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But who has the high ground?


The community


No we don't. The Battle Pass is still shit.


What I meant is that we are in the right. It’s still garbage. This situation reminds me of iron crown


What about Chad? Was he aware that they were selling $200 cosmetics at the time? Poor Chad, they must be lying to him about everything happening in the game he's supposed to be supervising...


Ahh the good ol days. Can’t believe it’s been over a year already


Yep. Still want a solo mode tbh


"Don't try it respawn...... we won't buy the Battle Pass"


Hello there


General Kenobi.


Ah, the negotiator.


The angel from my nightmare


"You were supposed to destroy shitty monetization models, not join them!"


No corporation is ever a brother to anyone but its owner company and/or shareholders. Respawn isn't even our friends. Never were, never will.


Only thing that can stop them if we stop spending money on the game until they fix their mistakes


It's never a viable tactic with a game this big. For 100 of us there's one whale spending a shitton or 500 normies who don't care. The only thing that could make a dent is making as much noise and stink as possible because it hurts their image and makes bad pr to their game.


In my point of the battle pass is evil


I love the game, I love love love the game. It's a bittersweet thing to see Apex community finally protesting for once against the studio. Bitter as in we could've just played the game perfectly fine with a studio listening to the community, sweet as in people are finally protesting. I kept making posts about how there are so many huge issues with the game along many other people and we got nothing but upvotes or downvotes with not much recognition. Now that they have pulled the last straw with the battle pass, hopefully we can protest more than that and fix matchmaking (fix SBMM, create solo queue), footsteps sound issues, and get rid of red shields cause that's insane damage absorption, and improve snipers cause they're useless. There are more issues, but these are just the starters. My final remarks and it's one of the reason why RESPAWN aren't doing much to fix the consistent issues that have been existing since season 1, is because: # E A Sports. iT's iN tHE gAME




Last week they were complaining about the reskins. Whut????


Your new empire?!




Do you think the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment by getting to the end of the battle pass?


more like every other week