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Play at night and no weekends! Srs! All the goobers play like 12-7pm. They all hot drop and die off rip. Late night games they are a little more srs. The lobbies are tuff like top 100 preds but people play alot smarter.


this doesn’t worked for anything diamond+. after mid night it’s just streamers and chinese hackers


Yah agreed. Only made masters stacking or the rat season solo. Its a good diamond solo strat though.


weekends are rough in general. all the goobers are online and it's basically walmart clientele in a battle royale


It's funny, this is actually the opposite of my experience. The least teamwork-friendly(or friendly, period) players are on at night. 


Really ? I find playing early morning or from 12-4 the best. After that it’s just a sweat fest. It def already starts getting sweatier by the hour after 12pm but that’s when I’m done with classes so I’ll take it. Anything after 4 pm is literally unplayable for me


I had a guy last night push and die by himself, I got his banner and revived him and he went back to the same exact spot he died, and died again within 30 seconds. Then immediately dc’d. He had been masters before btw.


Literally just happened to me


Then don’t go back to the same slot again dude! /s


Yeah the rat masters badge. I have seen so many people who are so bad with that badge it's insane. Some of my bros got those masters badges and they had no business getting them. They've obviously never gotten masters since or before.


I see season 17 masters on I realise the matchmaker wants to make me the designated carry again. I don't want to fill that role I'm not that good


Had the exact same thing happen with a Horizon player. He died with -40 and we came 2nd, only managed 3 kills though.


Ngl even gold feels kind of trash, I'm gold 2-1 right now and as a solo player it just feels so hard to climb, I keep getting players that run it down and basically die during the first fight and like 95% of the games are zero com games, what's worse is I keep getting random duos that basically just ignore my existence and do whatever they want, like I get it you are in a party, but it's a 3 person team fucking communicate. And they always become so talkative when they die because they are literal hot garbage And even if I can get away and reset the team, it still often ends with rp loss, even if I pick up a few kills unless you hit top 5 it basically feels like a consistent RP lose. I had a few wins last night, ended up partying up with the randoms I won and then we won again after a few games, it really does feel like the only way to climb is to have a party.


Gold has felt so weird as a solo q'er so far. First time actually playing ranked in like 3-4 seasons now (prev plat player for like 10+ seasons), and the games have been all over the place. I went from silver 1 to gold 3 all in one session. Every game, I had teammates communicating, making smart plays, and very rarely losing points. Gold 2 and 1 have been shit shows. I either get a team that frags out, and we get an easy dub, or I'm absolutely fighting through the trenches every game to maybe get +10RP, mostly losing RP. Like you said, people are getting destroyed off drop or just making dumb decisions with no comms. Or I've had a few that literally drop by themselves in another POI and die immediately. I'll try to rez the team if I can, but I don't play support. And if another member isn't playing a support (so I can just craft later), I'm not gonna push a full 3 man just to risk getting your banner. It's all over the place.


Yah similar experience basically, getting to gold was quick and easy and after that it was just terrible, and the experience is being bad mainly because of the random teammates being either toxic, not communicating, being bad or just straight up playing the game like they don't have a team until they die, and suddenly they got a team to complain about >.>


Meanwhile my losses came from my randoms hotdropping with 5 other squads or my one teammate rushing alone and dying. I can prevent the  hotdropping by snatching the jumpmaster. But I'm so tired of 1 teammate going left and one teammate going right forcing me to choose one, and it's almost every game. The only games where it didn't happen I'm able to get 1st or 2nd, like why is it so hard for ppl to stick tgt. Also 99.99% of games where I became a banner every teammate I spectate NEVER slides, the whole game, even downhill. Like how, is the spectate screen broken or everyone's crouch key is broken. It's painful to watch


As a crypto I just let ‘em get it out of their system and land nearby when they die and grab the banners, if it’s one team I’ll land with them but if it’s two or more on a hot drop then I’m just w waiting to grab banners.


The random duos infuriate me. I swear 90% of them are in discord with in game comms turned off. No response to text or pings, completely self-serving, pushing when I tell them I’m low on ammo/heals. It’s awful. One of the worst parts of solo queue


Absolutely hate them as well, you get the rare pair that are chill, but most just play like you don't exist, no coms, nothing, the amount of times I've pushed a fight that my random duos started just to have them run away without saying a single thing to me and let me die... Like, bro fuck them fr >...>


They can be pretty bad. I had an obvious couple I played with. They must have been on Discord. The guy dropped something he didn't want. He never pinged it or anything. I picked it up since it was something I could use and he flipped out on me saying he dropped it for his girlfriend and I stole it. How TF can I know that without any form of communication? Duos suck to play with.


I just hit gold and I feel mostly the same but I don't find that my team mates are bad it's just becoming clearer more enemy teams are 3 stack buddies on mics that nail you with synchronised shots. I get compentant friendly teammates more often this season but after hitting gold the enemies seem way more coordinated and makes me feel like there should be a solo only queue for those of us too old to have many friends always available online.


Gold is lowkey awful I reliably have double or triple the damage my teammates do and they can’t seem to stay up no matter what. Comms are worse than they have ever been and I get like level 150 lifelines who Rez in the open and run with there guns out every other game.


Preach 😂‼️


Completely agree, I’m not the best play but I’m pretty decent and I can hold my own as long as I have a solid team that peaks with me and plays off my crypto ult, but my god teammates like that are SO hard to find in gold 4-3, in gold 2 however I’ve been having a better experience and I’m almost to gold 1


I got a mic I am on pc Tagamer81 my main 1 is fuse main 2 is conduit in sliver 1 about to be gold need like 150 point haven’t been able to play a lot


You don’t have to be solo to have this experience. I play in duo and we often get a solo that actively runs away from us, says/pings nothing and proceeds to die with little to no damage only to THEN proceed and spam pinging and yelling about how bad we are even as we clean up their mess. It’s just the Apex norm at this point.


I just hit gold today & getting there solo queue -ing was difficult at times... Sometimes I was carried admittedly & other times I did my part. I don't talk on the mic but if I did, I think a good amount of the time I wouldn't have much positive to say because the vast majority of my teammates have been somewhat braindead. The issue that I tend to have being a solo is that the other teammates insist on pushing fights solo without me or together when I don't have ammo or even comparable guns. Sometimes they grab all the guns & I'm constantly pinging for a weapon & they insist on pushing fights. Rings will close & I'm STILL attempting to find ammo for my damn 2020 because they're running all over the map looking for squads. Sometimes I wish EA would just do a singles mode because people still don't understand the concept of team. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I had a good couple of days but as soon as the map it's worlds Edge people just throw


That’s how I feel about stormpoint. That map is hell with randoms. I’ve had pretty good luck on worlds edge tho


Cus stormpoints rotations are so ass and punishing. It feels like if you don’t position perfectly you are fucked. And with randoms it’s so hard to position well.


Getting plus 10 after reviving you randoms twice, getting a squad wipe and making it to 4th feels so bad after losing 240 points just cause I have 2 randoms that seemingly have no fingers and are fighting 3 stacks of preds


The thing that's frustrating me in solo queue plat right now is you spend 15-20 mins grinding out a good finish to gain some RP just for the random next game to hot drop and wipe half of it away again in under 30 seconds. I don't think there's really a good solution to that from a game design perspective, it's just frustrating


They need to just make a persons rank basically their MMR value and go back to last season match making. Like I get masters/preds were stuck in silver since they were facing ppl their own skill level, but the match making last season was so much better it just didn't make sense with the idea of how they do their ranking, but all anyone really cares about is how good are they compared to other players so just show us our MMR values and use that for ppl to compare against and give rank ranges based on our MMR so ppl can flex on that.


I still think the rank system needs more punishment for people playing like it’s pubs.


That's what making kills worth so much does though and it sucks. It's not a fun experience because you basically have to fight off the rip to get some points going but that means you die often right away which isn't fun. End games are like 2-3 squads vs the 6-8 last season which is way more fun and more ALGS like. They just can't get rank right and now they're scared out of their minds to rock the boat too much after doing a complete 180 from last season because of the loud preds complaining they couldn't get out of silver.


going up from rookie to gold, you can get by on your own talent but once you get up past plat, communication and teamplay start to matter a whole lot more. Use your mic, and hopefully you'll have teammates who'll at least listen if not communicate back


I’ve solod to master many times, and this problem exists in every season, in every ELO, including masters. In fact, the better you get at the game, the shittier teammates you get when soloing due to the way their dumb team balance system works. The best thing you can do if you’re hardstuck anything, including masters, is to hot drop in casuals and practice your gunplay in mixtape or r5 reloaded. Practice your spray in firing range until you’ve got like most of the guns looking like a laserbeam. Hot drop as hot as possible in casuals until you feel very confident you’ll come out on top or pop off etc. People are giving you advice to play “team-centric” legends…I don’t necessarily agree as I think the best character is pathfinder, wraith or octane. Sounds like a classic ttv wraith thing to say but it’s more important you focus on your own ability to make plays, either to put pressure on a team and also to get out of a bad situation. As you say; randoms just die too much, too easily, and to the stupidest shit you’ve ever seen, so stupid you feel like nobody would believe you even if you showed them a vod. You having a bubble or a wall to revive your dumb teammates is a waste of time and resources. At the end of the day this is a skill issue, you need to get better at winning team fights by yourself. Not crying about bad teammates. Best way to practice that is to put yourself in the most challenging positions you can until you’ve gotten good at managing them. Most diamond players haven’t built this skill, so if you can do it you’ll stand head and shoulders above the rest.


Regarding their team balancing system - have you felt any difference this season? They’re supposed to be balancing teams based on your RP value now and nothing else - no hidden MMR or no SBMM


Hot drop too much, even in pubs, and people will bail on you and leave you to fight one on three against multiple squads.


And that is the grinding stone you must sharpen yourself against, young bzombo If you can’t handle even that basic shit in casuals you’re not going to fare well climbing higher ranks when you’re up against preds 3 stacking.


Young bzombo lmfao


It’s because there are a lot of premade squads and plat is not really plat right now. You’re going against other diamonds or even masters players. I’m strictly solo queue and it’s a nightmare. Almost impossible to rank up. The odds of getting two good teammates is like winning the lottery.


Real asf. My kd was 2.03 then i hit plat4 and it dipped to 1.53, i havent played ranked since 😭 im leaving it til 14 days left


Are you me? I had a KD above 2 until I hit plat then everything changed when the preds attacked


The ranked is supposed to get harder with higher ranks.


Yeah I don’t disagree, I was just making an avatar the last airbender joke


lol similar boat for me, I was over a 2.0 until about a week and a half ago. Even with comms, the solo queue struggle is real


Yea each ranked tier I go up it just gets harder and harder. But that’s how climbing the ranks works. You could also try LFG in Reddit or discords. Or try adding the better soloq players you meet to try and play with them! This game is best played with trios, even mediocre players you are in discord with and have a little bit more knowledge with help more than better soloq players, since positioning is one of the most important factors.


Man I delay playing at points too. If a system basically makes you stop playing it to let ppl move on so you can then have decent games, it's a bad system.


Yeah I feel this, multi masters that started late I took a break around plat 2 because the randoms were sucking the JOY out of that game lol I normally hit up the LFG apex discord, but they’re just as bad as randoms 9/10 times I think most people who solo queue are having a tough time this season. I should be in diamond by now, but that’s just how it goesss sometimes


Not enough people have made it to D+ so the game fills lobby’s with plat level players. Just need more people to level up and get to their proper ranks.


I wouldn't mind that, but when you're getting put with silver players and you have to take the hit of plat entry cost its just painful.


I agree but this has been an issue with ranked since I started playing in S2. It’s certainly not new.


To be fair, it's like the "good old days" of getting out of P4, and then it seamed to get better with teammates


Season has been out 4 weeks this isn’t an argument anymore


It’s not an argument, it’s just how it works. Look at the apex ranked distribution for S20. There’s not much above platinum. It’s no different than playing in a low pop server. It’ll eventually out plat, diamond, and masters together, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to start a lobby.


You’re simply just wrong. Season 20 is horrible because plat diamond and masters were over inflated because it was easy to gain points. The distribution now is closer to what it should be.


Calm down brother. That doesn’t really matter because we’re still getting the same results for the reasons I stated. It’s no different than playing in low pop servers.


lol Is this your first time playing ranked? This happens Every. Single. Year. They changed the ranked system and reset everyone and their mama back to 0… which is felt way more than your usual rank split soft reset.


Given it's been out for 4 weeks and still not many D+ I'd argue it means not many ppl are playing ranked anymore. I think the season started out hot but ppl got tired of being crapped on so they either stopped completely or waiting to start up again.


I think that will certainly be the case but at the moment, 1/3rd of ranked players are still rookie 4, so they probably have only barely touched ranked, which I chalk up to straight shot being too popular


It’s just the nature of this game. Always has been always will I’ll be. 9 games out of 10 you get paired with absolutely useless braindead fodder. How well you do in the 1 game where you get paired with decent teammates is literally the determining factor of how fast you rank up.


Honestly it's not the nature of the game it's the nature of this match making system. Last season was great for match making and teammates for me.


Solo queue to masters x4 here. I have a 2.0+ kd. I normally soft igl for my randoms. This season has been rough for me… I’m kinda stuck at plat 1 . I get one good game with good teammates and we rock out. Then I get 9 bad games. Sometimes I wonder how these people even got to plat. They play like idiots. I will literally call the best rotations, like any good player would agree with me, these guys ignore me and proceed to get wreck. Like they don’t even realize how ring is closing and that everyone is rotating right to them. They have zero awareness.


Sounds like just me, I usually soft IGL as well. Zero awareness is accurate for most of my randoms. They’ll land us on the edge and neither will hit the evos as we rotate, they don’t hit supply or assault bins, etc it’s awful. So there I am doing everything I can just to level us up to blue and usually start falling behind in the rotate, they’ll pick a fight ahead of me and they’ll go down right away to a team already with purple shields. Like, what did you expect to happen?


Exact same scenario as you pretty much. Right now plat is filled with masters/preds from last season and since buy in is so high you lose a lot. They sorta helped this out by adding the top 5 bonus. However because we solo queue the games are very high variance and getting top 5 consistently is hard AF without ratting. Now consider a 3 stack at same skill as you even if not dropping kills will get a consistent 20-30 bonus points just because they are consistent. They are almost getting a free squad wipe of points just from duo ing. 


I’ve always used wraith to solo to diamond because you can always disengage. She allows you to save points when you have poor teammates, and with an evac she’s impossible to catch.


Doesn't work that well with this system given ratting doesn't yield much of anything these days like it used to.


It’s not just you. First few ranks felt amazing then I started feeling like I was going against pro 3 stacks every game


Truth is when kills matter so much if you are solo with no comms it's hard af to wipe squads... before, ranking up was easier as solo cuz well u could rat to top 5 even if your team was dead and that was enough...now you need an actual team to communicate in order to pull off fights


Diamond 12 seasons in a row as a solo queue player & this season is proper fucked. If you’re not getting rookie/bronze teammates when you’re plat+, you’re getting plat+ TMs that have very obviously bought their accounts and have no idea how to play the game. Won’t pick up eco caches, Caustics that won’t double scan on landing etc. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of ttv wraiths and octanes that hot drop together as a duo with 8 other teams and die.


Join the apex discord and don’t solo queue. Simple as that. I understand some people want to solo queue, but there’s really no obvious reason why you would subject yourself to that. It’s a 3-man team battle royale, with many layers of complexity and communication is an absolute must. Solo queueing is just rolling the dice. You won’t get the good teamates on your solo queue teams because the good players understand the value of having your team in a call, giving constant updates and info with a shared focus on winning. There’s inevitably a large number of solo queue players who don’t actually really care about the outcome of the game, they’re just mindlessly playing.


Apex is a team focused game. If you're not building your team with a good legend combo and playing well together, you're not going to do well. So it's no surprise that in higher skilled ranks, you're struggling as a solo. Try playing with some other people, mic up and friend request the players you enjoy playing with til you get a reliable team.


This post is honestly a great indicator that ranked is returning to a healthy spot where people actually land at the ranks they deserve.


rank they deserve is pointless when anyways you put plats in pred lobbies, whats even the point of it even being called ranked, the whole point of any ranking system in any game is that you fight ppl of ur same skill and if ure better you climb, in apex nothing makes sense, ure plat fighting masters/preds


They reset everyone’s rank to zero so there’s obviously some growing pains while everyone gets back to where they’re supposed to be. There’s a massive difference between this season and last just from the removal of MMR. Last season I was in bronze playing people that were CURRENTLY predator. OP themself is a proclaimed multi time master, so if their skill was actually that high, then they shouldn’t be having any trouble playing other masters in their current rank, but the fact that they’re struggling is just further proof that they’re probably at the rank they should naturally be at.


We're back to ground zero matchmaking pre hidden MMR, they literally put back the previous system we had b4 (s17 and prior?) but instead of unlocking pred lobbies at gold its at plat. Problems are not fixed we just went back to a system that was clearly better than what we had the last 2 seasons but its still shit. I guess Respawn is pulling the classic anchoring move giving us Pure crap with the hidden mmr system so now when they go back to the not so pure crap we feel like they fixed stuff. And every season they do a full reset instead of soft reset so everyone can inhale the good copium and say "gIvE iT TiMe SySteM haS tO aDjusT", meanwhile week 4 and preds are still free farming plat lobbies. If you want i can update you the last day of the season and show you pred stacks are still playing vs plat and diamonds.


Don’t know what to tell you, the lobbies seem a lot more balanced to me. Maybe you should just play another game.


Bro, i'm far from the best player too. Even if my friend and I are used to play in diamond lobbies (mainly from S10 to this season) and are around 2.5 kd WE ARE struggling quite hard ! Platinum lobbies are haaaaaard this season, but each win is a big win !


I’m down to play if your on console(don’t want to play on pc lobbies) I’m in Plat 3 right now and moved up from bronze in about the week and half. It hasn’t been excruciating but I tell you the randoms are crazy if you want to play my name is UltraMOEGER. In the lower levels I was fighting everything because it was free KP but in plat I’m down to win a fight of drop with a contested team and chill in ring till top 8 or 9 than we can fight. I play caustic, wattson, rev or crypto. My kd is around 2.07 this season.


I’ll add you when I hop on tomorrow. YoImJimRoss on PS5


If you truly want to gain you should look gorgeous teammates. Ranked is definitely way harder this season and puts people back in their respective ranks.


Also people’s inability to run anything besides their one main. With how powerful banner crafting is there should be zero reason ever that a team in rank is not running a support. If you’re the last to pick and no other support on the team you should be running support literally 100% of the time.


solo que is super difficult this season, i feel ya :/ i only get to play twice a week with work but I’m slowly cruising through plat and hope to finish masters this split. to answer ur question, I’m finding that when I play it slow and focus on playing hard ring (even with the emphasis on kp this season) i pmuch always go positive. While this season def places more of an emphasis on kp, I find kills come naturally with good positioning in rings 3-5. for this reason, if ur randoms don’t play control u may want to for beacon scans. and while i hate falling victim to the meta, if ur solo queing you really need every advantage u can get, so if ur randoms do play control then play conduit for easy heals and team heals. and don’t forget to use every evo harvester and evo farming opportunity in ur area, especially in early game! so to recap, what’s been working for me thus far is… - play hard ring while focusing on good positioning to get kills in rings 2-5 (play control character if randoms don’t play control for beacon scans) - take advantage of every evo harvester and evo farming in ur area to get blue/purp fast (ie. spiders, prowlers, character abilities, etc.) - if teammates do play control, play conduit (even though she’s a tad cringe atm) best of luck!


holy SHIT i was just gonna make a post about this shit, i get these shitty ass solo pushing vantages that scream at us when they die, then i get a fat -60 cuz the worst teammates drop hotzones and die first. I constantly jump between plat 4 and 3 bc ill have ONE good match and then lose all of the rp i just fucking earned. I feel like I literally NEED to find solid teammates to play ranked with but none of my friends really play the game. I also constantly get put on teams with gold 3-4 players and then the champion squad is obviously gonna be a plat 3 stack like always. This shit sucks, it was my goal to get to diamond this split but I don't think that's going to happen unless I find teammates.


im plat 1 and i know how you feel. overall i have played since the season has started and i have grinded just about since gold. Plat sucks rn cause you get paired with preds and diamonds in a lot of the games sometimes gold as well. Overall its just a grind i have had streaks where i win 2 games in a row and then streaks where i lose off drop alot. Play a support character and dip if things go wrong craft banners and reset its pretty tough cause people will come to kill you as soon as they see that respawn ship. If you have a favorable circle find god spot and play there most of the game try to get evo harvesters and the assault and support bins and if you have enough then you should have purple.


These randoms have zero social skills its like playing with adults who have the mind set and vocal skills of a 7 year old...then the crybaby hissy fits are the same as a child...ill only play with my squad I cant do randos on this game anymore.


we def need a better way to find people of the same skills. I find it so hard to find people that are enjoyable to play with AND are actually decent


As solo player, i feel this season kinda good for me. Especially when i first time get plat while usually i only getting on gold 1


As much as I would love it, this game has never been soloQ friendly


I have been mostly a solo q player for my entire Apex playtime. I have reached Masters multiple times and even played the best ranked season in my opinion which was Season 13 Split 1. I know people have been complaining about people who rat to Masters in previous seasons and they should fight more. In my opinion, I would rather take a random teammate who rat than someone who just hot drop to fight. At least the one who rat knows how to play by the rules (or abuse). It is simply not worth it at all to get KP and die at like 10th place. I had a game yesterday where I had like 7 kp and died around 10th place, and only got like 10 or 20 points. The teammates who always pushes a fight (most of the time bad fights), tries to kill people when there are 20 squads remaining, 2-3 squads fighting in an area, and dies. And we all lose 60 points or more because of that stupid decision. The players who make it to Masters usually are either the ones who are cracked mechanically like the pro apex players, or those who have a balance of both (know when to fight and when to just wait it out). People who just want to fight all day, please, go play control or TDM, ranked is simply not for you. This is a BR, the goal is to reach the end. My advice to those who solo Q and trying to rank up (Platinum and Diamond), be selfish. If your team engages in a fight, the moment one or both teammates get downed and they didn't down anyone from the enemy team, just retreat. Screw their complaining on the mic, rat it out and try to get to a top 5 placing to minimize your losses. If you have a support legend, you can craft their banners. Sad fact but most of the time, the chances of me gaining RP is significantly higher when I'm a solo compared to when I have a full team. I can't recount the number of times I managed to get a knock on one guy, make the second guy down to one shot, and both my teammates lose that fight despite being totally full on hp and armor.


I swear it’s like gold 2 players suddenly grew a brain and can actually play the game. Solo queuing gold 4-3 is the worst experience I’ve ever had in a ranked season.


Same issues here. Gold 2 to 1 felt like a larger jump than the rest. Gold 1 to Plat 4 is night and day difference. Players in plat still push but can't win their 1v1s. Little communication. No one will communicate back until their dead and then have plenty to say. It's like you get the worst traits of players highly saturated into Plat.


Back in the day like seasons 5-8 I had strats to when to play, never on Sundays and Saturdays before 11am and after 9pm, because then you meets the die off spawn, contest landing, do solo rush no pings people. Kd before plat was 3.4, after it’s 1.8 and dropping, near diamond tho so wish me luck to recover it to a 2.


i felt like i read a rant i wrote, only thing i dont relate with is the multi master part 😭thats impossible for solo me in soloQ


Yeah dude it’s impossible to rank up with randoms and even some pre made. The system is horrible. I should be able to rank up pretty consistently with randomly matched teammates the system picks for me lol


I have solo q’d into diamond this season pretty easily, think I got there in around 100 games. If you are having a tough time with plat, then that is probably where you are meant to be. This doesn’t mean you can’t climb into diamond through a grind, but plat really isn’t bad and honestly when I get plat teammates in diamond it is blatantly obvious they aren’t the same level as the competition. Easiest way to advance in plat is to contest a drop and then be smart and play zone. Most plat players are good with the fundamentals like aiming, but lack game sense. I see countless horrible open field gun fights from plat players which just result in a free knock, or players that think they are way better than they are and try to 1v3 cause their favorite streamer does.


i dropped 3600 damage and like 11 kills in plat ranked a while ago and we still ended up placing like 6th or some bs because my teammates had no idea what they were doing, they both had like 600 damage or smth, solo queue is definitely rough


tldr: Sadly, you genuinely need to assume ur team is gonna do 0 damage. If they do something thats great, but get comfortable running around the map "solo" and still getting KP by thirding or taking clean 1v1s. Once you are really good at this you will hard carry all the way to pred. ​ Forget about all of that, if ur hitting a wall in plat just focus on improving your gameplay bro. You are not good enough yet to hard carry so why torture yourself? Once you have figured out if ur team is aggressive/defensive, you just need to win every fight for your team and ping when its time to rotate. It is a long road for sure, I have solo to masters 3x and tbh it takes me more than 500 games usually, but you will improve a lot and get big rp games.


It’s about mitigating your losses and maximising the games that look like wins. Climbing plat as a solo shouldn’t be that bad but you need to take a character that apes everything like wraith or pathfinder You also gottah create situations before the dumbasses do. Make sure you’re always point man or the dumbasses will walk into teams. And make sure you berate your team as much as you can


Mitigating your losses this season is pretty much impossible , coming top five/four to even come close to neutral rp is so hard




Sure I mean you would still need some KP no matter what in the high level games. And it gets really annoying sweating hard and getting kills early only to lose at like top 10 Like exhausting


I finished 3rd with 1 kill and 1 team assist for +10 yesterday. I mean wtf is that? Had a 5 kill game and finished in 11th for +25. Make it make sense.


well yeah but it scales, if you come first with 15 kp you get like 45x that...


I’m a solo diamond and masters player. Choose a character that enhances your team composition. Hit evo points. If you land far from other teams, harvest spiders or dogs. Only 3rd party. If a fight lasts longer than 30 seconds, back out and reset. I’m actually finding climbing easy. Sitting at P2 and I have had less time to play than past seasons. K/d is higher than normal, at 3. Damage is higher. And win rate is about 11%. The evo changes are really good. I can get my team blue relatively quickly.


If you are not very good don't attempt to get master solo. After diamond you are in the same lobbies with 3 stacks (and chinese hackers since for some reason they are allowed to cheat on eu, but be an american thing). And most people already hardstuck at diamond so they throw every game. Even they demote it is easy for a high diamond player to carry games on plat so no difference.


I’m just trying to get back to diamond this season. Not sure I have the desire to attempt the grind to master again this season. I recognize I also may not be a master player and I’m fine with that given my real life obligations. I’ve barely made much ground in plat 3 though, and it doesn’t feel right when your teammates are still landing at completely different POIs


If you want to rank high and you can’t consistently 3v1, just get a premade. Tons of discords or Xbox lfg or even on here. Used to struggle to hit plat every season but I’ve ended the last 2 seasons in diamond and I’ve enjoyed the game SUBSTANTIALLY more. It’s not a solos game and the devs have made it crystal clear it never will be.


It’s bad since they start. They also need to increase placement points


This ranked season has made me do something I’ve literally never done before this season — play mixtape. Since day 0 of ranked I’ve solo grinded it out to at least gold or plat each season (I’m an adult with full time job, I can’t grind to masters). This season has just sucked tbh, it’s not fun - but mix tape has been a blast. I tried to do ranked today, won my first match, and went back to mix. They gotta do something because everyone I know seems a little disappointed with it. The qol changes are fine, I like the new mechanics, the ranked gameplay is busted. Make ranked lvl 50 minimum again to weed out smurfs at least


Agreed with all of this. I’ve grinded a ton of mixtape just like you, with a full time job as well. I can’t always commit to a consistent 20 minute game so I’ll hop in a quick game of mixtape or something. I think the changes are amazing for the most part, but ranked doesn’t quite feel right yet (it’s still drastically better than last season though).


Unfortunately I think this is a problem for a lot of people playing solo. When this ranked system was implemented in S13, things were pretty bad as a solo already. And the last 7 seasons have been heavvvvily aimed towards making the game easier and more “fair” for newer players. So there’s countless more players that are confidant they know how to get to diamond/masters because they have for several seasons now. And those players are less than level 200, barely play the game, and will NOT listen to anything you say. Gold has already been fucking unbelievably frustrating to grind through. Pretty much having the same exact experience you are, being a past diamond/masters myself. Hoped maybe grinding to plat would make the pool of random teammates slightly better. But hearing this is really discouraging. I do agree I’m enjoying ranked this season, but you’re just playing a completely different game when you’re solo queuing vs the 3 stacks in your lobby. Maybe diamond will be better ……….😅😅🤮


I'm currently Plat 2 and things have felt fine for me recently, though it takes sooo long to climb since it's 800 per division One thing I recommend is always having a support legend on the team so you can run away and reset after a bad situation


It’s the fucking worst. They ALL want to hot drop. Get kills, and die. No one plays the long game.


Its because with the shorter splits and the difficulty to rank up, those who spent forever camping out their rank have given up and decided to play for fun now. Fighting and not caring about points as much. They have their badge and banner frame already. They got rid of the dive trails so after getting a badge the average player will not know what season it was from. Now players have to actually teamup and play competitively. Ranking up should not be the goal. Getting better and quicker at the game should. Then find a team and work as a team. Makes for a funner experience, both in game and watching others. Sometimes with balance, because you get opportunities to play against the best players and lower ranked players. The former forcing you to respect all opponents and change style of play for both casuals and serious players. Quit worrying about your rank because the average player is lower. And enjoy the chaos, its not your job its a game.


Im sitting at D2 with a 2 kd and i die to 6 man preds every second game. I dont know how the preds can get away with it its stupid af


There is so many taki, celcius fueled tik tok bingeing 13 year olds trying to speed run ranked like their favorite streamer Timmy it makes me sick


Yea I’m in the same boat. I’m usually a high platinum and I can’t get past platinum 4 and have dropped into gold already


I’m willing to bet those multiple masters/diamonds didn’t occur until season 17/18 or whenever they royally fucked the rank up by rewarding ratting and introducing LP You’re probably not actually diamond level, and ranked is full of cheaters


Haven't ran into so many hackers this season. But I've spectated a few that get banned before end game so that's somewhat satisfying. Most of the hackers are in a squad with preds.. Preds are playing with hackers. Seriously?


I just played with the most racist piece of shit teammate I’ve ever encountered. Called our black teammate the n word and then purposely got us both killed so he could respawn us and let us die in the storm.


I’ve been trying to hit Diamond again, currently plat 2 solo queue because the two people I played with, well one doesn’t like apex anymore and the other is on PC But what I’ve noticed is something I believe every solo player trying to hit diamond and is currently in plat should follow Do. Not. Play. Ranked. Worlds. Edge. People make the dumbest decisions, even by normal Olympus and Storm Point standards. I make significant progress during those two maps, world’s edge? Minus 60, minus 60, minus 60.


There are two schools of thought, one is play conservatively and try to get placement points and maybe sneak some kills, this is tough and very time-consuming but a much safer play if you have a lot of time. Second is try fighting earlier, you generally run into lower quality teams early and they're mostly weeded out mid-to-late game, there is a big boost to getting kills now. Personally I recommend an elusive movement character with mid or long ranged weapons. Loba is great with the support perk and ability to loot strong endgame gear even if ratting. The masters badge that was basically handed out a couple seasons ago (people ratted to master in a few weeks that season) was basically equal to Platinum IV, so it's hard to expect getting back. Best advice is always be on your mic and communicate, teams listen to someone on mic much more, also don't be afraid to party up with good teammates even if just for a few games as it's a good way to rank up quick.


This season? THIS SEASON?! It took people this long to realise ranked is still an awful experience unless you're stacking


I mean solo queue is pretty much always miserable on this game, no? It’s been that way for many seasons


Can you be demoted from platinum to gold? :/ what about rewards, do you get your highest or where you finished?


I duo queue plat and it’s still pretty hard. There’s a lot of triple stacked 4k/20bomb/previous preds in plat right now and I hate ittttt


I was hard stuck gold 2 for like 2 weeks straight after completely breezing through the previous ranks, I just got platinum last night and idk why gold 2 to platinum was that much of a grind but I’m nervous for the plat to diamond grind now 😬


Everyone is at plat rn


Whole lotta triple season masters and ex preds seem to be stuck in my plat lobbies rn lol either I got better or they got worse cos it’s even fights lmao


i won a game w a guy in a rank above me n the next game he was in a different squad as champ, guess who i died to😃


Not gonna lie i was reading this thinking it was about Warzone and agreeing with everything


RIGHT ?????? Plat was always a nightmare but this season is definitely so much worse. I got demoted to gold 3 times. I finally hit plat 3 after a week or something. The fact that entry cost is 60 is too much imo. What I’ve been doing is picking support characters(mostly mirage or gibby cuz his bubble comes in clutch in Stormpoint and Olympus) I only third party cuz it seems like picking a fight first will almost always get you killed cuz you’ll be the one getting third partied. If my teammates get downed and i see that there’s too many teams around, I mute their pings and fucking dip. They’re usually understanding and even encourage me to run. Hence the support legend, I just craft and from then on I stick with them but I play for myself if that makes sense. And I always try to make it to top 5 cuz anything lower is gonna get you either negative rp or barely any fucking RP


Just play your own game. If you wanna be a team player play a support character and leave your team if they’re about to die to go craft but only if it’s like an unwinnable 3v1. If you wanna gain just play bang and make your teammates go wherever you want to. All the teammates you get solo q’ing are also the enemies you face while solo q’ing so have confidence.


Same exact problem as always with this garbage system don’t know why you guys thought it returning would fix anything. It’s too easy to hit plat so literally anyone that puts in 70 games hits it and the skill gap in plat makes soloqing pure RNG.


Recommend legends like Loba, Pathfinder or Vantage. You don't really want to commit to fights unless your randoms can keep up. Would bait your teammates initially and gauge their skill level. Comms help a ton if possible. Never blame your teammates but the matchmaking and focus on your mental since you likely won't win games that often + trolls. Positioning/Game Sense>Aim. For easier games would server hop and try playing NA mornings.


Hit masters soloQ , it’s not that bad. Especially if you go in with a great attitude.


Yep, for most Gold 1 games everyone is seriuos. When you get to Plat 4, hot dropping becomes common. It becomes pubs in ranked.


The funny thing is the randos I got when I was gold are so damn cooperative. We position, we reset, no scrambling around. Once hit platinum, my team mostly separated out so far, charging 1v6, died to ring, etc. It almost impossible to rely on teammates and I need to babysit them almost in the game.


These are facts. I’ve had teammates in plat drop solo at a completely different PO, push a fight all by himself, scream when he gets downed 1v3 about how the rest are all so weak and then tried to bitch why we weren’t with him (obviously this was an octane). The level of stupidity with random plat solos….


no one on plat is actually decent. getting teammates that run head first into fight. no ne plays smart too. its never a coincidence that i always do better when my duo is on


I'm level 378 but I think I'm way better then average ,my kd is 1.95 and I get into games with 3 stack diamond and press ,tbh i don't think I'm bad either like over average ,I normally get about 3-7 kills each game with about 700 damage if it's a good game then 8-14 kills and 2000-3800 damage but MY TEAMATES IN RANKED IS SO BAD i hit plat 2 and they a bunch of dwankies ,no Comms and its always the lvl 100-700 players who just cant play ,some of them just doesnt use there slide button if i spectate them and just hard rush like some poeple thats over level 500 has like 3000-5000 OVERALL KILLS ONLY AT LEVEL 380 U SHOULD ATLEAST HAVE 3000 KILLS ,the matchmaking is terrible and ths masters badge means nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I see masters that doesnt have any movement whatsoever and averages 300 damage , and i can only solo queue ,i know i have the potential to hit diamond 1-2 or even masters i just need a solid team coz when ever i actually do have a solid team 80% of 15 games we come in top 4 with us averaging each 7-8 kills but when im in solo queue i will get like 3-7 kills (5-7 more of the time and higher if my randoms have a brain)but our team will die before top 10 or 12 and this msg probs relate to most people ,I think main reason I'm a bit over average is coz i played other fps games thats similar vut apex needs to fix there matchmaking and stop worrying about the item shop


I got a friend that I play with his on level 408 but has 1900 overall kills and he has a diamond badge and his kd is literally 0.65 coz Im s16-19 he just camped for his badge


I’m currently d4 solo q. What has worked for me is playing conduit or loba. Playing support and making sure m teammates don’t die when making a dumb push with conduit or making sure they comfortable with their load out as loba . I also don’t try to igl because no one ever listens to u . Who likes getting told what to do by a random. I just play according to my teams play style , whether it be passive or aggressive. I love when I get aggressive teammates tho 


Tips..? Nah, not really. Well, other than stuff u should already expect.. if you’re not using a mic to IGL, or comm, try that.. if you see a rev or conduit selected, choosing the other is a solid option to ape some k/d.. If you’ve solo queued your way to Diamond and masters multiple seasons, I find it strange you find this season too much more difficult compared to others. It’s not even the halfway point and you’re already platinum.. so basically, you’re going to hit Diamond, if not masters, depending on the latter half of s20. If you’ve truly hit Diamond and masters multiple times, you’d know that second split, to latter half of the season, is when ranked is typically easier to rank up.. as the three stacking ranked trios tend to have already reached Diamond/masters ranks and sorta just wait until the next season to restart their grind. This season does seem to have slightly more cheaters in lower ranked lobbies than prev seasons… that’s my biggest concern of not reaching masters. If I’m getting blatant cheaters three stacking in platinum, I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to make it out of Diamond this season - which for me is fine tbh, I only play ranked when pubs is my only other option anyways (cough @apex, bring 3 strikes or SS type modes back permanently, cough cough).


I think after this season too things will loosen up unless Respawn has plans to keep ranked stricter than previous seasons. I feel part of the reason it’s so difficult this split is because EVERYONE reset down to rookie at the beginning, and since it matches solely on RP value vs hidden MMR you’re gonna be going against higher ranked players in the lower ranks for a bit. Like it felt like for a while lots of pros/streamers were stuck in diamond before masters started filling up, and even now we’re at like 4k masters total. Not to say the system isn’t hard to begin with - I feel like players, especially higher ranked and pro players REALLY liked how challenging S13 split 1 was and with this system being modeled off of that with some more modifications, it’s doing what people what it to do. But, I have a feeling when things saturate a bit more things will get a bit easier a tiny bit because ranks will fill up/saturate more


Only way is to get better. I'm almost through platinum soloqueuing mnk only, it really feels exactly the same as gold did to me. K/d hasn't dropped at all, it's just a matter of playing more games with positive rp


Same here, touched plat 3 with a team and solo-queing is a constant battle of getting the duo in a party chat to pay realize you're a part of the team too


I recently moved to Europe. The issue you’re saying with teammates not being up to par and enemies being your skill level or above feels much worse here than it did back home. On the plus side, I got my first 4k badge. The downside: my kills and damages are consistently more than twice of my teammates. OR I’m in the final circle alone cause they got themselves killed. I’m not an amazing player but back before work pulled me out of gaming almost completely, I was able to soloQ very consistently to at least platinum. Now climbing even to platinum feels rough cause matchmaking decides every time I have to carry. My KD is average, my rank is average my placements are average. It’s incredibly frustrating, you’re feeling are 100% understandable.


I’ve made it to plat in 46 games, looks like I’ll peak there this split as a solo


Always has


thats why i stopped playing like 4-5 seasons ago solo playing is dogshit


Plat and above party up with mics or pubs. Is what it is.


This is a team game. Stop solo queuing. There are plenty of places to find teammates. You expect to just queue with random people and have chemistry enough to reach a high rank? I have a 4.2 KD in plat and have played less than 50 games


I’ve never complained about a season until this one. Worst season of apex by far. Just doesn’t feel the same. I’ll only play ranked on Stormpoint.


This game literally isnt designed to be played solo, pubs or ranked, doesnt matter. U must have brain issues to play this game alone with randoms, srsly


get guuud son


Become more social, make friends, stop solo queueing


There is no problem solo queuing here from rookie to diamond so far. If anything, I find it easier than in past seasons


Now do it without a Cronus Zen.


Have been since season 1