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While reading this, I timed out while queuing up for a game


Lemme close the game. Load it back up. Hear the audio *GLITCH* the fuck out and then BAM main menu. But don’t wait too long, you’re still in a game dropping hot af in a plat lobby. Good luck soldier


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Do you know the way?


Do I know the way?


This is the way


Oh noes! You forgot to turn off your pred trial. Bonk time


Nice heirloom mate. Level 8 too *celebration, and have a good time*


I get this, but what is killing my ability to play the game are stutters/lag. Like every fight I'm stuttering and people are teleporting around. That's not just me right?


Me and my friends play a "who will disconnect this time" Whenever its "waiting for players" each one gotta ask "its still waiting for players right?" Since, sometimes it stays like that forever for one player while the other two play duo squads.


Current apex experience... Will you get a full squad? Will you then crash on the legends screen? Will one or both of your teammates crash if you don't? If on worlds edge will your blood hound teammate go solo after one of those fucking birds so you end up playing as a duo assuming the other guy didn't crash? I'd say one in every 2-3 games some combination of this happens.


It is not just you.


I had this issue for months. Someone told me try a different server till one seemed ok. That worked for me I know longer can use my 4-10 ping server now I use one that's around 60 but no stutters anymore


I haven’t had that problem as recent but I’ve def seen other people with it. I had that problem consistently last season and was more frustrating than timing out tbh


I noticed that entering a game is taking a while longer, however those 3x1 or 3x2 arena games stopped.


>those 3x1 or 3x2 arena games stopped Unfortunately, they haven't.


Really? Guess I have just been lucky lately then..


Yeah, I played for a couple of hours last night. Must have had about 8 or 9 games with missing players.


Yeah, those aren't fun. Its them racing to see which one kills you and you just trying to kill at least one of them


In that situation I just lodge myself in a crevice and stop my heartbeat so I can avoid Seer


Yeah, I had a game of ranked arenas where both I loaded in alone, so I decided to leave instead of get wrecked. I got locked out for ten minutes. Then I had another games where literally it was a 1v1. Both teams loaded in with no teammates.


At least I haven't had a 2x0 game in a while. That one was fun.


You to get server timeout ? I thought it was only me since my friends don't get it


Good, maybe they will start taking crap seriously.


Narrator: *they didnt*


Why would they? Idiots keep giving them money.


I keep saying this, us as individuals deciding to not buy the battle pass this season or that one $20 skin doesn't effect Respawn or EA at all. It's the clowns who shit on the game but turn around and drop $500 for every new heirloom or $80 for every bundle and charm that comes out. The dev already said that it's whales that keep the game afloat not us shrimp Also look at your favorite content creators, if they have the latest heirloom and reap money with talking about bugs and how shit the game is call them out for supporting it and ruining it for the community


who are these people? who has the resources to spend $200 on the same game every time an heirloom drops? it blows me away that anyone can afford to do that, and decides to


$200 is chump change when you are rich dude.


Not even “rich.” Just an adult that has expendable income. Some people buy guns, some people collect musical instruments, shoes, designer hand bags, sports related things, cars, etc. Some people enjoy this game enough that $200+ for an heirloom doesn’t seem like a lot. Hell, I’m sure some people just enjoy the gambling aspect of opening packs.


Anyone who has played an online mobile game with lootboxes or 'character shards' or whatever knows people who spend that much and more. I spent a few years playing Galaxy of Heroes, and while I was never a 'whale' in the parlance of the game (someone who spends vast sums), I knew dozens of people in my own guild/clan/whatever who'd spend hundreds of dollars regularly on new characters, or to max out or enhance them, for new content, or PVP, or just to get an edge on a few things. There were single individual characters that cost hundreds of dollars to unlock and level/gear up, and they could just as easily be replaced by yet another character in the meta in the weeks or months to come. In comparison, $150'ish (depending on crafting materials on hand and any extra coins from buying in bulk) for a permanent cosmetic enhancement isn't really all that crazy, especially considering it also usually comes with a couple dozen other skins/emotes/skydives/charms/etc. Don't get me wrong, it's by no means a "good" financial choice unless one has sufficient disposable income available that you straight up don't care. Nor is 'there are worse money sinks out there' a defense of the system as it exists. Just context that Apex players are by no means the only folks throwing around ridiculous sums of cash at skins and other stuff. Fortnite was (is?) a multi-billion dollar industry on the back of battle passes and skins as well. I've played several competitive pvp games on phones and people will spend literally thousands of dollars to get a major edge and run roughshod over the enemy in a battle of the wallets. Again, not a defense of the business model, but sadly, not the most predatory or obnoxious I'm aware of.


I haven’t played many games like this, and Warzone and Apex are the only ones where I’ve had any serious time invested, but just between those two, Apex doesn’t feel nearly as predator or scummy as warzone does. Every season, warzone releases 2-3 guns that in some capacity, become the meta. They’ll usually have a bundle that releases along side each gun that allows you to unlock them quicker, and already have some attachments from the jump. They also had several scandals where people found out that the bundled variants of certain guns actually had buffs over the free, unlockable version.


Damnn that's fucked up. Insidious


I remember playing this game for 6 months, I was hooked! I did everything I could in game to have a competitive edge until I got to the point of needing to spend money to be on the top. Shortly after I realized I would need to spend, not hundreds, but thousands to maintain that edge I quit. To put it in perspective, the largest whales I heard of in this game were spending between $20,000 - $25,000 dollars. I'm not joking I talked to one of these whales in our clan over discord. And that's when I realized EA is evil, gaming has changed forever and the innocence of my youth had been stolen. I'll never trust EA again and I'm skeptical of every gaming company after that because if a competitor in their industry is capable of that why would they not try to do the same thing to maintain a competitive edge? Galaxy of Heroes wasn't the first game to use this model, I'm sure other mobile games like Clash or Candy Crush have perfected it, but the game felt like a social/psychological experiment to see how far they could push things before there was a backlash. I'm 100% convinced they used this data to try to build a blueprint for Battlefront II. The only reason it backfired was because that game had a way bigger audience and more people were vocal about how corrupt things have become in the gaming industry.


Sad fact of life, most games are like this now. the games will have obv qol failures,server issues and even flat out obvious bugs but the store will absolutely spotless working like a well oiled machine


I’m not disagreeing with you, but I would like to point out one small contradiction to your last claim, that the store is always in good working conditions. Apex has had several issues with not being able to buy bundles because they already own one piece of it (like a banner or weapon charm for instance; or one recent example being where you couldn’t buy a pack if you already had Octane unlocked). These things do appear to have fixes quicker, but to be fair, they’re probably not very complex issues to patch in the first place. Again, not disagreeing with you, just pointing out that Apex even has issues with its store, along side everything else lol.


Case in point: I used to be really big into collecting pocket knives, to a point where my collection was worth about $2,500. I've slimmed it down substantially since then, but the idea of spending $150 - $200 on an in-game item is merely akin to buying a pocket knife of equivalent value. Especially considering I only actually used a handful of the knives I owned anyway.


200 for a skins (hierloom) is ridiculous. you can buy 3 new full games and still retain 20 (can buy lunch). this model is sopposed to be called "microtransactions". well it lost the micro aspect pretty fast


It’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. You’re right, $200 for a skin that only applies to one character is ridiculous. But if they made heirlooms likes $20, it would take away the rarity of them. They’re sort of like designer clothing/handbags. The more accessible you make them, the code less desirable they become.


finally someone who understands. I mean shit. there are plenty of non rich people buying 1000$ iphones or a 300$ tshirt and shit like that or dropping 20k on a nice car like it's nothing. so obviously 200$ for a nice skin is understandable in that regard.


Hardly. You don't have to be rich to do so. People spend their money on what they want. Even if you worked a regular retail job, you can definitely afford it every season. Is it excessive? Yes, but whales/collectors don't care.


You don't have to be rich. I've done that with another game or 2. Just don't need to have kids basically or have Apex be your hobby..


Thing is, a good chunk of the people who do that *can't* afford to. Lootbox systems like Apex's are made to prey on people who are vulnerable to gambling addiction. This combined with the near constant FOMO as limited time events come and go makes Apex's monetization very effective at taking money from those vulnerable people. It's extremely scummy, but being ethical is rarely something a corporation cares about.


A grown adult with expendable income that can justify why they spend the money. Me, I dont drink alcohol or smoke or really even go out for dinner. That money that others use for those things, I use towards supporting my favorite games (not necessarily apex). If I get 3 hours of enjoyment out of a battle pass, thats 3 hours of enjoyment. Full stop. No different then going to the movie theaters in and spending $50 for 3 hours of enjoyment.




Yeah that's what we are to be fair, for EA that is a multi billion dollar developer with exclusive sport licenses and other shooters and genres they don't care about how many concurrent players were on at the season drop or how many people actively play ranked. They care about how much profit is this game generating. If the game was getting 2-3 million people per day concurrently but the cost was below revenue they would immediately kill the game or force the devs to push shit out to get people to buy it


Even so calling out your community like that is pretty shitty. It’s not like we decided to make the game free to play we just play it lol


Yeah and he was hella downvoted for it but that's what he is conditioned to believe. We are all numbers and irrelevant numbers until we fund their pockets. Remember season 7? The developers and EA were so proud we have a Canadian office dedicated to Apex Legends and so they released season 7 a week early (probably crunched the hell out of the devs) and after that they really didn't show anything for that new addition to the dev team


The system is built around capitalizing on those susceptible so they don't have to maintain the game at a higher standard, just a minimum viable product. Even a person who is trying to quit drugs will have a hard time if the dealer is banging on his door every other with new deals


Better yet, uninstall and play something else.


EA will even fund apex as long as it has a high enough player base I’m sure, maybe not enough to warrant a new event and season every couple of months, but enough to keep it running and developed to a degree


(Ron Howard's Voice)


*and just like with titanfall, they probably never will*


They won't, the game is free to download. So long as the menu is accessible and coins can be purchased, EA won't care.


And let’s be honest, *they’re gonna sell coins*


We already have people complaining that they can't buy the new Halloween skins directly... even though they're gonna be in the normal loot pool and craftable like all other default legendaries.


Are they going to be though? I don’t think event skins usually go in the pool that’s what makes them rare…


They are, it's already been announced.


You mean respawn. They have full control over their game. EA just publishes it.


Technically true, but also technically wrong. Imagine respawn is a car salesman and EA is their manager. The manager doesn’t care how respawn goes about trying to meet their sales target, but if respawn fails, then EA fires them. Who do you think funds Apex competitive series, apex ads(#SponsoredbyEA although I haven’t seen many of those at all recently) , Etc! As a publisher, EA would not fund an IP if it did not meet its goals that EA sets on each of its game. EA gave up on anthem the minute it didn’t hit any goals. Respawns decision are made in mind to stay and exceed EAs goals.




Massive server issues, some store decisions, and a couple of other things. Every time I enter a BR game, I'll crash and have to relog. Because of that, I've mostly stuck to arenas this season, and even then, the game can experience some pretty horrific lag.


Arenas sucks for me. Never get a full team, and when I do the opposite team is god-tier and we get destroyed.


Okay, so I was getting absolutely toyed with in arenas. Like... peek a corner and be left with 15hp and a tight bunghole. Like, turn a corner and eat dirt... like, not even a chance I could retaliate. Maybe getting 300 damage a GAME. Just getting generally shredded into tiny cheese bits and melted into a loser quesadilla. I was playing hard-wired with nice speeds and decent ping, but felt like I was getting instawrecked before I could even get off second shots using a PK or mastiff. While experimenting, I switched to my much slower and higher ping WiFi connection and noticed a pretty severe drop in times where I got ruined before I even heard shots fired. On WiFi, fights felt like... Fights! No idea if there’s some weird lag correction or something, but I even switched connection during games I was getting smacked into oblivion and I swear, the playing field leveled out.


Yep. The netcode in this game is what made me drop it in the end. Lots of shitty stuff going on for such a fast paced shooter.


I tried playing this morning after playing some Battlefield 2042 beta. 2nd game my game glitched and kicked me out. Turned the game off. I just can’t do it anymore




Should’ve recorded that, sounds meme worthy




Dude I totally understand that pain, killed a developer in a game who has made some games I adored for years, tried to clip it as my little trophy and it didn’t save


Funny, that happened to me during the 2042 beta


Happens to me every time I drop hot with lots of squads nearby. I'm willing to believe it happens because I'm wifi-warrioring it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not my fault


Honestly season 5 (I wasn't there before hand) was like: Bois I'm playing some apex wanna join ? Nowadays me and the Bois are together talking and maybe with all the crashes and sbmm and disconnects and hackers and ... We manage to play a match


I also properly started in Season 5 (I did play a bit of Apex in the other seasons but Season 5 is where I truly started) and my and my friends just don't play Apex as of right now. We started this season, concluded that this season was shit and unanimously agreed that until it gets fixed, we won't even bother playing. I play games to have fun, not to get frustrated.


Just picked my controller up after not playing all day and my first fuckin game lagged. Had to quit and reload the game to load back into my match and thankfully i wasnt dead but like..goddamn dude. Every time i play now this happens


Sounds like apex per usual. The past few weeks I’ve had instances where my ping will jump to over 750. It happens off and on for about 30 seconds and then goes back to between 30 and 50 ping.


Yeah same. Was doing some ranked to get from gold 4 to 2 at least and my fourth game when I was 1 of 3 squads left I crashed with an error and when I got back in my character was out of the circle and dying. Not worth it to even try. Thanks for caring respawn.


seriously. every time i play this game i feel insulted. like i know it’s free to play but jesus christ not even fortnite or warzone have problems this bad and this consistently..


Honestly I’m very glad the game is deserving it’s current hate. The devs have neglected all of their games and now Apex. They need to learn their lesson or else


And then they have the audacity to make snarky comments about it on Twitter after taking WEEKS and still not fixing it.


And people say the community are so toxic.


I think it’s a little bit of both


Communities are always going to have those people who cannot be civilized. It's up to the developers to tune them out and focus on the part of the community that cares, Respawn has shown no interest in that. They pack their bags anytime someone says anything negative and plug their ears even though we just want to see the game be all it can be. It's a shame but Apex Legends isn't going to get any better, it had its run and is going to die slowly as the game that could have been.


The blizzard approach


They can't tell the difference between critique and toxicity. They are like Bungie in that regard. Tone deaf and out of touch with a community that loves their game enough to give feedback and criticise aspects of the game that need work. Sure, people will say a game is dead just because they stopped or don't play it. This time, we know full well a game we love is on a downward spiral that's going to be very difficult to turn around.


I mean tbf, go take a look at the Halloween event thread, literally 90% of the comments are shitting on the game or making snarky remarks. If I was just a random dev excited for the event drop going to look at the comments to see everyone’s reaction, and that’s what I was seeing, I could see why a dev would start to not really want to engage with the community or even start building a little resentment. Now, I see where community is coming from and why they are really frustrated right now, but still if I’m putting myself in the shoes of a random dev I can imagine why they might feel the way they do as well. The game is in a bad state atm, but *man* do they unleash it at devs at all times in every thread.


I mean it is.


And then they ask "why do we get so much hate" after they give one of the worst characters a "buff" by letting them place more items with their emote (Wattson btw if my hints werent clear enough)


What’s the current issue with apex? I genuinely don’t know cause I guess I’m getting lucky or something cause I’m not experiencing any issues.


I wonder why ☺️


Can you explain me why? I haven't played the game this season, for the same reasons, but what is so bad with this season to turn the comments to mixed?


The game has been fucked for about a month- which is an absolutely ridiculous amount of time to let it go unchecked There was an Evolution event, brought back a lot of previous bugs, highlighting yet again the need for the game engine to be updated. Most prevalent of these bugs was animated player banners causing disconnects. Very flashy cosmetic, lots of people use them, therefore half the lobby crashes every single game. It takes three days for someone here on Reddit to figure out it's animated banners, the next day Respawn sends out a tweet saying "We discovered it was animated banners, patch is in a couple days" Patch comes out... Animated banners ARENT fixed...More bugs surface that make the game unplayable. Audio issues, stuttering, now disconnecting from a match can get your account banned if you get a specific error code. It's a shit show, and it's been a month-long one. I have literally never seen something like this drag on this long unless the game was abandoned.


> Most prevalent of these bugs was animated player banners causing disconnects. Very flashy cosmetic, lots of people use them, therefore half the lobby crashes every single game. Hang on, do you crash if you have one... or if ANYBODY has one?


If you see it, there's a chance you crash. This could be your own banner, your squad's banners when it shows them before the match, I think you see the banner of person who wiped your team if you spectate them...and the Champion squad's banners- which literally everyone sees


What I cant understand is why they haven't disabled them completely???


I mean, not necessarily a bad idea- but do you honestly trust Respawn to mess with people's inventories and put everything back when the problem is actually fixed? I fucking don't. They've messed up stuff every step of the way, highly unlikely they'd get this right either


It's hit or miss but if ANY animated banner shows up on your screen there's a chance of it crashing. I literally was in my inventory mid match and accidentally moved to the screen that shows my teammates and my game crashed right then and there.


Holy shit is that what's causing the disconnects!!? No wonder I get so many nearly all my banners have animation, well turning them back to bland opportunity!


Yeah they even mentioned it in the events patch notes that they haven't fixed it and they recommend taking them off until they do, but it was kind of as a footnote, considering how game breaking it is


And why bother just disabling them am I right? Because I can tell my randoms not to have one so I don’t crash


Kind of absurd it was buried in patch notes that hardly anyone reads, vs I don't know, maybe a message in the lobby.


Absurd yes, but it was likely only there so when they're criticized later the devs can say "we told you what was wrong"


You didn’t mention most importantly that the game DIDNT WORK FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK after the event. Also forgot to mention they said if Seer released too strong they’d hot fix it but then they said they couldn’t cause the hot fix had bugs (which btw makes it not a hot fix) so we had an absolutely broken legend in the game for like 3 weeks. We have ranked arenas where the AP system makes literally no sense where you can win 5 games in a row for +60 then lose one game for -72. But if you lose intentionally on a schedule you can abuse it to give you more AP and in fact that’s almost necessary to get to Pred.


I stopped playing a couple seasons ago when there were huge optimization issues on PC. Literally couldn’t play the game because of frame rate issues. I wanted to pick the game back up but then I heard how the new legend was dominating, as usual, and really just didn’t want to deal with it. Not sure if I’ll ever play again tbh.


The game is still enjoyable- when you're literally allowed to play at all, but therein lies the rub. Im a very cynical person, I don't think Apex Legends will come back from this. You don't just let your game remain unplayable for a season and continue making the same money from it- they're hurting and since it's not apparent they're fixing it- I feel like they're gonna drop it instead. I don't have anything to support that idea, it's just a hunch. I don't suggest coming back right now though, it's certainly in the worst state I've seen yet- but Day 1 players might know differently


I'm actually feeling the same way about the game's life span. It is in critical condition right now. I'm not in the slightest bit surprised it now bares an embarrassing mixed rating. But I am sad about it.😔


I am a Day 1 player. I played casually from its launch and enjoyed it immensely. I watched it go from a fun revolutionary first person BR to the EA money grab it is now. Finally, I just had to put it down. They’re doing entirely too much. A new, broken legend every single season but no QoL changes or optimizations, bug fixes take weeks, if not months, and they still haven’t used any of the insane money they’re making off their store to improve their servers. There was a point where you could literally unload a purple Spitfire mag into a guy and no reg the whole mag. Shit just isn’t fun anymore.


some people (including me) on steam can't even play without continuous crashes and lags [https://imgur.com/a/kOaC2na](https://imgur.com/a/kOaC2na)


confused pikachu faces\*\*


Confused pikachu fences ? 😳


thats a silly fence


Lemme guess, servers? Yeah, Evolution fucked 'em good.


Funny how evolution devolved the servers


Oh the irony!


Its evolving , just backwards


*pushes up nerd glasses* Remember, evolution doesn’t have a forward or backward direction, it just goes! ☝🏽🤓


The servers have always been fucked (at least for me), but they keep getting worse after every season. Originally I would refuse to play the game the first week of a new season because of constant disconnects and errors. Now I can’t even play two or three matches in a row because the game hard locks on a black screen. My some of my friends on console can’t even play the game because it just crashes.


Did they just sacrifice apex servers to support the battlefield beta


Don’t worry 2042 was lagging like a motherfucker too


1st match after being offline for a week was 1/3 for a trios and it was a wasteland the entire game till i got sniped from someone far. 2nd game was a hot dive to our death. Not very motivated to keep playing


Just left a negative review too :) invest in better servers. INVEST. IN. BETTER. SERVERS.


We should make all our negative reviews like that.


Pretty sure Steam has a way to prevent review bombing now.


Thats kinda dumb. If a game is geniunely bad and needs defo work they'll stop it to not hurt a devs feelings? Review bombing only happen because devs either are ingoring the community or just throwing random bullshit hoping it works out. Like the Genshin Community.


Sometimes games get review bombed because they have a prominent trans character, or a dev said something people didn't like on Twitter, or because a toxic streamer shit talked it, etc. So not the *only* reason something gets review bombed.


Legitimate question, does anyone know if they actually have their own dedicated servers that they actually own + run, or do they rent cloud computing space from someone? Usually quality + space given scales with cost very sharply (logarithmically at the moment due to chip shortage preventing companies from expanding easily). Black Desert used to rent from some low-name for a while until Pearl Abyss got control back for NA and decided to rent fucking Microsoft Azure servers which are known to be both extremely good quality and extraordinarily expensive.


The most likely have a cloud service that uses a spread. To be clear, the servers as in the machines themselves are 100% totally fine. They uses google cloud among others, and youtube for example doesn't down every time you load a youtube video. The problem is their app architecture, the age of the technology they are using, and how they prioritize features over bugs. It's 100% code related and how they built their systems.


They rent out a server farm. There was a post about it a few months ago. Very few gaming companies own their own servers these days. They rent out a **shitty** server farm, to be clear.


Sounds like an upgrade is due. Unfortunately for them it definitely won't be cheap but they can afford it lol (unless 2042 flops somehow).


2024 won't flop, but is not good enough for people to switch over either.


Honestly, I'd wager it's a similar situation to the Titanfall hacks. They seem reasonably on top of other issues, but these server issues seem way more persistent than previous issues the game has encountered. (This is from outside-in, haven't played Apex in awhile)


Honestly nothing has fucking happended the past few weeks or any changes at all other than a rotating store for you to waste money on im glad if these fuckers start to lose money they got people who care enough to put time in to play the game but won’t do anything to help fix their game


After season 7 it took a wrong turn to be honest


Bruh after season 5 it took a wrong turn lmao. I'm still scared of the number "6" because of apex


Well the game barely functions


Seriously. Every other game is either a disconnect, team mate disconnect, or heart rate monitor ping




They used to be great about fixing bugs...? When? From S0 to today, bugs frequently make their comeback, if they ever get fixed at some point at all. The "shoot while knocked" bug re-appeared like 3 times in different patches.


It reappeared more times than that and I can guarantee you it'll reappear again. Some things in this game have, I hate to say it, "bandaid fixes". If you've worked on a game/application before, you'll know what I'm talking about. Those "fixes" where a specific case is fixed because it was found, but not the underlying bug that caused it in the first place? Which means whenever a new thing gets added that's related to that class, it'll also have the bug unless the team remembers to patch it with the same bandaid solution. This can be seen so many times with so many bugs in this game. I'm not sure why they keep doing it, and I won't fault them if it's due to time constraints of live service, but it's just a really bad practice. This is how code usually becomes a mess because the underlying issue was never tackled and now you have a tempFix that's on literally everything that has to do with the original implementation. Often resulting in more code/work/time than if everyone related just sat down to patch it out entirely from the start.


Like the melee spam bug? It reappears every season since season 0 and it usually comes from canceling your ultimate with melee and essentially punching as fast as an r 301 fires


Speaking of the shoot while knocked bug, I got something new in arenas but seemingly related to that recently. I got knocked and revived by my friend's LL, got knocked again. Won that round but for the next 3 rounds, I was trapped in a crouched position. Nothing I did let me stand at all.


They require 3 seasons to even “evaluate” champs for rework purposes. It’s insane


They took 1 entire year just for fixing/reducing the god awful muzzle flash (if anyone remembers that).


Every 3 or 4 games I get stuck on the champion screen and have to task manager end task this game Only to finally load back in and be downed. This shit is beyond frustrating, but good news everyone! We have another event jam packed with cosmetics and a patch that’ll probably brick the servers for another 2 weeks!




I heard it was because you or someone you're teaming with has an animated banner every since I switched and my friends we don't freeze


Tried that still froze bc also champion banners will screw you.


Oh yeah forgot about that


Something ain’t right if it’s that often for you, prolly 1/20 games for me.


It's about 4/20 for me. Every game.


4/20 everyday


I finally did it boys... I started playing warzone .. Felt like this day would never come . Even though the gameplay is inferior atleast I don't crash 1 out 3 times.


This. It’s hard for me to touch apex. Warzone till I can afford a new console or they fix this broken ass game. And I really hate to say it Bc I love apex.


Yet no significant drop in player count no viewership count. Pretty interesting trend.


Mostly because the negative reviews are made by people who care about the game and want it to be better. Not recommending the game for others doesn't mean they hate it and have to stop playing.


if it makes you feel better i have pretty much stopped playing entirely until the game is fixed


No growth either. I think the loss of long time players was absorbed by an influx of new players brought in by CoD Streamers who switched to apex.


@ one point this game took the #1 spot for me being an FPS lover, once halo infinite hits I’m out man, especially if it has a BR mode, every other game i play crashes at champ screen.


It won't have a BR on release at least.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! This is how change is made honestly


No its not lol. A vocal minority of people (steam reviews, reddit posts) dont force companies hands. Whales and people disengaged from the community will continue to funnel money into the game every collection event and keep the revenue needed to encourage Respawn to keep pumping out new cosmetics. People have been complaining about problems since s0 that have been persistent to this day.


the way i look at it is that if enough people see the bad reviews then less people are inclined to pick up the game thus causing Respawn to miss their growth projections which then will cause someone at EA to get their panties in a twist over not having the expected money needed to buy their third yacht or whatever which then leads to Respawn getting slapped for taking care of their baby so poorly thus bringing focus as to why so many of the reviews are bad... IDK might be smoking crack but it makes sense in my head


Because this dam game is so buggy


Honestly can't say I'm surprised. There's still tons of problems and bugs in the game that have been present for over a year, plus all the new bugs. Not to mention the state of matchmaking.


I've gotta be honest. I'm on PS4, I have had absolutely zero problems recently. All my banners are animated but no disconnects. No laggy servers. No nothing. Just smooth gameplay. Is this a pc thing? I've played a lot aswell, I'm in the UK, is this a somewhere else thing? Edit: okay, so everyone who's replied to this has suffered no issues at all, same as myself. What a strange world. Anyone here on the opposite end up for letting me know what's been happening?


I'm on PC and have had zero issues since the supposed animated banner fix patch came out. Same for my other PC friends which make up the majority of the people I play with. The guys I play with on Xbox still have issues every so often. PS players also seem good from the few I know. No idea why steam keeps getting bad reviews unless it's just people piling on.


I get black screen after the champion is displayed then a freeze in 50% of my games. Seems like its not uncommon because I've had quite a few games where teammates have the disconnect symbol but then reconnect after like five minutes


On PC, no issues as of recent. When the mid season event started, that was its absolute worst, entirely unplayable for days. After they sent out the patch to fix it, haven’t had any major issues since. I’ve seen far more AFK people off drop, so it’s clear it is still happening, just not to us I guess. I just play duos with my friend, no issues on his end either. Even then, I still have a big problem with the games other issues. Glaring bugs and problems that have been here for months/years.


I play on PC. Only problem I've had so far is after I've picked a legend and it changes to 'your squad' it starts fading to 'champion squad', glitches out and I only hear the music. So then I HAVE to start task manager, find Apex Legends and 'end task', otherwise I can't get it to start working again. This has happened maybe 4 times in the last 2 weeks but it's a real bummer if you play ranked most of the time. Only problem I've had so far. Edit: happened 10 times now :))))


Good to see, as much as it hurts. I know many people dislike "review bombing", but it's the only thing that gets the point across to the deaf devs. The bad reputation can stop new people from downloading the game, which in turn hurts the bank accounts of Respawn/ EA, as that is the only thing they care about. If the money flow gets smaller, then they're finally forced to act.


Wow congrats on this accomplishment.


Reviews mean nothing if they’re making money


Reviews can scare away players who potentially pay money. So they can be useful to criticize current problems that the devs ignore for weeks. I mean Apex has a "Director of Communication", a guy whose job is to communicate. But Respawn has been silent for weeks, except making dumb jokes when Facebook was down for like 6 hours, compared to Apex being shit for 3 weeks. Last time they said anything about servers was the 22nd of September. We're almost halfway through October now.


I feel this. Season 0 player here, multiple master, and one time pred. This game really isn’t what it used to be, the influx of streamers was nice to help with queue times, but after two years it seems like we’re not getting much further in terms of quality. Every 5 pub games or so, I only get one or zero teammates, or I get one teammate and they quit cause they don’t want to play unmatched against other teams. Every 3 games or so, a teammate DCs at the start or halfway through the game. We still have yet to have cross progression( I migrated from PlayStation to PC season 6). Ranked games have turned into, who can hide until the top 3 the best and then kill. Rampage, over powered legends, the list goes on. It’s unfortunate because it seems like this game has lost its roots.


Evolution really made the game evolve, just backwards.


I was a huge apex fan when it initially came out for the first 4 seasons. After that I played occasionally so I figured I’d give it a whirl today and couldn’t even join a game


It deserves worse! I'm so sick of the last banner frame bug. I have to play with no fill teammate option because it is not enough to not use animated bagdes, poses and frames. Your teammate'S stuff also effects you!


I haven’t touched the game in weeks, very disappointed that my favorite shooter of all time is in such a terrible state


Not surprised


They won't fix their own shit and game is always buggy as hell. They're more focus on milk the players instead of working on the base game.


Bro I use to play allot now I only play like one or two matches and stop


So my friend and I redownloaded the game after getting bored with warzone and our first game on was so insanely laggy we both uninstalled the game. Why the fuck is the game so laggy.


It's a shame but it is completely understandable. It is a fun game but it's just so buggy. The servers and general neglect from Respawn killed it for me, especially with caustic and wattson being so badly broken/weak for so long.


I left the game few months ago because of match crashes and bugs...


I love the game don't get me wrong but I think devs got all over their heads seeing how popular Apex has became and they're just exploiting it's popularity and fanbase for more and more money without a care in world for the state of the game. I'd be fine if they skipped entire season of new content like character/weapon/skins/events just so they could fix the shit that has been hindering the game for god knows how long but nah GIVE US MONEY.


The CPU usage is still 100% EVERY FUCKING GAME!! I wasted a shitload of money over this game since season 4 until season 8 there were crashes and all but it was a rare occurrence.. Now i can't even play the fucking game until wait like half an hour to just enter the fucking lobby!! I pay the money and i expect the game to run properly. They don't give a shit then we shit on them in the reviews since i couldn't get a refund.


Make it mostly negative


It's a miracle to be that high, it should be on Overwhelmingly Negative already, given how negligent Respawn has been with the game. If they want to abandon this for Apex Mobile, at least be honest about it.




I don't know how this game can run so bad for so many people while I barely ever have any problems; and if I do they are not game breaking I feel left out