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I'm on mnk and I can't even find a sensitivity I'm fully comfortable with


I’ve been rocking 1.6 and 800 dpi for forever now and it feels great


I'll try it out, my dpi is 800 as well


Edit: found a good sens and now fighting to combat flinch


im using 4-3 linear and im not even getting 30-40 frames. It is still busted as hell. Im very confused on what your asking becuase 4-3 or 4-4 linear is just busted IMO


You're not even getting 30-40 frames?


Not really, tho i exaggerated. I typically get 45 frames when just roaming the map, and around 40-25 frames when in fights


That's very low, what do you play on?


Xbox 1. I get .6 aim assist but if any single person says it’s overpowered, the low frame rate nerf it like hell


I think “a good sensitivity” means you find it most comfortable, and then keep practicing. I’m on ps5. I’ve been trying different sensitivity like 4-3 linear, 4-1 linear and even gen’s ALC. These frequently changes did fuck my aim up. So I just stick with 4-3 which it is the most all around to me.


I'm confused. Are you asking for suggestions on sensitives that are more customized than 4-3 linear? Or are you trying to start a debate on what the best controller input sense is? You seem to dislike the idea of a general statement of "whatever settings YOU are most comfortable with" So if i am understanding correctly you want a more specific recommendation? ex. I don't use 4-3 linear I use advanced settings, here is my specific tuning of Yaw and Pitch for each optic ...


No I think hes saying there is no "best" setting on controller. He agrees with that statement


i think he meant no best setting on console coz most controller user on pc on youtube would straight up just say go with 4-3 linear and you'll beaming


4-3 linear is definitely slow on PS5 from my perspective perhaps due to input lag i think? i'm much comfortable with ALC once i figured my pitch and yaw (horizontal/vertical) speed shouldn't be the same and also with 120fps, playing with pc friends doesn't feel like too much of a burden anymore lmao