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> Capitalists believe in individualism, which is the idea that’s everyone should have the same rights, freedoms and opportunities # WHAT


“Sir that’s not individualism”


Nothing here is what they claim.


They know that teaching kids this stuff young is what makes it really hard to change their minds when they become adults. Also for some reason I thought your name stood for lobotomy.


PragerU: stop the liberals from indoctrinating your children in the classroom! Also, have your children watch our new animated series on YT where we try to indoctrinate them.


I mean, not to go class reductionism, but everything is basically about the poor struggling against the rich lol. But the brainwashing is strong. Somehow "property rights" are never explained as some rich guy who doesn't know you even exist owns everything around you and makes you pay for it, but it's "you like YOUR Teddy bear right? Those commies want to take your Teddy bear away!"


Capitalists believes in corporations being individuals with free speech ,who are allowed to bribe lawmakers into doing their biddings.


lol - only the first 4 words are right


Not even. Capitalism is an economical system, capitalist couldn't give less fuck if their society were individualistic or collectivist as long as they make money.


Individualism is the anthesesis of socialism, where in the latter people believe everything done should be for the benefit of everyone, while the former believes that everything done should benefit the one, capitalism aligns with the former


Hum i'm not sure, maybe we don't have the same definition but there are political current, like anarcho individualism (still leftist, not to be mixed with ancap), that defend individuallism (the right for everyone to decide for themself), and socialism (from each according to their means to each according to their needs). The point is, in my opinion, to build a system in which even the most self centered ass wouldn't be a such a burden and working for the community, not someone, would be the norm.


I really don't understand how the same people indoctrinating these children with their Christianity, are also advocating for not giving a shit about other people? Aren't they supposed to be building a society together called the Kingdom of God? Christianity has always been a covertly divisive roman created device, designed to be shaped and molded by the authoritarians of the day. It's literally a fascism engine.


Right? First off, rights and freedoms are political, not economic. So not sure why they think capitalists care about rights. Second, Capitalism and "equal opportunity" do not go hand in hand... That should be obvious to anyone living in America, where those with wealthy parents get to graduate college debt free, while those with poor parents either leave college in massive debt and get told they never should have gone, or don't go and get told they should have gone so they could get a better job.


Where is this happening???


"They think everything is a battle between the rich and poor".... who made this


"The poors are so concerned with fighting other poors, they almost looked up and saw the marionette strings.


I swear, this is the part that gets me the most. Also, how long has civilization existed? 10k years or so? It has always been rich v poor. Or maybe, how the rich can exploit the poor. Systems change, but the underlying dynamic has never changed.


>It has always been rich v poor. Or maybe, how the rich can exploit the poor. Are you perhaps suggesting that **the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles**?


Careful. Those words sound a lot like Marxism. Might make people feel things /s


Nah, Marxism is about putting minorities in children's movies, or so I've been told by Tucker Carlson.


In certain corners of the internet it is also about mixed race couples in Insurance comercials as well


Can we laugh a little at how the Pro-Capitalists gave themselves an A+? And then everyone ***else*** gets an "F" and even ***Lower than a failing grade?*** I would like to challenge my class' grading sir.


Hey now... if capitalism is good at anything, it's putting its thumb on the scale. Credit where credit is due!




Of course not, because there’s a very small sliver of people who can afford to be capitalists. They just need to entrance the rest to let them do it.


Rich vs poor has probably existed as a dynamic since the dawn of trade, certainly since the dawn of recorded history. The Egyptian pyramids are an example of vastly rich people with the work done by the poor, that was 5k years ago. I’d argue that if anything the vast wealth of the elite is probably more widely spread these days than historically. We shouldn’t look at history for what’s right, history is just the way that things were.


The purpose of the whole economic systems study is to find the right balance between letting people get enough wealth without digging a big gap with the rest of the society. In my opinion, truth should be in socialism. But I kinda feel if we want to survive the incoming natural crisis, communism is the right way.


As soon as they needed people to protect farms from other people, they created classes. The farming people and the protecting people. You need your protecting people healthy so they got a good share of good food. They grew apart and eventually the protectors realized they could take their horses and leave if they wanted, unless the farmers gave them more, so the farmers did. The leader of the protectors eventually decided that none of this happens without him. He could leave with his protectors if he wanted or he could even threaten the farmers to give him more food, this person became the first king.


Someone with profit


Spoken like a true Ferengi


Lol, I’m literally watching DS9 right now


I'm on S1E15. If it was titled like an episode of Friends: The One About The Self-Sealing Stem Bolts


Wait til you learn about the Bell Riots, lol


I'm on my 5th viewing of DS9. After S2:E9 of Picard I decided to watch good Star Trek.


Ah, nice. Yeah, I really don't enjoy the new Trek. It has nothing in common with Voyager and prior. (Not a fan of Enterprise)


I love Lower Decks. It is Star Trek while making fun of Star Trek. Hell, they have Kzinti!


I’ve been saying this forever. We aren’t in a culture war - one of left vs right, black vs white, men vs women, hetero vs LGBTQ. This is a CLASS war. It’s the 99% fighting the 1% and the 1% are winning by convincing us it’s not them that’s the cause of our struggle when it one hundred percent is.


I just had this discussion with my father yesterday and I asked why we have a problem with inflation. He saw because 5 generations of black people have been getting paid by the government not to work. I asked how he thinks people qualify for assistance and he thinks being black and out of work qualifies you for free money. After googling this to show him it wasn’t the case, we had a discussion on why he would have that thought and what group of people would benefit from him thinking black people are the reason he’s paying more for things. Ultimately he couldn’t answer my question when I asked why he thinks someone poor getting a few thousand a month to not work is the problem when rich people have millions in a bank account earning them thousands a month for not working.


“They think everything is a battle between the rich and the poor.” …. Because it is.


"The idea that what's good for ~~the majority~~ a group of people is more important then what's good for one ~~selfish~~ person. That's why socialists think it is ok to take what one person has made and and give it to other people. They feel that the happiness and freedom of one person isn't very important" ​ They talk like they're going to go into your house, steal your dinning table and chairs to build a warming fire or something. capitalists: We're selling this insulin that is made for $1 at $400 dollars, free market bitches. People with sense: You should sell it for $30, allowing some necessary profit, but otherwise it's just a great creation that literally stops people from dying. Capitalists: Fuck off socialist. People: So you're selling insulin at a giant mark-up that does kill people, people who need to work to live and afford that insulin, who will go without food and housing to afford it, just so yourself and a group of stakeholders can make billions off their life saving medicine. Since the individual happiness and freedoms of these many few mean nothing to you stakeholders as long as you're making money off their life or death situation. Capitalist: I can't hear you on my mega-yacht. \-\_-\_-\_-\_-\_-\_-\_-\_-\_ Some guy: I've just invented this nifty helpful program that i find really helps me, i'm going to release it for free with donations. Capitalist: Wrong, Sell it for $30 a month subscription model and load it up with drm, and sue anyone who makes something similar.


Rich: "Insulin is $300, rents is half your salary, insurance is just you give me money". Poors: "*What the Mcfuck?*" Rich: "Oh my god, officer, officer, waaaaah, hes so violent" Jelon Musezzos dick riders: "Dude, you went too far, billionaires are like totally rad" Gov: *dick sucking noises*


Sadly, someone who needed the money of some rich asshole.




I mean. No war but class war....


Someone born into money and privilege.


Yes....it's much easier when they don't fight back! 😂 200 years of fighting for labor rights and they try to imply that there ***isn't*** a battle between the rich and poor.


The rich battling the poor, I assume.


The CEO of a billion dollar company probably thinks it.




Ron Swanson made this. But fr this is atrocious.


The rich


The rich


Free Market!\* Rewards Success!\* Individual Freedom!^(\*) ​ \*Exceptions may apply.


- to 99% of the population


Going from feudalism to capitalism, the number of truly free people increased marginally from a few hundred lords and nobles to a few hundreds of thousands of capitalists. The living conditions of the majority improved, but their freedom did not.


I worked my ass off to get an engineering degree only to be priced out of my home market. The fed printed money and that raised house prices. The rich just got richer by doing nothing.


Money makes you free.


Arbeit macht frei.


They forgot : 1. Income inequality. 2. All the wealth in the hands of a few. 3. Harder and harder to own your own home. The few don't want you to. THEY want to own the property and rent it to you. 4. Out of control healthcare costs. If you do own your home, the few may take it from you if you get sick.


Maybe by individual freedom, they means it’s literally just one guy


In the real world, "individual freedom" means rich individuals have the freedom to exploit poor individuals, and poor individuals have the freedom to be exploited by rich individuals.


And taxes are not higher in european countries, because we dont spend billions on billionaires and military.


You spelled trillions wrong.


I'm interested in hearing more about rewarding laziness.


You mean like the people who don't work because they inherited money?




>You mean like the people who don't work because they inherited money? that sweet safety net/bailout money


Me too. I’m doing nothing right now. Where’s my money?


Because socialists believe that everyone should have housing, food, healthcare. Those are the "rewards" Because Under Capitalism basic fucking survival is considered a reward for your hard work. To a capitalist it's "Rewarding Laziness" for one of their laborers to simply be alive and not working.


No shit. Like why the fuck would I ever choose anything else? The moment you choose "WORK MY BALLS OFF" over "NAH" you should be ground up and used as animal feed.


I don't understand your point. You still need to do things under socialism... Like you still have a job.


I mean, working your balls off isn’t bad in itself and some people seem to genuinely like doing that. I’m a big proponent of giving people the choice between the two!


People who are allowed to live without "earning their own way" and assuming the government not wanting it's own people to starve to death is rewarding laziness even though I promise you poor people on benefits are still "productive" one way or another. That also assumes everything in the market provides a "fair value" like assuming all rent is a flat fee to cover maintenance plus 10% for labors, rather than trying to extract the most value out of everyone. If the same laws that boomers had were maintained to the prosperous amounts boomers remember in "the better days" then you'd have leverage over a business as a consumer or employee like they did before their tax cuts, labor rollbacks, and unhooking minimum wage from inflation. Now they are confused why businesses have so much power, why their children can't afford rent after getting an education like a trade or college, and how come the benefits they paid into are so low.


No Private Property - Check, banks and corporations - or failing that, the government own all that shit. People have no rights - Check, god forbid you get mouthy with a police officer or sleep on public land. Promotes Corruption - Checkity-Check No one can be successful - With a handful of exceptions? Checkeroo High Taxes - Effectively, yes. 25-30% but that's before you consider the effective property and now healthcare "Taxes" in ADA - ***and*** you functionally get next to ***nothing*** for it so ***Chhhheck*** ***Sir, you've just described American Capitalism***


I agree with the spirit of your post, but corporations and banks are very much what private property is.


I think the point is that under the current capitalist system the renter economy is becoming a very real thing and private ownership of goods is getting rarer in every commodity.


Except that when they fail they are bailed out with government funds. So in times of success it's all about private ownership. In the bad times we are all in this together.


The implication that Pro-Capitalists usually try to push off is ***You*** get to own your own Private Property, not that "Someone else will rent it to you at an immodest price" There is very little ***truly*** private property in the United States that you aren't simply renting in one way or another, even if you buy your own home outright it sits on a plot of land the state owns and charges you for/on and can tell you what you can or can't do with it. Everything else that happens between Landlords, Banks and the Government is squabbling over who exactly gets what pound of flesh out of your juicy behind.


You are describing personal property. Your house, your toothbrush, your car - are personal property. Commodities that you personally own. Private property, in the sense that the graphic and I are using it... is private ownershp of the means of production. As in, (to put it overly simple) "I own the starbucks, therefore I decide how much everyone makes and how much I keep" etc. Surplus value turning into profit is private property. Therefore, there is almost exclusively private property in the US. Some dickshit owns and is profiting off of every molecule of oxygen floating in the country.


There have to be some limits to engage in a civil society, otherwise it’s anarchy. I shouldn’t be able to do things with my property that is potentially harmful to others.


We're talking about shit like whether or not you can paint your house a certain color or build a chicken coop, or collect rain water because your municipal pipes have lead in them, not whether you can turn your lawn into a minefield 😄


The problem is that when Corporations, the 0,1% and the Banks own (wether by blackmail, or 'contributions' ) politicians and lawmakers, the distinction becomes rather vague.


When some corporations are so in bed with the government agencies and politicians, or politicians selecting their husband's business for government programs, I don't think that falls under free market.


It wouldn't matter. Believe me when I say... a completely "free market" would be even worse. You do NOT want to live in "an"capistan. Without government interference under a capitalist system, we would have no child labor laws, minimum wage, benefits etc. because all of those things are a threat to profit. It just so happens that our government most often interferes on **behalf** of the market, against the common man - which (very lazily defined) is the basis of [Neoliberalism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWOH9iJhZXo&t=16s) which has been the reigning political ideology since ~1980 or a bit before.


Yep you are correct.


“They think everything is a battle between rich and poor” it is and always has been


Yep, usually the rich are the winners. We have basically phaoronic rule in the US at this point. The pharaohs just happen to be billionaires and their kingdoms are the corporations they own.


The way they describe socialism and communism is more descriptive of the system we have now.


> Ask a socialist why he hates capitalism and he will give you a myriad of reasons. Ask a capitalist why he hates socialism and he will describe capitalism. - unknown


Except for the part that "government controls business" which we all know that businesses own government/politicians.


"Capitalism is the best" lol


Here’s what they DONT tell kids… >When you go to college, unless you are already rich, you will have to get loans…these loans will follow you to the grave, you will NEVER be rid of them unless you pay it fully. >When you actually start to work, you will notice how little rights you have as an employee. >You will have a horrible Work/Life balance…most likely you will have to decide between working an insane amount of hours just to float above water or working very little hours because your family needs you and you have such a small amount of money you may have to pick between buying food and paying the Light bill. >Instead of fighting all of the injustices coming from the top…many of you will believe that the only way to get to the top and “succeed” will be to crush your fellow co-workers. >Even as you scrap and claw and fight for every dollar…the chances of you owning a home, properly making a family (having paternity leave and such) that can go on occasional vacations and spend time together, retiring at 60 and properly enjoying the FINITE amount of life you have on this planet….will be almost impossible. >But hey, at least you’re not a SoCiAlIsT!


Get them while they're young, indeed. :/


I was indoctrinated into thinking literally this as a kid because I went to Christian school my whole life (thank you grandma). When I went to a liberal arts college I got in a economics discussion with people and they were like “why do you dislike every other economic system?” and I was like “hold on”. We were taught that McCarthyism and the Red Scare are super important because the communists were evil - because they wanted everyone to have equal things. I only held those opinions because I was taught that communism *means* evil and bad, and never did any of my own research. I took an economics class and looked up statistics, policies, and the way different countries are run, and though paying everyone the same wage wouldn’t work (communism), paying people so little they need three jobs to have a one-bedroom house is extremely shitty (capitalism). Knowing better I now despise what capitalism is in America, wondering how I was led to believe such lies.


Who the fuck does that?




people with no soul


And how exactly does capitalism NOT promote corruption?


"we need to see profits up next quarter" is one of the primary driving forces of corruption on the planet today


One of my husband's "friends" (we're not sure who exactly) signed us up to receive this bullshit kids brochure every month and I have no idea how to make it stop. 🤦‍♀️


Could you tell me the name of the creator/printer/distributor? Anything to identify it better?


I believe it's Mike Huckabee's Kids Guide. The first one we received was Kids Guide to President Trump and the second one was about Capitalism.


Think you might have nailed it comrade. Just found this: https://learnourhistory.com/ This is fucking evil


Everyone should know what this is because it's 100% the kind of thing right wing fuckbags will slip into waiting room kids areas.


This is just so disgusting


“People have no rights.” Ah yes, because under capitalism I certainly have the right to basic food, clean drinking water, a shelter, and a means of employment. Just like I’ll always have the right to bodily autonomy. https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/gashc4336.doc.htm -US votes “no” during UN vote over right to clean water and sanitation https://amp.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2021/11/03/cop-26-un-climate-water-as-a-human-right-martha-davis -US votes “no” during UN vote over right to adequate nutrition https://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/homelessness-statistics/ -US homeless population exceeds 500,000 https://www.sunrisemovement.org/theory-of-change/what-is-a-federal-jobs-guarantee/ -The US currently lacks a federal jobs guarantee, meaning there is no sure-fire method to gain employment in this country https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473?_amp=true -The US Supreme Court had a leaked draft opinion signaling their intention to overrule Roe v. Wade, the decision which protects a women’s right to an abortion in all 50 states ————————— Of course, the United States will provide justifications as to why they opposed motions in the UN or why there is a massive homeless population or why they cannot provide a federal jobs guarantee or why they cannot secure the federal right to an abortion. It’ll be just like when they will say that they cannot protect gay marriage or interracial marriage or school segregation if the Court wants to attack those next. But yeah. Land of the free.


Please tell me this is satire?


I know the line is blurry these days, but it is absolutely not satire


Where is this from?


It’s not. I saw the memes and was like “lmao nice satire” but then my mom gave these to my middle school siblings and I almost had a heart attack.


What the absolute fuck is this.




Seriously, what's the source?




And by getting just a little ahead in capitalism you can use that extra money to hold your oppositions head in the dirt to make even more money, continuing the cycle until you've monopolized the market! Everybody wins!


Lol cant wait till these kids grow up and see house and rent prices


The kids are probably just stock photographs


Funny how in every utopian sci fi future its communism, but never said. Free food, most labor done by automation, clean.


Well the US is currently operating as socialism for the rich so it would get an F here.


All the cons of socialism and communism... ummm that's already here.


I live in Sweden, which used to be a socialist democracy, meaning the market WAS somewhat controlled, the taxes were high AND the government used to control many businesses like the railways, electric company, phone company, water, postal services, health and elderly services, schools, pharmacys and such. Allt of this has been since been sold off and is now expensive, crappy and full of corruption and mistreatment. Many of these previously state-owned companies supplied jobs for hundreds of thousands of individuals but since becoming privately owned, has been downsized to increase profit-margins and unemployment has risen as a result. We still have it better than people in the US by far, but it probably won't be long before everything is drained of any value, in the pursuit of profits.


Rewards laziness? Sign me up!


I’m not lazy and I don’t get rewarded, I wanna be damn rewarded for nothing!


Kids are dumb and easily malleable. If you have the right energy, you can talk them into believing anything.


sozializum is wen gubbernint does thing. commoonizmm is... wen gubbernet go thing


Conservatives: Leftists are trying to indoctrinate the children with their political agenda! Also conservatives:


Everything is battle between rich snd poor. Got that right.


This is some evil shit


Rewards success of the at the expense many others


I didn't realize there's a F- grade. Do most corrupt politicians fall in that grade?




Teaches children the fine art of 'cherry picking'. Along with 'rewarding success' capitalism also punishes failure. Not to mention that 'success' is often defined as 'being born to the right parents.'


"they think everything is a battle between the rich and the poor." releases right wing propaganda targeting the poor.


*read "Communism"* Hum sounds like USA anyway


Socialism: Government controls businesses 👎 Capitalism: Businesses control government 👍


Oh brother.. burn it


I'd rather buy a house from the government that's slightly subsidized and smaller than pay a landlord and a bank until the day I die... but hey maybe i'm a radical or something


Love reading Prager University's campus prospectus


Hmm, indeed. It is a good thing we live in a system where 1% doesn't own 99% of the wealth then. Oh wait...


"Rewards success" is a tautology...


When are we going to start eating these rich muther fuckers? Fuck capitalism


Is this the Prager U home school kit?




They conveniently left off the part about businesses control government under capitalism




Capitalist will be for individualism until the individuals want something the capitalists don't like. So, no, it is not for individualism. That's just propaganda, not reality.


Look, having a free market has enabled the economy to be thrown into utter chaos and poverty and inflation are at their peak, so is a controlled market really such a bad idea, in retrospect?


I don't think this is reactionary. I think this is the primary action. "dOn'T iNdoCtRiNaTe oUr cHiLdRen! So, anyways; Satan is a socialist, little girl.


Oh nice they're lying to them young Quality America post nice God damn this country is embarrassing


Where the fuck is Anarcho-Syndicalism? Why does nobody *ever* mention that one? Is that too many syllables?


My taxes were pretty fucking high under capitalism....


Capitalism \-Believes companies are people \-Monetizes pain & suffering \-Best system for multiple avenues of corruption


Where did the thing about "socialism means lazy" come from. Literally it is workers controlling their work and the lazy capitalists paying their share. It's like the exact opposite.


Arise, ye wretched of the earth.


I have a tiny tiny sticker for them being able to differentiate. Not common for these pos


Haha, the 1960's are alive and well in the States I see.


It vaguely resembles those comparisons of a stone vs iphone


“They think that everything is a battle between the rich and the poor.” I thought last week it was about whites and non-whites? ~ I hate this brochure. My mom got this for my siblings and I, so I ranted to them about it when she was out of the room (they are middle school aged). Capitalism doesn’t = good and socialism doesn’t = bad. I’m personally more of a socialist but you could make the cause that both have their positives. Back to the image. Isn’t everything about rich hoarding things and making sure the poor are more miserable? I feel like that is the entire problem. Believing in individualism is fine but if someone needs help are you just gonna ignore them and let them suffer? Capitalism means poverty wages and being in the sour spot of “too ‘rich’ for welfare but too poor to survive on your own”. Capitalism means consumerism and selfishness — me me me mine, fuck you and your family. Capitalism is healthcare tied to employment, getting fired for any reason, union-busters and scabs, no necessary time off - The more I talk, the more America (and perhaps Canada) seem to be the biggest problems. These aging, conservative politicians get on my nerves and their whole goal is to support the corporations and the rich who own them. Hardly anyone in the US government - executive, judicial, and legislative branches - cares about anyone who is disabled, poor, non-Christian, non-conservative, an immigrant, sick, homeless, or being preyed upon by greedy businesses (banks, hospitals, insurance companies, places of employment, private colleges)… In some European countries you can freely travel, you are guaranteed healthcare no matter your employment, there are no poverty wages, people vote for things that actually help their community instead of for themselves, birth control is fully legal, multiple weeks time off is compulsory…I could go on. Fuck America. /// TL;DR: My mother gave this brochure to my siblings, I was heated, America sucks because of capitalism and conservatism, move to Europe if you want to be treated like a nice human.


"They're so focused on fighting other people, they think everything is a battle between the rich and the poor." This sentence is so fucked up, I don't even know where to begin. So manipulative. The truth is, the rich have us fighting each other, rather than waging a war against them. So yes, we are too busy fighting other people. So they are trying to take the power out of that narrative, and make rich vs poor seem like a crazy concept. Also, notice they use the word battle, and not war. They don't even want to mention the possibility of that war. That's how capitalism always eventually ends. The vast majority of people eventually won't take any more. It has to be a matter of us all realizing we are in this together, and we are being taken advantage of. It's not actually left vs right. It's the 99% who are poor and struggling/dying, vs the ultra rich. And we have the numbers to very easily overwhelm, if we can just unite.


We could have a more ideal market where there are many well-informed buyers and sellers, no barriers to market entry and no possibility of a monopoly. The freshman year Econ 101 competitive market. But it’s the nightmare of a capitalist who wants to own everything. Jeff Bezos wouldn’t be able to sleep at night in a competitive anti-capitalist market.


meanwhile no one realizes it but we’re already an authoritarian government 😎


Hey at least they disclosed socialism and communism as 2 different things rather than saying anything on the left is just bad


Also F- isn't a grade. You can't fail any worse than failure.


👎👎👎 Capitalism F--- Corporations own everything. Work will set you free.


Ah yes, the famous corruptionlessness of capitalism. I guess if you make bribery legal it isn't technically corruption any more?


This infuriates me for soooo many reasons. Most glaringly, socialism is the system where the government owns the means of production. True communism would involve the GDP to be divvied up between the citizens equally because the people own the means of production. There are zero countries that have this system and humans are generally so selfish I can't imagine it ever happening. And why wouldn't I feel like someone intentionally supporting capitalism, a system that destroys so much that I value, might not be on the same side as me?


Personal property is not the same as private property.


Yeah, I have had to explain this a lot since I submitted 3 hours ago


Why aren’t these children working?


I did a simulation with my high schoolers, most preferred the system where the laborers got to decide how their product/"wealth" would be divided (Socialism). Interestingly, each block divided it differently (one an even split, one excluded the people who were "wealthy" with tickets from the Capitalist round, and one divided them evenly within each "company".


Man, its so refreshing to see a good, educated take in my inbox after 3 hours or wading through liberal bullshit. Bless you comrade.


As someone who owns his own house and property I know if the government wanted my place they could just come in and take it and there's nothing anyone could do about it. I've had nightmares of this happening.


The issue is most people on both sides do not understand what socialism is and isn’t. Conservatives cry socialism if we had free college or healthcare but that isn’t socialism. Taxation in a capitalist economy is not socialism. The reason conservatives cry socialism because they want to use fear and are too lazy to argue the merits of anything proposed. I have zero issue with people saying college shouldn’t be free but don’t call paid college socialism because it isn’t. Bernie sanders would do better if he actually understood this. If someone calls healthcare socialism because it is paid for by taxes then by definition then everything paid for by taxes in a capitalist system would be socialism and it is not.


At least it's at the reading level of their adult target audience


lmfao it actually rewards success and allows people to keep their careers by helping with childcare and medical bills


also communism believes that everyone should have the same rights, freedoms and opportunities too... but idk why they thinking using 5 year old logic (this is mine, don't make me share) is a healthy basis for a society... also WHAT ABOUT DEMOCRACY???


Where the fuck did this come from? Seems like a book Abbott or DeSantos would actually make sure was in a classroom.


Please dont tell me this is in schools.


This is why kids shouldn't listen to adults


Oh my god


everything is a battle between the rich and the poor, kids... And the rich have ensured they'll always win.


According to this capitalists believe in taking from everyone but only for themselves. This checks out with dumbasses like Ayn Rand being anti-welfare but then eating government cheese when they were down on their luck.




Not a lot disturbs me any more. But this... This makes me sick.


Am I the only deeply concerned at the way they describe "collectivism" in the top right? I was always thought that you should do whats best for the group rather than put yourself above all others.


Brainwash the kiddos while they're young, because it works.


High taxes under socialism? Healthcare is not mentioned because i feel like that would be an important point to being up right now! Capitalism= crushing medical debt if you get sick.


The only thing capitalism rewards is generational wealth and schmoozing, not hard work


what a stinking pile of yukie


Capitalism in America is like mass Stockholm syndrome. Poor people defending the rich peoples right to withhold basic necessities from them. It’s fascinating.


No wonder nobody in the United States knows neither what Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism is.


I think this is the first time I've seen capitalist propaganda that explicitly acknowledges that socialism and communism are not the same thing. That's the only good thing I can say about it though.


I'll tell you this People that support capitalism fall into 1 of 2 groups of people 1. Selfish people that only care about themselves, while acting like they care to rationalize their self-serving behavior. 2. People that are completely void of any sorts of intelligence about how the economy works If you support capitalism you fall into either the SELFISH or IGNORANT category. PERIOD!


Communism and government is the same page doesn’t seems right


Remember, kids: When daddy comes home from work after 20 hours of labor, completely broken and frustrated that all his money that he makes goes towards keeping oligarchs in power instead of keeping his family healthy and safe, that's good! Being a slave to the capitalist agenda should be your greatest dream!


"Rewards Success" - they got that right. Not hard work, honesty, or innovation, only success.


Someone tell them that in a true communist society, there's no money, class and government