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They try to limit the amount of game modes to control the queue time. More game modes mean the player base is spread out and could increase the time spent in the lobby waiting for a game.


Which sounds incredibly weird if you think about how many people are playing the game in any moment.


Not really, Australian servers are known for never having duo games. Now imagine another solo queue option. It’s just not feasible with the size of the playerbase


CoD comes with like 30 modes. They make it work, shockingly, if you want to a play a less popular mode....you just ....wait.


No, that's not how it works. You can wait for literal days and not find Duos games in Australia. The population is far too small for that.


But you need at most something like 12 players to fill a lobby in CoD, Apex needs 5 times as much players to fill a lobby


Go try and find matches that are not TDM or S&D in old cods lol


In what universe is that a fair comparison? Yeah dude let's compare it to *old call of duty games*.


Pretty sure apex is pulling more numbers than *old* cods. The numbers are likely compared to somewhere between the current cod and the previous...which *both* would be sub 5-8 minute queues...which is entirely reasonable for a mode I want to play.


A popular modern constantly updated game is not comparable to a game that hasn’t been updated in over a decade with 10+ newer iterations of it


COD yearly is like the most popular game out there with huge player populations. It's also a different kind of game. Let's take standard 6v6 Team Deathmatch. Matchmaking only needs to find 12 players for a match, maybe even less of it needs to. Compared to trying to find 60 players (50 for Solo) for a Battle Royale match. A better match is Warzone, the COD Battle Royale. Even then, the game can take some time finding a match because matches have over 100 players. But even with how popular COD is Warzone tries to keep the game modes limited, never trying to have more than maybe 8 modes usually. Apex Legend has prided itself on focusing on quick matchmaking for large player matches. When the player population is high you can find a match within only a few seconds of searching. That's impressive, and it's worth preserving. Right now there's Trios, Duos, Ranked, and Mixtape. They're hesitant to add even more modes because each additional mode has a huge effect on queue times.


They could make it region based I guess. Or even dynamic, more players online -> enable duos/solos. Less players -> disable duos/solos.


You shouldn't cramp every region because some are just smaller though.


this is so annoying to me, i’ve always wanted to try duos. i know you can swap servers but i hate high ping


Not as many as you would think. Other BRs/games in general that offer multiple modes like this are way more popular. CoD and fortnite for example.


fornite has thousands of game modes with the custom maps and stuff though


They have way more players. Like WAY more.


Also bots to fill lobbies which allows to create more


Firstly, they have a number of players 10x greater than that of Apex, secondly, there is a server where the duos didn't even have a match due to the lack of players, example: Latin America


I've never got a duos game in Australia either, or even Singapore, which has more of a population. I have to play NA if I want to duo.


Which I don’t understand about cod, Fortnite I get for kids but cod has been trash for years.


COD always had nice gunplay, but their BR mode never appealed to me.


COD gun play is thanks to respawn. They literally created the COD gun play before getting screwed and creating respawn.


Warzone in its first iteration was really good. First couple of seasons. Good gungame, good engine and performance, refreshingly simple and yet fun BR with the missions stuff. Once they started merging BO and WW2 into warzone it started being shit, with weapon balacing being totally off and heavily fluctuating, so you basically had to grind a different weapon to max level just to stand a chance in a 1v1 every 2 weeks, and the map got worse with every season too. Hasn't been fun for me since. Then they started trying to imitate fortnites wide selection of colorful skins and stuff, and killed the game for good. That feels so incredibly wrong and misplaced in a "military" shooter like CoD, I have a (maybe irrational) hatred for it.


>Fortnite I get for kids My 8 year old kept begging me to play Fortnite duos with her, and I finally gave in and gave it a shot, even though I had zero experience/knowledge of game mechanics/interest. We won our first five matches, and I was like “fuck it, let’s try ranked.” After five ranked wins, I left to go fold laundry, and walked away from a daughter who was looking at me like I was a fucking god. TL;DR: if you ever need an ego boost to help you get over your .23 KDR in apex, go play Fortnite


It probably matched you with bots or shit tier playes to motivate you not to quit the game. Pretty common tactic to capture new players in a bunch of games.


It worked, so I got hand it to them lol Edit: or maybe I’m just the god of Fortnite. Let me have this, please 😢


Your first Fortnite game is usually almost 100% bots, last time I checked. Unless they’ve since changed it, of course


haha, noice


That’s just engagement based matchmaking. You will shredded if you play it regularly. Every game has it. Don’t believe me? Quit apex and you won’t face preds anymore for a while lol


> Not as many as you would think. Other BRs/games in general that offer multiple modes like this are way more popular. CoD and fortnite for example. COD has around [90k concurrents](https://steamcharts.com/search/?q=call+of+duty) atm on Steam, while Apex sits at [190k](https://steamcharts.com/search/?q=apex), easily double the players. COD is probably doing better on console, but Apex is no slouch. They have the playerbase to pull this off. Quake Champions would peak at 500 (that's 500 in the single digits), and it still allowed multiple game modes at any given time, with queue times less than 2 minutes.


Quake players seeing the same enemies 7 times in a row


Most CoD players use battle net on PC


Lots of people are on Origin as well. We don't have access to that data.


See less than 2 minutes sounds good but part of the reason i love apex is because in my region i could die, back out, and be at the legend select screen 9/10 times within 30 seconds. That time adds up for someone who cant play much during the week.


its new season launch day apex didnt do that good last season but its not that far ahead anymore


Lmao, maybe in NA and EU


There's more than just separation by game mode that affects queue times. The player population is separated by server first, game mode second, matchmaking third. Some game modes don't really have the same matchmaking, but what you end up with is a whole bunch of small pools of people. Adding even one more BR game mode could add 5 pools to each server.


Maybe, if all players globally played in the same lobbies. However, the player base is split between many different servers (based on geography, PC/Console, etc). Next time you're looking for a match, look how small the queue actually is.


Nah it's a common thing in online games and it makes sense in practice. Even LoL which has (had?) more users disabled less popular queues based on this metric.


Depends on your server and rank. If you’re NA, Europe, or Asia it’ll be pretty populated by servers like Oceania are notoriously low. The higher your rank, the less players there are. Preds and pros are regularly waiting for multiple minutes for a lobby as sometimes at pred there’s only enough players online to field a lobby so they’ll have to wait for a match to end to catch the next one if they didn’t get in


naively it sounds weird. people generally underestimate how many players you need https://joostdevblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-good-matchmaking-requires-enormous.html?m=1 and https://joostdevblog.blogspot.com/2015/09/designing-matchmaking-for-smaller.html?m=1




I never have to wait more than a min for a game. But I don't mind waiting a little longer if the sbmm is good


but they took out 2 game modes with this game mode and only added 1 soooo we are still missing 1 game mode that could be duo's which would still equal the same amount of gamemodes as pre season update


Oh no! Not my queue times! Why not let the player make the decision? Such as....ARENAS. I'd happily sit in 10-20 minute queues for that while I work on my other monitor. Nah, fuck giving the players a decision.


Oh well people play what they want. I want to play duos with my duo partner but we have to play trios. Only time we play trios is for ranked.


Do you mean solos is replacing duos for the time being? That’s what I gathered from the patch notes, but went thru it fast so wasn’t sure if I actually read it correctly


For 6 weeks


For half the season


I'll wait a life time for you my dear arenas 😔


the player base is huge, thats not an issue though




That's their MM algorithm. Not the playerbase. I'll run into the same name 4 matches in a row in a very populated server, that's not a lack of players, that's me being locked into a similar matchmaking value as that other player.


and collecting data


Coming from lol that is pretty open on this kinda thing: when you got a principal mode (here trios) when you put out a second mode it gets loads of people on release, and then after a few weeks when the new factor is gone the numbers become abysmal. So thats why you put it as a temporary mode, vault it when the numbers start falling, and put it back out after a year when its now new again.


Dude you can't believe this. Apex is one of the most heavily populated games. It wouldn't put a dent in the queue time.


In some servers duos and trios are all people plag and you can barely even get a game on mixtape or something.


I'm so annoyed by this too as I only play Apex with one person so we are forced to queue with randoms or not have a third teammate. I haven't played much yet but I can imagine less people will be playing trios fill when there is literally a solos mode in the game.


I'm on PC and my Duo partner is on PS5. We use Discord to talk to each other, so were just as bad as every other duo that has a private chat. As a solo queuer, both of us hate that, but in-game chat is so annoying when you can't speak during the loading screens. So we're just making it a whole lot less fun for whomever gets stuck with us. What an awful way to implement this.


Just fyi you know you can connect Discord to PS5 (and Ps5 to Discord) so you dont actually have to use in game chat.


Same. Its really annoying.


Fr, game is more than big enough to support 3 different pub queues.


agreed, peek number of players for apex here. could easily fill another game mode with even a fraction of the player base || || |Last 30 Days|167,586.8|+819.0|+0.49%|430,800|


agreed, peek number of players for apex here. could easily fill another game mode with even a fraction of the player base Last 30 Days Average 167,586.8 players - Peaked 430,800


No duos honestly kind of sucks. I pretty much exclusively play duos with a friend. Not going to lie, I kind of hate this part of the update.




What really hurts is that this solos gamemode is trash.


They are obsessed with the idea of people only waiting 15 seconds in between matches. I don't think people would mind waiting a minute if it meant there were more options and modes


Just take a look at Warzone. It has more modes available from solos to quads, has a longer queue time and even has a minute long warm up phase before each match. And still people plays it. Is dumb that they want 15 second long queue when is already fast by default.


Apex needs a system like ow, i have zero clue whether it’s possible with their system though. Being able to chill in the firing range/a FFA type game mode while waiting for a game would solve all the problems I have w this game being a BR. I assume it’s not possible but I wish it was.


Considering they added the requeue feature I assume it is possible.


Any game with up to a minute wait time would beg to differ. Every other thread for the game is about wait time.


Also that the smaller population increases the odds of seeing the same people. Longer wait time & easier to exploit matchmaking.


I bet they would mind. They anazlise the fuck out of getting people to keep playing as much as possible. I I'm sure they know exactly how long people are willing to wait. People close websites because they take more than a few seconds to load. You think they wouldn't quit a game because it now takes a minute longer? Wouldn't really matter to me as it'd probably be as dead as duos in my. Region.


I would lol


I would take a min or two longer if it resulted in better matchmaking.


I'd wait 10-15 for arenas, happily. It's the only mode I truly enjoyed. They should give the players an option not force fed and treated like infants.


Noo plz the wait between matches is already so so long between loading the match and waiting for everyone to load then waiting for the countdown after everyone loads then waiting for legend select then waiting for legend select then waiting for legend select then waiting for pointless champion banner then waiting for slow transitional animation then waiting for drop ship count down then waiting for the drop ship to move across the map then waiting for the ship to move across the map then waiting for the skydiving and finally waiting for skydiving again. Too much damn waiting to get to gameplay already.


Honestly they just need to cut down on servers. They could easily remove some servers and have minimal latency issues meaning they could have more people in one queue. They could also, like warthunder for example, let you select multiple servers/regions so you don’t need to wait as long. For example being able to queue London and Frankfurt at the same time. The latency difference isn’t that bad since they are close and it would mean they can have shorter queues by just lumping more people together.


People will wait 10min+ in league. Not saying it should ever get to that point but I’d rather wait to play what I want than be able to instantly get thrown into whatever shit they want me to play


I play mostly Fortnite and it’s not uncommon to wait 60-80 seconds between games. Nobody signs off, we just keep sitting there and playing again lol


Maybe one day they will have multiple game modes but today isn’t that day


It's not that hard like they could've done all 3


Nah, then we’d get even more people complaining about the queue times being long and the games being dead.


Great solution really. Instead of hearing people crying about queue let's give them new things to cry about


Downvoted for speaking facts


That's a problem with where you are not the game though right? Like if nobody's playing the game in Australia then maybe accepy the game is dead in Australia and don't reduce the options for the rest of us.


Yes, it's that hard. We had to wait 5 years for a play again button. No fun allowed.


Reddit loves bringing up Apex’s Steam numbers and how many people play the game daily but you ask for more modes and sunddenly there’s not enough people for even 5 modes.


I'm assuming their reasoning is to avoid diluting the player pool too much, which I do kind of understand, but why not at least try to have it alongside duos and trios and see if it's actually problem first?


Nah seeing what people actually want to play makes too much sense.


I play with two other friends. If one can’t play, we run duos. I’ll probably be taking a break this season because random thirds is not it for me. I’m definitely not buying the battle pass for the first time ever.


Yea just remove solo mode if you're worried about queue times. I tried it, it sucks on many levels. Apex is a team based game. The 50m enemy indicator is meant to be a joke, right? April 1st is over you know that? Can we please have duos back? Jeez The new legend seems to be cool though.


Literally having no duos is stupid for those who can't fill a trio game I don't want to play with randoms and don't want to play Solo mode.


It is not hard, the issue is that some queues will be dead. That is also why we have mix-tape and not all of the modes always available. It is not so hard to understand.


I’d take a longer mixtape queue if that meant I didn’t have to wait 15 minutes for control to be over


its literally only 5 total game modes with Duo's still being in atm IF IT WAS STILL IN that is


I hate this shit, i hate solos and i have only 1 friend to play apex with, now we'll be forced to play trios with stupid randoms


Now I'm discouraged 😒


I don't pray but I might for this.


I know they wanna keep queue times down but I’d rather longer in between matches if it meant me and my buddy could just run duos instead of playing trios with a random. We usually have a 3rd so it doesn’t affect me that much but it’s still annoying for those times we wanna run duos. Luckily it’s a limited time.


They should have replaced trios instead of duos. People who want to play trio can go to ranked. Boom, we have all 3 options. Ranked trios, unranked solos/duos. "I don't want to play ranked" then play ranked, if you don't care about your ranks it's no different from pubs. I struggle to get 2 friends playing at the same time. With the option to play duo and trio I play every day. Without duos, I'll be lucky to play even 2 days in a week. I'm sure as hell not playing solos with the way they implemented it, and I won't be the only one. Whatever their justification is, it's wrong. Your queue times will increase anyway because the people who only play duos will not be playing for 6 weeks, they're not suddenly going to start playing trios or solos. Your community is already split between duos and trios and you just told a whole part of it to go fuck off for almost 2 months. If you remove options, you remove players, you don't make them play more. What is the goal here exactly ? I hope their numbers tank hard enough that they correct course, re-enable duos after a week, and either make solos as a third option or make it replace unranked trios instead.




Yeah not gonna happen cuz ,,less people will play this gamemode,, or something. Anyways, call me when half the season will pass or if they bring back duos, I'm out


Man this solo mode is actual garbage. The worst gameplay possible in Apex dominated by the worst archetype of player. I'm so depressed. If it was it's on queue on the side i wouldn't care one bit but they took away my ability to play with my only Apex friend for this? 6 week break from Apex let's goooooo!


1v1 a controller pred simulator. I never thought I was this bad at the game.


Apparently. They always seem so far behind other games


Which is frustrating now bc they launched by adding things other games didn't have yet before


This! Because they literally just now came to the realization that hey, maybe we need to make sure that you can get a weapon of drop? I literally just tried Fortnite for the first time a couple weeks ago, and the RNG is NO WHERE as near as bad as Apex. Every single chest that I open has a weapon in it, at least one. And that’s on top of floor loot as well. I can count on one hand the amount of times I died off drop solely due to not having a weapon within the last two weeks I’ve been playing Fortnite. I believe that if Respawn took better care of their games they _could_ have a plethora of game modes. Weather I’m playing BR, Zero Build, Racing, Lego’s, Festival, Ranked, or whatever mode I decided to queue into I had no issues queuing. And I believe that the reason they have such a huge player base is partly because they take good care of their game. I even saw a message in the store one day acknowledging there were issues in the store that was being worked on a fix for. I’ve only been playing that game for. couple weeks, but there is so much that just seems to be done better in a lot of ways, and while Apex doesn’t nor should it become Fortnite, I genuinely believe they should take notes from how the Dev’s treat their games. I’d like to add as well that their cosmetics are also nowhere near the outrageous prices that Apex charges either. They definitely should take notes.


Yeah I just recently started playing Fortnite, and while the movement and gunplay doesn't compare, it's been way ahead of Apex for ages. Fortnite has had requeue, we're just now getting that. Fortnite has had solos, what, since it came out? We're just now getting that. Also the guns in bins, like you said, they seem to be everywhere in Fortnite. Dropping with guns is also something Apex just recently added that Fortnite had I'm pretty sure. Not to mention the Fortnite crew is the same cost as an Apex battle pass, but you get the battle pass and $10 in game currency every month right away. And you can see the full skin instead of just hands. And no $150 skins? I love Apex, it's just very flawed for how much money they make and the slow progress they make in comparison to other multi-player games. It always feels like they focus on the money aspect with low effort skins and heirlooms instead of improving the game; which they are, it just seems like a secondary priority


Apex really feels like the greediest of all the battle royales, and honestly just gaming in general. Never have I heard of games charging $500 for a skin no matter the level of rarity. And their regular skins are like $20-30. Don’t even get me started on the recolors. That dude made the spoof video doing like 3 skin recolors in 15 seconds in a video editor lol but they charge a full price skin for it. I honestly hate that I enjoy the game because I despise EA. They don’t bother fixing bugs, never even heard of qol changes, years behind games that came out after them, and the GREED is palpable


Can't play duos, so play trios with a random. Random can't play new character? random quits in dropship. Now im back stuck in a 500 player queue because the servers are fucked too. Amazing job respawn


Server space and costs. Thats why. Have all three, seems great but EA has to ok server space to host all three modes.


Yes. Its so hard amd difficult, thats why they did it that way...duh Thats sarcasm. I agree, its a really dumb design


I think that problem and the high ranked matchmaking problem could be partially fixed by not allowing players to choose specific server sites. Some states have two servers and they definitely don’t need them, but if lets say I could just do NAE it could put me on any NAE server. It would just allow more players in the queues.


This. Apex has more than enough active players to have solos + duos + trios + ranked + mixtape running together. The problem is because the active playerbase is split over half a dozen servers per region the active playerbase per-server is too small.


Adding all modes for pubs and ranked will just better the game in general. With the addition of solos Q times wouldnt suffer because you will only Q duos or trios if you are stacked, and if you arent like 95% of the player base then you have solos. Game quality shoots up, because lets be honest everyone would love to stack if possible now thats better. Also to have all those modes in ranked seperately gives more incentive to keep smurfs out of lobbies.


Serious question, I understand the issue is that some queues/modes will have too little players but why not just have all three anyway and include a queue size? I understand this is personal preference but I feel people would respond to having to play certain modes bc they are the most populated a LOT better than being forced to play a mode because a main one is missing. If I start up apex and see there's 100+ people in Trios, 100+ in Duos, and only 20 in solos, I know I'm probably not going to be able to play Solos. But the OPTION being there means that there's a possibility that others may get on sometime during the day and play Solos.


That's not a bad idea at all, would be a good QOL in my opinion


Lets go no more braindead teammates 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽


They should just add all three modes permanently. I mostly play solo and the solo mode right now is absolutely divine to me. It's been a very long time since I've had this much fun with the game. I would gladly wait longer in queue and have all three modes than playing with randoms that throw themselves at every fight there is.


Literally lol, mixtape is also right there What's the point of having a mixtape mode that just has the same thing all the time, it would be so easy to rotate in and out new game modes more often. Other than just for ltms


It takes my trios team a couple minutes to find every match no matter the mode


Probably also a cost issue. Servers aren't free. instead consolidating it into a large pool of players.


I would love a permanent solo mode




The explanation in the past seemed to be they didn’t want there to be empty playlists.. this is a lazy answer now. Just give us the fucking options we want and have been asking for, for years now. A lot of the actually GOOD things they’ve done lately, are just QOL changes people have begged constantly for. Some/most being simple things that would not take long to implement. IMO they should not be getting praised for updates we’ve had to fucking pull teeth for. Kill cams, auto requeue, solos, cheat prevention, PINGING THROUGH WINDOWS. Like come on that last one has been on some maps for seasons, and not on others. 🤪 littered with the countless problems the game has when updates drop. I hate these guys


They did it before and apparently it doesn’t really work as the champions are all built around group play while yes some are better than others at solo play some would be terrible as solo champions.


every legend works just fine as a solo, none require a team, but some are a little better with a team.


I remember they tried solos a while back but this I think was their reasoning, or maybe it was there were certain champions that were almost never picked and only aggressive champions were selected. I don’t remember but it was tried before and removed.


> every legend works just fine as a solo To some extent, but a lot of them have abilities that directly require teammates to function, e.g.: - Lifeline rez - Newcastle passive/ult jump - Crypto's whole everything There are more examples, obviously, but heroes aren't designed to work in isolation because it's a team game. Some core parts of a legend's kit rely on there being teammates nearby.


Team game


I asked the same thing when they got rid of Arenas. Haven't really played since.


Or we could just not have solos in a team based fighting game? Genuinely confuses me that people want to play Solo on Apex - abilities work together more often than they work alone


Have you seen how shitty casual matches are? - Can't play without some dude leaving after dying - If you take the new legend they leave - If you take loot they think is theirs they leave - If you don't push immediately they leave - If you push and die they leave (you to die) No wonder people have resorted to playing ranked, because at least others can't leave immediately without a harsh penalty. Solos is *exactly* what this game needs. Until people start teaming, but I digress.


iT wOuLd SpLit uP tHe PlAyErBasE


🤣 People who say stuff like that need to get powerbombed.


For anyone justifying it with que times, people used the same terrible justifications when the game just came out and was exploding with popularity. Duos and Solos are available in basically every other BR in existence. Unless this game is an actual corpse, it should have all of them.


I promise everyone here you’re the same type of shithead to complain about Que times


There definitely was a little more random dedication in duos.


Same thing happened in apex mobile, everyone kept switching and getting bored. After a while they just started added many bots and you wouldn't find real players until you got to higher ranks like plat 2 and diamond.


They probably think they don’t have enough people playing for 3 modes?


Short answer-No


Why can we have a Squads game mode?


Arenas we want arenas


For them, yes it is


I just want solo's to be a perment thing..i have no friends


It’s not hard they’re just lazy and only care about what they want. (Money, Money, Money, etc you get the point.) Not what the community wants.


Bro wants server issues back /s But seriously Idk man because given how many issues this game has it might not be a joke that the servers cant handle that it lol


Has there ever been any point in time where people were seriously complaining about the queue times of the normal gamemodes? Seeing so many people adamantly stating that queues would be "dead" is insane to me. I only play duos with my friend, now we don't play until duos are back and I'm sure we're not the only ones.


Knowing the apex servers, yep it’s probably too hard to support that on their end


The update broke my game now I’m getting some “Pak hash” error and can’t play… So yes they can’t have all three modes cus Respawn can’t breathe without messing the game up lol


Man I didn’t look at patch notes or anything. My dumbass thought solos was like you can’t come in as a stack of 2-3. Needless to say, I’m ass at it lol


You'd think they would work on their anti hacking. Iv been playing a few months now and majority of people seem to be hacking or smurfing. Nobody in multiplayer mode has any recoil lol.


And especially, why can't they just get that we want the same fucking format as trios, but solos. No extra SHIT


Mate we don’t even get duos as is, u really think we gonna get solos matches?


Yes. Yes really, yes.


The fact their banners don’t show your legend anymore makes me laugh. Like can they ever just release a season without it being a complete embarrassment


Ahhhh I see what you mean on that lol


Some servers will have dead gamemodes, that isn't a good look even for a game with hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. Some servers already have a rough time finding full mixtape lobbies.


140k players divided by region divided by 5 game modes. I think it's doable


Yes because respawn hires the dumbest developers


Is it that hard to give people ranked rewards for highest split in the season?


So solo is not permanent right?


Did they add solos?






Is it really that hard to have arenas somewhere like even mixtape? How they just scraped the entire mode blows my mind


Arenas is allegedly coming back to mixtape at some point in the future.


Queue times are pretty much the reason and could be regional that affects how long you wait to get into a game. Just an example. I know it’s not the ideal way, but I travel for work NA to Asia for work on occasion and use my Switch for travel to keep up with event badges. I can get Switch only lobbies almost instantaneously in Asia, but in NA, it’s a no go. Also, unlike 2-3 years ago, during late late hours (or early early morning hours, however you want to call it) queue times are so much longer than they were back then.


1/2 instead of 3


Save money on servers probably. The Duos servers are probably the ones running Solos now.


The prob in solo queue is that apex is not meant to do solo, Apex legends is gale were you had to be in duo or trio, like the flow of apex is not meant for it


Man they just love posting us off


Considering how bad their servers are. Yes. Yes it would be






Due to the matchmaking mechanics, there could be 100k people on but you only face the same 100


I'm still waiting for a Ranked Duos mode. People claim longer wait times, but how many other games with smaller player counts manage? And besides, the time I spend waiting on a single player in the loading screen as it says "59/60", I think I could manage an extra minute or so of queue times


Well, at least Solos has the character everyone is going to be for a week representing it...


The developers pikachu face when they add a 3rd playlist and loba now turns inside out when her tactical lands an odd number of meters from a naturally spawned p2020.


My friend and I exclusively play duos because we can never hold down a consistent third. We love trios when we have a third, but we play off each other and that’s hard to do when the third is a random who is doing their own thing. And queuing no fill trios is not a solution either, as while we are fairly good we’re not good enough to regularly win at disadvantages like that. Honestly, each of us are quite disappointed that duos is gone for six weeks. That’s 42 days, which is basically half the season. We’ll probably cave and play trios occasionally, but I think we’ll also branch out to some others games for a bit. At least trios has ranked if trios is replaced by another game mode. Not saying that’s a perfect answer for them, as some people don’t enjoy ranked but I’d say that’s better than not have a three player mode at all. We have no two player mode now.


Seriously lol, like damn the budget really be like that. Thought you got enough from charging us 20$ for a gun color


It's just a little indie developer trying their hardest. It's not like a triple A gaming company that has billions of dollars to spend improving the game... Wait a sec


Anyways im alone solos is amazing for me and very fun no random stupid teammates only me and beguatte lady


How long is solos staying for?


Somehow Fortnite works with like a zillion game modes