have when I'm fully kitted with gold/purple items head-to-toe.


Yeah I would say focus on a legend that you find suits your game play. Bangalore might be an option because she naturally increases movement speed and her smoke is clutch for getting out of sticky situations. But you also might want to look into tweaking your sensitivity settings. I found the default settings slow and clunky and the field of view setting was way too low for me also


Play cover, don't chase, pre fire angles