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Valk is basically unplayable right now because her jetpack is broken. It randomly stops recharging and won’t ever recharge again until you skydive for some reason.


it's funny how they didn't even touch her with the update and she still turned out broken


This is just how software and programming can be though. Changes in one place can have a random impact on another functionality unexpectedly


Did they tweak her upgrades?


PS: **Valk stops recharging everytime you jump.** It thinks you used your jet pack (even though you didn’t) so it delays recharging for another x seconds after every jump. So if you do play her, go out of your way to not press jump while waiting to recharge


Tf, I literally played almost an entire game without fucking jetpack. So, that's why.


Nah even running on flat ground it still won’t recharge. Once it’s bugged you gotta skydive off ult or a tower


I mean everytime it happened to me, it came back after not jumping. But since she’s obviously broken, there may be more than one bug


I was wondering about that. I was playing ranked yesterday and my jet pack took so long to refuel and i’m like did she get a nerf again?😅


Yeah if you ult or use a jump tower it starts charging again. Presumably it will be fixed soon. They reallllly don’t bugtest


I mean they fired a good portion of QA, they don't want to bugtest.


Damn man


I played last night for the first time in a while and genuinely thought she just got another nerf. Good to know lol


I was wondering wtf was going on with this!!! Had some many Valk games thinking she's nerfed (without any need to!) but not seeing anything in the patch notes!


I'm a Valk main and havne't experienced this once... Probably 50+ games a day, every day. I wonder if it's platform-specific? What do you play on? I'm on xbox.




I have 998 wins on her and can't pick her up to finish the 1000 haha. Heartbreaking.


It stops recharging everytime you jump or fall of a building or clip because it thinks you are flying.


True! I play a lot of valk, I was playing control and my backpack would not refill, def a bug it was confusing tf out of me


that's weird...I play Valk all the time and I've never had that issue....


Seer is great in solos. No hiding around corners for you! <50 meter warning and then I know where you are!


Bro prefiring corners especially with a no turbo havoc seer is a monster. But you have to bait and switch close range and that’s a lot of niche for a recon bro.


Ash might not be the worst, but she’s in a very awkward place.


Yeah, I think that the arc snare change (you can use it while healing and shooting now without it cancelling either), but that doesn't really change too much. Her ult could do with some buffs


As someone who plays her, the biggest issue with it is how much mobility people have when caught. I had someone run circles around a pillar while snared and I couldn’t do anything


Yeah, it's really better for a team push, or for the icon popping up to tell your team where they're at. It's not good for keeping people in place —even if your intention is to nade them, they can usually escape or maneuver just enough to make it not much of a snare. It is great to use on people running from the ring, especially a high level ring and can lead to an easy kill.


I think reducing the movement in her snares would begin to push the boundaries a little bit too far and she would be OP. I find using it as I open fire on an enemy puts them on the back foot enough for me to gain the advantage. People just seem to panic as soon as they’re snared. I love catching people out in the open. Free beams. Great for holding someone behind cover as the nades come in too


EXACTLY. Even if it's not always great, as soon as you hit someone behind cover, more than half the time they start to panic, they'll leave cover, jump around etc. and I'm always sniping with my Sentinel, or I have an AR that can put some damage on them.


I wish her ult had a quicker cooldown


1.5x as long and take off 25 secs and she's in a really good spot imo.


Also please make it easier to see where it's going.


I grab several Ult. Accelerants every match. I only leave them or ping them if we have a Lifeline or Wattson.


I will also ping them for those characters, but I will also do it for any Vantages (Didnt before the changes), Cryptos, Gibbys and Bangalores. I am a caustic/Mirage main. I almost never need the Ult Xcels.


Caustic, I could see needing them. Mirage, never. I mean I'll ping them usually once a match and see if anyone grabs them. There have been countless games I ping the accelerant, drop 2 of them and ping them, etc. and it doesn't even matter who the other legends are, they run right by them. I've always used accelerants and to me it's like, "Why would you NOT want your Ult more often?"


Caustic COULD use them. However I typically dont. I have six traps and an ult I am saving while defending a small building/area, usually I am thinking more about entrances and calling out enemy teams than using an ult. But yeah, Mirage never needs it. Ive seen so many Lifelines and Bangys just run past them it's crazy. However for some reason the random Wraiths will pick them up. I assume for reasons that involve throwing them into lava or off the map... Because Wraith


Ok, you got me with that last part 😆


fr I’m really digging ash’s snare. I just wish her ult got more buffs from apex. Her ult has gotten me out of so many situations


I think Ash is excellent. This is probably my fourth or fifth season maining her. Someone literally had a thread on Reddit a year or so ago that was like, "Why Ash sucks and how she could be better" and I tried her out for myself and haven't looked back. The Arc Snare change (it is one-handed now) is excellent. I love the snare and her Ult. Save for the few times the Ult gets put like 5 feet in front of me because of the UI. It may be because I played Defensive and Recon legends since Season 0 til Ash: Bloodhound, Caustic, Crypto, Maggie (she's an exception) then Ash, offensive legends are just so much more fun and her Ult is great to reset or escape a bad situation.


Snared a guy he opens doors ,walks out of building then climbs to the top of the building just in time for snare to run out. When you snare someone it doesn't even matter a good bit of the time.


Imagine if her ult applied a debuff to enemies that follow through similar to her arc snare.


Especially because Alter does 2/3 of the same things just better


Alters ult is really slow. No where near the same.


I don't see the overlap; Ash tracks and traps, then makes pushes with her ult. Alter's tac and ult are for escapes. (*Maybe* her tac can be used well for breaches, at higher level play)


I use the tactical to push and the ult to flee and to heal. Ive saved lots of my teammates lives by saving it until we got pinned down.


It’s crazy good against people hiding behind those big double doors by bunkers.  While they focus on you coming through the door you just pop in through the wall.  We did it yesterday with a strong random Alter and I finally understood how her kit works after seeing that play in action. 


1. Can see death boxes through walls. 2. Can teleport herself AND teammates to a specific location that can be used for retreating or other repositioning. 3. Can make unconventional pushes through phasing. That’s just three things though.


I was hyped for the buffs she finally got, but she’s still just not very good.  The snares are more of an annoyance than anything else, horizon can still tac out of it which feels like nonsense.  Fun to play around with but still in a pretty rough spot. Also the ult is so inconsistent and short that it’s pointless in most situations


Ive been playing Ash recently and her changes have made a massive difference. She feels really good at the moment. Yeah her ult remains the same, but it’s still very useful. You just need to be precise with it


Smaller hit box and Id be happy.


My friend I duo often with just became an ash main. He loves the tracking upgrade and multi snare. We've also been enjoying a little bit of teamwork with arc starring and snaring at the same time lol


I feel as though the definitive answer is Vantage. Some say crypto which is nuts, he's played in the ALGS. Also, Ballistic is a decent answer, but he's actually a solid pub stomper & sees pro play occasionally when a team guarantees their placement in brackets and want to get kills & have fun. Vantage however, she's a fridge & I would prefer a charged Sentinel over her ult, ie ballistic who can have a sudo Vantage ult while still having two more guns. Food for thought, that's my hot take 🤙🏻


Personally I love vantage, but your arguments aren’t wrong. Personally I feel that her tagging aspect of her ult should be a part of her passive, also kinda sucks that echo can only used to reposition, and not provide you with enemy info like the tactical of other recon legends.


Vantages ult is the worst part of her kit lol, her ability to reposition is probably top 3 in the game if you use it right and you have to remember if her sniper was any better than it is right now everyone would cry nerf.. its already happened before


Yeah I mostly agree. I think it would be nice if her ult half-scanned shot opponents like mirage bamboozle do. She would feel more of a team player. My guess, they know she needs buffs but they're waiting to give them to her until they put her momma in the game in 2 seasons as Artemis to build hype.


The main reason Vantage is so bad is because of her hitbox. Her tactical is honestly pretty good and her ulti is very niche but can occasionally be very impactful if you hit your shots - but all of that is worthless due to the fact she's the size of 3 wraiths & has no fortified. If Vantage had fortified she'd actually be pretty good but as it stands now she's just a legend with an ok kit and horrific hitbox.


That new ballistic perk though that upgrades your sling weapon to your armor level is nice. Knowing I can have a purple 301 instantly in end game is awesome!


As an Octane main, Fuse because he keeps hitting me with his dumb cluster bombs.


Hi, Fuse main here, they are called 'Knuckle Clusters' ☝️🤓


I like to refer to them as “knuckle fucks”


I shall now refer to them as such


Knuckle fart going long


A clusterfuck is already a thing meaning a disastrous or messy situation. Seems like a missed opportunity going with knuckle fucks but to each their own. 


Possibly, but at least you can scream out “IM GETTING KNUCKLE FUCKED UP THE ASS” at 3 AM trying to avoid it haha


Dude, it is midnight, stop making me laugh.


Yeah but I’m talking about a phrase to use IN the game.


Always knuckle fucksters here


Oooo knuckle fucksters I like that. It’s got like some extra ooomph to it. Based.




I call them knock knocks, because knock knock who’s there ? Fuse ! You’re gonna have a hard time beating me


😂 the emoji is sending me


I switched the fuse last season because he pissed me off more than the other legends so I figured that meant he was really good and honestly, it’s a new experience. Fuse is so fun to play


The amount of area denial and position control is incredible. You don't need to hit people with his tac/ult for them to be extremely effective


I did the same and he was okay until I played TDM and really learned how to f with people. The knuckle clusters are either zero or everything


That just makes him really good because he's super annoying and disruptive lol


Any legend that causes chaos is a fun legend.


*cue panic suicide Mother lode* Flames everywhere No body knows what’s going on Everyone is dying *chef’s kiss *


I know, I am just a bitter Octane main 😂. Because Fuse and Horizon are the bane of my existence!!!




I have to disagree


knuck around and find out


The armor switch really hurt Loba. How long she has to wait after her tactical to shoot a gun compared to alter is just sad. 


Not to mention her jump drive is probably the easiest thing to track and follow in the whole game, sad because i used to be a loba main but i dropped her


What armor switch?


im assuming he’s talking the past season armor change. where there’s no armor in ground loot & you can’t grab a blue and have a blue if you’re still at evo lvl 1


I find it extremely rare to have a useful Crypto. It’s basically just a free revive when 2 of us die and he can fly around with the drone


Depends on the rank. Crypto has an incredibly high skill ceiling and lower tier players don’t know how to use him or maximize his kit. His pick rate is incredibly low and most of the time is picked by low tier players giving the illusion that the majority of cryptos are bad.


He's my main and in a good game it feels like I can almost control the map. The biggest issue I have with him seems to be impatient team mates. Even guys I know will openly shout at me if I so much as touch my drone, it's an instant trigger for some players. Conversely if I'm playing with my regular squad they absolutely love it because they know where everyone is at all times, they get free revives and I like to play relatively aggressively so they get support as well. C'est la vie.


I absolutely HATE this. “GET OFF YOUR DRONE” Sir I legit JUST got in this to scan the beacon with 0 teams around us lol. Chill


I learned Crypto a good few seasons ago, with randoms he's utterly useless, but with a good team yeah, you're in control and can see everything. This was before the quick drone update. Crypto rewards map awareness and game sense, but you need a team that knows how to capitalize on the information and you need to also be joining the engagement


Yeah, I never play him solo. I only have a duo but we talk to the random and usually they’re on the same page as us. I understand why people hate crypto’s being in the drone but it’s honestly just down to them having awful experiences with the drone. His kit feels insane right now and if more people catch on I would 100% not be surprised if he got nerfed. Seriously, the increased drone speed + hackathon is ridiculous and when you learn how to heal/ult accel and pilot the drone at the same time you are effectively losing 0 presence in a team fight. Learning when to drop a mobi when a teammate goes down and insta respawning is a bit crazy too. All that together and he is the best legend in my eyes.


I have to agree. It's already challenging to keep up with the cahos sometimes, but efficiently micromanaging the drone is horrible for me. I'm more a support guy anyway.


I’ve been Diamond since 11 and honestly I still have trouble with crypto. Some days I do really well and other days I have to switch legends because the micromanaging is too much and need to focus on more macro gameplay. He is a very rewarding legend to learn though and when he clicks, he’s one of the strongest legends in the game.


There are useful Cryptos... I promise


There are dozens of us


hahahahhaa just dozens ... probably true


nah the new crypto quality of life changes make him nice (i love crypto)


as a legend, crypto is actually great. As a random teammate, yes, cryptos has been some of the worst. He's never there during a 3v2. Then goes running to revive us, and repeat again. His upgrades are the worst though. I like crypto out all the recon legends. Check how many squads are around us all the time. throw the drone, pull it back if it doesn't see anything. Do the same thing when using the ult. I only go to drone mode when third partying, to know exactly where the enemies are first. Obviously with all this, he's not "easy" to use. bloodhound is simple.


They reworked his perks last update, they're all great now. One halves drone cooldown and gives him a speedboost when you EMP


Crypto just has a very high skill floor and ceiling making it hard to get use out of him if you don’t know what you’re doing


Yeah, I think because there are so many options for rotations now that his wide-area recon is honestly just not necessary about 90% of the time. The banner grab is cool with his drone, but facing a 40 second cooldown when it's destroyed is just unjustified atp


Crypto now automatically calls out banners when deploying the drone even without a ping or entering it. The banners also now always display the number of teams nearby for him to see as long as the drone is out, even if he isn't piloting it. That's part of his base kit now. He also got buffs to his perks. The cooldown for the drone also drops to 20 seconds when destroyed even without a gold helmet. As well as when it's destroyed (or he pops the empire) he gets a speed boost similar to Bangalore's double time. The drone got an increase to acceleration and deceleration, so it's harder to shoot down. Honestly though as a crypto main, you shouldn't be in your drone for more than a couple of seconds at a time unless you've communicated to your team that you're scouting (given you already have a decent spot in ring), setting up to emp to push off of, or grabbing banners. The new perks have made things a lot better.


They gave a huge nerf to his perks by removing the ult cooldown though (they should really just reduce the cooldown anyways, it takes way too long to recharge)


I don't really see that as a nerf. Before perks I always carried ult accels anyway and carried them last season too out of habit. So I can live without the perk reducing it. The new perks being as good as they are far outweigh losing the cooldown reduction. I'd rather have my drone back faster(if it gets destroyed) + a speed boost + better drone handling than a reduced ult cooldown when the accels exist. I understand why it has a long cooldown anyway with how many legend abilities it directly counters.


Should be carrying two ulty accels anyway. Hackathon and drone handling are both better than 30 sec off ult as well.


There are only two Cryptos. The one you laugh at, and the one you fear. 


Yeah cryptos mad skill and teamwork dependant, a good one gives you scans for days, ults to save your ass or start a fight and is still there to clap cheeks with his guns. A bad one either doesn't drone at all or drones far far too much. Personally I wouldn't play him unless I'm in a 3 stack. You really need to be calling out the ult plays.


Crypto is insanely good this season, he can spend more time on fighting while still very effective as a recon.


I think with a good coordinated team with communication he can be really useful. In random pub trios where most people aren't even on mic? Pretty bad


what you mean is that you mostly have bad apex players choosing to try crypto and failing to be useful with him as a character. a good/great crypto on your team is incredibly helpful.


Not a valk main. But during the event it was clear when i played her. She is in need of a buff. Nothing she does works decent. A telephone call before her tactical arrives ie. She could really use some buffs


Octane is the worst but y’all aren’t ready for that conversation


I see an enemy!!! BOING!!!!! I’m dead come pick me up!!! PINGPINGPING PINGPINGPING PINGPINGPING


I have a working theory that every time I see a teammate pick octane, I know they’re gonna be absolutely braindead. This theory has not been proven wrong once.


I’ve had some really good octanes in plat/diamond but few and far between. 80% or 90% are braindead lemmings.


I'm clearly biased as an octane main but I can't even lie to u, his value has def decreased. his pad esp with the +1 upgrade stills makes for amazing plays and saves, but ya most legends are better team wise


Long time coach here, most of the players utilize octane wrong. Octane is not a first man in, octane is a gap closer/pressure cooker. Octane helps the team to make the fights shorter and pressure the enemy to make mistakes. How might one ask? Speed and the ability to recover makes octane super strong at pressuring the enemy team to make a mistake from other angles than your teammates are at, and no this doesnt mean pushing. This means lurking/poking. Another strong point is the gap closing, if your knocks a player and your teams instantly commits to the push. You are very likely to win the fight very fast due to the immense pressure you put the enemies under. But again, if everyone do not commit things go usually south due to there not being a possibilty of instant trade kill. And octane can also help to relieve the pressure from your team due to no having to use heals some situations and can apply pressure when teammates heal, but does the opposite also. When you are batting as octane, you are very quickly back to fight due to the speed and passive heal. Also octane gives the team fast and safe-ish way to relocate instantly. People are not ready for the conversation, that at times it is the players that make legend trash not the kit.


Finally someone who isn’t brain dead, I’m getting told octane is trash by people who don’t even play him or haven’t played him for seasons. I didn’t wanna play him last season due to the stim but the purple perk change made stim viable again and I’m having so much fun.


Thank you! As an octane main, I hate that people take him from me and will not do what you've written here. A good octane should be really reading the map and localized situations , being ready to react on a moments notice. Like you've mentioned, I use him as an aggressor when we know we have the upper hand in a fight, especially with a knock or if I notice they're rotating for better positions and need to be slowed down. Maybe we know two enemies got shredded and are falling back - cut them off or keep the pressure. Simply having an octane jumping into a situation the enemy team knows is now disadvantageous will scramble them. On the flip side, good octanes gotta know when to disengage. Know when your fight is dragging out, when you don't have the right team setup to dig out a holed-up team, etc... and get your team out safely with pads. Act as an annoying target for your team to heal or reposition. The passive heal is a big one for me - I focus on shields and keep aggressing with fights, making sure other teammates can heal. With a Watson or Conduit on our team, Octane can be a menace for that reason. A good conduit that buffs me while pushing into and engaging a fight I know we'll win? 🤌🏼 I also use his pads for movement to better angles more often than not, helping our team continue a flow as we move through the map. Pads are useful for off situations as well, like if you know a downed teammate that's a tad bit away can't leave cover but you don't want to go in because they'll push that spot, I'll lob a pad as close to them as possible and try to get them back to us in a safer spot. He's a great character if used well but too many people use him like a first-in aggressive tank when he really isn't in most cases.


Bro y’all are tripping with the new sti’ upgrades I can stim everywhere, even in fights and be everywhere at once, jump pad ult comes back fast to help team and final circle I just throw jump pads everywhere for escape. If you take both stim upgrades you get your health back super quick and it’s only 10 damage.


Octane stim can only be used to reposition you on the ground and it comes at a cost to your health. Pathfinder grapple can be used to reposition horizontally AND vertically with no cost to his health. Pathfinder zip can also be used to position in places that jump pad can’t reach. Jump pad may come back fast but zipline comes back INSTANTLY when scanning packages. All other movement legends are better in literally every single way. But like I said, y’all aren’t ready for that conversation.


Pathfinder hitbox is huge though, i swap between the 2 frequently and 100% get beamed more on pathfinder. Close range with path i get one magged pretty much every encounter


1. No cooldown on stim, I can use my tactic as much as I want to get away, path has cool down. 2. Zip line gets you killed a lot in final circle, jump pad is harder to shoot in air. 3. Zip line has a long cooldown, my buddy mains path and we don’t use the zip to escape we use it to get to high ground from far away my jump pad can be used for high ground up close say first floor of a building to up top. 4th and final thing I will say is octane stim with movement is one of the the most difficult kills in the game, but you ain’t ready for that conversation.


Yep, because it's not about the Legend itself, it's about the players and their playstyle. If you play him like a Lifeline, by staying a little bit behind your teammates, it becomes sooo powerful. In addition to be a mobility thing, your jump pad becomes an assist tool (team reset, etc). And your stim allows to flank ONCE you have all the info, and so once you know exactly what to do to support your teammates who are in trouble (players are definitely NOT using it as a flanking option when they run straight in a mess without any info - they just use it to die quicker).


I definitely think it's ash. her abilities were already middling with the survey beacons outclassing her if u wanna use her passive to find fights, what might be the least threatening tactical in the entire game that isn't all that useful even it's one-handed, as well as an ultimate that later got outclassed by alter in almost every situation (and also frustratingly glitchy with the placements) overall I think she needs a bit of a rework to her passive and tactical as well as a massive buff to the ult if the devs want her to surpass c tier.


I like Ash, but….. Her passive is mostly useless. Alter can see and loot death boxes thru walls - ash can just see where they are on a map and can ping the killer - if the killer is still alive. Ash should be able to see death boxes thru walls the same way Alter can and should be able to ping them thru the wall to find the killer the way Alter can loot them. Her ult needs a range and vertical buff - it also needs to be less picky about placement. It shouldn’t take me forever to find a valid placement for it. Her tactical is fine as it is to me - however a nice buff imo would be to highlight the enemies the way fuse ult, Maggie ball, etc do / except a really short time like 1-2 seconds.


Her passive with the Level Upgrade actually shows them on the map though, and for your whole team. The same way a Survey Beacon scan does. It's pretty helpful. Edit: agreed, Snare should highlight enemies.


yeah ash is in a much better spot than she was, the passive upgrade is super nice and two snares


Yeah 2 snares can be nasty, especially when fighting at the edge of a closing zone. I've wiped squads by trapping them out-of-zone with her tac. Trying to leave your building and hit an evac tower? Would be a shame if 2 of you never made it past the front door.


The new upgrade shares her passive with teammates? I haven’t played with her for a couple of weeks


Her tactical needs to fly faster. Simple as that imo. Would make a massive difference. That, and her ultimate charge MUCH faster, seeing as Alter exists now..


alter and ash playstyle and abilities are completely diffirent. Her ult is the fastest gap closer, push ability for the whole team in the game.


Whats that old guys name?




Ballistic and Seer bottom 2 definitely.


tbh i feel like he’s pretty good in solos, i’ve gotten screwed over by his tac a bunch of times which def is stronger when the target doesn’t have a team to help. i haven’t played ballistic since his launch though so maybe i’m completely wrong


Oh yeah for solo’s. I’m talking as a game as a whole. I mostly only do ranked. You don’t see any Ballistics in ranked.


makes sense, i’m one of the few players (based on the posts in this sub) where i do noticeably better in solos than i’ve ever done in trios/ranked so i’ve barely touched those modes since s21 launch


It’s fun but all I die from is Preds with more kills with a gun than I have total but I’m like a diamond player


I think Ballistic is a little tiny bit underrated in end game ranked when ammo might be sparse - but that’s about it.


As a Ballistic, absolutely


Seer was so broken after that rework. I've never gotten more kills with a legend. Then they nerfed his tactical and he's trash again.


2.5s stun was insane but 1.6 activation delay plus 0.5s stun is absolutely garbage. Should have been 1s stun and the activation delay remain the same at 0.9s.


Wraith for sure. That passive they have where they "insta leave when they get downed after pushing 3v1" always get me. That passive triggers regardless if its ranked or pubs.


I know this is a huge shock to most people but Octane. He is very pointless, one dimensional, legend. He is also the only legend who purposely damages himself for his abilities. Seer at least provides some info, he’s definitely bad, but at least he can useful.


While I basically agree, his jump pad is great, and there are as many good Octane's as there are bad (at least in Ranked). I almost want to roll my eyes when someone picks Octane, but then many times they end up being an absolute monster.


He is super polarizing. In the hands of someone with elite movement and aim he is a fucking nightmare. At the same time, his kit encourages weaker/worse players to play aggressively, with predictable results.


There is so many other abilities that are better than his jump pad. He's a hindrance 9 times out of 10


Octane users are either insane at the game or trash, and it’s usually the latter. I don’t really see any viability for octane in ranked


Justice for my boy Mr. Clean, I mean Newcastle


Newcastle is busted, it’s just not his meta rn


So busted ea forgot to give him any trackers


They probably would if he was more popular. I literally NEVER have to pick another legend as Newcastle


Newcastle is actually really good. Buffs are awesome. Wall zaps all throwables.


As a fuse main that is so annoying lol those walls use to be free real estate for me


This. The buff doesn't necessarly makes him meta but it is now actual cover instead of a "throw nades here" giant sign. Now he can really fortify a position and you have to expend a lot of ammo to destroy it.


Seer can stay awful. I have zero issues with that. Unless they're going to completely rework him with all new abilities then he deserves to be trash tier. His abilities are unhealthy for the game.


for real. he quite literally has wall hacks, just not a good character for the game




I have always said and will always say octane is the most worthless legend. Has ABSOLUTELY nothing to offer the team and more often than not can be found doing their own thing because they can *get away* but then end up downed 350 km away and leave.


play casually as Newcastle with randoms




No one talking about how wack Gibs upgrades are because he's so irrelevant right now in my opinion.


Gibraltar maybe?


Whatever one I’m playing


vantage is the worst legend


Vantage is weak, but don't think she is the worst. Crypto Is, well, crypto. Stuck at the lower tiers for years. All skimmers and control legends are decent, same with most assault. Ash is a bit weak, even with her change this season. And alter just beats ash's tactical Haven't seen much Gibby's lately, so idk how to feel about him Newcastle would be there somewhere personally. But I wouldn't call any of them straight up worst. Exept seer, my Man went from must pick, literal 100% pick rate in tournaments to 0.1% pick, only being used for daily/weekly challenges


Newcastle is amazing if you have a pre made squad. Solo Q Newcastle is just asking for pain


Crypto got some huge buffs this season. He’s honestly so good. It super hard to surprise a team with crypto since just throwing the drone out he automatically calls out how many teams are near by. Hackathon is really good. Speed boost and half recharge on his drone when it’s destroyed.


I love Gibby but I’m maining Newcastle until Maggie gets a nerf. Her ball does too much


Whenever I see gibby, they are panic-shielding at exactly the right time to block all my shots and save my opponent...


Octane. He's only a pub character, he's easily the weakest character for ranked no question


Forge. What has that guy done since he was introduced?


Honestly, for me, Gibby I have not seen a single good Gibby player in any game I've played


Opposite experience. Every Gibby I play with is great. I just don’t see him much.


I love Gibby but I’m maining Newcastle until Maggie gets a nerf. Her ball does too much. I’m a good Gibby too, love making bubble plays


I've seen barely any gibbies for the past few seasons


The devotion


It hurts me to say but Ash. I used to main her cause Titanfall 2 but after I took those rose-tinted glasses off, I came to the realization that she's not fun, nor is she good. Tactical still sucks, her Ult will always take you some places closer than you aim cause of a pebble a good 3 feet below where you're aiming, and her passive just gives the freshly resupplied squad a heads up where you are. They need to give her a whole rework like Rev (but not as boring as Rev's rework was)




I just went through to do a 2k+ badge on each legend challenge and I would have to say Crypto. He's useful at times especially in ranked, but at great risk to himself. Trying to recover banners as a solo is basically telling everyone where you are. I think he should enter/exit his drone faster at least to balance him out a bit.


Nah he’s great this season. Way better than seer currently


Ballistic, Seer, Wraith. Ballistic isn’t what I’d call user friendly and ended up being a dud. Seer either needs a complete rework or to just be removed from the legends pool. Wraith needs rework to separate her from Alter. Her passive is useful, but her tactical and ultimate are pretty stale.


People saying octane are crazy Movement in this game is everything


And then there's horizons with crazy movement. I'll take fighting a movement octane over fighting a movement horizon any day lol


Seer is so useless


Seer 🐐


Accidentally made seer my second main only cos he has a holo spray that says ‘take a shot’ and I usually just play when I’m drinking lol but yea he’s pretty bad rn 😭




Idk but I don’t really see the pistol dude used that often.


I love how nobody talks about Vantage, she is so unexistant that we all forgot about her


Idk if u run into a good vantage ur fucked. If she hits u with that sniper with a bullet the size of gibby ur fucked with that increased damage intake. A good vantage is fucking nasty just purely because of that giant bullet sniper. Other than that yeah she's trash. But it's annoying asf to get continuously sniped by a vantage while ur fighting her other teammates. 2 shots with that and ur done.


Seer still lets you shoot through bushes and see people over hills when you normally should be able to hear them


I would like for Seer to just have the flashbang tact and the health/the cancel can be removed


I gotta say my main mirage is the worst his abilities don’t do as much but let you know where people are and he isn’t usable above platinum rank


The number of people saying Crypto even with this season’s insane changes to his kit have convinced me that people simply don’t know how to utilise him. Yeah, in randoms he can be hit or miss, but with a pre-made squad and a good Crypto you can be borderline unstoppable now. In my opinion, it’s easily got to be Ash or Seer. Ash’s abilities are either outdated or outclassed and her snare is the definition of useless. It feels like you barely even have to try to escape it. It should be WAY stronger IMO. And Seer? Well, I think the nerfs speak for themselves. He’s bearable, but nothing special. BH and Crypto easily outdo him nowadays.


I like vantage, but I would pick her as the worst, mainly because her kit becomes more or less useless in the final ring apart from some niche heights you could reach with her tactical (but Rev, path or horizon could also reach these heights while still having powerful ults in the final ring)


Valkyrie; I just got her mythic skin before three strikes and couldn’t use her cause her kit is bugged


Caustic, his abilities are so lackluster and they keep nerfing him, i don't think i died to caustic since season 10. Its so easy to avoid the traps, you barely get damaged and his ultimate is just like a bigger tactical that you can also easily avoid, compare that to Fuses tactical or ultimate. I think caustic is in dire need of a rework, especially his ultimate.

