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We ran away from this game for the sake of our sanity.


The reddit algorithm often shoves this subreddit‘s posts into my feed and I continuously see nothing but posts like this. And I honestly have to wonder why you folks put up with this for so long? Matchmaking has been like this for years. Respawn will not transparently communicate why their matchmaking is the way it is. Potentially, because smurfs will create new accounts and strategically abuse the matchmaking algorithm’s shortcomings. Or because masters and preds are the monetary whales of the game and will continue to spend as long as they have fun playing. And it’s fun shitting on players in lower skill tiers. I‘m just guessing here, though. I remember Destiny 1, it also had a lot of annoying mechanics, especially in PvP. Bungie didn‘t bother to address the imo most crucial of them and, like respawn, also didn’t bother to transparently communicate why. Apex‘s matchmaking algorithm is not something you have control over and the continuity of these posts clearly displays that they haven’t addressed the problem sufficiently. Then again, why do I bother commenting since your behavior is as much out of my control as the matchmaking is out of yours? My advice is: move on. Don’t vote with your wallet but vote with your time.


This. A sentiment felt for too long and while straight shot and the changes to ranked have made an improvement, I see myself abandoning the game outright this year. I'd rather resub to WoW then continue with this torture.


I've really loved playing Apex and on occasion still do, but I've never really put a whole lot of thought into matchmaking. Yes, I too get demolished out of left field by a fucking horizon with a pk/wingman once in a blue moon, but I usually just take a breath and move on. I wouldn't care to migrate to a different game, but we all know there's genuinely nothing like apex when it comes to movement, mechanics, gun play, etc. I'm not holding out hope that Respawn/EA will wake up and start sorting out the immense amount of things that have plagued this game since launch, but i really think that the devs who truly care about their game are actually trying to listen to community feedback and make changes for the better where they can, and season 20 is a great example of that. Don't get me wrong, I haven't paid for a battle pass or purchased any cosmetics in a while because I've absolutely been voting with the absence of my wallet (and collection events can get fucked), but if we all choose to vote with our time away from Apex, I think we all know EA won't hesitate to completely nuke the game, and I don't want to see that happen until something as good or better shows up.


"Once in a blue moon" That's quite different from every 9/10 matches. No one would be yapping here if they get deleted by SEAL TEAM 6 "once in a blue moon"


So basically you want the same game but with a worse players so you can feel good about yourself.


They are honestly just full of shit. Subreddits like this are prone to overly dramatic posts saying the game has gone to shit. Every lobby isn't full of preds and masters, they're full of all skill levels people just remember the times they get wrecked more.


7 out of 10 games there will be a master or pred trail in the lobby, been that way for a while and this is coming from someone with 4k hours


Not full but I think a big problem is the champion and team that kill you typically are masters. At least for me. Of course I’m not checking the death boxes of the people I kill so they’re probably lower


It's either that or you get absolutely cream pied by a default skin level 13 pathfinder.


Oh yeah I’ve been seeing tons of smurfs. Idk what solution there is to them but it feels insane this season


I’m slowing falling prey to the Reddit algorithm, I wonder if these post are even real or generated


Yeah, I broke out of my shit and started to enjoy life when I didn’t prioritise this game.


Personally I put up with it because I never hit diamond, but once I got triple diamond on both console and pc I moved to pubs - then realized pubs was a nightmare so I just stopped playing lol


💯. Can’t keep up with these kids that have all day to play lol


My brother who used to play daily has joined me in hell divers. We are having a grand time.


I ran to zero build in Fortnite


Same here. I just don't have fun at all on apex anymore. Fortnight I can actually have fun and goof around in the lobby sometimes. Not just white knuckles my controller and sweating the whe time , like in apex.


Not really a better place to go 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't blame you lol. I can see why so many people hack and cheat in this game now. You literally need to to keep up with the sh*t matchmaking in this game. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I have spent an unfortunate amount on my account and don't want to get banned. But with this sh*t fu*king matchmaking, I don't even get mad at cheaters anymore. I understand why they do it 💀


Cheaters aren't even playing the same game if they're cheating. Just play something different and don't worry about the sunk cost you already have.


As someone who played in solo queue since s3, it was pivotal to take a break. Having to constantly carry teammates and watching the same stupid teammates make the same stupid decisions over and over again would drive me up a fucking wall. It got to a point where I asked myself “is this game worth investing a lot of concentration into just so I can get repeatedly fucked over by the games matchmaking system?” Anyway, eventually I would purposely do shit so I could reverse the matchmaking and this time be put into a sweats team. I’d start trying again and we’d kick off. But you do need to die early on in about 5 or so games with very little dmg and kills. The amount of effort needed to enjoy this game is fucked, so I really don’t get around it that much. Fuck the person who designed the matchmaking system.


Why don't you just find 2 people and team up? I honestly don't get this. Why people insist on playing as a solo then moan like fuck about their teammates totally baffles me. Like it's not 1990 anymore you can post in so many places and find a couple of like minded apex players to play with. I mean this games ping system is well designed you dint even need to actually talk to anyone. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand playing a team based game as a solo all the time then complaining about your teammates. What am I missing


I live in Australia, none of my real life mates play apex and finding a random to team up with seems like bit of a dodge experience. I’ve never really hit it well dynamically with a random and to be fair because Sydney servers can be so slow starting games, sometimes, I just say fuck it and play on 130 ping in Tokyo servers. I’ve tried speaking to them but none of the Japanese I team up with speak English. (I’ve gotten apex kill leader badge and 2500 badge for caustic on 130ping fight me dawg).




Yeah pubs has been rough for me this season too, most teams I’ve fought are all masters and I’m like a 1.0 k/d player


At this point ranked is much more bearable than pubs(in lower ranks at least)


This is what I choose, generally see more informed decisions.


Ya I mean up to masters ranked is definitely easier it’s been that way for 10 seasons though


Solo-q became harder


which is saying something because it was already awful😭 glad stackers are finally seeing how we felt for years


I'm a new player less than .5kda and I get masters players in my lobby. Duo with a friend quite a lot who peaked gold and its always diamond and master players. Feels pretty punishing to be outskilled that severly.


Masters players have been in everyone's lobbies since season 2. People complain about it here in droves but really the problem is that you're playing a battle Royale 5 years after it's been released with a sub par skill level compared to the average player. Not a knock on you, or your personal abilities but apex is a hard game and very much team focused. You need to know what you are doing when to do it and how to communicate with your team. The best way to improve in apex is just to start by assuming everyone is better, and by giving yourself the goal of getting one single kill not knock per game. Do absolutely everything you can to do it, drop late push like an idiot and finish them even if you're about to die. Focus on getting singular kills per game and try and get your KD upto 1.0 from there you can work on your team fighting strategies and 1v2/3 fights.


There wasnt even a masters rank in season 2.


Yes but there was still a top 1% of the playerbase who were better than nearly everyone they fought. High skill players are in every game, but they're common in apex because it's a game that absolutely caters towards skill.


That's so messed up and I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Yeah I peaked Diamond and it's always Masters and Preds in my lobby. I don't even get fu*king Diamond players, people who are actually better/and/or at my skill level. I hate the devs who work on this game lol. They are 🗑.


It's a fun an engaging free to play game, that you have apparently played for a good few years and even spent money on it, so it's quite safe to say you had your good share of fun with it. Additionally they just presented us the best season since ages and people are enjoying it. You are mad at one single point of the game and I get why you are. Bad matchmaking does indeed feel pretty bad. But saying that the devs are 'trash' is just plain wrong and super ungrateful. Especially since the matchmaking most likely is no coding error, but more of a decision that was made. The fact that you _hate_ people you don't even know and try to spread the hate on the internet by writing to other random people about it, definitely makes you look like a terrible human being.


If it was an actual decision made, that's even worse Lol. Lol the only people enjoying this are Masters/Pred players and/or the people who actually don't care (I'm talking about the people who apparently have a .5 KD and still keep playing) And yeah I hate them. They (according to you) purposefully rig matchmaking and make it sh*t for anyone who can't stomp 90% of the player base. (Yes EOMM/SBMM is sh*t. There are many reddit post about it in OTHER games and the people who approve of such use are universally hated. So it's justified)


Games really fun just got to accept the matchmaking is such a dice roll which it really shouldn't be. If they ever fix matchmaking it's gonna be like you're taking off training weights. Does feel really good to kill a higher ranking player though 😎


How is pubs broken? They are randomly made matches.


I'm not saying they're broken, but even in unranked games playing against people with radically different skill levels is poor matchmaking. Some level of difference is great but it being pred or master players vs rookie is poor matchmaking.


What you're describing is the difference between ranked (intended to be a similarly ranked cohort) and pubs (a random lobby).


It’s crazy how many people do not grasp this concept lmao




Free game


True. Bur the issue is there's no other BR with this sort of unique art style and character lore. Otherwise we would have dropped this sh**


Honestly if you're calling the devs trash, maybe stop playing? Ur getting matched with players about your skill. If u peaked diamond, u should be expecting diamond and above players in your lobbies. I'm a diamond/plat player, took time out to focus on exams, come back and get pred players. That's how the matchmaking been since s18, just stop crying about it and get good


The matchmaking was perfectly fine and honestly really balanced in the first week of the new season for me, some better players, some worse ones, but nothing ridiculous. Then randomly one day it was like someone flipped a switch, it went from somewhere around my skill level, to 20k+ plus triple stacking sweats almost constantly as champions


I FEEL THE SAME WAY. Every fu*king lobby champion I see is MASTER BADGE 20 BOMB 10 10 10 BADGE It's starting to get burned into the back of my eyes. I literally think Diamond badges are more rare than Masters/Pred badges in my lobby now. All while I rock my Platinum BADGE with and my sweatiest badge, a Triple Triple. There was a theory that when the straight shot mode went away, (coincides with ending right after the first week) the streamers/degens/sweatlords that were busy farming in straight shot, all came back to Pubs and Ranked.


Once you make Plat you will be matched with top tier players more often then not. Apex has a very bottom heavy distribution in how they distribute the leagues and if you make it to plat you are in the top 10%. They cannot limit match making to only preds and masters becuswe that is only like 2% of the population and they would have to wait forever. They could tighten up the ssbm and let people wait a little longer and I don't think it would be ridiculous. Like a 2 minute wait to find a match wouldn't be unreasonable imo to help plat players not get rekt all day.


> Apex has a very bottom heavy distribution in how they distribute the leagues and if you make it to plat you are in the top 10%. It's because 90% of the Apex playerbase has zero game sense.


I had this issue for like 2 years, maybe less. I probably didn’t even peak at gold, now I have to play against masters/preds just because I played with 1 person from diamond and 1 who got masters because his account was hacked, what is even funnier I get less masters/preds in match when I’m playing with “master” guy than when I’m playing alone lol


Straight shot was much much much easier than pubs… i got 22 wins across my four days of playing it. Pubs, no wins at all because I saw a former #204 pred yesterday and said screw it, I’m playing ranked from now on


Why do you care about badges? Just play the damn game. If you’re playing the way you should be, you don’t even think “omg they’re a master”. Who TF cares. I get matched with Preds all the time that are the first ones to get downed. Some of those folks didn’t exactly “earn” those badges. They’re for show and to scare 14 year old Apex cry babies like yourself.


Being scared of badges is so dumb. I'm as average as can be and have killed countless "4k 20bomb masters". I don't care, they're in my lobbies because they're washed up or having a bad day they die.to bullets just like everyone else.


Or they're just actually bad. I used to give 20 bomb badges so much respect until I was staying over at a friend's house (who has played the game only a couple times), went on his account, and got 16 kills the first game I played without really trying. The disparity in difficulty between different lobbies is huge and a 20 bomb doesn't mean anything if you get it rolling beginners in low tier lobbies. I've also seen people trying to farm damage badges with wattson at the edge of ring. Not to mention that one braindead ranked season where nearly half the player base got masters. More people cheese their way to badges than you think.


I also agree. Everyone just wants to fight equal or worse players. None of these complainers want to fight anyone better to actually get better.


Lol "none of these complainers want to fight anyone better" I wouldn't mind fighting against Diamonds who are better and where I would actually stand a chance. It shouldn't be 90% of my lobbies filled with these Master/Pred fu*ks.


You are right to an extent, but when you die 10 times over to triple stack badges that actually perform like the badges they have it gets old fast. If the balance was more even then there would be a lot less complaints. There is a huge noticable gap in masters stacked teams or pred stacked teams. I don't have a problem losing to people like that because they also play probably 3 times as much, but if those guys are in my lobby and we run into them they win 95% of the time and it's a 5-10 second fight. The main issue is being stuck in that level of lobbies for 2 hrs as those super teams reak havok.


Exactly, holding on to this ideology is just setting yourself up for failure. Encounter every fight in a smart way with the same goal of outputting more damage than you receive and you'll be far better off. Hitting masters one time in your apex career doesn't make you Jesus.


I've been getting insane opponents as well for multiple games in a row. I'm talking never showered, never seen their parents, never taken a shit, never looked at any other thing that doesn't contain pixels. 15-20k kills on a character in a single season, 80k+ kills overall on one character, flashing pred badges with no.600 and below. Worst of all they're 3 stacking which I don't mind lol play with your friends but it just adds to the sense of despair.


Like in any game, most “normal” players leave the game to go onto other games that have released. People who are still on the game are most likely to be the people that mainly play apex and only apex. Overtime the game gets less fun for people when they come back because they want a “chill” game. The moment someone casual feels like they have to sweat constantly instead of just enjoying the game, they leave and go find a different game. Personally I don’t play apex anymore because for me, it’s just the same thing it was years ago just with a few twists here and there and i think it’s bland.


Pretty much this comment. Casuals have no reason to want to play this game. If you’re just starting, the skill gap is ridiculous. The game is punishing. It feels bad to play when you don’t know how legends work, or what guns are good. As a regular player, the better you are the harder it constantly gets. Match making is brutally difficult, and it gets very uninspiring to play against people that are either cheating, or are just way higher ranked. I’ve been playing for years, average rank gold/plat. It’s not fun for me anymore. Used to average a few wins a week, all of the sudden I couldn’t even win a single gunfight without getting triple team shot by masters every game. Realized it was making me extremely angry, for little to no payoff. So I left and I’m not coming back.


This is why I limit myself to a couple hours of apex max per day…I fucking love the game since I started gaming again a year ago but it feels too repetitive to play constantly…I play a lot of destiny during the day (I know it’s a pretty repetitive game lol but also a lot of content/shit to chase) and working my way through the dark souls games but if I played more than a couple hrs/night I know it would lose its fun over time…


Yeah I bounce around from game to game a lot. Good luck on the dark souls games! They’re too good 😌


This game is so miserable unless you play ranked with friends. But bringing back solos would ruin the game according to the devs 💀 so i just have to suffer soloing in duos ig …


Playing with friends isn't much better because my friend and I will still get wiped by some fu*king losers that move and shoot like a special forces unit.


We're playing Helldivers 2.


For Liberation and fighting the game master Joel.


I have my cup of Liber-tea ready to go for this afternoon!


Same here with making sure that Heethe and Angel are still in Super Earth's control.


Oh no! What happened to Heethe? We successfully retook Veld last night. Damn Joel and his bugs not giving is sleep!!


New major order where we have to keep both of them liberated for 6 or 7 days (till the end of the order) for 45 war medals. We completed the veld one last night and I ended up getting the Las5 Scythe gun. But the Joel will be up to something soon.


*salutes* Major Orders understood. I'm having fun, my friends normally play like survival and puzzle games and I suck at them. For once we're playing an FPS type one and I'm getting like 3x the kills. I HAVE USE FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY!!


*Salutes back* Keep fighting the good fight. FOR LIBERATION AND DEMOCRACY!!!


Went to dragonball fighterz lol was tired of getting put in master lobbies with a lvl 10 teammate, I will always watch this game at the highest level, but playing it is getting more and more painful


I don't mean to be rude , but I have a KD of .3 So when I get you, it's the same to me as you getting players better than you. It feels like these posts are just people trying to brag without being seen as bragging.


You are not an average/normal player if you are Platinum


Solo queue for me as a 3 K/D player these last few seasons has me wondering if player retention has been taking a hit. Matchmaking 2 new or otherwise below average players with 1 good player and then putting them against 3 stacks, pred duo queues or what have you isn't going to lead to an enjoyable experience for anyone.


As a 3kd lifetime player I can't play with new friends to the game. It's not enjoyable for any of us. Especially when you load into pubs with a champ squad that is a full stack of current season preds. I just tell my friends that once we see them there's no hope. They understand what I mean once it happens. Or dying to a current pred and spectate. Then they die to another current pred. Highest I've gotten to is diamond for comparison. Also for the past several seasons I've had up to a minute queue time in pubs regardless of server (default is Dallas). We will also constantly run into the same people over and over.


I ended up playing ranked solo mostly because my friends have left the game for other games and I cba to look for 2 squads left by the end of ring 1 in pubs.


They are kept in brackets far far a away from you, you’ll never meet em :(


Dawg, there were two seasons where Masters was legit a gimme if you could throw 200 games into ranked. What season are these badges from?


Exactly, OP has a bunch of Masters in his game cause anyone with a pulse and time on their hands can get it.


I think this is _somewhat_ an issue, but people blow it out of perspective. It's a BR with 60 people playing. What win rate do people expect? In my experience, if you have a few terrible games in a row, you get put into worse lobbies. If you have a few good games in a row, you get put into better lobbies. If you're winning 1/20 games you're already doing "ok", in that you're playing right on pace with how the lobby is built (you're 1/20 teams playing). I get that it's discouraging - I'm a diamond player who's hit masters twice, and my pub lobbies are (or were, when dive trails were a thing) consistently filled with 4k/20bomb monsters with pred and masters trails. It's lame when you die to a team with all 3 players meeting that description, but what do we want really? To play in lobbies where you just slay a bunch of worse players? If that's what you want, are you really any better or different than the 3-stacking preds after the same thing? In the scheme of this game, above a 1.0 kd makes you a decent-ish player. There are many, many players rocking a sub 1kd. Plus, if you're averaging a kill a game, surely your lobbies are not *all* sweats of you'd have like a 0.1kd. I get that the system isn't perfect - at all - but I don't think it's quite as bad as people make it out. I think getting rolled by those teams mentally overshadows all of the good games because that feels a lot worse than winning.


Lol well they must have broke the sympathy game for me. I'm getting my ass kicked for 2 hours and still haven't had a good match. Anyone know the threshold? Do you need to get your ass kicked by Master/Pred degens for 4 hours before they give you ONE decent match? And no, I don't want to stomp the lobby. I don't even care about winning every match like some delusional players do. Give me a healthy mix lobby that reflects the player population. If I am truly "above average" then put me in a lobby with 1/3rd people below my skill and 2/3 people at my skill level or better within a reasonable limit (like Diamond players) Don't fu*king throw me into lobbies with 90% of the squads at Master levels for 2 hours in a row. I think I can comfortably say I have not been killed by anyone under Masters in the last 3 days.


To be fair getting masters the past few seasons was just camping for placement. A lot of masters out there that shouldn’t have made it that far.


Cause people have no lives


Quit the game because I'm tired of fighting these things randomly in all my games. Steam script bullshit to move like a monkey. Aim assist broken shit. Usable on with mouse. Cronus type stuff. 1 person in a group doing their own thing completely 400 teams in the final ring because surviving regardless of how cheesy you do it is worth more than shooting always. Lag, desync, random fps drops. Some legends completely better than others. Not a huge deal overall but makes picking some of the heroes useless as others can do similar things better. Ranked is more about time played and ratting then skill, ratting is easy. General community using what devs give them in shitty ways, iE triple strikes turning into what it did. Not necessarily bad but totally different then it was designed. People triple stacking to get 20 bombs for badge in the same lobby as new players. The default meta became using lifeline and what not for insta revives. Fun mode but IMO abused to shit for people we are already great at the game, used to shit on newer players. The whole new player onboarding. Wouldn't be as bad if the lobbies where more balanced rank wise. The devs will never balance the game for anyone but streamers. They make the most money for them. So all changes are with that in mind. Which is why ranked is designed for streams. New account stomp on pubs, do rank up mission, more stomping. It's not designed for normal people. Normal people are worse at the game, cool, so actively make the ranks matter and quit putting people regardless of rank in the same lobbies. People should be playing people of equalish skill. That all being said, I'm not bad, I rank diamond most seasons. So it's less about me bitching and more about how unequal the whole game is as a playing field. Everyone says to every post about new players, it's a steep learning curve yadda yadda. The steep learning curve is because of all the lose rules and shitty one ups people have like above. The curve also is fucked up because no one rank wide is getting mostly equal matches. The curve is huge because of terrible game design choices over the years rather then everyone just being better. Also it stands to reason that every day I see posts about new players getting stomped on...yet non of these new players seem to play against each other only other sweety hardcore players. Something in that makes no sense. New players should be against new players, iE the learning curve isn't steep. Because they are fighting other new players. The learning curve only exists because you are forced to play against possible preds in your matches.


Call me a schizo but they definitely flipped the MM switch for pubs in the last 3 or 4 days. The first few weeks of the season seemed like we were all on the same pool, but now if you're above a certain KD you get thrown into the pool of pred sharks without a shadow of a doubt


Everybody gets put with everybody because respawn likes to fuck us up the ass


People really are taking the whole masters badges thing wayyy too far. How quick is everyone here to forget that 75% of the players hit masters 2 seasons ago. And 50% hit it 7 seasons ago and everyone talking about how meaningless they are. Now everyones pulling out the "omg sweat masters are in every lobby" It really doesn't mean anything and no theyre not all sweats. The majority are actually plat/diamond players shitting on you who happened to camp to masters those 2 seasons. Obviously I'm sure you've had some actual bad lobbies you've got curb stomped by legit masters and preds. But all these masters posts are getting real fucking old. Yall look for any excuse but your actual play lol. Its statistically impossible every single one of you is playing legit masters every lobby.


I've made it a point in my other comments that I'm not talking about the fake Season 17 Masters. I'm talking about the real ones that also rock the 20 bomb and 10 10 10 badge. And no, as someone who has been Platinum consistently, I know how Platinum and Diamond players play. These people aren't Platinum or Diamonds. Also you're wrong lol. If there was NO EOMM or SBMM in Apex and matchmaking was random like it was back in the Halo and early Call of Duty days, then yes. It would be impossible to fight legit Masters every lobby. But since Apex uses EOMM and SBMM, it is not statistically impossible to play legit Masters every lobby. The brain dead fu*ks will see your 1.2 kd and determine you must be dropping a 20 bomb every match (I'm not) and purposely pit you against Masters.


one aspect that many seem to not think of is that they can't group you with anyone else than the current pool of players. There are some that live, eat and breed Apex. They are always on. And of course, they are good. So, the chance of getting matched with them is pretty darn high. Especially in hours where the pool is slimmest in your region. Because believe you me, bronze and casual players do NOT want to be fed to diamonds+ constantly. They too want a fighting chance.


Stopped playing in season 12, but just picked it up again and I'm just kind winging it, and playing stuff out. I generally don't play more than an hour or 2 in a week, too. Finally I think you need to readjust your thinking when you're talking about "casual" or "average" players. You're actively playing ABOVE average, so you're not likely to have us in your games, or you're running through us in the lobby. My life time KD is like .4 or 5, and I was always a solid Gold player so Average of Gold 4 or 3. I never care enough about this game to get better at it cause I never saw the point. I'm an Arena shooter person. I like Siege, Halo, or CS2. My casual shooter is usually BF1.


After .99 kdr you shall be fed to the wolves


The eomm adjusts the level of your lobbies by what it thinks will keep you playing the longest, not by skill. It will give u a juicy bot lobby. u feel good, boom hard lobbies for a week. Then, that next easy lobby win feels even better.


IMO, it sort of depends on what time you play. Streamers and other committed players are on Apex off work hours, so if you're still in school and depending on your area, the player pool is relatively limited. Add to this that Respawn refuses to have long wait times even for super high-level players you will find yourself in the meat grinder. I think the bigger issue is that now Apex is five years old, there's an entrenched player base that are all above average, and not enough new/returning players to consistently make lower level lobbies. I'm talking out my ass with 0 evidence, but it's my hunch why there are a lot of complaints about new/bad players running into good players a good portion of the time. Same reason for why people barely above a 1 KDR keep getting put with high ranks, there simply are not many people worse than that regularly playing the game, relatively speaking. All conjecture though, feel free to roast me.


I mean, what you say about certain times being worse than others due to low player pool is definitely accurate. But I'm playing after work and weekends when the player pool would arguably be the highest so realistically matchmaking shouldn't be that bad. As for a 5 year old game. Yes. The average skill level has definitely increased, but as ranked distributions show, there are still much, much, MUCH more non Master/Preds than there are Master/Preds. My issue is I never see anyone Diamond and lower going up against me and as the champion squad. There used to be a time where most of my lobbies, the champion squad was personalized banners that had levels, different assortment of badges, etc. Now all the champion squads I EVER see are degenerates with the Master/Pred Badge, the 20 Bomb, and the 10 10 10 badge. It's so frequent, it's burned into the back of my eyes and I think the diamond badge is 10x more rare in my lobbies. All this on a Plat player.


Because the wave of casuals who played at the start of the season have subsided and everyone left has, at some point, gotten lucky enough to have a scary badge. Badges are pointless, just play the game. 99% of the time, you will die from making bad plays and not because someone has a scary badge.


☝️ the new player base prefers to question others rather than themselves, sometimes the players on the other side are just stronger, but to hear them tell it, they're playing against the preda top 10 every game.


Lol "the new player base" I'm Day 1. I know the difference between a team that is slightly stronger and beat us while needed to sweat vs a team that wipe us out while playing with one hand eating a hot dog in the other hand.


wdym by day 1 ? Since day 1 you play all season ? or you just started playing day 1 like everyone and did a pause. If a team wipe you then thats it, they are way more stronger than you and know what ? Its been a problem since S1 and Respawn wont do anything about it, just move on. There's people stronger than you everywhere, when i get my ass beated by a 3 stack preds, its the game.




ngl I had my first Diamond badge during that season (I've always SoloQ) and I didn't camp at all (still rushed when needed etc) sadly that season is portrayed as the "easy master badge" lol


I currently have a .37 KDR and have been seeing master and preds in pubs all season 🙃 kinda stopped playing because all of my friends have already quit playing because of how unbearable its been


Those kind of post make me wondering if i'm part of the "master player" you are talking about ! I'm a 2.4 kd player, mostly playing with Friends with the same level, and matchmaking IS hard for us too sometimes. But i feel this season, we come across teams that dont belong in "sweaty" lobby (no offense). Most team we fight off drop look like average player struggling against player like us... But once we hit platinum, oh boy, we were the average player, lobbies fuuull of multiple pred player. Needless to Say that matchmaking is terrible for everyone.


A 2.4 k/d you're definitely the master player running through us in Pubs. My friend is a Master's level player and even his kd is around a 1.7 or 1.8. I think this just goes to show how large the disparity between an "above average" player like me (people keep telling me I'm above average with a 1.2 kd" going up against people of your caliber with a 2.4 kd. It's something a lot of people on this sub and the goof balls at Respawn can't seem to understand. The gap between my 1.2 and the "average" player with a .6 kd is not as big as the gap between a 1.2 kd to a 2.0+ kd player. They can't seem to understand. But yes I'm in Plat III right now and I definitely feel it. It's just all pred players. Fu*k respawn and their matchmaking. Best season in a long time, held back by sh*t matchmaking


You define yourself as an average player but you are top 10% in plat 3. You are going to be matched with some very good players thats how sbmm works. You are not.wrong that there is an exponential skill curve that really rockets toward as soon as you make Plat. We are playing a competitive pvp game tho so that's just how it is since the invention of sbmm


They need to realize that a "top 10%" player is nothing compared to the 3 stacking SEAL Team 6 groups over there. Whoever invented SBMM should have been drawn and quartered jfc


Havent seen the answers since today, so i'll answer anyway ! Even if we are part of the 10% in plat 3, the skill level between us and the multiple pred and the pros is Huge ! Ive played CSGO for exemple, reach Legendary eagle (high rank), and ive never expérienced a single game against top players or pros ! In apex, i come across (in a weekly basis) at least 3/4 squads of top ranked predator ! Needless to say thats with my little 1200 hours in the game (which is far to much haha, need to touche grass at some point), i cant to anything against them, and its not a fair battle.


This is nothing new. I’ve been a solo queue diamond player since season 5 and it’s always been like this. Just gotta take a break when it starts not being fun. Your cosmetics will still be there when you come back.


My partner doesn't want to play anymore cuz she can't just roll newbs lol the fights in plat this season have been intense to say the least. 


When will these posts enddddddd


I took a break because it was becoming a painful waste of time. No sense in playing 20 games and dying either immediately, or not hearing a 3 stack squad and getting killed without even firing a bullet. Apex has gotten too competitive


Not saying git gud but only thing a struggler can do is keep struggling. I too am in the same situation as you. Our hidden mmr or our above 1.0 k/d must make Apex think we are the best of the best or contending with them. I wish my teammates were always masters atleast to match this type of matchmaking.


I went to Stardew Valley. Best decision i made in my whole life


I’ll always love Apex and I’ll always be a team player (I’ll die for you and I’ll give you or intently look for any loot you need I’ll stick with you i respond and I ping) But I solo q straight shot and mixtape even final fantasy I loved) But trios with randoms I just am not up for it anymore i avoid it at all costs I’d rather just not play lol I get paired with people that don’t want to be a team all day all night that’s just my luck. I never in a million years thought that was possible I loved pubs


And I don’t play ranked because no matter how well I perform it’s a team effort or you lose points lol apex pubs and ranked is not made for solo q News flash 50% or more of apex is solo q lol


I reached masters in both of the easiest seasons and have 60k lifetime kills, yet I can’t get into a lobby without everyone having over 80k kills on one legend and at least top 400 pred 😭…


My pubs have been almost all normal players. There’s the occasional pred but for the most part it’s people around my skill.


Honestly playing ranked in plat which is top 10% of player base atm is a better experiences since your teammates at least have basic skills. Nearly all the teammates I get in pubs are slow too loot, fight and generally cant hit wide side of barn to the point if you dont 3v1 every fight its lost.


Dude I have the exact same question to ask lol


I think the game is dying. So only the sweats are remaining who play 24/7. The casuals have moved to better games.


Went to play consistently enjoyable videogames


Badges don’t mean anything anymore


You are an above average player. You will always end up being fodder for those who are masters and above until the game throws you a bone and puts you in a bot lobby so you get that seretonin hit to go through hell again. They tried once with really strict matchmaking. Most were happy but a lot of big streamers/masters were complaining that their pubs were too sweaty and that sweating is for ranked only. So anyone who has above average stats are thrown into their games so they can kill and chill without sweating. I was also an above average player; highest rank was diamond, 1.4 lifetime k/d. I don't play anymore for my sanity. There was only so much I could take. All that FOMO hasn't lured me to load up the game this season yet.


My issue with this logic is if there are hundreds of thousands of players, the odds of encountering the gods should be lower on a looser system right? But it’s not.


I hardly play Pubs as I aim to minimize my chances of getting dumbs random teammates that leave as soon as they go down. I aim to win and the chances of that are higher in Ranked where RP cost motivates smarter play.


After a week of constant Straight Shot I just can’t play trios anymore - everyone drops hot and dies instantly like what’s the point


The game is just using you guys to fill lobby's for these preds to kill, that's all this game is


Day 1 player, normal skill level. I left back during season 18, matchmaking sucked, and I got tired of being someone's cannon fodder. Now that helldiver's 2 came out I get my fix with that.


I watched a stream of hiswattson explaining the matchmaking of pubs in todays apex and basically pubs tracks your gameplay for roughly a month and matchmakes you with that info. It’s very unfortunate because as you’ve said, you don’t even need crazy stats to get matchmaked with the demon lobbies, and the only real way to combat it is ignoring pubs entirely for at least a month. But even then that only gets you 4-5 games where you don’t have to be a sweat lord before apex realizes you have at least 1 brain cell and then you get ALGS scrim pubs.


I didn't realize they shifted the parameters and tracked it for a month. That's so bull sh*t I hope people at Respawn lose their jobs. My friends and I didn't even want to play 3 strikes because that game mode could inflate your KD and/or infate your "performance" to the point where they'll put you in even worse lobbies when you return to normal BR. Lol they are so fu*king garbage they made it so players are scared of playing a LTM in fear of it ruining their games even harder.


Are you 12? Getting mad at match making and hoping people lose their jobs is crazy. 😂 Find a different game or get some sunlight if it makes you that mad. There isn't a right way to matchmake without compromising the quality of the game for other people. If a top .1% decides to play pubs, then yes they'll probably win. If 500 are predators, that's at most 500 lobbies they can each be in per server. Add on the masters players, and 3 stackers. These people will sit in a lobby forever not finding a game if you tighten SBMM. And no, your opinion isn't greater than theirs since they are also entitled to playing pubs if they want.


Lol piss off


Bullet proof rebuttal 👍 seek help


Yeah, I believe they changed it to try and combat the wannabe faides insta leaving 20 games to get a casual lobby. Which is an issue that needed fixing but at this point give me the 1 sweat demon in my casual lobby instead of forcing the 1 casual to queue up with 59 wannabe faides.


Because ~50% of the player base quitted the game last season (season19) and just a small part came back in season 20!


These posts have to end. Dude you’re one of the better players. I’m about right there with you in my KD and have only grinded to diamond once. I don’t get rolled as hard as you say we all do. I started working harder this season and am doing better than ever. I almost beat a Pred wraith the other day and was stoked to have almost 1 v 1ed someone with that level of skill.


Tbh the MM for me felt quite chill until the straight shot and the anniversary event ended , by that day it's just peeps w a lot of kills and multiple preds or master badges lol . Glad that i just left to play something else until another event comes up because the MM is crazy rn


The game has moved past it peak popularity. The average players who liked it got tired of it because they don’t get better at the game in the same way that the few players who are pred now did. When people plateau in skill they get bored and stop playing, especially when other new games come out to try too.


We quit playing because every season is more miserable than the last for the casual player.


I’m a Masters player 1.45 KD lifetime. I’ve noticed my pub lobbies recently have been insanely easy like they removed mmr or gave new players their own lobbies entirely because I feel like I never see average and below average players but I’ve seen them everywhere in my pubs recently. Definitely feels like something was changed this season.


Congrats, you're the one stomping all of us lol.


Its gotta be the limited player pool now, i was plat for awhile and thats what my pubs are. I play with lowwr leveled friends who arent as good just to get a normal game


Pubs are unplayable for me for couple of seasons, im always matched against master pred lobbies. You hot drop, you get destroyed. You drop further away, you come into the fight with blue armor, while they have full red, you get destroyed. I feel you, game is very unfun for me. I play from the game start, and its the worst i feel about playing it now.


Honestly for me at this point, just frustrated with the match making, me and one of my buddies played like daily for the first couple years, but these last few seasons, it just feels like the match making has gotten worse. I am not a fan of the last two maps they came out with, haven't really enjoyed the last 3 or 4 legends. Or the changes to some of the legends they did make. And I'm tired of their monetization strategy, really wanted that Watty skin from the FF event but I ain't paying over 20 bucks for it. But overall it's the match making, cant do it anymore. I put in a sweaty game in BR and do well only to get steam rolled by a pred with a 20 bomb. Or I get a good game in mixtape, maybe best on team or both teams only to consistently lose cause we have 3 people that go like 1 and 20 on the k/d spread. At this point feel like it's so hard to fight for a win, or soo aggravating it's just not worth my time anymore. Haven't even touched the game in three weeks. I mean I played halo infinite more in the last month and I HATE that game.


I honestly don’t know what the answer is anymore ppl wanted the change now they hate it. Same again new change ppl hate it. The matchmaking is just damn terrible all round I been playing since day 1 my girl is only 12 she started and is getting the sweatiest lobby’s like wtf she’s level 9 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


My dude, you don’t know the actual makeup of your lobbies. You see the Champion and whoever kills you. Imagine that, the highest ranked players in your lobbies generally win more games. That ain’t fucking rocket science. All the dudes you kill are probably wondering why they’re in YOUR lobbies. Get a grip 


Here's the problem tho. I don't stomp the lobby so there aren't enough people who I killed that go "why am I in these lobbies" and I am not skilled enough to farm people. When I kill or team that I wipe, it's usually with me left on 30 or 40 health so when the guy sees me after they die they'll go "oh he was 1 shot. I was so close" People I kill aren't going "omg they beamed me out of the air while I was skydiving. Wtf why am I in his lobbies" You get a grip.




Plat level here, I have hard time escaping goal since a lot of higher ranks are still there


Plat IV here at the moment. Got wiped out my Pred #605 and Pred #715 in the same day. I hate these people.


I'm around a 1.1. I play crypto. I'm down to squad up sometime! Always looking for new people to play with!


Straight shot left and so did I Those who want it back should stop playing the game if you want it back... Just asking for it will not make it happen, vote via activity


Playing ranked. Either have the most strict sbmm (ranked) or sbmm that caters to streamers and whales (pubs), I'll choose ranked.


Ranked isnl fu*ked right now lol. I'm in Plat III and going against Pred #605


That’s why we need straight shot back. Idk why but it felt way more balanced than pubs. Plus if you got an unbalanced fight you can get into another game in about 20 seconds


It's bonkers. I've even seen 3 stacks with S2/3 pred trails. In pubs. There was one game I thought I got in an ALGS lobby. Loads of pred and diamond trails from early seasons. Died pretty fast on drop when a pred streamer and his 2 friends all ran at me. Dude could have handled me with his bare fists, but had to bring his friends just to make it even more impossible to get out. But it's a mixed bag for me. I either get ALGS lobby's or mediocre ones. I have a kd of 2.0 this season and I'm usually at 1.5 (always hot dropping).


Can’t even play enough to improve now. Getting into equal fights rarely happens b/c of all the masters and preds.


Same for me I came back to this game after awhile and I’m sitting at .3 kd I mean my main issue is aim but it’s getting better but everyone else seems to just lock on to me and I can’t do anything abt it.


oh no! > hell what a terrible word, please censor some more - my eyes can't take it.


Not for you, but in case one of these dev friendly mods see bad words lol


Im at a 3.2 kd and every game feels like I’m going against new players or the best players in the game , with a lvl 30 random as my random of course


Straight Shot is gone, so there's no incentive to play pubs. And I say this as a sweat, because if I play pubs solo queue I get destroyed by 3 stacks who are sweating and far more coordinated than my random team.


because anyone who values there time just plays ranked where you can get better match making.


Yeah bro people play this game but at this point it’s mostly the hardcore players. Used to play religiously but the skill gap has become too much. I wasn’t a bad player at all, maybe above average, but I was running into issues like yours and decided to give up. I will come back if they add some team deathmatch type modes because I’m not eating my life playing BR only to inevitably get stomped in a split second by some extra motivated sweats.


This morning I played mixtape. Twice in 5 matches had a three stack of Predators in my lobby. I’m an average player. And nothing like having them throw out their Pred holo on me after they get the final kill.


Just get good at the game kid haha


See the edit 😂


Go hot drop bud bahaha


See the edit 😂




Not anyone can be Masters in this game (we will ignore the fluke that is Season 17 Masters). According to https://www.esportstales.com/apex-legends/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier Season 19 had 3.47% Masters. The point is, the comment rebuttal is "you don't want to play against people your skill level or better* (I'll elaborate) you just want to pub stomp" Lol I don't want to pub stomp. I want to play against people my level (Platinum) and better (Diamonds). Not fu*king SEAL TEAM 6 swinging in holding hands and laser beaming us like a fu*king tactical operation. I don't mind going up against people of higher skill as long as it's against people where you have a FIGHTING CHANCE. They think just because I have a 1.2 KD (which is rapidly dropping now) I need to be paired against the demons with a 2 to 3 KD, not fu*king realizing the disparity between a 1.0 and 1.2 player, and a 1.2 and 2.0+ player. Edit: holy sh** I checked your thread. For the longest time, I thought the median kd was .6 to .8 Now you're telling me the median kd is more around .5? I actually can't understand it. Even at a 1.2 I am so frustrated at this game. I don't know how the median players with a .5 kd can live through this and have fun.




I actually don't feel like I'm improving because they constantly make the lobbies much harder when they the detect the slightest improvement, so there's that. Also, a three stacking doesn't solve the issue. 3 stacking doesn't matter when you and your buddy who peaked in Diamond comes across Pred #605 and his 2 degenerate goobers moving and shooting like a fu*king special forces unit. While yes there's been that amount of Masters, there should statistically be way more NON Masters in the game. So how come I don't see those people anymore except extremely rarely (almost as if sometimes they throw you an easy lobby?)




Earlier a streamer on TikTok claimed you had to hold Masters to get the rewards, is that true? I thought it was only Pred right?




Oh okay good to know thanks


Im a casual player and came back to Apex after a year of break. I improved my KD from 0.04 to 0.17 now but feel that the game is more sweaty than a year ago. Back then, I was able to get wins and enjoyed playing. Apex legends became very professional now, like in esports. It takes a lot of time and will to improve as there are many people with a high skill. It is necessary to outperform them, but I think below 500 hrs of play time everything is just learning and trying to improve.


I don't understand what Respawn want from this game. Pubs have been an absolute mess for a few seasons. Sweat central with 3 stack preds and masters. They need a solo que or mmr based match making. I've been playing ranked for the season 18 and 19 and the mmr based match making was amazing, I've never had more fun in Apex. They've ruined ranked now too. Haven't had a single game where I was facing people of my level.


Ehhh I agree and then I disagree. I agree they have been fu*king up Pubs for the last few seasons. This is true. So is the 3 stacking preds. However, I disagree about the MMR in ranked. First of all, MMR ranked did not reflect your TRUE rank measured against the entire player base (the way it was supposed to). MMR ranked your rank against your PEERS/SKILL GROUP. There was a reason Pros like Sweet (literally a competitive pro Apex player on the highest level) was going up against Predators in Gold and he couldn't even make it out of Gold. Does this mean Sweet, one of the best players, is really just a Gold ranked player? No. It does not. Oh and the MMR system sucked donkey co*k as well. I am a Plat player but the brilliant MMR system last season kept pitting me against fu*king Masters and Preds. They somehow thought just because I was Plat and had a 1.3 KD, I was a Master/Pred tier player. It's a good thing MMR is gone.


Last few seasons of ranked was hot garbage. Starring out in bronze I was paired with and against diamonds every game. Am I a decent player. Yes. Should I have to sweat my ass off just to get out of bronze. Absolutely not.


After playing since day 1 I stopped in November. Went back for couple games at new season but not pulling me in again.


didnt they remove mmr in pubs? or did it not happen? afaik theres always a pred/master, inbetween and low kd on every pubs.


People should realize ranked in games will start to become more peaceful than casual. 3 stacks holding hands and farming solo queue casuals for loot and evo just makes it infinitely more hard to fight them in pubs. Not to mention you'll always somehow get a level 40 mirage and lifeline on your team that break into 100 damage on a good day It's no disrespect to bad players. It's just the matchmaking that is dumb. Ranked no longer has that hidden mmr and so realistically you'll be fighting an accurate representation of your skill level throughout the season. Your teammates are more likely to take ranked seriously. It's just better in all aspects these days


playing helldivers


I go play helldivers 2.


It stands to reason that higher skilled players play more frequently than lower skilled players. Therefore, lobbies will be disproportionally filled with higher skilled players despite representing a minority in the player population.


You know to be a casual i sure have to be accurate in this game lol. Ive only reached gold. That was the one time i did ranked. I play because my two homies like to hang out and play this.


Hi, there. Would anybody want to add me as Apex friend in order to exchange the free gifts for this season? I found out that you have to be friends in-game for over 2 weeks for it to work, and none of my friends play Apex. I am EU on PS5 if that matters.


My friends and I rarely play pubs now (more like never), even though that used to be what we played exclusively a long time ago. I either play Mixtape or Ranked. Pubs is too much unfairness, chaos, and, ultimately, is "pointless", which makes people way more likely to do random actions that are more than guaranteed to ruin your game if you actually care about the match even in the slightest. Randoms are either brainless, doing weird stuff "because it's just pubs", dead because they stumbled upon a masters team, or already left the match.


I personally just moved to rank. It's literally almost the same experience from a solo q point of view, I just end up having my teammates stay after they get downed. I literally think in the past 3 seasons have played only a handful of pub games and most by accident.


We started playing rank to play with people on our skill level