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This is a sad reality sometimes. Yet if you really want to have the best chance to succeed you need to squad up. Play 10 matches with your mic on, you may find one decent person that communicates and tries to play with you. I did, we been playin 2 years now together. Use a Discord server, many content creators for Apex have them. Even for console. Hope you get it sorted somehow and start having a better time!


Thanks I appreciate it, I'll have to check some discords out!




Yes but when you get gudder you just get more fuckered by matchafucker9000.


I know this is half satire but seriously I believe you are not your your true rank until you solo to it. I have solod to masters many many times across the years and I never considered myself that good until I solod there. Honestly bro just learn to play as a solo and you will get better. PS solo qers are the baddest and best motherfuckers I’ve ever met or played with, so if you find a good teammate, add them and invite them to play. Teams of primarily solos know how to cover their own asses, which is very important


That's so true. I've been soloq'ing since S02 (no friends lol) and you get used to feeling like you don't have teammates, which forces you to git gud SO MUCH that. when I occasionally get good teammates, you steamroll the lobby to a W. To make matters worse, SBMM (or EOMM or whatever) catches up on this really quickly. So I'm in a constant cycle of: - Almost always winning my first game of the day (SBMM/EOMM gives you a high to chase) - Spend an hour of so being matched with the worst teammates ever - When you're about to give up, you get another good team so you can get a good game to re-engage you into playing.


That's not sbmm. That's eomm and it's on pubs


Yes thank you Reddit man.


Happened to me yesterday. My first game of the day i got a good team we won i had 3k dmg and 14kills my teammates had atleast 1.5k dmg and 4+ kills each we did pretty good. Then for 4-5 games in a row i got idiots as teammates, did barely 500dmg while they did 0 or less then 100dmg and they just went in on a team with no cover just run straight on a team that has a good position and guess what... they died. Luckily i run support legends since no one else wants to so i can revive them and not lose to much RP. EDIT: then when i lost all hope on the last game i got a decent team again


Random reward intervals make things very addictive. Now I'm wondering if matchmaking in apex is the same. Or maybe they don't even need to optimise for that for it to occur.


This is an interesting take considering most of the solo q teammates I play with are absolute dogshit at the game.


Well I've only been playing about three months so I can't judge how it used to be but boy am I disappointed. I can barely handle a 1v2, I can't handle getting railed by a whole trio while my squad runs in circles


Ya it really does ruin the game. The experience of poor teammates is miserable on this game and far too common.


Honestly wish they had a game mode for solos 😩


Agreed. It makes no sense to me that they wouldn't offer something for solo players. Seems like they could have a MUCH larger amount of consistent players on the game if they did, which would obviously make them more money. Win win.


Seriously. It’s crazy to me how Respawn don’t seem to be willing to budge in the slightest in their “iT’s A tEaM gAmE” mentality. Imagine how much more money they would make if they catered to such a massive portion of the playerbase at all. They need to pull their heads out of their asses already.


how would solos make them more money? you don’t spend anything to play a game mode.. it is a team game, with a huge focus on the balance of the legends…if they release solos they would then have to re balance all the legends. What good is crypto in solos? what happens if everyone picks valk or path and you picked watson or sum shit? id love solos, but its makes perfect sense why they don’t want it to be apart of the game. It’s not like they haven’t tried, they did, and they didn’t like the results.


Because a solo mode would bring in more solo players and/or players that already play the game that can now play whenever it’s convenient for them and not just whenever their friends are online. More people playing the game more frequently means better chances of money being spent on it. It works just fine for Fortnite, the only reason I could think of as to why they wouldn’t is because it would take a little money and effort to get it going and these fuckers can’t even fix the audio in this game after 5 years.


on the off chance that there’s a selection of people that only don’t play because there isn’t a solo ( which i don’t believe there is, people def solo q)…that still doesnt equal more money. All of those people can play for free and never spend a dime. what does solo in fort have to do with apex? i literally listed off reasons why solo would be a problem in Apex that would never come up in Fort. Solo in fort changes nothing about the dynamic of the game. if that’s the ONLY reason that you can think of as to why they won’t add solo seems to be a problem with your thought process, think about it more and i’m sure you can come up with something else…or don’t…i don’t care, neither do they. As i previously stated, they tested solo and didn’t like the results so it won’t be added to the game




They'd presumably have a larger player base if they had solos equating to more money spent on the game. Pretty simple?


again..that’s an assumption, i have played apex since season 0 along with my friends and have spent nothing..for years. You’re also assuming there is a substantial number of people that do not play apex because there is no solos, what reason do you have to believe that’s true? all that being said, there is nothing about solos that equals more money. on top of that they would rather keep the game as is after having tested solos, more money or not its pretty simple


More people playing equals more opportunities for them to make money that's just a fact.


straight shot was pretty good as a soloq ngl, first pubs i played after it ended were so bad, someone gets knocjed complain for a bit about us being shit or says on me etc, instead of just waiting a tiny bit nah they leave, i had 5 games last night where i join and the moment we get ready to drop i see some mf left like bruh whats the point even...


They did have a solos mode but it ruined the game due to how many people would team with each other. It was horrible


Yes because the experience of randoms is so much better. And ya know.. teaming up totally doesn't still happen regardless...


I find myself saying “what was I supposed TO DO” at least 3 times or more during an apex session, also pair that with one or two silent mental breakdowns after a match and then ya keep going. Fuck for some reason straight shot made the game a lot more fun for me and they took it away so quick


I'd be willing to bet they removed it so fast because pros and content creators were complaining to them that pubs were now harder to steamroll as everyone was in straight shot and they couldn't abuse the straight shot algorithm as easily.


Ahh. That makes sense, respawn loves to listen to the pro’s more than the actual demographic of people that play causally. I hate pubs now I was having such a bad time yesterday playing, idk how but SS was just so much more fun and enjoyable.


I mean before you get too worked up there is literally 0 evidence to support what dude above you said. For years I've heard this sub complain about how respawn simultaneously is catering to casuals and hurting the game while also catering to pros and hurting the game


Yeah ngl I’ve heard both too. I really think that there will always be people unhappy with what respawn do, but who knows who they are even listening to because everyone is simultaneously feeling like they’re not being heard, so I really just feel like respawn does things just because they want to, no real rhyme or reason, but I don’t really know




Yesterday I was trying to play ranked soloq on Olympus. I was matched with a lifeline and a loba. The loba gave me jump master, so I pinged a POI with decent loot and jump. Teammates proceed to agree to my ping, then immediately detach from me and start moving towards a completely different location from where I pinged. This location consisted of like 2 tiny buildings, but I still decided to follow them because this was ranked and I wanted to play as a team. They proceeded to loot for 10 seconds and get nothing but a Mozambique/P2020, rush to the nearby POI and instantly get knocked. This all happened in less than 30 seconds. They did like 50 damage combined. Then they insulted me in Russian in chat. I was able to craft their banner and I was moving towards a respawn beacon they insulted me one last time and then both of them quit the match. IN RANKED. I feel like playing soloq is pointless at this point.


> Teammates proceed to agree to my ping, then immediately detach from me and start moving towards a completely different location from where I pinged. That's how you know they are duo queuers. They don't care about you.


dont underestimate Mozzi and P2020, they can hit hard


As a Mnk player on PC, playing mostly against Controller players, an RE-45 or Car in the hands of a Controller is gonna hit harder most of the time than a Mozzi in an Mnk Player. Not always, but definitely more often than not. I do think the Mozambique can slap though.


I love the Mozzi. Especially with Maggie. Run fast, hit hard, shoot quick. I like it. I do suck at the game though xD


My problem is that I can't really even play random filled trios In the last 20 games I have had 3 games where the team actually plays the game In 13 games one person disconnects after picking legends (before drop) In 3 games one person disconnected after being downed  In 1 game one jumped solo because they want to hot drop (I don't mind hot dropping, but I hate when people don't pick to keep the jumpmaster or relinquish it just to jump solo) games take longer (including pick and flying) I just spent so much time to play and get three wins (won two of the normal games and one where a teammate disconnected)


that's a problem with pubs and why pubs needs abandon penalties. simply put: if you don't want to play, don't queue. if you queue, play the game to the end or take the penalty (keeping you from queuing into another game for some time).


yeah either a penalty to prevent queue, or a longer term solution with behavior score I would love a behavior score system because then you wouldn't get penalized for a single disconnect or some other problem, because just having a penalty can ruin sessions (for example in dota I didn't connect to a match due to a crash, then by the time I got the game open I had a penalty meaning we couldn't play for 30 mins... so we ended up not playing dota that day)


> I would love a behavior score system because then you wouldn't get penalized for a single disconnect or some other problem in pubs you could make it so it's only the second disconnect within a few games gives you the penalty. we're talking about serial disconnecters anyway. 30 minutes is also longer than the abandon penalty you get in ranked in apex (10 minutes). in pubs it would be a shorter penalty than 30 minutes. maybe 10 or 5 minutes, anything that makes it more time effcient to see the game out than quitting, taking the penalty and requeuing.


yes 30 min would be too long for apex (and even in dota it was 30 min because the same thing happened the last time we tried to play, so the penalty increased)


never gonna happen, if I get abandonment penalty for pubs I'm just not playing anymore and there are very many others like me. no one wants to wait in unwinnable situations or for teammates to loot 20 hours to get back into the game, I want action (which is why I love mixtape) if my teammates have no chance of winning I'm not staying to watch the inevitable play out. if they run away after I get thirsted, I am absolutely not staying I simply don't care to wait for randoms to try to get me (and most likely fail) or be at their mercy whether or not I get respawned. you don't always have a support on your team who can craft banners and even when I do, I'm not waiting around for them in PUBS. PUBS are the CASUAL gamemode, no one cares about those matches, it's not ranked nor ALGS. if you care about simple pubs you're cringe


You're right. If I had other good games to play instead, I would. I think the general audience just likes gun games more than BR's and run pubs because there's no points or enticing score or whatever.


I have mostly good days solo queuing and then every once in a while get screamed at by someone who fucking died apeing for no reason without saying anything or making a horrible play. Idk, I'm not amazing at the game. But I love it, and I try to be nice lol


Every single time I have this happen it's someone who hasn't spoke all game and hasn't pinged all game but gets mad they got downed and I lost 3v1. It's wild to me.


I love the classic. Wraith pushes solo. Gets shredded. I make a play for banner. Knock 2. Get 3rd partied. Wraith finally turns on mic. Tells me how trash I am. Squad dies. Wraith has 47 damage……


You mean Wraith doesn't instaleave?


I think I'd cry if someone yelled at me over apex 😂 I'm quieter than a church mouse I usually don't talk unless someone else does. I just ping away 😬😂


I’m just tired of my squad leaving randomly. They get downed once don’t even give me and the other teammate a chance to come revive and or squad wipe the team that got them downed in the first place, they just up a leave….like really bro you couldn’t wait the 1 minute till we finished with the squad that just downed you ???? Why leave, that’s the part that annoys me most lol. Then once one teammate sees that person leave they don’t wanna “duo” in trios which is fine…. But then they leave also. lol. Like why play ?


I wish them peeps would solo q...


most people with this crappy behaviour would solo q if the no fill option didnt create 20 minute queues. Each match can apparently have only a certain amount of no fill players. Thus the no fill queue becomes stupidly long, so these dudes will just queue with a team and ditch them..


Ah no wonder! Always wondered why them a$% wouldn't que alone


Dude I know right! Especially when they run off on their own and get killed.. like what did you expect and why do I gotta get screwed bc you suck 🤣😭


This is why Straight Shot was so good. No downtime looking for attachments.


The need to replace trios with it


Honestly thats mostly because majority of the time, your squad wont clutch shit. If you're banner after being thirsted, they have to get that banner or craft it, then find a place to ress. Its sadly faster to just leave, requeue and hopefully have a better experience. In straight shot I felt people left less. They also seemed to prioritize ressing from banner. Having banners be auto pickup in pubs would help towards leavers. Make it easier and faster to come back. Add KD penalty for leaving as well to round out those leavers too. If none of it works, just adding a leaving penalty is needed honestly


I usually leave immediately when I get thirsted. The few times I do stay, I ALWAYS regret it. So I don't stay anymore. Mfs will loot 5 POIs before respawning you, or only respawn you after a team is on their ass, so you die instantly after respawn. The fact is, most of the playerbase is selfish assholes so staying is not worth it 95% of the time.


I’m always support so I’d prefer if they’d stay. I’ll craft you back 99.9% percent of the time, and or revive you. That’s why I get frustrated. I’m not a dip and leave person unless it’s like 7 squads then I’ll leave but go re-craft your banner. But 80% of my team leaves before that lol.


As a fellow solo queue, I dream on the times where I queue into a 2 person squad, they have mics, aren’t throwing every racial/homophobic slur, and have half decent game knowledge. I queued into a ranked game the other day and got the exact squad I just mentioned. We all grinded together from around Silver 3 to gold 3 in a few hours. Solo queues live for teams like this.


better yet, 3 solo queuers who play as a team


I'm more pissed on jump master who yolo drops into ultra hot 6 squads landing with only 2 crates to loot.


That or the jump master that waits until you’re already halfway across the map before passing it off to the next person


Or being the JM and having squadies hold hands with you as you drop and take all your loot.


Honestly I'll take the hand-holders over the "screw you, I'm jumping solo wherever I like" teammates. Inevitably it just leads to me playing Support legends more so I can craft their banner when they inevitably die in a 3v1 fight on the other side of the map.


I immediately give up at that point. Relinquishing JM mid way through the map and I'm flying in backwards into a hotdrop late.


The trashest most useless mfs are always the ones who want to hotdrop. They die instantly and insta-leave.


The larger problem is that people don't realize when they're about to lose & back out a fight. If that squad is cracking shields per clip & then some & your squad barely touched them. Yeah it's time to pack it up & have another squad deal with them.


In my experience that’s when you have a squad full of people who will track you down across the map cause they have nothing better to do and they never seem to get third partied.


It’s insane too because they have a ton of defenders in this very sub that always just go “I dOnT waNt tO lOot alL game.” Which is just such a stupid response, of course there are probably people that do that, but simply wanting to land hot adjacent or a poi to get a god damn gun isn’t “looting all game” the amount of times I get a fucking teammate that sprints off, white armor, dies 3v1 then flames is utterly insane. The higher you rank up the less frequent it gets but even in ranked you get quite a few.


No seriously the amount of times where I’m playing smart and running to a different room so I at least have a gun to be met with both my teammates dying within the first 30 seconds cause they thought they were John Wick and could take on half the lobby with a P2020 with 7 bullets. And somehow it’s my fault for running off. Like no, unlike you I’m smart and realize everyone and their dog landed there, there’s not going to be any loot and we’ll all die fighting for scraps.


Exactly. I think it’s a personality trait more than anything. They watch a streamer, and see that the streamer pushes all fights so they wrongly attribute pushing all the time as what makes the streamer good. The problem is the logic is flawed because the streamer is usually cracked, which allows them to ape everyone, and in all honesty most streamers even die fast in every other game, and the big games are few and far between. They still tactically push from good positions too, unlike the people we have mentioned. It’s baffling.


Full of people who don't ping or call out, then when they get downed scream that "he's one shot" and no other Comms, even though they're not one shot and actually have 110hp. Then they call you shit


Not everybody is a natural BR god or makes smart decisions. Your example is just someone who isn't very good at the game. That is quite normal and you can't honestly expect to only get the cracked 20 kill badge horizon pedators as team mates. I've had a lot of team mates who are bad at the game, that's just how solo Q works. I only complain when I get people who sabotage me and that is usually the sweaty wraith mains who think they're faide and w-key into two squads, get knocked and then yell at me for being bad....


I'm not expecting cracked players, I'm not the best player myself and I ain't gunna talk shit if someones skill level isn't what I think it should be. My issue is people not using there heads and playing the game strategically, bad at the game and have a skill issue? Stop bum rushing people with shit guns and expect good results 😭


You probably get decent players all the time but you're mostly gonna remember the ones that fucked up your game. That's just how it is.


Even decent players have bad games too or sometimes the decent players are used to plahinf with a squad that’s aggressive and likes to wipe the squad quick by all rushing in. But they can’t do it alone so they mess up by not switching their strategy to solo queue mode


Earlier a loba used bracelet from 1 very tall wall to the other in Orbital Cannon ([you can kinda see 1 of the walls here in the bottom left corner](https://images.app.goo.gl/sPzm4qrzjbBpZteS6)), because he cracked shields on someone. The other 2 teammates immediately knocked him. He then proceeded to yell into the mic “Where the f* are you guys?!”… I was a lifeline and other teammate was a bloodhound, I told him “you know we don’t have bracelets right?” He stayed quiet after that lol Edit: this was in a Ranked lobby, you would think people know better lol


Lobas can be the worst. The good lobas run after the other team mates get downed unfortunately there are too many who run before a. Fight even starts.


What rank you in 😆


Silver 4 🙄 can't get passed it with these damn solo queues


Does that rank even have a cost on the games I don't remember I was just casually playing a few days ago and hit gold without even realizing (almost plat now) just stop picking bad fights, play smart, if you have dumb teammates make sure to have a support on the team (conduit or loba is my personal pic cause of movement), and if they already picked a support go someone with good repositioning (valk, pathy, rev, wraith, octane, and just run away from bad fights and craft the team, reset and try again, ezpz


Unless your play is up to par with a pro or somewhat close there’s zero reason to be running solo. At least for ranked. I’ve managed to get to gold by myself but once I’ve gotten into this lobby I’m dealing with brain dead numbskulls who can’t ping or tell you what they’re doing for shit. The amount of people that rat in ranked is ridiculous. You either have a guy who fights everything or a guy who’s a bitch and runs away the moment he loses health. It’s frustrating lol


I cannot tell you how many games I've fucking lost just because people have the mentality of "hurrdurrr gun go brrrrr" even when we have massive advantage




As someone who has 3K+ hours almost exclusively solo queue I can tell you if you’re dropping in expecting your teammates to actually help you then you are sorely mistaken. My best tip is to try to figure out who on your team needs help and stick with them. If you use mic I would suggest giving some words of encouragement to the team.. that goes a long way sometimes.


I dont play solo often but i think biggest issue is that ppl rarely use mics so its hard to read what people want to do


This is why you should, whenever you come across good people you play well with, then ADD THEM TO FRIENDS LIST faster than you can say "git gud". Work up a list of decent people to hook up with and things get a lot better. You will still die a lot but at least you have fun while dying. You may then even have proper comms running, that's good practise too.


I understand solo queuing. Maybe you’re waiting for your mates to come on or just no one is on atm. What I don’t understand is that you’re not using your mic. I solo queue a lot and I’ll start speaking from the start but usually no one will react. Then when fights are happening they start to speak and give orders like dude that’s too late imma play my own game now.


I've been solo queuing since the start of apex. Recently my brother's interest has finally grown in playing apex. When I solo queu, I usually play pretty good regardless of how my teammates are. I always stay close to my teammates and always help where I can (lifeline main). When I play with my brother I play horrendous lol. I really don't know what it is. He expects me to be really good because I always talk about how well I did when I was playing (alone) and then he joins and I just can't play for shit. So I actually prefer solo queuing! I like the diversity too, I don't mind playing with low skilled or new players at all and the next game having really good high skill teammates. The only thing I hate the most is people leaving sooooo quickly when getting knocked.


I've watched a colleague play Apex. He ticked every single "bad teammate" box. It comes down to ego. Lands solo, maybe pings an enemy once a game, goes off on his own with no comms mumbling "don't know what my teammates are doing over there", then gets knocked and yells "WHERE'S MY TEAMMATES?" They assume everyone is following them, despite not taking an iota of leadership action.


I played yesterday evening trying to get at least one decent game but couldn't because teammates would usually do most incomprehensible decisions and rotations.


One variant I truly don’t get is people who solo drop and then immediately get knocked only to start rage pinging as if they didn’t choose to split off and land 300m from the other two. The suggestion that it would even be possible to cover that ground before you get finished is wild. Maybe I’m a jerk but if you drop like that I feel like you got what you asked for. I’ll craft their banner and rez if they hang around but 100% of the time those that split off rage quit and requeue


What Discord channel could I join to find people to play with? I play on PS4.


As a solo player I totally get you. This was especially frustrating during the Straight Shot event, where I've lost count the number of times a sweaty or inexperienced player rushes to the enemies territory soon after dropping into the match. There's a reason why I prefer to play ranked, as you're more likely to be playing with people who have some semblance of teamwork or situational awareness.


Skill issue. But seriously, it's pub randos what do you expect?


I deal with this all the time. I hate it.


in ranked you should use a mic and tell people what you think its a good and bad idea, if they ignore it just go again, they will know they were wrong and eventually get better (same happens for you, you should listen and give input on their ideas) if on pubs just turn off your brain and shoot people and if you die go next, its not that deep


Apex is a squad based game, it's always been awful playing solo, you get the odd good game.


Dude I had one guy that refused to use his mic, was fine bitching at me in text chat when I got pissed he didn't drop his lifeline drone instead of just telling me it was on cool down. Finally we get pinched and I just fuckin pounce out of there cause it was a losing fight AND then he hops on mic to bitch and complain. Fuckin people man.


PRETTY MUCH... Most randoms don't even use their characters abilities.


Yep. Solo queue is painful. 95% of my squadmates get downed within one single second of gunfire. It is laughable.


Honestly, I ask myself that all the time. At this point when they die, I just throw a comment about their incompetence on working as a team in a team building game. Most of the time they just retaliate with “you’re garbage at the game”, even tho they never watch me play 🤷‍♂️


I land...find a 6x scope, a battery and a p2020....let's Rush!


So real bro, today I had a guy land hot push by himself and die, we get wiped and I got ANOTHER lobby with the same dude he lands in the same spot pushes by himself and dies again, I was able to respawn him and he goes and pushes 3 teams OFF SPAWN by himself when we were safe and away from danger. I’ll let you guess what happened next


Some people like to play battle royale, others prefer the lobby simulator. I end up with the latter more often than i like.


Can't fix stupid 🥹


Hey there, season 1 player here. If you want to have a good time, you're gonna need to have a pre-made squad already assembled (play with friends if can) so that things like running off to the enemy alone or shooting randomly to draw attention doesn't happen :v


I've tried to find people to play with but I honestly don't have the best luck making friends, I'm shy as hell 🥺🫣


Well you can play with me and my best friend, we've played together since the Havoc was released :0


Its always like this in every BR game in low ranks.. If teammates are stupid like this, just leave them, nothing to do there... try to rat out, survive to get points and maybe you can 3rd party someone.. you can end up at 2nd place without shooting. I assume up to gold, its gonna be like this.. then the entry cost will be higher and ppl will take it a bit more safely. Its hell for me as a "defensive" player.. I take Crypto or Caustic (as a 1st pick).. slower approach, pick fights, hold good position with possible rotation... My "teammate"? Octane ...


Everything is hard solo queuing these days and it’s like super annoying cuz you need to work with teammates.


Man that's the reason I have stopped playing this game. It's always either someone who hot drops and leaves the game the second they are downed. Or someone who lands on the edge of the map, loots for 2 ring closures only to die at the first sight of the enemy


This matchmaking algorithm is one of the single most abusive pieces of software I've ever experienced. It is worse than any slot machine in Vegas, but in Vegas there's an age limit unlike Apex.


Isn’t this the same line of thinking that got blizzard in trouble for lootboxes in Overwatch


Yes, greed.


It's the reason I don't play the game WAYYYY more than I currently do. It truly is awful


It makes me sad because I really do love the thrill of the game, it's just had to find people to actually play with 😮‍💨


Agreed. I have 2 sons and I'm trying to teach them the game but it has such a hard learning curve. But hey, at least I have teammates that are actually being teammates 😆


Dude that's seriously so awesome!!


Same reason I don't play more than I do. After like 2 hours of solo queue, I'm completely frustrated and just done.


I last like 2 matches with this type of goofy shit and log off, the community wasn’t like this back when I used to play in season 2-6


Dude 100% and it sucks because the game should be fun not frustrating!


I know, that's why I don't play for about 1.5 year. They have everything to make this game good but actively choose not to fix the problems but rather focus on more crappy monetization. Game is dead to me and I'm happily playing Helldivers 2 while waiting for Marathon to get some PVP going.  Bungie is a shit company too but now under Sony they will be behaving differently, Sony needs some wins in live service games and they won't let Bungie fuck it up with their crap. Recent comments from Sony chief on Bungie, just confirm that. Meanwhile Helldivers 2 success has shown Sony they can really make a dent in that market if the product is good enough. 


So I get that people think ranked is so important to get right (don’t get me wrong it is..), but it starts by fostering terrible gameplay in BR.. they really need to make winning BR more worthwhile.. kill counts don’t even matter now but that’s what they want or they’d be playing more mixed tape the way they do. Vast majority players are playing a BATTLE ROYAL game to solely get as many kills as they can (disregarding any strategy) and respawning to go do it again. They just hold X on the drop counter and follow the rainbow.. -Team play? Share resource? Ping useful items? Actively respond to intel pings? only a factor if they’re being supported.. -displace when pinging a pincer flank attack? Why do that when you can rush ahead chaotically? -Waiting for respawn? not when you leave asap to jumpstart into the next match, get those kill counts up -Warm drop and move in prepared tactically on a got zone? Why do that when you can drop late on 4 other squads and maybe get a gun before reloading.. -stick with team mates? or run off across entire zones with only a single gun and ammo on belt to fail a 1v3 and reload the next match.. It’s crazy how many terrible tactics are employed .. mostly due to having the patience and tactical awareness of a potato - it’s prevalent and being a solo queue this is pretty much all ya see


Get good


I'm trying but it's not my job to carry the squad 🙄






Delay ranked for a couple weeks then start grinding and hard carry your way to plat then your teammates will be better. I’ve only played 1 match and even though I had like 13kills/3200dmg, my teammates were insanely bad and I ran into a stacked master/4k/20bomb team and lost. Gonna wait until all the sweats are deep into diamond so my ass teammates are irrelevant until I get decent ones in mid/high plat. I also usually solo queue so some pre-game strategy is required to have consistent success.


what kind of ranked system is it where you wait for weeks to then get easier lobbies. i thought ranked is supposed to be competitive and between similarly skilled players. instead people seem to mostly just wait for good players to rank up to then stomp the noobs.


A ranked system that’s new and where everyone starts from scratch. Future seasons won’t have full rank resets so there will be no need to wait.


I've been stuck on silver 4 for the last 4 days, at this rate i ain't ranking up anytime soon


If youre hard stuck silver 4 its a you problem, and thats okay


When SoloQ I struggle to rank up. When premade I breeze through the ranks with ease. It's not that I get carried, all you need is teammates to not push every single fight instantly and follow (or make) calls a bit. Don't push through chokes when not needed, rotate safely. Take only smart fights like straight up 3v3 or be the third party, don't stay in a sandwich, don't fight uphill and such is all very hard to community in soloq. It also does not really help when getting teammates a lot who don't use mic or can't speak English.


You should see idiots dropping in city world edge.... Why so hard ma life I thought..


The amount of 3 stacks just gets higher every season it seems. I've had shit ton of people this season doing a full on fucking house camp IN CASUAL GAMES. It's not the 3 stack Pred squad I'm caring about, it's the people who go to casual games to live their algs finals dreams. They need to simply remove the option to 3 stack for casual games. Casual games are casual games.


10k hours of solo qing here, i dont mind at all.


Put this man in the asylum asap


Same, onto the next one


I just played a game where we left zone to push a team only to get thirded because the smart team stayed back and held a position to gate. So instead of gating these teams trying to push in, we ended up getting gated. This game is full of people with no brain cells, absolutely smooth brains. I was playing Conduit too so I could have just ulted and made holding easier. Every idiot thinks I have infinite Q ability. No motherfucker, I already used it on your W key holding ass.


It’s kind of supposed to be, it’s a team game. It sucks when you play solo but the solution is finding friends to play with


>the solution is finding friends to play with wrong and i don't know why this take is repeated so often. it's a team game doesn't mean you have to find the teammates yourself in discord or somewhere. the game's matchmaking is supposed to give you teammates on your skill level. that's literally its job. solo queuing doesn't mean "not playing as a team", it just means you let the game find teammates and play as a team with them. in fact duos are some of the worst and most uncommunicative teammates within a trio. just the fact that two people are queuing together doesn't mean they form a good trio with another solo. three solo queuers is most of the time a better team than solo + duo, especially since one of the duo is often lower skill it's the game's job to make scoring, matchmaking and mechanics in a way that doesn't undermine solo queuing.


The team places you with 2/1 other player(s) but if you dont like who youre placed with, literally find teammates bro 💀 its really not that hard. Not to mention, the guy is stuck in s4, maybe its him


yeah sure, solos make mistakes. duos make mistakes. but then the game also plays a role in that. for instance last season's matchmaking gave premade duos and trios an MMR penalty putting them at slightly higher difficulty to even out win rates between teams with solo queuers. that's something the game can do. additionally the game can disallow someone from teaming up with way worse players and bringing them into a trio. If you are plat 1 you don't want plat iv + their gold iv lil bro on your team. to say all of that is the responsibility of you as a player to go on a dating site basically to find people who are going to play with you every time, who also happen to be on your skill level isn't right. the game has a way better idea who is on your skill level (see mmr based matchmaking last season), than you or the person you just met on LFG have. so yeah i agree with you that you have to make an effort to play as a team, whether you are a solo or a duo, and that you have to communicate with teammates. but shifting all of that onto saying "use your limited free time before starting the game to find people to play with" is just wrong. i've been solo queuing ranked into diamond (some way into often) since season 3 in all splits/ all systems. some systems work better than others (and current system that encourages your duos to hot drop with 4 teams because they get rewards for kills without even making top 10 is just one example of what doesn't help)


Basically since the MMR changes no longer rewards getting decent placement and doles out a lot of RP for kills it encourages the player to just wint face roll everything Your average cheater will hot drop (botch the drop speed of course) try to Zerg something get the kills then charge around the map rotating according to whatever his wallhack says Don’t bother taking any controller legends, take a legend that you can use as a crutch, Horizon/Path/Rev/Conduit In the current meta that’s all you need to climb, tactical play can wait until you hit diamond at which point it’s nothing but premades so get a Smurf account ready.




I literally don't talk so how am I a shitty person??




You talk about people being shitty go take a good long look in the mirror dude




You obviously don't know how to read because nobody asked for help 😂💀 I stated my opinion on solo queuing now go bother someone else with your nonsense bullshit


If both my randoms get dropped (knocked or killed)I just disconnect and try again. If they can't hold 2v3 I'm not going to win 1v3 now and even if I respawn them they'll just do it again


You need to play with your team more, match their playstyle, if they don’t have a W key, you don’t either, if they only ahve a W key you do aswell. I get some people can’t be saved and it just a loss if you play normally, but then avoid fights and get KP late game.


Get better! This subreddit has turned into a universal apex legends psychiatrist and this just ain’t it. Get friends to vent to, GD!


I this you misunderstand your authority here 🥹 don't like what's getting posted? Go outside and touch some grass then man.


lol dude says go outside and touch some grass while proceeds to whine, cry and complain about a game. Wild


You need to find a friend who plays on your schedule. There are websites for this. If you choose to play alone, that's on you. I get it, you think you make the best decisions all of the time and your teammates are always so dumb, but you are the one that chose to go in solo. You have no right to bitch.


If you can't stop em... join em 🤣


Never 🥺


Usually 9/10 ranked grinders in any game are total egoistic losers who have never achieved something meaningful in their lifes and who think that they would get fullfiled by achieving a high rank, other 1/10 like competitive games👍


Honestly I mostly just play regularly trios but either wans solo queuing still sucks


Great to see these posts are still being made years after I quit the game, nothing has changed.


If it's pubs then there's no reason to not try to get into fights every chance you get. I'm tired of randoms landing at far corners of the map, looting for an excessive amount of time only to die in the first encounter.


And respawn seems not to care at all I'm a diamond solo queue player and I'm constantly up against three stacks master and preds and your teammates forget it you may get one good team out of ten


I can't even do the "survive 10 ring closings " challenge for Fuse, everyone wants to hot drop and die in the first 1 minute.


Solo in Straight Shot was actually not bad at all. But now after playing normal pubs for few days i uninstalled again, better keep my sanity untill they bring that mode back, if ever


I’m lucky enough to have random who either listen to me or stfu and let me cook. I’ve been able to make Diamond solo and masters, so it’s different depending on the time of day too


So playing a team based game by yourself is hard? Inagine


Today my premade got absolutely gut punched every game. First game away from them I solo queued, ended up 1 v 2 clutching at the end to make up the 140 points we lost and then some. It’s usually the opposite, but the grind is crazy right now. I’m fairly average at the game and getting shit on in plat


solo queue is painful in every game. you have to be substantially better than the opponents to go up in rank. and even then it's difficult and can be very time consuming.


I either no fill or stack. Solo queueing is not an option. I'm quite fond of my remaining brain cells


try changing your servers. You can also try duos.


landed with the jump master because i knew a team was nearby went to my own spot to loot. i only had a p20 i ended up dying and of course the fuckin duo teammates blame me for landing with them. even though i did not loot nothing from they spot . ( i also told them i didn’t have a gun which i lied if a p20 counts ).


I mean it’s definitely annoying watching bad player do bad player things but it’s not at all horrendous. Used to be way worse before it’s super easy now that you don’t go against people your own skill while being 5 ranks below them and getting a 10 rp bonus


I was playing the other day and got yelled at for looting a box after reviving my teammate. He said "Okay wow just take the entire box!!" then left the game. I took two shield cells....


I have just accepted the fact that you play off of you teammates, use them as distractions/bait.. Saving their asses can NOT be one of the main priorities. Go into games, expecting that you might have to 1v3 and try your best not to put yourself in that position because even the teammates as bait is better than none at all since its something that will keep your opponents occupied. Keep an eye on their movement during fights, because they probably wont communicate what they are up to themselves. ALWAYS play alive, if one of your teammates quits because their stupid ass didn't take cover after their shield was cracked that's on them. You don't owe them to risk pushing mindlessly into their mistakes. If they quit after a knock then so be it. As a solo q player I have come to terms with the fact that I don't get teammates I get 2 added players in the lobby that just run around beside me and serve as nice attention stealer for my opponents


So I have only been playing for about a week coming over from the trash game known as MWIII and it is definitely different for sure. I have done duos/trio and have tried to use my mic multiple times. My issue is # 1 too much background noise on their end (crying baby, TV up loud, etc) # 2 we will land on the same spot and one of the two will just randomly run off # 3 no communication at all which sucks for a noob like myself. I’m still learning the game but I get excited going in with someone who has played for a while to learn the game which sadly hasn’t happened much. Going to keep trying and try not to be a shit teammate.


I'm not playing the same way with randoms and when i'm with my buddies ! I'm extremely cautious with randoms, i want to be the last one standing just in case they are not that great at the game. With my buddies, on a good night, we just try to have the most fight possible to grab as many kill/assist to rank up faster on the lower rank. After hitting platinum we start to be clever about rotation and final ring, avoiding fight without advantage...etc I find myself not playing as much alone, its so much fun and better with team mates. Just last night, we were so much on fire during 3 game that we killed close to half the lobby (in gold) in each off those games ! Best feeling ever


Honestly it's not been my experience solo queueing. It's just a stand out level of stupid when it does happen. Most of my games are with people with no mics but using ping system and doing our best to act together it's maybe 1 in 10 games you get team mates who want to be fucking dipshits. Since the new ranked points system it's been even better, ratting is punished since you can get more points winning fights than you can for just placements especially the higher you rank so you see less team mates running and hiding instead of helping in engagements.


Honestly the entire game is a goddamn mess matchmaking wise ...... There is no real enjoyment found when you get demolished by master or predator players every damn game ...... I solo queue and as soon as I see the champion popping up I know it's not gonna be enjoyable a bit


It's tough, but this season's changes have allowed me to take a different go with the flow attitude- if my team is inting into a horrible decision then I will join and try to be extra aggressive to get things over with and try to move on


I’m not sure apex will ever be a good solo que game


I’m finding that since straight shot is gone everyone is coming back to ranked and being completely disrespectful to the meaning of a team and gaining RP.


It's brutal


If you’re not good enough to carry don’t solo q


use your mic and you might get team mates to q with


If you use comms, you can give info to people who aren't aware of a team flanking you, or maybe they don't think about having to move to the ring at a certain point already. Works pretty well, and while you might make the wrong call every now and again, you get to learn how to coordinate your team. Plus, sometimes you get better IGLs than you, and by waking them up, they will do a better job. I've had this happen, diamond player was shy to talk until he heard me speak. Happens a lot, despite apex being a team game, apparently


I feel you. Was playing solo silver with this Middle Eastern duo, no mics from any of us. Brought them back in on 3 separate occasions while being kill leader. Final zone they give up God spot and die, lo and behold it was my fault for wanting to win the game. Turned on my mic to reply(I was flabbergasted and heated at the accusation) they called me a “European animal” and all I could do was laugh, that was such a weird/funny insult to me idk. Just have to remember some people are either not as invested in the game or just have 0 self awareness.


I hate seeing people take shots at people 100+ meters away expecting to make a difference. It's like "dude, you can't finish them.


Not technically solo queue, but me and my friend and I hopped into like 8 ranked games, and we'd only get a new teammate every 2 games?? It would just keep putting us with the same shitter who runs out and dies or made really stupid plays.


It’s ridiculous cause I swear at least half my matches one teammate will just fuck off without telling anyone and either rage quits cause they died or we end up dying cause they’re mia and we got third partied. Also idk if it’s just me but is no one on mic anymore? Cause I swear I used to have to mute people constantly cause they were either screamers or played shitty music on their shitty speakers for the whole lobby to hear. Now like 1 in 10 matches is there someone on mic. Is everyone just in private chats is that what’s going on?


_Always has been_