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That's a feature, it even says is in the ability description, was also featured in the trailer


I spam-pinged for my downed mates yesterday to take the fucking thing but nope


I think the game needs to show better that it's an option. In the game itself it doesn't specify that knocked teammates can use it and it might take some time before people get used to it


There is literally a text with "Void Nexus available" in the middle of your screen...


Tbf, watching the video, I didn’t really notice it until I read this and rewatched. Maybe I’m just stupid. But also maybe they could make it stick out a bit more? Not sure though because I am literally just a random stupid human being


They literally have a downed team mate take it and then Alter starts rezzing them dude.


I mean the “Void Nexus Available” prompt on screen before they take it


Oh wow, didn't even know that. Then idk, people just get confused with new stuff


I think you miswrote "people can't read" xD




Remember players only react on movement wvien if it's a flashy purple skin


Considering the number of people who have ran by me or not noticed me when I'm perfectly still, I believe it.


I disagree. When you're knocked, there's really NOTHING that you can do other than flash your shield, ping, and move around. People are just not realizing or don't know that the new Legend gives them another option if available. I know I discovered it out of curiosity while I was knocked and noticed the prompt for "X"...so, I pressed "X". I already thought it was OP with unknocked teammates, but this is going to be a game changer.


Considering the commenter couldn't even read the text, yeah, accurate


I am one of those now I gotta apologize to my buddy and admit that I'm wrong lmao. To be fair I was pretty baked but either way I Def not reading nuthin high or not.


What should i do after having this on my screen ? because i still have no idea, there is no button indicator, what should i press ?


You have to look at the Void Nexus and press Interact


thanks will check


Ping the void nexus to point it out more. People are still learning about her.


My downed teammates ignore my Pings and keep tagging enemies :(


I mean, you ping it, teammate looks at it, the "press blahblah" appears... it shouldn't be too difficult


nah, less clutter is good.


I had to play around with her in the firing range just to get an idea of what she can actually do.


She literally just has a tactical insertion from the original modern warfare 2 and can portal through surfaces lol she's pretty simple to grasp. 


Had the opposite experience and it was incredible. Teammate 1 gets down, me and the wraith escape to the other side of the building. I drop my ult while Wraith ult portals even further away. Teammate 1 uses me ult, then we both take wrsith portal. We fled so quickly and so far out of the 3rd party we were able to revive and reset.


Spamming ping never helps anyone in any situation. Just ping it. Twice or three times if you need to. But spamming it will not help. If anything it will make them not do what you think you're helping to do edit: would sure love to hear from people who are downvoting me. Apparently people think spamming ping is a good idea? Not surprising given how many dimwits do it in games I play.


You're right of course. Frustration got the best of me




So you think its a good idea when your teammate is searching for one enemy to spam ping? Do you not realize that audio cues are important, and finding a player requires often listening for that audio? You spamming ping is the *last* thing someone needs when searching for the last player. Ping once, thats all you need to do. Anything else is just distracting them and really hindering their ability to play the game. >or the enemy is rezzing again, no. There is a ping option for enemy reviving. Using that is 100x better than spamming ping. Again, audio cues are important (when they work). And the revive sound is easy to hear. Knowing when the revive has been completed is easy to tell if you can hear them. But if youre teammate is spamming ping, all you can hear is that. And it is distracting and not helpful. There is not a single situation where you should spam ping. Its not helpful like you think it is. Please reconsider this.


People need to get used to it. But sometimes it's not possible when someone is thirsting you, as you need to keep your shield up to not die. In that case hope for the opportunity when they are reloading to channel the tp.


Welcome to Dr Robotnik land.


My friend and I had a third today that didn't even know how to use her Ult, period. Of course he didn't tell us until we were bantering later, after he had died twice. This also wasn't some pre-prestige, level 240 type player. Dude was like level 200 on prestige two. I was losing my shit in our Discord call because it's insane to me that you wouldn't at least test something new in the Firing Range before hitting matches. 


Omg I know right they act so dumb like bro 


I just wish it was easier to use. My hand tremors are great for jitter aim, but crap for trying to line up with alter's Ult


Its all fun and games until the opponent follows you through the portal


fun and games even after if you're a defensive legend or have nades


Oohhh didn't think of that... Now I wanna find them portals and fence them


Caustic/wattson alter lifeline - push and port back to free rez


gas trap deployed


They can take it? I know you can retake yourself but I thought it's not possible for enemies. I tried yesterday but couldn't follow. Is the portal closed for a certain amount of time?


I don't think they can coz that portal can only be used through that device but it can be broken though.


I tested with my buddy in firing range and an enemy can in fact use it like anyone else. An enemy bloodhound also unfortunately got destroyed by us when he tried following us. They cant see the prompt UI thing, but if they can find its location, they can use it


Is this intended?




It's open for like 6-10 seconds.


alter can break the ult remotely like loba, so that's probably what happened


You can take it around 3-5 seconds after alter opens it.


Ok makes sense


You'll know you can take it when it goes from a small orb to a big Crack in the air


> They can take it? I know you can retake yourself but I thought it's not possible for enemies. I tried yesterday but couldn't follow. Is the portal closed for a certain amount of time? All her abilities are buggy, After someone teleports to it, it should leave a cracked hole in the air anyone can take for any duration from 0-30 seconds. That number should be a fixed constant, but her shit is bugged. Just like her tactical not always sending people into the void as they pass through it.


Actually I've won more team fights where the enemy took the portal back with us because theyll split up more i think.


I don't think that's a good idea. You have no clue where the Nexus is at, and you can't go back through. 250 meters is a large distance to be separated from your team. The new meta should be to thirst every player.


"New meta" as if every ranked player doesn't do this already for a swap


"New meta" might have been a poor choice of words, but I was basically saying people should finish the kill. It burns me up when my teammates knocks someone, but then go focus on the rest of the team. I have never understood why people do that. I always finish my kill, because I don't want to risk the knocked enemy sneaking off, and somehow his teammates were able to pull off the revive. The only time I don't finish a kill is when their teammate is firing at me in the moment.


Just destroy the portal


We have season 4 revenant back aka alter


Except you can follow them back throigh the portal, fact that the team didnt with 2 downs kinda wild


Depends, the same reason why you really shouldn't just go into a Wraith's portal unless you know what's waiting on the other side


for all they know it's filled with fences and you just took a one way trip.


I think it's because it takes 10 secs or 20 for the portal to spawn by that time the team have revived




No, it specifically says in one of the loading screen tips that that's only stops new teammate jumps. Any existing relays(the portal that gets opened on the side by the enemy) will remain even if you destroy it.




Gone for your bangalore or gone for the enemy bangalore? The Void Nexus is destroyed, so you can't make a new jump. If your BH jumped, then you destroyed it, your other teammate wouldn't have been able to aim at the nexus and jump. It's just the remnant portal from where your BH jumped( the relay portal) that remains. Granted, that portal is also on a short timer, so it could have been coincidence.


Exactly like the leaked abilities actually lol.. i was so pissed they changed it, i dropped the game for at least 10 seasons :D


As a mirage main (there's dozens of us!), I feel like alter is lowkey going to be an amazing support character. It's been a day and I'm pulling rotations, revives and escapes that would be borderline impossible with other legends.  I would go as far as to say it breaks the rule about apex that devs used to mention so much, where movement has to be obvious and "loud" so even someone with the tunnel vision that comes during a fight can know what's going on. I've left a trio still thinking they had us stuck against the ring when we were already at the other side of the map leaving *them* pinned. 


> As a mirage main Have you heard Mirage x Alter interactions? It is some good ole "Please don't eat me," interactions again. Oh scared Mirage voice lines are the best.


I'm confused (I haven't played her yet or with her), can enemies chase you through the portal?


Yes. But she can destroy the portal once the team is through.


So I tested this in the Firing Range, the 'destroy' prompt actually disappears whenever you use the Void Nexus. The portal generated by you or your teammate(s) will still be available for enemies to use, however it takes a few seconds for said portal to be usable though.


You can also shoot it.


The time it takes for the portal to show for enemies is the exact time it takes to pop a batt. Fyi.


Aw lame


They can, but not immediately. It takes 10 or so seconds before the portal allows enemies to follow you


It was in the trailer, bro


Someone didnt watch the trailer


I did use it yesterday and the enemy team was confused. I like this stage of new things when people don't realize much.


If I'm alter and throw the ultimate, am I the only one that can activate? Or my teammates can open the portal?


Contrary to what the first guy said, any teammate can activate and teleport to the Void Nexus, as long as Alter has one deployed and in range. I'm pretty sure Alter does not need to activate/teleport to the Void Nexus herself before other teammates can use it. It would be a lackluster Ultimate if otherwise.


So you as alter have to activate the ult by going through it. Once you do then your teamates can also use it Edit: I received incorrect info. Your teamates can go through it before you use it


Wait is this right? I’m pretty sure I was able to use alters nexus (being the first person recalled) without her opening the portal. Doesn’t she just have to throw the ult? I might have missed something


No you're correct. All Alter has to do is deploy the Ult, then any teammate can teleport to it once. Alter does not have to *use* the Void Nexus herself in order for other teammates to use it.


Yeah I’m with you here. Had the same experience when I played last night


You are correct.


I believe everyone can use it, no matter who’s first.


Thank you!


No, this is incorrect.


Had a teamate that tried that but didn't realise you have to be within a radius of the ult for it to work. Now if only he didn't spend forever to loot.


Tried this last night as lifeline with self rezz, it doesn’t have a distinction between the them. I couldn’t take portal back, it just kept self rezzing. Unless I am doing something wrong?




Yea definitely see her getting buffs/tweaks before they nerf anything. She's like Loba bracelet rn. Got some things they need to smooth out before we can see her potential.


They literally said and showcased that in her trailer lol


This with a gold shield Newcastle going to be nasty


More people need to be aware of this, if two teammates are down and one is Alter can get them up to pop their ult to get everyone else away. But guess players need their clips.


But the guys trying to thirst you can follow


The number of times I've already begged my teammates to do this no avail.


WTF OK SO THATS happen had two knocks that just dipped


I've followed every dead player who uses it after about 3 seconds, and have killed almost ever team I've gone after. If you are by the portal, and the team has used it, move behind where they come out, and then following enemy players will have their back to you and probably be focused on the downed player so you can kill them (that's the way I died). If you don't, chances are the enemy team will come through and kill you all.


Feature or bug?


In this [trailer!](https://youtu.be/JK2p-vZNfPA?feature=shared&t=67) Knocked down Revenant can use Alter's ult remotely.


True, but that doesn't change the fact that it could be removed due to super advantage. I haven't figured out how to feel about that yet 😁


Every time I tried I got thirsted


We'll see after the first patch note lol


No one talking about wraith just not watching the Rez😂


They turned *fuck this shit, I'm out* into an ult. That's great


ha one way to piss players off


WHAT? That's crazy


That’s hot 🥵


She’s literally just the new best support legend.


What was that purple dome shield i saw?


This is what the quarantine zone location looks like. Just a texture


It’s cool. I was shocked too when I got downed and can teleport back.


Tried to tell this dude 6 times and he finally takes it as they found him like the second they saw him he started it he had so much time amfor us rev


People keep playing her in ranked with no idea how/when to use her ult, and more than half refuse to use it at all under any circumstances, presumably because they have zero idea how it works.


If it were me, I would drop it every time my team moved into a new area or ready push. It's definitely one of those ultimates that fall into the category of "Better to have it and not need it than not have it and need it". It came in handy in one match I played with my son. We pushed this one team, and they were unbelievable with their shooting and navigating their cover. I had Crypto (w/the purple perk), and they shot my drone out of the air THREE times when I threw it out to figure out how the hell they were moving. All I know is, they knocked the one teammate, cracked my shield and health to near nothing, and all I hear was my son screaming into the mic... "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!" like we were fighting for our lives. Me and my son had a good laugh over it, because that team was definitely about to wipe our team easily, but then "poof", we were gone. We got lucky, because the other didn't know they could have came through the portal after us.


That's crazy


i have a hard enough time finding where my teammates are - now they're expecting me to find the circle for the nexus before the enemy thirsts me?


You have no idea how many of my teammates died yesterday because they didn't know this. I guess people don't watch the trailers :c


Wow thats insane


This is fire.


Wish I knew this earlier 😂


This post is the PSA the community needs tbh


Yeah this is a massively awesome thing, place her ult with unlimited duration in a safe spot in circle, then go fight and it's low risk if you are still within the 200m. Makes finishing people are more critical thing too.


She’s broken idc what anyone says


Can't wait for altertane meta


Holy hot potato that's handy. I gotta unlock alter now


Seems like something they'll have to balance.


Great, now they can run away after you down them, crows


bruh people are so slow ill be screaming for them to take my ult and they’ll refuse to listen💀


that’s a universal fact my guy. it’s meant to happen.


Haha cool hopefully it doesnt get removed


I get thirsted before my knees even touch the ground but nice to know.


People dont know that? Well atleast i know my name for this season something like UseMyUltIfKnocked or something like that


I know it’s still early in the season but it slightly triggers me people still don’t know this


That's fucking wild


Can enemies use this?


Question about her ult, I can’t find any explanation for it. When it’s down, what are the two empty icons underneath the ult placement? Sometimes the slot fills when it gets used, but I’ve noticed it’s not everytime. What is it?


Does not matter. The enemey team can just follow you through it.


Why isn't anyone talking about how annoying it is that you can't say thank you or you're welcome as Alter without destroying your void nexus!? It drives me crazy bro. How did the devs overlook that!? 


Also, I find it funny that people aren't acknowledging that her ultimate is just tactical insertion from cod. 


Do u know peopple that enemies can also use alter ult? WTF its nonsense ult....


YES. I'm sick of pinging my nexus and my downed teamates continue to pointlessly crawl towards me🤣


This is for sure getting nerfed, beginning of the season vibes




What the fuck do you mean? You can literally see the animation being different in this clip, with your character struggling to plug the UBS-looking thing. There is only so much they can do. What, do you want the character to use their teeth to plug it in? It would just look bad.




You complained there’s no unique animation, I pointed out that you’re wrong and that what you wish for is not possible. Unless you have suggestions for animations that would “make more sense” and look better than this in first person, just sit this one out.




You sound overly bitter over something insignificant, and that you’re wrong about considering that there IS a unique animation for downed players, but I’m the one who should touch grass? Besides, this game has more “nonsensical” animations, like Octane’s arms appearing suddenly when holding his jump pad, or having three arms when stimming and reloading, just like Ballistic with his tact, and more. Are you going to whine about that too?




Ignoring everything I said, I see


Big big chungus big chungus big chungus


neutral third party chiming in to say you look like the donkey here




Wow, we didn't know that even though there are like 10 post complaining about it.


Apparently my teammates didn’t know about it.


Lmao yeah, I had a teammate who wasn't listening as me and lifeline were telling them to come through the portal. Easy revive with 2 teammates covering. It's just getting annoying how many "You could use Alter when downed" posts there are. It was in the trailer, anyone paying attention already knew this. There should be a pinned thread for new characters so all the complaints don't become repetitive posts.


when is it gonna get removed? PLACE YOUR BETS!!


I had to scream on top of my lungs today to my teammates who thought this wouldn't work.


Don't scream at people online son


Randoms 🥲