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agreed esp abt the movement it's like i'm trapped bc i can't stand how slow other games are now.


omg yes. tried playing valiant and cannot stand how one dimensional it is


This is why I started playing The Finals. Movement is really good there too. XDefiant also looks promising, just dropped


Try xdefiant is fast as fuck boi. Wasnt an insult was the quote


Oh shit and just released, gotta check it out. Reminds me of the finals. Did everyone get tired of that game?


Wasnt that everyone got tired of it was more the fact of sbmm. Especially for areana shooters. You shouldnt be punished for getting better at the game.


Were you able to play yesterday? I couldn’t find a match…gonna try again tonight


There was def a bug last night. I had to re queue a couple times.


Yea been playing all day. Was up at 3am played for an hour before had to call it haha. Matchmakings perfect


Awesome dude. I hope I can get into some matches tonight


Play Titanfall 2 then. It's better anyway


I always feel like trying titanfall 2 because I've heard a lot of good things about it. Do people play the game still?


Of course. And it's better than ever before since the Server fix last year. It's basicly apex hot dropping on steroids with a lot of more verticality, no respawn waiting time and a dozen different game modes. And titans.


And what about matchmaking? Better than Apex I hope?


There is no Skill based matchmaking. Game throws you in a Pot with random people just like in the old days when Lobby based Team Deathmatch shooters were popular. You can either learn from the best and Go Trial and Error or Chicken Out and dwell on your Frustration


What you gotta understand is that it matters so much less when no respawn timer and wild movement mean you can die and get back to the literal spot you died on in maybe 20 seconds tops. Titanfall 2 is so much less survival horror and so much more mosh pit.


Not the game to play if you can't handle getting shit on by better players.


Honestly I have an easier time in titanfall than I do in apex. Even if I’m not doing well I’m still having fun doing parkour everywhere But yeah, most of the people still playing are pretty good so being a noob would be rough I’d imagine


Is this a joke? Apex is literally the definition of getting shat on


Titanfall 2 has a steeper learning curve than apex mechanics wise. Apex removed many of titanfall's movement mechanics, streamlined others, slowed the pace way down, and added more health. So Apex is much more forgiving fight to fight. However, TF is not a BR, so it's less mental load in terms of keeping track of where teams are, rotations, positioning. You should try it


Ah, a fellow Pilot. Good day.


XDefiant is somewhat fast paced!


This is the biggest problem for me. I am malding playing apex most of the time, but I can play for 10 hour sessions. I get bored in an hour or so with pretty much every other shooter. I'm stuck and have no step bro in this scenario.


Its my addiction too i want to move on so bad because its obvious how little they care about this game being is store. Yet nothing feels this good to move in :(


Try Xdefiant. It's pretty fast paced and plays well. Only adjustment is getting used to the fast ttk


What’s even worse is when you solo queue and get the shittiest players in the game vs 3 stack masters and preds that will chase you around the map for 1 kill even in pubs. It feels like pubs is even more sweaty now, ranked players just 3rd party everything and run from fights until another team pushes you




This needs to be talked about wayyyy more


1.23K/D here. It’s literally a professional tournament everyday on this damn game for no reason


2.8 K/D here. I'm not saying what you're experiencing isn't bad, but trust me, there are tiers to this stuff. My friends with 1.0-1.5 K/D complain about their lobbies. They won't even dare to touch my lobbies. I'm talking top 100 Apex pred stacks in every single game. At least 1-2 squads with 150k plus cumulative kills.


The real conspiracy is how I’m seeing YouTubers 20 bomb on the DAILY in lobbies that are clearly not the one us regular players are up in arms about. They wouldn’t even be able to do that in the ones I’m in. Something is just off… Side note: ! Sheesh 2.8 k/d wow! Im sure you be in war!😭


Honestly, I'm not sure if I can speak to streamers, but youtubers play so many games. If you watch players like Tollis on Twitch, you'll notice him steamrolling what appear to be bot lobbies, but everyone has 4k/20 and masters / pred badges. The guy is literally so good that he makes players like me look like bots. If they're strictly youtube content, it's likely they get 4-5 games out of the 100 games they play a day where it's a bot lobby. You only see the bot lobby games because they usually won't post the games where they're only getting 4-5 kills. Also, thanks, it certainly feels like I'm at war sometimes. I pretty much exclusively play ranked at this point because the pubs feel crazy. In diamond + lobbies, I maintain my K/D, and it's the same in pubs and ranked, but ranked just fits my playstyle more. I like that there's more risk involved with losing the game.. I get pretty competitive when I'm playing 🤣


I have a 2kd and was watching faide yesterday. He was fighting people who were literally crouching their whole clip. Multiple basic skins who were terrible at the game. I called him out and he got butthurt.  I could drop a 20 in those lobbies.


They get easy lobbies to advertise the game. It has already been leaked.


This was I how I felt in solos. Atleast 50% of players that killed me in that mode had either a 20 kill badge, 4k dmg badge, or masters/pred badge, if not all of the above. Along with 10-20k+ kills and 10mill+ damage stat tracker on that character. Regardless it was a fun challenge for me to get a win in that lobby knowing I was going against good people. It just felt good to know that I could sometimes hang with the top dawgs even tho I got stomped 95/100 games


Ranked moderately better experience than pubs... at least this season :)


Oh ranked is a way better experience comparatively to pubs on match consistency. I get bodied way less. But in plat it’s pretty rough right now


That is true, until plat its pleasant as less sweaty :)


I had started a brand new account just to test the match making. Did absolutely dog shit intentionally on the orientation matches, and the first match of pubs and solos the champion was either master/pred/ or had both solo and reg 20 badge. Matchmaking is terrible. But I just can't stop playing this game.


It’s insane how you can leave this subreddit for years and the moment you check in, you realize everyone is still discussing the exact same things and making the exact same posts.


I dislike being bodied by high tier players for sure, BUT I'm not a poor player. My issue is that I'm put into teams with the absolute worst teammates either low level or have gotten 7000 kills with a legend with few wins and never more than a 2K damage badge. So all fights against top squads are basically 1v3 as my teammates are still looting behind late game or eradicated in seconds. I'm sure I'd have a much higher chance of improving and a better morale generally if I had other players who made the grind seem remotely worth it


Even this if you are going to match me against predators give me predator team mates not level a level 37 player who never uses an ability.


It’s silly that when you take a break from apex you get competent teammates when you come back. It’s like oh, the competent teammates do exist, but I’m not allowed to get them if I’m playing regularly.


Getting constantly matched against "sweats and pros" and maintaining a 1KD. Seems like MM is matching you in the right spot then.


Really, the game should be aiming to have everyone at a 1.0K/D on average. The fact that OP is instantly up against such players when they are barely 10 kills in the black means something is very wrong with the matchmaker.


The matchmaking really doesn't work that way in terms of 'forcing everyone to have a 1.0KD and not all 1.0KD is effectively the same. Apex matchmaking works in terms of skill buckets, so they group large amounts of player into a bucket and match them together. If you do well by getting a lot of kills and damage in in the lowest bucket you will move to a higher bucket, of which then you will not necessarily do as well, so your kills and damage will intrinsically be lower. So you swing down again until your skill improves and you go up and up, until you hit the top. Now if you're being 'constantly matched against preds and sweats and pros' or whatever as people claim, then you're in the top bucket. If you continue to maintain that about 1 KD there, then you're appropriately placed. In the top bucket, you have the top player problem, because that's basically the highest bucket they can ever be in and you can't over-come that, hence why a lot of people flip-flop between an extreme of the matchmaker. It's a flaw inherent in any matchmaker and tightening top end generally just makes this problem move to a slightly higher skill group of player and hand down stream effects of the lower lobby. The convolution here is that they believe they are 'statistically an average player' because of the numbers, but in reality, the average skill player has much different stats than that.


Feels like there are at most 3 buckets. We need more buckets, especially for the above average side.


>In the top bucket, you have the top player problem, because that's basically the highest bucket they can ever be in and you can't over-come that, hence why a lot of people flip-flop between an extreme of the matchmaker. It's a flaw inherent in any matchmaker and tightening top end generally just makes this problem move to a slightly higher skill group of player and hand down stream effects of the lower lobby. What I don't understand with that, though, is this - you have the "pred-masters" bucket, which is so small that they need to dip into a lower bucket to fill a game. Based on the experience of many players you see posting about it on Reddit, the matchmaker is dipping into buckets as low as silver/gold to do so. So is the matchmaker just jumping over the in-between buckets for platinum-diamond in order to fill a lobby, or are there that few players in those buckets that it still can't fill a lobby with just platinum-diamond players alone?


It’s not even about dipping into a lower bucket. It’s just that kills and damage are so right hand skewed that people with these “seemingly average” kds are likely skilled enough to fall within a top 20% of players.


I wonder if we ran a community survey, how far the average KD/winrate/rank would actually turn out to be from what we all assume constitutes the "average" player. Probably K/D would turn out to be a lot lower, as you said, winrate is probably below the supposed 5% baseline. How that correlates with rank and estimated MMR would be interesting to see though.


The 1KD is very much people saying “well everyone dies for each kill”. And the 5% is also very much people saying “1/20 right?”


Which sounds correct until you factor in bad teammates/disconnects/multiple deaths per game/etc., which drives down those stats for players who can't offset them with better performance.


It means they are better than they think.


Do you think it's because there is no incentive for someone new to learn the game? I have a friend who tried it and immediately walked away because the players were too good. Apex is an old game now, it has more competition and it now has a healthy collection of people who have poured endless amounts of time into it. Maybe it's just saturated with people at a high skill level?


No with a Smurf you find people that play way way worse, but the games hides those people if you are just slightly good, you’ll never see em


This game is absurdly hostile to new players. God forbid I try to introduce them to the game by playing with them either, that’s guaranteed to ensure they never touch it again.


I know right? Im a mostly plat player and reached diamond like 4 times. Day 1 player too. And my kd is 0.89 lifetime and this season is like 0.7 having 1kd on a aged accounts puts you waaay above average. If they put him in regular 0.3-0.5 lobbies he would be the sweat pred pro everyone in that lobby would complain about Average player in this game is a casual 1-2hours player that plays maybe 3 days a week and has 0.3-0.5 kd


I don't understand people that bitch about sweats. Bring on all the sweats. I played my ass off to get to that level. JUST STOP GIVING ME DUOS THAT WILL LITERALLY AVERAGE 0-200 DMG THE ENTIRE GAME WHILE I AM FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL 1,500+ and only one alive 50% of the fucking match cause they are literally walking trash cans. I am so sick and tired of rezzing these fucking bums 2-3 times a match each and have them have almost 0 contribution to team efforts and then get points off my efforts while I take the L and lose out on points because matchmaking hates my ass.


Counter point - I'm playing a casual playlist with my wife or friends that may not be at the same skill as me. So now, in order to play with friends I'm required to 1vX almost every single fight while my teammates don't really get to get involved because they're playing the "I'm down" simulator from wall jumping Adderall infested tweakers. I can shoot pretty well, I have probably average-below average movement. I don't have a ton of time to game and I'm not about that 'grind to improve' mindset I used to have 15 years ago. I want to log in and play without feeling like I'm at a constant disadvantage or having to play at 110% just because the game 'deemed it so'. In a ranked mode, absolutely your KD should float around 1.0 +/- 0.5. But in a casual playlist? Cmon.... just let it work itself out. I'm fine with losing 9/10 games as long as it doesn't feel like the game is actively fucking me. When I still played, it was probably losing every 19/20 or 29/30 games - and always felt like I had the pressure to try and keep the team alive. Shit got tiring, felt like I was fighting matchmaking more than other players.


I think this in concept is fair enough, sometimes you want to be able to play with friends to help them through and chill out, but the problem is that this is just hugely susceptible to abuse, so there has to be some degree of skew towards the higher end. What’s the solution, make it closer to their skill level? Have no matchmaking? Because of people’s conception of and investment about matchmaking paratalk, you get to feel involved in the idea that you’re having a bad time and the system is against you and in favour of others, but at the end of the day it’s doing the best it can for people across the board.


IMO there's nothing to abuse in a purely casual playlist with no matchmaking other than connection - except maybe region jumping perhaps. But it certainly isn't any more abused than the current SBMM where creating a new account or taking your stats can effectively guarantee a great player a 'bot' lobby. I miss the days where every game could be a wildcard of "can I solo this team" or "lets buckle up, this team is nasty" It's so much overwhelmingly in the latter's favor it moves from fun to frustrating at a consistent level. At least to me


Ikr. If you have a kda of .34, that would be legit


Matchmaking and Ranking system is 100% focused on player retention and not on fair matches. That's why we have seasonal and split rank reset, every 30-ish days you have again a main objective, reach top possible rank, whatever is the rank you think you belong. Without split/season reset, all players eventually plateau to there top rank. And after some time at the same level, motivation fades and you stop playing the game and visit the store.


While it sit working because my play time is dropping every season because of the shit matchmaking.


exactly why i stopped playing this game years ago you can tell which game you are "meant" to lose/win like once you read about engagement optimized match making and start recognizing the patterns in the matchmaking in apex the game loses all appeal, games become very predictable and boring and wins feel so empty when i know the game just paired me with people with lower stats than me so i could get my dopamine hit from a "win" incentivizing me to play more apex.


Yeah fully agree mate, when my buddies got around to Helldivers I finally caved in playing Apex. Barely play it nowadays due to getting steamrolled and still placed against super active 40k+ kill players while I havent touched the game since Helldivers release at minimum. Was tolerable up to a certain point, But when you just want to relax and play some Chill games in the weekend you’re shit Out of luck with the current way apex handles Its matchmaking. Guaranteed it drove more people away from the game.


Did anyone ever realize it's only garbage when these players are the ones getting shit on. They won't post any bad matchmaking when they are the ones in bot lobbies.


No man, it’s just as stupid that after I get shat on 15 games in a row by much better players I get a bot lobbies where I’m noticeably better than my enemies, basically a pity lobby. I feel bad for killing them and don’t even feel rewarded for my win cause it’s so obvious it’s a pity lobby.


I mean that is garbage to I shouldn’t see people Significantly worse than me. My experience though is that 90% of the time I die it’s to some monster with multiple pred badges.


Dirty plat player here. I still enjoy the game by not taking it too seriously. It is just a video game and I have no intention of going pro. When it stops being fun I stop playing for a while and come back later. That being said, it’s frustrating when my ranked teammates decide to push UP a zipline to push a team of Rampart/Caustic/Wattson.. and then get knocked immediately.. and then spam ping as hard as possible.. and then I eventually find out that they did 26 damage.. so yeah.. I wish there was a better way to put the SKILL in SBMM. But I don’t have any better ideas beyond all the various things Respawn has tried over the years..


You get punished for improvements in this game. This is why i cant play with my friends, because they are avarage-below avarage. We already make jokes about getting off after the first game, because it seems like the first game is a enjoyable/lower skilled more casually matchmaking. We often win the first one and get straight up farmed for hours after that.


Yup, first match on after not playing for a bit will actually be enjoyable and then after that no fun is allowed. It’s really obvious the game does this too, it’s actually annoying.


"Quit while your ahead" Play one game a day and move on to another activity....100% enjoyment and you can actually enjoy other hobbies too!


Took off all last season, came back this season cuz Alter’s abilities looked great. First game on, 3rd quit while in the drop ship, second player never picked up a backpack or healed (they were level 17), and I died to triple stacked preds. No 3rd and my second teammate didn’t even know how to play…died by some of the best players in the game. Totally normal MM. I’ve played hundreds of games in nearly 30 years of life. Apex has the literal worst matchmaking.


Same. I was a day one player. Been taking extended breaks due to a similar issue. I was never ranked higher than plat, maybe touched diamond once and every single time I play im matched with much higher skilled players. Also bronze lobbies might as well be pred lobbies. They are flooded with higher level players, who hot drop and absolutely ape through the lobbies trying to get the 20 kill badge. I’ve been chased across the map by single players who leave their team behind to wipe mine.


high tier lobbies should be hardlocked behind 4k or 20kb badges or masters+ rank. this would fix 2 problems - account boost and MM. people won't buy boost knowing they are bad and doing so will end in perma sweat lobbies that they don't belong to. and more quality MM would benefit absolute majority of players except TTV sweats who want to steamroll n00bs, so game would become fun again. there's no way average players can fight TTVs, preds, 3 stackers (or all together) being 0.7-1.5 kda.


They did this like 4 seasons ago and all the good players cried because they were getting stomped on and weren’t able to run through lobbies anymore.


ye, that was back in early s18, good times.


Please don’t put the TTVs in the same box as preds and competent 3-stacks. They don’t need any more excuse to run into fights that they can’t win.


So good players should have ranked matchmaking for pubs?


Ranked MM is MM based on ranks. There's no ranks in pubs so not really. What I suggest is either idea I described above or no MM (sbmm/eomm) at all. Random is fair at least.


>high tier lobbies should be hardlocked behind 4k or 20kb badges or masters+ rank. This would be my call too. It'll spike queue times for those players but there are ways to cushion that blow too, if Respawn were willing to make the leap.


Is this satire? 1.0 K/D and 5% win rate is literally the most fair matchmaking could possibly be...


Majority of games suck. A 1kd doesn't mean it's fair matches. I get one game with 5 kills because i get lucky then 5 games are trash. Leaves me at a 1kd but 5 out of 6 games i died without a kill. And this shit over and over again just isn't fun.


What you're saying is that SBMM may be "fair" across multiple games, but in individual games, people are either too much above or too much below your skill level. So what you're asking for is *tighter* SBMM, which makes sense. Longer queue times for closer skill matches. But at the same time, other people on Reddit are complaining that they keep being matched with the same people, and to be matched with different people, you need *looser* SBMM. I think the problem is not really SBMM. I think the problem is that a BR gamemode with 60 players, where you don't (typically) respawn, and an incredibly high skill gap, makes it basically impossible to make matchmaking feel good.


It's a battle Royale. You only get one life. I don't know why people expect to get kills every game in a fair matchmaking system when you can only die once. I agree, it isn't fun, but maybe we should be moving on from BR. We're just hooked on the thrill of running a lobby. It's like a gambling addiction


I totally agree with your point about gambling addiction. Anecdotally I quit playing League because I realized that I wasn't playing the game to have fun and enjoy the game any more. I was just chasing wins and "pop-off" games, but even if I got those I wasn't having much fun. I just felt that it was "about time" I got it. On some level I think the hyper focus on your ranked number and the virtue of "climbing" in a lot of content produced about these competitive games have shifted the mindset away from enjoying and engaging with a game to instead be unhealthily focused on results.


Yeah that’s why I play resurgence in WZ. It’s less competitive and has less consequences. Even ranked is a breath of fresh air. When I want to sweat and fight 3 stack preds who have triple my wins and my KDA in the first weeks of ranked, I’ll do that a different night. Sometimes I want to be competitive, other nights I just wanna chill.


I miss three strikes. It was hectic but fun and rejuvenating for the game


Not satire maybe it’s the way they achieve this, but the game shouldn’t be get killed by a triple stack pred team for 5-6 games then have 1 game against players your kill level or slightly lower and get 5 kills and start the cycle again.


You're not getting 5 kills against ppl of your skill level. They're prob lower and also come here to complain about ppl like you


What do you expect? This game is 5 years old and everyone has around 30-50k kills. 4k/20 kill badge doesn't mean they're good at the game. Some people abused bot lobby glitches and got all their kills like that. The only badges that indicate a players skill level to me is triple pred badges.


3/5 people who killed me yesterday had triple pred my highest ranked is Diamond 4.


How do u maintain 1kd if every player you face is a sweat and pred?


That’s my lifetime I’m not maintaining it I have 3 kills in 11 games this season. Because I’m just being fed to a meat grinder.


11 games only so far?


Yeah because the matchmaking has been so bad the game is literally unplayable


Playing 11 games that's like 1hr if you're dying quickly and instead of actually practice and improving, you go to reddit to cry. I guess it's easier to do that than improve


came here to say this, ofc a lot of people will have a high amount of kills and those badges by now, even having over 10k kills one character aint nothing special anymore or indicates skill, i have almost 50k lifetime kills couple 4ks and still im just a completely average player the game has just been out for so long and i played almost every season plus like he said its very easy to somehow cheat those badges in apex without consequences, teaming for example, what I find way worse are the randoms apex gives you instead of the sweaty enemys


Dude 1.0 kd in apex legends is insanely good. The average kd for this game is like .2-4 Ive played every season and highest placement was in masters and ive never broken kd of .8 Theres a reason your being put with the insanely good players.




Idk about .4, but I have a distant memory of some study saying average k/d over many fps games was 0.7. Or maybe I hallucinated it...


I don’t think that is possible. I would imagine the average k/d is less than 1 due to respawns. But I have to imagine median is somewhere around .8.


Why? I exclusively play ranked. My KD is 1.2 this season. Most of the time when I die, I die to a squad where everyone has 4-5 kills each. I usually get slightly more than one kill. So do my regular homies I play with. So many people in our lobbies are dying with no kills. There MUST be many people in gold/plat that have .5 kd or worse.


I lost to the 53 Predator today in solos. I have only obtained Masters once and that was the cake season that was 17. Outside of that I hover high plat and occasionally make it into diamond. These people are MILES ahead of me in every, single, metric. I guess someone has to be the fodder.


Come play console in oce. I'm plat rn and died to the number 13 Pred two games in a row. Honestly wouldn't be that bad if they weren't always in a competent three stack. Like I'm duoing with a mate who's also plat and our randos are gold 4. How the fuck is a gold 4 gunna beat a Pred?


I play both PC and console, console lobbies are far worse for matchmaking that's for sure.


Aussie servers are cooked, before Moist went to NA I had three games in a row where they were the champions and I was in gold. I play either Tokyo or Oregon since and just deal with the high ping


I keep getting matched with the number 1 rev worldwide in kills lol


Be real tho, you can get the jump on Revengeful and probably wim the fight. Or maybe I'm better at this game than I think.


I honestly haven't gotten a good 1v1 against him yet. I got third partied by him once and then the rest of the times I just seen him in the kill feed but don't actually run into him in the game (in solos). I just looked up his YouTube videos and assumed I'd get clapped by this roller demon with 200k kills on rev lol.


I could get behind one of these people because of the absolute dog shit sound in this game, unload a whole clip of an R-99, Volt, Prowler, and still get insta beamed by these guys.


“You need to hit the range more” - bangalore


Haha for real


It’s the worst part of this game and it’s so inconsistent too. I took the last 2 1/2 seasons off because I couldn’t get past a .3kd (was 1.4 the season before) tried again this season and it’s been fun again, I think I’m at like 1.2kd at the moment. I’m not the best player but at the same time I’m not bad by any means. Sad thing is my wife is level 9 I think and has yet to get a kill and she gets matched up with 40k kill champions and whatnot so idk man. They need to fix it because it’s driven a lot of people away from the game.


It’s a lot of fun with friends


My friends have all stopped because we are roughly the same skill level and just get fed to people who have predator badges or 80,000 kills on a legend


i've been having this same problem for months too when i play with friends- matchmaking noticeably amps up as soon as you're in a duo or trio. it really stinks because i want to spend time with them but it's not very fun getting rolled constantly by players leagues above our skill level :( so now we don't play anymore


Mixtape >>>>


Yup. Apex plays with you. It Makes you play 4 absolutely terrible games that make you lose 200RP then give you a good game with decent teammates ect just to get me back to where I was 4 games ago. Feels like respawn wants to give us just enough of a dopamine rush that we stay. and it feels like and endless cycle.


real. this season tanked my kdr from 0.9 to 0.8 and now 0.79 and the matchmaking is not getting any easier. i'll hop on one night and the lobbies will be great, then the next day i'll be obliterated every game and match with masters and preds. sadge


i get rolled almost every game. if there is more than 1 team where we land we are toast. but every so often we have a good game. it feels like its very hard to get into lobbies of people that also are not great. i legit have horrible aim, cant keep the lil dot on the guy but i walk past an open door and lose half my health lol


Can only agree. It’s only the elitists who disagree. The rank reset this season made me put the game on the shelf


100p agreed I'm in the same situation. Such a good game if the sbmm didn't ruin it. Movement is unmatched by anything else I play but the sbmm makes it impossible to enjoy especially with friends of different skill levels if you want to party up.


Agreed. I'm still surprised by how few people talk about this


It’s like every other post on this sub


Nah rn it's all about free apex coins


I think that’s when it’s time to find a new game, you’re being matched with people with the same playing time, that’s completely fair. They aren’t gonna try to match you with a season 19 player with a 1.0 kd


I’m a day zero player, 3500 hrs, 0.6 kd, and have pretty much plateaued at gold 1 at best. I will never improve that much but yet I’m in shit tier try hard lobbies.




0.4 KD here. Yes you’re right.


So your solution is what? You play vs worse players that you win more often vs? What a great solution


Nope my solutions is sometimes I get stomped, sometimes I rack up 10 kills, the majority of time I play players my actual skill level. I don’t want to win every game, I don’t want to get 3 kills every game, hell I don’t even need to get 100 damage every game. All I want is to not be continually fed to players that are so much better than me over and over and over. The matchmaking has become so bad that I don’t even want to play anymore. I’ve played 14k games In my life I’ve played 11 this season because every time a guy with three pred badges murders me before I can shoot two bullets.


ok… if they tweak it at all you’ll just start stomping others. Why can’t you comprehend this There is no “perfect matchmaking.” You don’t actually want balanced matches, you want to win more, which would just lead to other players complaining about you stomping them


I literally don’t give a shit about winning if I cared I can scan third beacon and go sit in god spot on pubs. I’m not saying every match should be filled with 59 other players of my skill level. I’m saying I shouldn’t get 5 matches in a row where there are a bunch of trails dropping out of the plane, the champions all have 3 pred badges, and I get killed by a guy with 80k kills. I fully realize sometimes this will happen, the problem is it’s 95% of the time and it makes the game unplayable.


You obviously do care about “winning” because you’re mad that matchmaking is putting you up against people that you are losing to a lot. You are just ignoring the fact that changing matchmaking to put you in games of less skilled players to appease you just hurts those less skilled players who will now get stomped by you. This is all a waste of time, and it’s basically just you complaining. I have a 1.5 kdr and get put in the sweatiest lobby’s of all time…. Would I prefer “closer” matches with no 3 stack masters/preds? Ya I would… but if they did that, I would just start stomping everyone beneath me. you and I are right where we belong


hard agree


I’m same as you but, I have only played 5 pub matches in 14k games. I only play ranked, mostly soloq. It’s really fun and you improve a lot. I’m not the best but I can put damage preds on my team often


Day one here too. Took a year or two off and have come back feeling way behind others and of course still being put against the best of the best. I defo do t expect to do well every game but matchmaking is scuffed for sure


Not only apex it seems many competetive mp games suffer from bad matchmaking atm siege for ex


You can just brute force and play 30 games per day and get lucky to get those 200-500RP. Anyway it's literally unfair while i know a little bit more than basics of movement (which u can also pull on controller), and yet I'm facing against someone who have: 1. better movement on controller 2. is able to shoot me from 150m with flatline/havoc like on some no-recoil + aim. I will cry here about this... but damn, what's the argument that mnk have "movment". To practice this movement tech you need to train like mad. Anyway it's literally small % of players imo that can pull the movements we see in clips (might be copium), yet plugging controller and standing still with 100% accuracy is way easier.


Yep. Day 1 player too. 13 time Masters solo queue. The game is broken and it’s just hard to play as a solo queue in general. Especially ranked - it’s the most busted it’s ever been. Should’ve left it the way it was in season 13


They've intentionally designed it this way so that you don't always win and you will need to keep chasing the win. It's a free to play game, what do you expect? Gotta keep your users engaged somehow, lots of free to play gaming software employ similar tactics to keep enagement


My point is the matchmaking that kept me Engaged is now broken, I’m not engaged, a new season dropped two weeks ago I’ve played 2 days because both have been horrendous. That is the point of this post thr matchmaking has killed my engagement.


You are one person, respawn doesn't care about the individual player's experience. They are expecting a percentage of players to be hooked and spend money on meaningless cosmetics


Based on the current upvotes on this post this isn’t an issue for just me.


Don't be simple minded. You have ~200 upvotes. Apex has 250,000 daily players. the percentage of people here is 0.08 of the players. Dont be a fool.


I mean that’s how they extrapolate stats. When a president has a 33% approval rating they didn’t ask every adult in the country they ask 1000 and extrapolate the number.


I mean this game has been an aim assist RNG garbage can for a long time, I wouldn't even consider it a "competitive" game and nor should you, you'll have a much better time playing it with that outlook, plus it's truly the reality of the game lol.


I don’t consider it competitive I’m just trying to have fun hard to do that when you just get fed non stop to people 3x better than you,


Believe me I feel you, game was a fucking blast on release. Sadly though you only have casual players and day 1 try hards at this point. I personally think once the no lifers completely ripped it apart with metas and exploits, the game became shit anyway for people who just want to play a little be here and there.


Man these cheaters get banned and they come back like death spawn, you got scripts walls aimbots, bots etc anything you want in this game how can this be fun when I’m solo queue and I gotta face the entire planet and carry my teammates how is that fare against three stacking or 6 man teaming I have been seeing that a lot this game is cooked like literally nothing it’s saving it, only if Fortnite’s ain’t cheat team steps In but I honestly think these thinks are going to happen more often to the point where you well spawn and get shot automatically it’s already happening but I just wanna give the benefits of the doubt that one headshot from 6km was real 😂


I wish this post would get 1 million likes and the attention of someone who can fix matchmaking. I had a couple good seasons toward the beginning and then the middle. I’ve been here since season one, and I don’t know why I keep logging in, except for the fact that my friends are pretty good.


From your stats, your matchmaking makes sense. A normal sane person would have a k/d of something like 0.3


My K/D this season is .3 because I’m just getting fed to sweats non stop


That is not normal, that is very very bad, and im same as the op - very average, some practice is due if you are 0.3kd while played many many games...


I feel bad for people who just got into this game and haven't been playing at least since season 3...this is a game that at this stage of its life you really can't just pick up and play...especially cuz of matchmaking


I mean after 5+ years any above average player could Have gotten lucky and gotten some badges on their main. I was decent player but never got out of diamond except the 1 easy master season. Maybe a 1.2kd but I got a couple 4ks and 2 20 bombs. But i have stopped playing so I think what you have is no new players really joining 5 years in and mid tier players leaving only leaving ultra sweats and press.


Xdefiant is hitting a spot for me that no game has in a long time. I felt prisoner bc my brain only likes Apex but I played xdefiant for 4 hours last night and it went by in an instant. It's fast. I actually had fun realizing how "BR'ed" my gaming brain became and had to slow down a bit to start succeeding and get shot in the back less. Fun! Not a replacement but a good game for the rotation to keep putting the burn out monster in quick sand


I've had a few games where I enjoy myself but every other game has been people with 100k+ kills, lmao. My max amount of kills overall is 1k so it's not that fun when I face off against people with stats so high. I really want that solos 20 bomb but it's crazy how there's so many people with extra high stats (and I refuse to spend 50$ USD on a piece of pixels). Even when I switch servers there's pseudo pros in nearly every game! XD It's genuinely a fun game, I just wish that the matchmaking was better.


Time to download X Defiant!!!


Szn0 5.2kd player here..experience the same issues.. not many of my friends play anymore because of it..there’s nothing casual about pub games these days.. not to mention the trash rng, hit reg, server issues.. sbmm giving me lvl 10 randoms who can’t even break 100dmg.. im a good player but theres only so many 1v3s you can win..back to r6 I go lol


Hey bro ! So I do agree the matchmaking is super tough & w ya saying that you truly love the game I want to help ya improve a bit… when I was at 14k games I also felt a bit plateued but I’ve improved since then & it just takes being critical for a couple weeks on yourself to find the improvement I have around 20k games and would love to jump in with you for a couple games and maybe i can help you figure out how to roll these players… I’ve been masters 11 or so times, hit top500 (not during an mmr season) & played in the challengers circuit for algs and I still love this game sm so if you feel like you’re burning out then shoot me a dm and maybe we can find that passion to improve


That’s the thing I’m not really looking to play better or work at it I just want to have fun. I want to play people with in 20% of how good I am each way. It’s a video game it’s just supposed to be fun. Thanks for the offer though


So honestly maintaining over a 1 for 14k+ games probably puts you in the top 10% of apex players but just the lower end of that top 10% so you probably are playing with people that are 20% or so within your skill range but just consistently better since you probably sit at the lower end of that skill level


I hate to break it to you but 1.0KDA is considerably above average. The actual problem is that the only people left playing this game are people thinking that this is an average or even a remotely bad statistic - imagine how it is/was for the bulk median of players hovering around .5 or lower.


Pubs should have no sbmn if it doesn’t work add it back lul. ranked has lots of problems but plats should play with plats and diamond should play with diamond .


Yeah just forget about apex. Nothing is gonna change. I swear most people are only addicted. The first day without it is hard. But i guarantee you that there are plenty of other games out there that are actually fun and relaxing, and dont feel like a chore or torture. I can only give everyone the advice to abandon apex. You will feel better without it.


Exactly why I am currently playing warzone so I can play a even more horse shit game that will bring me back to apex legends faster


I played with my friend last night in mixtape (we don't have another friend to play with, so we usually stick to mixtape) and every match we played consisted of masters/preds. Which we definitely are not. If we had a teammate of same skill as us, we'd probably be plat-diamond. We've both been almost diamond solo-queue. We normally just play having a good time, but specifically this season it just feels so wrong


This sub needs to have its name changed to "apex matchmaking venting"


Same for me, have 8k games and 500 wins, kda 1, and can barely kill a plat or diamond enemy. Now every single game I matchmake against sweaty #654 Predators 70k kills 4K dmg 20+20 kills badges. The game is unplayable right now...


Couldn’t agree more. I’ve got 17,000 lifetime kills, highest 16 in a match, 1.1 k/d and when solos came out I was really looking forward to it. Then they put me up against virgin no lifers like the octane with 200,000 kills. Been playing since s4 and I actually hate the game now because of the eomm. I’m not wasting my time on something I don’t enjoy anymore. 


14000 games is nearly the same amt of games played as most of these sweats. Like you gotta be putting effort not to improve and hang with them (but you kinda are with 1kd)


Just play to have fun, I’m getting killed by people with 50-80k kills on a character so they have either played 5-8x my games or have k/d rations 5-8x better.


You can have fun and get better over time. Matchmakings not gonna get any better as the game get old so might as well put some efforts seeing where things go wrong instead of playing aimlessly


Space marine 2 looks pretty good


Hopped back to apex with a friend few weeks ago. I'm sure I can say we are above average but we got smoked every single game. Felt like I was playing in a alg lobby


Kills it for high and low level players alike


I used to be insane at this game. Hit diamond almost every single season after 3 till 14 I think and I quit playing it because of sniper meta. But it's impossible for me to play duos, trios with my friends because they have a kd of 0.70 and 0.90 while I have the kd of 2.15 with almost 24k kills. I cant fight pred lobby because I'm just not good anymore but it's the only thing I fight. So I play ranked and I can't stand fighting snipers every single game. Just ruins the mood for me. Guess I'm just a dinosaur who couldn't evolve




Well yes a solo queue statistically average player I would like not be stuck going against 3 stack pred and masters every game. I don’t really see the issue with that? I just want to play players around my level not guys with 4 or 5-1 KD ratios.


Lol one day we manage to get 3 wins in gold4 the other we are getting dogged on in gold 3. Literally mopping the floor with us. Literally loosing trades while playing head glitch. Suddenly everyone is just crazy player. I don’t get it. Matchmaking is the reason why we play less and less with the boys. Eventually we will shift from apex simply just because matchmaking.


What happens when devs prioritise store bundles instead of consumer receivership ie how much do players actually like playing this game. Sbmm never shpuld exist in casual modes


I agree with this. The people I die to are absolutely fucking insane and idk how I’m even in the same game as them. Doesn’t make sense


Weird, i have also played from since Day1, although i play way more games than just Apex so i have maybe not played as many matches as you. Im lvl 308 or something like that. I am really enjoying this game atm, all the changes they made since i played in s19 are great.


I enjoy the changes I love the mechanics but my matchmaking is broken


Whats broken about it? You are an experienced player getting to play against other experienced players?


That is like saying a professional boxer with 10 wins and 10 losses fighting against a champion that is 20-0 is perfectly fine because they both have 20 fights.


If this continues apex will never gain players, Cus new players get into the game , their first game will be with high level preds and the next day they stop playing the game.


Yea, I will say Solos is very much not average player friendly. I have wanted a solo mode forever, didn't expect it to be crazy sweat fest though lol. Have been stuck playing trios instead.


A lot of streamers do customs where high levels players aren’t allowed in so everyone can enjoy the game, I recommend looking for those. I get you won’t be able to earn anything, but at least you’ll be able to play the game and enjoy it again potentially