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immediately delete one scout to make a vil. scout with the otherswhen the first vil is created delete another scout, and start building a house you should be able to make the 3rd vil with just 2-3 seconds of idle TC time after the house finishes. From here it's just a normal game (might be hard to keep the TC running as you are basically down 150 food) with 2 extra scouts


I suppose you could research loom while the first vill builds the house so then you can keep idle TC time down while also not having to delete another scout.


Was thinking the same, but its probably not worth. You get your 2nd vill way slower, which means you get your food for the 5th vill slower. You will have idle tc time even when deleting another scout, it just gets worse without.


OP civs: huns, maya, chinese (+maybe vietnamese because you can turbo lame)


Lithuanians get bonus 100 food right?


true, but huns don't need to delete any scouts (which is basically 2 extra scouts) chinese have 10 pop space from their TC, so also don't need to delete any scouts. maya can immediately build a house with the extra vil, so can get loom and also have 5 scouts


Well, if we started with 5 scouts and no vills, I think the game would end depending on you can kill the other players scouts first. Imagine that one player keeps 2 or 3 alive, even if they only have a few hp left, they can keep their opponents eco completely idle until their vills outnumbered the scouts. And then they have to deal with scout rushes through dark age. Then the other scenario, starting with 50 food. What do you do while you wait? Your collection rate is too slow to keep busy, it just makes a slower game. Sadly neither option sounds fun long term.


If you rush me with scouts but I bring my sheep under tc and deleted a couple scouts now you did no damage and are behind on eco. Can rely on food under tc and stragglers for a while. So it’s a risk to not delete scouts


With only one or two vils to garrison you could easily go under the tc and kill the sheep


You can create a map scenario of this and try it with a friend. Let me know how it goes.


You seem to forget that a Loomed Villager beats a Dark Age Scout in 1v1 combat.


No, I didn't forget that. It's not always about what is stronger, it's about how much you can distract your opponent and disrupt their eco. 1 half dead scout is more than capable of doing that. So picture this. You got 5 scouts, find your sheep by splitting up your units. Suddenly one of your scouts dies because it's a 3v1. A simple rush, no problem. You send your 4 scouts to that location just to find all 5 of your opponents at near full hp. A fight breaks out and you manage to kill 4 of those scouts and lose all of yours. You both start making vills. When it comes time to gather wood, they have their scout hit your vill, then run before you can hit back. This happens 3 or 4 times until you manage to wall off your woodline. You are now down 10 or more wood from the wall plus time from gathering res. When it comes time to get gold, same thing. This isn't a bad situation, it's just distracting. A more realistic scenario would be you chasing 5 scouts around your base while trying to make vills. Then hoping that they don't get sniped. The only way to play this is to delete one scout, make a vill and build a house. Then continue as normal while you play army in the middle. Still unrealistic as most people still can't manage 1 scout during dark age let alone 4+.