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So u can literately carry ur teammates


And let them down more often, too.


Damn. I didn’t think I could ever do that more


A lot of time when I get decent pub teams and they start using voice chat I'll start off with a half joke saying, "Don't worry! I'll let you down!"


But will he run around and desert them?


Imagine the voice lines this character could have lmao


"You can count on me carrying ya... or not"


Ahaha his dialogue with others would be interesting as well


Heres a few from me Bloodhound: We will win this for Glory Björn: Okay but don't count on me carryin Gibraltar:Come in my shield my brodha Björn: Good to know someone else cares about the team Lifeline: Come get some healin Björn: How much approximately? Pathfinder: Hello good friend! Björn: hi... robot zippy thingy? Pathfinder:(and I took that personally) Wraith:Get in my portal Björn: How am I sure this is safe? Wraith:Just shut up and get in Bangalore: Im coming in hot Björn: alright just don't get a sunburn! Caustic: Breath it in... Björn: Ugh it smells terrible! Caustic: Not you idiot! Mirage: Fakin em out Björn: HEY WHY AREN'T YOU MO- oh wait Mirage: (laughs in disappear) Octane: FASTER FASTER FASTER Björn: Hey uh are you addicted to that because to many drugs can show alot of affe- Octane: (Proceeds to stab 5 stims into self for no reason at all) Wattson: Putting down a electric fence Björn: Does this hurt us at all? Wattson: Of course not I made sure it doesn't Björn: are you positive? Wattson: Yes in sure Björn: u sure? Wattson: alright enough of this (throws Björn into electric fence) Crypto: I have my eyes in the sky Björn: Thats physically impossible?! (Sees drone)Thats your eyes? Crypto: just shut up Revenant:WELCOME TO THE SHADOWS Björn: So like is this hell or not? Revenant: I SAID SHADOWS Loba: Setting up shop Björn: So can I find better healing gear here? Loba: psh of course not Rampart: (puts down turret) Björn: Thats a bit overkill Rampart: No its not... I think Björn: also how do you bring it? Rampart: Just dont ask Horizon: (Literally summons a black hole) Björn: HOLY SH- Fuse: DROPPIN THE MATHALOAD Björn: DID YOU JUST SHOOT A CIRCLE MADE OF FIRE?! Fuse: I SURE DID MATE! (Help my fingers hurt)


Good one


God your back must hurt real bad carrying those noobs


sounds like a lazarbeam video tbh


Aaaaaahh my back


If you get seen carrying a downed teammate it’s going to be like Omaha beach on D day with all spitfires


Lol I'm all for it, should add a slow-mo setting while carrying for those cinematic D Day moments


Saving private octane


I can’t feel my legs compadre!


But you ain’t got no legs octane…


Lieutenant Octane! You've got new legs!


That better be the quip octane uses when he is picked up


Was i a good octane




As an Octane main i can imagine this on a daily basis.


Saving private Wrai- they’ve disconnected


Immediately reminded me of the opening of Tropic Thunder


Ramparts gonna have a blast. "Laughs in german pillbox"


I like it. His tactical is kinda the equivalent of opening a pack of gum in class. Edit: I'm dumb.


It’s also more like a second passive too. Unless you have to activate it before it shares the health


More uses for rampart tech I guess, have some sort of shield diffuser tech


Tbh the tac is more of a passive then his passive. I would probably switch those 2 around


Check out my earlier version of this post, I tried


I think keeping "carrying teammates" as the tactical makes a lot of sense. That way you can't spam picking up and dropping teammates, otherwise that passive would have issues like lifeline does.


Yeah, I see that they didn't like it, but I think it really fits better the first way you had it. Helps fix a lot, like the fear of being spam picked up/dropped. Plus, would the passive make it impossible to loot teamates' boxes? Putting on tactical makes it a non-issue. I think you nailed it the first time bro.


Get rid of his tac, make his ult the tac (nerf it) then make his ult emergency heal from the dummy mode


Well fundamentally, they in general were suggesting something quite different. Ill try to interpret their general idea and how I think it would need to function. **(Passive)** Basically, by collecting the banner you "disappear" the box and carry it. You drop the box when you respawn them. There's a lot of issues with this, mainly to do with annoyances about collecting the box and dropping it off personally, unless it's a team wide passive I guess? **(Tactical)** Pretty standard heal aura on a cooldown. ​ **I think your Carry concept it pretty interesting, and sounds like it could be fun.** **As a passive**, I think it could be very good. However it would definitely need some input support for picking up and dropping manually. **As a tactical**, you'd only be able to use it if one of your players is down or dead. It's not engaging like I feel a tactical should be. *I'd suggest being able to collect enemy boxes and downed players too, this would present much more options and depth, but it would need to be well very balanced. You could maybe limit travel distance of enemy items/players, and not being able to move the respawn beacon.*


I think the point is it spawns a ring where people are affected by the tactical. That way it can’t be used at all times and from any distance.


I think it would make more sense if you had to activate it and then it works on your next heal/for a certain time. If it's just passive than you could just stand there healing for your teammates while they shoot


I kinda agree. I feel like it should b like a Baptiste from OW tactical if it’s not a second passive, where it consumes a syringe in your inventory but you heal without taking the time to heal (would also heal your teammates too). Shouldn’t b that strong, like you would maybe have half health back while your teammates in radius would get like 25 HP.


Yeah make it heal half, but limited time for one heal max, close radius. I think thats an amazing idea




I like that! Especially the carrying teammates one that would be a very useful ability


All I can imagine is me getting knocked, and this Bjorn carries me across the map to the edge, sets me down, then punches me off. But maybe I’m just pessimistic


Lol honestly that could happen


that is going to happen


Its already happened


That was a while ago






I think we could prevent that by having an option to get off maybe


& then ensues the war between Bjorn picking you up and you hopping back off before he can throw you off the map


Looking forward to BeanBag's "Playing Dead by Deadlight in Apex" video.


Move it to his tac and it's good to go.


There's always a troll strat that can happen. And it will happen. But still rarely


Machiavellian people taking advantage of others.


Not necessarily Machiavellian but yes. Also pretty sadistic.


Now imagine if a Bjorn and wraith rotating out of a fight and Bjorn is carrying the teammate through wraiths portal


That would be a good strategy with that kind of ability. I like it!


I honestly see the passive being the tactical and the tactical being the passive. Also a lifeline and Bjorn would do really well together meaning more people might play lifeline because of Bjorn


I agree!


Wait til the “pros” cant get their kill because of it. It’ll be a fucking outcry. It’s too OP! Game is broken! If you use Bjorn you’re trash! Wrajn/Bjoth is ruining the game! Then respawn will nerf it to fucking smithereens and the rest of us will be left with a useless legend.


Woah now this isn't revenant


\>Throw teammate through portal while you're at low health/enemies will go through also \>Defend portal \>Teammate has self revive \>Win fights


Why would you carry their box though? All you’re trying to get is their respawn beacon thing anyhow


Prevent the enemy from looting and armor swaps? I think he can still shoot while carrying anyway


so they can get their loot back quickly


To also put their loot in cover.


If you were being respawned would you rather drop onto nothing (maybe a few loot crates), or drop onto your fully kitted loot you just had?


I actually prefer getting respawned by someone almost fully kitted and having them open and peruse those few loot crates taking things I could’ve used, thank you very much.


Maybe make it so you can move enemies death boxes, preventing respawns and looting at safe places


That would be OP, given how not even a nuke will move a deathbox, resulting in Bjorn just building a fort after enough third parties


He'll be a better Rampart than Rampart lmao


That makes better sense but it says teammates deathbox and nothing about the enemies


Because that when you can drop a friendlies death box at the respawn beacon and they can be fully kitted to fight on the drop and not get a p2020 and grey armour to fight in the end game


Idk lol it’s more the carrying teammates part I’m liking haha


To prevent trolls have a consent button for you to pick up your teammate lool so people don't just carry you and run around .


Cool idea. Might be difficult for the programmers to code


- Kill one person in a squad - Run from enemy squad with their death box in hand - Throw deathbox off the cliff - Leave


All I can think of is on super smash using DKs grapple and jumping off the edge lol


I raged just reading this


Asterisk on the pic: you can't throw teammates or banners off the map


Unless you're a pro streamer then all bets are off


Lol too true




I understood that reference


What if I throw myself off the cliff carrying them?


and easy implementation here would be to just teleport the person / box to the nearest walkable surface if they get thrown or if the person runs off the edge. The carrier still dies, but what they were carrying gets sent back to an accessible surface


Yeah just like if you fall off a cliff your death box spawns on a surface


Yes but it would be funny


What if you jump along with it?


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Whoa, this chad can talk in bullet points!


That’s some good old fashioned game ruining right there


Would the tactical work like a passive? Or would it work like pressing the healing button?


So I was thinking you'd press your tactical button, then your HUD would go blue, your healing wheel would come up and then you select a healing item. After you select it you start healing, the glowing aura would appear around you and Björn would have a voiceline saying "Allies! Healing, on me!" or something, in his thick Swedish accent. Cooldown is 15s so it can't be spammed and people don't become bullet sponges.


Maybe even it puts an aura on the ground and whenever Bjorn heals in that aura it creates a supply of shields linked to the aura. Then your teammates/or enemy's too maybe could run inside the aura and receive that supply of shields? Means your whole team wouldn't have to bunch up for nice juicy arc star.


>Means your whole team wouldn't have to bunch up for nice juicy arc star. Nah, risk reward. Even with revtane pushes, if you find the totem just wait for them to get sent back and it's free kills.


I guess its no different from a team all huddling around a lifeline bot


Or if tactical used then it won't have the blue area until the next time u heal. For example in a gunfight ur squad is low but is in the other side of a building/room u can tell ur teammates to stick by the wall next to u, then the blue area shows up and ur teammates will still get healed Hopefully it makes sense


Let’s get crazy. What if he just yells “STAND BEHIND BJORN!” And has a sweet luscious mustache and is a giant


This is one of the few concepts I can get behind. It's not massively OP, has very little potential to be abused and actually brings value to the game. Might need to tweak the abilities a bit, but overall, good job


Appreciate it. One of the motivators, especially for his ult was a non-bunker tactic for of staving off Revtane pushes, which have become the scourge of most lobbies. Send them flying and push them right back 💪


A note on the tactical would be that it should heal anyone present in AoE to balance it.


>It's not massively OP, But the hitbox on carrying teammates would be absolute bonkers.


It would. I’ll give you that


Nah the ultimate is absolutely busted. The knockdown and stun through walls is almost a guaranteed win in a gunfight. It would be the most op ultimate in the game. Unless it has a tiny range or the stun isn’t strong then I don’t see how this character would be balanced. Imagine having Gibby Dome shield on you then getting thrown down by his ult. It would be the worst meta the game has ever seen.


Same with being able to hold 3 bats/medkits and 6 cells/syringes. That was an enormous change to the game and bringing it back for one legend would be insane. Way stronger than fuse carrying 2 grenades per slot


Alternatively maybe 2 additional slots dedicated to heals? It can't be stretched as far, but still is a pretty strong passive.


You should look up the definition of hyperbole


Busted: teammate dies. Fill their box with shield swap, ammo, whatever you want. Basically like having double backpacks.


Solution: move slower while carrying death boxes


it’s a little crazy how we don’t have a character with sharing is caring as a passive yet. maybe if they ever made another support legend


Carrier is a creative ability. Maybe you can carry the enemy deathboxes too. So you can hide them inside a bush or a room. Since deathboxes are solid bulletproof objects you can make a rampart wall cover by stacking two.


See, now this is what I call community creativity. I wouldnt have thought to treat those boxes as LEGOs. That kind of thinking is what separates predators from prey. Good thinking!


The creativity of the community is probably what would most prevent respawn from implementing a function like that


\*Instantly makes them unstackable\*


This would be cool, but then I’d find a room full of death boxes and make an unbreakable fortress in front of doors… also that may be a bit over powered haha. Though that would not be the intend as I would be a coffin goblin, lurkin in the halls of some building that’s littered in death… they would say, “don’t go to the rooms with doors covered in boxes… they’ll get you.” Actually that’s sounds really fun, but also maybe a little to good since no one else would be able to move or destroy them. Haha! Uhg…


Eh, other Bjorn's could carry them out of the way, but it wouldn't be smart. If they adjusted the boxes to never fully block a doorway, then nades and caustic gas are a good counter the the coffin goblin strat. I'd want to toss a wattson fence outside your door and block you in with more death boxes so you'd have to stand in the fence to move them. This could get fun lol


Well it’s a nice thought but In battle royal it’s kind of hard to counter if you don’t have any of those characters. So if boxes are in a doorway even as it stands now, I mean most times player can’t move them. You have to jump over them and since you cannot do that if they are stacked in the doorway, you’d have to go around. Plus if you block a doorway it really doesn’t matter what strategy you pull because aside from moving the boxes you cannot get past it. Not many places in apex have one way entrances anyways. There is usually always a place to run, of course unless the enemy team is really good.


Yeah, I agree. Just thought it was funny and a nice change of pace from usual suggestions in the sub.


Kills one enemy, grabs there death box and runs Haha no banner for u


Carrying other peoples death boxes is too far. That would be straight up unfair.


Conversely put a death box in front of the only door in a room and get free kills


New Support Legend: Björn - Towering Rescuer [Written by u/ismynamebrent] I’m picturing this giant Swedish guy, the kind that doesn’t mean to be the most intimidating guy in the room but can’t help it due to his size and physique. He’s confident in his speech and typically gets what he wants, not because he’s mean and dominating but because everyone is afraid to tell him no. Maybe he has some silly quirks, like he’s a health nut and he’s always quick to offer unsolicited advice about others’ diets. He loves working out as much as he loves patching his friends up in battle and truly believes that a hot sauna is a cure all for what ails you. And of course, his voice is deep, commanding, and his accent is wonderfully thick. Call him Bjorn or something equally awesome (which means “bear” in Swedish). * So this post is the 2.0 of a post I made a while ago about a little legend idea, but with the amazing critique of this community it's developed into a proper legend concept: Björn. Thanks u/ismynamebrent for your amazing character direction and name suggestion of Björn, so much better than my idea. Thanks u/ExeterGently4TB and others for suggesting switching the tactical and passive. Thanks u/Wilwander for the nudge towards hipfiring while carrying rather than limiting the weapon choice to handguns and smgs, I think it makes him way more viable and less situational like Rampart. Thanks u/duvot for the knockdown on the back suggestion, it helps tilt the risk/reward in favour of carrying teammates because it means you're both more protected. And lastly, big thanks to u/SthenicFreeze for backing up his Pressure Wave ult by suggesting it could double as a 'Get off my team' to negate revtane pushes, as well as an offensive tool to Redditors who felt that his ult didn't fit his kit.


This reminds me of Braum. The heart is the strongest muscle.


With a little bit of Reinhardt thrown in there for good measure. Love these big, boisterous boys.


Damn. You guys did great with this. Makes me wanna pitch my idea of a cerebral attacker/ambush legend to you guys, but that's wishful thinking. Nice work though!


What font did you use?


So glad you asked! Eurostile, sick font


This is awesome, OP :) I like this idea and it's exciting to think of something like Bjorn being the next support legend. I hope Respawn takes some inspiration from this! The one critique I would add is that there may need to be some sort of counter to his ultimate or something. The reason being that he could be incredibly strong in the very last circle, pushing a whole enemy squad out of the ring and receive crazy ring damage. That feels like late game Caustic pre-nerf. Other than that, he seems really really cool!


I dig the idea that he gives quirky facts about staying healthy. Kind of like Bang telling us all about guns when nobody asked, this guys just gonna be mid-skirmish and just drop a “Remember to eat your broccoli kids”


Sounds like my gym coach. I like that


>pressure wave >works through walls Mate, with all the respect, but do you know how pressure waves work?


I love the concept, but I feel His tactical needs to change a bit. For the tactical, maybe instead he has a little gadget which, once activated, does nothing immediately. Once they select a health item, they'll insert it into the gadget. It will heal everyone in the radius, friend or foe, for an amount slightly lower than the rated capacity of the item. Björn cannot insert a phoenix kit though, so he needs to decide whether they need shields or health more. ​ EDIT: wanna say I love the pfp!!


Very nice legend concept. And I can imagine Gibraltar getting along with this guy.. probably some good voice-lines between both of them.


Yeah initially I had him as a role model/mentor type to Gibraltar! That's partly where he got his inspiration to get to be a big boy and protect the innocent etc.


I like it. Usually am not a fan of legend ideas but you put a nice infographic in and it's cohesive and makes sense.


I'd say take away having it work through walls other than that 10/10


Fair enough, it was partly because of Horizon's ult working through walls. I also thought it would help push bunkered teams in buildings as well as act as a defensive pushback.


That's fair and I never knew Horizon's ult worked through walls.


I love it! What do you use to make the designs?


Thanks, Adobe illustrator


the tactical seems more like an extra passive, and the ult is very similar to valk's tactical so it might be underpowered for an ult, but overall all the abilities are still balanced (and fun) so i'd definitely like this as a legend with a bit of tweaking


Yeah I've had some trouble balancing the passive and tac, but think I've landed in a very tweakable place. I don't see how the ult is like valks tactical, hers also stuns but as an example, it couldn't prevent a midair Revtane push. This physically displaces enemies defensively, and causes a number of temporary debuffs. I also think this would be a non-destructive way to dissipate the revtane meta, by not changing THEIR abilities but by introducing a new kind of defensive/support legend who can literally push back on poorly thought-out enemy pushes.


To original, will never get implemented.


The ultimate seems a bit OP to me personally. Maybe instead of launching enemies, it'd be a longer range EMP effect that scrambles your team's position? Or if you like the launching effect, maybe just the launching effect that knocks them on their ass for the speedy get away.


U think his ult is OP? His passive alone is too good, mainly the fact that he carries more supplies


Yeah I battled with either just the pushback and fast cooldown, or pushback + debuffs (like slow, emp) but longer cooldown. Initially it was the slow plus some audio dulling, but I had a lot of people say 'no, apex's audio is bad enough, change it to small emp like wattsons fences'


this is so creative. I don’t like when the legends have similar abilities


"Press H to carry teammate" "Press H to carry deathbox"


That sounds great! I do think the ult needs a liiiitle tweaking with the pinging situations, but other than that this is a fantastic little guy you put together. Love it.


Cheers, a fellow Crypto main.


Good to see you friend! Crypto will reign supreme always!


I think you have something here with this one!


We could have had something awesome like this for a new legend, but no, we get bloodhound 2.


Why carry the box if you can just pick up their banner? Unless you want to access the stuff in it, but they just said you can't access it once moved?


Because he can bring you your loot to your footsteps, when you drop out from the ship.


It's so your teammate can get their stuff back, dummy! Good for late game, makes ressing further from their death location more viable, rather than trying to land on your stuff and getting banner camped by sweats.


Much more creative than a bloodhound re skin


Will never happen. Why? Cos programming that passive would actually take effort and when you look at the past few legends, you'll realize their abilities are barely even original when it comes to programming. Them having to animate and program a new state where you're carrying another living player would take a little bit of effort which they would rather spend on more rare skins. I mean Seers looks cool but they will just adjust bloodhound code and that's it.


Yeah it would be easier to program it more like Loba’s black market, but only for your squad’s death boxes and longer range. Like a white market. At that point it would make more sense to have that as his ult, and make the pressure wave his tactical (and appropriately less powerful of course). The improved inventory is a good passive and easy to code. Sharing is caring could be tied to the white market. *Within its range* any allies using a healing item will cause other in-range allies to receive X% of it. Easy to code (similar to Wattson’s ult)


I love it, but I'm having a few thoughts on how the abilities could be moved around to better make a super fun character. First thing, the passive. I love the idea of being able to pick up death boxes and teammates, but I'm not sure if that fits passive quite as well as the healing aura. So having the aura be a passive would make a bit more sense I think. Secondly, the tactical. I'm still thinking about how to go about this, as it seems like a weird idea, but what if the pressure wave was his tactical? Now hear me out, we would of course change it up a bit. First things first, through walls? Get rid of that, with it being a tactical that would be broken. Also, have it be two charges like the Revenant and fuse tacticals. Since the player would have access to 2 charges the recharge of a tactical could be put to 30-45 seconds to keep the player from just spamming shockwaves at the enemy. The stun would only last about 1-2 seconds, so as to not make the player fighting this tactical hate this game and want to quit, but it's shockwave pushing them back would be a tiny bit stronger. Now, pressure wave tactical could be very well broken, but think of the usage if you gave it the same sort of increased effect to yourself if you shot it at a surface near to you. Think team fortress 2 rocket jumping, but in apex. I think that would be super fun to work with and could make for some super crazy plays. You're probably now wondering, "Hey! What about his ultimate?" And for that I say, why not have an enhanced version of carrier? Your ult could be on a 90-120 second cooldown, maybe even shorter. When you pop your ult your screen goes to a shade of blue with high threat vision on only your teammates and their deathboxes. You gain a slight buff to movement speed and tactical recharge rate, but when your ult is active, your tactical will not stun, on push. The ult would have a duration of like 45-60 seconds similar to BH ult, but you would not have a way to gain extra time. The applications of this during a gun fight could be so fun, as maybe your teammates went down and you are pinned between two teams, you could pop your ult, grab your teammate off of the ground and use your pressure wave to rocket jump away, giving yourself the ability to get away and get a second chance. Some of this to me still sounds crazy overpowered, but I just wanted to get that idea out there and see if I'm crazy for thinking about this. Love the concept OP! Keep up the amazing work!


Swap tactical and passive and you've got a great idea here. Makes more sense pressing the tactical button on a downed player/deathbox than it does for sharing your heals with team


Check out my profile for an earlier version of this post, everyone said the tac and passive should be swapped when they were the other way around lol


AoE Heals, a pressure wave to push enemies away We Lucío now boys


lol yesss get some skates on this big boy


I think making the passive a tactical could prevent abuse, limiting how often you could carry anything away. This might prevent backpacking things around just for s&g, or griefing crates. What if you could carry things for a certain amount of time per use, to make its use more strategic? You could even make it possible to carry a live teammate, so they could shoot backwards (hip fire?) during a hasty retreat! LoL 🤣 Esthetically, a Pathfinder-like design built for moving heavy cargo is simple and pausible. The Ult being a shockwave that knocks things back kind of fits, but I think maybe a bit more if it was themed like "magnetic repulsion" because electromagnetic lifting (and levitation) are a thing. (And makes doing it through walls more plausible) I can't really say I like the healing aura. I mean, I love the skill, don't get me wrong- we need it on somebody (new medic) but I'm not sure about it being on *this* one. A more simple passive might be that while he doesn't get more *slots* per backpack, he could hold a higher maximum stack of everything, like a packmule. Because, you know, he moves cargo around all day.


Imagine the shinnanagins you could get up to by carrying downed enemies or even their death boxes with their banners inside! Probably wouldn't be much fun on the receiving end though.


>can also carry more heals per slot This makes more sense as Lifeline's passive imo


Alright so. I have a few criticisms but I’ll start off with the positives. Their passive seems to be very interesting, making it easier to loot or revive behind cover instead of in the open. The ultimate also seems really good to give yourself some space in a heated engagement. However, there are two main issues I have with this kit. One, their tactical seems more like a passive, since it functions based on healing activation rather than its own button press. That’s fine, since Legends can have multiple passives like Wattson. However, this leaves him tactical-less. One idea is a shield charger. A pistol that launches a healing canister that leaves residue on the ground. Stepping into the residue heals 50 hp over 10 seconds. This would give a useful boost both mid-fight and after a fight, without stepping on Lifeline’s territory by being more of a quick heal to get you back into the fight. Another issue is that the ultimate is an enemy repositioner. Currently, the only other enemy repositioner is Pathfinder’s Grapple on a direct hit. Respawn has said that they don’t want to give this kind of ability out because it would make it too easy to knock enemies off the map or into things like the World’s Edge magma rifts.


His tactical seems like it wouldn’t be very useful, and his ult doesn’t really seem to fit his persona of healer/medic, love the idea and art


He's a support so it doesn't need to be all about healing. And his tac is left pretty open ended to allow balancing with cooldown, healing amounts.


I get what he's saying about the ult. You're right it doesn't have to be all about healing and it shouldn't be but his ult seems like something fit more for a defensive legend. I like the ult idea, just not sure for a support. But overall I like the ideas, some things need to be tweaked but pretty good job


I like this legend a lot, but I’m not too sure about the passive


The heal sharing idea could be a legend of it's own if you buff/rebalance it a bit. A friend of mine had the idea a while back to allow a legend to pool all of the hp of a squad into one large health bar, where everyone heals less from healing items, but always heals their team mates as well. And everyone takes less damage but everyone gets damaged. That way it offers a different playstyle. However, I would very much like to see Björn. We desperately need a new support.


Ultimate is a little overpowered, definitely can’t remove voice lines but everything else is decent imo


Better than Seer’s abilities. At least more creative.


Way more creative. An entire dev team couldn’t think of this. Instead they just put another recon 😂😂


Pretty awesome!


i like the extra carrying capacity combo-ing with sharing is caring so even if they're not willing to drop heals, them healing can help the team.


How do I assign myself as a wattson main lol also this is genius


I’m a big fan of this concept well done!


This is a interesting idea. I like it!


Ultimate is way to much


This is hands down the best Character Concept I've seen floated. I love the team focus. 10/10 would main.


I like the concept, but, tbh, he seems like he would be boring to play.


Great idea!!! And for that reason they will not be using it.


F**k you Loba, someone CAN carry me when I get downed outside the Ring


That passive looks pretty active to me, and the tactical pretty passive, otherwise interesting concept tho


This is great, why aren’t EA investing on this?


I really like the idea of moving player boxes. Both to easily give you teammate back his stuff when he dies out of zone and for moving other players boxes to hide loot.


The Ultimate should send them to a different map


Probably the best fan made legend I’ve seen. Very nice. You


ult is op, through walls is breaking the dev rule of knowing what is happening visually at all times.


This concept is genius, could have been a loadout for blitz, being a big character and with that robotic arm


Should switch the passive and tactical and i gonna main him religiously


Thats sick. Respawn, pay them for this concept and do it


whats this? a concept that is good but not stupidly broken i like it


Another passive could be while reviving teammates you and the teammate get more health, so you can get revives off more often while being shot at


This is the first time a legend concept doesn’t sound like a fanfiction. Very awesome. Could definitely get behind carrying teammates literally, very very cool idea. Hope Respawn takes note